Chapters 1 3 Sample Research Template

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Food Safety Practices Among Grade 12 BPP/ Cookery Students


A Research Presented to
The Faculty of the Madrid National High School
Madrid, Surigao del sur

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Baguio, Cyrha Mae

Calumba, Camilo E.

Cuartero, Tessa Mae L.

Daray, Cherry Mae S.

Estrada, Rosana O.

Griar, Lysel Ann P.

Guillen, Jennelyn C.

Guinitaran, Ritchie Ann C.

Madrid National High School

June 2022
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Chapter 1



Bread and Pastry Production NC II (also known as Baking and Pastry

Production NC II) is a technical-vocational program that develops the skills of

students in preparing and producing bakery and pastry products, cakes, and

desserts. Food safety, often known as food hygiene, is a scientific method or

discipline that describes how to handle, prepare, and store food in a way that

prevents food-borne illness. A food-borne disease outbreak is defined as the

occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness caused by the ingestion

of a common food. This includes a number of practices that should be

followed to avoid potential health risks.

According to Alemayehu, Tadege et al. (2002) said that food-borne

illness is a major public health problem worldwide. The supply of safe and

healthy food is crucial to preventing food-borne illness. However, evidence

regarding food safety knowledge and handling practices is limited in Ethiopia.

According to Lin, Tsai, and Ho (2020), in recent decades, food safety

has become a major concern due to frequent food safety incidents in many

countries. This may lead to increased health risks associated with low-quality

food consumption, thereby reducing consumer trust in food safety. A better

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

understanding of consumer perceptions of food safety can improve indicators

that do not meet consumer expectations.

The goal of this study is to find out how to implement the proper food

safety practices among Grade 12 BPP and cookery students, especially since

they are currently having school-based and work immersion.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Conceptual Framework

Input Process

•Demographic profile of
the respondents:

- Sex

- Age

• The level of food safety

practices of the
respondents in terms of:

- Working area • Through Survey

- Personal hygiene Questionnaire • Food Safety Practices
- Environmental
- Separate raw and
- Waste

•Significant relationship
of the demographic
profile to the level of food
safety practices

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study on the Food Safety


The input specifies the study’s aim, the process specifies how it

copes with the result, and the output illustrates how the input operates

as a whole.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to find out the food safety practices among

Grade 12 BPP/Cookery students at Madrid National High School, Surigao del

Sur. The purpose of the research is to find answers to the following questions:

1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents according to:

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

1.1 sex, and

1.2 Age?

2.What is the level of food safety practices of the respondents in terms of

2.1Working area,

2.2Personal Hygiene,

2.3Environmental hygiene,

2.4Separate raw and cooked, and

2.5Waste management?

3. Is there a significant relationship of the demographic profile to the level of

food safety practices?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile

and the level of food safety practices.

Scope and Limitations

This research will be conducted on BPP/Cookery students from Madrid

National High School who are completing their work immersion. As for the

respondents, this study may include the Grade 12 Section Hope and Humility

students. This study will focus only on the safety practices of the Grade 12

BPP and cookery students, especially on their work immersion in terms of the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

working area, personal hygiene, environmental hygiene, and separate raw

and cooked food waste management. This will be conducted from April to

May 2022.

The Significance of the Study

This study will be one of the best ways to In achieving one’s practices,

especially in understanding the impact of conducting food safety practices on

the Grade 12 BPP/Cookery work immersion students' respective behaviors in

their workplace, It is also a great help to the following individuals and groups.

Community: This study will make the community realize how important

food safety practices are in the workplace.

Students: The result of this study will help the students do their work

properly on their work immersion.

Teachers: They would guide the students to perform their work

immersion properly and do their best to share the knowledge that they have.

Parents: Through this, parents will be able to see the improvement in

their child’s actions.

Future researchers- This will serve as the foundation of the

groundwork for understanding how safety practices are important in the

workplace, at home, and anywhere else. This study could be a great help for

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Definition of terms

For a better understanding of the study, the following terms are

operationally defined:

Food Safety Practices- refer to routines in the preparation, handling,

and storage of food meant to prevent illness and injury.

Influence on Grade 12 Practices- BPP students doing their work


BPP Students- is a Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Culinary

Strand for Bread and Pastry Production students in Madrid National High


Cookery Students- is a Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Culinary

Strand for Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in Cookery at Madrid National

High School.

Food-borne illness- is an illness caused by the ingestion of a common

food through improper handling of food.

Madrid National High School- a place that will be used for the

research conducted.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the

researcher considered in strengthening the claim and importance of the

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

present study. It will introduce the framework of the study that comprises the

main focus of the research regarding the food safety practices among Grade

12 BPP/Cookery students in Madrid National High School and what other

research and studies have found about this.

