FPS Latest Course File Structure (2022-23)

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UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade

Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in

Academic Year : 2022-2023

Name of the Faculty: G BALAJI

Department : Mechanical Engineering
Branch & Year : Mechanical IVth Year

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UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


Task No Task Description Page No

Course Description/Course Information Sheet

(course overview, prerequisites, course assessment methods, evaluation scheme, course
1 objectives, course outcomes, how program outcomes are assessed, syllabus, course plan,
mapping course objectives leading to the achievement of program outcomes, mapping
course outcomes leading to the achievement of program outcomes)
2 Session Planner /Syllabus Coverage
3 Time Table
a) Class notes – as per SOP
b) Application of Bloom Taxonomy.
5 PPT Handouts Unit wise
Question Bank (Unit Wise)
a). Objective questions
b). Descriptive Questions (2 or 3 Marks )
c). Descriptive Questions (5 or 10 Marks)
7 1). MID I
2). MID II
8 Three Tutorials questions per unit with answers
9 Previous Question Papers
10 Student seminar topics
11 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
12 Two Micro projects
13 Mid-Term Test, Quality and Evaluation
14 List of Week students & Remedial Action
15 Materials related to Topics Beyond the syllabus
MID I MID II sample answer script and also question papers
with key
17 Sample Assignments/ Class Test
18 Result Analysis
19 Workshops/Guest Lectures if any
20 Web references

Page 2 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


1. Order the course file as per the index and keep it neat and clean.
2. Complete the formats which have been supplied as part of course file.
3. The items listed in the index, but not supplied have to be prepared by you and placed in
the course file.
4. Prepare hand written class notes as per the standard operating procedure (SOP) given at
structure II.
5. Put up the course file for the verification of the IQAC/HOD once in a fortnightly and take
his signature on the IQAC/HOD Review format.
6. Course file will be audited for quality checks by outside experts and as such be in perfect
order for inspection at any time.
7. Plan Session Planner minimum of 60 periods / semester.
8. Handover the course file to the IQAC i/c at the end of the semester or at the time of
relieving from the college.

Page 3 of 73

The Class Notes are the most Valuable Course Material and bear the stamp of the faculty
reflecting his attitude towards the profession of teaching. The Class Notes provide confidence
to the faculty to deliver the subject matter in a systematic and effective way thus improving
the Teaching-Learning Process. It is pertinent that each and every faculty member shall
prepare the Class Notes for the subjects allocated to them.

The procedure is described in succeeding paragraphs.

3. FRAME WORK: The Frame Work is given below:

JNTUH Syllabus
Text books, Reference Books and down loaded Material
Compilation of Session Planner (56 to 64 Lessons)
Preparation of Class Notes

4. PREPARATION OF SESSION PLANNER: The step by step procedure as described

will be followed to prepare the Session Planner.

a) A copy of the JNTUH Syllabus relevant to his/her theory subject will be collected by
the nominated faculty of the subject

b) Text Books and Reference Books mentioned in the syllabus will be gone through by
the concerned faculty to gather information that which chapter(s) of these books are
relevant for each Unit of the Syllabus. Faculty may also refer to other relevant
material including downloaded for this purpose.

c) Each Unit will be divided in to Sessions as per JNTUH Syllabus such that it can be
covered in a period of 50 minutes.

d) The Session Planner limiting to 56 to 64 Lessons will be prepared as per the enclosed
format given below.

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1. Course Description /
Course Information

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UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


Name of the Dept.:


Course Code ME733PE

Regulation R18

Lectures Tutorials Practical Credits

Course Structure
4 1 4

Course Coordinator G BALAJI Asst Prof

Team of Instructors


Machining is any process in which a cutting tool is used to remove small chips of material
from the workpiece (the workpiece is often called the "work"). To perform the operation,
relative motion is required between the tool and the work. This relative motion is achieved
in most machining operation by means of a primary motion, called "cutting speed" and a
secondary motion called "feed". The shape of the tool and its penetration into the work
surface, combined with these motions, produce the desired shape of the resulting work



To familiarize with the basic hydraulic machinary and

to study the various HM and equipment used, hands-
on training is given in different sections. Essentially
ME208ES FM& HM, student should know the labour involved, machinery II-II
or equipment necessary, time required to fabricate
and also should be able to estimate the cost of the
product or job work.
Manufacturing process are the steps through which raw
materials are transformed into a final product. The
Manufacturing manufacturing process begins with the product design, and II-II
Process materials specification from which the product is made.
These materials are then modified through manufacturing
processes to become the required part.
At some point of time or the other an engineering
problem involves issues related to fm hm working
ME305ES principal. Understanding the behavior of materials, III-I
particularly structure-property correlation, will help
selecting suitable materials for a application.

Page 6 of 73
a) Marks Distributions (Traditional Evaluation methods)

University End Total

Session Marks (25M) Exam Marks Marks
Continuous Assessment Tests (Midterm tests): There shall be 2
midterm examinations. Each midterm examination consists of one
objective paper, one subjective paper and four assignments. The
objective paper is for 10 marks and subjective paper is for 10
marks, with duration of 1 hour 20 minutes (20 minutes for objective
and 60 minutes for subjective paper).
Objective paper is set for 20 bits of – multiple choice questions,
fill-in the blanks, 10 marks. Subjective paper contains of 4 full
questions (one from each unit) of which, the student has to answer
2 questions, each question carrying 5 marks. First midterm
examination shall be conducted for 2.5 units of syllabus and
second midterm examination shall be conducted for another 2.5 75 100
units. 5 marks are allocated for Assignments. First two
assignments should be submitted before the conduct of the first
mid, and the second two assignments should be submitted before
the conduct of the second mid. The total marks secured by the
student in each midterm examination are evaluated for 25 marks,
and the average of the two midterm examinations shall be taken as
the final marks secured by each candidate.

b) Expected Learning Outcomes and Methods for Assessing

S. No Expected Learning Outcomes Assessment method (s)

Identify techniques to minimize the errors in
a measurement Assignments
Midterm and University exams
Identify methods and devices for Assignments
measurement of length, angle, gear& thread Midterm and University exams
b parameters, surface roughness and geometric
features of parts.

Understand working of lathe, shaper, planer, Assignments

c drilling, milling and grinding machines. Midterm and University exams

Comprehend speed and feed mechanisms of Assignments

d machine tools. Midterm and University exams

Estimate machining times for machining Assignments

e operations on machine tools Midterm and University exams

Determine the surface texture, cleaning Assignments

methods, coating procedures for corrosion Midterm and University exams
remedies and electro plating.

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S. No. Component n Marks
1 I Mid Examination 1 hour and 20 min 20
2 I Assignment lot 5
3 II Mid Examination 1 hour and 20 min 20
4 II Assignment lot 5
MID Examination marks to be considered as average of above 2 MID’s
5 EXTERNAL Examination 3 hours 75


Mapping with
Course Objective
Blooms Level
Acquire the knowledge of Engineering metrology and its practice
which is having Increasing importance in industry.
Specifically makes the student to improve applications aspect in the
measurements and control of process of manufacture
Impart the fundamental aspects of the metal cutting principles and their
application in Studying the behavior of various machining processes.
Train in knowing the fundamental parts of various machine tools and
their kinematic schemes.
Discuss various principles of jigs and fixtures which will be used hold
the work pieces in various machine tools

Page 8 of 73

Mapping with
Course Outcomes
Blooms Level
Identify techniques to minimize the errors in measurement Understand
Identify methods and devices for measurement of length, angle,
gear& thread parameters, surface roughness and geometric Apply
features of parts.

