Research1 q4 Mod2 ResearchProposalPresentation v2
Research1 q4 Mod2 ResearchProposalPresentation v2
Research1 q4 Mod2 ResearchProposalPresentation v2
Research I
Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Research Proposal Presentation
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Research I
Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Research Proposal Presentation
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge of lessons in each
SLM. This will tell you if you need to complete this module or if you need to ask your
facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for a better understanding of the lesson. At
the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning.
Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest
in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you with your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
This module was developed for the Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE)
students. It was written comprehensively to guide you on how to create a slide deck
or PowerPoint presentation and prepare you for the oral presentation and eventually
defend your research proposal. The students’ level of understanding was considered
in choosing the language and style in presenting the lesson and activities. The
lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now
Learning Objectives
At the end of the module, you are expected to:
1. familiarize with the do’s and don’ts in creating slide deck or power point
2. create a slide deck or power point presentation; and
3. demonstrate oral presentation skills in a congress through a research
proposal defense.
What I Know
Directions: Read and analyze each item. Write True if the statement pertains to good
practice when presenting a research proposal both for slide deck or
PowerPoint and oral and False, if not.
Research Proposal
1 Presentation
Your previous module has helped you develop your research topic and
eventually write your research proposal. Let us try to recall this by doing the activity
What’s In
What’s New
What is It
A research plan details the planned science fair project and must be accepted
before experiments are performed by a science fair committee. It does not provide
experimental data, but instead provides the questions you plan to answer, the
importance of questions, context details, and experimental design. Since your plan
must be accepted by a committee, have a proposal that represents your ideas as
important, doable, and unique in its approach.
The purpose of a proposal presentation is to persuade evaluators to support
your research project, convince the audience that the project is worth doing and that
you are capable of carrying it out. More so, it will counter check if your methodology
is correct and accurate. That is why your presentation, both slide and oral, must be
engaging and compelling.
Before going through the defense proposal, one must be ready. A slide deck
presentation and preparation for oral presentation is a must.
1. Title slide
You can write the full title of the research proposal here and its
proponent/proponents. There shall be only one slide for this part.
2. Introduction
You may discuss the “problem” on which you wish to work on. Give a good
rationale why you want to conduct the study.
Tell your audience also about the verifiable goals and objectives; your
statement of the problems and hypotheses. It should be clear to your audience
what you're looking for. Make sure that these goals are specific, measurable,
result- oriented, and time -bound. Things that you need to remember: Focus on
the relevant information and make it concise. Do not use more than 3 slides in
the introduction. Your slide number one must start on the first slide of your
3. Methodology
It’s about the materials and procedure or the recipe and spices of your
research work. Mention all the materials that are required to do the task. You
may use a flowchart in presenting this. Emphasis on any special equipment you
will use during your work. Include how your data will be analyzed and the
appropriate statistical tool to be used. Moreover, risk and safety must be
included. Use only 2-3 slides.
Tips in creating the slide decks or PowerPoint presentation
A good slide deck or PowerPoint presentation will help you and your audience
to be guided in the whole presentation. Below are tips that will help you in developing
your slide deck presentation.
1. There should be 5*5 rules in each slide. I.e. there are five words in one sentence
and there should be five lines on one slide.
2. Data should be in the form of small key points or bullets. Data should not be in
paragraph form on the slide. It should be precise. Slides are not for the audience
it just hints for the presenter. The presenter should explain all terms and every
concept that is written on the slide.
3. The standard heading size is 44 while the standard text size is 32.
4. Make a link of one slide with the second slide during the presentation. For
example, tell the audience what they will listen to and see in the next slide.
5. The template of the slide deck presentation should not have shocking color. Text
color should be in contrast with template color. If somewhere in slides text color
is the same as the template audience would not be able to see what is written on
6. There should be a slide number on every slide except the title slide.
7. Both slides have to be homogeneous. In the text of the entire presentation, the
presenter can use either upper case or lowercase alphabets
8. The animation should be used, but transitions should not be used.
9. There should be a table of content of the presentation on the slide next to the title
slide. By explaining this presenter should give an overview of the whole
10. Polish your graphics. Here is a list of hints for better graphics:
a. Use large letters; no fonts smaller than 16 points.
b. Keep the graphic simple. Don't show graphs you won't need. Don't crowd the
viewgraph, don't use different fonts or type styles - it makes your slide look like
a ransom note. Make sure the graph is simple and clear. A little help from those
who have this artistic talent will be of great help.
c. Use color. Color makes the graphic stand out, and it is not that expensive
anymore. However, avoid red in the text - red is difficult to see from a distance.
