B Inggris 15
B Inggris 15
B Inggris 15
Soal Text 1
Footballs and big macs are certainly part of life for lots of people;
but Coca Cola is now a permanent part of world culture. People know and
drink Coca Cola all over the world.
It is said that the Coca Cola bottle is the most recognized object in the
world. Hundreds of millions of people can recognize a Coke bottle by its shape,
even if they cannot see it. The famous Coca Cola logo is the most famous logo
in the world. Unlike any other famous commercial logo, it has not changed in
100 years.
But the story of Coca Cola is even older than that. It was in 1886 that
John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup,
using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients.
Pemberton sold it as a medicine; and with its coca (the source of cocaine), it
must have made people feel good.
Candler was thus the man who really invented the drink Coca Cola. At
first he sold it in his drugstore; then he began selling the syrup to other
drugstores, who used it with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his
new drink, and soon people were going to drugstores just to get a drink of Coca
Today, Coca Cola is made in countries all over the world, including
Russia and China; it is the world's most popular drink.
https://linguapress.com/intermediate/coc a-cola-story.htm)
Pembahasan Pembahasan:
Pertanyaan tersebut menanyakan IDE UTAMA dari bacaan. Ide utama sebuah
bacaan adalah kalimat atau frasa yang mewakili isi keseluruhan kalimat yang
didukung oleh kalimat-kalimat pada setiap paragraf bacaan. Ide utama dapat
tersirat dan tersurat.
Pada bacaan diatas ide utamanya tersirat namun dijelaskan di setiap paragraf
Jawaban [D] karena merupakan ide utama yang tepat dan dapat mewakili
seluruh isi bacaan.
Nomor 2.
Soal Text 1
Footballs and big macs are certainly part of life for lots of people;
but Coca Cola is now a permanent part of world culture. People know and
drink Coca Cola all over the world.
It is said that the Coca Cola bottle is the most recognized object in the
world. Hundreds of millions of people can recognize a Coke bottle by its shape,
even if they cannot see it. The famous Coca Cola logo is the most famous logo
in the world. Unlike any other famous commercial logo, it has not changed in
100 years.
But the story of Coca Cola is even older than that. It was in 1886 that
John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup,
using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients.
Pemberton sold it as a medicine; and with its coca (the source of cocaine), it
must have made people feel good.
Candler was thus the man who really invented the drink Coca Cola. At
first he sold it in his drugstore; then he began selling the syrup to other
drugstores, who used it with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his
new drink, and soon people were going to drugstores just to get a drink of Coca
Today, Coca Cola is made in countries all over the world, including
Russia and China; it is the world's most popular drink.
https://linguapress.com/intermediate/coc a-cola-story.htm)
Pembahasan Pembahasan:
Arti pertanyaan:
“Namun sejarah Coca Cola bahkan lebih lama dari itu. Pada tahun 1886 John
Pemberton, seorang pembuat obat di Atlanta, Georgia, menemukan jenis sirup
baru, menggunakan daun koka, gula dan kacang kola, dengan tambahan
bahanbahan rahasia lainnya.”
Jawaban [B] karena sesuai dengan isi bacaan yaitu bahwa John Pemberton
adalah orang yang pertama kali menciptakan Coca Cola.
Nomor 3.
Soal Text 1
Footballs and big macs are certainly part of life for lots of people;
but Coca Cola is now a permanent part of world culture. People know and
drink Coca Cola all over the world.
It is said that the Coca Cola bottle is the most recognized object in the
world. Hundreds of millions of people can recognize a Coke bottle by its shape,
even if they cannot see it. The famous Coca Cola logo is the most famous logo
in the world. Unlike any other famous commercial logo, it has not changed in
100 years.
But the story of Coca Cola is even older than that. It was in 1886 that
John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup,
using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients.
Pemberton sold it as a medicine; and with its coca (the source of cocaine), it
must have made people feel good.
Candler was thus the man who really invented the drink Coca Cola. At
first he sold it in his drugstore; then he began selling the syrup to other
drugstores, who used it with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his
new drink, and soon people were going to drugstores just to get a drink of Coca
Today, Coca Cola is made in countries all over the world, including
Russia and China; it is the world's most popular drink.
https://linguapress.com/intermediate/coc a-cola-story.htm)
Pembahasan Pembahasan:
Arti pertanyaan:
“Bagaimana Coca Cola ciptaan Candler berbeda dengan Coca Cola ciptaan
“Pada akhirnya, Obat buatan Pemberton tidak terlalu berhasil, sehingga dia
menjual resep rahasianya kepada pembuat obat lain, Asa Candler. Candler
tertarik karena dia memiliki ide lain; dia berpikir bahwa “obat” buatan
Pemberton akan jauh lebih baik jika dicampur dengan soda.”
Jawaban [C] karena memuat informasi yang sesuai dengan isi bacaan yaitu
Nomor 4.
Soal Text 1
Footballs and big macs are certainly part of life for lots of people;
but Coca Cola is now a permanent part of world culture. People know and
drink Coca Cola all over the world.
