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Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020



Rania B. Younes and 1Abdullah A. Diabat*
1Department of Geology, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Al al-Bayt University, Jordan
*E-mail: adiabat@aabu.edu.jo

Received: 23 August 2019; accepted: 18 March 2020

The study area is located in the northwestern highlands of Jordan. It is located few
kilometers to the west of Irbid city and about 10 kilometers east of Jordan Valley. The aim
of the study is to analyze the folds system and the related mesostructural elements. The
outcropping rocks in the study area are of Late-Cretaceous age, the measured structural
elements were taken from outcrop hills, road cuts and quarries. The main structural
elements in the study area are folds and fractures (faults and joints). Folds are mainly
anticlines, which characterized by gently dipping strata (5º–20º), and gently plunging hinge
lines (3º–18º). Hinge lines of minor folds are mainly plunging toward SW and WSW, some
folds are plunging either toward NNW, SSE, NNE, NE and SSW. The interlimb angles of
the folds range between 136º–165º, so they are classified as gentle folds. About 2800
fracture measurements were taken from nine stations of the study area. The major trend of
the fractures is NW-SE, in addition to minor trends in NNW-SSE, WNW-ESE and NE-SW.
It is observed that the main trend of the fractures is normal to the hinge lines of the folds in
stations 3,5 and 8, in which they parallel to the NW-SE compression direction of the Dead
Sea stress system. In station -6 the main trend of the fractures is subparallel to the fold
axis. Station-6 shows an over thrust fault (NNE-SSW) sub-parallel to the fold axis (NNW-
SSE) in which both are resulted from ESE–WNW compression of the SAS. In stations 1
and 4, the main trend of the fractures is neither parallel nor perpendicular to the fold axes,
this indicates that the fractures are post-formational structures i.e. formed in later stages of
the formation of the folds. Some folds were truncated by major faults which indicate that
the folding phase was followed by faulting phase. The study area has been affected by both
stress fields in the region, these are the SAS since the Turonian to Oligocene, and the Dead
Sea stress since Middle Miocene to Recent.
Keywords: Folds; Faults; Mesostructures; Paleostress; Jordan

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

The structural pattern of Jordan was affected by the opening of the Red Sea and the Gulf of
Aden, and the left movement along the Dead Sea transform fault (Fig.1). The regional
tectonics of the continental part of Arabian Plate (including Jordan) has been studied
throughout macrostructures by many authors, but few analyses of the regional tectonics based
on mesostructures (Diabat et al., 2004; Diabat, 2015). The Fold structures in Jordan were
explained by many researchers. Examples of structures related to the Syrian Arc Fold Belt
(SAF) are Ajlun Dome, Koura Basin, Amman- Hallabat structure (Abed, 2000), fold
structures found in Jordan between the Jordan Valley and the basalt Plateau (Atallah and
Mikbel, 1992); they are the Halawa-Al Husun, Ibbin-Hausha and Bal'ama-Al Mafraq fold
belts (Fig. 2), and also in south Jordan. The major trend of these fold axes is NE to ENE.
These folds were formed by SE and SSE compressive stresses, due to the northward
movement of the Arabian plate. In northern Jordan, the area east of the Jordan Valley was
studied by Mikbel and Zacher (1981&1986). Through the fieldwork, they explained many
compressional fold belts formed as a result of SE-NW compressional stresses acting since the
late Cretaceous. Fold are also found in southern Jordan; Petra – Shaubak and Diylagha- Ail
structures are two examples of them (Abu Taimeh, 1988; Atallah, 1992) (Fig. 2).
Mesostructures are considered to be accurate indicators of the paleostress and strain
orientation (Angelier,1979,1989; Delvaux et al.,1995). Eyal and Reches (1983) presented a
study based on mesostructural analysis and found two major stress systems in the Levant area,
they are the Syrian Arc Stress System (SAS), trending ESE and responsible for the formation
of the Syrian Arc Fold Belt (SAF). The second system is the Dead Sea Stress System (DSS)
trending SSE and responsible for the horizontal displacement along the Dead Sea Transform.
The study area is located in the northwestern highlands of Jordan according to Bender (1974).
It is located few kilometers to the west of Irbid city and few kilometers east of Jordan valley.
It includes Zahar, Kufr Yuba, Bayt Yafa, Dayr Yousef and Samue towns, where Late
Cretaceous rocks are well exposed in many quarries and outcrop hills. The study area covers
about 70km2 which is bounded by the coordinates: 32o 30'00" – 32 o 35' 00" N and 35 o 45' 00"
– 35 o 50'00" E (Fig. 3). In general, the area is hilly and cut by many Wadis and their
tributaries. A digital elevation map of the study area is produced (Fig. 3). The map shows the
elevation of the study area ranges from 300 m above sea level (a.s.l.) in the northwestern parts
to 750 m (a.s.l) in the southern parts. The aims of this study are to analyze the fold systems
and the related mesostructural elements (e.g., faults, joints), in addition, to deduce the stress
fields in the study area.

