Tree Planting Standards
Tree Planting Standards
Tree Planting Standards
European Tree Planting Standard
We are very grateful for all comments and support of national arboricultural representatives and
individual arborists across Europe, who responded to the call for cooperation on the text of this
This standard is intended to define the technical procedures used for planting amenity trees.
Standard text:
Working group “Technical Standards in Treework – TeST”
Team of authors:
Jaroslav Kolařík (team coordinator, Czech Republic)
Junko Oikawa-Radscheit (Germany, European Arboricultural Council)
Dirk Dujesiefken (Germany)
Thomas Amtage (Germany)
Tom Joye (Belgium)
Kamil Witkoś-Gnach (Poland)
Beata Pachnowska (Poland)
Paolo Pietrobon (Italy)
Henk van Scherpenzeel (Netherlands)
Gerard Passola (Spain)
Daiga Strēle (Republic of Latvia)
Algis Davenis (Lithuania)
Tomáš Fraňo (Slovak Republic)
Goran Huljenić (Croatia)
Text revision:
Simon Richmond (United Kingdom)
Keith Sacre (United Kingdom)
Sarah Bryce (United Kingdom)
© Working group “Technical Standards in Treework – TeST”, August 2022 (1st edition)
Olga Klubova (Republic of Latvia)
Recommended reference:
European Tree Planting Standard (2022). EAS 03:2022. European Arboricultural Standards
(EAS), Working group “Technical Standards in Tree Work (TeST)”.
If you want to translate text of the standard to other languages, please contact the project leader
Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0), we welcome translations of the text to other languages
Table of Contents:
1. Purpose and content of the standard 5
1.0 Purpose 5
1.1 Main objectives 5
1.2 Biosecurity 6
2. Normative references 7
2.1 Qualification 7
2.2 General safety requirements 7
3. Location of tree planting 8
3.1 Regions 8
3.2 Site inspection 8
3.3 Tree species selection 9
3.4 Preconditions of the planting site 9
3.5 Potential underground space 10
3.6 Types of soil 10
3.7 Open growing place 11
3.8 Degraded soil conditions 11
3.9 Planting spots in hard surfaces 12
4. Tree stock quality 13
4.1 Introduction 13
4.2 General features 13
4.3 Desired image of adult tree 16
4.4 Additional quality requirements for open-grown trees 16
4.5 Additional quality requirements for park trees 17
4.6 Additional quality requirements for avenue trees 18
4.7 Procedure for tree hand-over 19
5. Standard planting procedure 20
5.1 Introduction 20
5.2 Time of planting 20
5.3 Transport 22
5.4 Root management 23
5.5 Site and soil amendment 23
5.6 Planting pit 24
5.7 Tree placement / planting 26
5.8 Anchorage systems 27
5.9 Stem and crown protection 30
5.10 Mulching 30
5.11 Water supply systems 31
5.12 Tree pruning at planting 31
6. Additional technical solutions 32
6.0 Introduction 32
6.1 Compaction for infrastructure 32
6.2 Structural soils 33
6.3 Pressure distributing systems 34
6.4 Soil cells and tree bunkers 34
6.5 Root bridges 35
6.6 Root pathways 35
6.7 Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) 35
6.8 Aeration systems 35
6.9 Grilles 37
6.10 Modifications of the immediate surroundings of the trees 38
6.11 Root barriers 39
6.12 Car protection 39
6.13 Planting in waterlogged soils 39
7. Post-planting tree care 40
7.0 Introduction 40
7.1 Inspection and removal of anchoring and protective elements 40
7.2 Tree pruning 40
7.3 Water supply 40
7.4 Weeding 41
7.5 Protection against pests and diseases 41
7.6 Mulch replenishment 41
8. Palm tree planting 42
8.1 Palm tree specifics 42
8.2 Palm planting procedure 42
9.1 Appendix 1 List of trees and tree-formed shrubs with an optimum on alkaline soils
(above pH 7) 44
9.2 Appendix 2 - List of trees and tree-formed shrubs tolerant to acidic soils (below pH 4) 46
9.3 Appendix 3 – List of tree species sensitive to salinity 47
9.4 Appendix 4 – List of invasive tree species 48
9.5 Appendix 5 – Limits for growth conditions of trees 49
9.6 Appendix 6 – List of tree species (examples) according to expected crown size in maturity 50
9.7 Appendix 7 – Relationship of Proctor density to bulk density of soils 51
9.8 Appendix 8 – Indicative list of tree species according to the strategy model 52
1. Purpose and content of the standard Planting
1.0 Purpose
1.0.1 This standard was published by the working 1.0.4 The standard sets out safety criteria for
group of the TeST project (Technical Stan- arborists and other workers engaged in
dards in Tree Work) in cooperation with the arboricultural operations. It serves as a re-
EAC (European Arboricultural Council) and ference for safety requirements for those
was released in August 2022. engaged in tree-planting procedures.
