Test 08

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Part 5
101. All buyers from Richard's Auto 106. All events at Bedford Festivals are
Dealership can have their cars -------- subject to change without prior --------.
inspected based on their maintenance A. notice
schedules. B. belief
A. regular C. need
B. regularity D. report
C. regulation 107. The opening ceremony is running
D. regularly later than expected, so the --------
102. This diet program assists and morning sessions will be delayed for 20
encourages -------- to lead a healthy minutes.
lifestyle. A. schedule
A. you B. scheduled
B. your C. scheduling
C. yours D. schedules
D. yourselves 108. The server had to relay the diners'
103. Access to River Road has been request to the kitchen -------- when he
restricted -------- heavy rain and flood heard one of them was allergic to
warnings. seafood.
A. though A. swift
B. wherever B. swifter
C. because of C. swiftly
D. such as D. swiftest
104. After this baseball season ends, the - 109. According to the -------- of your
------- of Cooperstown Ball Park's seats warranty, all incurred expenses and fees
will begin. will be covered.
A. replaced A. repairs
B. replaces B. comments
C. replaceable C. terms
D. replacement D. cards
105. Residents were -------- of the plan to 110. The board of Jenkins Manufacturing
spend city funds on upgrading Hayden announced its plan to reduce emissions
Park. by 20% -------- three years.
A. support A. around
B. supportively B. between
C. supportive C. before
D. supporting D. within

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111. Due to the financial crisis, -------- 116. Ms. Hawthorn was called to pick up
management has decided to sell the her badge that --------.
company to Geyser Corp. A. misplace
A. we B. misplaces
B. our C. was misplaced
C. us D. misplaced
D. ourselves 117. The supply manager's responsibility
112. All employees of Bentley Chemical is to make sure that all office goods are --
are eligible for full insurance benefits ------ used.
once they have -------- one full year at A. productively
the company. B. production
A. completed C. produce
B. expired D. productive
C. predicted 118. Even though German Tech
D. permitted Company increased the prices of its
113. The market for digital investments laundry machines, customers --------
is -------- despite the fact that many think of them as the most affordable
people still prefer stocks and gold. ones.
A. emerge A. still
B. emerged B. quite
C. emerging C. much
D. emerges D. ago
114. Your parking permit should be ------ 119. -------- you haven't earned the
-- whenever you enter the reserved required credits for graduation, you need
parking area. to meet your academic supervisor.
A. verify A. Meanwhile
B. verified B. Shortly
C. verification C. Regarding
D. verifying D. If
115. Please note that all vending
machines throughout this building
require -------- change.
A. exact
B. exacted
C. exactly
D. exactness

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Part 6
Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.
You are entering an active area of the production floor. For your ----(131)----, you must
wear protective gear in this area at all times. This includes hard hats, gloves, and
eyewear. ----(132)---- to comply with the regulations could result in personal injury as
well as a fine for the company. If you do not have the necessary gear, please ----(133)--
-- with your immediate supervisor. You should also check the condition of your gear to
try to find damage. ----(134)----. Thank you for your cooperation.

131. 132. 133.

A. safer A. Closure A. speak
B. safety B. Precaution B. speaks
C. safely C. Disruption C. spoken
D. safe D. Failure D. speaking

Questions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Ivy Acuna <acunai@woodlandinteriors.com>
From: Frank Dotson <dotsonf@woodlandinteriors.com>
Date: April 6
Subject: Our meeting
I would like ----(135)---- for missing our scheduled meeting this morning. I know that
you are busy, and I'm sure it was a great inconvenience to you. ----(136)----, my return
flight from Vancouver was delayed, so I got back into town much later than I had
originally expected. We still need to go over the interior design for the property on
Carter Street. ----(137)----. I can drop by your office tomorrow afternoon around 3. I
hope you find that ----(138)----. If not, we can find another time that works.
Frank Dotson

135. 138.
A. being apologized A. accepted
B. apologizing B. acceptable
C. apologized C. acceptably
D. to apologize D. acceptance

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following advertisement.

