Api 653 Exam 2018

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API 653 JULY 2018 Exam Questions (which include questions appeared in previous

Previous Exams Questions (which do not include any question appeared in JULY 2018)
Closed Book (C.B) Open Book (O.B)

API STANDARD 653 FIFTH EDITION, NOVEMBER 2014 Tank Inspection, Repair,
Alteration, and Reconstruction
1 Scope
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 This standard covers steel storage tanks built to API 650 and its predecessor API 12C.
1.1.2 In the case of apparent conflicts between the requirements of this standard and API 650 or its
predecessor API 12C, this standard shall govern for tanks that have been placed in service.
1.2 Compliance with This Standard
- The owner/operator has ultimate responsibility for complying with the provisions of this standard.
- Should a party other than the owner/operator be assigned certain tasks, such as relocating and
reconstructing a tank, the limits of responsibility for each party shall be defined by the owner/operator
prior to commencing work.
1.4 Safe Working Practices
- Procedures shall be developed according to the guidelines given in API 2015 (Safe Entry and Cleaning)
and API 2217A (Confined Space) that will include safeguard for personnel health and safety, prevention
of accidental fires and explosions, and the prevention of property damage.
Section 2—References
Section 3—Definitions
3.3 authorized inspection agency (Owner/Operator) / (Jurisdiction) / (Insurance) / (Contractor) The
owner/operator’s inspection program shall provide the controls necessary for use by authorized
inspectors contracted to inspect aboveground storage tanks.
3.10 critical zone The portion of the tank bottom or annular plate within 3 in. of the inside edge of the
shell, measured radially inward.
3.20 major alteration/or major repair
An alteration or repair that includes any of the following:
* Penetrations installing:
- Shell: >12 NPS / Below liquid level. (M.A) (14 NPS in the top course)
* Jacking a tank shell. (MR)
3.26 repair Work necessary to maintain or restore a tank to a condition suitable for safe operation.
3.27 repair organization
- An organization that meets any of the following: Owner/Operator, Contractor, or Jurisdiction who makes
repairs or alterations in accordance with this standard.
Section 4—Suitability for Service
4.1 General
4.2 Tank Roof Evaluation
4.2.1 General Roof plates corroded to an average thickness of less than 0.09 in. in any 100 in. 2 area or roof
plates with any holes through the roof plate shall be repaired or replaced.
4.2.2 Fixed Roofs When a frangible roof-to-shell joint is required, evaluate for items impacting compliance with
requirements under API 650, Section Examples of some items to evaluate include tank bottom-
to-shell joint corrosion or tank roof-to-shell joint modification (such as reinforcement of the joint,
attachment of handrail, or other frangible joint area change).
4.2.3 Floating Roofs Areas that are pitted shall be evaluated to determine the likelihood of through-pitting occurring
prior to the next scheduled internal inspection. If so, the affected areas shall be repaired or replaced.
4.2.4 Change of Service Operation at Elevated Temperature All requirements of API 650, Annex M, shall be considered
before changing the service of a tank to operation at temperatures above 200 °F. Normal and Emergency Venting Effects of change in operating conditions (including product service and pumping rates) on
normal and emergency venting shall be considered. Vents shall be inspected for proper operation and screens shall be verified to be clear of
4.3 Tank Shell Evaluation
4.3.2 Actual Thickness Determination
- b) Calculate the critical length, L:
* L = 3.7 √D.t2, but not more than 40 in.
Where L is the maximum vertical length, in inches, over which hoop stresses are assumed to “average
out” around local discontinuities.
c) Profile measurements shall be taken along each vertical plane for a distance, L. In the plane(s),
determine the lowest average thickness, t1, averaged over a length of L, using at least five equally spaced
measurements over length L.
e) The criteria for continued operation is as follows:
i) t1 ≥ tmin ii) t2 ≥ 60 % of tmin; and
iii) any corrosion allowance required for service until the time of the next inspection shall be added to tmin
and 60 % of tmin. Widely scattered pits may be ignored provided that:
a) no pit depth results in the remaining shell thickness being less than one-half the minimum acceptable
tank shell thickness exclusive of the corrosion allowance; and
b) the sum of their dimensions along any vertical line does not exceed 2 in. in an 8-in. length (see Figure
4.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

E is the original joint efficiency for the tank. Use Table 4.2 if original E is unknown. E = 1.0 when
evaluating the retirement thickness in a corroded plate, when away from welds or joints by at least the
greater of 1 in. or twice the plate thickness.
Table 4.1—Maximum Allowable Shell Stresses (Not for Use for Reconstructed Tanks, See Note 6)
* SA 516 GR.70 Allowable Hydrostatic test stress St = 33,000 PSI (O.B)
- Table 4.2—Joint Efficiencies for Welded Joints
4.4 Tank Bottom Evaluation
4.4.2 Causes of Bottom Failure
4.4.3 Tank Bottom Release Prevention Systems (RPSs) Internal Inspection Leak Detection Systems and Leak Testing Cathodic Protection Internal Lining Protection Release Prevention Barriers
4.4.4 Bottom Plate Thickness Measurements
- Ultrasonic thickness measurement techniques are often used to confirm and further quantify data
obtained by MFL examination, but these techniques may not be required depending on the specific
procedure and application.
4.4.5 Minimum Thickness for Tank Bottom Plate (BOTTOM PLATES EXCEPT CRITICAL ZONE)