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Fig. 1. The structural pattern of Jordan showing the study area

(after Diabat and Masri, 2005)

Fig. 2: Fold belts in Jordan (Modified after Atallah, 1992)

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Fig. 3. Location and elevation maps of the study area with the locations of station

The major rock outcrops in the study area are of Late Cretaceous. Ajlun and Belqa Groups
cover the study area. Ajlun Group includes WadiAs Sir Formation. Belqa Group includes
Ghudran, Amman, and Muwaqqer (Figs. 4 and 5).

Fig. 4. Geological map shows the locations of station measurements in the study area
(after, Moh'd, 2000)

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Throughout most of Jordan, the Wadi As Sir Formation (Turonian) represents the
topmost part of the Ajlun Group and is disconformably overlain by the white chalk of the
basal Belqa Group (Powell, 1989). The Wadi As Sir Formation is a very distinctive, white to
very light gray limestone, which weathers brown, microcrystalline and thinly bedded with
very thin marl parting, fractured, medium hard concretionary, become chalky at the top and
base, it can easily be defined from the overlying marl of the base of Ghudran Formation.
Wadi As Sir Formation crops out only in the most southern part of the study area (Fig. 4).
Ghudran Formation represents the lowermost part of the Belqa Group; it consists of about
15 m chalky limestone, and 15 m of limestone and chalky limestone in the upper half. The
formation is cropping out in the western and southern parts of the study area (Fig. 4). Amman
Formation consists of medium to thin bedded, locally thick chert, silicified limestone,
limestone, and phosphatic chert layers at the top. The base of Amman Formation (Santonian)
lies conformably on top of the Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation, it crops out in many localities
in the area and is usually consistent in lithology throughout the area of outcrop. Thin chert
beds, phosphatic chert and a few thin phosphatic beds characterize the uppermost part. A
characteristic feature of the Amman formation is the undulating structure of its beds. It is
widely spreading in the study area (Fig. 4).
Tectonic Setting
There are two main trends of the fold belts in Jordan; the first one is NNE-SSW and the other
is ENE-WSW (Atallah, 1992). The first fold trend could be formed as a result of SE-NW
compression, responsible for the formation of the Dead Sea Transform (DST); this trend
coincides with the Riedel model of fractures associated with major strike-slip fault system.
Whereas the second trend is most probably part of the SAS (Sahawneh and Atallah, 2002).
The Syrian Arc forms a conspicuous S-shaped fold-thrust belt (Fig.1). The tectonic evolution
of the Syrian Arc fold-thrust belt had been markedly influenced by the opening and closing of
the Neo-Tethyan Ocean around the margins of the Afro-Arabian plate. The opening of the
Neo-Tethys, in the Eastern Mediterranean region, started in the Late Permian (Garfunkel and
Derin, 1984; De Ruiter et al., 1994; Ricou, 1995; Robertson et al., 1996 and Sharland et
al.,2001). The study area lies within the Highlands east of the northern segment of the Dead
Sea Transform (DST). The northern segment of the DST is the Jordan Valley active strike-
slip fault (Fig. 1). It extends from the northwestern of the Dead Sea to the southeastern of lake
Tiberias with a general N-S trend (Diabat, et al., 2015). The Jordan Valley, between the sea of
Galilee to the north and the Dead Sea to the south, is a long and narrow depression that is part
of the Syrian–African Rift system (Garfunkel and Derin, 1984).