Also, check your color viewgraph using the projector. Some color schemes look
fine on paper but project poorly.
d. Using cartoon to explain science will help your audience understand your
presentation better.
Oral Presentation
2. Practice your talk. Practicing the talk is the best way to get acquainted with the
content and get the pacing of the talk right. There is no excuse for this lack of
preparation. Even better, practice in front of a small audience
3. Make notes for yourself. But do not write everything you will say. Just the key
points. Don’t worry about pausing once in a while to think. You may use your
notes if necessary
4. Know your audience. Assume your audience as experts in your topic.
5. Anticipate Questions. Write possible questions your evaluators might ask. Be
ready for them.
6. If you will be using Skype, Google Meet, or Zoom, test it in the room where you’ll
be speaking the day or two before your presentation to ensure it works as you
need it to. Check for a good internet connection. If presenting face to face,
check the venue and its available facilities and equipment so you can make
necessary adjustments, if needed.
7. Make sure you have backup files of your presentation.
8. Try not to be anxious after all of the training/practice. Bear in mind, you know
the role best. Each of your audience has been chosen for their area of expertise,
but you are the expert when it comes to your work.
1. Dress up – People are there to hear your material, but when you dress up you
send the message that you care enough about the audience to look nice for
them. Do not wear something distracting like loud accessories and loud clothes.
In terms of color, choose dark clothes rather than light because dark colors are
more powerful. Make sure your blouse or shirt has a collar.
2. Follow a good public speaking practice. Speak loudly and clearly enough.
3. Don't bring too many ideas inside. Strong speakers would have and stick to the
material with one or two central points. The point of a discussion is to convey
scientific questions, not to show people how smart you are. Here is a useful rule
of thumb - it takes approximately 1.5-2 minutes to display each view. Finally,
presume that most of the audience may know very little about the topic and
need a simple explanation of what you're doing, not just information.
4. Avoid equations. If there is really a need to show an equation - simplify it and
talk to it very briefly.
5. Have only a few conclusion points. People can't remember more than a couple
of things from a talk especially if they are hearing many talks/presentations at
one meeting/session.
6. Talk to the audience, not to the screen. Maintain eye contact with the audience
so they will not lose interest. If presenting virtually, look at the camera of your
device. Maybe this is difficult to avoid, but the speaker needs to consciously
look at the object on the screen, point to it, and then turn back to the audience
to discuss the feature. Let people look at the viewgraph for a few moments -
they usually can't concentrate on the material and listen to you at the same
time. Speak loudly and slowly. Pick out a few people in the audience and
pointedly talk to them as though you were explaining something to them. If
presenting face to face, do not stay on one corner of the stage/platform.
7. Avoid making distracting sounds. Everyone gets nervous speaking in public.
But sometimes the nervousness often comes out as annoying sounds or habits
that can be really distracting. Try to avoid "Ummm" or "Ahhh" between
sentences. If you put your hands in your pockets, take the keys and change
them out so you won't jingle them during your talk
8. Use humor if possible. A joke or two in your presentation spices things up and
relaxes the audience. It emphasizes the casual nature of the talk.
9. Be enthusiastic during the presentation. Keep your momentum from beginning
to the end of your presentation.
Questions after your talk can be scary. But questions are very important. If
there are no questions after a talk, it means that you failed to stimulate the audience,
or that they understood nothing of what you said. You failed to communicate.
Questions tell you what part of your talk the audience did not understand. Questions
may also help you focus your research or help you in the write- up. Your ability to
answer the questions after the presentation will convince your audience or panelists
that you know the in and out of your study. So, what is the best way to handle
1. First, repeat the question. This gives you time to think, and the rest of the
audience may not have heard the question. Also if you heard the question
incorrectly, it presents an opportunity for clarification. Make your answer
2. If you don't know the answer then say "I don't know, I will have to look into
that." Don't try to invent an answer on the fly. Be honest and humble. You
are only human and you can't have thought of everything.
