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2016) ® POWER:SYSTEM fe PLANNING'AND RELIABILITY) Co Se eee a) P. G. Jamdade CMe Durst [1 Dedicated to . ‘The Readers of this Book Syllabus. Module 1 Lewd Forcing: ition, Cueston of Lond Lond Greve, Chua, Pek Loot Foncating,Eeolaten and Colson mats fad Fersasing, lenin Ld Forcing, Impact ct wast no recasting (eterna) Module? ‘Syetom Planning: Miosisin to Spam Pung Shr, Medhm sé Ling Toon sete ear, PascvePovar Png Inraditn o Goer and Neto Paring, OC na tw aquatn, Iron o Sue pansion and Siccsae Bacar toc (Pater cnater2) Falatty of ystems : Conca, Tams anf Osbtins, Relay mode, Mao procs, etait ron Hazara ton, Bass Ce, Sefal Confoumton. Paral Conigraton, Mos Conguraon ct ysems, Mins! Cus at Mima Pats, Maths to ted Minimal Ct Set, Sym relat wong Censors petty rebod u stmedes nde et etd, (Peter chapter 3) enn ety «Se py mek Fue tein ee oan tna tain Ge pen mea eon soy Sma Sie sere nat a ae eo ee Freqoney and Deaton Mod : Base cence, Namal Based on Frequency ard Duaion rath (Peter hapte ‘Opering Reserve: Gens concop, LM mathe ModfadPIM method. (Rae chester) Module] {Composite generation and anamiason system : Dal requirement, Outage, stm an ons pot incos, rpeaten to singe system (Peter chapter) goa Index © Chap 1 + Load Forecasting. © chapter2: Sytem Panning © Chapter 3+ Robaity of Systems. rs © Chapters + Generating Capaciy Methods renin 467 © Chapter 5: Operating Reser. ‘© Chapter + Composite Generation and Transmission Systom.... 51105415 ecucen, Ottinin Lot ed hov Cartries, Ps on Forecast aa ofan moi te Fong arn Foting on tener stn | Ingo Pner ace 1 60.1141 Gxt mgon fpme ye. “4 lc Poe ye Paces 8 (60.121 Waterton 7. “ 160.151 Waring web cnn dang ect? U0116) Spans asics pment ELECTOR (00.173, ita on acting nae 0.181 Exo bas gown crc eta TN {0.182 canoe asin ove sata xan Ld rh charac varus de AUT. 181 Reser Lois, 182 Commaril Loads. Sor Tr Ln Fomcnig opel Foe 00.1121 Waeae ne untae nt cag Fea cd Ua 1122 Whrtine meat nt a tng ? Eni wear nd made Poa areca (0.1181 One aor meeps ed rd ecg. 00 1182 Goin tet mabart apron oad easing Ba oor coal = = 2 191 Epon Mote. =. z 1982 Comte ted +1821 Condten Cott) 121 11211 pete ee, = 1.112 ie Mov Arg 11818 ae rg Age 9. 11814 Spotl Move rps), erway Foose 2 Prd Foe 12 vos: ee SS ver Telit Fre. 12 20.1481 ah a cng v2 00.121. Ss varios and ceternge land Forcing 12 122 Chaco ct ont Feces ee 12 124 Aopen Lod Ferengi 12 00.1281 Sain apa to reusing = 12 126 Charge fad Fret 10 1.25 Soe Otro Nao Fr Lond Forcast. er) 126 Sehed Exp = 130 127 Usteraty utetons nd Aner. © captor Ee, 1.1 IMPORTANCE OF POWER SECTOR 147 pt perinc poma pn | >, Wado ity owe indy cao be oper eve for wer beating, amino, redial work, ait 9s bea abt, por auboiies needed eer Wy ay comer of county tought see faraway from Jad ian ema riences poi 1. Pancla importance ~ Misi he scr wr lean of eine 2 Labour Potent ‘nese sponses savas. (©) Gerrans () Tansee tem and (© Disstioe yen ‘levees rte ako ge ann pric aloe sind Tee Rls 1.2 ROLE OF POWER SYSTEM PLANNER evedig om hs acts a power system planer knows where can pence per and send for ‘Dato mudy eal specs of snc, tanmision ad sie sens = oi cae le capil invetmet t so at ruig trp es ie Lavina nda ein Iz ruing ears 0 power sytem plane mt ale op lis forbes ennai pean of eit sec, > Betening onthe ond erm a power sen planer mat ake spe that make avilable generation + spi. > Tis vais sein of nove omer lm of xpmion of isting power las. These pins makes wget ‘oe over sate ae. j 1.3 LOAD CURVE ‘The tra ude this cue is giving wal nergy requ Te oad aco can be easly calculated from this ‘curve These la curves re sf fr calaations of lad roth, ‘1 14 BASE LOAD AND PEAK LOAD POWER PLANTS: Fon tad Sirs snd dr ~ Aloud curve canbe divided ino two para (a) as load power plans nd () pea load power plans Te Na Plana — Rh trips immla Tr ln bse oe powerplant whe ako poe plants benef with conan peton mod, ea ean eee ee power pl aed with hyo power plats plying ik abut cal lal tao metho generation of 1.5 LOAD Forte ad oesog pone em ple shoud inka the lowing base qesons enw eral ol mind ever loa ema pe al ead for lon "ar inte antl cat code fr ad feasting ote them spay? How ot te hier a to cnn fread? How mc cp 0 ich oad cmpones for al acasing? ig ocaselol which mhematil ced olde wn? having its own advantages and isaventages, Flo ocaing rr mets aay each is Noton meta pursed cae vale of fected oa, lrsg Be pond and pe med set ood mderanting of sytem (uprising maybe cid (4) Stine ad forcing (0) nce a fecaing und (©) Lengsine od orci Bee ing i is | Wa Heer [Doce ‘Ai Coitone ‘ees Cee rae 1.6 CLASSIFICATION OF LOAD lis pate ‘leila pa or component which consames scoring Wo nature of ad itis cased as () Resistive load 0) Indoctive tad and To Ra Ph hak apie oo 1.7 FACTORS AFFECTING LOAD (2057.0 hat ae ts tga 2 Howrey, De oe Wee, Resid Gre Actin! Gow Conner Gow ada Groeh, 4 Bret Speci Eras 3 Lies canes © Power tei Mont of te Year eral as ‘Commer ads Indus ads Parca loads Other oads oe ‘Ne: General pover dma varatom resend aay 182 Commercial Loads ‘This type of as minty cons odie, fs, ir conioning, velco we sec may deo cm Ae space hess but these ce ect nent © te sent de ea a ca pid rani, wil aft fue lad demand, ——E 4g 142; Gr poe ean arian i comer ad a ap ~ Main ini comme od a ber of osunes, per mpi ncomsmanber of eomer ee 212 Industriel Loads = Indra oak wig sonst omer dean nd considered to eas a ase od and they a ithe teste by soa! varsioas an weber varios. Tis pe of nas maialy coast of lighting : compu fn cating, bese, ceo The ints a fdr svi a (@) Cotage ino 10120 2W ePaper Int, (©) Smale inde of 20 SOLW e.Tol nse ce (©) Medium alent of $0 2008W eg. Tex Indien (Lane ele indsey of 209 1000RW e.Cas Indsies,and (©) Henry insaris of 1000W ad above eg Mining a Ste! Indies, The lt ype al ies poe for ger pid reins constant oho the da, Fer ep snl oa he dead fit yb ke 75 1 85% Loud factor 65 07%, Figure 143 sows he gee power den ations in nda odin a day, toma a ‘143: Geer pow demand vrais indus oad ina ay "vei ne at a aero cst be of wrk idl potion es — Mh ap nets ‘Aaricutural Loads | faster then 150 22%, Divety fcr 1 1A ad demand fcr 895% 1-4 shows te sna power dena vats nara oa in ay ‘i144: Gem ome enantio iy 3.185. otherLosde sopply water to consumer ‘Moni! loud consi of power supply rege forte see and tlic lighting. drsinage purposes and ‘Taction od coasts of power suply forth walleye, ues ilo otc Sub-way vehicles, Figure 185 shows the general pore demand vain in tation ou ny. ae ou ig 185: General ower mand vane a rcon kad in day TR 7 4: Coma pr dome ena ea ay Main varies in ra ae poplin, ere of uianto, s e ‘1.9 LOAD FORECASTING ‘VO wnat de go nde by ad oasig sta i ey foe al he ceo "pes of components snd loads. Hla sion ewok to ft poe the comer, Terre we should hve Sef nanan tM ed se oa a {2x facing isaac foe oa cman sate sper comame pure Ibis chap we we ad fas a (Sheer tos based on varios histori dt nd norman sing vats meth fod sited ine tee pes ens hich ae dove ly foe oe hour ne wer Forcing '0 IMPORTANCE/NEED OF LOAD FORECASTING Stic replatry pon dept net Bare geass Bowne ly tne wcis cman: developmen of pope ~ Boery demand inte ute cre) aie apes an sues fait. item frcasts ae ad stort pavers, Thetis et im dpe on von foe kc needs ilies, he etc eoesunpon, ‘Base o forecasting darn low forecasting poems sls 1. Ver sh em at fresno oper ad foscting Short em load frecastng Medium em oad forecasting Long em load forecasting 5 am Pang ity En s mn Ee ‘Operation! Loed Forecasting “LIT. Very Short Term Load Forecasting oF linge (A ay i special programe. ‘estor machine were bak ae eo - 2 me ae atau eee : eat as [se a. —— ena 2 See Ss ; oe Seve a scans ©) Generale noe Loud seating policies, a (©) Calculating variable ‘sperational cost eg. cooling, own ‘eemsamption, fuel, excitation contol, 2a ce 2 =e 6) cng teen enya, snare terra =e = TTD) o cictemenee angen i. a — ee Eitan cones fie Pint i a pai ——— ot 1 — ane fence i = ees cect cma tp tn aa Se poem, ee a © Sci a tong 2 ai en ie @ tea Maintenance) a ee, oc ‘maimnance and comecive (©) Calculations of station and ‘substation locations, here main factors are site parameters and (O. Mesnkiewtiy pts cen, chances, dumping of ama waste 2 eet “ pes — acme pt © arn Pr 9) eis nies oe 0 Intent aye ape fet) a hoty sytem cary, 3 cmon cs no si eaigiteitia 9 at sa ee © Shy crc ; cana ea cove) Fag © Viens “ACTORS A © Peston ce ‘he iio easing 04125 ad ett toa ~ Cl coves rpcetetintlovng rms (@ Meihtotclowtsoet, 0) Thcknen, © Cho sn, (@) Time ot ccamence, nd Io Forcing he heeft Fe aryig fom Ob ae oe 1. “Historical tase Dat (on Pour base) ~ Histo! nd ont bs) i ade or acute load oes, re Ft da or tenes fst ou dat (ising ta for some pero ene 2. Time dependent actors Beal demand i anes with ine, Sometimes he aan ina demand seu, random atme 7 Be aio ae viel te ine of ay, ay of woe, we ofthe year and yeaty > {ified westnds, pil asi Diva, ef tet tele dened nese aya compara thc days ~ rea somaines te nd euremet varies wih weateand tes facors ai, 3. Wester dependent actors or varinbles a shown in fue, 7 Motcommonly ed vars i eager nd ~ ZEAE los reson amis o une i any evtrapolaton method oka tee ‘ig ne segments in order ge he od model along rr So la ‘eels Flanges e Less Fan Wea ut fy Bre ae (125 a se Kd nde eld tempers, 7 7 Bepenme fetes Kt lt 4 Random factor ~ vem which fs te Id consumption casing large eros in oad forecast ae lod at rn ies thew eres town bat ls ico be ‘econ aa in ya s la prograns ats of ths we eed oe sled pst ti aval 5 ter Factors ‘Thc ter acts tha argo forth vation ad demand ae Tait re eg in on dy is ae in industri lest ae, Poplin awe ce population increses mr pomer ened a ha partir ae, ~ Density flat ~ hangover om wine sono summer ei, ~ Sree untedy resent commer aria ~ Difco ype fs att the cp of te subton, ss ase (@ Eemomic orth) Social developmeat SinitarDay meta, ~ Lead Denies VAM!) Povetag method, 0 Tine Sica mein, 3 2 Expert System meshed : cry i tibia no deci, podbic wd sechasc apr Fig 1132 shows ‘commonly wed spresches in back periods and out pero BB row Syma rreing aan WUE 8 SA) 120 1131 Extrapolation Method ee a ee en oe al ain having ma ce ving ogo y =a +b 40x +d 1 is alo called + plyominl xraplaton whi yp ome hy meas of Lagrange inerpoltion oe New War ys he odin yar xand bd ae cleted Conic exzmplaion » coc section on paper orb oy Ooo comptes ted a shown a Fig. 1133 ‘e183: Cone extrapolation ~ _Extapolation method can ai be dvi ino ro methods 4 Detemisin ertapoltion Hore 0 atemp is mae to clue rosin dt Prot extol Here aearey of uncer ‘node wd variance alban eres in cueing yf te fot ced ded ing sical quate like mam ma ria24 Correlation Coeticint (1) Coation cet is meme of seater plot fal det on down inine ein Its vale cose +1 ines segave contin te sreagh between two commu varias, When al he ois of « ie withan wowace thes +1 and when al he pas fall ets cen EON Posie corlton whl fr value close - 1 indicates stone ele 6050, for example the concent of determination is 0.25 and we ht oly 29% of te cans in Ys cased y ace co ne {Be ler the comlaion coin ten lage coctciet of detemiantc epeent varie wih he indepen vara, cr erence as coniacn sce a mer es teowcen slo. Vad tres at Ales cet cotin andl pints on he satan ei ine + @ 1f03 Esper ystems wed for lod oecsag