Foreign Studies

According to Fung, Wang, and Menon (2018) mentioned that food is

necessary for life, hence food safety is a fundamental human right. Hundreds

of millions of people around the world are at risk of consuming contaminated

food. Every year, millions of people become ill, and hundreds of thousands

die. Microbial, chemical, personal, and environmental hygiene are all

challenges in the food chain from farm to fork or plate. Human tragedies and

economic disasters have been documented in the past as a result of

intentional or unintentional personal behavior and a government inability to

protect food quality and safety. Earlier outbreaks were mostly caused by

chemical contamination, but current outbreaks have been caused by

microbiological agents.

According to Lawrence Sena Tuglo et al. (2021), said that as a result of

an increase in food-borne illnesses (FBDs) and mortality, food safety and

hygiene are currently a global health concern, particularly in developing

nations. The goal of this study was to analyze the knowledge, attitude, and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

hygiene practices (KAP) of street-cooked food handlers (SCFHs) in Ghana’s

North Dayi District.

Henok Dagne et al. (2019) said that food safety is an important public

health concern for preventing or controlling food-borne infections.

Governments all around the world are stepping up their efforts to improve

food safety in response to the rising number of food-borne illnesses. Each

year, contaminated food causes 1.5 billion instances of diarrhea in children,

resulting in almost three million early deaths, according to the WHO.

However, both developed and poor countries share similar deaths and

illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated

that food-borne diseases caused 76 million illnesses and 325,000

hospitalizations among the 290 million people that live in the United States of

America each year. Food-borne diseases are becoming more prevalent in

both developing and industrialized countries.

Doumeizel, V (2019), stated that an estimated 600 million people, or

about one out of every ten people on earth, become ill as a result of

contaminated food each year, with 420,000 deaths. At the United Nations in

2004, 160 countries voted to make food—safe food—a human right rather

than a commodity. Yet food safety issues remain, with various challenges

putting strains on supply systems. The world is going through a nutritional

transition, with some places experiencing over-nutrition and others

experiencing under-nutrition. With the world’s population predicted to reach

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

nine billion by 2050, existing agricultural systems are under strain, which has

consequences for food safety.

According to Hoffmann, Moser and Saak (2019) in low and middle-

income nations, food-borne diseases take a heavy toll on people’s health.

They go over the empirical evidence on the safety of food produced and

consumed in these environments. They present existing knowledge and

suggest gaps for future study by following the value chain from consumer

demand to agricultural production. They investigate the elements that

contribute to food safety issues in low- and middle-income nations. These

factors include: a lack of consumer awareness and willingness to pay for food

safety; a lack of incentives to invest in food safety throughout the food supply

chain, from farmers to aggregators, processors, food service providers, and

retailers; and the weakness of regulatory enforcement institutions. Programs

that involve midsize and larger businesses in co-regulation and encourage

farmers and businesses for investing in food safety are some of solutions.

Locale Studies

According to Mark Raguindin Limon (2021), during the COVID-19

pandemic in the Philippines, this study was conducted to assess the self-

reported and observed food safety practices (FSP) of food handlers who

deliver food products that are prepared and cooked at home. There were no

significant differences between self-reported FSP in four dimensions and

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

demographic characteristics, except for age, where a significant difference

existed between the FSP of the four age groups in food preparation.

Government and non-government organizations should collaborate to educate

people at home about food safety concepts in order for them to become

advocates for healthier eating habits.

Abigail S. Rustia et al. (2021), said that food safety is a major public

health issue that is influenced by a number of factors, including shifting global

food production patterns, consumer expectations, and international trade

rules. Food safety issues exist throughout the food supply chain, and they

continue to be an increasing concern worldwide. Several factors, including but

not limited to freer commerce and globalization of food goods, contribute to

greater exposure of populations to additional food dangers. Food safety refers

to the safeguarding of customers from foodborne infections and other health

problems caused by exposure to dangers in food products. Vibrio cholerae

caused the first food-and-water-borne disease outbreak in the Philippines in

1583, during the Spanish colonization.

According to WHO (2019) said that everyone has the right to adequate,

safe, and healthy food. Even today, about one out of every ten people in the

world becomes sick from tainted food, and 420,000 people die as a result.

When food is unsafe, children are unable to learn, and adults are unable to

work. Food safety, nutrition, and food security are all closely related to human

growth. Food-borne infections stymie socioeconomic progress by putting a

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

strain on health-care systems, lowering productivity, and affecting national

economies, tourism, and trade. According to recent estimates, unhealthy food

costs low- and middle-income nations roughly $95 billion each year in lost

productivity. More than 200 ailments, ranging from diarrhea to cancer, are

caused by contaminated food carrying hazardous bacteria, viruses, parasites,

or chemical compounds. Foodborne illnesses can cause long-term

impairment and even death.

