Structurally Supported Conical Roof

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A = Actual Part. Area of Roof-to-shell Juncture per API-650 (cm^2)

A-min = Minimum participating area (cm^2) per API-650
a-min-A = Minimum participating area due to full design pressure per API-650 F.5.1 (cm^2)
a-min-Roof = Minimum participating area per API-650 App. F.5.2 (cm^2)
Add-DL = Added Dead load (kPa)
Alpha = 1/2 the included apex angle of cone (degrees)
Aroof = Contributing Area due to roof plates (cm^2)
Ashell = Contributing Area due to shell plates (cm^2)
CA = Roof corrosion allowance (mm)
D = Tank Nominal Diameter per API-650 Note 1 (m)
density = Density of roof (kg/mm3)
DL = Dead load (kPa)
e.1b = Gravity Roof Load (1) - Balanced (kPa)
e.1u = Gravity Roof Load (1) - Unbalanced (kPa)
e.2b = Gravity Roof Load (2) - Balanced (kPa)
e.2u = Gravity Roof Load (2) - Unbalanced (kPa)
Fp = Pressure Combination Factor
Fy = smallest of the yield strength (MPa)
Fy-roof = Minimum yield strength for shell material (Table 5-2a) (MPa)
Fy-shell = Minimum yield strength for shell material (Table 5-2a) (MPa)
Fy-stiff = Minimum yield strength for stiffener material (Table 5-2a) (MPa)
hr = Roof height (m)
ID = Tank Inner Diameter (m)
Insulation = Roof Insulation (m)
JEr = Roof joint efficiency
Lr = Entered Roof Live Load (kPa)
Lr-1 = Computed Roof Live Load, including External Pressure
Max-p = Max Roof Load due to participating Area (kPa)
Net-Uplift = Uplift due to internal pressure minus nominal weight of shell, roof and attached framing
(N), per API-650 F.1.2
P = Minimum participating area (kPa)
P-ext-2 = Max external pressure due to roof shell joint area (kPa)
P-F51 = Max design pressure reversing a-min-A calculation (kPa)
P-max-ext-T = Total max external pressure due to roof actual thickness and roof participating area
P-max-internal = Maximum design pressure and test procedure per API-650 F.4, F.5. (kPa)
P-Std = Max pressure pressure allowed per API-650 App. F.1 & F.7 (kPa)
P-Uplift = Uplift case per API-650 1.1.1 (N)
P-weight = Dead load of roof plate (kPa)
Pe = External Pressure (kPa)
pt = Roof cone pitch (mm) rise per 12 (mm)
Pv = Internal Pressure (kPa)
R = Roof horizontal radius (m)
Ra = Roof surface area (cm^2)
Roof-wc = Weight corroded of roof plates (N)
S = Ground Snow Load per ASCE 7-05 Fig 7-1 (kPa)
Sb = Balanced Design Snow Load per API-650 Section 5.2.1.h.1 (kPa)
Shell-wc = Weight corroded of shell (N)
Su = Unbalanced Design Snow Load per API-650 Section 5.2.1.h.2 (kPa)
T = Balanced Roof Design Load per API-650 Appendix R (kPa)
t-calc = Minimum nominal roof plates thickness per API-650 Section (mm)
t-Ins = thickness of Roof Insulation (m)
Theta = Angle of cone to the horizontal (degrees)
U = Unbalanced Roof Design Load per API-650 Appendix R (kPa)
Wc = Maximum width of participating shell per API-650 Fig. F-2 (mm)
Wh = Maximum width of participating roof per API-650 Fig. F-2 (mm)