- Unless a stress analysis is performed, the minimum bottom plate thickness in the critical zone of
the tank bottom defined in shall be the smaller of one-half the original bottom plate thickness (not
including the original corrosion allowance) or 50 % of tmin of the lower shell course per but not less
than 0.1 in. Isolated pitting will not appreciably affect the strength of the plate.
- The thickness of the projection of the bottom plate beyond the shell as measured at the toe of
the outside bottom-to-shell fillet weld shall not be less than 0.1 in. The projection of the bottom plate
beyond the outside toe of the shell-to-bottom weld shell shall be at least 3/8 in.
- Table 4.4—Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness (2 Questions CLOSED BOOK)
4.4.6 Minimum Thickness for Annular Plate Ring (ANNULAR RING)
- Due to strength requirements, the minimum thickness of annular plate ring is usually greater
than 0.10 in. For tanks in service with a product specific gravity of 1.0 or greater, which require annular plates
for other than seismic loading considerations, the thickness of the annular plates shall be in accordance
with API 650, Table 5-1a or 5- 1b, plus any specified corrosion allowance.
- Table 4.5—Annular Bottom Plate Thicknesses (in.) (Product Specific Gravity < 1.0) (1 Question
O.B) → 0.17”
4.5 Tank Foundation Evaluation Some mechanisms of concrete deterioration are briefly described below.
a) Calcining (loss of water of hydration) can occur when concrete has been exposed to sufficiently high
temperature for a period of time. During intermediate cooling periods, the concrete can absorb moisture,
swell, lose its strength, and crack.
e) Temperature cracks (hairline cracks of uniform width) do not seriously affect the strength of the
concrete foundation structure; however, these cracks can be potential access points for moisture or water
seepage that could eventually result in corrosion of the reinforcing steel.
4.5.2 Foundation Repair or Replacement Concrete pads, ringwalls, and piers, showing evidence of spalling, structural cracks, or general
deterioration, shall be repaired to prevent water from entering the concrete structure and corroding the
reinforcing steel.
Section 5—Brittle Fracture Considerations
5.2 Basic Considerations
5.2.2 In all reported incidents of tank failure due to brittle fracture, failure occurred either shortly after
erection during hydrostatic testing or on the first filling in cold weather, after a change to lower
temperature service, or after a repair/alteration.
5.2.3 Any change in service must be evaluated to determine if it increases the risk of failure due to brittle
fracture. In the event of a change to a more severe service (such as operating at a lower temperature or
handling product at a higher specific gravity) it is necessary to consider the need for a hydrostatic test to
demonstrate fitness for a new more severe service.
5.3 Assessment Procedure Figure 5.1
Figure 5.1—Brittle Fracture Considerations
* Figure 5.1 Notes: No test/Continue operation (Tank built to API 650 7th edition or later/ Already
hydrostatic tested/ Thickness ≤ 0.5"/ Metal temp ≥ 60F/ Hoop stress ≤ 7000 PSI/ Material is exempt from
impact testing/ Proven safe when full at LODMAT (Los Angeles 35 F)).
Figure 5.2—Exemption Curve for Tanks Constructed from Carbon Steel of Unknown Material
Section 6—Inspection
6.3 Inspections from the Outside of the Tank
6.3.1 Routine In-service Inspections
- This inspection may be done by owner/operator personnel, and can be done by other than authorized
inspectors as defined in 3.4.
- The interval of such inspections shall be consistent with conditions at the particular site, but shall
not exceed one month.
6.3.2 External Inspection
- All tanks shall be given a visual external inspection by an authorized inspector. This inspection
shall be called the external inspection and must be conducted at least every five years or RCA/4N years
whichever is less (where RCA is the difference between the measured shell thickness and the minimum
required thickness in mils, and N is the shell corrosion rate in mils per year) whichever is less. Tanks may
be in operation during this inspection. Tank grounding system components such as shunts or mechanical connections of cables shall be
visually checked. Recommended practices dealing with the prevention of hydrocarbon ignition are
covered by API 2003.
6.3.3 Ultrasonic Thickness Inspection The extent of such measurements shall be determined by the owner/operator. When used, the ultrasonic thickness measurements shall be made at intervals not to exceed the
a) When the corrosion rate is not known, the maximum interval shall be five years.
b) When the corrosion rate is known, the maximum interval shall be the smaller of RCA/2N years or 15
years. (C.B & O.B Calculations)
6.3.4 Cathodic Protection Surveys Where exterior tank bottom corrosion is controlled by a cathodic protection system, periodic
surveys of the system shall be conducted in accordance with API 651. The owner/operator shall review
the survey results. The owner/operator shall assure competency of personnel performing surveys.
6.4 Internal Inspection
6.4.1 General Internal inspection is primarily required to do as follows.
a) Ensure that the bottom is not severely corroded and leaking.
c) Identify and evaluate any tank bottom settlement. All tanks shall have a formal internal inspection conducted at the intervals defined by 6.4.2. The
authorized inspector shall supervise or conduct a visual examination and assure the quality and
completeness of the nondestructive examination (NDE) results.
- If the internal inspection is required solely for the purpose of determining the condition and integrity of
the tank bottom, the internal inspection may be accomplished with the tank in-service utilizing various
ultrasonic robotic thickness measurement and other on-stream inspection methods capable of assessing
the thickness of the tank bottom, in combination with methods capable of assessing tank bottom integrity
as described in 4.4.1. Electromagnetic methods may be used to supplement the on-stream ultrasonic
6.4.2 Inspection Intervals Initial Internal Inspection Interval The interval from initial service date until the first internal inspection shall not exceed 10 years
unless a tank has one or more of the leak prevention, detection, corrosion mitigation, or containment
safeguards listed in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1—Tank Safeguard (3 Questions OB)
- The initial inspection interval shall not exceed 20 years for tanks without a Release Prevention Barrier,
or 30 years for tanks with a Release Prevention Barrier. Subsequent Internal Inspection Interval The subsequent inspection interval (beyond the initial inspection) can be determined using the
measured tank bottom corrosion rate and the minimum remaining thickness in accordance with 4.4.5.
- When changing service, an owner/operator may decide to use internal corrosion rates obtained from
similar service assessment (performed per Annex H of API 653) when setting subsequent internal
inspection dates.
- When using the corrosion rate procedures of the maximum subsequent internal inspection
interval shall be 20 years for tanks without a Release Prevention Barrier, or 30 years for tanks with a
Release Prevention Barrier. An owner/operator can establish the subsequent internal inspection interval using risk based
inspection (RBI) procedures in accordance with API RP 580 and the additional requirements of this
- The RBI assessment shall be performed by a team including inspection and engineering expertise
knowledgeable in the proper application of API RP 580 principles, tank design, construction, and modes
of deterioration. The RBI assessment shall be reviewed and approved by a team as above at intervals not
to exceed 10 years or more often if warranted by process, equipment, or consequence changes.
- If corrosion rates are based on prior inspections, they shall be derived from either high or medium
inspection effectiveness as defined by the owner-user procedures. Refer to API RP 581 for examples of
high and medium inspection effectiveness. Corrosion rates from low inspection effectiveness such as
spot UT shall not be used in the RBI process.
- A tank shall be removed from service when the risk exceeds the acceptable risk criteria established per
the owner-user procedure.
NOTE API does not recommend running tank bottoms to failure, or operating tanks indefinitely with known or
suspected bottom leaks.
6.5 Alternative to Internal Inspection to Determine Bottom Thickness
- In cases where construction, size, or other aspects allow external access to the tank bottom to
determine bottom thickness, an external inspection in lieu of an internal inspection is allowed to meet the
data requirements of Table 4.4. However, in these cases, consideration of other maintenance items may
dictate internal inspection intervals. This alternative approach shall be documented and made part of the
permanent record of the tank.
6.8 Records
6.8.1 General
- The owner/operator shall maintain a complete record file consisting of three types of records, namely:
construction records, inspection history, and repair/alteration history.
6.8.2 Construction Records / 6.8.3 Inspection History / 6.8.4 Repair/Alteration History
6.9 Reports
6.9.1 General
- For each external inspection performed per 6.3.2 and each internal inspection performed per 6.4, the
authorized inspector shall prepare a written report. These inspection reports along with inspector
recommendations and documentation of disposition shall be maintained by the owner/operator for the life
of the tank.
6.9.2 Report Contents
6.9.3 Recommendations Reports shall include recommendations for repairs and monitoring necessary to restore the
integrity of the tank per this standard and/or maintain integrity until the next inspection, together with
reasons for the recommendations. The recommended maximum inspection interval and basis for
calculation that interval shall also be stated. Additionally, reports may include other less critical
observations, suggestions and recommendations. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to review the inspection findings and
recommendations, establish a repair scope, if needed, and determine the appropriate timing for repairs,
monitoring, and/or maintenance activities.
Section 7—Materials
7.2 New Materials
- All new materials used for repair, alterations, or reconstruction shall conform to the current applicable
7.3 Original Materials for Reconstructed Tanks
7.3.1 Shell and Bottom Plates Welded to the Shell Each individual plate for which adequate identification does not exist shall be subjected to
chemical analysis and mechanical tests as required in ASTM A6 and ASTM A370 including Charpy V-
notch. Impact values shall satisfy the requirements of API 650, Section 4.2.9, Section 4.2.10, Section
4.2.11, and Table 4-4a or Table 4- 4b. When the direction of rolling is not definitely known, two tension
specimens shall be taken at right angles to each other from a corner of each plate, and one of those test
specimens must meet the specification requirements. For known materials, all shell plates and bottom plates welded to the shell shall meet, as a
minimum, the chemistry and mechanical properties of material specified for the application with regard to
thickness and design metal temperature given in API 650, Figure 4-1a or Figure 4-1b.
7.4 Welding Consumables shall conform to the AWS classification that is applicable to the intended
Section 8—Design Considerations for Reconstructed Tanks
8.4 Shell Design
8.4.3 The maximum liquid level for hydrostatic test shall be determined by using the actual thickness
measured for each shell course, the allowable stress for the material in each course, and the design
method to be used. The allowable stress for the material shall be determined using API 650, Table 5-2a
or Table 5-2b. For material not listed in Table 5-2a or Table 5-2b, an allowable stress value of the lesser
of 3/4 yield strength or 3/7 tensile strength shall be used.
8.4.4 If a corrosion allowance is required for the reconstructed tank, the required corrosion allowance
shall be deducted from the actual thickness before calculating the maximum liquid level. If the actual
thickness is greater than that necessary to allow the liquid level required, the extra thickness can be
considered as corrosion allowance.
Section 9—Tank Repair and Alteration
9.1 General
9.1.3 All repair work must be authorized by the authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in
storage tank design, before commencement of the work by a repair organization.
9.2 Removal and Replacement of Shell Plate Material
9.2.1 Minimum Thickness of Replacement Shell Plate
- The minimum thickness of the replacement shell plate material shall be calculated in accordance with
the as-built standard. The thickness of the replacement shell plate shall not be less than the greatest
nominal thickness of any plate in the same course adjoining the replacement plate except where the
adjoining plate is a thickened insert plate.
9.2.2 Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell Plate The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is 12 in. or 12 times the thickness of the
replacement plate, whichever is greater. The replacement plate may be circular, oblong, square with
rounded corners, or rectangular with rounded corners except when an entire shell plate is replaced. Prior to welding the new vertical joints, the existing horizontal welds shall be cut for a minimum
distance of 12 in. beyond the new vertical joints. The vertical joints shall be welded prior to welding the
horizontal joints.
Figure 9.1 Note: Greater of R or H Repair Plate must overlap 6 inches if it crosses any butt-welded