Understand working of lathe, shaper, planer, drilling, milling and

grinding machines. Understand

Comprehend speed and feed mechanisms of machine tools. Analyse

Estimate machining times for machining operations on machine
tools Evaluate

Determine the surface texture, cleaning methods, coating

procedures for corrosion remedies and electro plating. Evaluate


Program Outcomes
Blooms Proficiency
Level assessed by
An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science, and engineering
An ability to design and conduct experiments, as
well as to analyze and interpret data
An ability to design a system, component, or
process to meet desired needs within realistic
C Constraints such as economic, environmental, VI H
social, political, ethical, health and safety,
Manufacturability and sustainability
An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

An ability to identify, formulates, and solve

engineering problems
An understanding of professional and ethical
An ability to communicate effectively

The broad education necessary to understand the

H impact of engineering solutions in a global, I S
economic, environmental and societal context
A recognition of the need for, and an ability to
engage in life-long learning

Page 9 of 73
A knowledge of contemporary issues

An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern

K engineering tools necessary for Engineering Practice V H

An ability to manage the projects in multidisciplinary

environments by demonstrate knowledge
L and understanding of the engineering and III H
management principles

An ability to fit for the reputed core industries

A knowledge of precision machining and materials
N characterization I H

N=None S=Supportive H=Highly Related



I Introduction:

Introduction to oil hydraulics and pneumatics, their structure, advantages

and limitations. ISO symbols, energy losses in hydraulic systems. 12
Applications, Basic types and constructions of Hydraulic pumps and
motors. Pump and motor analysis. Performed curves and parameters.

II Hydraulic actuators –

Hydraulic actuators, types and constructional details, lever systems,

control elements – direction, pressure and flow control valves. Valve 14
configurations, General valve analysis, valve lap, flow forces and lateral
forces on spool valves. Series and parallel pressure compensation flow
control valves. Flapper valve Analysis and Design.
Proportional control valves and servo valves.
III Proportional control valves and servo valves. Nonlinearities in control
systems (backlash, hysteresis, dead band and friction nonlinearities). 14
Design and analysis of typical hydraulic circuits. Regenerative circuits,
high low circuits, Synchronization circuits, and accumulator sizing.
Intensifier circuits Meter-in, Meter-out and Bleed-off circuits; Fail Safe
IV and Counter balancing circuits, accessories used in fluid power system,
Filtration systems and maintenance of system. Components of 16
pneumatic systems; Direction, flow and pressure control valves in
pneumatic systems. Development of single and multiple actuator

Page 10 of 73
circuits. Valves for logic functions; Time delay valve; Exhaust and
supply air throttling;
Examples of typical circuits using Displacement – Time and Travel-Step
V diagrams. Will-dependent control, Travel-dependent control and Time
dependent control, combined control, Program Control,
Electropneumatic control and air-hydraulic control, Ladder diagrams.
Applications in Assembly, Feeding, Metal working, materials handling
and plastics working.



1 Fluid Power Control systems/ Pippenger, J.J., and R. M. Koff/ New York: McGraw Hill.
“Fluid Power Systems: modeling, simulation and microcomputer control”/ John Watton/
Prentice Hall International.
Fundamentals of Fluid Power Control. / John Watton/ 1 st Ed. Cambridge University Press,
4 “Fluid Power with applications”/ Anthony Esposito / Pearson Education.


At the end of the course, the students are able to achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes.

Lecture Blooms
Topics to be covered Course Learning Outcomes Reference
No. Level

Understand hydraulics and pneumatics

1. Introduction to oil hydraulics and
working principle
Understand in hydraulic systems
2. energy losses in hydraulic II
constructions of Hydraulic pumps
3. Basic types and constructions of I
and motors
Hydraulic pumps and motors
4. Pump and motor analysis II
Pump and motor analysis.

5. Performan curves and Understand working of lathe II

Understand working of Hydraulic
6. Hydraulic actuators, types and II
actuators, types
constructional details.
7. CLASS TEST Evaluate his performance V
flow forces
Understand flow forces
8. and lateral forces on spool II
and lateral forces on spool valves
pressure and flow control valves. Valve
9. pressure and flow control valves. III
Valve configurations
Series and parallel pressure Understand Series and parallel pressure
10. II
compensation flow control valves compensation flow control valves
Flapper valve Analysis and
11. Flapper valve Analysis and Design III

12. CLASS TEST Evaluate his performance V

Page 11 of 73
Proportional control valves and Understand Proportional control valves
13. IV
servo valves and servo valves
Understand Nonlinearities in control
14. Nonlinearities in control systems II
Understand Design and analysis of
15. Design and analysis of typical II
typical hydraulic circuits
hydraulic circuits,
16. Understand Regenerative circuits, II
Regenerative circuits,,

17. high low circuits Classifying high low circuits III

18. Synchronization circuits Synchronization circuits I

19. accumulator sizing.. Learn accumulator sizing.. I

20. CLASS TEST Evaluate his performance V

21. Intensifier circuits Meter-in Understand Intensifier circuits Meter-in II

Understand Meter-out and Bleed-off

22. II
Meter-out and Bleed-off circuits circuits
Understanding Fail Safe and Counter
23. Fail Safe and Counter balancing IV
balancing circuits
accessories used in fluid power Understand accessories used in fluid
24. II
system, power system,
Filtration systems and Compare Types of Filtration systems
25. III
maintenance of system. and maintenance of system.
Components of Understand Components of
26. II
pneumatic systems. pneumatic systems
Direction, flow and pressure Understand Direction, flow and
27. control valves in pneumatic pressure control valves in pneumatic II
systems – systems
Development of
Development of
28. single and multiple actuator III
single and multiple actuator circuits.
Types of Valves for logic Learn Types of Valves for logic
29. I
functions functions

30. Time delay valve. Selection Time delay valve. IV

31. Exhaust and supply Exhaust and supply V

Exhaust and supply Understand Exhaust and supply
32. II
air throttling;, air throttling;

33. Revision for MID I Recall all previous topics I

34. Intensifier circuits Meter-in,, Intensifier circuits Meter-in,, II

35. Meter-out and Bleed-off circuits Meter-out and Bleed-off circuits IV

Fail Safe and Counter balancing
36. Fail Safe and Counter balancing circuits V

37. fluid power system - Identify fluid power system - II

38. Unilateral and actuator circuits Identify actuator circuits II

Page 12 of 73
Filtration systems and maintenance of
39. Filtration systems and III
maintenance of system. system.
Components of Understand Components of
40. II
pneumatic systems;. pneumatic systems;
understanding Direction, flow and
41. Direction, flow and pressure IV
Identify control valves in pneumatic
42. control valves in pneumatic systems II
Development of Identify Development of
43. II
single actuator circuits single actuator circuits

44. multiple actuator circuits Identify multiple actuator circuits II

45. Valves for logic functions;, Identify Valves for logic functions;, II

46. Time delay valve. Identify Time delay valve, III

Exhaust and supply

47. Determine the surface texture III
air throttling;,
48. CLASS TEST Evaluate his performance IV
Examples of typical circuits Identify Examples of typical circuits
49. III
using Displacement, using Displacement
Identify Time and Travel-Step diagrams
50. Time and Travel-Step diagrams, III
Will-dependent Identify Will-dependent
51. control II

52. CLASS TEST Evaluate his performance IV

Identify Travel-dependent control
53. Travel-dependent control III
Identify Time dependent control
54. Time dependent control: II

55. combined control. combined control III

Compression between his previous


57. Program Control. Understand Program Control IV

58. Electropneumatic control Understand Electropneumatic control V

59. air-hydraulic control, Understand air-hydraulic control V-III

60. Ladder diagrams Ladder diagrams II

Compression between his previous


62. Applications in Assembly Identify Applications in Assembly II

63. Feeding,; Identify Feeding, III

64. Metal working Metal working. II

65. materials handling Understanding materials handling. II

Page 13 of 73
66. plastics working Understand plastics working II
Applications in Assembly,
Feeding, Metal working, Learn Applications in Assembly,
67. Feeding, Metal working, materials I
materials handling and plastics
handling and plastics working.

