Assignment No 1 Psy406
Assignment No 1 Psy406
Assignment No 1 Psy406
Spring 2023
Course Code PSY406
Course title Educational Psychology
VU Id BC220426403
3. Bilal, a four-month-old baby, is in the early Trust versus In this example, Bilal is demonstrating
stages of exploration and discovering his Mistrust Stage the key elements of the Trust versus
surroundings. With attentive and caring Mistrust Stage. During this stage,
parents, his needs are met promptly and infants develop a sense of trust in the
lovingly, fostering a growing sense of trust world and their caregivers. Trust is
in the world. However, when his parents built when their feeding, comfort, and
leave him with a babysitter, he experiences attention, are met consistently and
anxiety and cries as he is unfamiliar with promptly. In Bilal’s case, his parents
being apart from them. This separation are attentive and caring, meeting his
highlights his struggle with understanding needs promptly and lovingly. This
constancy, the concept that his parents will positive caregiving experience fosters
return after their absence. his growing sense of trust in the world.
However, when Bilal’s parents leave
him with a babysitter, he experiences
anxiety and cries. This reaction
indicates his struggle with
understanding constancy, which is a
concept that his parents will return after
their absence. Bilal’s anxiety and
crying reflect his uncertainty and fear
of being apart from his familiar and
trusted caregivers.
Overall, Bilal’s experience in this
example aligns with the Trust versus
Mistrust Stage. The positive interaction
with his parents contributes to the
development of trust while the
separation of them triggers him and
highlights his struggle with
understanding constancy.
4. Khadija, a 5-year-old girl with a passion for Initiative and Guilt In this example, Khadija is
drawing and exploring her creativity, Stage demonstrating the key elements of the
eagerly participates in a classroom Initiative and Guilt Stage. During this
assignment to draw her family. However, stage, children develop a sense of
when her teacher criticizes her artwork for initiative, where they become more
its bright colors and unnecessary details, assertive, take initiative in activities,
she feels ashamed and doubts her creativity. and explore their interests and abilities.
This experience makes her hesitant to They start to develop a sense of
continue drawing and painting. purpose and direction in their actions
Fortunately, her parents support her by and seek to accomplish tasks.
encouraging her to keep creating, assuring Khadija’s passion for drawing and
her that everyone has their own unique exploring her creativity reflects her
style of expression. They emphasize the sense of initiative. She eagerly
importance of being proud of her artwork participates in a classroom assignment
and continuing to explore her creativity. to draw her family and demonstrates
her assertiveness and interest in
expressing herself through art.
However, when her teacher criticizes
her artwork for its bright colors and
unnecessary details. Khadija feels
ashamed and doubts her creativity. This
experience triggers feelings of guilt and
makes her hesitant to continue drawing
and painting. The criticism from her
teacher undermines her sense of
initiative and makes her question her
abilities and choices.
Fortunately, her parents play a
supportive role in her development.
They encourage her to keep creating,
assuring her that everyone has their
own unique style of expression. By
emphasizing the importance of being
proud of her artwork and continuing to
explore her creativity, they help
Khadija to regain her sense of initiative
and overcome feelings of guilt.