Effects of Sediment On Fish and Their Habitat: DFO Pacific Region Pacific Region Habitat Status Report 2000/01 E

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DFO Pacific Region

Pacific Region Habitat Status Report 2000/01 E

Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

Placer Mining - Yukon Territory

Abandoned placer gold dredge Aerial view of river altered by placer mining Washing the land to remove the

Background Summary

The input of sediment into water has been recognized as a • This document provides information on the
potential threat to the well being of aquatic organisms. potential effects that sediments may have on
While natural seasonal variations in sediment levels occur, fish and their habitat. It is intended for those
the input of sediment through catastrophic events such as who require a synopsis of the effects of
volcanic eruptions and floods, and human activities such sediment in aquatic systems, and at the same
as road building, mining, logging, spilling water from time it provides information on pertinent
dams etc., have the potential to harm aquatic organisms guidelines and recommendations designed to
and reduce biological productivity. protect such waters.

It is the mandate of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to ensure • Elevated levels of sediment and turbidity (a
the protection of fish and their habitat and it is an offense measure of the lack of clarity of water) can
under the Fisheries Act to deposit a deleterious substance reduce the biological productivity of aquatic
into waters frequented by fish and to carry out activities systems. Both these related factors have the
that result in the harmful alteration, disruption or potential to decrease plant growth (primary
destruction fish habitat. Sediment that is added to waters productivity) that may have consequences to
has the potential to harm fish and their habitat and thereby secondary productivity (organisms that feed on
contravene these provisions of the Fisheries Act. the plant material) which are, in turn, fed upon
by other organisms such as fish.
This document was written to assist in understanding the
potential effects of sediment on fish and their habitat. It • Examples of the lethal and sublethal effects of
also refers to criteria and guidelines that were developed sediment on fish and their habitat (such as
for the protection of aquatic resources from sediment. The effects on feeding and growth, cover and risk
application of these guidelines and criteria is a challenge of predation, avoidance and displacement,
for environmental managers who must assess the risks to cumulative effects, egg development and
aquatic organisms associated with human activities. survival, primary and secondary productivity)
Birtwell (1999) provides a more thorough and technical and factors such as temperature, particle size
review of the topic in the research document upon which and angularity, and duration of exposure, that
this report is based. influence some of these effects, are presented
in the report.

January 2000
Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

• The concentrations of suspended sediment that sediment concentrations occurs, typically, in

have been determined to kill fish over a short response to events (e.g. rain fall, snow and glacial
time period (hours) typically range from the melting) which increase both water flows and
hundreds to hundreds of thousands of levels resulting in land erosion and sediment input
milligrams of sediment per litre, while to waterways. The increased energy within
concentrations which may harm them but not watercourses may move the stream-bed substrate
kill them directly (sublethal effects) are often and also increase the amount of material in
in the tens to hundreds of milligrams of suspension. Accordingly, aquatic organisms are
sediment per litre. subjected to these natural variations in their
environment. They have adapted their life cycle
• Guidelines have been formulated to protect to accommodate them and in so doing ensured
aquatic resources from the effects of elevated the survival of the species.
levels of suspended sediment. Those that rely
on determinations of the weight of suspended In addition to natural seasonal fluctuations of
sediment in a known volume of water are sediment levels in the aquatic environment, there
recommended for use over those that rely solely are catastrophic events, such as volcanic
on turbidity (the majority of sediment-effects eruptions, and certain anthropogenic activities that
information is based on determinations of the have the potential to add unusually large amounts
concentration of sediment in waters). of sediment to a water body, thereby markedly
However, if the relationship is known between affecting its physical, chemical, and biological
suspended sediment and turbidity, then structure and integrity. Such activities as logging,
turbidity may be used as a surrogate for road building, dredging, and placer (gold) mining,
suspended sediment. etc., may cause significant environmental changes
proximal to the activity and at distances further
• The use of guidelines that incorporate the downstream.
duration of exposure to sediments provide
useful analytical information for predictive Guidelines and criteria have been formulated,
purposes, but caution is warranted when based on scientific literature, to facilitate the
attempting to predict the effects of low (less protection of aquatic organisms from elevated
than, or equal to, tens of milligrams per litre) levels of sediment in their environment.
levels of sediment over protracted periods of
time. Assessment of the Issue

