Introduction ~ Random vals asthe lbs doit by pteing nado expeiens, Fob Ssbtons tne ving reba geting pole vues = For random variable" ose ass x xy nen by pba ss fonction) sch hat @ 20 cs @ Et@ «1 aia ®t = pean 3) Ex AAA Let 1000 be the parts manufactured by the company Cu of which 50 pars are oot sasfying the esed regiments, To farts ae tlc randomly wibou select. Find the probability mas fnctonf vite. Besoin: 28 ssCoy cane aly ST W009 Eetntnn ney nse ty TTI 10411. exten rmsenoansaratn aeanshese san ect al of ee a Ew = me ones er syne DDT oni ey row the cet apy anya owt clapton na so the esi grt ey te dene ‘nw the os of oe expen Random variables athe vas Sb ypfiing nao xine Pty shone ax ving robb of geting he ws For andom viable hatiag poi 5. en yb as nn) sock wo fa zo apy wo wk 5 prs oe ot syne he Tribes replicement Find the © 1) = porn) Beart Lat 1000 othe parts minora ese reqieens Two pars we sect roy probability mas fun fateBreyten Parnas nc Sey FQ) = pes FerAl or dering protbiiy ditibucn of, ofea mean and variance are wed. The mean It measure cour idl ofthe probably iribton wile variance i usd aa meas of he dispersion ge sate vrai the detain, ‘The meant gen at => ( me \ ‘The variance of x is denoted as 6° or V (x) is C Cenc Pa Ewa) i a pees... tae = Peon: pee: rie = on gE es hee M=Be) = 010) +110) +212)+393) +448) 007+1x02+2x005+3x003+4%002 = 0+02+01+009+008=047 Fi hp rn 13414 Use of Probation (Misa for eating i ti i a (@ Weeu vey ean htt niente eg (G) For simulation analysis by generating random vaisles, (©) Calin coos ies pens (9) Wed ore stent lage = Fortin buon msn pci ct pe () Ces tet ig ets @) Calc ot ame fre din 1 Thos are various mtd dt cae heparan tprotbiy etibuo, The mos commonly wad moos: ) Meted tone ©) Maxima etic me ©) Lease mt (6) Proabiliy p probaly etanercept: (0) Dirt dria = eae epee oc ©) Contigo drain = Hae ni ~ Fig 4.1 tits tea ori in mataaint i os a Spear aro coon non ee in ara Darton Fe 41: ert commonly da mathemati xeon ~ Ince distributions and cals arth functions of probit. [edo etn weatherby of tal al WHO Peromig , rd FG at Seg wo es Sis = Sand eine 1) = pty on oops era G2 renee iy 1 B=} sever ats otbiy a aired describes the pobbiliy event having two value, x) = php!(© Normal etrbtion wt) =e(mea 2) a coq troton © Lop-voma eteaton =i a = Pee +. co Eww of) a a * me) = nye dope eden (19) Gumbel estouton 08 ag tw = fo FF) mg) = tet = neosmap Bux te (14) Cauchy etrbution my = 05 + cee = random umber = (14)! (10) FDistrbution 4.2. GENERATION PLANNING AND RELIABILITY fae ae (@) Objectives and (©) _Foctorsatecting the generation pani 28 +n-2) GIG ist ebay eal onl posible ouput vcable vals, : Th np rai (1) Quality and reale power spn sense soe — Tes Pains —— Fw arp wa eedace sae sult te sal OW (La, Ey (9) Tarimpce bald be sal price ee (6) _Secin-Bomomic development of Nation, sat India (7) Fare cory soue deelopment (8) Tocrete aw ob epperaity 19) Tome consumer sitcom, good service cule technical excellence — GIS, equipments, (10), ney comer a ad mangement. (11) Adapatin of oe ooo energy sous pricy for rr areas, (02) Improving the pefrmance fexiing powerplant (maximum wilizaon) 13) Power sharing performance improvement (14) Reancing the munbe of syste volage level f ) (Hyder (©) Neckar (@) Thermal convention col) y @ om © Ge Wins @ Soe) Tid) Gethemal a © Saat yo power ©) Biomass. 