Volunteers Wanted:
Helpful Hearts is currently seeking volunteers for its programs to help the elderly.
Tasks range ----(139)---- visiting people in their homes and assisting with household
chores to providing rides to appointments. You're sure to find something that suits your
schedule and interests. By volunteering with Helpful Hearts, you can truly make a ----
(140)---- in another person's life. ----(141)----. Even just two hours a week is sufficient.
If this sounds appealing to you, why not give it a try? You can visit our Web site at
www.helpfulhearts1.org to learn more about us and ----(142)---- testimonials from our
volunteers and participants.

139. 140. 142.

A. from A. comment A. are browsed
B. toward B. difference B. browsed
C. through C. choice C. browsing
D. within D. prediction D. browse

Questions 143-146 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Quinn Gleason <gleasonq@camdencslting.com>
From: Christina Cruz <cruzc@camdencslting.com>
Date: December 17
Subject: Workshop
I've ----(143)---- the information I gathered from the staff members who took your
Organizational Skills Workshop last week. ----(144)----. For example, the majority of
attendees said they would like to take one of your workshops in the future, and all of
them said they found the information to be helpful. The main complaint was about the
equipment you used to show the videos. People said they could ----(145)---- hear the
audio track. Because of this problem, they couldn't understand ----(146)---- was being
said. Let's keep this issue in mind for next time.

143. 145. 146.

A. authorized A. bare A. what
B. emphasized B. bared B. that
C. strategized C. barely C. which
D. analyzed D. barer D. such

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Part 7
Questions 147-148 refer to the following text message.
From: Chelsea Ware, Thursday, 10 March, 1:42 P.M.
Vicky, I'm at Gulfport Diner to respond to a
maintenance call. Initially they wanted us to fix their
air conditioning, so I brought the tools for that.
However, they also asked me to work on their boiler. I
don't have what I need for that. Could you do me a
favor and bring me the other tool kit from our shop? I'll
work on the air conditioning unit in the meantime.
Then I can finish all the work here today. Thanks for
your help.

147. What does Ms. Ware say is a 148. What did Ms. Ware ask Vicky to
problem? do?
A. She is unfamiliar with a system. A. Give some instructions
B. She cannot find a location. B. Order a replacement part
C. She has too much work. C. Bring some tools
D. She received another request on a site. D. Attend a weekly meeting

Questions 149-150 refer to the following receipt.

Tokyo Airport
Private Resting Area
Customer Name: Yun Zhen Li
Room Type: Single Bed, Shower
First Hour: 1,500¥ (500¥/ 30 min. after)
Check-in Time: May 16, 0620
Check-out Time: May 16, 0850
Total Charge: 2,700¥*
*(Air VIP Member Discount Applied)
Thank you for staying with us! Visit us again next time!

149. What did Mr. Li do on May 16? 150. What is suggested about Mr. Li?
A. Used an airport facility A. He got a first class flight upgrade.
B. Stayed in a hotel B. He is an Air VIP member.
C. Departed from Tokyo C. He booked a shuttle to downtown.
D. Cancelled a membership D. He wanted to extend his stay.

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Questions 151-152 refer to the following text message chain.

Jacob Perkins [1:03 P.M.]
Are you at the Waycross Convention Center yet? I know you were worried about
missing the bus.
Sarama Bisrat [1:06 P.M.]
Fortunately, I was able to catch it. I should be at the center soon. We just passed the
Crystal Mall.
Jacob Perkins [1:07 P.M.]
Great. Are you expecting any packages while you're away from the office?
Sarama Bisrat [1:08 P.M.]
Just one from Braxton Manufacturing. It doesn't contain anything time-sensitive.
Jacob Perkins [1:09 P.M.]
All right. Usually I open packages for people when they're gone. But I'll just leave it on
your desk.
Sarama Bisrat [1:10 P.M.]
That seems best to me.

151. Where most likely is Ms. Bisrat when she sends the messages?
A. In an office
B. At a conference venue
C. On a bus
D. At a shopping mall

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Questions 153-154 refer to the following information.