horizontal or vertical shell seams. (C.B)
Figure 9.1 Note: C C is greater of 3 inch or 5 t. (O.B)
Figure 9.1—Acceptable Details for Replacement of Shell Plate Material
9.3 Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates The maximum vertical and horizontal dimension of the repair plate is 48 in. and 72 in.,
respectively (C.B). The minimum repair plate dimension is 4 in. The repair plate shall be formed to the
shell radius.
9.6 Repair of Defective Welds
9.6.5 Arc strikes discovered in or adjacent to welded joints shall be repaired by grinding and/or welding.
Arc strikes repaired by welding shall be ground flush with the plate.
9.7 Repair of Shell Penetrations
Figure 9.7—Typical Details for Addition of Reinforcing Plate to Existing Shell Penetration
Figure 9.8—Typical Details for Addition of “Tombstone” Shape Reinforcing Plate to Existing Shell
9.9 Alteration of Existing Shell Penetrations
9.9.4 A new bottom may be installed through an existing tombstone reinforcing plate, provided all weld
spacing and reinforcement requirements, as specified in API 650, are met. One of the following methods
shall be used:
e) The existing reinforcing plate may be removed, modified and re-installed after the new shell-to-bottom
weld is complete (see Figure 9.8).
Figure 9.10—Details for Installing a New Bottom Through an Existing Tombstone Reinforcing
9.10 Repair of Tank Bottoms
9.10.1 Repairing a Portion of Tank Bottoms General Repair Requirements
- The use of welded-on patch plates for repairing a portion of uniformly supported tank bottoms is
permitted within the limitations given in this section and See Figure 9.13 for acceptable details
for welded-on patch plates.
a) The minimum dimension for a welded-on patch plate that overlaps a bottom seam or existing patch is
12 in. The welded-on patch plate may be circular, oblong, or polygonal with rounded corners.
b) A welded-on patch plate smaller than 12 in. in diameter is permitted if: it is equal to or exceeds 6 in. in
diameter; it does not overlap a bottom seam; it is not placed fully or partially over an existing patch; and it
extends beyond the corroded bottom area, if any, by at least 2 in.
c) Welded-on patch plates shall not be placed over areas of the tank bottom that have global dishing,
local dishing [except as allowed by d)], settlement, or distortion greater than the limits of Annex
Figure 9.13—Typical Welded-on Patch Plates on Tank Bottom Plates
NOTE 4 When the edge of a welded-on patch plate is approximately parallel to a bottom seam, the edge shall be
held at least 2 in. from weld seam. Repairs within the Critical Zone
- The use of welded-on patch plates is permitted for repairing a portion of tank bottoms within the critical
zone (see 3.10 for definition) provided requirements and the following additional requirements
are met. Welded-on patch plates are not permitted in the critical zone on a tank bottom with an
operating temperature exceeding 200 F for carbon steel or 100 F for stainless steel. The use of welded-on patch plates that do not meet the requirements of or is
permitted if the repair method has been reviewed and approved by an engineer experienced in storage
tank design in accordance with API 650.
9.10.2 Replacement of Tank Bottom Plates Requirements governing the installation of a replacement bottom over an existing bottom are
given in through When removing an existing tank bottom, the tank shell shall be separated from tank bottom
either by: …..
- All arc-gouged areas of the tank shell-to-bottom weld shall be magnetic particle examined, and defective
areas repaired and re-examined.
9.13 Repair or Replacement of Floating Roof Perimeter Seals
9.13.1 Primary Seals
- To minimize evaporation losses and reduce potential hazard to the workers, no more than one-fourth of
the roof seal system should be out of an in-service tank at one time.
9.13.6 Installation of Primary and Secondary Seals If the roof rim thickness is less than 0.10-in. thick, it shall be replaced. (C.B) The new roof rim
shall be 3/16-in. thickness, minimum.
9.14 Hot Taps
Table 9.1—Hot Tap Connection Sizes and Shell Plate Thicknesses (O.B) The minimum height of tank liquid above the hot tap location shall be at least 3 ft during the hot
tapping operation. (NOT Roof or Vapor space of the tank).
Figure 9.14—Hot Tap for Tanks (See Note 1) (12” Distance from the periphery of the pad to vertical
seam) (O.B)
Section 10—Dismantling and Reconstruction
10.4.2 Welding No welding of any kind shall be performed when the temperature of the base metal is less than 0
°F. When the temperature of the base metal is between 0 F and 32 F or the thickness is in excess of 1
in., the base metal within 3 in. of the place where welding is to be started shall be heated to a
temperature warm to the hand (approximately 140 F) before welding. (See for preheat
requirements for shell plates over 1 1/2-in. thick.).
10.4.4 Shells Plates to be joined by butt welding shall be matched accurately and retained in position during
welding. Misalignment in completed vertical joints over 5/8-in. thick shall not exceed 10 % of the plate
thickness, with a maximum of 1/8 in. Misalignment in joints 5/8-in. thick or less shall not exceed 1/16 in.
Vertical joints shall be completed before the lower horizontal weld is made.
10.5 Dimensional Tolerances Measurements to verify these tolerances shall be taken before the hydrostatic test of the
reconstructed tank.
10.5.2 Plumbness The maximum out-of-plumbness of the top of the shell relative to the bottom of the shell shall not
exceed 1/100 of the total tank height, with a maximum of 5 in.
10.5.3 Roundness
Table 10.2—Radii Tolerances
10.5.4 Peaking
- With a horizontal sweep board 36-in. long, peaking shall not exceed 1/2 in. The sweep board shall be
made to the true outside radius of the tank.
10.5.5 Banding
- With a vertical sweep board 36-in. long, banding shall not exceed 1 in.
Section 12—Examination and Testing
12.1 NDE
12.1 NDE
12.1.1 General NDE shall be performed in accordance with API 650, Section 8, and any supplemental
requirements given herein.
* Some General notes:
12.1.2 Shell Penetrations: (Pads/Hot taping → U.T for parent metal to detect laminations). Completed welds of stress-relieved assemblies shall be examined by the magnetic particle or
liquid penetrant methods after stress relief, but before hydrostatic testing.
12.1.3 Examination of Repaired Weld Defects: (U.T or R.T).
12.1.5 Shell Plate to Shell Plate Welds: (Full length R.T).
12.1.6 Shell-to-bottom Weld: (First pass DT 4 Hours + DT or VB on completed weld).
OR (First pass VT + AL on completed weld).
- V.T Before/During/After any welding activity.
- P.T/M.T after Grinding/Gouging activities, Fillet/Lap Welds, and Cracks detection.
12.2 Radiographs
12.2.1 Number and Location of Radiographs Access Doors (Square + Rectangular doors) For square and rectangular replacement
plates, at least one radiograph shall be taken in a vertical joint, and at least one in a horizontal joint, and
one in each corner (TOTAL: 6 RADIOGRAPHS). When the square or rectangular replacement plate is
located in a shell plate with thickness exceeding 1 in., the vertical joints shall be fully radiographed. The minimum diagnostic length of each radiograph shall be 6 in.
12.2.3 Marking and Identification of Radiographs Radiographs and radiograph records of all repaired welds shall be marked with the letter “R.”
12.3 Hydrostatic Testing
12.3.1 When Hydrostatic Testing is Required
- A full hydrostatic test, held for 24 hours, shall be performed on the following:
(New / Reconstructed / Major repairs/alterations (possible exemptions)).
12.3.2 Hydrostatic Testing Exemptions (Major Repairs/Alterations) General
- A full hydrostatic test of the tank is not required for major repairs and major alterations if is
satisfied plus either of the following:
a) appropriate parts of through, or alternatively;
b) fitness-for-service evaluation per Review/Approval/Authorization Requirements
- Items a) and b) below must be satisfied.
a) The repair has been reviewed and approved by an engineer experienced in storage tank design in
accordance with API 650. The engineer must concur in writing with taking the hydrostatic testing
b) The tank owner/operator has authorized the exemption in writing. Shell Repair Existing tank materials in the repair area shall meet at least one of the following requirements.
a) API 650 requirements (Seventh Edition or later).
b) Fall within the “safe for use” area on Figure 5.2.
c) Stress in the repair area shall not exceed 7000 lbf/in.2. This limiting stress shall be calculated as
follows: The root pass and final pass examination shall be in accordance with 12.1.5. In addition, the
finished weld shall be fully radiographed. Fitness-for-service Evaluation
- This evaluation shall be performed by an engineer experienced in storage tank design and the
evaluation methodologies used.
12.5 Measured Settlement During Hydrostatic Testing
12.5.1 When Settlement Survey is Required
- A settlement survey shall be conducted for all existing tanks that undergo a hydrostatic test, except for
tanks that have a documented service history of acceptable settlement values, and no settlement is
anticipated to occur during the hydrotest.
12.5.1 Initial Survey
- The minimum number of elevation points shall be as indicated by the following equation:
N = D/10 where D is the tank diameter, in feet (ft).
N is the minimum required number of settlement measurement points, but no less than eight. All values of
N shall be rounded to the next higher even whole number. The maximum spacing between settlement
measurement points shall be 32 ft.
Section 13—Marking and Recordkeeping
13.1 Nameplates
13.1.1 Reconstructed Tanks The new nameplate shall be attached to the tank shell adjacent to the existing nameplate, if any.
13.1.2 Tanks Without Nameplates
13.2 Recordkeeping
- When a tank is evaluated, repaired, altered, or reconstructed in accordance with this standard, the
following information, as applicable, shall be made a part of the owner/operator’s records for the tank (see
13.2.1 Calculations for: 13.2.2 Construction and repair drawings.
13.2.3 Additional support data including, but not limited to, information pertaining to:
d) radiographs (radiographs shall be retained for at least one year);
Annex B (normative) Evaluation of Tank Bottom Settlement
B.2 Types of Settlement
B.2.1 Settlement Measurements
- Measurements of tank settlement should be performed by personnel experienced in the types of
measurement procedures being performed, using equipment capable of sufficient accuracy to distinguish
settlement differences.
B.3 Determination of Acceptable Settlement
B.3.3 Internal Bottom Settlements or Bulges
Measure the bulge or depression. The permissible bulge or depression is given by the following equation
(see Note). BB = 0.37R
- Figure B.10—Localized Tank Bottom Settlement Limits for Single Pass Welds
B.3.4 Edge Settlement
- Figure B.11—Maximum Allowable Edge Settlement for Areas with Bottom Lap Welds
Approximately Parallel to the Shell
- Note in Figure B.12: Welds in tanks with settlement greater than or equal 75 % of Bew, and larger than
2 in., are to be examined with magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods.
B.4 Repairs
B.4.2 Any plate exceeding acceptable strains (typically 2 % to 3 %) should be replaced.
Annex F (normative) NDE Requirements Summary
Table F.1—NDE Requirements Summary
* Examiner Qualifications without supervision R.T: ASNT SNT-TC-1A Level II & III
* Examiner Qualifications: Air Test: None Pen Oil: None Tracer Gas: None VB: API Std 650, Section 8.6.4
Annex G (informative) Qualification of Tank Bottom Examination
Procedures and Personnel
G.1 Introduction G.2 Definitions G.3 Tank Bottom Examination Procedures
G.4 Tank Bottom Examiners
G.4.4 The authorized inspection agency is responsible for training each scanning operator they employ.
Each scanning operator should receive a minimum of 40 hours of training.
G.4.9 The bottom-scanning examiners (operators and/or UT examiners) should be re-qualified when any
of the following apply:
e) when the authorized inspection agency has reason to question the ability of the examiner;
G.5 Qualification Testing used when qualifying a procedure or a performance
G.5.1.1 The qualification test will be performed on a sample tank bottom with designed flaws. The sample
tank bottom should be a minimum of 70 ft2 to provide space for the designed flaws.
G.5.1.2 The minimum number and types of underside test pits located on the test plates are described
G.5.2 Qualification Test Acceptance Standards
G.5.2.2 When qualifying either a procedure or a scanning operator, the operator must be able to detect
the following flaws. (Table) (O.B)
G.5.3 Qualification Test Variables
Annex H (informative) Similar Service Assessment
H.1 Scope
H.2 Similar Service Assessment
H.2.1 Additional Assessment
H.2.1.1 Year Tank Erected: If the criteria for the control tank and candidate tank do not match, the following
additional provisions must be satisfied to consider both tanks in similar service:
a) the difference in ages of the tanks must be considered in the corrosion rate calculations
H.2.1.4 Corrosion Allowance, Bottom/Shell: If the criteria for the control tank and candidate tank do not
match, the difference in corrosion allowance should be accounted for in the remaining life and inspection
interval calculations to consider both tanks in similar service.
H.2.1.10 Current Service Conditions: Any differences in the following factors between the control tank and
the candidate tank must be assessed in determining whether the candidate tank is in similar service as
the control tank: a) product classification (see Table H.1) (Heavy sticky oil → Class H).