• It is concluded that elevated levels of sediment Although sediment, and its associated effects on
(typically over background) may be harmful water clarity and turbidity, is an inherent
to fish (i.e. acutely lethal, or elicit sublethal component of aquatic systems, it is apparent from
responses that could compromise their well- the literature that there is an increased risk to the
being and jeopardize survival), and in addition, survival and well-being of aquatic organisms
negatively impact on their habitat. when levels exceed background values for a
particular period of time.
Research has shown that elevated levels of
Sediments occur naturally and are integral sediment, above background values, can be
components of aquatic systems. Nearly all waters detrimental to aquatic biota; this understanding
have some solid matter in suspension that may has led to the formulation of water quality criteria,
be of physical, chemical or biological origin, and guidelines and recommendations.
the quantities of this material usually vary with
season. This natural variation in suspended A perspective on the potential effects of sediment

Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

in aquatic systems may be obtained from some Numerous criteria and guideline documents have
of the world-wide body of literature. Of particular been formulated since those put forward by
note are those documents that present a scientific EIFAC, and the most recent have been based on
review of the literature on the effects of sediment the analyses of Newcombe and MacDonald
on aquatic organisms and their habitat that were (1991), Anderson et al. (1996), and Newcombe
used during the formulation and recommendation and Jensen (1996) and Caux et al. (1997). These
of water quality criteria and guidelines. authors state that aquatic biota respond to both
the concentration of suspended sediments and the
Criteria and guidelines duration of exposure to them, and relate the two
through an “index of pollution intensity (stress
In 1964, the European Inland Fisheries Advisory index)”. It was Newcombe and MacDonalds’
Commission (EIFAC), assessed the literature that (1991) recommendation that the use of the “stress
was available on the effects of suspended solids index” would provide resource managers with a
on aquatic organisms and concluded that there method to predict the effects of “pollution
are at least 5 ways in which an excessive amount episodes on aquatic biota”. Although the original
of sediment might be harmful to a fishery. These concept was criticized because of its inaccuracy
are by a) acting directly on the fish swimming in as a predictive tool, more rigorous analyses and
the water in which solids are suspended, and either additional information reveal the utility of the
killing them or reducing their growth rate, approach. Models that utilize a function of
resistance to disease etc., b) preventing the concentration and duration of exposure to predict
successful development of fish eggs and larvae potential harm (Newcombe and MacDonald 1991;
c) modifying natural movements and migrations Newcombe and Jensen 1996; Caux et al. 1997;
of fish d) reducing the abundance of food BCMELP 1998; CCME 1999), reveal that an
available to the fish and, e) affecting the efficiency increasing duration of exposure to sediment
of methods for catching fish. potentially results in increasing harm to fish, life
cycle stages, and to other aquatic organisms. Such
Following their review EIFAC (1964) deduced
trend identification is of value in predicting the
the following criteria for the protection of fisheries
potential effects of sediment on aquatic
organisms, but caution must be exercised when
<25 parts per million* (ppm) of suspended assessing the effects of low concentrations [less
solids - no evidence of harmful effects on than or equal to tens of milligrams per litre
fish and fisheries; (mg·L–1 )] of suspended sediment over protracted
periods of time.
25 - 80 ppm - it should be possible to
maintain good to moderate fisheries, The British Columbia Ministry of Environment,
however the yield would be somewhat Lands, and Parks (BCMELP) (1998), and the
diminished relative to waters with <25 Canadian Council of Ministers of the
ppm suspended solids; Environment (CCME) (1999) guidelines are the
most recent documents on this topic, and they are
80 - 400 ppm - these waters are unlikely to based, in part, on the publication by Caux et al.
support good freshwater fisheries; and (1997).

400 ppm suspended solids - at best, only Listed below are some of the proposed CCME
poor fisheries are likely to be found. (1999) recommendations for suspended
sediments, turbidity, and stream-bed substrate (at
* Parts per million approximate (mg·L–1 ) the time of writing, these recommendations were

Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

Suspended sediments about 3 to 1 (CCME 1999), but depending on the

nature of the material in suspension this ratio can
Clear flow: Maximum increase of 25 mg·L-1 from
vary substantially from that used in the guideline.
background levels for short-term (e.g. <24
Accordingly, it is critical to establish the
h) exposures, and a maximum average
relationship between suspended sediment and
increase of 5 mg·L-1 from background for
turbidity if values of the latter are to be used in
longer-term exposures (e.g. 24 h to 30 d).
guidelines for the protection of aquatic organisms.
High flow: Maximum increase of 25 mg·L-1 from Lloyd (1987) states that measurements of
background levels at any time when turbidity can be used to identify at least threshold
background levels are between 25 mg·L- 1 levels of suspended sediment concentrations for
and 250 mg·L-1. Should not increase more a broad range of watersheds.
than 10% of background levels when
An assessment of the application of sediment
background levels are >250 mg·L-1 .
criteria and relevant literature occurred during the
Turbidity revision of the Yukon Placer Authorization
(Government of Canada 1993). This document
Turbidity, measured through the use of describes the conditions under which placer
nephelometry (light scattering), relates the mining can occur in the Yukon Territory and the
scattering of light in a water sample to a range of sediment levels that may be discharged to streams.
known turbidity standards, and provides values
that are presented as Nephelometric Turbidity The document recognizes the importance of
Units (NTUs). placer mining in the Yukon and permits the
“harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of
Clear flow: Maximum increase of 8 NTUs from fish habitat” in certain streams, and/or the
background levels for short-term (e.g.<24 discharge of sediment subject to compliance with
h) exposures, and a maximum average the standards of allowable sediment discharge
increase of 2 NTUs from background for which are described in the Authorization. The
longer-term exposures (e.g. 24 h to 30 d). compliance schedule that the placer miners must
meet for the discharge of sediment into streams
High flow or turbid waters: Maximum increase has been categorized according to the water’s
of 8 NTUs from background levels at any biological resources and their current and
time when background levels are between potential uses. For example, since January 1994
8 NTUs and 80 NTUs. Turbidity should there was to be no increase in the concentration
not increase more than 10% of background of sediments above background levels in salmon
levels when background levels are >80 spawning streams, whereas for salmonid rearing
NTUs. streams the permissible increase is less than 200
mg·L-1 .
Stream-bed substrate
It was recognized that there was some level of
Fine sediments: The quantity in stream-bed risk to aquatic organisms depending upon the
substrates should not exceed 10% of sediment levels discharged and the sensitivity of
particles <2 mm, 19% of particles <3 mm, the organisms in the receiving stream. After a
and 25% of particles <6.35 mm. review of available information it was determined
that the impacts could be classified in relation to
Caux et al. (1997), and CCME (1999) provide the levels of risk to which the fish habitat would
details regarding the derivation of the above be subjected, and that these impacts would be best
criteria. The ratio of the concentration of assessed using increases in the concentration of
suspended solids to turbidity is considered to be suspended sediment above background levels.

Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

The levels of risk and the corresponding In general it has been determined that angular
concentrations of sediment follow: suspended sediment particles cause mortality at
Sediment increase (mg·L ) Risk to fish and their habitat lower concentrations than do those of less angular
materials, and that such effects may be
0 No risk exacerbated under “natural” conditions. The
<25 Very low risk
highly angular volcanic ash (tephra) that entered
25 - 100 Low risk
100 - 200 Moderate risk
the streams in Washington, USA as a result of
200 - 400 High risk the Mount St. Helens eruption was considered to
>400 Unacceptable risk be a major contributing factor to the loss of fishery
resources in the affected areas.
Examples of the effects of sediment on
In their natural environment, the survival of fish
the lives of fish depends upon many factors not the least of which
are finding food, predator avoidance, immune
It has been determined that certain concentrations
system health and reproduction; for salmonids,
of sediment kill fish directly. These
sediment has the potential to affect all of these
concentrations typically range from the hundreds
to hundreds of thousands of mg·L-1 of sediment.
For many fish the successful capture of prey is a
The typical test that determines the lethality of a
fundamental requirement in order to obtain food,
pollutant is generally carried out over 96 hours.
and for facultative and opportunistic sight feeding
The concentration (lethal concentration - LC) of
juvenile salmonids this process may be affected
a substance that kills 50% of the test organisms
by variations in suspended sediments. For
in 96 hours is referred to as the 96-h LC50; it is a
example, in laboratory streams it was
basic toxicological test. By determining the 96-
demonstrated that under-yearling Arctic grayling
h LC50 values for a range of substances, their
exposed to suspended sediment for six weeks had
relative short-term toxicity can be compared.
impaired feeding activity and reduced growth
Such values do not indicate the effects of a more
rates at concentrations above 100 mg·L-1 .
prolonged exposure to the contaminant, they do
not address the onset of death in the test fish There is evidence that some juvenile salmonids
(which is of great significance to the individuals may benefit from the occupation of turbid waters
of a population), nor do they relate to effects on through a reduced risk of predation and whereas
fish habitat. Therefore, the results of the 96-h visual ability may be affected in turbid waters
LC50 test have limited value for predicting effects there can be increased feeding because of a
in the wild and at best they are but a coarse reduced risk of predation. This premise is valid
indicator of the short-term effects of a for predators that rely on sight to locate prey, but
contaminant. may not be as tenable for those predators that
locate their prey by other means and are adapted
The effect of angularity and the size of sediment
to feed in turbid environments. However, at more
particles on fish has received little attention in
elevated turbidities and suspended sediment
the literature, but they are factors that influence
concentrations the visual ability of juvenile
the response of fish to suspended sediments. For
chinook becomes substantially impaired and
example it was found that the lethality of natural
foraging ability is reduced regardless of any
Fraser River sediments to under-yearling sockeye
concurrent gains.
salmon increased with increasing particle size. It
has also been determined that the shape of Coho salmon smolts reduced or ceased feeding
suspended sediment particles may affect when exposed to 100 mg·L-1 and >300 mg·L- 1
physiological stress and hence mortality in fish. suspended sediment, respectively. Juvenile coho

Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

and chinook salmon also displayed abnormal Chapman (1988) undertook a critical review of
surfacing behavior when exposed to the “variables used to define the effects of fines
concentrations of suspended sediment above in redds of large salmonids” and described the
2,550 mg·L-1. Such surfacing behavior at elevated effects, both primary and secondary, that the
sediment levels may well increase the risk to avian intrusion of fine sediment may have on the
predators; an activity that has been documented survival and emergence of embryos and alevins
in relation to the discharge of pollutants and on within and external to the “egg pocket.” Chapman
visually-impaired salmon released from a (1988) comments that “survival to emergence
hatchery. usually relates negatively to percentages of small
The relevance of sublethal effects due to exposure
to sediment is not easy to deduce. In the highly In addition to the effects of deposited sediments
competitive environment in which aquatic on the reproductive success of salmonids, concern
organisms live, the maintenance of health and is also warranted over the maintenance of spaces
performance are prerequisites for survival. It is among substrate components that are utilized by
apparent, for example, that even brief exposure juvenile fish and other organisms. The nocturnal
of juvenile salmon to a contaminant at the habit of certain species of juvenile salmonids
sublethal level can jeopardize survival by during winter, allied to their use of inter-cobble
increasing their susceptibility to predation. An substrate habitat, emphasizes the need to prevent
increasing body of information indicates that the stream-beds from becoming impacted and the
sublethal exposure of juvenile fish to a stressor, interstitial spaces filled with fine sediment.
or combination of stressors, increases their
susceptibility to predation and hence jeopardizes General effects on the aquatic
survival and potentially compromises environment
physiological performance.
Lloyd et al. (1987) showed that the productivity
Information in the scientific literature regarding of aquatic systems could be reduced by turbid
the sublethal effects of sediment on fish reveal conditions. Increases in turbidity reduced light
that a variety of responses may be evoked, some penetration in lakes and streams which led to
of which are stressful to the exposed individuals. decreased quantities of plant material and hence
Stressful conditions are known to reduce the reduced primary production, decreased abundance
adaptive responses of salmonid fish to natural of fish food organisms (secondary production)
environmental fluctuations and increase their and decreased production and abundance of fish.
susceptibility to disease.
Invertebrate populations (secondary production)
Sediment impacts on salmonid reproduction has depend upon primary production, and the latter
been investigated particularly in relation to effects also may be adversely affected by elevated levels
on eggs and the survival of embryos and alevins. of sediment. Certain benthic invertebrates are
“Settleable solids” in river waters have the grazers and depend on periphyton for food, while
potential to be deposited in the stream, especially others may be filter feeders which could have their
under reduced flow conditions, where they may feeding structures clogged by sediment thereby
exert a detrimental influence on salmonid egg and reducing feeding efficiency and reducing growth
alevin survival in spawning beds. It is also rates. Some direct effects of sediment on aquatic
probable that the deposition of material could invertebrates include a) physical habitat change
reduce the quality of substrate in that salmon eggs due to the scouring of stream-beds and the
are deposited in the stream-bed substrate where dislodgment of individuals, b) smothering of
they are particularly susceptible to in-stream benthic communities, c) clogging of the interstices
disturbances and the deposition of material. between substrate components which affects

Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

macroinvertebrates was reduced in addition to

microhabitat, and d) abrasion of respiratory
effects on fish. Un-mined creeks were found to
surfaces and interference of food uptake for filter-
support a standing stock of fish 40 times that of
placer-mined streams. Overall, streams that had
The degree to which the major stream substrate seasonal suspended sediment concentrations in
particles are surrounded by fine material (the excess of 50 mg·L-1 did not support “significant”
degree of embeddedness) was found to have a numbers of under-yearling Arctic grayling or
strong correlation with macroinvertebrate chinook salmon.
assemblage richness and composition. Many of Conclusions
the organisms that are favored as food items (e.g.
mayflies, caddisflies and stoneflies) by stream- It is concluded that elevated levels of sediment
dwelling fish prefer relatively coarse stream-bed (typically over background) may be harmful to
substrates and are harmed by intrusions of fine fish (i. e. acutely lethal, or elicit sublethal
sediments, while others (e.g. midges) are responses that compromise their well-being and
considered to be more tolerant. jeopardize survival), and in addition, negatively
impact on their habitat. Lethal levels of sediment,
Examples of human activities affecting
determined through laboratory experimentation
exposure of aquatic organisms to over different exposure times, typically range
sediment from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of
mg·L-1 suspended sediment, whereas sublethal
The draining of an impoundment produces effects are typically manifest in the tens to
negative effects on aquatic communities by, in hundreds of mg·L-1 suspended sediment. Some
part, elevating sediment levels. For example, the species of aquatic organisms are more tolerant of
flushing of British Columbia’s Shuswap Falls suspended and deposited sediment than others,
dam in 1970, resulted in the elevation of and this variation must be recognized when
suspended sediments. The “stressing” of assessing potential effects.
whitefish, trout, and chinook salmon, and the
clogging of gills was evident at suspended Although elevated levels of suspended sediment
sediment levels of 10,000 mg·L-1 . elicit adverse responses in individual aquatic
organisms, it is difficult to extrapolate effects to
The potential for the release of water to elevate the population or ecosystem levels. However, the
suspended sediment levels and with it the biological productivity of turbid systems has been
concomitant impact on different trophic levels is shown to be less than that of non-turbid systems.
exemplified in a number of reports. However, Anthropogenic activities, such as some placer
caution should be exercised over concluding the mining operations, have resulted in lowered
cause of the biological changes that were densities of aquatic organisms in watersheds
observed. In addition to suspended sediment other through the elevation of suspended and deposited
factors such as reduced levels of dissolved sediments.
oxygen, and increases in ammonia are often
associated with the draining of dams, and they Criteria, guidelines and recommendations, though
may cause cumulative impacts or act having been formulated by different agencies, all
synergistically. tend to be mutually supportive. At the same time
they have application limitations, especially
In a study on the effects of sediment from placer relating to the protection of aquatic organisms
mining operations on a number of streams in the from the effects of sediment concentrations ≤ tens
Yukon Territory, it was deduced that taxonomic of mg·L-1. Application of the criteria must be done
diversity, density, and the quantity of benthic while recognizing potential impacts on aquatic

Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

organisms at both the lethal and the sublethal levels of suspended sediment.
level. Particle size and nature of the sediment
must be considered as well. Bioassay information Criteria that rely solely on the use of turbidity to
that reveals the lethal effect of sediment over a protect aquatic organisms from elevated levels of
short period of time (such as 96 h), provides only suspended solids are not generally recommended
a coarse indication of the effects of elevated levels for use because the typical site-specific and highly
of sediment in the wild. Accordingly, and when significant relationship that exists between
available, the more appropriate criteria which turbidity and suspended solids is not universally
incorporate sublethal and lethal effects knowledge applicable. Turbidity determinations integrate the
should be used. effects of suspended and dissolved material on
the penetration of light in waters which, in turn,
Criteria documented in this report that are based affects biological productivity. Depending upon
on suspended sediment levels are appropriate and the nature of the sediment in suspension and of
endorsed for use. the dissolved material, the ratio between turbidity
and suspended sediment will vary, usually by a
Recent guidelines have related elevated sediment factor less than 10. If, however, the relationship
levels to the natural hydrological regimes in between suspended sediment concentrations and
streams and the associated variation in suspended turbidity is known for a particular area (watershed,
sediment concentrations (CCREM 1987; stream, reach etc.), then turbidity per se may be
BCMELP 1998; CCME 1999). In addition, the used as a surrogate for suspended sediment and
use of risk criteria in relation to the elevation of the appropriate criteria for the latter applied.
sediment concentrations above background Turbidity is, therefore, a useful, but approximate,
(Government of Canada 1993) have merit and are indicator for suspended sediment.
supportive of, and based on, earlier published
criteria. For more information