Timberland Marketing Expense Reimbursement Policy
- All reimbursement requests must be made via company form AC232.
- Acceptable reimbursements include meals for clients, business travel, office supplies,
and others approved in advance.
- Original receipts must be included whenever possible.
- Reimbursements will be deposited on the first of the following month, provided that
the request is submitted within the first two weeks of the current month.
*Each team has its own budget. Please check with your team leader before making any
purchases or charges that you expect to be reimbursed for.*

153. What does every reimbursement request require?

A. An official form
B. A budget report
C. A team leader's signature
D. A travel itinerary

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Questions 155-157 refer to the following invoice.

Jacobson's Warehouse
449 Victoria Court
Standish, ME 04084
Billing Information Shipping Information
Debra Collins
73 Hawthorne Lane SAME
Standish, ME 04084
Expected Arrival: 7 April (after 1 p.m.)
Code Item Price
*1612-0938 Dehumidifier $69.00
8704-9225 Electric Fan $21.00
7000-1643 Toaster (2-slot) $16.00
2099-5815 Digital Clock $8.00
0000-0000 Discount Coupon -$15.00
*Due to its large size, this item will be shipped separately. Please allow an extra 1-2
days for delivery.

155. What kind of business is Jacobson's 156. What is scheduled to happen on 7

Warehouse? April?
A. A restaurant A. An inventory will be checked.
B. A courier service B. A discount coupon will expire.
C. An appliance store C. A partial order will be delivered.
D. A furniture manufacturer D. An appliance will be assembled.

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Questions 158-160 refer to the following article.

International Business Gazette: Business Briefings, November 9
By Ansel Routhier
The long-expected union of Tanty Technologies and Invert Solutions has been
confirmed following a meeting of the shareholders late last night. Newly appointed
CEO Daniel Hardwick said that the arrangement would allow the newly-formed
corporation, which will trade under the name "Tanty Solutions," to access the
important Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. —[1]—.
While many industry observers predicted the move as long ago as last year,
negotiations had temporarily stalled due to copyright issues regarding Invert Solutions'
banking software. —[2]—. With the court case being resolved in favor of Invert
Solutions last month, the final barrier to the partnership was removed. —[3]—.
The same observers have predicted that revenues will rise immediately for the new
corporation, with the sale of Tanty Technologies' robust financial prediction computer
programs to Invert Solutions' Asian customer base. Additionally, many European and
American customers of Tanty Technologies have expressed strong interest in the
flexibility of Invert Solutions' products. —[4]—. The rest of the industry is watching
carefully to see whether the transition will solidify a market giant or leave room for
start-ups to gain ground.

158. Why was the article written? 159. What kind of company most likely
A. To announce a corporate buyout is Invert Solutions?
B. To report on a business merger A. A corporate consulting firm
C. To describe a shareholder policy B. A software developer
D. To outline a recent software trend C. A computer manufacturer
D. An Internet security company

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Questions 161-164 refer to the following Web site.

National Census Bureau
The national census is conducted annually to get a general understanding of the various
demographics in our country. The questions cover a broad spectrum including age,
gender, race, income, family size, marital status, and other topics. It is important that
people answer the questions honestly and to the best of their ability and knowledge.
Although it is not mandatory, we appreciate those who respond to our questionnaire.
Census data is helpful to many kinds of social and scientific research and has been
cited in many publications. If you are interested in using any of the statistics that our
bureau has collected, you must first obtain permission. Please contact us at
admin@ncb.gov and be sure to include your name, the intended use of our data, and
the name of the publication you intend to use it in. Most requests are responded to
within two business days. There is no charge for using census data once permission has
been granted.

161. The word "general” in paragraph 1, 164. How can one get permission to cite
line 1 is closest in meaning to collected data?
A. organized A. By conducting research
B. basic B. By paying a small fee
C. leading C. By sending a request by e-mail
D. simple D. By filling out a form

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Questions 165-167 refer to the following article.