1 hal powerplant is cei then it shld be near tothe oa ines. On same baits owe plants selcted tea su igh shouldbe avilable for care yer. (2) Selection of co-generation spac factories. Dec to insesingpopaton we cant as to spply load demand with valsbe power pt te should consider co-genrtion ost the load demand. oy (6) Peel com: ae Be pepe r ena eae He fo po ee mao sod een gr, Wh foe cones whet Sy AME es he ip ante ia ete ee tea et ce Ore tpncs ‘>on pl owe in Sun Ain, (Bape g) te te © Panam yt totem ©) Arab cot fans pap est Teton os mie we beh wpm + ee Pi reg feline det ors Peiisagnns gaRMC hw tse ce spd inl ae ote wed ke SE, SF, + Ny CP Pe kt tty tt cca ere contro of wit ee ee MIRED: ret coe oot perce ant magnate of lad emiad, (15)_Retisle ad ait Spey aati, BD. of gst od vat, Feucy, + 6%, wolage varia, Hamonis (16) Geopolitical ses: Hla te ies depen ne poise concens andthe wines, (17) ‘Skilled man power: Avaliity of ied hamen power depends wpen vias fate ke location of oer plant ler abn), ses tee oe workers tanspon system aay, acts ke marker les, snl cles opi, oem esters (18) Private parison : We shold att pte power proucrs who ae wing to invest ia clecricy sei, We Mn firth higher gis sa faites, in Maharshi Relic, Tata power, Matagenc, SESE teats working in cect bsines (19) Profit customer wigs pay Eton Reliance powcr plat. (2) Taft structure an pe aTDM 4.3 GENERATION PLANNING (9043.1 expan in dt vari Tctr ating generation plang? © Oneday ahead (i) One weok ahead (i) One mond send (i) Ove year abet (©) Two yer ahead (i Fv year abe © Daly planning (©) Management o generator uit ayiilty (©) Scheduling coe pot export exchange (© Scheduling generat it planed outages (© Schedig wannmision pinned outages (©) Seedling of mit comaiment sd generation schedule © Assessment of rytem sectiy @)Schedaing of system et if any (@) SLDC and NLDC operation © Realtime operations (Monty ptanning (2) Scheduling of gnertor unplanned outages (©) Schodiing of ranmisson ui planaedcoages (© Schedting of unit comavimen and generation schedule. (© Transient scorty assesment (© Co-rtinstion beeen SLDC and NLDC (Fault eve and sytem security analysis ©) Reports to regulates and govermets (0) Yeary planning (3) TWo,ear system operation -Tansision (ve yearsystem operation - Production (©) Geveeation mix report (©) Gevecation security standard report SS 1 refine pe dane rsa proces of converge 'ON Sources Peay ole 05395 page a4 Method ot Ct Can BS Mes eats aw dehy, nt FF 7 eo cyt erin (a Suc a oc a ty creed nv dee any ‘eg, Thermocouples an tcenopie (7) State Roergy + By psc spun nd wp cc cry a be een Eee seneratr can be wel even in mole eves sh e Get Generate MHD Cone Inthe ‘lecons are mechanic sepia anor aceasta 23.442 Sources of Elctcals Energy (1) Conventional sources (ay Hydro water) Con ou (Me (oo (2) Non-conventonsl sources (2) Wind —— (@) Bemess © Operation co-ordination @ oe (0) Sma yo poner ©) Syste planning (yn aero ame(1) Conventional sources Ins water poten sao por pneron, We oie! dam fr WE HOA allowed wo flow tough turbine. This tine i copled with erst == Aavantage (1) Very ow variable cost @)Veryctean ©) Mowteconomicain power peak) Longe (9) Simple ecology = Dieadvantage (1) ig api cos capita i regu 0 agua, machine and for building dam 2) Climate dependence a Od powell ey tS ot “categories i " a tee @) gite ©) Sobdein (2) lamlamand (9) Ann A Cn cing ri ps el