1.0.2 In the text of the standard the following 1.0.5 Each person must be responsible for their
formulations are used: own safety on the job site and must comply
- where the standard says „can“, with the appropriate federal or state pro-
this refers to possible options, fessional safety and health standards and
- where the standard says „should“, all rules and regulations that are applicab-
this refers to a recommendation, le to their own actions. Each person must
- where the standard says „must“, also read and follow the manufacturer’s
this refers to mandatory activities. instructions for the tools, equipment and
1.0.3 The purpose of the standard is to present machinery that he/she uses.
the common techniques, procedures and
requirements related to planting trees in
non-forest environments.
1.2 Biosecurity
1.2.1 People who are professionally involved in 1.2.6 Phytosanitary passports for nursery trees
working on trees are inherently at high risk must contain certain prescribed elements
of transmitting pests and diseases between when the trees are moved within the EU.
trees and worksites and thus should apply One of these elements is called the „tracea-
appropriate biosecurity procedures to limit bility code“.2
this risk. 1.2.7 All trees for planting, including auxiliary ma-
1.2.2 To reduce the risk of transmitting pests and terial, must be free of diseases and pests,
diseases, the cleaning of tools and other especially species monitored within the EU.3
equipment should be part of daily main- 1.2.8 Natural/organic products should be used in
tenance. All equipment should be cleaned preference to plastics.
and disinfected after use on each site. 1.2.9 Avoid transporting soil and plant material
1.2.3 Where there is a high probability of trees being (woodchip) over large distances; preferably,
infected with contagious pests and diseases, use local material.
increased biosecurity standards must be 1.2.10 Planting of host tree species in areas whe-
implemented. National legislation applies. re significant pests and diseases are present
1.2.4 Nursery trees should be provided with a tree should be considered carefully.3 The State
passport stating: Phytosanitary Administration provides an up
- the tree species, -to-date list of quarantine pathogenic orga-
- a code tracing the producer, nisms and their host plants.
- the country of origin of the tree.1 1.2.11 New plantings should preferably improve
1.2.5 Every tree should come from the nursery species diversity on the site to improve re-
with a label stating its full scientific name and sistance to the spread of potential pests and
size class. diseases.
2. Normative references Planting
2.1 Qualification
2.1.1 Planting of trees and related arboricultural recognised for practising arborists:
operations are professional activities that - European Tree Worker (EAC),
can only be performed by a suitably trained - ISA Certified Arborist.
and experienced worker or by a trainee 2.1.4 The following certification schemes are re-
under supervision. cognised for consulting arborists:
2.1.2 Planting of trees is covered by variety of - European Tree Technician (EAC),
formal educational programmes in the dis- - ISA Board Certified Master Arborist.
ciplines of forestry, horticulture, arboricul- 2.1.5 Meeting the standards of professional
ture and gardening. qualification includes continuous professi-
2.1.3 Generally accepted proof of an arborist’s onal development/lifelong learning.
qualifications is established by internati- National qualification may be recognised
onal or national certifications. Within the locally. These are listed in the national
EU, the following certification schemes are appendices to this standard.
3. Location of tree planting Planting
3.1 Regions
3.1.1 In each country, there are different re- these systems also consider pedological
gional systems for defining growing are- and geological contexts.
as, based on experience of tree planting 3.1.2 See the national appendices for the regi-
(mainly in forestry) and crop production. on(s) definition.
As a rule, in addition to climatic factors,
4 This type of hydrodynamic test is based on the rapid infusion of a certain volume of water into the planting pit. The rate
of decrease of the water level in the well is then proportional to the permeability of the investigated horizon. Proper
evaluation of this hydrodynamic test requires measuring the water level in the probe at regular intervals.
