BM - Session 7 - Credit Risk 1 - Student Notes
BM - Session 7 - Credit Risk 1 - Student Notes
BM - Session 7 - Credit Risk 1 - Student Notes
Student notes
March 8, 2023
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Please note
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Credit Quality Problems
- The credit quality of many FIs' lending and investment decisions has attracted a great deal of
- Australian banking system:
• 1980s, 1990s: substantial problems with bank loans.
• Default of one major borrower can have signicant impact on value and reputation of
many FIs.
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Credit Quality Problems
Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Quarterly Banking Prole, various issues.
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Types of Loans
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Types of Loans
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Types of Loans
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Return on a loan
- There are some factors that impact the promised return an FI achieves on any given dollar
loan amount:
• The interest rate on the loan.
• Any fees relating to the loan.
• The credit risk premium on the loan.
• The collateral backing of the loan.
• Other nonprice terms (especially compensating balances and reserve requirements).
E.g.: a borrower facing a 10% compensating balance requirement on a $100 loan would
have to place $10 on deposit (traditionally on demand deposit) with the FI and could use
only $90 of the $100 borrowed.
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The Contractually Promised Return on a Loan
The contractually promised gross return on the loan, k, per dollar lentor ROA per dollar lent
can be estimated using:
of + (BR + ϕ)
1+k =1+
1 − [b(1 − RR)]
of : A loan origination fee charged to the borrower for processing the application.
BR: Base lending rate.
ϕ: Credit risk premium or margin.
b : A compensating balance requirement to be held as (generally noninterest- bearing demand)
RR : Reserve requirement.
BR + ϕ: Simple promised interest return on the loan.
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The Contractually Promised Return on a Loan
of + (BR + ϕ)
1+k =1+
1 − [b(1 − RR)]
0.0125 + (0.06 + 0.04)
1+k =1+ = 1.1091
1 − [0.8(1 − 0.1)]
k = 10.91%
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The Contractually Promised Return on a Loan
Bank X oers one-year loans with a 9% stated or base rate, charges a 0.25 percent loan
origination fee, imposes a 10% compensating balance requirement, and must pay a 6% reserve
requirement to the central bank. The loans typically are repaid at maturity.
a. If the risk premium for a given customer is 2.5 percent, what is the simple promised interest
return on the loan?
b. What is the contractually promised gross return on the loan per dollar lent?
c. Which of the fee items has the greatest impact on the gross return?
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The Contractually Promised Return on a Loan
Bank X oers one-year loans with a 9% stated or base rate, charges a 0.25 percent loan
origination fee, imposes a 10% compensating balance requirement, and must pay a 6% reserve
requirement to the central bank. The loans typically are repaid at maturity.
a. If the risk premium for a given customer is 2.5%, what is the simple promised interest return?
Simple promised interest return = BR + ϕ = 0.09 + 0.025 = 0.115 = 11.5%
b. What is the contractually promised gross return on the loan per dollar lent?
of + (BR + ϕ)
1+k =1+
1 − [b(1 − RR)]
0.25 + (0.09 + 0.025)
k= = 0.12969 = 12.969%
1 − 0.1 ∗ (1 − 0.06)
c. Which of the fee items has the greatest impact on the gross return?
If b = 0, k = 11.75% (change = -1.22%); If of = 0, k = 12.69% (change = -0.28%); If RR = 0,
k = 13.06% (change = 0.09%)
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The Contractually Promised Return on a Loan
of + (BR + ϕ)
1+k =1+
1 − [b(1 − RR)]
Special case: If of = 0 and b = 0:
1 + k = BR + ϕ
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The Expected Return on a Loan
The expected return [E (r )] per dollar lent is related to the promised return as follows:
1 + E (r ) = p(1 + k) + (1 − p) ∗ 0
p is the probability of complete repayment of the loan (such that the FI receives the principal
and interest as promised); (1 − p) is the probability of default (in which the FI receives nothing,
i.e., 0). Hence:
E (r ) = p(1 + k) − 1
Note: If p < 1, i.e. default risk is present:
- FIs need to set the risk premium (ϕ).
- FI needs to recognise that higher fees and charges might decrease p .
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Retail vs. Wholesale Credit Decisions
- Retail:
• Small dollar size loans.
• Higher cost associated with collection of information.
• Accept or Reject decision.
• Standard loan rate is usually charged.
• Credit risk controlled through credit rationing rather than by using a range of interest
rates or prices.
Credit rationing: Restricting the quantity of loans made available to individual borrowers.
Example: the FI may oer the wealthy individual a loan of up to $100,000, while the same
FI may oer the less wealthy individual a loan of up to $10,000, both at the same interest
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Retail vs. Wholesale Credit Decisions
- Wholesale
• FIs use both interest rates and credit quantity to control credit risk.