Models that utilize sediment concentration and Contact:

duration-of-exposure to predict harm (Newcombe Ian K. Birtwell, Research Scientist
and MacDonald 1991; Newcombe and Jensen Marine Environment and Habitat Sciences
1996; Caux et al. 1997; BCMELP 1998; CCME Division,
1999) reveal significant trends in increasing harm Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
to fish and other aquatic organisms with West Vancouver Laboratory,
increasing duration of exposure. Such trend 4160 Marine Drive,
identification is of value in predicting the potential West Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7V 1N6
effects of sediment on aquatic organisms, but Tel: 604-666-7909
caution must be exercised when assessing the Fax: 604-666-3497
effects of low concentrations (≤ tens of mg·L–1 ) E-mail: birtwelli@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
of suspended sediment over protracted periods of References
time. Furthermore, it is likely that there would
be increased variation in the response among Anderson, P. B. Taylor, and G. Balch. 1996.
individuals and life stages of organisms to the Quantifying the effects of sediment release
effects of elevated, but lower and sublethal levels on fish and their habitats. Can. Manuscr.
of sediments, relative to less variable responses Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2346. 110p.
at higher sediment levels, due to a greater severity
of effect and less scope for adaptation, tolerance Birtwell, I.K. 1999. The effects of sediment on
and resistance. Because of this, judicious fish and their habitat. DFO Can. Pacific
application of these models is warranted when Science Advice and Review Committee
assessing the potential impacts of exposure to low Habitat Subcommittee Res. Doc. Canadian

Pacific Region Effects of sediment on fish and their habitat

Stock Assessment Secretariat Resesarch Authorization and supporting documents,

Document 99/139. applicable to placer mining in the Yukon
Territory. Ottawa, ON. 36p.
British Columbia Ministry of Environment,
Lands, and Parks (BCMELP). 1998. Ambient Lloyd, D.S. 1987. Turbidity as a water quality
water quality guidelines (criteria) for turbidity, standard for salmonid habitats in Alaska.
suspended and benthic sediments: overview. North Amer. J. Fish. Management. 7:34-45.
Water Management Branch, Environment and
Resource Division, British Columbia Ministry Newcombe, C.P., and J.O.T. Jensen. 1996.
of Environment, Lands and Parks. Victoria, Channel suspended sediment and fisheries: A
BC. synthesis for quantitative assessment of risk
and impact. North Amer. J. Fish. Management
Canadian Council of Resource and Environment 16: 693-727.
Ministers (CCREM). 1987. Total suspended
solids. In: Canadian Environmental Quality Newcombe, C.P., and D.D. MacDonald. 1991.
Guidelines, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Effects of suspended sediment on aquatic
ON. ecosystems. North Amer. J. Fish.
Management. 11:72-82.
Canadian Council of Ministers of the
Environment (CCME). 1999. Canadian water Seakem Group Ltd. 1992. Yukon Placer Mining
quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic Study. Volume 1 Executive Summary.
life: total particulate matter. In: Canadian Prepared for the Yukon Placer Mining
Environmental Quality Guidelines, 1999, Implementation Review Committee. Sidney,
Environment Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba. British Columbia. 17p.
(In preparation).
This report is available:
Caux, P.-Y., D.R.J. Moore, and D. MacDonald.
1997. Ambient water quality guidelines
(criteria) for turbidity, suspended and benthic PSARC Secretariat
sediments: technical appendix. Prepared for Pacific Biological Station
the British Columbia Ministry of Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K6
Environment, Lands and Parks. Water Quality Phone: (250) 756-7208
Branch, Environment and Resource Fax: (250) 756-7209
Management Division, Victoria, BC. 82p. E-Mail: psarc@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Internet Address: (www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas)
Chapman, D.W. 1988. Critical review of variables
used to define effects of fines in redds of large ISSN 1480-4913 (for English series)
salmonids. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 117:1-21. ISSN 1480-4921 (for French series)
European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission.
1964 (EIFAC). Water quality criteria for La version française est disponible à
European freshwater fish. Report on Finely l’adresse ci-dessus.
Divided Solids and Inland Fisheries.
European Inland Fisheries Advisory
Commission. Food and Agriculture Correct citation for this publication
Organization of the United Nations. Rome.
EIFAC/1. 21p. DFO, 2000. Effects of sediment on fish and their
habitat. DFO Pacific Region Habitat Status
Government of Canada. 1993. The Yukon Placer Report 2000/01.

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