5 The Proctor compaction test is a laboratory method of experimentally determining the optimal moisture content at
which a given soil type will become most dense and achieve its maximum dry density. Tests generally consist of compac-
ting soil at known moisture content into a cylindrical mould with a collar of standard dimensions of height and diameter
using a compactive force of controlled magnitude. The graphical relationship of the dry density to moisture content is
then plotted to establish the compaction curve. The maximum dry density is finally obtained from the peak point of the
compaction curve and its corresponding moisture content, also known as the optimal moisture content. For a 100%
Proctor test, density varies depending of soil typology. In clay soils Proctor 100% give densities of 1.7 g/cm3; for loam
soils 1.8 g/cm3; and for sandy soil about 2.2 g/cm3.
3.3 Tree species selection
3.3.1 The basic procedure for tree species selec- composition in the region (including rare
tion for a specific site is to carry out a site species), as well as tree species traditionally
survey and an assessment of growing condi- used in the area.
tions. This must consider the site’s altitude as 3.3.5 When planting in urbanised areas, the prin-
well as other conditions – e.g. solar and wind cipal issue to consider is the taxon’s ability
exposure, soil, landscape topography, etc. to survive on the site while optimally perfor-
3.3.2 To maintain natural genetic variability, it is ming the required functions. As a result, int-
advisable to use local (regional) sources of roduced species and cultivars are frequently
planting material, particularly for rare species. used. Use of taxa with the potential to be in-
3.3.3 Resistance to frost/drought/heat is an im- vasive is restricted.6 (See Appendix 4.)
portant limiting factor for tree selection. The 3.3.6 When trees are planted along roads, the im-
resistance of tree species and adaptation of pact of winter road maintenance should be
trees to a specific site should be considered. taken into account. It might be appropriate
3.3.4 In a natural landscape it is advisable to use to select salt-tolerant species. Tree species
species that correspond to the natural plant sensitive to salinity are listed in Appendix 3.
6 Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the prevention
and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species
3.5 Potential underground space
3.5.1 Any planting site must have enough under- the specific situation, tree size and the type
ground growing space (rootable volume) for of infrastructure but is typically between
new roots to develop so that the tree can 0.5 m and 3 m.
grow sustainably. 3.5.6 On existing tree sites these distances can
3.5.2 Rootable volume comprises all soil and sub- often not be respected when (re)planting
strates that can accommodate root growth trees, so mitigating or repetitive remedial
(that is, enough oxygen, moisture and mine- measures (see chapter 6 - Additional tech-
ral supply with a healthy soil food web). nical solutions) might be necessary to mini-
3.5.3 The size of the rootable volume will differ mise future conflicts.
according to the spatial requirements of 3.5.7 Planting trees within the protective zones of
different tree species (see Appendix 5). utility infrastructure may require the agree-
3.5.4 The rootable volume is quoted in m3. The usa- ment of the utility manager and the use of au-
ble depth of the rootable volume of trees is xiliary technical solutions to reduce conflicts.
at least 0.5 m and usually no more than 1.5 m. 3.5.8 Installation of new utility infrastructure
3.5.5 For new urban designs, it is advisable to within the root protection zones of trees is
avoid conflicts between tree roots and in- not advisable. Where necessary, all means
frastructure by respecting a minimum ob- must be taken to protect rootable volume
stacle-free distance between the tree and and the root systems of existing trees (e.g.
the infrastructure. This distance depends on trenchless technologies).
3.7 Open growing locations
3.7.1 Trees planted in normal soil that is not de-
graded usually do not need special measu-
3.7.2 Minimal soil amendments can be provided
to optimise tree resilience, e.g. improving
root space, oxygen supply, moisture reten-
tion, mineral supply and the soil food web.
3.9 Planting in hard surfaces
3.9.1 As a result of traffic load, planting locations
under hard surfaces are often too compac-
ted. To avoid compaction of the rootable
volume, auxiliary technical solutions can be
used to accommodate tree growth, such as
structural soils, soil cells, etc. (See section
3.9.2 A specific concern in relation to rootable
volume under hard surfaces is the availabi-
lity of gas exchange between the soil and
the outside air to supply sufficient oxygen
to the tree roots.
3.9.3 Pavements with an open structure. This kind
of pavement has sufficient joints between
the elements for water and air to infiltrate
the soil.
3.9.4 However, pavements with an open structu-
re (green pavements) often need a higher
level of subsoil compaction, which can ne-
gatively impact root growth. Also, the water
and air infiltration capacity of these open
pavements often degrades over time due to
the accumulation of dirt in the upper layers
of open joints.