FIs quote a prime lending rate (BR) to borrowers:
* Lower-risk borrowers may be charged a lending rate below the prime lending rate (ϕ < 0)
* Higher-risk borrowers are charged a lending rate above the prime lending rate (ϕ > 0)
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Measurement of Credit Risk
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Qualitative Models
Borrower-Specic Factors:
• Reputation.
• Leverage.
• Volatility of Earnings.
• Collateral.
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Qualitative Models
Market-Specic Factors:
• The Business Cycle.
Example: During recessions, rms in the consumer durable goods sector that produce
autos, refrigerators, or houses do badly compared with those in the nondurable goods
sector producing clothing and foods.
Hence, corporate borrowers in the consumer durable goods sector of the economy are
especially prone to default risk.
• The Level of Interest Rates.
High interest rates are correlated with higher credit risk in general.
Reason: high interest rate levels may encourage borrowers to take excessive risks and/or
encourage only the most risky customers to borrow.
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Credit Scoring Models
- Credit Scoring Models: Mathematical models that use observed loan applicant's
characteristics either to:
* Calculate a score representing the applicant's probability of default, or
* Sort borrowers into dierent default risk classes.
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The Linear Probability Model
- The Linear Probability Model uses past data, such as nancial ratios, as inputs into a
model to explain repayment experience on old loans.
- Procedure:
• Divide old loans into two observational groups: those that defaulted (PDi = 1) and those
that did not default (PDi = 0).
• Relate these observations by linear regression to a set of j causal variables (Xij ) that reect
quantitative information about the i th borrower, such as size, cash holdings ratio, leverage,
or ROA.
PDi = βj Xij + error
• The relative importance of the factors (βj ) used in explaining past repayment performance
then forecasts repayment probabilities on new loans.
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The Linear Probability Model
Suppose there were two factors inuencing the past default behavior of borrowers: the leverage
or debtequity ratio (D/E) and the salesasset ratio (S/A). Based on past default (repayment)
experience, the linear probability model is estimated as:
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Logit model
- Weakness of the Linear Probability model:That the estimated probabilities of default can
often lie outside the interval 0 to 1.
- The logit model overcomes this weakness by restricting the estimated range of default
probabilities from the linear regression model to lie between 0 and 1:
F (PDi ) =
1 + e −PDi
e is exponential (equal to 2.718).
F (PDi ) is the logistically transformed of PDi
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Linear Discriminant Models
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Linear Discriminant Models
Suppose that the nancial ratios of a potential borrowing rm take the following values:
X1 = 0.2; X2 = 0; X3 = 0.20; X4 = 0.10; X5 = 2.0.
Calculate Z.
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Linear Discriminant Models
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
p(1 + k) = 1 + i
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
k = 7.8%; i = 2.05%.
p(1 + k) = 1 + i
1+i 1 + 0.0205
p= = = 0.9467
1+k 1 + 0.078
Probability of default = 1 - 0.9467 = 0.0533 = 5.33%
Hence, a probability of default of 5.33% on the corporate bond (loan) requires the FI to set a risk
premium (ϕ) of 5.75% (k-i).
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Term Structure Derivation of Credit Risk
- If the recovery rate ̸= 0, i.e. the FI lender can expect to receive some partial repayment even if the
borrower goes into bankruptcy.
- If γ is the proportion of the loan's principal and interest that is collectible on default (γ > 0), the
expected return on the loan can be estimated using:
[(1 − p)γ(1 + k)] + [p(1 + k)] = 1 + i
(1 - p)γ (1 + k) is the payo the FI expects to get if the borrower defaults.
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Term Structure Derivation of Credit Risk
Example: Assume that a one-year Treasury strip is currently yielding 5.5% and an AAA-rated discount
bond with similar maturity is yielding 8.5%. If the expected recovery from collateral in the event of
default is 50% of principal and interest, what is the probability of repayment of the AAArated bond?
What is the probability of default?
1+i 1+0.055
1+k−γ 1+0.085− 0.5
p= = = 94.47%
1−γ 1 − 0.5
Probability of default = 1 - 94.47% = 5.53%
What happen if the expected recovery from collateral = 94.47%?
1+0.085− 0.9447
p= = 50%
1 − 0.9447
The proportion of the loan's principal and interest that is collectible on default is a perfect
substitute for the probability of repayment should such defaults occur.
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Cp = 1 − (p1 )(p2 )
- Similarly, the cumulative default probability at some time between now and the end of year 3:
Suppose an FI manager wants to nd the probability of default on a two-year loan. For the
one-year loan, 1 − p1 = 0.03 is the marginal and total or cumulative probability (Cp ) of default
in year 1. For the second year, suppose that 1 − p2 = 0.05. Calculate the cumulative
probability of default over the next two years.