which ie deste by compu twirl %.119.12Simple Moving Average (SMA) = SMAin the mosthasi of he moving averages ted or orecaing > _Asimple moving averge (SMA) formed by Sng the werage lad of x cneny or coma ove & set number of periods, > Most often the teoent lad is used to compute the moving average ~ AS -ay simple moving sverige the Five day som closing lad ivi ye. ~ Asis name implies, moving avenge an average tat moves. ~ Ott us dropped as new data comes ale wa = EB 75 1.12:19Welghtod Moving Average (WMA) ~ This avenge clad by mihi ach f the eviou ys dat y wih Therefore its designed to put more Weight on een! dats nls weight on past da, ~ Inter words its simply a moving avenge thats weighed no that more recent values are mars tevty weighed than values further he pas, ~ ridenes also nicts that the use of this pe of moving average gives beter voit cima than the simple moving average, “Tee Flim —— Mer data i Same Sree eenrerny sn Ean ‘ nsec Se cle endothe mnie of pin te moving roscoe ante esa pun buon walle exponent movi ava clea ‘Nene ahr. pes sng th i 8 a Sorting Cts 2, Anal ded en pa - Demndfent e pl 1 = Roost fen pero demand DW 1.14 ENERGY FORECASTING ~ nema ranting poner consumption is ditfcl to collet but energy consumption canbe cllegst sy ~ Bn mee a pic nach consume premises, ~ Feeney facing crelion sd extrapatin method is wed. ~ Fer congy facet all re major clases of customer ie. residential, commercial and indusial we une and te thy a combined ~ Har each clas i ores sepurtely a they have the diferent characteristic which is needed tobe considered © ZR LIA! shows fe vaio pate fo resdeal commerial and indi consumes. Egy myn te pal cons eis sae, Att comme nati «J 1 1 i i i 4 Blea d = 7 ai Pe L144: Vartan patern rr commercial and ind oy consumers Ne les Ne dale npg 15 PEAK LOAD FORECASTING 11984 plan pa od ect I peak demand forecasting, peak load pleted again he a demand forcast depends on he sampling ras sera aa (> Posi demand da ed shold either diy or weekly or mow. Commonly fo forecasting peak oat mand excapottion mithods we. = "ig 1.181: ctrapaatin meta for forecasting pea od demand ~ Following procedure is wed for peak Soman forecasting (@) Calcul seasonal weither load model, (©) Sepregate the historical weater sensi ad non-weater sensitive componets of peak demand sng weather lad model (©) Forcast the mean and variance of non-weahe sensivecomponet of lod dcmund by extpoaing non-weatber oad mode (@ Forecast the mean and variance of Weather ensve somponent of Toad demand by extolaing eather load model, (©) Cateulate mean, variance and prokaility deni Function of forecast. (© Cateulate probability density function of weely gr monly or annual forecast “Te Ne Fle —— he dr RS ae i A np rte Aer es pe demand often fr te PPE We Gn Fe 1151 rata demands re basically de tothe weather vtationg, te ae ancy a pak I forecasting With Seasonal erations ie sori 00 yg re ascaney calculate the wether load model of daily peat, ‘00116 pin tl nd Forcing e a: «hos nee ce comnts -wnerae ce “ie hn in ob Aa aa ‘nang supply and demand mangement mesremens, 7, Spl ae le st The tl Jones and denen se ey cen vig menares ae expressed as perceatage ofthe fo Ina Soncines if we hoow the means and varias Of the Wear semtive and nox wend ‘apo the Sum them oobi he toa forcast ean and vrianoe, = ty Function from weather sesitive and non-weather sen Tenor Tia Crows) | Aastan o fora ‘orca Tesla ea remo ua tac, asic sump ngage ed eng (2) Fi ering ntti of ponerse (0) Pomer damping (© Theamalorronds ete cae sone scare rts nr, BPI ose who sre wning power fcr being, cvlng, coking. Population per caomers (© Per capt nergy consumption (Social economic sats of customers. Income (0 Se RM Krenn concern yo pytece ® Tweitfre top © Bailing Peis @ Wester Seasons ~ Reet focal SRR cd oon i poplin mod and oes snes hod 231.181 Population Method Here energy requirements is aut ints of (@) Residential customers (6) Population pe customer (©) Percapita energy consumption | pees ese act isa Cg eo fereson aay peromed thames ‘hese three fstrs ope the frees fo reside oad, Tek NPs — ming tes tres Fcts et he eid 2 rrunpcecre ce wpe pu ee 0 teen as tocar ae : femora a het tt td ec nd pti : finciniy ox ney vel aeaiy ope ae a ea ta cen nee ’® 1.19 COMMERCIAL LOAD FORECAST a {90,1181 expan commercial ad Forcast ‘ ~ Commer csiomers are tose casiomers who ae not asaiated with manufacturing process Hk eta soe, starts, hotel and dito insitions, ~ Commer casomen an Be oughly divided int two subclass, anal commercial customers ad ae commer esters = The cua vis generally taken the peak load of SOKW during any 12-month pio. Commercial power demands depends on various factors ike (@) Nantes of ese asomers (©) Popaltin pects (0 Twsitfrate (Bing Perms (©) Weather Sesons For frecating lrg commer frst fis extapoite the rat of commercial o eset ses it the fre to mpy his focal aceon, ~The lots ofedcsionsl instore ving deen chars = Medepents on the cede of sens wich ern tom working profesional On anol bass teston instatias fllow scan cena = Theoad levels ow during adem hls. Sts special ad i rele esters whose ing water pump for iigaton purposes, tcring te ‘animals warm dring exten ol periods, aeping th sir oo dg manner pesos = Farmers sven ional incomes if hey use clericy on specific periods decide by power soply company or siliy. > For grculnwe lod forecatngdeled termes sbnt the faring and hic operations ae need os 2 storia la data with wate infomation nde. = In esent years th srowing use f information technologies las to inccsingmumber of data cen ‘causing inrease ia oad demand. ~ Tere ae having wo major hunters |. The CPUs haveto be onal he ine