It is said that the Coca Cola bottle is the most recognized object in the
world. Hundreds of millions of people can recognize a Coke bottle by its shape,
even if they cannot see it. The famous Coca Cola logo is the most famous logo
in the world. Unlike any other famous commercial logo, it has not changed in
100 years.
But the story of Coca Cola is even older than that. It was in 1886 that
John Pemberton, a druggist in Atlanta, Georgia, invented a new type of syrup,
using coca leaves, sugar and cola nuts, plus a few other secret ingredients.
Pemberton sold it as a medicine; and with its coca (the source of cocaine), it
must have made people feel good.
Candler was thus the man who really invented the drink Coca Cola. At
first he sold it in his drugstore; then he began selling the syrup to other
drugstores, who used it with their soda fountains. Candler also advertised his
new drink, and soon people were going to drugstores just to get a drink of Coca
Today, Coca Cola is made in countries all over the world, including
Russia and China; it is the world's most popular drink.
https://linguapress.com/intermediate/coc a-cola-story.htm)
Pembahasan Pembahasan:
Arti pertanyaan:
“Manakah dari pernyataan tentang Coca Cola ini yang SALAH berdasarkan
bacaan?” Pilihan B salah karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai isi
bacaan, seperti dalam kalimat berikut:
Cola.” (Paragraf 6)
Pilihan C salah karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai isi bacaan, seperti
dalam kalimat berikut:
“Botol yang terkenal tersebut, dengan bentuknya yang mudah dikenali, didesain
Pilihan D salah karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai isi bacaan, seperti
dalam kalimat berikut:
“Saat Perang Dunia I, tentara Amerika di Eropa mulai meminta Coca Cola,
maka perusahaan Coca Cola mulai mengekspor ke Eropa.” (Paragraf 8)
Pilihan E salah karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai isi bacaan, seperti
dalam kalimat berikut:
“Pemberton menjual hal ini sebagai obat jenis baru; dan dengan kandungan
kokanya (bahan kokain) hal ini membuat orangorang merasa senang. “
(Paragraf 4)
Jawaban [A] karena tidak sesuai dengan isi bacaan yang menyatakan
bahwa kandungan cocain pada Coca Cola telah dihilangkan.
“Dan untuk kandungan “coca” dalam minuman ini telah diberhentikan pada
tahun 1903.” (paragraf 10)
Nomor 5.
Soal TEXT 2
Adopted from:
http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/202003 05-the-re-discovery-of-a-long-lost-
Pembahasan Pembahasan:
Nomor 6.
Soal TEXT 2
Adopted from:
http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/202003 05-the-re-discovery-of-a-long-lost-
Main idea atau gagasan utama adalah hal yang mendasari sebuah tulisan
ditulis. Dalam hal ini, haruslah dipahami apa yang disampaikan dalam teks
tersebut. Pada paragraf pertama dikatakan bahwa temuan arkeologis dapat
membuktikan bahwa Thouria adalah kota penting lebih dari yang dikira. Para
paragraf kedua menjelaskan penggalian yang dilakukan oleh kelompok
arkeologis yang dipimpin oleh Xeni Arapogianni pada 2007 menemukan kuil
dan Asclepion. Pada paragraf ketiga menjelaskan temuan pada 2016 sebuha
reruntuhan teater yang membuktikan seberapa penting kota tersebut. Pada
paragraf keempat menjelaskan pendapat dari Pausanias bahwa Thouria
dibangun di atas bukan dan kemudian dipindahkan ke lembah yang juga
memiliki kemungkinan bahwa Thouria adalah Anthea. Pada paragraf kelima
menyatakan bahwa penggalian terhadap situs tersebut masih dilakukan.
Dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa paragraf kedua sampai kelima menjelaskan
alasan mengapa Thoria bisa jadi kota yang lebih penting daripada yang telah
para Arkeologis kira.
Jawaban [C] benar karena sesuai dengan teks yang menyatakan bahwa
temuan di Thouria menunjukkan bahwa kota tersebut lebih penting dari yang
para arkeolog kira.
Nomor 7.
Soal TEXT 2
Adopted from:
http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/202003 05-the-re-discovery-of-a-long-lost-
Pembahasan Pembahasan:
Jawaban [B] benar karena sesuai dengan teks. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada
paragraf ketiga dinyatakan bahwa “More recently, in 2016, the excavation
group found the remains of a theatre made of white limestone, estimated to
date to the early Hellenistic period (323 – 31BC). The presence of such a
construction in Thouria could indicate the importance of the city, as theatres
were practically a mandatory presence in notable poleis across Ancient
Greece.” Yang artinya adalah kehadiran reruntuhan teater di Thouria
mengindikasikan pentingnya kota tersebut, karena teater merupakan kehadiran
wajib di kota-kota penting di Yunani Kuno.
Nomor 8.
Soal TEXT 2
Adopted from:
http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/202003 05-the-re-discovery-of-a-long-lost-
Arti kalimat soal: “Kata ‘excavation’ memiliki arti yang paling dekat dengan ...”
Pertanyaan di atas mengenai persamaan arti atau sinonim dari kata ‘excavation’
yang berarti penggalian.