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Fig. 5. General lithostratigraphic units of the study area

This system extends from southern Africa through east Africa and the Red Sea to
southern Turkey (Freund et al., 1970; Garfunkel, 1981; Horowitz, 2001). The sinistral DST is
1100 Km long and connects the Gulf of Aqaba-Red Sea spreading system to the convergence
zone in the Taurus-Zagros Mountain. The DST is the major tectonic feature controlling the
geological and geomorphological evolution of the region since the Miocene (Garfunkel,
1981). The Dead Sea Transform (DST) fault is the most prominent structure in Jordan that
resulted from the northward faster movement of the Arabian Plate relative to that of the
African Plate, in relation to the Red Sea opening (Quennel,1958; and Grafunkel, 1981). The
Dead Sea Transform fault is left lateral, comprised of a zone of en echelon strike-slip faults.
Motion on the Dead Sea Transform initiated in the Miocene and has a cumulative lateral
displacement of about 107 km (e.g., Quennell,1958; Freund et al.,1970 and Garfunkel,1981).
The displacement along the Dead Sea has been the major source for the stress stored in the
rocks along with the transform, resulting in internal deformation of plates adjacent to it (Eyal,

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

1996). The Dead Sea Transform is the major tectonic feature controlling the stratigraphic and
structural evolution region since the Miocene (Zain El deen et al.,2002).
This study concentrated on detailed field measurements of the various structural elements
such as folds and fractures (mainly joints). The data were taken from nine main measurement
stations; S1, S2, S3,.... and S9 (Fig. 4). Each measurement station consists of quarries, road
cuts or clear outcrops. These stations are selected due to easy reaching and the abundant data
which are found in parts of the study area. Orientations of 2800 meso-scale fractures (joints
and faults), in addition to many bedding planes to determine the fold hinge lines in each
measurement station that measured in the field. Most of the fractures are considered as joints
which lack any shear indicators on their surfaces. The fractures that have striations on their
surfaces (faults) were used to compute the stress tensors using the TENSOR program
(Delvaux, 1993; Sperner et al., 2003). The stereographic projection and rose diagrams are
used in data analyzing, whereas the produced lineaments map and DEM (Fig. 3) used the
following techniques and software:

- Google earth for projection coordinates of the study area to overlay with lineament map.
- Using ERDAS 2016, PciGeomatics 2016, and Rockworks16.exe to produce lineament
- Using Coral draw x5 2010 to draw vertical and horizontal geological cross-sections.
The study area has been sub-divided into nine main stations, located west of Irbid city and
named S1, S2,…,and S9 with new described folds (Fig. 6) and Table (1). A NW-SE cross-
section (A-B) was drawn to show the general view of folds in the study area (Fig. 7).
Station 1
The data of this station were collected from Amman Silicified limestone and Al-Hisa
Phosphorite Formation, which is about 4 km west of Irbid city (Fig. 5). Ten bedding planes
were measured in the field and represented as stereographic projection and determined hinge
line, axial plane and profile plane (The best fit great circle of poles) (Fig. 8 a). It shows a
slightly plunging symmetric anticline towards NNW (17º/351º). The interlimb angle is 163º
showing a gentle anticline according to (Van der Pluijm et al., 2004). Three hundred fracture
measurements mainly joints were measured in this station. A NW-SE main trend is observed
in the rose diagram (Fig. 8 b). Sigmoidal en echelon arrangement of fractures were observed
which indicate a dextral shear zone-oriented NNW-SSE (Fig. 9a). The Listric normal fault
was also observed cutting Amman Formation striking NE-SW and dipping SE (Fig.9b). It

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

also observed a fault zone trending ENE-WSW with a dextral sense make tilting of the strata
in which the strata at the southern side of the fault have steeper dip than on the northern side
(Fig. 9 c).

Fig. 6. Geological map shows the location of station measurements and the new
described folds in the study area

Fig. 7. A NW-SE (A-B) geological cross-section of the study area

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Fig. 8. a) Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line is 17º/351º, b) Rose diagram of
300 joints in station 1

Fig. 9. a) Kinematic indicators of a) Shear zone, b) Listric normal fault, and c) Fault
zone-oriented ENE- WSW (dot shows block toward the observer and cross is away from
the observer)

Station 2
The data of this station were collected from Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation, which is about 6
km west of Irbid (Fig. 5). Eighteen bedding planes were measured in the field and represented
as stereographic projection, which determined hinge line, axial plane and profile plane (Fig.
10). It shows symmetric anticline with a slightly plunging hinge line towards SSW (10º/189º).
The interlimb angle is 161º showing a gentle anticline (Fig. 11). It also observed slightly
plunging small anticline and syncline affected by faulting (Fig. 12).