68. Revision for MID II Recall all previous topics I



Program Outcomes
Course Objective
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n

S=Supportive H=Highly Related


Program Outcomes
Course Outcomes
A B C D E F G H I J k L M N

a H S S H H H H
b H H
c H H H S H H H H
d H H
e H S H H H
f H H H H H H
S=Supportive H=Highly Related




Page 14 of 73

Page 15 of 73

6. Creating /
Synthesis :
4. Analyzing / 5. Evaluating /
Builds a structure or
Analysis : Evaluation:
pattern from diverse
2. Understanding / 3. Applying / Separates material or Make judgments
elements. Put parts
Comprehension : Application: concepts into about the value of
together to form a
Comprehending the Use a concept in a component parts so ideas or materials.
whole, with emphasis
1. Remembering / meaning, translation, new situation or that its organizational
on creating a new
Blooms Taxonomy → Knowledge: interpolation, and unprompted use of an structure may be Key Words:
meaning or structure.
Recall or retrieve interpretation of abstraction. Applies understood. Agree, Appraise,
previous learned instructions and what was learned in Distinguishes between Assess, Award,
Key Words:
information. problems. State a the classroom into facts and inferences. Choose, Compare,
Adapt, Build, Change,
problem in one's own novel situations in the Conclude, Criteria,
Choose, Combine,
Key Words: words. work place. Key Words: Criticize, Decide,
Compile, Compose,
Choose, Define, Find, Analyze, Assume, Deduct, Defend,
Construct, Create,
How, Label, List, Key Words: Key Words: Categorize, Classify, Determine, Disprove,
Delete, Design,
Match, Name, Omit, Classify, Compare, Apply, Build, Compare, Conclusion, Estimate, Evaluate,
Course Outcomes Develop, Discuss,
Recall, Relate, Select, Contrast, Demonstrate, Choose, Contrast, Discover, Explain, Importance,
Elaborate, Estimate,
Show, Spell, Tell, Explain, Extend, Construct, Develop, Dissect, Distinguish, Influence, Interpret,
Formulate, Happen,
What, When, Where, Illustrate, Infer, Experiment, with, Divide, Examine, Judge, Justify, Mark,
Imagine, Improve,
Which, Who, Why Interpret, Outline, Identify, Interview, Function, Inference, Measure, Opinion,
Invent, Make up,
Relate, Rephrase, Make use of, Model, Inspect, List, Motive, Perceive, Prioritize,
Maximize, Minimize,
Show, Summarize, Organize, Plan, Relationships, Prove, Rate,
Modify, Original,
Translate Select, Solve, Utilize Simplify, Survey, Recommend, Rule
Originate, Plan,
Take, part, in, Test on, Select, Support,
Predict, Propose,
For, Theme value
Solution, Solve,
Suppose, Test, Theory
a) Identify
techniques to
minimize the
errors in
measurement ✓

Page 16 of 73
b) Identify
methods and
devices for
measurement of
length, angle,
gear& thread ✓
surface roughness
and geometric
features of parts.
c) Understand
working of lathe,
shaper, planer,
drilling, milling ✓ ✓
and grinding

d) Comprehend
speed and feed
mechanisms of ✓
machine tools.
e) Estimate
machining times
for machining
machine tools
on ✓ ✓

f) Determine the
surface texture,
cleaning methods,
procedures for ✓
remedies and
electro plating.

Page 17 of 73
2. Session Planner/
Syllabus Coverage
(Session Planner/Syllabus Coverage of the Subject to be prepared by the
faculty member as per the proforma according to syllabus, assignments,
class tests, tutorials & Mid Exams)

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UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in



Branch& Year: Mechanical & B Tech IVthyear Semester: Ist
Academic Year: 2022-23
Faculty: G BALAJI

L. Text Teaching Remar
Unit No.
No. Topics to be covered Book methodology Planned

L1 Introduction to oil hydraulics and A1, A2 BB 20-Sep-

pneumatics, energy losses in
hydraulic systems–. 20-Sep-2022 2022
L2 Basic types and constructions of A1,A2 BB
Hydraulic pumps and motors 21-Sep-2022 2022
L3 Pump and motor analysis. A1,A2 BB
22-Sep-2022 2022
L4 Performan curves and parameters., A1,A2 BB
23-Sep-2022 2022
L5 Hydraulic actuators, types and A1,A2 BB/PPT
constructional details. 24-Sep-2022 2022
25-Sep-2022 2022
I T1 flow forces 27-Sep-
27-Sep-2022 2022
and lateral forces on spool valves. 28-Sep-
L6 A1,A2 BB
28-Sep-2022 2022
pressure and flow control valves. 29-Sep-
L7 Valve configurations A1,A2 BB
29-Sep-2022 2022
Series and parallel pressure 30-Sep-
L8 compensation flow control valves A1,A2 BB
30-Sep-2022 2022
L9 Flapper valve Analysis and Design. 1-Oct-
A1,A2 BB
1-Oct-2022 2022
4-Oct-2022 2022
Proportional control valves and servo 5-Oct-
L10 valves A1,A2 BB
5-Oct-2022 2022
L11 Nonlinearities in control systems A1,A2 BB 6-Oct-2022 6-Oct-

Page 19 of 73
L12 Design and analysis of typical A1,A2 BB
hydraulic circuits, 7-Oct-2022 2022
L13 Regenerative circuits,, A1,A2 BB
20-Oct-2022 2022
T3 high low circuits EXAM
21-Oct-2022 2022
Synchronization circuits 22-Oct-
L14 A1,A2 BB
22-Oct-2022 2022
accumulator sizing.. 23-Oct-
L15 A1,A2 BB
23-Oct-2022 2022
L16 A1,A2 BB
25-Oct-2022 2022
Intensifier circuits Meter-in 26-Oct-
26-Oct-2022 2022
Meter-out and Bleed-off circuits 27-Oct-
L17 A1,A2 BB
27-Oct-2022 2022
L18 Fail Safe and Counter balancing A1,A2 BB
circuits. 28-Oct-2022 2022
L19 accessories used in fluid power A1,A2 BB
system, 29-Oct-2022 2022
L20 Filtration systems and maintenance of A1,A2 BB 1-Nov-2022
L21 Components of A1,A2 BB 2-Nov-2022
L22 pneumatic systems. A1,A2 BB 3-Nov-2022
L23 Direction, flow and pressure control A1,A2 BB 4-Nov-2022
valves in pneumatic systems –
L24 Development of A1,A2 BB 5-Nov-2022
III L25 single and multiple actuator circuits. A1,A2 BB 6-Nov-2022
L26 Types of Valves for logic functions A1,A2 BB 15-Nov-2022
T5 Time delay valve. EXAM 16-Nov-2022
L27 Exhaust and supply A1,A2 BB 17-Nov-2022
L28 Exhaust and supply A1,A2 BB 18-Nov-2022
L29 air throttling;, A1,A2 BB 19-Nov-2022
L30 Revision for MID I A1,A2 BB 20-Nov-2022
T6 Intensifier circuits Meter-in,, EXAM 22-Nov-2022
L31 Meter-out and Bleed-off circuits A3,A4 BB 23-Nov-2022
L32 Fail Safe and Counter balancing A3,A4 BB
circuits 24-Nov-2022
L33 fluid power system - A3,A4 BB 25-Nov-2022
IV L34 Unilateral and actuator circuits A3,A4 BB 26-Nov-2022
T7 Filtration systems and maintenance EXAM
of system. 29-Nov-2022
L35 Components of A3,A4 BB 30-Nov-2022
L36 pneumatic systems;. A3,A4 BB 1-Dec-2022