Welded Tanks for Oil Storage API STD 650 12th Mar. 2013 Add
1 & 2, Err 1 & 2 Jan. 2016
Table 4.4b—Material Groups (USC)
Figure 4.2—Isothermal Lines of Lowest One-Day Mean Temperatures (°F)
Figure 4.1b—Minimum Permissible Design Metal Temperature for Materials Used in Tank Shells
without Impact Testing (USC)
5.1.5 Typical Joints Vertical Shell Joints
b) Vertical joints in adjacent shell courses shall not be aligned, but shall be offset from each other a
minimum distance of 5t, where t is the plate thickness of the thicker course at the point of offset. (O.B) Shell-to-Bottom Fillet Welds (Table)
Table 5.2b—Permissible Plate Materials and Allowable Stresses (USC)
5.4 Bottom Plates
5.4.5 If specified on the Data Sheet, Line 12, a foundation drip ring shall be provided to prevent ingress of
water between the tank bottom and foundation. Unless the Purchaser specifies otherwise, the ring shall
meet the following requirements (see Figure 5.5).
3) The drip ring shall extend at least 75 mm (3 in.) beyond the outer periphery of the foundation ringwall
and then turn down (up to 90°) at its outer diameter.
5.6 Shell Design The required shell thickness shall be the greater of the design shell thickness, including any
corrosion allowance, or the hydrostatic test shell thickness, but the shell thickness shall not be less than
the following: (Table)
5.7 Shell Openings
5.7.4 Thermal Stress Relief Minimum Stress-Relieving Temperature Holding Time (hours per 25 mm [1 in.] of thickness) (Table).
5.10 Roofs Roof Plate Thickness: Roof plates shall have a nominal thickness of not less than 5 mm (3/16
in.) or 7- gauge sheet. Frangible Roof: A roof is considered frangible (see 5.8.5 for emergency venting requirement) if
the roof-to- shell joint will fail prior to the shell-to-bottom joint in the event of excessive internal pressure.
When a Purchaser specifies a tank with a frangible roof, the tank design shall comply with a, b, c, or d, of
the following:
a) For tanks 15 m (50 ft) in diameter or greater, the tank shall meet all of the following.
1) The slope of the roof at the top angle attachment does not exceed 2:12.
3) The roof is attached to the top angle with a single continuous fillet weld on the top side (only) that does
not exceed 5 mm (3/16 in.). No underside welding of roof to top angle (including seal welding) is permitted.
5.10.4 Supported Cone Roofs Roof support columns shall be provided at their bases with details that provide for the following.
b) Corrosion and Abrasion Protection: At each column a wear plate with a nominal thickness of not
less than 6 mm (1/4 in.) shall be welded to the tank bottom with a 6 mm (1/4 in.) minimum fillet weld. A
single adequate thickness plate may be designed for the dual functions of load distribution and
corrosion/abrasion protection.
7.3.7 Hydrostatic Testing Requirements Water Filling Rate (Table) (2 Questions)(O.B)
Figure 8.1—Radiographic Requirements for Tank Shells
8.6 Vacuum Testing
8.6.3 A partial vacuum of 21 kPa (3 lbf/in.2, 6 in. Hg) to 35 kPa (5 lbf/in.2, 10 in Hg) gauge shall be used
for the test.
8.6.11 As an alternate to vacuum-box testing, a suitable tracer gas and compatible detector can be used
to test the integrity of welded bottom joints for their entire length. Where tracer gas testing is employed as
an alternate to vacuum-box testing, it shall meet the following requirements:
a) Tracer gas testing shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure which has been reviewed
and approved by the Purchaser and which shall address as a minimum: …..
9.2.2 Impact Tests When the design metal temperature is below –7 °C (20 °F), impact tests of the weld metal shall be
made for all procedures used for welding the components listed in, for welding attachments to
these components, and for fabricating shell nozzles and manholes from pipe and forgings listed in 4.5.
Annex I (normative) Undertank Leak Detection and Subgrade
I.1 Scope and Background
I.2 Performance Requirements
d) The permeability of the leak detection barrier shall not exceed 1 10–7 cm (4 10–5 mils) per second.

Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks API

8 Criteria for Cathodic Protection
8.2 Protection Criteria A negative (cathodic) potential of at least 850 mV with the cathodic protection current applied.
This potential shall be measured with respect to a saturated copper/copper sulfate reference electrode
(CSE) contacting the electrolyte. Voltage drops other than those across the tank bottom-to-electrolyte
boundary shall be considered for valid interpretation of this voltage measurement.
8.3 Measurement Techniques
8.3.1 The standard method of determining the effectiveness of cathodic protection on a tank bottom is the
tank-to-soil potential measurement.
11 Operation and Maintenance of Cathodic Protection Systems
11.1 Introduction
11.1.2 If tanks are empty, there may be large areas of the bottoms which are not in contact with the
underlying soil. Potential surveys, in this case, may give misleading information.
11.3 Cathodic Protection Surveys
11.3.1 General Prior to energizing a new cathodic protection system, measurements of the native structure-to-
soil potential should be made. Immediately after any cathodic protection system is energized or repaired,
a survey should be conducted to determine that it operates properly. An initial survey to verify that it
satisfies applicable criteria should be conducted after adequate polarization has occurred. Polarization to
a steady state may take several months after the system is energized. Annual cathodic protection surveys are recommended to ensure the effectiveness of cathodic
protection. The electrical measurements used in the survey may include one or more of the
measurements listed in
11.3.2 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Cathodic Protection Facilities All sources of impressed current should be checked at intervals not exceeding two months
unless specified otherwise by regulation. All impressed current protective facilities should be inspected annually as part of a preventive
maintenance program to minimize in-service failure.
11.4 Cathodic Protection Records
11.4.7 Records sufficient to demonstrate the need for corrosion control measures should be retained as
long as the facility involved remains in service. Records related to the effectiveness of cathodic protection
should be retained for a period of five years unless a shorter period is specifically allowed by regulation.

Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms API RECOMMENDED

6 Tank Bottom Lining Selection
6.2 Thin-film Tank Bottom Linings
6.2.1 General
- Inorganic zinc (zinc silicates) are often applied to internal tank surfaces. These coatings are typically
applied at 3 mils to 5 mils dry film thickness (DFT). These linings are not considered thin-film linings for
purposes of API 653 calculations.
6.2.2 Advantages of Thin-film Linings 6.2.3 Limitations of Thin-film Linings
- Thin-film lining systems are often used for application to the product side of the bottoms of new storage
- Generally, corrosion due to immersion exposure creates a surface that is rough and pitted,
and it is often difficult to completely coat and protect a corroded steel bottom with a thin-film lining system.
7 Surface Preparation
7.1 General
- Abrasive blast cleaning to a near-white metal finish (NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP10) is often specified as the
minimum degree of surface cleanliness.
7.2 Pre-cleaning
7.2.1 Residue Removal
- Solvent cleaning (see SSPC-SP 1) and high or ultra-high pressure water or steam cleaning, using the
proper chemicals, are effective methods of accomplishing complete hydrocarbon removal.
8 Lining Application
8.2 Guidelines for Lining Application
- SSPC-PA 1 provides general guidelines for good lining application practice.
8.3 Temperature and Humidity Control
- As a general rule, the surface temperature must be at least 5 °F (3 °C) above the dew point
temperature in the tank and the relative humidity should be below 80 % at the steel surface.
9 Inspection
9.1 General
9.2 Qualification of Inspection Personnel
- All lining inspectors should be either NACE or SSPC certified, or should have demonstrated a thorough
knowledge of coating and lining practices.
9.3 Recommended Inspection Parameters
9.3.1 Surface Cleanliness and Profile 9.3.2 Film Thickness 9.3.3 Final Cure
9.3.4 Lining Discontinuities
- Holiday testing of thick-film linings shall be carried out with a high-voltage detector in accordance with
NACE RP0188. Holiday testing of thin-film linings should be performed with a low-voltage (67.5 volts) wet
sponge detector.

API Recommended Practice 571, Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed

Equipment in the Refining Industry, Second Edition, April 2011
3.1.11 Low alloy steel – a family of steels containing up to 9% chromium and other alloying additions for high
temperature strength and creep resistance. The materials include C-0.5Mo, Mn-0.5Mo, 1Cr-0.5Mo, 1.25 Cr-0.5Mo,
2.25Cr-1.0Mo, 5Cr-0.5Mo, and 9Cr-1Mo. These are considered ferritic steels.
3.1.16 Nickel base – a family of alloys containing nickel as a major alloying element (>30%) including Alloys 200,
400, K-500, 800, 800H, 825, 600, 600H, 617, 625, 718, X-750, and C276.
4.2 Mechanical and Metallurgical Failure Mechanisms
4.2.7 Brittle Fracture Critical Factors
d) Thicker material sections also have a lower resistance to brittle fracture due to higher constraint which increases
triaxial stresses at the crack tip. Appearance or Morphology of Damage
a) Cracks will typically be straight, non-branching, and largely devoid of any associated plastic deformation.
4.2.16 Mechanical Fatigue Critical Factors
a) Design: Fatigue cracks usually initiate on the surface at notches or stress raisers under cyclic loading. For this
reason, design of a component is the most important factor in determining a component’s resistance to fatigue
cracking. Appearance or Morphology of Damage
a) The signature mark of a fatigue failure is a “clam shell” type fingerprint that has concentric rings called “beach
marks” emanating from the crack initiation site.
4.3 Uniform or Localized Loss of Thickness
4.3.2 Atmospheric Corrosion Appearance or Morphology of Damage
a) The attack will be general or localized, depending upon whether or not the moisture is trapped.
4.3.3 Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Critical Factors
b) Corrosion rates increase with increasing metal temperature up to the point where the water evaporates quickly.
For insulated components, corrosion becomes more severe at metal temperatures between the boiling point 212°F
(100°C) and 350°F (121°C), where water is less likely to vaporize and insulation stays wet longer. Prevention / Mitigation
a) Since the majority of construction materials used in plants are susceptible to CUI degradation, mitigation is best
achieved by using appropriate paints/coatings and maintaining the insulation/sealing/vapor barriers to prevent
moisture ingress.
e) Careful selection of insulating materials is important. Closed-cell foam glass materials will hold less water against
the vessel/pipe wall than mineral wool and potentially be less corrosive.
4.3.8 Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) Appearance or Morphology of Damage
a) MIC corrosion is usually observed as localized pitting under deposits or tubercles that shield the organisms.
4.3.10 Caustic Corrosion Appearance or Morphology of Damage
a) Typically characterized by localized metal loss which may appear as grooves in a boiler tube or locally thinned
areas under insulating deposits. Prevention / Mitigation
c) Carbon steel and 300 Series SS have serious corrosion problems in high strength caustic solutions above about
150°F (66°C). Alloy 400 and some other nickel base alloys exhibit much lower corrosion rates.
4.5 Environment – Assisted Cracking
4.5.1 Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (Cl-SCC) Affected Materials
a) All 300 Series SS are highly susceptible. b) Duplex stainless steels are more resistant. c) Nickel base alloys are
highly resistant, but not immune. Critical Factors
a) Chloride content, pH, temperature, stress, presence of oxygen and alloy composition are critical factors.
g) Cracking usually occurs at metal temperatures above about 140oF (60oC), although exceptions can be found at
lower temperatures. Appearance or Morphology of Damage
- Surface breaking, branched, and transgranular cracks. Inspection and Monitoring
b) PT or phase analysis EC techniques are the preferred methods.
4.5.3 Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking (Caustic Embrittlement) Appearance or Morphology of Damage
a) Caustic stress corrosion cracking typically propagates parallel to the weld (non-PWHT’d welds) in adjacent base
metal but can also occur in the weld deposit or heat-affected zones.
-C.ST: Network of very fine oxide-filled, surface breaking, intergranular cracks.
ST.ST: Surface breaking, branched, and transgranular cracks. Prevention / Mitigation
- Figure 4-146 – Recommended operating limits for carbon steel in caustic service. (Reference 1)
- NAOH 30% Conc. @ 140 F (Stress relieve welds and bends). (O.B) Sour Water Corrosion (Acidic) Description of Damage Affected Materials
a) Primarily affects carbon steel. Critical Factors
f) In some instances at a pH above 4.5, a thicker, porous sulfide film layer can form. This can promote pitting under
sulfide deposits. Typically, this does not affect the general corrosion rate. (O.B) Sulfuric Acid Corrosion
- Figure 5-21 – Sulfuric acid corrosion data for carbon steel.


3 Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms
- arc blow: The deflection of an arc from its normal path because of magnetic forces.
- discontinuity: An interruption of the typical structure of a material, such as a lack of homogeneity in its
mechanical, metallurgical, or physical characteristics. A discontinuity is not necessarily a defect.
- heat affected zone (HAZ): The portion of the base metal whose mechanical properties or
microstructure have been altered by the heat of welding or thermal cutting.
- lamellar tear: A subsurface terrace and step-like crack in the base metal with a basic
orientation parallel to the wrought surface caused by tensile stresses in the through-thickness
direction of the base metal weakened by the presence of small dispersed, planar shaped,
nonmetallic inclusions parallel to the metal surface.
- undercut: A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the weld toe or weld root and left
unfilled by weld metal.
4 Welding Inspection
5 Welding Processes
5.4.2 Short Circuiting Transfer (GMAW-S)
- Due to the fast-freezing nature of this process, there is potential for lack of sidewall and
interpass fusion when welding thick-wall equipment or a nozzle attachment.
6 Welding Procedure
7 Welding Materials
7.3 F-Number Assignment to Filler Metals
- Welders who qualify with one filler metal are qualified to weld with all filler metals having the same F-
7.5 A-Number
- The A-number grouping in ASME Section IX, Table QW-442 is based on the chemical
composition of the deposited weld metal.
7.7 Consumable Storage and Handling
- Any electrodes or fluxes that have become wet should be discarded.
8 Welder Qualification
9 Non-destructive Examination
9.3 Visual Examination (VT)
- Visual examination is the most extensively used NDE method for welds.
9.8.4 Radioactive Source Selection
- Iridium 192 is normally used for performing radiography on steel with a thickness range of 0.25
in. to 3.0 in. (6.3 mm to 76.2 mm). (OPEN BOOK).
9.9.3 Ultrasonic Examination System Calibration
- Calibration system checks should be performed prior to and at the completion of an examination.
- The temperature of the calibration standard should be within 25 °F (14 °C) of the part to be examined.
- System checks are typically performed at a minimum of every four hours during the process of
examination but can be done more often at the examiners discretion after any instance of
suspected system irregularity.
9.10.1 Hardness Testing for PQR and Production Welds
- Hardness testing of the weld and HAZ is often required to assure the welding process, and any
PWHT, resulted in an acceptably “soft” result.
10 Metallurgy
10.2 The Structure of Metals and Alloys
- Knowledge of cast structures is important since the welding process is somewhat akin to
making a casting in a foundry.
10.4.5 Toughness
- The toughness is the ability of a metal to absorb energy and deform plastically before
11 Refinery and Petrochemical Plant Welding Issues
Table 2—Common Types of Discontinuities
- (Overlap: Weld toe or root surface) (OPEN BOOK).
Table 5—Capability of the Applicable Inspection Method vs. Discontinuity
- (Lack of fusion: U.T Applicable method).
Table 11—Brinell Hardness Limits for Steels in Refining Services
- What is the maximum Brinell hardness number allowed when welding pipe using P-6
material ? (12 CR, BHN 241) (OPENBOOK).