and 2. The temperature of aa cenzesha fo be mshned within acerain range ~ These characteris make the dis eee lad very mich affected by temperate, Due otis he load rofl of data conse are very predictable, «0 oo a eT = Burinese ype, ~ Producsion level ~ Beets tes, ~ Customer owned generton, and = Production schedule rt Pons Sytem Puig & Raltity WUE Sor) _1.20 Lee Number ofjob Si Weather Seasons Sales forecast is very difficult. Hee two methods an td trial load sles forecast eu, ly focae rtuton eve by fecase aray consumption Fr fp (©) Mutiply forecasted nam inet wary oat GY cmp pe yg the tye and locations ofthe indy ‘oad / sles forecasts extemal foe good planting but lacking of acura my ‘These particular methods are depends o Accurate industrial ‘metho is necessary ™ 1-21 ADVANTAGES OF LOAD FORECASTING 00-1214 State advandaged and dada sutoeatc generation conto Accurate infasructure developmcat, Selig of exces power 6 Good network planning 8 Prope fuel mix selecon 9. 1-22 DISADVANTAGES OF LOAD FORECASTING 1 fs statistical metodo we i Sess i saa mead “ms forcast he od dean of ach individual comune ag Forecasting should he done fr unconstrained load 3. Forecasting consist of bot individu 10, For nani piening by 1.24 CHALLENGES OF LoaD ForECAsTING Dita Related Chaengcs (@) Lack facut data () Forecasting egies clean ~ Proce and Mehadology Calengee = Governance Challenges ~ Technology Challenges 1.25 SOME DEFINITIONS NEEDED FOR LOAD FORECASTING 1. Land Duration Curve te i BSSRRON GE Hie Ge fonry Load was wo sear peak vac. The Yast erentgeof peaks the X-axis percentage one 2 Average Anal Brey Average Wh consumption of neg in pecifi tine tion |. Non-Coincdent Pek Demand : -Averge peak hourly demand regal oft tne of eccureae 44 Maxioum Demand ‘The maximum diversified demand fhe energy consume for specific ime periods. 5 Load Factor (6) Ratio of average energy forthe ea (ami KWVS760) op demand. 6 Coinedent Factor (CF) 9. Faep Ratio of maximum demand fhe MncMinedeat peak. A related case is the diversity fact, which in the reciprocal ofthe coincident acne 7._Site Non-ColacdentPesk Demand Average peak hour demand regardless af the tine of occurence. Group Diverse Peak Demand ‘The maximum, simultaneous, Bouly Gand WE all ites for wat month; iti dctermined by avecaing ‘demaad ofthe sits hour by hour and then ining the maximum demo foe the soup. Tees Plats ho ltr ap ot ——— emg alam End 2 Sen) 138 124 Fo, ‘1.26 SOLVED EXAMPLES eo Se ech Sandia NW wd ron vd oT Ro, ‘Generated being 80 x 10" per annual Calculate demand factor and, average demand. "aay se gest /snma oh Avenged = MG/D Avengedonan! = 912242 ‘supped annually and % annual losd factor. ee Son * ory spl fr cach wring day => = (80%3) + (60% 5)= 540 MWh = Sition pets for = 365-8) 4 30 ncry suppl year = 540310 167400 MW : Mh ape amu ond a» advo ee ‘67 = mae 1283 A gmerang ston has comer 26 0 MW and a cram dona o 4S WT They ‘Generated being 70x 10° per annul Calculate Saas © Denard tector ® Leadtcer Pemitcer = Malad a ae ee cee aoe eee oad OF Saree waa us om 1°60 day ouch yur Canta o Slee Si Aree Whee acon sas sent mena ore tyr» 82. san en0 ‘Demand fctor sa he over yen drsy actor 2 Cais (0) Maximum demand an 2) Comeced toad ech ype. Sotn. ‘The sum of maximum demand of tee oa 1200+ 1800+ 10000 = 13.600 mac demand ‘Marieum desi on spply sytem = SH of ndvidust maxinor denn! "sem divers factor = 60RW Sum of maximum demands of feet domes cosiers = marimum demand > diversity factor = imi a iesoew comers ia «12 na00 12 Comet cmmaia nd = DE? _p9 a Connected indus oad = A201 £1266: A rscdonal oad of cally legen Below Tine tre) [05] 56] e9] 518] 021 aie tosacam|s fs [20 fo [16 10 Draw he load curve and id th ad fae and energy consumed dung 24 hs “Tee Files — Me ltr pn Sic ts Pie P1266 Oey consumed dng 24 hours (55)+(8X1) + 20%3) + (1643) +03) =25+8-+60448-430 171 Wes ray consumed daring 2687 Tors os day Lond fier = i steass at = 2125 955 Average lad = 1.287: A solar ower pan surly power ellonng ads of various congumer Industria consumer = 1000 KW Commercial consumer =1500 KW Residential cones ~500 KW uncpal consumer 500 kW {nari demand on ston f 3000 KW and numberof kWh gonerated per yea e 60 x 1 ‘Clete vee fetr and annual oad acon Soin. 1000 + 1500 500+ 500 _ 3500 Dheniyfctr =AMD SSID 00 0 gy early kWh peered 695108 ~Hisinayear “ey = 68493 ‘Rain a= Sp = 0208 eessszesé er ie Ere pei = 0X6) $ 60%) «85324454 +6018) +:10%2) 6029 = 100420450504 364020 a0 oe coted dag then oe Fossotedgy EP ta preset ans lonttone = ARE a, The cmallon dato cve 8th poet son a Gnd as eg eto 20M oS To ap fod tue grt name sna ese ‘Snden el ae sae (0) Ittosepacty Patter ©) Ustoweratg/arma 0) Unde ©) Uae Average loud te: r () Taine py #1515108 1 Fon at eas = Ave: ea te = 04815 075% eo 1 ; Me P.1369 610] 12 1216] 1620 | ozs [anos @) Unis generat / smal = Ares kWh ude ond dunn cane ew |25 [aso [0 Tm sects a Cleat lac factor and craw lad cure ofthe pant {S000 + 30000] 8760 = 18333 x 10° wh ‘Teles Pilon Wee lta np lmmatog ASH I Yoee ras a. a7 23 Whatis ie mpact of we Dec. 2013 as Fen cua nt, ato doe tect gern pe, 2.2 SHORT TERM PLANNING ts main aims are 1 2 et 4 5 Wa.221 Explain main ime f Shard 0.222. Spain strategic lnning a (0, Blecuicty demand variation aay () Development ot res repsaios free option of ower system (0) Use of sever teheoopes (© Sysem monhorng invting ne of SCADA remote trio wits (TU i) Bleeicty maeket ice (0) el pes variations © Polo asepence ‘Cons invlsing power ssc planing ae (©) Generation anon talanss () Babar volage sles (©) Poet eost Vonage sage (©) Minimum and maximum operating hues © ie cost (©) Generations (®) Minion vpand downtime G) Shining ere (Ramp rtm of geneaon ois (©) Bide conte (© Limits on apacor adjust () Avaiabity o water incase of yo power Plant (@) Transmission power ow ‘Unit commitment whichis anon convex, linea. lger cle, mise sepa opinion ble time prod varies fom 0192 yea Developing new connection fr dssbatonconsmers Tntatives fr improving performance of exiing power plans “Maximum tization of existing power plane Placement of capacitor in HT and LT subsiaions Reducing the large numberof supply voltage levels ining sym is heated. 