Page 20 of 73
T8 Direction, flow and pressure EXAM 2-Dec-2022
L37 control valves in pneumatic systems, A3,A4 BB 3-Dec-2022
L38 Development of A3,A4 BB 6-Dec-2022
L39 single actuator circuits A3,A4 BB 7-Dec-2022
T9 multiple actuator circuits EXAM 8-Dec-2022
L40 Valves for logic functions;, A3,A4 BB 9-Dec-2022
L41 Time delay valve. A3,A4 BB 10-Dec-2022
L42 Exhaust and supply A3,A4 BB 13-Dec-2022
T10 air throttling;, EXAM 14-Dec-2022
L43 CLASS TEST A3,A4 BB 15-Dec-2022
L44 Examples of typical circuits using A3,A4 BB
Displacement, 16-Dec-2022
L45 Time and Travel-Step diagrams, A3,A4 BB 17-Dec-2022
T11 Will-dependent EXAM 18-Dec-2022
L46 control A3,A4 BB 20-Dec-2022
L47 CLASS TEST A3,A4 BB 21-Dec-2022
L48 Travel-dependent control A3,A4 BB 22-Dec-2022
L49 Time dependent control: A3,A4 BB 23-Dec-2022
V T12 24-Dec-2022
combined control. EXAM
L50 CLASS TEST A3,A4 BB 27-Dec-2022
L51 Program Control. A3,A4 BB 28-Dec-2022
L52 Electropneumatic control A3,A4 BB 29-Dec-2022
L53 air-hydraulic control, A3,A4 BB 30-Dec-2022
L54 Ladder diagrams A3,A4 BB 31-Dec-2022
L55 CLASS TEST A3,A4 BB 3-Jan-2023
L56 Applications in Assembly A3,A4 BB 4-Jan-2023
Feeding,; A3, BB 5-Jan-2023

BB Black Board
PPT Power Point Presentation
OHP Over Head Projector
MM Multimedia (Audio-Video)

A1 Fluid Power Control systems/ Pippenger, J.J., and R. M. Koff/ New York: McGraw
A2 “Fluid Power Systems: modeling, simulation and microcomputer control”/ John
Watton/Prentice Hall International
A3 Fundamentals of Fluid Power Control. / John Watton/ 1 st Ed. Cambridge University
A4 “Fluid Power with applications”/ Anthony Esposito / Pearson Education.
A5 Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools / Geoffrey Boothroyd /

Page 21 of 73
McGraw Hill.

Note: Fortnightly verification by HOD

Signature of Faculty Signature of HOD

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3. Time Table
(Time Table to be prepared by the faculty member from the class time table)

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4. Class Notes
Class Notes as per SOP (Unit Wise)

Page 24 of 73
5. PPT Handouts
(Unit Wise)

Page 25 of 73
6. Question Bank
(Unit Wise)
a). Objective Questions
b). Descriptive Questions (2 or 3 Marks)
c). Descriptive Questions (5 or 10 Marks)

Page 26 of 73

I. Choose the correct alternative:

1. Which type of system uses ‘oil under pressure’ means for power transmission? [ ]
a) Fluid power system b) Hydraulic system c) Pneumatic system d) Stepper motors
2. The hydraulic system is [ ]
a. less than pneumatic system b. more than pneumatic system c. A &B d. none
3. The force developed in hydraulic systems is high due to [ ]
a) High pressure b) more oil c) less pressure d) less oil
4. Which is not part of FRL unit?
a) air filter b)air dryer c) regulator d) lubricator
Answer:FRL Unit: It is service unit used in Pneumatic system which is combination of three
devices named as Filter, Regulator and Lubricator. Function of FRL unit Filter (F) – 1) To
remove the micron and sub-micron particles present in the entering air of compressor. It is
Used to separate out contaminants like dust, dirt p[articles from the compressed air Regulator
(R) – In pneumatic system the pressure of compressed air may not stable due to possibility of
line fluctuation. Hence there is a need to maintain and regulate the air pressure. This function
is performing by regulator. Lubricator (L) – Sliding components like spool, a pneumatic
cylinder has sliding motion between parts. It may cause friction and wear and tear at mating
parts. To reduce friction, lubricating oil particles are added in the compressed air with the
help of lubricator.

5.Compare linear actuators and rotary actuators.

6.Volumetric efficiency is the ratio of

a. theoretical flow rate to actual flow rate b. actual flow rate to theoretical flow rate
c. actual fluid power to pump input power d. none of the above
7. Which component of a hydraulic system is used to measure pressure of hydraulic oil?[ ]
a) Pressure relief valve b) Oil reservoir c) Flow control valve d) Pressure gauge

Page 27 of 73
6. Which fluid is used in hydraulic power systems? [ ]
a. water b. oil c. non-compressible fluid d. all the above

7. Which type of system does power transmission takes place through compressed air? [ ]
a) Fluid power system b) Hydraulic system c) Pneumatic system d) Stepper motors

9. What is the function of an air dryer [ ]

a) Removes dirt b) Removes moisture c) Controls the rate of flow d) Controls the pressure

10. Which part of the Pneumatic system increases the compressed air? [ ]
a) Air dryer b) Air compressor c) Air receiver tank d) Air Actuator

II. Fill in the Blanks

11. Hydraulic systems are slower in operation --------------- (true/false)

Page 28 of 73
13. ----------------------system uses kinetic energy to transmit power?(Hydrostatic/

14. Check valve is to permit free flow in ---------- direction and prevent any flow in ----

15. ---------iso symbol for flow control meter.

16. Needle valve is controls-------------- (flow / pressure/ direction)

17. Hydraulic power is especially useful when performing heavy work. ---- (true/false).

18. Water is good functional hydraulic fluid. --- ------ (true / false}

19. The weight to power ratio of hydraulic system is------ to electromechanical system
20. Graphical symbol of 3way valve----

31. The lathe with 15 cm center height would have a swing over the bed as [A]
a) 30cm
b) 15cm
c) 45 cm
d) 60 cm

32. Which operations are performed in lathe [D]

a) Undercut
b) Threading
c) Facing
d) All of These

Page 29 of 73
33. Lathe bed is made of [D]
a) Wood
b) Steels
c) Plastic
d) Cast Iron

34. The movement of the cutting tool in lathe is [B]

a) Static
b) Moved
c) Not necessary
d) All of these

35. Most of the cases lathe is preferred to machining of [B]

a) Square b) Cylindrical
c) Rectangular d) Any Shape

36. In lathe the tool post is arranged in _________side [A]

a) Above b) Below
c) Right side d) Left side

37. Short work piece is hold in [A]

a) Chuckb) Tail Stock
c) Carriage
d) Lathe bed

38. Between center are used in lathe for ________Work [C]

a) Cutting
b) Shaping
c) Holding
d) All of these

39. For capstan and turret lathes turret head is used or not. [A]
a) Yes
b) No
c) May be
d) All of these

1. Steady Rest is also called [B]
a) Head stroke
b) Centre Rest
c) Chuck
d) Tool Post

2. Slotting machines are used to cut internal gear teeth for [A]
a. Batch production
b. Lot production
c. Mass production
d. None of the above

Page 30 of 73
3. The work-table can rotate in [C]
a. Shaping machine
b. Planing machine
c. Slotting machine
d. None of the above

4. Length of the stroke can be varied in [B]

a. Shaping machine
b). Planing machine
c). Slotting machine
d). All of the above

5. The table in a slotter is a [B]

a) Square Table b) Circular Table
c) Rectangular Table d) Semi – circular Table

6. Normally shaping machine is used for producing [C]

a) Threads
b) Cylindrical surfaces
c) Surfaces composed of straight line elements d) Cylindrical holes
7. In a planer [D]
a) The tool is rotated
b) The tool is reciprocated
c) The job is rotated
d) The job is reciprocated

8. Size of a shaper is given by [A]

a) stroke length
b) motor power
c)weight of machine
d)table size

9. In a mechanical shaper the lifting of the tool during idle stroke is ensured by
a) tool head [D]
b) ratchet and pow mechanism
c) ram adjustment
d)clamper box mechanism

10. If the speed of Forward Stroke in a shaper is 12 m/min, the speed of Backward Stroke
should be [C]
a) 6 or 15 m/min
b) 12 m/min
c) 8 or 18 m/min
d) 6 or 24 m/min

11. Drill bushes are made up of [D]

a) High Speed Steelb) Aluminum
c) Low carbon steelsd) High Carbon Steels, hardened and ground

Page 31 of 73
12. Drill bushes are made up of [B]
a) High Speed Steel
b) Aluminum
c) Low carbon steels
d) High Carbon Steels, hardened and ground