API RP 575 3rd Ed.-April 2014 Inspection Practices for Atmospheric and Low-
Pressure Storage Tank
8.2.4 Anchor Bolt Inspection
- The condition of anchor bolts can usually be determined by visual inspection. A tap with a hammer to
the side of the nut may reveal complete corrosion of the anchor bolt below the base plate (Figure 35 and
Figure 36).
8.2.5 Grounding Connection Inspection
- If there is any doubt about the condition of the grounding connection, its resistance can be checked. The
total resistance from tank to earth should not exceed approximately 25 ohms.
8.2.10 Auxiliary Equipment Inspection
- When external piping inspection is specified, the soil around the pipe should be dug away for 6 in. to 12
in. (150 mm to 300 mm) to allow for inspection, as soil corrosion may be especially severe at such points.
After the pipe is exposed, it should be thoroughly scraped and cleaned to permit visual and ultrasonic
thickness or other non-destructive examination.
- Flame arrestors should be opened at appropriate intervals, and the screens or pallets should be visually
inspected for cleanliness and corrosion. Solidification of vapors from the stored product may also restrict
the flow area of the flame arrestor. (Fouling Materials)
8.4 Internal Inspection
8.4.1 Precautions
8.4.2 Preliminary Visual Inspection
- A preliminary, general visual inspection is the first step in internal inspection. Visual inspection is
important for safety reasons since the condition of the roof or top head and any internal supports should
be established first. The shell and bottom should follow—in that order—for the preliminary visual
- In cases of severely corroded or damaged roof supports, it may be necessary to remove, repair, or
replace the supports.
- Inspectors should also be alert to accumulation of dry pyrophoric material (self-igniting when exposed to
ambient conditions) during inspection. These accumulations may occur on the tank bottom, in the seal rim
space areas, or on the top of rafters. Such accumulations that cannot be cleaned out prior to inspection
should be kept moist to reduce the potential for ignition. See API 2015 and API 2016 for more information
on controlling pyrophoric deposits.
8.4.4 Tank Bottoms
- Statistical methods are also available for assessing the probable minimum remaining metal thickness of
the tank bottom, and the methods are based on a sampling of thickness scanning data. The number of
measurements taken for a statistical sampling will depend on the size of the tank and the degree of soil-
side corrosion found. Typically, 0.2 % to 10 % of the bottom should be scanned randomly. The collection
of thickness data is required to assess the remaining bottom thickness. In addition, the outer
circumference next to the shell should be included in the statistical sampling. When significant corrosion
is detected, the entire bottom should be scanned to determine the minimum remaining metal thickness
and the need for repairs.
- Seams of riveted tanks can be checked by running a thin-bladed scraper or knife along the riveted


QW-151.1 Reduced Section—Plate.
QW-151.2 Reduced Section — Pipe.
(b) For pipe thicknesses greater than 1 in. (25 mm), full thickness specimens or multiple specimens may be used, provided
(c) and (d) are complied with.
QW-151.3 Turned Specimens. QW-151.4 Full‐Section Specimens for Pipe. (may be used for testing ≤3")
QW-153.1 Tensile Strength. (Minimum Specified Tensile, ksi of Table QW/QB-422(
- (a) The minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal OR (d) 5% below that value (break in the base metal).
QW-161.7 Longitudinal Root Bend: The weld is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, which is bent so that the
root surface becomes the convex side of the bent specimen. (O.B)
- The guided‐bend specimens shall have no open discontinuity in the weld or heat‐affected zone exceeding 1/8 in. (3
mm), measured in any direction on the convex surface of the specimen after bending. Open discontinuities occurring on
the corners of the specimen during testing shall not be considered unless there is definite evidence that they result from
lack of fusion, slag inclusions, or other internal discontinuities.
QW-200.1 Each organization shall prepare written Welding Procedure Specifications that are defined as
(b) WPS: Essential, Non-essential & Supplementary essential (if impact testing of the weldment is required) variables.
QW-200.2 Each organization shall be required to prepare a procedure qualification record which is defined
as follows:
(b) PQR: : Essential, Supplementary essential (if impact testing of the weldment is required) variables & Actual test values
and results.
- The PQR shall be certified accurate by the organization (to be code Legal) that is in compliance with Sec. IX.
QW-252.X Welding Variables Procedure Specifications (WPS) (Variables Tables)
QW-301.1 Intent of Tests. WPQ: The performance qualification tests are intended to determine the ability of
welders and welding operators to make sound welds.
QW-301.4 Record of Tests. WPQ: Essential variables, Type of tests, Results of tests & Qualified ranges.
- Qualification by Mechanical (bend) tests OR alternatively R.T with limitations:
* Welder making groove-welds using (SMAW, GTAW, SAW, PAW & GMAW except (-s)) except P-21 -
25, P-51 - 53 and P-61 - 62 metals.
Note: Welders making groove-welds in P-21 - 25 and P-51 - 53 metals using GTAW process may be
qualified by radiographic examination.
QW-304.1 Examination.
- (V.T) & (Bend tests or R.T). If R.T with the following conditions:
* (Test Specimen) Welder & Welding Operator: the minimum length of coupon(s) to be examined
shall be 6 in. (150 mm) and shall include the entire weld circumference for pipe(s), except that for small
diameter pipe, multiple coupons of the same diameter pipe may be required, but the number need not
exceed four consecutively made test coupons. → QW-302.2 Volumetric NDE.
* (First production weld): Welder: a minimum 6 in. length of the first production weld(s) made by a
welder using the process(es) and/or mode of arc transfer specified in QW-304 may be examined by
volumetric NDE.
QW-305.1 Examination. Welding Operator: a minimum 3 ft length of the first production weld(s) made
entirely by the welding operator in accordance with a qualified WPS may be examined by volumetric
NDE. (QW-305.1 Examination.)
QW-321.1 Immediate Retest Using Visual Examination. When an immediate retest is made, the
welder or welding operator shall make two consecutive test coupons for each position which he has
failed, all of which shall pass the visual examination requirements.
QW-321.2 Immediate Retest Using Mechanical Testing. When an immediate retest is made, the
welder or welding operator shall make two consecutive test coupons for each position which he has
failed, all of which shall pass the test requirements.
QW-322.1 Expiration of Qualification.
* (a) 6 Month period before expiration → If active extend 6 more Month.
* (b) Revoked: When there is a specific reason to question his ability to make welds that meet the
specification, the qualifications that support the welding he is doing shall be revoked.
QW-322.2 Renewal of Qualification.
(a) Expired: Test coupon can be of either plate or pipe, of any material, thickness, or diameter,
and in any position. This process renews the welder/welding operator's previous qualifications.
(b) Revoked: Qualification shall utilize a test coupon appropriate to the planned production work.
* In (a) & (b) The coupon shall be welded and tested as required by QW-301 and QW-302. Successful
test restores the qualification.
- Table QW/QB-422 Grouping of Base Metals for Qualification
- Table QW-432 Grouping of Electrodes and Welding Rods for Qualification (F-Numbers)
- Table QW-442 A‐Numbers Classification of Ferrous Weld Metal Analysis for Procedure
Table QW-451.1 Groove‐Weld Tension Tests and Transverse‐Bend Tests
* Less than 1 1/2", Range of Thickness T of Base Metal, Qualified (2T) & Maximum Thickness t of
Deposited Weld Metal, Qualified, in. (2t).
* Note (5): Four side‐bend tests may be substituted for the required face‐ and root‐bend tests,
when thickness T is 1/16 in. to 3/4 in.
* For thicknesses greater than 1 in. (25 mm), full thickness specimens or multiple specimens may
be used.
-Table QW-452.1(a) Test Specimens
* A welder qualified by welding in the 5G position, the welder can’t weld: horizontal.
* Welder Qualified with 2G & 5G in Pipe → Qualified for All positions.
* PNO. 53 is : Titanium Alloy Material Table QW/QB-422 (O.B)
* Joint Groove angle & Welding technique (Down/Up Hill) are NON essential variables.