SANTEE, CA (3 NOVEMBER)-Finley Foods, a major snack producer,
has announced a special contest. First, people will be asked to submit their
ideas for a new potato chip flavor. The company will select five flavors and
begin selling them in small sample pack sizes. Then, after one month, it will
hold an online poll to determine which flavors should stay as a permanent
addition to the brand. The first place winner to submit the most popular new
flavor will be offered a position as a senior flavor specialist at one of Finley
Foods' production and packaging sites. All other top submissions will
receive a cash bonus based on how well their flavor sold.

165. What is the main purpose of the 166. Who will select the most popular
article? flavor?
A. To advertise a job opening A. A CEO of Finley Foods
B. To promote a snack-making brand B. The people who cast votes
C. To publicize a competition C. Representatives from Finley Foods
D. To announce a leadership change D. A group of chefs

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Questions 168-171 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Aruna Jadhav Chris Edwards in the IT department has just confirmed that his
[9:03 A.M.] team has successfully removed the virus that affected our
computer network. We did lose some of our design files in the
process, though, right?
Gustave Tanguay That's correct. Unfortunately, we were late getting the newly
[9:04 A.M.] created logo to Valmeyer Manufacturing because we only had
an earlier version of the file backed up.
Camilla Calvacante That's a shame.
[9:06 A.M.]
Riley Eldershaw Yeah, it could negatively affect our reputation. We have to be
[9:07 A.M.] stricter about making employees back up their work.
Aruna Jadhav I agree. All we can do now is provide a partial refund to the
[9:08 A.M.] Valmeyer Manufacturing account by way of compensation. Has
anyone done that yet?
Camilla Calvacante I plan to do that today, but I wanted to know what amount
[9:10 A.M.] would be appropriate. Valmeyer Manufacturing is a regular
client, so I was thinking around $250.
Gustave Tanguay That sounds reasonable. Aruna, do we have that?
[9:11 A.M.]
Aruna Jadhav Yes. There's enough in our corporate bank account to cover
[9:12 AM] that.

168. Where most likely do the writers 170. What will Ms. Calvacante most
work? likely do later today?
A. At an accounting firm A. Send a letter of apology to a customer
B. At a manufacturing facility B. Lead a meeting for the staff members
C. At a computer retail store C. Issue a refund to a client account
D. At a graphic design firm D. Update an online price list
169. What problem is mentioned in the
A. A cost has increased.
B. An employee was absent.
C. A shipment was damaged.
D. A deadline was missed.

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Questions 172-175 refer to the following advertisement.

Spring Sale at Rashid Gentlemen's Tailors
Mr. J. Rashid, current CEO and son of Rashid Gentlemen's Tailors' founder, is
pleased to announce that Master Tailor Joseph McPherson will be visiting the
business and working on site until April 4. Having spent over 30 years in the Paris
fashion district, Mr. McPherson is known worldwide for providing the perfect
stitching and fit. –[1]–. So, this is a rare opportunity to purchase these one-of-a-kind
To celebrate the event, Rashid Gentlemen's Tailors will be including a set of three
complimentary dress shirts with any order of two custom-made suits. –[2]–. These
will be hand fitted to the customer's specifications, just like all the suits we have
produced for over six decades, and they will be available in a wide range of colors
and styles. –[3]–. From April 4 onwards, Rashid Gentlemen's Tailors will be
offering a full shirt-making service for the first time in our history, and these items
will be available made-to-order or from a selection off-the-rack. –[4]–.
Our overseas customers with measurements already on file will be able to take
advantage of this opportunity as well. Simply log in and place an order through your
online account at www.rashidgtailors.com using code MCP1022 in the appropriate

172. Who most likely is Mr. McPherson? 174. What is recommended for foreign
A. A clothing distributor buyers?
B. A company's CEO A. Booking appointments in advance
C. A tailoring intern B. Ordering through a Web site
D. A guest professional C. Sending their measurements via e-
D. Placing their suit orders early

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