SM Course File Day 2
SM Course File Day 2
SM Course File Day 2
Dundigal, Hyderabad -500 043
Program B.Tech
Semester IV CE
Theory Practical
3 1 4 - -
Civil Engineers are required to design structures like buildings, beams, dams, bridges, etc. A structural
engineer must be able to design a structure in such a way that none of its members fail during load
distribution process. For this criteria, the concept and calculations of (a) shear force diagrams and
bending moment diagram for different type of beams, (b) bending and shear stresses in beams, (c)
slope and deflection of beams using various methods are covered in depth. Substantially,this
foundational course is also intended to introduce the concepts of stress and strain due to external
loading on a structural member, and their calculations. Besides,the important calculations of principal
stresses and principal strains and its consequent theory of failures for the prediction of the strength of
the materials and the effects of strain energy in various applications of loads are also discussed.
Subsequently, the concept and calculations of (a) slope and deflection of beams using various methods
are covered in depth, (b) deflections by energy methods, (c) stresses in cylindrical shells are also
studied in detail. Eventually, through this course content engineers can design the structures for safety
and serviceability.
Level Course Code Semester Prerequisites
UG AMEB03 III Engineering mechanics
Subject SEE Examination Total Marks
STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 70 Marks 30 Marks 100
The course will be evaluated for a total of 100 marks, with 30 marks for Continuous Internal
Assessment (CIA) and 70 marks for Semester End Examination (SEE). Out of 30 marks allotted for
CIA during the semester, marks are awarded by taking average of two CIA examinations or the marks
scored in the make-up examination.
Semester End Examination (SEE): The SEE is conducted for 70 marks of 3 hours duration. The
syllabus for the theory courses is divided into FIVE units and each unit carries equal weightage in
terms of marks distribution. The question paper pattern is as follows. Two full questions with “either‟
or ‟choice” will be drawn from each unit. Each question carries 14 marks. There could be a maximum
of two sub divisions in a question.
Component Theory
Total Marks
Type of Assessment CIE Exam Quiz / AAT
CIA Marks 25 05 30
CLO CLO’s At the end of the course, the PO’s Mapped Strength of
Code student will have the ability to: Mapping
ACEB07.01 CLO 1 Calculate the stress and strain PO1,PO2,PO9,PO10,PO11 3
developed in any structural member
due to applied external load.
ACEB07.02 CLO 2 Calculate the normal and tangential PO1,PO4,PO11 2
stresses on an inclined section a bar
of under uni-axial,
biaxial, pure shear and plain stress
ACEB07.03 CLO 3 Predict the strain energy and their PO3,PO12 1
applications like sudden load,
uniform load and impact load.
ACEB07.04 CLO 4 Evaluate the principal stress and PO1,PO7,PO10 2
principal strain at a point of a
stressed member and draw the
Mohr’s circle of stresses.
ACEB07.05 CLO 5 Understand failure of a material PO3 1
using various theories of failure,
and their relative applications.
ACEB07.06 CLO 6 Differentiate the types of beam and PO1,PO2,PO9,PO10,PO11 3
the various loading and support
condition upon them.
ACEB07.07 CLO 7 Apply the formulae for beams PO1,PO2,PO4,PO11,PO12 2
under different loading condition.
ACEB07.08 CLO 8 Draw shear force diagram and PO3,PO6 1
bending moment diagram for
different type of beams.
ACEB07.09 CLO 9 Calculate the slope and deflection for PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4,PO9,PO1 3
cantilever and simply supported 0
beams under various loads.
ACEB07.10 CLO 10 Understand the different methods for PO2,PO3,PO4,PO9,PO10 2
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deflection of beams with constant
and variable moment of inertia.
ACEB07.11 CLO 11 Predict the differential equation for PO1,PO2,PO3,PO9,PO10 3
the elastic line of a beam.
ACEB07.12 CLO 12 Apply Mohr’s theorems and moment PO2,PO4,PO10 3
area methods for simple cases
including overhanging beams.
ACEB07.13 CLO 13 Derive the pure bending equation, PO6,PO7 1
and on its basis explain the
existence of normal stresses.