Roof Design Per API-650

Note: Tank Pressure Combination Factor Fp = 0.4

D = 15 m
ID = 15 m
CA = 0 mm
R = 7.5145 m
Fp = 0.4
JEr = 1
JEs = 1
JEst = 1
Insulation = 0 m
Add-DL = 0 kPa
Lr = 1 kPa
S = 0 kPa
Sb = 0 kPa
Su = 0 kPa
density = 0.000007841 kg/mm3
P-weight = 0.3867 KPa
Pe = 0 kPa
pt = 0.75 mm rise per 12 mm
t-actual = 5 mm
Fy-roof = 250 MPa
Fy-shell = 250 MPa
Fy-stiff = 250 MPa
Shell-wc = 259,728.1778 N
Roof-wc = 68,343.807 N
P-Std = 18 kPa, Per API-650 F.1.3
t-1 = 6 mm
CA-1 = 0 mm
Sd = 160 MPa

Theta = TAN^-1 (pt/12)

Theta = TAN^-1 (0.75/12)
Theta = 3.5763 degrees

Alpha = 90 - Theta
Alpha = 90 - 3.5763
Alpha = 86.4237 degrees

Ap-Vert = D^2 * TAN(Theta)/4

Ap-Vert = 15^2 * TAN(3.5763)/4
Ap-Vert = 3.5156 m^2

Horizontal Projected Area of Roof per API-650 5.2.1.f

Xw = D * 0.5
Xw = 15 * 0.5
Xw = 7.5 m

Ap = PI * (D/2)^2
Ap = PI * (15/2)^2
Ap = 176.7145 m^2

DL = Insulation + P-weight + Add-DL

DL = 0 + 0.3867 + 0
DL = 0.3867 kPa
Roof Loads per API-650 5.2.2

e.1b = DL + MAX(Sb , Lr) + (0.4 * Pe)

e.1b = 0.3867 + MAX(0 , 1) + (0.4 * 0)
e.1b = 1.3867 kPa

e.2b = DL + Pe + (0.4 * MAX(Sb , Lr))

e.2b = 0.3867 + 0 + (0.4 * MAX(0 , 1))
e.2b = 0.7867 kPa

T = MAX(e.1b , e.2b)
T = MAX(1.3867 , 0.7867)
T = 1.3867 kPa

e.1u = DL + MAX(Su , Lr) + (0.4 * Pe)

e.1u = 0.3867 + MAX(0 , 1) + (0.4 * 0)
e.1u = 1.3867 kPa

e.2u = DL + Pe + (0.4 * MAX(Su , Lr))

e.2u = 0.3867 + 0 + (0.4 * MAX(0 , 1))
e.2u = 0.7867 kPa

U = MAX(e.1u , e.2u)
U = MAX(1.3867 , 0.7867)
U = 1.3867 kPa

Lr-1 = MAX(T , U)
Lr-1 = MAX(1.3867 , 1.3867)
Lr-1 = 1.3867 kPa

Ra = PI * R * SQRT(R^2 + hr^2)
Ra = PI * 7.5145 * SQRT(7.5145^2 + 0.4697^2)
Ra = 1,777,446.8751 cm^2 or 177.7447 m^2

Roof Plates Weight = density * Ra * t-actual

Roof Plates Weight = 0.000007841 * 1,777,446.8751 * 5
Roof plates Weight = 68,343.807 N



l = Maximum rafter spacing per API-650 (mm)

l-actual-1 = Actual rafter spacing (mm)
Max-T1-1 = Due to roof thickness (kPa)
N-actual-1 = Actual number of rafter
N-min-1 = Minimum number of rafter
P = Uniform pressure as determined from load combinations described in Appendix R (kPa)
P-ext-1-1 = Due to roof thickness vacuum limited by actual rafter spacing (kPa)
R-1 = Outer radius (mm)
RLoad-Max-1 = Maximun roof load based on actual rafter spacing (kPa)
t-calc-1 = Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing (mm)


P = Lr-1
P = 1.3867 kPa
R-1 = 7500 mm

l = MIN(((t-Roof - CA-Roof) * SQRT((1.5 * Fy-Roof)/P)) , 2100.0)

l = MIN(((5 - 0) * SQRT((1.5 * 250) / 1.3867)) , 2100)
l = MIN(2600.082 , 2100)
l = 2100 mm

N-min-1 = (2 * PI * R-1)/l
N-min-1 = (2 * PI * 7500)/2100
N-min-1 = 23

N-min-1 must be a multiple of 1, therefore N-min-1 = 23.