3. If the questioner disagrees with you and it looks like there will be an
argument then defuse the situation. A good moderator will usually intervene
for you, but if not then you will have to handle this yourself. e.g. "We clearly
don't agree on this point, let's go on to other questions and you and I can
talk about this later."
4. Never insult the questioner. He/she may have friends, and you never need
more enemies.
Ending Your Oral Presentation
Think carefully about your final words and how you will finish your
presentation. You have to end strong.
1. Say Thank you - It is always a good idea to acknowledge people who helped
you improved your proposal.
Make sure all the recommendations, suggestions, and comments are well-
noted for the improvement of your research proposal.
What’s More
The tips presented above will guide you in preparing for the research proposal
defense. Let us now apply the things we have learned.
1. The number of slides for the following parts must be observed:
• Title Slide – 1 slide
• Introduction – 2-3 slides
• Methodology – 2-3 slides
• References – 1-2 slides
• Acknowledgements – 1 slide
2. You will be given one week to accomplish your PowerPoint Presentation.
3. An Electronic copy of the PowerPoint Presentation must be emailed or send via
messenger to the research teacher.
4. Your output will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
4 3 2 1
Category Outstanding Good Fair Poor
1. Content - All content Most of the The content is Content is
Accuracy throughout content is generally typically
(points x 2) the presentation accurate but accurate, but confusing or
is there is one piece contains
accurate. There one piece of of information more than one
are no information that is clearly factual
factual errors. might inaccurate. error.
be inaccurate.
2. Sequencing Information is Most Some There is no
of Information organized in a information is information is clear plan for
(points x 2) clear, logical organized in a logically the
way. It is easy to clear, logical sequenced. An organization of
anticipate the way. One slide occasional information.
type of material or item of slide or item of
that might be on information information
the next slide. seems out of seems out of
place. place.
3. OriginalityPresentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
shows shows some shows an has no
considerable originality and attempt at originality
originality and inventiveness. originality and people's ideas
inventiveness. The content and inventiveness and/or
The content and ideas are on 1-2 slides. graphics and
ideas are presented in an shows very
presented in a interesting way. little attempt
unique and at original
interesting way. thought.
4. Background Background Background Background Background
does not does not does not competes with
compete with compete with compete with text of
the text of the text of the text presentation.
presentation presentation. presentation. Background is
and is very Background is Background is not
appropriate to appropriate to not appropriate appropriate to
the nature of the nature of to the nature of the nature of
research. research but research research.
could have been
5. Use of All graphics are Most graphics Some graphics Some graphics
Graphics attractive (size are attractive are attractive are
and colours) and they but they do not unattractive
and support the support the seem to and they do
theme/content theme/content support the not seem to
theme/content support the
of the of the of the theme/content
presentation. presentation. presentation. of the
6. Use of The Most parts of the The The
Bullets presentation presentation presentation presentation
consists of consist of “bullet consists of consists of
“bullet points” points” that sentences that paragraphs
that serve as serve as the students the student
“prompts” for “prompts” for read during reads during
the student. the student. presentation. presentation.
7. Text - Font Font formats Font formats Font Font
Choice & (e.g., have been formatting has formatting
Formatting color, bold, carefully been carefully makes it
italic) have planned to planned very difficult to
been carefully enhance to complement read the
planned readability. the material.
to enhance content. It may
readability be a
and content. little hard to
8. Spelling Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
and Grammar has no has 1-2 has 3-4 has 5
misspellings or misspellings, misspellings misspellings
grammatical but no and some and
errors. grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors. errors errors.
1. Make a “script” of your presentation. Write everything you will say on the
proposal defense.
2. Practice the “script” in front of the mirror.
3. Make sure to record or video the entire practice for self-assessment and
4. Play the recorded video of the entire practice. Then, accomplish the self-
assessment below.
1. My script clearly stated a brief introduction and
rationale, objectives, statement of the problem and
2. I included the materials and procedure of my study as
well as how data will be analyzed and appropriate
statistical tool in my methodology
3. My script is good for 8-10 minutes when delivered.
4. My pacing is not too slow or too fast
5. My voice is well-modulated.
6. I did not say destructive mannerism.
1. Submit a hard copy and an electronic copy of your research proposal at least one
week prior to the mock defense.
2. Get ready with your PowerPoint presentation about the research study.
3. Create a script of your presentation. You must begin with an outline and develop
good transitions between parts. Organize your thoughts to have a smooth flow of
the presentation. You may include a beginning, a middle, and an end.