13. Drill chucks are used for holding [B]

a) Taper shank drills
b) Straight shank drills
c) Hexagonal shank drills
d) Square shank drills

14. In reaming process [C]

a) Metal removal rate is high
b) position of drilled hole is corrected
c) high form accuracy is obtained
d) high dimensional accuracy is obtained

1. In a milling operation, two side milling cutters are mounted with a desired distance
between them so that both sides of a wok piece can be milled simultaneously. This set up is
called [B]
(a) Gang milling
(b) straddle milling
(c) Side milling
(d) slab milling

2. A milling cutter having 8teeth is rotating at 150 rpm. If feed per tooth is 0.1mm,the value
of the table speed in mm/minis [A]
(a) 120
(b) 187
(c) 125
(d) 70

3. Indexing is applied to ______________ machines [A]

(a) milling (c) lapping
(b) grinding (d) honing

4. The angle included between the land and the face of the tooth of a milling cutter is called
a) Lip Angle b) Rake Angle c) Cutting Angle d) Chisel Edge Angle [A ]

5. Standard taper generally used on milling machine is [B]

a) Morse
b) Brown and Sharpe
c) Chapman
d) Seller's

Page 32 of 73
6. In a milling cutter, the angle between the land of a tooth and the tangent to the outside
diameter Of the cutter at the cutting edge of the tooth is called [C]
a) Lip Angle c) Relief Angle
b) Rake Angle d) Chisel Edge Angle

7. The arbor of the milling machine is used to hold [A]

a) Cutting tool
b) Spindle
c) Over arm
d) Mandrel

8. Feed rate in milling operation is expressed as [A]

a) mm/tooth
b) mm/rpm of the milling cutter
c) meters/minute
d) Revolution per minute.

9. Very thin chips with end mills [A]

a) Dull the cutting edge quickly
b) Improve tool life
c) Sharpen the cutting edge d) Cause chipping of the cutting
10. The angle included between the land and the face of the tooth of a milling
cutter is called …….. [B]
a)Rake angle
b) Lip Angle
c)Cutting angle
d)Nose angle

11. The surface finish obtained in broaching operation is of the order of [B]
(a) 8 micron
(b)0.8 micron
(c) 0.08 micron
(d) 0.008 micron

12. The maximum depth of cut which the tooth of a broach cuts is [B]
(a) I mm (b) 0.15 nim (c) 0.01 mm (d) 0.5 mm

13. A broach has (a) roughing teeth, semifinishing teeth and finishing teeth [A]
(b) roughing teeth and finishing teeth
(c) only finishing teeth
(d)Non of above

14. The pitch for teeth of internal brooches is given by the relation: [B]
(a) 0.35 times length of cut in mm.
(b) 1.25 to 1.5 times length of cut in mm
(c) 4 times length of cut in mm
(d) None of the above
15. For proper broaching. at least the following number of teeth should be in the work at a
time [C]

Page 33 of 73
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 0
16. Choose the wrong statement: In broaching [B]
(a) the job is completed in one stroke of the machine
(b) the tooling WU is low
(c) the rate of production is high
(d)Non of above
17. The finishing teeth of a broaching tool are provided with [B]
(a) large amount of land
(b) smaller amount of land
(c) no land
(d)Non of above

18. The range of hardness of the material which can be broached is [B]
(a) 10 to 20 Rockwell C
(b) 25 to 40 Rockwell C
(c) 60 to 80 Rockwell C
(d)Non of above
19. Broaching is primarily done for [C]
(a) better finish
(b) cylindrical jobs
(c) mass production
(d) hard materials

20. The broaching operation in which the tool moves past the stationary work is
(a) pushbroaching [D]
(b) pull broaching
(c) continuous broaching
(d) surface broaching

21. In a milling operation, two side milling cutters are mounted with a desired distance
between them so that both sides of a wok piece can be milled simultaneously. This set up is
(a) Gang milling [B]
(b) straddle milling
(c) Side milling
(d) slab milling

22. A milling cutter having 8teeth is rotating at 150 rpm. If feed per tooth is 0.1mm,the value
of the table speed in mm/minis [A]
(a) 120
(b) 187
(c) 125
(d) 70

23. Indexing is applied to ______________ machines [A]

(a) milling

Page 34 of 73
(b) grinding
(c) lapping
(d) honing

24. The angle included between the land and the face of the tooth of a milling cutter is called
a) Lip Angle [A]
b) Rake Angle
c) Cutting Angle
d) Chisel Edge Angle

25. Standard taper generally used on milling machine is [B]

a) Morse
b) Brown and Sharpe
c) Chapman
d) Seller's
26. In a milling cutter, the angle between the land of a tooth and the tangent to the outside
diameter of the cutter at the cutting edge of the tooth is called [C]
a) Lip Angle
b) Rake Angle
c) Relief Angle
d) Chisel Edge Angle
27. The arbor of the milling machine is used to hold [A]
a) Cutting tool
b) Spindle
c) Over arm
d) Mandrel

28. Feed rate in milling operation is expressed as [A]

a) mm/tooth
b) mm/rpm of the milling cutter
c) meters/minute
d) Revolution per minute.

29. Very thin chips with end mills [A]

a) Dull the cutting edge quickly
b) Improve tool life
c) Sharpen the cutting edge
d) Cause chipping of the cutting

30. The angle included between the land and the face of the tooth of a milling
cutter is called …….. [B]
a)Rake angle
b) Lip Angle
c)Cutting angle
d)Nose angle

31. The surface finish obtained in broaching operation is of the order of [B]
(a) 8 micron
(b)0.8 micron
(c) 0.08 micron

Page 35 of 73
(d) 0.008 micron

32. The maximum depth of cut which the tooth of a broach cuts is [B]
(a) I mm
(b) 0.15 nim
(c) 0.01 mm
(d) 0.5 mm

33. A broach has

(a) roughing teeth, semifinishing teeth and finishing teeth [A]
(b) roughing teeth and finishing teeth
(c) only finishing teeth
(d)Non of above

34. The pitch for teeth of internal brooches is given by the relation: [B]
(a) 0.35 times length of cut in mm.
(b) 1.25 to 1.5 times length of cut in mm
(c) 4 times length of cut in mm
(d) None of the above

35. For proper broaching. at least the following number of teeth should be in the work at a
(a) 1 [C]
(b) 2
(c) 3

36. Choose the wrong statement: In broaching [B]

(a) the job is completed in one stroke of the machine
(b) the tooling WU is low
(c) the rate of production is high
(d)Non of above

37. The finishing teeth of a broaching tool are provided with [B]
(a) large amount of land
(b) smaller amount of land
(c) no land
(d)Non of above

38. The range of hardness of the material which can be broached is [B]
(a) 10 to 20 Rockwell C
(b) 25 to 40 Rockwell C
(c) 60 to 80 Rockwell C
(d)Non of above

39. Broaching is primarily done for [C]

(a) better finish
(b) cylindrical jobs
(c) mass production
(d) hard materials

Page 36 of 73
40. The broaching operation in which the tool moves past the stationary work is [D]
(a) push broaching
(b) pull broaching
(c) continuous broaching
(d) surface broaching


1. Allowance in limits and fits refers to. [B]

a) Axiom clearance between shaft and hole
b) Minimum clearance between shaft and hole
c)Difference between maximum and minimum size of hole
d) Difference between maximum and minimum size of shaft

2. The fit on a hole shaft system is specified as 117-s6. The type of fit is [C ]
a) Clearance fit b) Transition fit c) Interference fit d) Wringing fit

3. The lower limit of shaft is greater than the upper limit of the hole, the fit is. [C]
a) Clearance fit b) Transition fit c) Interference fit d) Wringing fit
4. In the specification of dimensions and fits [C]
a) Allowance is equal to the bilateral tolerance b) Allowance is equal to the unilateral
tolerance c) Allowance is independent of tolerance d) Allowance is equal to
the difference between Maximum and Minimum dimension specified by the tolerance.