SM Gador said that food safety remained a major concern, with

outbreaks of foodborne illness costing individuals, the food sector, and the

economy a lot of money. The aim of this study was on food handlers’ food

safety knowledge and hygienic practices in food service establishments in the

Province of Siquijor. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect

information from 156 food handlers from various food establishments. Food

handlers have adequate knowledge of contamination, cross-contamination,

and personal hygiene, but little or no knowledge of temperature control and

the transmission of food-borne diseases, according to the study’s findings.

According to Mario V. Perilla, food safety is a major concern that has an

affect on everyone’s health. Every year, millions of people die as a result of

diarrheal illnesses brought on by contaminated food or water. Governments

all across the world are focusing their attention on genetically modified foods

and food poisoning at the present. Food safety is ensured in the Philippines.

Food safety, hygiene, and sanitation are all improved by efficient regulation.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

The Department of Health and Agriculture oversees the government agencies

in responsibility of food safety. To ensure food safety, basic food rules were

established, and they are formalized in a number of legislative acts and

presidential decrees.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

Food safety practices is the creation and practice of condition that will

prevent contamination or foodborne illness. It is the cleanliness of the

equipment, tool’s and workplace area for food preparation. Safe food handling

requires one to be knowledgeable of food hazards. In sanitizing the work

place area, the surface must be clean on a regular basis to reduce the spread

of bacteria from unclean surface to clean tools and equipment.

From locale and foreign studies, foodborne deceases are becoming

more prevalent in both developing and industrialized countries. According to

the study, the deaths of people cause by this foodborne disease increases

each year.

Chapter 3

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

This chapter contains method of research, population, sample size, and

sampling technique, description of respondents, research instrument, data-

gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of data used in the conduct

of this study.

Method of Research

A Descriptive- Quantitative Research Method is used in gathering the

information needed in this study. This method enabled the researchers to

interpret the theoretical meaning of the findings and hypothesis development

for further studies. This is a research design used to collect and analyze data.

A descriptive method identifies behavior, while a correlational method

determines whether two or more variables have a relationship or association,

and if one variable affects the other. This method analyses the link between

the two variables and allows researchers to collect data from respondents,

without the respondents having any difficulty responding the essential

answers for the researchers to obtain information about Food Safety Practices

Among Grade 12 BPP/Cookery Students.

This research aims to determine if every Grade 12 BPP/Cookery

students are able to apply the proper food safety practices.

Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

The population of the study comprised of students in two sections, this

is Section Hope and Humility in Madrid National High School. The

researchers will utilize the Non-Probability Sampling Method. A purposive

sampling method, in the sense that all males should part of the sample, since

they have least number of student. Simple random sampling method, in which

the researcher randomly selects the availability of the female students to be

randomly selected as participants in the study, and to have an equal chance

of being selected, and no bias is being applied.

Table 1. Population and Sample of Respondent


Hope Grade 12 3 13

Humility Grade 12 4 10

Total 30

Description of the Respondents

The respondents were the Grade 12 BPP/Cookery students in section

Hope and Humility in the Madrid National High School (MNHS) because the

researchers want to know their perceptions about the food safety practices.

Research Instrument
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

The researchers utilize a survey questionnaire entitled Food Safety

Practices Among Grade 12 BPP/Cookery Students. In this study, the

researcher choose to give researcher-made survey questionnaire to 30

participants. The researcher will use a self- made questionnaire for the survey

in collecting the data.

These questions are not pre-scripted, allowing respondents to express

what they believe is correct and, in many cases, provide accurate information.

This type of questionnaire is one of the most important components of a

successful quantitative research. Open-ended questions towards the end of a

questionnaire are more likely to generate accurate responses and

suggestions from respondents. In addition, the first section of the

questionnaires aims to determine the demographic profile of the respondents.

This set of questions inquires about their sex and age. The identity of each

participants and respondents were kept to be confidential upon their requests

then last is the level of food safety practices of the respondents in terms of

working area, personal hygiene, environmental hygiene, separate raw and

cooked and waste management.

Survey Questionnaire
Food Safety Practices Among Grade 12 BPP/Cookery Students
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Name (optional): _____________ Sex: ________

Grade and Section: ___________ Age: _________

Direction: The questions that follow are all about the individual food safety
practices of the Grade-12 Bread and Pastry Production based on their
experiences and knowledge upon taking up the school-based work

Put a check mark (√) on every box that corresponds in your interpretation in
every statement.
4- Always Practiced 3- Often Practiced
2- Sometimes Practiced 1- Never Practiced

A.Working Area
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1.I clean the workplace before and after cooking/ baking.
2.I wash the dishes after each use.
3.I put the tools and equipment back in their respective places.
4.I change the table napkins and wife the table after use.
5.I sweep the floor every day.