ACEB07.14 CLO 14 Analyze the pure bending equation PO1 1
and on its basis.
ACEB07.15 CLO 15 Explain the existence of shear PO1 1
stresses in the different layers of
the beam.
ACEB07.16 CLO 16 Evaluate the section modulus for PO1 1
various beam cross-sections.
ACEB07.17 CLO 17 Explain the importance of section PO6,PO11 2
modulus for various beam cross-
ACEB07.18 CLO 18 Derive the torsion equations and pure PO1 1
ACEB07.19 CLO 19 Explain the design procedures of shafts PO2 1
and their theories of failure
ACEB07.20 CLO 20 Understand the types of springs and PO1 1
explain their different conditions.
ACEB07.21 CLO 21 Analyze the close and open coiled PO1 1
helical springs under various
ACEB07.22 CLO 22 Understand the concept of thin PO1,PO3,PO9,PO10 3
seamless cylindrical shells
ACEB07.23 CLO 23 Derive the formula for PO1,PO3,PO9,PO10 3
longitudinal and circumferential
stresses, hoop, longitudinal and
volumetric strains.
ACEB07.24 CLO 24 Analyze Lames theory for thick PO1,PO3,PO4,PO9,PO10 3
ACEB07.25 CLO 25 Derive the derivation of lames PO1,PO3,PO9 2
formulae and distribution of hoop
and radial stresses across thickness
ACEB07.26 CLO 26 Evaluate thick cylinders and PO1,PO2,PO4,PO9,PO10 3
compound cylinders for necessary
difference of radii under
shrinkage and thick spherical shells.
CLO 2 3 2 2 3 2
CLO 3 2 1 2 1
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CLO 4 3 2 2 3
1 3
CLO 6 3 3 3 2 2
CLO 7 3 2 2 2 2
CLO 8 2 2
3 3 3 2 2 2
3 3 2 2 2
CLO 10
3 3 3 2 2
CLO 11
3 2 2
CLO 12
2 2 2 2 2
CLO 13
CLO 14 2 1
CLO 15
CLO 16 2 1
CLO 17 2 2 1
1 1
CLO 18
CLO 19 2 1
CLO 20 2 1 1
1 1
CLO 21
3 3 2 2 3 2
CLO 22
3 3 2 2 3
CLO 23
3 3 2 2 1 3 2
CLO 24
3 3 2 3
CLO 25
3 3 2 2 1 3 2
CLO 26
3 = High; 2 = Medium; 1 = Low
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✘ Assessment of Mini Projects by Experts
Concept of stress and strain, St.Venant’s principle, stress and strain diagram, Elasticity and plasticity, types of stresses and
strains, Hooke’s law stress – strain diagram for mild steel working stress, factor of safety, Lateral strain, Poisson’s ratio
and volumetric strain – Elastic moduli and the relationship between them; Bars of varying section, composite bars,
temperature stresses. Strain Energy – Resilience, Gradual, sudden, impact and shock loadings, simple applications, two
dimensional system, stress at a point on a plane, principal stresses and principal planes, Mohr circle of stress, ellipse of
stress and their applications. Two dimensional stress-strain system, principal strains and principal axis of strain, circle of
strain and ellipse of strain. Relationship between elastic constants.
Bending Moment (BM) and Shear Force (SF) diagrams. BM and SF diagrams for cantilevers simply supported and fixed
beams with or without overhangs. Calculation of maximum BM and SF and the point of contra flexure under concentrated
loads, uniformly distributed loads over the whole span or part of span, combination of concentrated loads (two or three)
and uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varying loads, application of moments. Relationship between moment, slope
and deflection, Moment area method, Macaulay’s method. Use of these methods to calculate slope and deflection for
determinant beams.
Derivation of bending equation, Neutral axis, determination of bending stresses, section modulus of rectangular and
circular sections (Solid and Hollow), I, T, Angle and Channel sections, Design of simple beam sections.
Shear stress distribution across various beam sections like rectangular, circular, triangular, I, T angle sections.