1 involves Ging of overload, dr, damaged and w.opeated switch ears Some cana In short ems planing folowing tas are erormed (Choosing proper able sve for ranamission and disrbation of power Panning and locating site fr placement of distated enero ~ Planning of co-generation fr reactive power supp. omic load dpa system operation nd conta Using pow shat network; Development Zone mapping fr locting losses the trasision ad disubaton network ~ aioe or tiie mc for eesti por whch rhe itp fr operand ena way eectiiy Soret malin an sialon of owe en ewer modeling and smeliion flowing may (2) Lin disnctive model (©) Power transportation model © DC model (© Hybrid mode Main factors fecting short tem planning are 1. Ditfercace and variaon in weather and seasons 2. Domestic and economic development of customer, 3. Airconditioning 4. Sweet ighig 5. Population growih 6 (Change and use of technology {Bl rome syste Pang oan wasn scam) 29 7. Avvessent of evaton om pope choles 8. Checking of rnsmisin ans cpainiee 9, Management of ery sles 2 purines 10, Avaiabiliy of yaaa ney Jn medium tec planting fling ain ask ae performed = Developing inexonnestons betwen te esmison netor dis = _Pevelpment of tansmstion network fc sppy of poner Locating fuels and its ppictions = ncrine in se of enwable nrg sous thy povie eovrble gener > Development of o-zeneation ver plas eg In spe factories, during proves of sup molises which an be wed fr generation of power as ie! Development of dstated genertics plants > Pevslopment of contact apeement ont term) wid) eer wits fr sappy of omer. ln contacts following pons ae conser. ‘1 2.4 LONG TERM PLANNING org Tim and Shor am pms, EEE i (ear ia in ig 80.242 pig or apt. sine dae fon Ste 0s son eee age emainam ee 1 Deven ti 2. vivant ir lpn fee over 2. Rewus alia ep coins meal 4 Assing, ring an age PE econ In eve scr fr poe gen tron nd art Re-comnloning f eing et Development of fel contrasts Assessment of fng-term sie nd purchases Assessment of every security pis a Slr seen in em it tt te rE oa REACTIVE POWER PLANNIN = vaass er a a me ic gi Development of eleceicy rd fer power transmissions, fn 288, etl th oon pec Trnsision resource planning RO Gee cam pene te Developmen of transmission neon TS iene adebatie eration cont by (3) is esed fo providing eine power Soper at Sr Seteenelidhaentat tae i 0) roses onion abl capes palin ina Fr clrying ot rinzion opowe flow ing mo Sree tron epee yen here rane, (© Goce ntintee gy ee ees come ere wt prin a, og caren. Reat esti algorithm me ‘ ma “Sp el eeadieiretiaa intend On nnlnsted (0 steel a ena oe ad Att ed emmys Deeg ocr Planing ince o py (©) Monte Cato simulation (CS) metiog ert ttc rblems (©) When is em wpadation ned? (© Where inplement the system peadaion? (6) How ach i th reactive power contd peste 7 ~ Resse power lamiog is cede fo (@ Tneresing power teaser cpabitiy of wammissonaerwer. (©) mprovemeat of owe factor (©) Reducing the el power os (@) Mainaining voluge pole ~ _ Retctve power sources are lsied a (@) Static reactive pomer sours onsistof open y | fess te (© Shunt cspacitor () ite bank (Gy Underground cable () Transmision lines (©) Fucloss on | Main concentration given ea iy | inastrcture development, (6 Photo voc systems (iDResctrs (©) Dynamic reactive power source 1. Development of new gid 2 Aceruing land for newer ower plan Weonsists of © FACTS devices (i). Syncteonous condenser Fh hip pang cs wed for pil ee OM sup 2) Line ropamaing method (Non ner programming method (© Geter meta (Successive qusdatc programming method () Mae integer programming method ‘Non owsemional method wed for optima reactive power sopors are 8) Panicle swarm optimization method Expr and fray sytem method () Antcokny method (@) Aitici neural network method ble 25.1 provides comparison between convention and noe-convcational mati. Table281 | ‘Conendoat sted | Non cocoa waa 1. | Sotuionaccursey | more Jess f Solationncar = 2 |Probicm of toad | Depends pen the type | Does nt depend on the ype spac {andnatureof problem. — | and nture of problen 3. [ime required tor | Less More convenion to the solution rece pmo patch i doe ty conestional and non conventions metas, a m 26 INTROPUCTION TO GENERATION AND NETWORKS PLANNING. S28) pl gr ir ig z > Getto mi sewers planiny mst comer flow of powers. = Hite dita verte cot = _Saacon vale of invest ot Foc cost an el avaty = Operation an nen eat = Bnviosmenta contra ela ptouns ~ Testical da andconnins, = Capacity sees Ine ftir for beter generation nd acter pring wh ‘rings, als, equipment fie ~ Te sencaton and network BRR many relly indices ae ‘ed: By using thet indes power sxe planer mast work oa ‘ceded enforcement oF modifetions in existing systems for ‘improvement of reliability. ~ Sometime mathematical objetive faneions are cress. and ‘otimized for eonomie bene spe algo or geveraton and cetwork planing is given in igue, Here we have w ect historia! dat. From which a material function is eres representa tend ~ On this mathematical function load low is eamied oat to get ‘ptimize value of power generation need. Depending on this valve _seneraton ad network i done, eee 0 | mw 27 DCLOAD ROW EQUATION =e oto spy