5. When the clearance between the mating parts are zero, the fit is. [A]
a) Slide fit b) Easy Slide fit c) Running fit d) Loose running fit

6. When tolerance is varies only one side of the basic size is called [B]
a) Bilateral tolerance b) Unilateral tolerance c) Allowance d) Clearance

7. Prototype meter is made of [B]

a) Aluminum b) Platinum and Iridium alloy c) Titanium d) Steel

8. In tail stock which type of fit is used [A]

a) Slide fit b) Easy Slide fit c) Running fit d) Loose Running fit

9. What is defined as permissible variation in dimension of a part [C]

a) Allowance b) Clearance c) Tolerance d) Limit

10. The lower limit of shaft is greater than the upper limit of the hole, the fit is. [C]
a) Clearance fit b) Transition fit c) Interference fit d) Wringing fit

11. International prototype meter is [A]

(a)100cm long (b)102cm long
(c) 38 inches long (d)1cm long

12. Metrology is a science [B]

(a) Instruments (b)measurement
(c) Length (d)angles

Page 37 of 73
13. The algebraic difference between the result of measurement and true value of
The Quantity [B]
(a) Limit (b) tolerance
(c) Error (d) clearance

14. Degree of repeatability of the measuring process [C]

(a)accuracy (b)limit
(c) Precession (d) magnification

15. Following are process of measurement [D]

(a)measurand (b)reference
(c) comparator (d)all the above

16. the standard size for the part and is the same for both the hole and its shaft. [B]
(a)Nominal Size (b)Basic Size
(c)Actual Size (d)all the above
17. Differential screw micro meter is used [A]
(a). To give direct indication of difference between two reading (b). For digital readout
(c). To measure gap between grooves (d). For very high degree of accuracy
18.Which of the following can be used to scribe lines parallel to the edges of a part [ C ]
(a). Venire calipers (b). Screw gauge (c). Divider (d). Hermaphrodite caliper
19. The permissible variation in dimension is called as [B]
(a)tolerance (b)limit (c)fit (d)all the above

20.for shaft the relationship of deviation with tolerance is given by IT= [A ]

(a)es-ei (b)ES-EI (c)HL-LL (d)es+ei

21. If a gauge is made as an exact copy of mating part of the component to be

checked, it [B]
a) Limit gauge b) Standard gauge c)Work shop gauge d) Inspection gauge

22. When using a micrometer a constant measuring pressure can be obtained by using the[ B]
a) Thimble b) Ratchet c) Spindle d)Roughness

23. Feeler gauge is used for [B]

a) Clearance in hole b) Clearance between two mating parts c)Clearance in shaft d) none

24. Slip gauges are called [C]

a) Angle gauges b) feeler gauge c) Gauge blocks d) All the above

25. Relief holes are provided to reduce the _______ of the sine bar. [A]
a) Weight b) Length c) Diameter d) Size

26. Telescopic gauge are used for [B]

a) External diameter of hole, slot and grooves b) Internal diameter of hole , slot and grooves
c) Both A and B d) Any one of the Above

27. A sine bar is specified by [B]

(a). Its total length (b). The centre distance between the two rollers

Page 38 of 73
(c). The size of the rollers (d). The distance between rollers and upper surface

28. The allowance recommended by B.S.I for wear on solid ring and plug gauge is [B ]
a) 0.1mm b) 0.005mm
c) 0.5mm d) 0.05mm

29. Ring gauges are used for [D]

a) Measuring any dimension b) Checking shaft diameter
c) Checking bore diameter d) Measuring outside dimension

30.Which of the following can be used to scribe lines parallel to the edges of a part [C ]
a) Vernier callipers b) Screw gauge c) Divider d) Hermaphrodite caliper

31.Dial Indicators are used for [A]

(a)Thickness Measurement (b) Height Measurement
(c)Depth Measuremnt (d)Diameter Measurement

32. GO gauge checks the Maximum Material Condition (MMC)

33. NOT-GO gauge checks the Least Material Condition (LMC)

34. In unilateral system; the gauge tolerance zones lie entirely within the [C]
(a) Maximum Material Condition (b)Minimum Material Condition
(c)Tolerance Zone ( d) All of the above

35. Limit Gauges Do not indicate the actual size of the component
36.The following type is not a gauge [D]
(a)Ring (b)Snap (c)Plug (d)Scale

37.Snap gauges are used for [A]

(a)External dimensions (b)Internal dimensions (c)Threads (d)Taper angle

38.A positional gauge is to check the ------------------------ [C]

(a)location (b)height (c)distance (d)length

39.bevel protractor is used to measure the [A]

(a)angle (b)straightness (c)flatness (d)parallelism

40.Spirit levels are used to [D]

(a)check the level (b)check the thread (c)check the height (d)check the depth

41. Auto collimator is used to check [C]

a)Roughness b) Flatness c) Angle d) Automobile balance

42. A monochromatic light consists of rays of 5.9x10.7m wavelength.

42. Optical flats are cylindrical in form with the working with [A]
(a)Surfaces Flat (b)Rough Surfaces (C) Smooth surfaces (d)all of the above

43. If the optical flat under test has a perfectly flat surface then the fringes observed will be
straight lines are [B]

Page 39 of 73
(a)Perpendicular to each other (b)Parallel to each other
(c) Interfere with each other (d) All of the above

44. This is the oldest type of interferometer [A]

(a) Michelson Interferometer (b) N.P.L. Flatness Interferometer
(c) Laser Interferometers (d)TalysurfInterfero meter

45. As the ACLI measures component travel in the direction of laser beam, and if two are
not coincident, then error called -----------will be introduced [A]
(a) Cosine error (b)Sine error (c)Parralax error (d)error

46. These are used to deflect the light beam around corners on its path from the laser to
each axis. [B]
(a)Beam Reflectors (b)Beam Benders (c)Beam Splitters (d)Interferometer

47. These are used for checking the straightness and flatness of parts in conjunction with
the surface plates and spirit levels [C]
(a) Tool Maker’s Microscope (b)Angle Plate (c) V Block (d)optical flat

1. The surface irregularities of small wave length are called [A]
a) Primary texture b) Secondary texture c) Waviness d) Roughness

2. Secondary texture is also known as Surface waviness

3. Profilometer is measuring for Surface roughness in microns units
4.Surface Roughness value is 1.6 to 8μm then symbol for this ▼▼
5. The roughness is also known as [A]
(a) primary texture (b) secondary texture (c) both A & B (d) none of the above

6. Surface texture includes. [C]

(a) roughness (b) waviness
(c) roughness and waviness (d) none of the above

7. The symbol Ra 8.0(2.5) means surface roughness.

8. The waviness is also called as. [B]
primary texture (b) secondary texture (c) both A & B (d) none of the above

9. Surface irregularities which occur at infrequent intervals is called Flaw.

10. Profile is defined as the contour of any section through a surface.

11.Lay refers to the predominant direction of the marks visible on the surface.
12.Tomlinson surface meter is a mechanical type equipment
13.Moving coil instrument is mounted above the -------------- [ A ]
(a)Stylus (b)coil (c) magnet (d)table

14. Surface flatness is measured by ---------------------- [ C ]

(a) Micrometer (b) feeler gauge (c) optical flat (d)dial indicator

15.the surface roughness/texture may be obtained by------------------ [ A ]

Page 40 of 73
(a)any production method (b)without removal of material
(c) removal of material by machining (d)by any method

16.for the roughness grade number three, roughness grade symbol consists of -------[ D ]
(a)four triangles (b)two triangles
(c) Three triangles (d)no triangle

17The roughness value for grade N2 is four.