3.9.5 Often the only surface free of paving is the
tree pit itself, which limits the availability of
water and air infiltration. To meet the needs
of the tree, the open area around the tree
pit should be as large as possible.
4. Tree stock quality Planting
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Trees can adapt to local environmental con- 4.1.5 The current trend in urban forestry is to plant
ditions. This adaptability is partly genetic and increasingly large tree stock. However, it is
partly linked to the individual tree. The youn- recommended that smaller trees are plan-
ger the tree, the greater its ability to adapt to ted in general (preferably between 12–16 cm
its environment. stem circumference), as these will:
4.1.2 In some cases, a tree’s adaptation to nursery - suffer less from planting shock,
conditions (climate, soil, etc.) can reduce its - require a less intensive and shorter
capacity to grow well in other environmental aftercare period,
conditions. Trees from nurseries might need - demonstrate better hierarchy (for-
some time to adapt to the environmental ming one dominant leader),
conditions of the new planting position. - resume growth faster,
4.1.3 It is preferable to obtain trees from a nursery - exhibit less quality loss related to
with similar environmental conditions to tho- nursery practice (e.g., topping,
se of the planting site. If there is no nursery fertilising)
nearby or with similar conditions, it is better - adapt better to the local envi-
to maximise the capacity for adaptation by ronmental conditions.
specifying very young trees; it is also possi- 4.1.6 The size of a tree is specified in terms of cir-
ble to produce adapted trees from cuttings cumference class (e.g. 12/14), which sets out
or seeds and grow them on in final envi- the minimum and maximum stem circumfe-
ronmental conditions. rence in cm, measured at 1 m above root collar
4.1.4 The most important features for adaptability level (except for multi-stemmed trees, which
in urban trees are: are specified in height classes, see section 4.4).
- drought resistance, 4.1.7 Where an immediate visual impact is required,
- frost resistance, e.g when restoring tree avenues, or to reduce
- heat resistance, the risk of vandalism and other types of da-
- preference for soil pH (this is not mage, larger tree stock dimensions may be
only genetic but also related to mycorrhiza preferred, but these larger trees will require
and other soil food web partners). a longer maintenance (acclimatisation) peri-
od to become established and grow normally.
4.2.1 Data on labels or tags (species, cultivar, size, place after quality control and at the in-
quality, number of transplants, number of struction of the leading official or client.
units in pack, total number) must be accura- 4.2.5 All historical pruning cuts must be surroun-
te. Plants must be delivered in accordance ded by callus (note that the cuts do not
with the purchase order and delivery note. need to be completely occluded). Pruning
4.2.2 The stem must be solid and have a normal cuts must be maximum of 3 cm in diameter
taper (thicker below than above). (4 cm in diameter for fast-growing species
4.2.3 The stem must have no bruising, open stem like Populus spp., Salix spp., Platanus spp.,
wounds or any other damage. Fraxinus spp. and Ulmus spp.).
4.2.4 All trees must be delivered to site unpru- 4.2.6 Trees must be free of branches with weak
ned (no fresh cuts). Pruning can only take forks (in particular with included bark).
4.2.7 No diseases, pests or invasive plant spe- difference in rate of growth; only a slight
cies must be present on the above-ground bend is acceptable. The graft and the
or below-ground parts of the tree. There rootstock must be well fused and of known
must be no sunburn necrosis, fruit bodies compatibility.
of wood-decay or parasitic fungi, or signs 4.2.11 The crown must be balanced: the tree must
of boring insects or cankers. have branches on all sides.
4.2.8 To avoid frost damage, the annual twigs 4.2.12 The root collar must be straight and unda-
must be completely hardened off (fully lig- maged.
nified) at delivery. 4.2.13 In order to have sufficient fine roots, the
4.2.9 All branches, including the top of the tree, tree must have been transplanted regular-
must show a normal development pattern ly once every 3–5 years (see 4.2.21). The
for the species (no weakened growth in- most recent transplanting date must be at
crement, stagnation or regression). least 2 years before delivery (except con-
4.2.10 On grafted trees, there must not be a bulge tainer-grown trees – see 4.2.23).
or kink at the grafting site, or a noticeable
4.2.14 The root system must have both structural long. For trees above a circumference of
roots and fine roots. The root system must be: 14 cm, the minimum root length is double
- well branched and healthy, the circumference class’s lower limit (e.g.