the ld demand and aio ft values nero the rated ales oa mun ins healt overeat ny oi of ig » once lines a cables and rough taasformers and ober wn oem vote prof vation tend at gid - stations, ‘uo o percent of son Yolige ad in tems of ae ng ‘ Moment ay. oS er. CONF = Confidence level (90%) int 2 Stren avait: dens ym sweting tis given as npr ay me Avaiabitiy <-—MTBF aan TRER231 Cate rts cane ce Hdereisycae (3.3. PROBABILITY DENSI FiNcvon roe Yate of ena. Cepia [90.331 capan probil 1 describes the relative distin eeney of continous random vrisbe is vad occas ae nd variance of vibes. should sity to cons 1. _Ieshould be non eguve Le, (2) 2 Oforevey 5. Ne Pic Wh de pia 2x? onthe neal (0,0) th i “ ie 81: Prbaity deny non 4 ’ 3.4 CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION (CDF) G0.241 Siplaincamultive disriation cin a ‘isthe probability hath variable tk value les than or equal o Fi) = pss) ‘has following propenies 1 Osta) <1 frax 2 Foo Feet 4 £00) ino. decreasing function of x Flg,34.1: Camuativedsibuton function : o 3.5 RELIABILITY FUNCTION ‘sealed the probability desiy fc roe, [toa s) o ana Fle 351: Raab con HAZARD RATE FUNCTION (HRF) ~ Hazard ate funtion give a ondonsl probaly ta component that component woe fom mrt beating of ene neva haa Instantaneous alae mt, RUsTStea = Res Ad -Ro Contonal probably of filreinme intra fom t+ Ais RU+ay-Ry A RO ‘By viding the probability by At nl gives he hazard te, n(ereti Ro [oe] g 3.7 RELIABILITY MODELS (00.871. What raity madal ‘modes re vided into two type. Constant ature rate moses 2._Time dependent fre models maz ‘Constant Failure Rate Models 37.2. Time Dependent Failure Model 100,373. Explain in deal 1 ine pn cmt ae pit, on Stun areal oa bl dtaton 1s ar ely Wt cn} pena ane tg prc en Pretty sy cn tw = (2) em B= shape porameter Cumulative density function These ae various metho wd 10 cal isbn hs sige pea. Ta aes andere gal =I is commonly wed for damon gay Probably desi function ig ~ Cumnlave density faction i, ae * 2 (2) Maximum tiketibood method) Least square method © ira 5 2 Normal distribution “ aaa All normal disteibutic 7 Set pat Sash steed only eae Nath Fie.372: PDE with normal Here componet fal high. sel ite peroa "Here components he ons Sats caused by rndoey occuring dfs and seen, is formal wear ou tear period where flu casey unexpected and aden over nutes condnnn, 3. Wear out period Here file rat increases 0 WERE Ou Of ritcal pars. As hey wert, componcots get fal even at ess ste and veal system illu il reas Het flies do ot osu rane, > 3.9 SERIAL OR SERIES CONFIGURATION ses wit rd a aaa ~ le seris system all components mst work propel for weeking system. If ny on of component i aie system als, A series system graphy shown as Tee Pin — Ph a pate ——-E}--—- gy Lethe reisbilty of omponee Fe ri as -m Shsn-ny component 2. and component be Ry, Ry "Rene ~ Tere, seem laity Oe teats Oa Ry = t-ta- ie reliability o etal sytem spre at R = Panza, 09) = POP Q)x....xP(a) © RR KR, ™ 3:10 PARALLEL CONFIGURATION xR Ry) 1 3.12 MARKOV Process Ra ) ~ Blample foto component sen, B= PUB) = 1-P@ UE = Pine) BP @)*r a 1-6a-e) x04, 3.11 MIXED cons Consider each Sagal LD a ate ai cue tei reat saa J : GL ee PO ge is rete oe thes simple Mi S21 Teste Markov proces Fig 3.11.1 having tree, fe tie ss wih an —. ae {Let component up and down tines Tandy COmponEA else ad epi ais respecte lisbon is tata Consider the component i exponentially stud. The key property of exponents dn time tthe probably offal th Re ais lays egal rng eee opting pe lure rate ons, tre between 19 +49 = any Tee Plain hee ern ee a a Broo ay Sohne eto 0.121, a, Ro = ph ry =p Wha) ae, Let FoodetandBeee tien 20 een ae oil AoW Tag! et ten * Disadvantages ie ms 2.1210) 1 For'nt age tpi xn un Foy Uo qf ruil 313 Mum ‘CUTS AND MINIMUM PATHS (TIES) te sation [ Ko ) Grp feo say paar ui Ko " “ fas THE rn, Tr te et cf conpnes ths Mig ila yen pce Pol se ores ast rein tht om a onetime apa Act components whose ale will "esl ina system fae, 1 ~ Gut sets are set of unis that iter et a ‘minimum cut set is th sale st us tht Let consider ict of 4 components town in 1h Ne iH dr np air Meads find minimal cu set poston or onion potiliy method (Case an patie set metho Pat Ting Med | vent ace Method 1 conditional probability meth, eve fl), then moved (considered fia), Afr tes changes, if sytem becomes sei, R= Ploysem opetes ny. Wher, P (x) ithe probity that com ~ etomidate sown in Fig sable component ft shor crite Pe. S11: Cott compen Forth sytem to work at eat ofthe minimal pattie mast wor | ethod. 4 and 5 respectively. Asam ag D0-RDT As component 3 aarp, Se mbiiy otenQ can cand a, een g nc csr som cnt era Means, ‘Then ebiiy oF 3.143ieghen ag, 2 Re = (Tsk ‘Te relisiy of Fig. 3.143 riven my, 3.15 CUT-SET METHOD Rectoa PR econ Q) KARR R RRR RRR RRIR RRR, Bs = 1-10=RiRYxG-R,RQ) Re = RRR RAR ERR, Ry = R=ReReR Ry = aR ‘Then fom eqn (4.143) and 3.144), Ry = RAR + RARER) OB) Ry = sR 2R aR ou aus) 5 ha ty all ve prt commer ach min UMERICALS ee Pre idl ompenca iO fe ee sei etnias on meas ‘hielo ..0.6. 0.4 sega tn Matod 1 oral ig Gh. 2th a pa : a * Ryg good Ft ME RRR ax6y 1-00-89 SRR as RAR R= =Rameny -11-11-018x@1)@3}4-a3) Ro = 1=(1-05¢1x05)x018 Ry = 1-11 03ta9px039 ~0-0899)<019=1-0317 «019 ~ 0102249 = asrms1 Cm): Rays = Rll-C “RRR AREER 1) 081 0-09) =09{1-019%03) = 9911 -0019}=09%096t 089 Ry = O9775109+0889x0) a ) Pere Sia es R Ry = 0999697 - 40, Band EG, Asada sod D and Band Dn, mae? Pret 29 = t-p=1-0992001 Pen ecm pe ang core 03. How many suck compooeats saa ) iyo power ten iia R18) ce OR “ 3a O88 = 1-1 Gap ‘TOPO ob omen pu ag (i Sarna nA a a Willa eer Metron 2 Ry eons Py hing sof beth sds 1g 07 = togais n= 22015-08239 10607 == 9158" 53189~ 539 hi es tan 025 Cone Per ains EE eee. 0, nD ‘det Ry TLC =8i) aay] 2 areliabiiy is (1 =) Ry = 0840801024021) 414025021) = 98%08%(1-0093a 009 = 08x08x096x096 = oso 1-10-059999.