Generic Grant Evaluation Plan Template
Generic Grant Evaluation Plan Template
Generic Grant Evaluation Plan Template
Evaluation Purpose
What does this evaluation strive to achieve?
What is the purpose of this evaluation?
How will findings from the evaluation be used?
Stakeholders/Partners in the Evaluation Process
Who are the stakeholders for this evaluation?
What role did they play in developing this individual evaluation plan?
How do you plan to engage these stakeholders when implementing the individual evaluation
plan (e.g., participate in collecting data, help to interpret findings)?
Will there be internal, external, or both type of evaluation activitie?
The Logic Model provides the information for this section of the evaluation plan – you can add as an
appendix or use the information from the logic model to fill in theses subtopics below depending on
space constraints
What are the program’s intended outcomes (intended outcomes are short-term, intermediate, or
What do you ultimately want to change as a result of your activities (long-term outcomes)?
What occurs between your activities and the point at which you see these ultimate outcomes
(short-term and intermediate outcomes)?
Evaluation Questions
What specific questions do you intend to answer through this evaluation?
How will the findings be used?
Evaluation Design
What is the design for this evaluation? (e.g., experimental, pre-post with comparison group,
time-series, case study, post-test only)
Why was this design selected?
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Date: Sub-Grant Evaluation Plan
In this section provide information on what indicators and standards you will use to judge success, how
you will analyze your evaluation findings, and how you will interpret and justify your conclusions.
Evaluation Team
Who will implement this evaluation? Please include the resume/CV of the lead evaluator.
Will there be an internal and/or external evaluator, or both?Who is responsible for what?
Table. Roles and Responsibilities of the Evaluation Team Members
Individual Title or Role Responsibilities
Communication Plan
Who will develop the communication plan?
What methods will be used to communicate about the grant or project? Who is responsible?
Who will be involved in presenting findings? IS there a budget line for travel to present at
conferences and publish about the grant or project?
When will planning and administrative tasks occur?
When will any pilot testing occur?
When will formal data collection and analysis tasks occur?
When will information dissemination tasks occur?
Upon mapping all of the above on a single timeline, are there any foreseeable bottlenecks or
sequencing issues?
Evaluation Budget
What is the cost for this evaluation?
Where will the monetary resources come from to support the evaluation?
Are any in-kind, volunteer, or partner resources being contributed?
Are there expenses for data analysis software (ex. NVivo, Atlas.ti, Tableau), transcription fees,
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