N-actual-1 = 23

l-actual-1 = (2 * PI * R-1)/N-actual-1
l-actual-1 = (2 * PI * 7500)/23
l-actual-1 = 2048.8648 mm

Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing

t-calc-1 = l-actual-1/SQRT((1.5 * Fy-Roof)/P) + CA-Roof

t-calc-1 = 2048.8648/SQRT((1.5 * 250)/1.3867) + 0
t-calc-1 = 3.94 mm

NOTE: Governs for roof plate thickness.

RLoad-Max-1 = (1.5 * Fy-Roof)/(l-actual-1/(t-Roof - CA-Roof))^2

RLoad-Max-1 = (1.5 * 250)/(2048.8648/(5 - 0))^2
RLoad-Max-1 = 2.2333 kPa

Max-T1-1 = RLoad-Max-1
Max-T1-1 = 2.2333 kPa

P-ext-1-1 = Max-T1-1 - DL - (0.4 * MAX(Sb , Lr))

P-ext-1-1 = 2.2333 - 0.3867 - (0.4 * MAX(0 , 1))
P-ext-1-1 = -1.4465 kPa

Pa-rafter-3-1 = P-ext-1-1
Pa-rafter-3-1 = -1.4465 kPa

t-required-1 = MAX(3.94 , (5 + 0))

t-required-1 = 5 mm


Average-p-width-1 = Average plate width (m)

Average-r-s-inner-1 = Average rafter spacing on inner girder (m)
Average-r-s-shell-1 = Average rafter spacing on shell (m)
Max-P-1 = Load allowed for each rafter in ring (MPa)
Max-r-span-1 = Maximum rafter span (m)
Max-T1-rafter-1 = Due to roof thickness (kPa)
Mmax-rafter-1 = Maximum moment bending (mm-kg)
P = Uniform pressure as determined from load combinations described in Appendix R (kPa)
P-ext-2-1 = Vacuum limited by rafter type (kPa)
R-1 = Outer radius (mm)
R-Inner-1 = Inner radius (m)
Rafter-Weight-1 = (Kg/m)
Sx-rafter-actual-1 = Actual elastic section modulus about the x axis (cm^3)
Sx-rafter-Req'd-1 = Required elastic section modulus about the x axis (cm^3)
Theta = Angle of cone to the horizontal (degrees)
W-Max-rafter-1 = Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring (N/mm)
W-rafter-1 = (kg/m)


P = 1.3867 kPa
Rafter-Weight-1 = 17.858 Kg/m
Theta = 3.5763 degrees
R-1 = 7577 mm
R-Inner1 = 463.5 mm

Max-r-span-1 = (R-1 - R-Inner-1)/COS(Theta)

Max-r-span-1 = (7577 - 463.5)/COS(3.5763)
Max-r-span-1 = 7.0601 m

Average-r-s-inner-1 = (2 * PI * R-Inner-1)/N-actual-1
Average-r-s-inner-1 = (2 * PI * 463.5)/23
Average-r-s-inner-1 = 0.1266 m

Average-r-s-shell-1 = (2 * PI * R-1)/N-actual-1
Average-r-s-shell-1 = (2 * PI * 7577)/23
Average-r-s-shell-1 = 2.0699 m

Average-p-width-1 = (Average-r-s-inner-1 + Average-r-s-shell-1)/2

Average-p-width-1 = (0.1266 + 2.0699)/2
Average-p-width-1 = 1.0983 m

W-rafter-1 = (P * Average-p-width-1) + Rafter-Weight-1

W-rafter-1 = (141.4482 * 1.0983) + 17.858
W-rafter-1 = 173.1615 Kgf/m

Mmax-rafter-1 = (W-rafter-1 * Max-r-span-1^2)/8

Mmax-rafter-1 = (173.1615 * 7.0601^2)/8
Mmax-rafter-1 = 1,078,909 mm-kgf

Sx-rafter-Req'd-1 = Mmax-rafter-1/Sd
Sx-rafter-Req'd-1 = 1,078,909/160
Sx-rafter-Req'd-1 = 66.128 cm^3