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Fig. 10. Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line 10º /189

Fig. 11. Anticline in panorama view in station2

Fig. 12. Faulted anticline and syncline in station 2

Station 3
The data were collected from Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation, which is about 7 km west of
Irbid city (Fig. 4). Twenty bedding planes were measured in the field and represented as
stereographic projection which determined hinge line, axial plane and profile plane (Fig. 13a).

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

It shows symmetric anticline with slightly plunging hinge line towards WSW (03º/ 244º). The
interlimb angle is 150º showing a gentle anticline. Six hundred fracture measurements mainly
joints were collected from this station. A NW-SE main trend is observed in the rose diagram
(Fig. 13b). Horizontal slickenlines with a dextral sense of movement were measured on some
fault planes oriented WNW- ESE (Fig. 14a & b). Another slickensided sinistral fault plane
which oriented NW-SE ( i.e dip direction/ dip 230/ 70) was observed (Fig.14c & d). A stress
tensor was produced using the Win TENSOR -Program show that a strike-slip regime with
NNW- SSE compression and ENE -WSW tension (Fig.14 a). This station also shows vertical
slickenlines on a fault plane oriented NW- SE (Fig.14 e). This fault- slip data resulted in stress
tensor characterized by NE- SW tension (Fig.14e). Brecciated fault zone oriented 215/ 70 also
observed (Fig.14f).

Fig. 13. a) Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line 03º/ 244º, b) Rose diagram of
600 joints in station 3

Fig. 14. Horizontal and vertical slickenlines in addition to fault breccias which were
observed in Wadi as Sir Formation. It also shows rose diagrams represent strike, dip of
fault planes, azimuth and plunge of the slickenlines and the representative tensors

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Station 4
The data of this station were collected from Wadi As Sir Formation, which is about 3 km west
of Irbid city (Fig. 4). Fourteen bedding planes were measured in the field and represented thru
stereographic projection and determined hinge line, axial plane and profile plane (Fig. 15 a).
It shows slightly plunging symmetric anticline towards NNE (04º/ 022º). The interlimb angle
is 136º showing a gentle anticline. A fault zone was observed with a sinistral sense oriented
NNW- SSE (Fig. 16). This indicated by the tilting of strata particularly at the eastern side of
the fault which has dragging and steeper dip than the left side.

Fig. 15. a) Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line is 04º/ 022º b) Rose diagram
of 200 joints in station4

Fig. 16. Sinistral strike – slip fault zone

Station 5
The data of this station were collected from Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation, which is about
10 km west of Irbid (Fig. 4). Fourteen bedding planes were measured in the field and
represented thru stereographic projection and determined hinge line, axial plane and profile
plane (Fig. 17a). It shows slightly plunging symmetric anticline towards SW (03º/ 223º). The

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

interlimb angle is 148º showing a gentle anticline. Eight hundred fracture measurements
mainly joints were collected from this station. A NW-SE main trend is observed in the rose
diagram (Fig. 17 b).

Fig. 17. a) Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line is 03º/ 223º b) Rose diagram
of 800 joints in station5
Station 6
The data of this station were collected from Wadi As Sir limestone Formation, which is about
8 km southwest of Irbid city (Fig. 4). Fourteen bedding planes were measured in the field and
represented as stereographic projection and determined hinge line, axial plane and profile
plane (Fig. 18 a). Figure (19) shows the eastern limb of the anticline. It shows symmetric
slightly plunging anticline towards SSE (11º / 176º) (Fig. 18 a). The interlimb angle is 142º
showing a gentle anticline. Six hundred fracture measurements mainly joints were collected
from this station. A N-S main trend is observed in the rose diagram and two minor trends
oriented NNW and NNE (Fig. 18b). It is also observed horizontal slickenlines indicating a
strike- slip movement in Wadi As Sir Formation and an overthrust fault in Umm Ghudran
Formation (Fig.20). This indicates that a permutation of principal stress axes i.e Ơ2 and Ơ3 was
locally changed.