Derivation of torsion equation and its assumptions. Applications of the equation of the hollow and solid circular shafts,
torsional rigidity, Combined torsion and bending of circular shafts, principal stress and maximum shear stresses under
combined loading of bending and torsion. Analysis of close-coiled-helical springs.
Derivation of formulae and calculations of hoop stress, longitudinal stress in a cylinder, and sphere subjected to internal
Text Books:
1. Timoshenko, S. and Young, D. H., “Elements of Strength of Materials”, DVNC, New York, USA.
2. Kazmi, S. M. A., “Solid Mechanics” TMH, Delhi, India.
3. Hibbeler, R. C. Mechanics of Materials. 6th ed. East Rutherford, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
4. Crandall, S. H., N. C. Dahl, and T. J. Lardner. An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids. 2nd ed. New York, NY:
McGraw Hill, 1979.
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Materials - Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russel Johnson Jr., John T. DEwolf – TMH 2002.
2. Strength of Materials by R. Subramanian, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Web References:
1. prof.html
E-Text Books:
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supported beams subjected to various
30-31 Apply Mohr’s theorems and moment Mohr‘s theorems, moment area T1: 12.8-12.11
area methods for simple cases method, application to simple cases
including overhanging beams. including overhanging beams.
32-33 Explain the concept of simple UNIT -III T1: 10.1-5
bending with assumptions and derive FLEXURAL STRESSES: Theory of
the bending equation simple bending – Assumptions –
Derivation of bending equation: M/I
= f/y = E/R
34-35 Define neutral axis and determine the Neutral axis – Determination of T1: 10.5-7
bending stresses for various bending stresses
36-37 Derive the section modulus for Section modulus of rectangular and T1: 10.7
rectangular, circular, I, T sections and circular sections (Solid and Hollow),
solved problems I,T, Angle and Channel sections
38-39 Solve problems for design of simple Design of simple beam sections T1: 10.7
40-43 Derive the formula for shear stress SHEAR STRESSES: Derivation of T1: 11.1-7
and evaluate the shear stress formula – Shear stress distribution
distribution across various beam across various beam sections like
sections like rectangular, circular, rectangular, circular, triangular, I, T
triangular, I, T angle sections angle sections
44 Derive the formula for shear stress SHEAR STRESSES: Derivation of T1: 11.4-7
and evaluate the shear stress formula – Shear stress distribution
distribution across various beam across various beam sections like
sections like triangular, I, T angle triangular, I, T angle sections
45-47 Explain theory of pure torsion and UNIT-IV T4: 2.1 -2.2
assumptions made in pure torsion Torsion of circular shafts:
Introduction, Explain theory of pure
torsion and assumptions made in
pure torsion
48-51 Define torsional moment of Define torsional moment of T4: 2.3 -2.6
resistance and polar section modulus. resistance and polar section modulus.
Derive power transmitted by shafts Derive power transmitted by shafts
and its efficiency
52-53 Explain combined bending and Derive expression for strain energy T4: 2.7 - 2.9
torsion and end thrust stored in a body due to torsion
54-55 Design of shafts according to theory Strength of shaft for varying T4: 3.1 -3.6
of failures sections, composite shafts and
56-58 Explain types of springs- Derive Springs: Introduction, types of T4: 3.8 -3.10
springs connected in series and springs. Derive expressions for
parallel stiffness and efficiency for springs
connected in series and parallel and
59-60 Derive deflection of closed and open Derive the expressions for maximum T4: 4.1 - 4.6
coiled helical springs under axial shear stress induced in wire,
pull and axial couple expression for deflection of spring,
expression for stiffness of springs
61-62 Define leaf springs Brief explanation on leaf springs T4: 4.6
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cylinders, derivation of lames formulae,
70-71 Derive the derivation of lames Distribution of hoop and radial T1: 17.9
formulae and distribution of hoop and stresses across thickness,
radial stresses across thickness
72-75 Evaluate thick cylinders and Design of thick cylinders, compound T1: 17.10-12
compound cylinders for necessary cylinders, necessary difference of
difference of radii under shrinkage and radii for shrinkage, thick spherical
thick spherical shells. Shells
Prepared by
J. Cici Jennifer Raj
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