18.The roughness grade for 50m is 0.05microns

19. Roughness value Ra is given by microns units

20. M-System is a satisfactory means at the point of production

21. The usual range of magnification obtained in mechanical comparators is [A]

a) 250 to 1000 b) 200 to 2000 c) 300 to 1000 d) 350 to 2000

22.-------------------------- comparators are based on the principle of frequency modulation.[ C]

a) Mechanical b) Electrical c) Electronic d) Pneumatic

23. The comparator is providing magnification in the range of 500 to 1000, then the
comparator is called as [D ]
a) Optical b) Pneumatic c) Differential comparator d) Sigma

24. The Johansson mikrokator comparator is also called- Twisted strip

25.The pneumatic gauging is based on Bernoulli’s theory.
26.Optical type of comparator do not require any external agency such as electricity or
27.Electrical and Electronic comparators depend on their operation on A.C. wheat stone
bridge incorporating galvanometer.
28. If the pitch of the thread is uniform but is longer or shorter than that of its nominal
value the error is called [B]
a) Periodic error b) Progressive error c) Drunken error d) Erratic errors

29. In order to measure that all the measurements are made at the same pressure, an -------
indicator is used in measurement of major diameter. [C]
a) Dial indicator b) Micrometer indicator c) Fiducial indicator d) Comparator

30.Errors in the flank angle causes a virtual increase in the -------------------- diameter of
a bolt and a decrease in that of a nut .[D]
a) Major Diameter b) Minor diameter c) Virtual diameter d) Effective diameter

31.Diameter of Best size wire is equal to (db) = (p/2) sec x

32.Three wire method can be used to measure Pitch

33.Flank angle is equal to 1-2 times the thread angle.

Page 41 of 73
34.Pitch errors in the thread are classified as root, flank, flank angle,1/2 angle.

35.Thread micrometer can measure pitch of the thread.

36.The angle of ISO metric thread is 600

37.If P is the pitch of the thread the best size wire is equal to pitch dia.

Question Bank -Short Questions

1. A) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
2. B) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. motor
3. Explain with sketch of direction control check valve , 4way spool valve ,shuttle valve
4. Explain the pressure relief valve ,pressure reducing valve
5. Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
6. Why compounding is necessary in steam turbines? Explain types & explain one of
them with sketch?
7. In a parson reaction turbine ,the angles of receiving tips are 35deg and discharging
tips 20 deg the blade speed is100m/s, calculate the tangential force ,power developed
,diagram efficiency, and axial thrust of the turbine, if its steam consumption is
8. 3. Explain the concept of thermal refinement in gas turbine?
9. 4. A Jet plane having 2jets works on turbo –jet system, it flies at speed of 800km/hr at
an altitude where density of air 0.15kg/m3, the propulsive efficiency is 55%.The drag
on the plane is 6500N.
10. Calculate (a) Absolute velocity of jet (b) quantity of compressed air (c) diameter of jet

11. A) Prove it Intensifier is used to achieve high pressure in hydraulic system explain
with near sketch?
12. B) Explain with sketch how you are control the speed in hydraulic systems by meter-
in &meter out
Page 42 of 73
13. Explain with sketch (a)time dependent (b)pressure dependent in pneumatic circuits
14. Explain how is useful to pneumatic circuit 1)FRL unit, 2)will-dependent control
15. Write the types of accumulators ,explain one of them

16. .A) write the losses in hydraulic systems?

17. B) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
18. C) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. Motor
19. 2. A) write the types of hydraulic motors?
20. B) Explain with sketch of direction control check valve, 4way spool valve, shuttle
21. C) Explain the valve lap
22. 3. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve with sketch
23. B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on spool valve?
24. 4. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them with sketch?
25. B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
26. 5.A)explain the series and parallel pressure compensation flow control valves?
27. B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?
28. A) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
29. B) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. motor
30. Explain with sketch of direction control check valve , 4way spool valve ,shuttle valve
31. Explain the pressure relief valve ,pressure reducing valve
32. Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
33. Why compounding is necessary in steam turbines? Explain types & explain one of
them with sketch?
34. In a parson reaction turbine ,the angles of receiving tips are 35deg and discharging
tips 20 deg the blade speed is100m/s, calculate the tangential force ,power developed
,diagram efficiency, and axial thrust of the turbine, if its steam consumption is
35. 3. Explain the concept of thermal refinement in gas turbine?
36. 4. A Jet plane having 2jets works on turbo –jet system, it flies at speed of 800km/hr at
an altitude where density of air 0.15kg/m3, the propulsive efficiency is 55%.The drag
on the plane is 6500N.
37. Calculate (a) Absolute velocity of jet (b) quantity of compressed air (c) diameter of jet
Page 43 of 73
38. A) Prove it Intensifier is used to achieve high pressure in hydraulic system explain
with near sketch?
39. B) Explain with sketch how you are control the speed in hydraulic systems by meter-
in &meter out
40. Explain with sketch (a)time dependent (b)pressure dependent in pneumatic circuits
41. Explain how is useful to pneumatic circuit 1)FRL unit, 2)will-dependent control
42. Write the types of accumulators ,explain one of them
43. .A) write the losses in hydraulic systems?
44. B) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
45. C) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. Motor
46. 2. A) write the types of hydraulic motors?
47. B) Explain with sketch of direction control check valve, 4way spool valve, shuttle
48. C) Explain the valve lap
49. 3. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve with sketch
50. B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on spool valve?
51. 4. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them with sketch?
52. B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
53. 5.A)explain the series and parallel pressure compensation flow control valves?
54. B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?
55. A) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
56. B) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. motor
57. Explain with sketch of direction control check valve , 4way spool valve ,shuttle valve
58. Explain the pressure relief valve ,pressure reducing valve
59. Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
60. Why compounding is necessary in steam turbines? Explain types & explain one of
them with sketch?
61. In a parson reaction turbine ,the angles of receiving tips are 35deg and discharging
tips 20 deg the blade speed is100m/s, calculate the tangential force ,power developed
,diagram efficiency, and axial thrust of the turbine, if its steam consumption is
62. 3. Explain the concept of thermal refinement in gas turbine?

Page 44 of 73
63. 4. A Jet plane having 2jets works on turbo –jet system, it flies at speed of 800km/hr at
an altitude where density of air 0.15kg/m3, the propulsive efficiency is 55%.The drag
on the plane is 6500N.
64. Calculate (a) Absolute velocity of jet (b) quantity of compressed air (c) diameter of jet

65. A) Prove it Intensifier is used to achieve high pressure in hydraulic system explain
with near sketch?
66. B) Explain with sketch how you are control the speed in hydraulic systems by meter-
in &meter out
67. Explain with sketch (a)time dependent (b)pressure dependent in pneumatic circuits
68. Explain how is useful to pneumatic circuit 1)FRL unit, 2)will-dependent control
69. Write the types of accumulators ,explain one of them
A) write the losses in hydraulic systems?
B) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
C) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. Motor
70. 2. A) write the types of hydraulic motors?
71. B) Explain with sketch of direction control check valve, 4way spool valve, shuttle
72. C) Explain the valve lap
73. 3. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve with sketch
74. B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on spool valve?
75. 4. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them with sketch?
76. B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
77. 5.A)explain the series and parallel pressure compensation flow control valves?
78. B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?
79. A) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
80. B) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. motor
81. Explain with sketch of direction control check valve , 4way spool valve ,shuttle valve
82. Explain the pressure relief valve ,pressure reducing valve
83. Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
84. Why compounding is necessary in steam turbines? Explain types & explain one of
them with sketch?
85. In a parson reaction turbine ,the angles of receiving tips are 35deg and discharging
tips 20 deg the blade speed is100m/s, calculate the tangential force ,power developed
Page 45 of 73
,diagram efficiency, and axial thrust of the turbine, if its steam consumption is
86. 3. Explain the concept of thermal refinement in gas turbine?
87. 4. A Jet plane having 2jets works on turbo –jet system, it flies at speed of 800km/hr at
an altitude where density of air 0.15kg/m3, the propulsive efficiency is 55%.The drag
on the plane is 6500N.
88. Calculate (a) Absolute velocity of jet (b) quantity of compressed air (c) diameter of jet

89. A) Prove it Intensifier is used to achieve high pressure in hydraulic system explain
with near sketch?
90. B) Explain with sketch how you are control the speed in hydraulic systems by meter-
in &meter out
91. Explain with sketch (a)time dependent (b)pressure dependent in pneumatic circuits
92. Explain how is useful to pneumatic circuit 1)FRL unit, 2)will-dependent control
93. Write the types of accumulators ,explain one of them
A) write the losses in hydraulic systems?
B) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.
C) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. Motor
94. 2. A) write the types of hydraulic motors?
95. B) Explain with sketch of direction control check valve, 4way spool valve, shuttle
96. C) Explain the valve lap
97. 3. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve with sketch
98. B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on spool valve?
99. 4. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them with sketch?
100. B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.
101. 5.A)explain the series and parallel pressure compensation flow control valves?
102. B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?