(1-05 14107603) = 1-000 = 09179648 = 0.080352 cin i c= <0 lt oe eat A, 0, Se Brew sn Sloat ese, Meth ecb ove nate pts test mc 017 (Coops tay 0427) Aer aig compen, 056x059) Fone > A8C BaD Bazec ke Fok Rak Biter et s. =09396 5 ye bey ase — 4 Agen come on (General xeon of oe unaiy ven ae: sept Ro) = Rx(1[O-R)RERDIACL-[01-R9x01-R)1) Sine congener » spas : m four " : p or “1 Ky = 1-0-8 )x(t- xR] lease & dette -Bx0-®x4-R<-—)) R= tap atti is 1-R) ‘oe Ry) = 08x(1=[(1-08)x0-BHN)RE=LA-09)%¢1-05)1) Ry) = 08x(1-(02 02) x(t =[02%021) Ry, = 081 -00<(1 008) Ri, = 08x096%095 a aa S ‘The overall ely of cas ena Bee tL RRR) XRD] "mat Tag : 08 = 0m Ying logo eth sider 0¢04 = tog 0.05 {2}~-[5} Le} ar {a} Le} Porte Band A Baad A Bet ac. owning, 31711 Case te se ety if . eran Method: Byung onion pti meio Ry = yl BSeo aR Bl Bh) Introduction ~ Random vals asthe lbs doit by pteing nado expeiens, Fob Ssbtons tne ving reba geting pole vues = For random variable" ose ass x xy nen by pba ss fonction) sch hat @ 20 cs @ Et@ «1 aia ®t = pean 3) Ex AAA Let 1000 be the parts manufactured by the company Cu of which 50 pars are oot sasfying the esed regiments, To farts ae tlc randomly wibou select. Find the probability mas fnctonf vite. Besoin: 28 ss Coy cane aly ST W009 Eetntnn ney nse ty TTI 10411. exten rmsenoansaratn aeanshese san ect al of ee a Ew = me ones er syne DDT oni ey row the cet apy anya owt clapton na so the esi grt ey te dene ‘nw the os of oe expen Random variables athe vas Sb ypfiing nao xine Pty shone ax ving robb of geting he ws For andom viable hatiag poi 5. en yb as nn) sock wo fa zo apy wo wk 5 prs oe ot syne he Tribes replicement Find the © 1) = porn) Beart Lat 1000 othe parts minora ese reqieens Two pars we sect roy probability mas fun fate Breyten Parnas nc Sey FQ) = pes FerAl or dering protbiiy ditibucn of, ofea mean and variance are wed. The mean It measure cour idl ofthe probably iribton wile variance i usd aa meas of he dispersion ge sate vrai the detain, ‘The meant gen at => ( me \ ‘The variance of x is denoted as 6° or V (x) is C Cenc Pa Ewa) i a pees... tae = Peon: pee: rie = on gE es hee M=Be) = 010) +110) +212)+393) +448) 007+1x02+2x005+3x003+4%002 = 0+02+01+009+008=047 Fi hp rn 13414 Use of Probation (Misa for eating i ti i a (@ Weeu vey ean htt niente eg (G) For simulation analysis by generating random vaisles, (©) Calin coos ies pens (9) Wed ore stent lage = Fortin buon msn pci ct pe () Ces tet ig ets @) Calc ot ame fre din 1 Thos are various mtd dt cae heparan tprotbiy etibuo, The mos commonly wad moos: ) Meted tone ©) Maxima etic me ©) Lease mt (6) Proabiliy p probaly etanercept: (0) Dirt dria = eae epee oc ©) Contigo drain = Hae ni ~ Fig 4.1 tits tea ori in mata aint i os a Spear aro coon non ee in ara Darton Fe 41: ert commonly da mathemati xeon ~ Ince distributions and cals arth functions of probit. [edo etn weatherby of tal al WHO Peromig , rd FG at Seg wo es Sis = Sand eine 1) = pty on oops era G2 renee iy 1 B=} sever ats otbiy a aired describes the pobbiliy event having two value, x) = php! (© Normal etrbtion wt) =e(mea 2) a coq troton © Lop-voma eteaton =i a = Pee +. co Eww of) a a * me) = nye dope eden (19) Gumbel estouton 08 ag tw = fo FF) mg) = tet = neosmap Bux te (14) Cauchy etrbution my = 05 + cee = random umber = (14)! (10) FDistrbution 4.2. GENERATION PLANNING AND RELIABILITY fae ae (@) Objectives and (©) _Foctorsatecting the generation pani 28 +n-2) GIG ist ebay eal onl posible ouput vcable vals, : Th np rai (1) Quality and reale power spn sense soe — Tes Pains —— Fw arp wa eed ace sae sult te sal OW (La, Ey (9) Tarimpce bald be sal price ee (6) _Secin-Bomomic development of Nation, sat India (7) Fare cory soue deelopment (8) Tocrete aw ob epperaity 19) Tome consumer sitcom, good service cule technical excellence — GIS, equipments, (10), ney comer a ad mangement. (11) Adapatin of oe ooo energy sous pricy for rr areas, (02) Improving the pefrmance fexiing powerplant (maximum wilizaon) 13) Power sharing performance improvement (14) Reancing the munbe of syste volage level f ) (Hyder (©) Neckar (@) Thermal convention col) y @ om © Ge Wins @ Soe) Tid) Gethemal a © Saat yo power ©) Biomass. 1 hal powerplant is cei then it shld be near tothe oa ines. On same baits owe plants selcted tea su igh shouldbe avilable for care yer. (2) Selection of co-generation spac factories. Dec to insesingpopaton we cant as to spply load demand with valsbe power pt te should consider co-genrtion ost the load demand. oy (6) Peel com: ae Be pepe r ena eae He fo po ee mao sod een gr, Wh foe cones whet Sy AME es he ip ante ia ete ee tea et ce Ore tpncs ‘>on pl owe in Sun Ain, (Bape g) te te © Panam yt totem ©) Arab cot fans pap est Teton os mie we beh wpm + ee Pi reg feline det ors Peiisagnns gaRMC hw tse ce spd inl ae ote wed ke SE, SF, + Ny CP Pe kt tty tt cca ere contro of wit ee ee MIRED: ret coe oot perce ant magnate of lad emiad, (15)_Retisle ad ait Spey aati, BD. of gst od vat, Feucy, + 6%, wolage varia, Hamonis (16) Geopolitical ses: Hla te ies depen ne poise concens andthe wines, (17) ‘Skilled man power: Avaliity of ied hamen power depends wpen vias fate ke location of oer plant ler abn), ses tee oe workers tanspon system aay, acts ke marker les, snl cles opi, oem esters (18) Private parison : We shold att pte power proucrs who ae wing to invest ia clecricy sei, We Mn firth higher gis sa faites, in Maharshi Relic, Tata power, Matagenc, SESE teats working in cect