Sx-actual-1 = 178.619 cm^3

W-Max-rafter-1 = (Sx-rafter-actual-1 * Sd * 8)/Max-r-span-1^2)

W-Max-rafter-1 = (178.619 * 160 * 8)/7.0601^2)
W-Max-rafter-1 = 4.5868 N/mm

Max-P-1 = (W-Max-rafter-1 - Rafter-Weight-1)/Average-p-width-1

Max-P-1 = 0.0042 MPa

Max-T1-rafter-1 = Max-P-1
Max-T1-rafter-1 = 4.2 kPa

P-ext-2-1 = Max-T1-rafter-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))

P-ext-2-1 = 4.2 - 0.3867 - (0.4 * MAX(0 , 1))
P-ext-2-1 = -3.3735 kPa

P2-rafter-3-1 = P-ext-2-1
P2-rafter-3-1 = -3.3735 kPa

Limited by rafter type


A-actual-1 = Actual area of column (mm^2)

A-req-1 = Required area of column (mm^2)
C-length-1 = Column length (mm)
E-c = Modulus of elasticity of the column material (MPa)
Fa-1 = Allowable compressive stress per API-650 (MPa)
Fy-c = Allowable design stress (MPa)
Max-P-column-1 = Maximum Load allowed for each column in ring (MPa)
Max-T1-column-1 = Due to roof thickness (kPa)
P-c-1 = Total roof load supported by each column (N)
P-ext-3-1 = Vacuum limited by column type (kPa)
Pa-column-3-1 = Vacuum limited by column type (kPa)
Pa-column-3-1 = Vacuum limited by column type (kPa)
R-c-1 = Per API-650
Radius-Gyr-1 = Radius of gyration
Radius-Gyr-req-1 = Radius of gyration required
W-column-1 = Total weight of column (N)
W-Max-column-1 = Maximum weight allowed for each column in ring (N)

W-column-1 = 7,205.4906 N
Fy-c = 241.3165 MPa
E-c = 197,190.0782 MPa
A-actual-1 = 76.8275 cm^2
C-length-1 = 12.1846 m
Radius-Gyr-1 = 93.26 mm

If C-length-1/Radius-Gyr-1 must be less than 180, then

Radius-Gyr-req-1 = C-length-1/180
Radius-Gyr-req-1 = 12.1846/180
Radius-Gyr-req-1 = 67.6927 mm

Per API-650

R-c-1 = C-length-1/Radius-Gyr-1
R-c-1 = 12.1846/93.26
R-c-1 = 130.6529

Rafter-L-1 = (- R-1 - R-Inner1)/COS(Theta)

Rafter-L-1 = (- 7500 - 0)/COS(3.5763)
Rafter-L-1 = 7060.1109 mm

P-c-1 = W-column-1 + (Rafter-L-1 * W-rafter-1 * N-actual-1)/2

P-c-1 = 7,205.4906 + (7060.1109 * 173.1615 * 23)/2
P-c-1 = 145,079.251 N

Since R-c-1 > 120, using API-650 Formulas in

Fa-1 = (/ (* 12 (EXPT PI 2) E-c) (* 23 (EXPT R-c-1 2)))
Fa-1 = (/ (* 12 (EXPT PI 2) 197,190.0782) (* 23 (EXPT 130.6529 2)))

Per API-650 M.3.5

Fa is not modified Since Design Temp. <= 93.3333 :C.
(API-650 M.3.5 N.A.)