Fig. 18. a) Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line is 11º / 016º b) Rose diagram
of 600 joints in station6

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Fig. 19. The eastern limb of the anticline in station 6

Fig. 20. Overthrust fault in station 6


The data of this station were collected from Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation, which is about 4
km west of Irbid city (Fig. 4). About ten bedding planes were measured in the field and
represented as stereographic projection and determined hinge line, axial plane and profile
plane. It shows symmetric slightly plunging anticline towards WSW (05º /258º) (Fig. 21). The
interlimb angle is 148º showing a gentle anticline.

Station 8
The data of this station were collected from Amman Silicified limestone and Al-Hisa
Phosphorite Formation, which is about 5 km from Irbid city (Fig. 4). Twenty-three bedding
planes were measured in the field and represented as stereographic projection and determined
hinge line, axial plane and profile plane (Fig. 22a). It shows slightly plunging symmetric
anticline towards WSW (05º / 236º). The interlimb angle is 165º showing a gentle anticline.
About three hundred fracture measurements mainly joints were collected from this station. A
NW-SE main trend is observed in the rose diagram (Fig. 22b). Listric normal fault was
observed in this station (Fig. 23).

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Fig. 21. Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line is 05º /258º

Fig. 22. a) Stereonet diagram shows the trend of hinge line is 05º / 236º b) Rose diagram
of 300 joints in station 8

Fig. 23. Listric normal fault

Station 9
The data of this station were collected from Amman Silicified limestone and Al-Hisa
Phosphorite Formation, which is about 9 km NW of Irbid city (Fig. 4). Twenty-four bedding
planes were measured in the field and represented as stereographic projection and determined
hinge line, axial plane and profile plane of anticline (Fig. 24a) and syncline (Fig. 24b). It
shows slightly plunging symmetric anticline towards NNW (07º / 321º). The interlimb angle

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

is 160º showing a gentle anticline. The syncline is also symmetric and plunging toward (11º /
048º) with an interlimb angle of 148º. It also observed small highly fractured anticline at the
northeastern limb of the major anticline (Fig. 25).

Fig. 24. Stereonet diagrams of Zahar; a) anticline, the trend of hinge line is a)07º / 321º
and b) syncline, the trend of hinge line is 11/ 048º

Fig. 25. Shows highly jointed limb of small anticline in station- 9

The word "lineament" was introduced by Hobbs (1904) to characterize the spatial
relationships of landscape features that included (1) crests of ridges or boundaries of elevated
areas, (2) the drainage lines, (3) coast lines, and (4) boundary lines of formations, of
petrographic rock types, or of lines of outcrops." (Hobbs, 1904). Any linear feature of the
landscape which possesses an abnormal degree of regularity whether straight or gently
curving, is generally believed to be the surface expression of some structural feature in the
bedrock e.g., faults, folds,...etc. Experience and careful judgment are required to distinguish a
diagnostic linear from random river stretches, hills, and similar results of random erosion
(Lueder, 1959). A lineament map of the study area is produced (Fig. 26 a) and the rose
diagram of the lineaments shows a major trend oriented NW- SE and two minor trends
oriented N-S and NE-SW (Fig.26 b). The NW- SE trend reflects the main trend of the

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

fractures in the study area, and the NE- SW trend reflects the main trend of the fold axes,
whereas the N- S trend may reflect both minor trends of the fractures and fold axes in the
study area.

Fig. 26. a) Lineament map of the study area, b) rose diagram shows the
orientation of the lineaments

Indicators on fault slip planes (e.g., scratches, ridge- in grove striae, fiber crystals,
mineral growth in extensional gashes, linear imprint or gouge material accumulations) are
most useful tools in the reconstruction of relative displacements along the Kinematic
discontinuities (Fleuty and Waever, 1975; Scholz and Engelder, 1976; Engelder and Scholz,
1976; Petit, 1987; Doblas et al., 1997; Doblas, 1998; Fry, 1999). Inversion of fault- slip data
is based on the Wallace and Bott hypothesis (Wallace, 1951; Bott, 1959), which stating that
fault- slip occurs parallel to the direction of the maximum shear stress.
Analysis of the fault- slip data restricted only to station- 3 of the study area in which a
quarry of Wadi As Sir Formation has slickenlines. The analysis was performed using the win-
TENSOR program of Delvaux (2003). Results show that a dominance of strike- slip tensors
which indicate three orientations; the first is characterized by E- W compression and N- S
extension (Fig. 27), the second is characterized by NW- SE compression and NE- SW
extension (Fig. 28), and the third tensor is characterized by NNW-SSE compression and
ENE- WSW extension (Fig. 27). The tensors characterized by NNW-SSE to NW- SE
compression and ENE- WSW to NE- SW extension are compatible with the established
regional Dead Sea Stress pattern in the region (Eyal and Reches, 1983; Eyal, 1996;Diabat et
al., 2004). The tensor characterized by E- W compression and N- S extension is compatible
with the Syrian Arc stress field. Stress axes orientation of fault- slip measurements in station-
3 (Fig. 29) shows compression σ1 (SHmax) and tension σ3 (Shmin).

