Independent T-Test Activity With Answers
Independent T-Test Activity With Answers
Independent T-Test Activity With Answers
Independent-samples t -test (1 categorical independent variable with 2 groups; 1 continuous dependent variable)
The manufacturers of the ergonomic Able Chair want to determine the most efficient assembly instructions for
their consumers: (1) Text only or (2) Text with illustrations.
A researcher recruits a total of 70 participants to assemble the Able Chair. Participants will be scheduled to
come to the research center one at a time. Upon arriving, each participant will be assigned to one of two groups on an
alternating basis: Those assigned to Group 1 will be issued text-only assembly instructions; those assigned to Group
2 will be issued assembly instructions containing text with illustrations.
Each participant will be guided to a room where there is a new Able Chair in its regular package, a
screwdriver (the only tool required), and the assembly instructions. The researcher will use a stopwatch to time how
long it takes each participant to assemble the chair.
Is there a significant difference on the mean assembly times between the group who was given text-only
assembly instructions and the group who was given instructions containing text with illustrations? Use 0.05 level of
SPSS Data File: 01 – Independent t Test.sav
c. How many groups are there for the categorical/ grouping variable?
two groups
d. What is the level of data for the dependent variable - categorical or scale?
H 1 : There is a significant difference on the mean assembly times between the group who was given
text-only assembly instructions and the group who was given instructions containing text with
f. Run descriptive statistics and normality plots with tests. Paste the SPSS results here. By examining
the box plots, is there any significant outlier? If there exists, identify the data value.
g. Based from the Shapiro-Wilk’s test result in f, do the data sets from the two groups appear to be
normally distributed? Why do you say so?
Because the p-values (0.155 and 0.986) are both greater than 0.05 level of significance
h. Run the homoscedasticity test (Levene’s test). Paste the SPSS result here. Is the condition of
homogeneity of variance satisfied? Why do you say so?
Because the p-value (0.051) is greater than 0.05 level of significance
i. Considering the results in f-h and test assumptions, can you use the independent-samples t -test to
analyze the data? Why? If you answered ‘yes’, run the test. If not, make necessary adjustments to
meet the test requirements, then run the test.
j. Report the test results (including test results of assumptions) following the APA format. Include the
effect size (Cohen’s d ) if there exists a difference on the means.
An independent-samples t-test was run to determine if there were differences in assembly times of the
group who were text instructions and the group who were given text with illustrations instructions.
There were no significant outliers, as inspection of the box plots. Assembly times for the two groups
were normally distributed, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > .05). The homogeneity of variances
assumption is met, as assessed by Levene's test for equality of variances (p = .051 > 0.05). The group
that received text with illustration instructions had a lower assembly time (92.00 ± 7.87) than the group
who received text only instructions (97.63 ± 9.90), a statistically significant difference of 5.63 (95% CI,
1.36 to 9.89), t(68) = 2.633, p = .01, d = 0.63.”