Page 46 of 73
Bloom’s Taxonomy
I. Remember
o Recognizing
o Recalling
II. Understand
o Interpreting
o Exemplifying
o Classifying
o Summarizing
o Inferring
o Comparing
o Explaining
III. Apply
o Executing
o Implementing
IV. Analyze
o Differentiating
o Organizing
o Attributing
V. Evaluate
o Checking
o Critiquing
VI. Create
o Generating
o Planning
o Producing

Page 47 of 73
7. Assignments
a). MID – I
b). MID - II

Page 48 of 73
Submission date is 08/11/2022

1.A) write the losses in hydraulic systems?

B) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.

C) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. Motor

2. A) write the types of hydraulic motors?

B) Explain with sketch of direction control check valve, 4way spool valve, shuttle


C) Explain the valve lap

3. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve with sketch

B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on spool valve?

4. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them with sketch?

B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.

5.A)explain the series and parallel pressure compensation flow control valves?

B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?

Page 49 of 73
Submission date is 08/01/2022
1. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve with sketch

B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on spool valve?

2. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them with sketch?

B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.

3.A)explain the series and parallel pressure compensation flow control valves?

B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?

4.A) write the losses in hydraulic systems?

B) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic systems.

C) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow control valve, hyd. Motor

5. A) write the types of hydraulic motors?

B) Explain with sketch of direction control check valve, 4way spool valve, shuttle


C) Explain the valve lap

6. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve with sketch

B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on spool valve?

7. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them with sketch?

B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of them with neat diagram.

8.A)explain the series and parallel pressure compensation flow control valves?

B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?

Page 50 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


Subject: FPS
Branch: MECH
Academic Year: 2022-23 Semester: 1st
Faculty: G BALAJI
Assign Date of
Unit Date Date of entered
ment Topic Link Distributi
No Planned Submission in
No. on

I 1

II 2


IV 4

V 5

VI 6



Signature of Faculty Signature of


Page 51 of 73
8.Three Tutorial
questions per unit with

Page 52 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in

Subject: FPS
Branch: MECH
Academic Year: 2022-23 Semester: 1st
Faculty: G BALAJI
S. Date
Unit No Tutorial topic
No. conducted
1.A) write the losses in hydraulic systems?
B) Write the applications of hydraulic & pneumatic
C) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump,
flow control valve, hyd. Motor
2. A) write the types of hydraulic motors?
B) Explain with sketch of direction control check
1 I
valve, 4way spool valve, shuttle valve
C) Explain the valve lap
3. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure
reducing valve with sketch
B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on
spool valve?

1. A) Explain the pressure relief valve, pressure

reducing valve with sketch
B) Explain the flow forces and lateral forces on
spool valve?
2. A) write the Actuators types, explain the one of them
with sketch?
2 II B) Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one of
them with neat diagram.
3.A)explain the series and parallel pressure
compensation flow control valves?
B)explain the lever systems with neat sketch?
velocity 72m/min, feed be 2.5mm/stroke and clearance
on both side be 20mm.
1. A) Write the applications of hydraulic &
pneumatic systems.
3 III B) Write the ISO symbols for 4/3DC valve, pump, flow
control valve, hyd. motor
2. Explain with sketch of direction control check

Page 53 of 73
valve , 4way spool valve ,shuttle valve
3. Explain the pressure relief valve ,pressure
reducing valve
4. Write the types of hydraulic pumps, explain one
of them with neat diagram.

1. Why compounding is necessary in steam turbines?

Explain types & explain one of them with sketch?
2. In a parson reaction turbine ,the angles of
receiving tips are 35deg and discharging tips 20
deg the blade speed is100m/s, calculate the
tangential force ,power developed ,diagram
efficiency, and axial thrust of the turbine, if its
steam consumption is 1kg/min
4 IV 3. Explain the concept of thermal refinement in gas
4. A Jet plane having 2jets works on turbo –jet system,
it flies at speed of 800km/hr at an altitude where
density of air 0.15kg/m3, the propulsive efficiency is
55%.The drag on the plane is 6500N.
Calculate (a) Absolute velocity of jet (b) quantity of
compressed air (c) diameter of jet

1. 1A) Prove it Intensifier is used to achieve high

pressure in hydraulic system explain with near
B) Explain with sketch how you are control the speed
in hydraulic systems by meter-in &meter out
2. Explain with sketch (a)time dependent (b)pressure
dependent in pneumatic circuits
5 V
3. Explain how is useful to pneumatic circuit 1)FRL
unit, 2)will-dependent control
4. Write the types of accumulators ,explain one of

Page 54 of 73
9. Previous Question

Page 55 of 73
10. Student Seminar

Page 56 of 73
11. MOOCs
(Massive Open Online Courses)

Page 57 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in

Massive Open Online Courses

Sample Copy:
S.No Discipline Course Name Available website
Mechanical https://nptel.ac.in/
1 Fluid Power Systems

Page 58 of 73
12. Two Micro Projects

Page 59 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in

Micro Projects
Name of the Micro Target to
S.No Ht.No Remarks
Project Complete

Page 60 of 73
13. Mid-Term Test,
Quality and Evaluation

Page 61 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


Subject: FPS
Branch: MECH
Academic year: 2022-23 Semester: 1st
Faculty: G BALAJI

Mid Date Date of
Questions entered
term conducted distribution
in register


Quality verified by HOD: Good/Average/Poor

Signature of HOD

Page 62 of 73
14. List of Weak Students
and Remedial Action
a. Weak students as per JNTU Result
b. Weak students as per Mid-term test result
c. Remedial action

(List of weak students and remedial action to be prepared as per


Page 63 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


Subject: FPS
Branch: MECH
Academic year: 2022-23 Semester: 1st
Hall Ticket No. Name %

Note: Weak students are the students who secure less than 50% marks in
Previous JNTU External examinations

Page 64 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


Subject: FPS
Branch: MECH
Academic year: 2022-23
Faculty: G BALAJI
Mid Term Test I/II/III Semester: 1st
Hall Ticket No. Name %

Note: Weak students are the students who get <=10.0 marks out of 20.0 in Mid-term test.

Page 65 of 73
UGC- AUTONOMOUS, Accredited by NAAC - A Grade
Bogaram (V), Keesara (M), Medchal (D). 501301
www.hits.ac.in Email: principalhitscoe@hmgi.ac.in


Subject: FPS
Branch/Year: MECH/4TH
Faculty: G BALAJI
Academic Year: 2022-23 Semester: 1st

No. of students
Date Day Period Theory / Retest

Performance of Weak students in Additional make-up Test

Roll No. Name Marks obtained

Page 66 of 73
15. Materials Related to
Topics beyond the

Page 67 of 73
16. I-Mid, II-Mid Sample
Answer Scripts and also
Question Papers with

Page 68 of 73
17. Sample Assignments /
Class Tests

Page 69 of 73
18. Result Analysis

Page 70 of 73
19. Workshops / Guest
Lectures (If Any)

Page 71 of 73
20. Web References

Page 72 of 73
1. https://nptel.ac.in/
2. https://swayam.gov.in/nc_details/NPTEL

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_4anj7GpRo
4. http://wegetstuffdone.com/fluid-power-basics-hydraulics-pneumatics/
5. Skill Lync- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN363lWFoeQ

Page 73 of 73

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