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Fig. 27. Stress tensor related SAS shows E-W compression and N-S extension.
Stereogram (Schmidt net, lower hemisphere) with traces of fault planes, observed slip
lines and slip senses. Inward arrows indicate compression, outward arrows indicate
tension, circle is σ1, triangle is σ2 and the square is σ3 orientation.

Fig. 28. Stress tensor related DSS shows NNW-SSE compression and ENE-WSW
extension; stereogram (Schmidt net, lower hemisphere) with traces of fault planes,
observed slip lines and slip senses. Inward arrows indicate compression, outward arrows
indicate tension, circle is σ1, triangle is σ2 and the square is σ3 orientation

Fig. 29. Stress axes orientation of fault- slip measurements in station-3; Inward arrows
indicate compression σ1 (SHmax) and outward arrows indicate tensionσ3(Shmin); a)
strike-slip regime related SAS, b) strike-slip regime related DSS, c) extensional regime
related DSS

The study area is located at the western parts of Irbid City. The formations that outcrop in the
study area are of Late Cretaceous (Turonia-Maastrichtian). The data were collected from nine

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

measurement stations of the study area. The structures in the study area include; folds, faults
(e.g., strike- slip, normal and thrust), and joints.

Minor Folds
Folds which are mainly anticlines in the study area characterized by gently dipping strata (5º-
20º) and gently plunging hinge lines (fold axes) (3- 18). The interlimb angles of these folds lie
in the range between 120º to 180º. This implies that they are classified as gentle folds (136º-
165º), and this means there were no highly intensive compressional stresses during their
formation. Hinge lines of minor folds are mainly plunging toward SW and WSW, some folds
are plunging either toward NNW, SSE, NNE, NE and SSW. The difference in the plunging
direction and orientation of the hinge lines is due to the differences in the stress fields and/ or
to local variations in the stresses belong either to the same stress field. To interpret the results
reasonably, a direction model is produced to show the relation of our results with the main
stress fields in the region e.g., the DSS field and the SAS (Fig.30). According to figure (30);
the folds in stations (3, 5, 7, 8, and 9) are related to the DSS field, whereas folds in stations (2
and 4) are related to SAS field. Those folds in stations (1 and 6) are affected by local stresses
or by block rotation.

Fig. 30. A model to show the main stress fields in the region e.g., the Dead Sea stress
field (DSS) and the Syrian Arc stress field (SAS), and the related folds; DSF related to
the DSS field and SAF related to SAS field
About 2800 fractures (small faults and joints) were measured in different stations of the study
area along road cuts and quarries and represented as rose diagram (Fig. 31). The fractures
show a major NW-SE trend in addition to minor trends in NNW- SSE, WNW- ESE and NE-

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

Fig. 31. Rose diagram represents strikes of all measured fractures in the study
area, showing a main trend swinging about NW-SE

To interpret the results, rose diagrams represent the strike measurements in each station
were displayed on the geological map (Fig. 32). It is observed that the main trend of the
fractures is NW- SE (e.g., S1, S3, S5, and S8), whereas the main trend is NNW- SSE (e.g.,
S4) and N- S (e.g., S6), may be an indicator to a clockwise rotation in stations (S4) and (S6).

Fig. 32. Rose diagrams of the strike measurements in each station displayed on the
geological map

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

The attitude of all measured faults in the study area were represented as rose diagram
(Fig. 33a) and stereoplot (Fig. 33 b). The main trend of the mesoscopic scale faults is striking
NW- SE (Fig. 33a) and the majority of faults have high dip angles (Fig.33 b). This trend
(NW-SE) represents the extensional fractures and normal faults related to the Dead Sea stress
field which is predominant in the study area. This direction is in a good accordance with the
NW-SE compression direction of the Reidel shear model and the deduced one from the fault
slip analysis in the study area.