bsines (19) Profit customer wigs pay Eton Reliance powcr plat. (2) Taft structure an pe aT DM 4.3 GENERATION PLANNING (9043.1 expan in dt vari Tctr ating generation plang? © Oneday ahead (i) One weok ahead (i) One mond send (i) Ove year abet (©) Two yer ahead (i Fv year abe © Daly planning (©) Management o generator uit ayiilty (©) Scheduling coe pot export exchange (© Scheduling generat it planed outages (© Schedig wannmision pinned outages (©) Seedling of mit comaiment sd generation schedule © Assessment of rytem sectiy @)Schedaing of system et if any (@) SLDC and NLDC operation © Realtime operations (Monty ptanning (2) Scheduling of gnertor unplanned outages (©) Schodiing of ranmisson ui planaedcoages (© Schedting of unit comavimen and generation schedule. (© Transient scorty assesment (© Co-rtinstion beeen SLDC and NLDC (Fault eve and sytem security analysis ©) Reports to regulates and govermets (0) Yeary planning (3) TWo,ear system operation -Tansision (ve yearsystem operation - Production (©) Geveeation mix report (©) Gevecation security standard report SS 1 refine pe dane rsa proces of converge 'ON Sources Peay ole 05395 page a4 Method ot Ct Can BS Mes eats aw dehy, nt FF 7 eo cyt erin (a Suc a oc a ty creed nv dee any ‘eg, Thermocouples an tcenopie (7) State Roergy + By psc spun nd wp cc cry a be een Eee seneratr can be wel even in mole eves sh e Get Generate MHD Cone Inthe ‘lecons are mechanic sepia anor aceasta 23.442 Sources of Elctcals Energy (1) Conventional sources (ay Hydro water) Con ou (Me (oo (2) Non-conventonsl sources (2) Wind —— (@) Bemess © Operation co-ordination @ oe (0) Sma yo poner ©) Syste planning (yn aero ame (1) Conventional sources Ins water poten sao por pneron, We oie! dam fr WE HOA allowed wo flow tough turbine. This tine i copled with erst == Aavantage (1) Very ow variable cost @)Veryctean ©) Mowteconomicain power peak) Longe (9) Simple ecology = Dieadvantage (1) ig api cos capita i regu 0 agua, machine and for building dam 2) Climate dependence a Od powell ey tS ot “categories i " a tee @) gite ©) Sobdein (2) lamlamand (9) Ann A Cn cing ri ps el fo pow eon = Acvaniage (0) ow yi co pial Low ings fi { ©) Groin yen © Disdraniage (2) ig paca con @) Bawbetcay @) Envieanet plision dso rston of sh, oc, © Otendmatent es They ae lca rhe po refines ilps pipet teins = pavantage (Low capita cos 2) Low tansportation cost (©) Most Suitable in power peak "= Disadvantage @)_ Emissions (8) Shorter plan life ASAHI te ay Neer In cer POW la, ea ieee eis Sen CE ome et am py ce acini E nc ey (1) Lack of fe dependence a tat a ern ea (4) More reliable — See (2) High cat ont san 2) Used ast aeay MME cee @) Testnoogical rise Wind (1) No fuel ost wind is masbe fc, (@) Clean sou no enn pbtion (2) Shoe installation ine = Disadvantage (1) Climate dependence 2) High capital et ©) Sole Solar energy is cove na eerie eer wih be lp of solar hoo wong cell, Bascal solr nergy i wed in agricul pain bone ing commun, orioning of ots "© Advantages (1) Facto fee (2) Most suitable fora aes a Tc ee Teh Palais —— Pe acini Re Bal rere genre ra ons tt rong ay © Dissavantages ficou ua eams rn ron com te hen © pvantages vroament endy~ ne potlating o soem oppor or Toca residents (2) Located in rma ares eens penton simple ela, exible, “Technology very mare," soe OF (8) Sizeranges rom few KW o several MW Contos of mal dans for stage of water ead 1 nese in round wate evel © Diesdvantages (2) Limited wea no storage (Geothermal power plat ‘There ae tre posible forms of geothermal ees canbe used for power production (1) Geothermal seams (2) Gevtermal twat nergy from bs rocks sometimes known a dry rock metho. e (© Geothermal stam aod hot water are namally produced inthe regions of receat geologic ‘© Inthese regions, the magma (molten rocks) is much closer tothe earth's surface than arma Above thes thre is 2 ier of porous rock (© As ground water sees through cracks, it get bested by heat transfered from magma white Jeadsto formation of steam. It is sed by steam turbine and convert it into electcal energy = Dlssevantages (2) Limited ses aiabe (© oma: Biomass gasification is basically conversion of solid biomass i. wood, wood waste, vepeubl spriculual waste (€g. Animal manure, leaves, food cops), crops notin the food supply chia (€e. Rapeseed, jojoba, coner plants into a combustible gas mixture normally called as ‘produ a nts paral combustion of such biomass taken plac. Partial combustion means the combustion ‘akes pce with les than adequate sc supply basically orygen. combust pee x navantage co (Q) Basa capaiiny x Dleadvantages (dy Less consi 2) Low efi ©) _Eovicnnes Plan de py 9 Taal enerey eae “Tides epost doe a Urlne= SS end gga Sr Ging Neh srw wr euch seatrnth he inet gt lowe che nord sa tos tase ~The oH ing i yas py it ee ‘Probability knows as forces oatge rte (oe) or unit unavailability (\) re u = Edom Ldownrine + vp time ‘The operating feof generating utensil snpe wo sae mol in Fig, $42, “Pg 442: Sipe sate det So unit unavabiiy anbe eprint wits an rep ates eter Sy (Stem adequacy: supply ym og mean time ae recip of fare rt ihe dae te precast, 1 = Mon time epi TTR) ieee between gros he T = mereMean cco sine «mean tie between ites (MTBF) ye Fegueny = XU Toei unalaltyicommonly feral o fred ong ate (FOR) nie eva i gen as —— E Uptine+ D Downing 4.5 CAPACITY OUTAGE PROBABILITY TABLE (COPT) Long term relly cakultion actully exsist *libliy cleltions ae usd for day ody aula avalon a he OFT. = Copy ade tx), = Cummlaive prota fran tet Pix) = Cumin iis det Here ach individ! seeing bythe cpaity and its unevsibilty ndex tving lenoted by simple ray. 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