4. Your research teacher will assign one group to listen to the presentation. The
research teacher will provide a softcopy of your manuscript to the assigned group
to read in advance and prepare questions.
5. The assigned group will play the role of panel of judges. After the presentation,
they will ask questions about your research project. Respond to the questions in
a professional and mature manner.
6. Your research teacher will listen to the presentation and can ask questions in
preparation for your final defense.
7. Each group will be given 10 minutes for their PowerPoint presentation and another
10 minutes for question and answer with the panel of judges. A warning will be
given after 8 minutes during the presentation and another 8 minutes during the
question and answer. A final bell will sound once time is up.
8. The research adviser will provide the link for the mock defense and the schedule.
For Alternative Mode of Mock defense: Face-to-face Mock defense with family
members. This is only applicable for those students who don’t have internet access
at home.
9. Two or three family members will play the role of panel of judges. After the
presentation, they will ask questions about your research proposal. Respond to
the questions in a professional and mature manner.
10. Record your mock defense (virtual or face-to-face). Watch the recorded video of
the mock defense to determine the areas for improvement such as your gestures,
the length, and pacing of the presentation, etc.
11. Students will be evaluated by the assigned group or the family members based
on the following criteria:
What I Have Learned
Directions: Evaluate your learning by placing a happy face or sad face on the item
that represents your confidence in creating slide deck presentation
and oral presentation.
1. I can make a slide deck presentation following the standard rules and
2. I can apply the do’s and don’ts during the oral presentation like avoiding
distractive mannerism, maintaining eye contact etc.
3. I can present my research proposal in a classroom-based set-up.
4. I can present my research proposal in a school-based congress and other
platform with confidence.
5. I can accept recommendations from my evaluators.
What I Can Do
13. Refer to the rubric below.
Criteria Percentage
I. Science Thought and Engineering Goals 30%
1. Scientific Thought
a. Brief and clear statement of the problem
b. Well defined procedure
2.Engineering Goals
a. Clear and relevant objective/s
b. Economically feasible solutions
3. Potential Contribution/ practical value
II. Creative, Resourcefulness and inventiveness 30%
a. Creative ability in presenting the problem/ in the
approach to solve the problem
b. Innovative design / new idea shown
c. Intelligence and imagination in finding ways / means
to undertake the project
III. Thoroughness 15%
Source: DepEd Division of Angeles City: Division Memorandum No. 210 s. 201
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Then, write the letter of the correct answer.
3. Which among the following statements is not a good practice before oral
defense presentation?
a. Practice your talk.
b. Have a back-up file of your presentation.
c. Anticipate that there would be no questions after your presentation.
d. Check the room where you will present your proposal whether face to
face or virtually.
4. Which among the following statements is a good practice during oral defense
a. Use fancy vocabulary to attract the audience.
b. Present your proposal logically and clearly.
c. Drop the question at once if you don’t know the answer.
d. Say "I wish that the pointer worked better" if your pointer
Additional Activities
3. Have your documentation ready for verification i.e., text messages, recorded
audio, or video.
4. Submit output via google classroom or have them handed on your teacher
during the distribution/retrieval of modules.
Guide Questions:
1. Does the interview inspire you? Why or why not?
2. What did you learn from the activity?
3. Do you think this activity will help you in your proposal defense? Explain.
Additional Activity
Output may vary
Assessment What I Can Do What I Have
1. a Answers may vary
2. b
3. c Answers may vary
4. b
5. d
What’ s More What’ s More What’ s More
Assessment 1 Activity 2 Activity 1
Scores may vary Students had a mock 1. Fact
depending on the rubric defense 2. Fact
3. Bluff
4. Fact
5. Bluff
What’ s More
Assessment 2
Answers may vary
What’ s New What’ s In What I Know
Answers may vary Answers may vary 1. True 6. True
2. True 7. False
3. False 8. True
4. False 9. True
5. True 10. True
Answer Key
"Advice For The Defense | Graduate Connections | Nebraska". 2021. Unl.Edu.
"How To Write A Research Plan For A Science Project". 2021. The Classroom |
Empowering Students In Their College Journey.
Zahid, Talha, and Ahmed Khan. 2021. "How To Present A Research Paper Using
Powerpoint [Sample + Tips]". Techooid.Com.
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