Fa-1 = 62.8306 MPa

A-req-1 = P-c-1/Fa-1
A-req-1 = 145,079.251/62.8306
A-req-1 = 2309.0532 mm^2

W-Max-column-1 = (Fa-1 * A-actual-1) - W-column-1

W-Max-column-1 = (62.8306 * 76.8275) - 7,205.4906
W-Max-column-1 = 481,977.1707 N

Max-P-column-1 = ((W-Max-column-1/((Rafter-L-1 * N-actual-1)/2)) - Rafter-Weight-1)/(AVERAGE

Average-r-s-inner-1 , Average-r-s-shell-1)
Max-P-column-1 = ((481,977.1707/((7060.1109 * 23)/2)) - 17.858)/(AVERAGE 0 , 2.0489)
Max-P-column-1 = 0.0054 MPa

Max-T1-column-1 = Max-P-column-1
Max-T1-column-1 = 5.4 kPa

P-ext-3-1 = Max-T1-column-1 - DL - (Fp * MAX(S , Lr))

P-ext-3-1 = 5.4 - 0.3867 - (0.4 * MAX(0 , 1))
P-ext-3-1 = -4.6022 kPa

Pa-column-3-1 = P-ext-3-1
Pa-column-3-1 = -4.6022 kPa

Limited by column type

P-max-ext-T = MAX(P-ext-1-1 , P-ext-2-1 , P-ext-3-1)

P-max-ext-T = MAX(-1.4465 , -3.3735 , -4.6022)
P-max-ext-T = -1.4465 kPa


CA_roof (Thickness of roof plate) = 0 mm
CA_shell (Thickness of shell plate) = 0 mm
D (Shell nominal diameter) = 15.006 m
ID (Shell inside diameter) = 15.0 m
Theta angle (Angle between the roof and a horizontal plane at the roof-to-shell junction) = 3.5763 deg
tc (Thickness of shell plate) = 6 mm
th (Thickness of roof plate) = 5 mm

Shell inside radius

Rc = ID / 2 = 15000.0 / 2 = 7500.0 mm

Shell nominal diameter (D) = 15.006 m

Length of normal to roof

R2 = Rc / SIN(Theta angle) = 7500.0 / SIN(3.5763) = 120234.1466 mm

Thickness of corroded roof plate

th_corroded = th - CA_roof = 5 - 0 = 5 mm
Thickness of corroded shell plate
tc_corroded = tc - CA_shell = 6 - 0 = 6 mm

Maximum width of participating roof API-650 Figure F-2

Wh = MIN((0.3 * SQRT((R2 * th_corroded))) , 300)
= MIN((0.3 * SQRT((120234.1466 * 5))) , 300)
= 232.6056 mm

Maximum width of participating shell API-650 Figure F-2

Wc = 0.6 * SQRT((Rc * tc_corroded)) = 0.6 * SQRT((7500.0 * 6)) = 127.2792 mm

Nominal weight of shell plates and framing

DLS = Ws + W_framing = 259728.1778 + 16841.3599 = 276569.5377 N

Nominal weight of roof plates and attached structural

DLR = Wr + W_structural = 68343.8071 + 0.0 = 68343.8071 N

Compression Ring Detail d Properties

ID (Shell inside diameter) = 15.0 m
Size (Compression ring size) = l50x50x8
Wc (Length of contributing shell) = 127.2792 mm
Wh (Length of contributing roof) = 232.6056 mm
tc (Thickness of shell plate) = 6 mm
th (Thickness of roof plate) = 5 mm

Angle vertical leg size (l_vert) = 50 mm

Angle horizontal leg size (l_horz) = 50 mm
Angle thickness (t_angle) = 8.0 mm
Angle area (A_angle) = 741.0 mm^2
Angle centroid (c_angle) = 15.2 mm
Angle moment of inertia (I_angle) = 163000.0 mm^4