Fig. 33. a) Rose diagram represents strikes of all measured faults, and b) Stereoplot
represents the attitude as great circles to show dip angles and dip directions of faults in
the study area

Relation of Measured Fractures with the Lineaments

All mesofractures with 2800 measurements were represented in a rose diagram (Fig. 31)
and the lineaments in (Fig. 26). From these figures it can be inferred that the main trends are
generally NW-SE. This implies that the mesoscopic scale structures have the same prominent
trend as main faults and lineaments in the study area. This trend generally represents the
extensional fractures related to the Dead Sea stress field, as this trend is parallel to the
maximum principal stress axis.
Relation of Measured Fractures with the Folds and the Related Stress Fields
Rose diagrams represent the strike measurements of fractures and stereographic projection of
each fold in each station were displayed on the geological map (Fig. 34). From this figure it is
concluded that the main trends of the fractures are normal to the hinge lines of the folds in
stations 3, 5 and 8 and are related to the NW- SE compression of the DSS. In station- 6 the
main trend of the fractures is sub parallel to the fold axis, this means that these fractures are
release joints resulted during unloading when the E-W compressional stress was removed

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

during the later stage of the SAS. Station-6 shows thrust fault strikes NNW-SSE, related to
general E-W to ENE- WSW compression (Fig. 20) in which is related to SAS. The fold hinge
line trends NNW- SSE which is related to E-W to ENE- WSW compression related to SAS,
So both thrusting and folding are related to SAS. The two trend of fractures NNW and NNE
may be conjugated and related to N-S compression of the DSS.

Fig. 34. Rose diagrams and stereonet measurements in each station displayed on
geological map

In stations 1 and 4 the main trend of the fractures is not parallel nor perpendicular to the fold
axes, which means that the fractures formed in later stages after the formation of the folds.
The structural elements of the study area were displayed on the DEM (Fig. 35). From this

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

figure it is concluded that the major structures e.g., folds and faults are concentrated in the
southeastern half of the study area, which has the highest elevation in the area (red color).
This means that the topography of the study area is structurally controlled i.e. the structures
play a major role in the relief of the study area or it has morphotectonic structures.

Fig. 35. A digital elevation map (DEM) with displayed structures of the study area

1. The minorfolds in the study area are symmetric and characterized by gently dipping
strata and gently plunging hinge lines (fold axes). The general plunging directions of
the fold axes are toward SW and WSW. The folds in the study area are related to both
stress systems SAS and DSS; Fold axes in stations (2 and 4) are trending N- S to
NNE- SSW which are related to SAS field, whereas the majority of fold axes are
trending NE- SW to ENE- WSW (e.g., stations 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9) which are related to
the DSS field.
2. The folds have interlimb angles in the range of (136º- 165º), so they are classified as
gentle folds.
3. The majority of fold axes are trending NE- SW to ENE- WSW (e.g., stations 3, 5, 7, 8,
and 9syncline) which are related to the DSS field.
4. Fold axes in stations (2 ,4 and 6) are trending N- S to NNE- SSW which are related to
SAS field.
5. The fold axes which are trending NNW- SSE (e.g., S9 anticline) may be due to block
rotation or to local stress variations.

Iraqi Geological Journal Younes and Diabat Vol. 53, No. 1D, 2020

6. The major trend of the measured 2800 fractures is NW-SE, whereas minor trends are
7. The main trend of mesoscale normal faults is striking NW-SE, that is related to the
Dead Sea stress field, in which it is parallel to NW-SE compression direction.
8. The main trend of the lineaments in the study area is NW-SE which has the same trend
of the measured fractures, this trend represents the extensional fractures (joints and
normal faults) related to the Dead Sea Stress field, as this trend is parallel to the
maximum compressive principal stress axis.
9. Some stations show the main trend of the fractures are normal to the hinge lines of the
folds, whereas it is sub parallel in other stations. This means that the former are
extensional and the later are release fractures.
10. The topography of the study area is structurally controlled i.e. the structures play a
major role in the relief of the study area or it has morphotectonic structures.

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