fo pow eon = Acvaniage (0) ow yi co pial Low ings fi { ©) Groin yen © Disdraniage (2) ig paca con @) Bawbetcay @) Envieanet plision dso rston of sh, oc, © Otendmatent es They ae lca rhe po refines ilps pipet teins = pavantage (Low capita cos 2) Low tansportation cost (©) Most Suitable in power peak "= Disadvantage @)_ Emissions (8) Shorter plan life ASAHI te ay Neer In cer POW la, ea ieee eis Sen CE ome et am py ce acini E nc ey (1) Lack of fe dependence a tat a ern ea (4) More reliable — See (2) High cat ont san 2) Used ast aeay MME cee @) Testnoogical rise Wind (1) No fuel ost wind is masbe fc, (@) Clean sou no enn pbtion (2) Shoe installation ine = Disadvantage (1) Climate dependence 2) High capital et ©) Sole Solar energy is cove na eerie eer wih be lp of solar hoo wong cell, Bascal solr nergy i wed in agricul pain bone ing commun, orioning of ots "© Advantages (1) Facto fee (2) Most suitable fora aes a Tc ee Teh Palais —— Pe aciniRe Bal rere genre ra ons tt rong ay © Dissavantages ficou ua eams rn ron com te hen © pvantages vroament endy~ ne potlating o soem oppor or Toca residents (2) Located in rma ares eens penton simple ela, exible, “Technology very mare," soe OF (8) Sizeranges rom few KW o several MW Contos of mal dans for stage of water ead 1 nese in round wate evel © Diesdvantages (2) Limited wea no storage (Geothermal power plat ‘There ae tre posible forms of geothermal ees canbe used for power production (1) Geothermal seams (2) Gevtermal twat nergy from bs rocks sometimes known a dry rock metho. e (© Geothermal stam aod hot water are namally produced inthe regions of receat geologic ‘© Inthese regions, the magma (molten rocks) is much closer tothe earth's surface than arma Above thes thre is 2 ier of porous rock (© As ground water sees through cracks, it get bested by heat transfered from magma white Jeadsto formation of steam. It is sed by steam turbine and convert it into electcal energy = Dlssevantages (2) Limited ses aiabe (© oma: Biomass gasification is basically conversion of solid biomass i. wood, wood waste, vepeubl spriculual waste (€g. Animal manure, leaves, food cops), crops notin the food supply chia (€e. Rapeseed, jojoba, coner plants into a combustible gas mixture normally called as ‘produ a nts paral combustion of such biomass taken plac. Partial combustion means the combustion ‘akes pce with les than adequate sc supply basically orygen. combust pee x navantage co (Q) Basa capaiiny x Dleadvantages (dy Less consi 2) Low efi ©) _Eovicnnes Plan de py 9 Taal enerey eae “Tides epost doe a Urlne= SS end gga Sr Ging Neh srw wr euch seatrnth he inet gt lowe che nord sa tos tase ~The oH ing i yas py it ee ‘Probability knows as forces oatge rte (oe) or unit unavailability (\) re u = Edom Ldownrine + vp time ‘The operating feof generating utensil snpe wo sae mol in Fig, $42, “Pg 442: Sipe sate det So unit unavabiiy anbe eprint wits an rep ateseter Sy (Stem adequacy: supply ym og mean time ae recip of fare rt ihe dae te precast, 1 = Mon time epi TTR) ieee between gros he T = mereMean cco sine «mean tie between ites (MTBF) ye Fegueny = XU Toei unalaltyicommonly feral o fred ong ate (FOR) nie eva i gen as —— E Uptine+ D Downing 4.5 CAPACITY OUTAGE PROBABILITY TABLE (COPT) Long term relly cakultion actully exsist *libliy cleltions ae usd for day ody aula avalon a he OFT. = Copy ade tx), = Cummlaive prota fran tet Pix) = Cumin iis det Here ach individ! seeing bythe cpaity and its unevsibilty ndex tving lenoted by simple ray. Ltaspemating Naeerss with avaube cgay (C= 1,2,. 