Length of contributing shell reduced

wc_reduced = Wc - l_vert = 127.2792 - 50 = 77.2792 mm

Contributing shell moment of inertia

I_shell = (wc_reduced * (tc_corroded^3)) / 12
= (77.2792 * (6^3)) / 12
= 1391.026 mm^4

Contributing shell area

A_shell = wc_reduced * tc_corroded = 77.2792 * 6 = 463.6753 mm^2

Contributing roof area

A_roof = Wh * th_corroded = 232.6056 * 5 = 1163.028 mm^2

Detail total area

A_detail = A_shell + A_roof + A_angle
= 463.6753 + 1163.028 + 741.0
= 2367.7033 mm^2

Find combined moment of inertia about shell inside axis with negative value toward center

Description Variable Equation Value Unit

Shell centroid d_shell tc_corroded / 2 3 mm
(the-reference (current-object)
Stiffener centroid d_stiff '(superior angle-centroid) t t t nil 15.2000 mm
'default-the-error nil)
moment of inertia of
I_1 I_angle + (A_angle * (d_stiff^2)) 334200.6400 mm^4
first body
moment of inertia of
I_2 I_shell + (A_shell * (d_shell^2)) 5564.1039 mm^4
second body
Total area A_sum A_angle + A_shell 1204.6753 mm^2
Sum of moments of
I_sum I_1 + I_2 339764.7439 mm^4
((d_stiff * A_angle) + (d_shell *
Combined centroid c_combined 10.5043 mm
A_shell)) / (A_angle + A_shell)
Combined moment
I_combined I_sum - (A_sum * (c_combined^2)) 206841.4310 mm^4
of inertia
Distance from neutral
axis to edge 1 e1 l_horz - c_combined 39.4957 mm
Distance from neutral
axis to edge 2 e2 l_horz - e1 10.5043 mm
Combined stiffener
S I_combined / MAX(e1 , e2) 5237.0571 mm^3
shell section modulus

Roof Design Requirements

Appendix F Requirements
A_actual (Area resisting compressive force) = 2367.7033 mm^2
D (Tank nominal diameter) = 15.006 m
DLR (Nominal weight of roof plates and attached structural) = 68343.8071 N
DLS (Nominal weight of shell plates and framing) = 276569.5377 N
Fy (Minimum specified yield-strength of the materials in the roof-to-shell junction) = 250 MPa
ID (Tank inside diameter) = 15.0 m
Mw (Wind moment) = 3.1753591638E6 N.m
P (Design pressure) = 0.0 kPa
Theta angle (Angle between the roof and a horizontal plane at the roof-to-shell junction) = 3.5763 deg
W_framing (Weight of framing supported by the shell and roof) = 16841.3599 N
W_structural (Weight of roof attached structural) = 0.0 N
Wr (Roof plates weight) = 68343.8071 N
Ws (Shell plates weight) = 259728.1778 N

Uplift due to internal pressure API-650 F.1.2

P_uplift = P * pi * ((ID^2) / 4) = 0.0 * pi * ((15.0^2) / 4) = 0.0 N

Tank design does not have to meet App. F requirements.

Maximum allowable internal pressure for the actual resisting area API 650 F.5.1
P_F51 = ((Fy * TAN(Theta angle) * A_actual) / (200 * (D^2))) + ((0.00127 * DLR) / (D^2))
= ((250 * TAN(3.5763) * 2367.7033) / (200 * (15.006^2))) + ((0.00127 * 68343.8071) / (15.006^2))
= 1.2069 kPa

Maximum allowable internal pressure

P_max_internal = MIN(P_std , P_F51) = MIN(18 , 1.2069) = 1.2069 kPa


Material = A36M
Structural Material = A36M
t-actual = 5 mm
t-required = 5 mm
t-calc = 4.7625 mm
P-Max-Internal = 1.2069 kPa
P-Max-External = -1.4465 kPa
Roof Plates Weight = 68,343.807 N
Weight of Rafters = 28,437.5446 N
Weight of Girders = 0 N
Weight of Columns = 7,205.4906 N

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