- not dried out, 20/25 cm circumference: minimum root
- with regularly distributed (360°) size 2 × 20 = 40 cm).
and continuous structural roots, 4.2.17 For root-ball trees, the root ball must be
- without evidence of circling roots compact, fully rooted and cohesive: the
or repetitive cuts in the same spot, roots and the soil must form a whole.
- without girdling roots, 4.2.18 The root ball must be wrapped in pure jute
- without roots that have kinks or (hessian, sackcloth) or a similar completely
turns of less than 90°, biodegradable material (which biodegrades
- densely rooted, with abundant and completely after a maximum of 1.5 years).
regularly distributed fine roots. 4.2.19 If the root ball is wrapped in a wire basket,
4.2.15 There must be no root wounds exceeding this must consist of non-galvanised, anne-
2 cm diameter. aled wire mesh.
4.2.16 For bare-rooted trees up to a circumferen- 4.2.20 The root collar must be visible above the
ce of 14 cm, roots must be at least 25 cm root ball.
4.2.21 The root ball must have the following mini-
mum size and number of transplantings7:
10/12 30 2
12/14 40 3
14/16 45 3
16/18 50 3
18/20 55 3
20/25 60 4
4.2.22 For container-grown trees, the container 4.2.24 Tree should not have circling roots. Howe-
must consist of plastic (solid pot or woven ver, if circling roots are present, their dia-
bag) or a rootable, biodegradable mate- meter must not exceed 0.5 cm and they
rial, which must remain intact until plan- can only be present in the outer 2 cm of the
ting. root ball so they can be shaved off or cut
4.2.23 The tree must not be freshly potted: it at planting without significant root damage.
should have grown in the container for at 4.2.25 The container substrate must be fully rooted,
least a full growing season before delive- without circling roots or roots that have
ry, but no longer than 2 growing seasons developed outside the container.
in the same container. Trees must not be 4.2.26 The container substrate must be in full con-
grown in containers, air pruning pots or tact with the container (not dried out).
similar systems for extended periods as 4.2.27 The root collar must be visible above the
these are not suitable for development of substrate level.
a natural root system. 4.2.28 The container must have the following mini-
mum volume for the tree size class7:
10/12 25
12/14 50
14/16 50
16/18 65
18/20 65
20/25 100
4.3 Desired aspect of adult tree
4.3.1 The quality requirements for trees depend take on the natural habit of the
on the desired aspect of the adult tree. species, with minimal pruning.
Quality requirements are more specific for - Avenue tree (high single stem,
some categories of tree than for others. temporary crown): the tree will
The following categories are identified: have a single stem for desired
- Open-grown tree (natural tree clearance (normally between 4.5
architecture from the base of and 6.5 m9), which is usually hi-
the tree): the tree will have the gher than the height of the tree
natural habit of the species and at delivery. These trees will need
is allowed to grow freely, without repetitive structural pruning to
a single stem and without (or consolidate the dominant leader
with only minimal) pruning. and establish a tall single stem.
- Park tree (short single stem, 4.3.2 Note that tree species or cultivars without
permanent crown): the tree will apical dominance (e.g. weeping or globo-
have a short single stem (usually se) cannot be specified with all the quality
already established in the nur- requirements of an avenue tree.
sery), above which the tree can
4.4.1 Additional quality requirements can be 4.4.5 The stems of a multi-stemmed tree must be
specified in relation to crown form, crown equivalent in size and vigour.
width, number of main branches, maximum 4.4.6 The stems of a multi-stemmed tree must
height of the lowest branch, etc. As these have a good connection, without any signs of
additional quality requirements are case a weak fork (in particular with included bark).
specific, they cannot be defined in general.
4.4.2 Multi-stemmed trees are a specific type of
open-grown tree which have multiple equi-
valent stems that originate below 0.5 m
(measured above the root collar).
4.4.3 Multi-stemmed trees are not specified in
stem size classes in cm (e.g. 20/25), but in
height classes in cm (e.g. 350/400), often
including the number of stems.
4.4.4 Multi-stemmed trees must originate from
a single tree. They cannot be the result of
planting multiple trees together.
Figure 7: Open-grown tree with a weak fork with
included bark.
Size class8 Min. stem length [m] Max. ratio stem:crown Max. height range10 [m]
4.6 Additional quality requirements for avenue trees
4.6.1 In addition to the quality requirements for
park trees (4.5), avenue trees must comply
with the following quality requirements.