B. Personal Hygiene
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1.I always put on the hairnet when I cook/bake.
2.I make sure to wah my hands before and after
3.I remove all the accessories before working.
4.I avoid combing and rubbing my hair while cooking/baking.
5.I make sure to wear PPE correctly and completely while

C. Environmental Hygiene
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1.I store garbage separately.
2.I avoid burning garbage because it causes harmful smells.
3.I clean and sanitize workplace to have nice and safe
4.I use detergent and disinfectants to remove contaminants.
5.I thoroughly washed and dried the working area.

D. Separate raw and cooked food

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Indicators 4 3 2 1
1.I separate raw meat, poultry, and seafood from other foods.
2. For handling raw foods, I use separate equipment and
utensils like knives and cutting boards.
3. I stored raw food and cooked food separately in the fridge
following the FIFO rule.
4. I wash and sanitize tools that come in contact with raw
5. I store food in containers to avoid contact between raw and
cooked food.

E. Waste Management
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1.I keep the grease in used cans until it hardens, then throws it
2.I keep dry and watery waste in separate containers.
3.I keep the plastic from the kitchen clean and dry and throw it
away in the dry trash bin.
4.I appropriately separate the waste.
5.I appropriately dispose of garbage.

Data Gathering Procedure

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

The researcher obtained authorization from the faculty of Madrid

National High Senior High School to collect data on the number of

respondents that fit the target demographic. The list of students was obtained

through the teachers of Grade 12 section Hope and Humility after getting the

number of students at Madrid National High School. During this stage, the

researcher requested permission from the respondents to execute the

following: access the information about the distribution of the questionnaire,

then disseminate the questionnaire.

Following the obtaining of consent and authorization, the researchers

gave each participant a survey questionnaire and carefully communicated

some important reminders and instructions on how to complete the

instruments. The respondents were advised to read the directions carefully

and complete the demographic and important portions of the survey to the

best of their abilities. After all of the questions had been answered completely,

the researchers supervised the retrieval of the questionnaire to ensure the

quality and accuracy of the data collected.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

In this study, the following statistical tools and techniques were used to

assess gathered data.

Frequency and Percentage. These were used to describe the profile

of the respondents.

Rank. This was to determine the rank of the variables to know what

variables to know what variable is in the top and in the bottom.


Chapter 1
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Alemayehu, Tadege et al. (2021) Food Safety Knowledge, Handling Practices

and Associated Factors Among Food Handlers Working in Food

Establishments in Debre Markos Town, Northwest Ethiopia, 2020: Institution-

Based Cross-Sectional Study

Lin, Tsai and Ho (2020) Food Safety Gaps between Consumers’ Expectations

and Perceptions: Development and Verification of a Gap-Assessment Tool

Chapter 2


1-Fred Fung, Huei-Shyong Wang, Suresh Menon Food safety in the 21st




2-Tuglo, L.S., Agordoh, P.D., Tekpor, D. et al. Food safety knowledge,

attitude, and hygiene practices of street-cooked food handlers in North Dayi

District, Ghana. Environ Health Prev Med 26, 54 (2021).
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

3- Dagne, R. P. Raju, Zewudu Andualem, Tesfaye Hagos, Kidstemariam

Addis, “Food Safety Practice and Its Associated Factors among Mothers in

Debarq Town, Northwest Ethiopia: Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study”,

BioMed Research International, vol. 2019, Article ID 1549131, 8 pages, 2019.

4-Doumeizel, V (2019) Foresight review of food safety: feeding the world

safely and sustainably [online] Lloyd’s Register Foundation. Available at:

5- Hoffman, Moser and Saak (2019) Food safety in low and middle-income

countries: The evidence through an economic lens!


1-Mark Raguindin Limon (2021) safety practices of food handlers at home

engaged in online food businesses during COVID-19 pandemic in the


2-Rustia A. S, Tan M. A. P, Guiriba D. N. S, Magtibay F. P. S, Bondoc I. R. J,

Mariano C. B. D. G, Caincol D. H, Bautista K. A. D, Bulagao B. F. R, Guzman

V. C. L. D, Musni A. C, Salem A. M. T, Villanueva J. E. B. Defining Risk in

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del sur
Madrid District

Food Safety in the Philippines. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci 2021; 9(1). Doi :

3-World Health Organization





SIQUIJOR, PHILIPPINES,5#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p


5- Mario V Perilla, Public awareness and regulatory systems for food safety in

the Philippines



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