T-262 Densitometer and Step Wedge Comparison Film
T-262.1 Densitometers. Densitometers shall be calibrated at least every 90 days during use as follows:
(a) A national standard step tablet or a step wedge calibration film, traceable to a national standard step
T-274 Geometric Unsharpness: Ug = Fd/D. d: Source-Film distance D: Source-Weld distance
T-274.2 Geometric Unsharpness Limitations (Table) (Open Book).
T-275: Location Markers: Shall be placed on the part, not on the exposure holder / cassette.
T-276 IQI Selection
T-276.1 Material. IQI’s shall be of the same alloy, or an alloy of lower radiation absorption than the
material being radiographed.
T-276.2 Size. Selection of IQI based on: nominal single wall thickness + the estimated weld reinforcement
(Backing rings or strips are not considered as part of the thickness).
TABLE T-276 IQI SELECTION 1.25" thk Hole-Type Designation (30) (OPEN BOOK)
T-277 Use of IQIs to Monitor Radiographic Examination
T-277.1 Placement of IQIs: (a) Source-Side IQI(s).
(b) Film-Side IQI(s). Where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the IQI(s) on the source side.
- lead letter “F” placed next to or on the IQI.
(c) IQI Placement for Welds — Hole IQIs. May be placed adjacent to or on the weld.
(d) IQI Placement for Welds — Wire IQIs. Perpendicular to the length of the weld.
(e) IQI Placement for Materials Other Than Welds. May be placed in the area of interest.
T-277.2 Number Of IQIs:
- At least one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph except as outlined in "Special Cases".
(a) Multiple IQIs.One shall be representative of the lightest area of interest and the other the darkest area
of interest.
(b) Special Cases Single exposure (At least three IQIs shall be used).
T-277.3 Shims Under Hole IQIs. The radiographic density throughout the area of interest shall be no more
than minus 15% from (lighter than) the radiographic density through the IQI.
T-282 Radiographic Density
T-282.1 Density Limitations: X-Ray (1.8 – 4) / Gamma-Ray (2 – 4) / Composite viewing multiple film
exposure (1.3 – 4).
T-282.2 Density Variation: (a) General. (-15% to 30%).
T-283 IQI Sensitivity
T-283.1 Required Sensitivity. If the required hole IQI image and specified hole, or designated wire, do not
show on any film in multiple film technique, but do show in composite film viewing, interpretation shall be
permitted only by composite film viewing.
T-284 Excessive Backscatter: A dark image of the "B" on a lighter background is not cause for rejection
(Opposite: Reject).
T-291 Radiographic Technique Documentation Details: Exam Question # When reviewing a group of
radiographs, all of the following information must be available except: Geometric unsharpness.
* Non essential variables (non mandatory): Materials / Shape and size / Personal qualifications / Post-
examination cleaning.
T-652 Techniques for Standard Temperatures. As a standard technique, the temperature of the penetrant
and the surface of the part to be processed shall not be below 40°F (5°C) nor above 125°F (52°C)
throughout the examination period.
T-676 Interpretation
T-676.1 Final Interpretation. Final interpretation shall be made not less than 10 min nor more than 60 min.
Note: Temperature (within those specified by manufacturer or as previously qualified) Nonessential
T-752 Prod Technique
T-752.3 Prod Spacing. Space shall not exceed 8 in, Shorter space to accommodate geometric limitations
or to increase sensitivity, Prod spacing less than 3 in. usually not practical.
T-761 Frequency of Calibration
T-761.1 Magnetizing Equipment
(a) Frequency. Magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated at least once a year, or
whenever the equipment has been subjected to major electric repair, periodic overhaul, or damage.
(c) Tolerance. The unit’s meter reading shall not deviate by more than ±10% of full scale, relative to the
actual current value as shown by the test meter.
T-762 Lifting Power of Yokes
(b) Each alternating current electromagnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 10 lb (4.5 kg) at the
maximum pole spacing that will be used.
(c) Each direct current or permanent magnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 40 lb (18 kg) at
the maximum pole spacing that will be used.
(d) Each weight shall be weighed with a scale from a reputable manufacturer and stenciled with the
applicable nominal weight prior to first use.
T-923 Physical Requirements Personnel must have an annual vision test to a Jaeger 1 standard or
T-1031 Gages
(a) Gage Range. Graduated over approximately double the maximum test pressure – but not less than 1.5
– 4.0 x Test Pressure.
8. Technical Hazards
8.5 High-temperature materials, up to about 540°C (1000°F), can be measured with specially designed
instruments with high-temperature compensation, search unit assemblies, and couplants.
- The apparent thickness reading obtained from steel walls having elevated temperatures is high
by a factor of about 1% per 55°C (100°F). (above 200°F (93°C)).
* Brittle fracture factors: Stress + Susceptible material + Flaws
* Bonding (grounding) shunts shall be provided on the external floating roof and shall be located above
the uppermost seal (API 650 Annex C)
* If tank original material of construction is A 285 and the repair organization proposed a patch plate
material A 36. What is your opinion? This repair should be approved by an experienced tank engineer.
* Hammer testing is not a beneficial method in determining the lining adhesion.
* When a floating roof is tested by a volatile material inside the tank at the time of the inspection, the
floating roof should be as high as possible.
* Riveted Shell Inspection b) Locate leaks by sketch or photo (location will be lost when shell is abrasive
cleaned for painting). (API 653 Annex C C.1.2.3).

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