4.6.2 The tree must have only 1 stem and only
1 dominant, perennial leader, which forms
the normal extension of the stem, according
to the natural architecture of the species.
(For an indicative list of species in each of
the categories below see Appendix 8.)
4.6.3 For tree species of category A, a straight
stem and leader must be present.
4.6.4 For tree species of category B or C, strai-
ghtness of stem and leader are not required,
but there must be clear apical dominance.
4.6.5 For tree species of category C, the slant of
the leader must not be the result of a lack of Figure 9: Tree architecture models according
strength in the stem or leader. to the basic hierarchy strategy in young trees.
4.6.6 There must be no codominant leaders or
branches, or dead, diseased or damaged
branches in the crown. For tree species in
category B or C (see Figure 9), remnants of
recurrent forks or dominated main axes are
acceptable provided they are clearly subor- 4.6.9 If the tree has been topped or lost apical
dinate to the main leader. dominance during nursery cultivation, the
4.6.7 The branches’ diameter, measured just out- apical dominance must have been restored
side the branch collar, should not exceed the before the tree is delivered.
stem diameter at the height of attachment. 4.6.10 If, as a result of the topping, a kink or a bend
4.6.8 The leader must be undamaged and should arises in the main stem or leader, this can be
not have been topped. a maximum ⅓ of the diameter (see Figure 10).
4.7 Procedure for tree hand-over
4.7.1 At delivery, the client or his/her representa- 4.7.4 The nursery must give at least 5 working
tive must check if the delivered trees meet days‘ notice of delivery to allow sufficient
the quality requirements defined in the pur- time for a detailed inspection to be organi-
chase order. A preliminary selection of trees sed and carried out. Partial deliveries must
in the nursery does not replace this quality require the consent of the client.
control at delivery (but might simplify it). 4.7.5 The client or his/her representative has the
4.7.2 Quality control can be carried out on eve- authority to decide on the level of tolerance
ry individual tree or by selecting a random for minor deviations from the quality stan-
sample (for larger deliveries). dards. Trees with minor deviations might be
4.7.3 Increased attention must be paid to roots, acceptable, but only if these deviations do
root ball and root collar. Trees selected not compromise the final desired aspect of
randomly from the delivery (1 tree of each the tree. Generally, a price reduction should
group/species/type) should be carefully chec- be applied to compensate for the extra af-
ked and inspected. For trees supplied in con- tercare required to rectify any deviations
tainers or with a root ball, this might include from the quality standards.
disassembly of the root ball or container.
5. Standard planting procedure Planting
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 The following procedures are intended for
planting trees under normal conditions in
urban situations, including beside roads and
paths, in parks and related urban areas.
5.2.1 Bare-rooted trees and trees with a root ball 5.2.2 Planting during frost and in frozen soil is not
should be planted when the tree is in dor- recommended.
mant period. Root growth activity in gene- 5.2.3 It is not advisable to plant trees in full growth
ral occurs over a much longer period than at high temperatures.
above-ground growth.
* * *
Broadleaved with root ball
* * *
Evergreen and conifer trees with root ball
* * *
Broadleaved, evergreen and conifer trees planted in container
* * *
Temperate or Mediterranean climate trees planted in Mediterranean climate
Bare-rooted broadleaved trees
* * *
Broadleaved with root ball
* * *
Evergreen and conifer trees with root ball
* * *
Broadleaved, evergreen and conifer trees planted in container
* * *
Optimal period
5.3 Transport
5.3.1 Handling, loading and transporting trees 5.3.2 Trees with a root ball should ideally be han-
from nursery to planting site, unloading dled by the root ball. If they are gripped
trees and their storage must be carried out by the stem (just above the root ball), the
without causing any damage. Preservation stem must be protected from mechanical
of the terminal leader is of fundamental im- damage.
5.3.3 Trees should be protected from direct sun, 5.3.7 Stored trees must be watered sufficiently
wind, frost, drying out and mechanical da- (depending on the weather and cover ma-
mage. terial used) and protected from damage by
5.3.4 In particular, trees must be protected from wild animals (depending on the site).
drying, overheating or frost during trans- 5.3.8 Bare-rooted trees must be properly stored
port. or planted immediately after transport. The
5.3.5 Trees may only be shipped during frost or only exception to this is if the root systems
heatwave conditions with the consent of are protected against desiccation, and the-
the recipient. se trees must be stored or planted within 24
5.3.6 Temporary storage of trees must include hours. Trees with root balls and in containers
covering the root system with soil/mulch or must be temporarily stored or planted within
similar material. a maximum of 48 hours after transport.