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Suppose an FI manager wants to nd the probability of default on a two-year loan. For the
one-year loan, 1 − p1 = 0.03 is the marginal and total or cumulative probability (Cp ) of default
in year 1. For the second year, suppose that 1 − p2 = 0.05. Calculate the cumulative
probability of default over the next two years.
p1 = 1 − 0.03 = 0.97
p2 = 1 − 0.05 = 0.95
Cp = 1 − 0.97 ∗ 0.95 = 7.85%
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Term Structure Derivation of Credit Risk
Probability of Default on a Multiperiod Debt Instrument
How to nd p2 ?
1 + f1
p2 =
1 + c1
c1 : The one-year rate expected on corporate securities.
(1 + k2 )2
1 + c1 =
(1 + k1 )
Forward rate (f1 ): a one-period rate of interest expected on an issued bond at some date in the
(1 + i2 )2
1 + f1 =
(1 + i1 )
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Term Structure Derivation of Credit Risk
Probability of Default on a Multiperiod Debt Instrument
(1 + 0.03)2
1 + f1 = = 1.0396
1 + 0.0205
f1 = 3.96%
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Term Structure Derivation of Credit Risk
Probability of Default on a Multiperiod Debt Instrument
(1 + 0.1)2
1 + c1 = = 1.1224
1 + 0.078
c1 = 12.24%
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
1 + f1 1 + 0.0396
p2 = = = 0.9262
1 + c1 1 + 0.1224
So that, the probability of default in year 2 = 1 - p2 = 1 - 0.9262 = 0.0738 = 7.38%
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Treasury strip BBB-rated bonds
(1+i2 )2 2
1 + f1 = (1+i1 )
1 + c1 = ((11+k 2)
+k1 )
1.0612 (1+0.082)2
1 + f1 = 1.05 1 + c1 = (1+0.07)
f1 = 7.21% c1 = 9.41%
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Treasury strip BBB-rated bonds
(1+i2 )2 2
1 + f1 = (1+i1 )
1 + c1 = ((11+k 2)
+k1 )
1.0612 )2
1 + f1 = 1.05 1 + c1 = (1(+1+0.0082
f1 = 7.21% c1 = 9.41%
3 3
1 + f2 = ((11+i3)
+i2 )2
1 + c1 = ((11+k 3)
+k2 )2
1.073 1.0933
1 + f2 = 1.0612 1 + c2 = 1.0822
f2 = 8.82% c2 = 11.53%
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
Treasury strip BBB-rated bonds
(1+i2 )2 2
1 + f1 = (1+i1 )
1 + c1 = ((11+k 2)
+k1 )
1.0612 )2
1 + f1 = 1.05 1 + c1 = (1(+1+0.0082
f1 = 7.21% c1 = 9.41%
3 3
1 + f2 = ((11+i3)
+i2 )2
1 + c1 = ((11+k 3)
+k2 )2
1.073 1.0933
1 + f2 = 1.0612 1 + c2 = 1.0822
f2 = 8.82% c2 = 11.53%
p1 = = 1.05/1.07 = 98.13%
1 + f1
p2 = = 1.0721/1.0941 = 97.99%
1 + c1
1 + f2
p3 = = 1.0882/1.1153 = 97.57%
1 + c2
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
The cumulative probability of default:
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
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Newer Models of Credit risk Measurement and Pricing
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Tutorial exercise 1
Suppose the estimated linear probability model used by an FI to predict business loan applicant default
probabilities is:
PD = 0.03X1 + 0.02X2 − 0.05X3 + error
where X1 is the borrower's debt/equity ratio, X2 is the volatility of borrower earnings, and X3 is the
borrower's prot margin ratio.
For a particular loan applicant, X1 = 0.75, X2 = 0.25, and X3 = 0.10.
a. What is the projected probability of default for the borrower?
b. What is the projected probability of repayment if the debtequity ratio is 2.5?
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Tutorial exercise 2
The nancial ratios of a potential borrowing rm take the following values:
- Working capital/Total assets ratio (X1 ) = 0.75
- Retained earnings/Total assets ratio (X2 ) = 0.10
- Earnings before interest and taxes/Total assets ratio (X3 ) = 0.05
- Market value of equity/Book value of total liabilities (X4 ) = 0.10
- Sales/Total assets ratio (X5 ) = 0.65
Calculate the Altman's Z score for the borrower in question. Provide your comment.
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Tutorial exercise 3
If the rate on one-year Treasury strips currently is 6%, what is the repayment probability for
each of the following two securities? Assume that if the loan is defaulted, no payments are
expected. What is the market determined risk premium for the corresponding probability of
default for each security?
a. One-year AA-rated zero-coupon bond yielding 9.5 percent.
b. One-year BB-rated zero-coupon bond yielding 13.5 percent.
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Tutorial exercise 4
A bank has made a loan charging a base lending rate of 10 percent (k = 10%). It expects a
probability of default of 5 percent. If the loan is defaulted, the bank expects to recover 50
percent of its money through the sale of its collateral. What is the expected return on this loan?
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Thank you for your attention.
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