8 Tc aTotal eccration capacity valle ia the tem c-56 “453 We ae suming that iterent capacity see {Let consider a sytem ving two generation an ‘mage rte U, and U respective, 2 = capacity sates Invi probabil gven as Pur = PC +C).=A,xA, (Non tie capaciy) Pu = PO+C) =U, o Wher, Ly i muimam expected oad 1m such «case anal LOLE, can be obtined by dvig ‘VOLE, voles, The anual ik indie ey tous, = © vous, Te tot nse capa ya ines ing year oh commis few it ‘Ths cana be alt ay mol epee pe te actu, servic dite of ew Wt ure ca eer by 4 obit ad corporate om pid bas i een LOLE, = (LOLR) xa the erp an aaning eps pe Zork ay) ee >) Were, ©, = Pontage sate in COPT's magnate Fy = Probably of ei ouageoy ne en ga fos roe a Maintenance sedating an be dns ying two spice (tris capacity sae othe oad ing ing apy outage probit eat eon ogg LOBE = aa BR wee By = Bacay sti R= Indvisl matehyae, 8 = Namberof aes etcoer was 4 ©) peel ancy tp en at ali cy teat f ‘the quantity on outage. \ Gy = Availabe capacity otk ate x iz sara ~ BENS pene te eg re rc 1 | oa ~ Be = a... 4 Pet mayen “aaa =a Sera | recs2 7 Peun ~ Ee the toa energy demand ig the so fat be LOE ven x Lo = y BB: a T = Cycle time (aay) a Pema geaiperayon em eti SaRRRI {= Pet Orpen, The now-served energy is the shaded area, The system LOED is given * ai aa tae en, on f= Meta ie wpa) , 2) = Fale Rae = Retire ep, dd B= Tie ~ _ Thecney ine fig) stan i ER = 1-Lom, 0 4.11 FREQUENCY AND DURATION METHOD FOR RELIABILITY aun 5 | CALCULATION’ ai) (Vat pa une and - ale 2 1 io ~ For Sit epson: Spl ad sh i ofa = Ax oe cle pede = SE ae pes 2 © SSE re rh citrate Up eV Doe) ses ey “a feta a Sec tes at te nee wpe Gaston From Egat (411.6) Seton) wee sown fe vith tation deren fr sree “a Capmany = 4411.10) -—1_, Z sate poaby f,Rae Ey > sataarmese om Fi A311: Arce ht et copy Pa4.112: To ae renin dagen ‘From Equation 4.19 Epon (11 ann all any I rel ana ef xin i an) SePo PSL Ping tay gfe Son) 420 BlP of either frequency, eatin and fire rt ne can DW 4.12 SOLVED EXAMPLES Ton 1 = be049 = Reptete f a = Belen soon sine \ tome . 7 = qh = 102008 dyn = Toa oping pri a outage probability table fortis system. ( Bison: ‘Thre unis having 50 MW capacity ott apa of 10 MW. 0.04% 0083 0.04 = 0.0006 BeA123: A penming station has tre nia of cpa, (1) 20MW wits forced outage rate (FOR) 0.01 (2)_50MW with forced outage rate (FOR) 0.04 2) 40 MW with frced outage rate (FOR) 0.05 Fin, Batons 5,4: cam e421 (7, 113 we en oecad 4114 Diterence between Loss of Lond Probabity and Frequency nd Duration Mathog _F and D Method [set omanenance scones | Yeu |-c_tegae owe ration and aig fgunsy | (i) No [iy rate serait onside i) Yes [0 Coupe snot fen sd (s) is ipl mor enya [co tect of varing envionment considered |) NO % Agencia slots wis dicts EATE1 A lglevpirabe pening wit cpacgy=20 my A=O9R,¢ = 2.08816 das ——~ > 4322; A genratiog sation hs tv wis of 0 MW wit FOR pay 0104 reach uit pare apap ) 2umiseF40M 2) teseusones Both ere FOR C02 Deny COP tc yen ae CCOPT for nit 26 (SRE et re Be Poses | Retieca [nes Sie 0 (ees apace | a] 0 | «| eles | | 1 ea ons COPT wilde === Total Generation peers 0 osexs Seg [asa 0s 0256 G2 [osx02-0128| Bo _[oprx0s=00%2| > fea 65202 0058) fh footxn2=0008| |