5.4 Root management
5.4.1 When bare-rooted trees are planted, dam- they must be dipped in water, for a maxi-
aged roots must be removed or shortened. mum of one hour, before planting.
Circling/strangling roots should not be pre- 5.4.4 In container-grown trees, small roots curving
sent (see 4.2), but if a tree is accepted for along the container circumference must be
delivery in this condition, these must be re- cut in at least three places on the sides and
moved or shortened. at the bottom or by shaving the outer 2 cm
5.4.2 Roots must not be pruned unnecessarily, of the soil mass. Roots growing out of the
e.g. because they do not fit in the planting container must be removed.
pit. In such cases the planting pit must be 5.4.5 Root management should be done imme-
widened. diately prior to planting.
5.4.3 Water the tree roots properly. If roots of 5.4.6 It is not necessary to treat wounds left after
bare-rooted trees show signs of drying, root shortening.
5.5.12 The compost quality can be certified or tes- 5.5.15 Water absorbents adjust the hydraulic re-
ted if appropriate. gime, increase sorption of water and nutri-
5.5.13 Chemical fertilizers should not be used, be- ents, and promote microbiological activity
cause of their impact on the soil food web in soil. They improve water management on
(mycorrhizae etc.). the site. Their use is effective primarily on
5.5.14 Other auxiliary components may be added sandy soils or on altered sites with limited
to the soil (substrate), after detailed analy- water supply.
sis, to improve the soil food web: 5.5.16 Stimulators promote root growth and acce-
- compost extract (tea), lerate the development of a new root sys-
- plant extracts, tem.
- biological nutrients,
- bacteria and fungi/mycorrhizae.
Figure 13: Location of the root ball in the planting pit. Figure 14: Various shapes of planting pit.
5.6.10 If the soil properties are not suitable, follow 5.6.12 For tree rows in paved areas, the individu-
instructions in section 5.5. al planting pits should be made larger and/
5.6.11 It is not necessary to install aeration and irri- or to connected to each other, e.g. by root
gation systems in open growing sites or if trenches, root pathways or by maximising the
the situation does not demand it. available soil volume outside the planting pits.
5.6.13 The use of (heavy) equipment for planting staying out of planting pits and above the ro-
trees can lead to increased compaction of otable volume by using road plates or equi-
the soil, which hinders root growth or ma- valent materials. Soil compaction can easily
kes it impossible. Prevent soil compaction by occur in wet soils and in clay or peat soils.
5.7.14 Any interference that might damage the 5.7.15 After backfilling, the upper surface of the
root system after planting is undesirable. planting pit must be at exactly the same le-
vel as the surrounding soil. The irrigation wall
should be located just outside the outer bor-
der of the planting pit.
5.8.8 Stakes should be installed in an open plan- 5.8.11 Consider adding one or more levels of
ting pit so as not to damage roots. Stakes battens installed on the bottom of the sys-
must be embedded below the planting pit tem to protect the lower part of the stem
bottom. against lawn mowers/grass trimmers and
5.8.9 To be stable, the tree needs stem support dog urine.
at around 50–60 cm above ground. If the 5.8.12 Ties must be secured against slipping on the
anchoring system is also designed as a me- stakes. Ties must not damage the bark or
ans of protection for the stem, or in windy hinder trunk growth. Use of ties made from
situations, it may be advisable to use higher organic materials is advisable.
stakes. 5.8.13 Underground anchors can only be used in
5.8.10 To increase the stability of systems with 3 or trees supplied with an intact root ball or with
more stakes, it is possible to join the ends of a container. Anchoring components must not
the stakes together with suitably cut semi- be in direct contact with the roots of the tree.
circular battens so that they stabilize each 5.8.14 Underground anchors must be installed in
other. the planting pit before it is backfilled.
Figure 22: Details of an underground anchorage system.
5.9 Stem and crown protection
5.9.1 Consider installing adequate stem protecti-
on when planting trees with distinct trunks.
5.9.2 Protection from sun scorch is achieved usu-
ally by reed or split bamboo mats or using
jute wrapping.
5.9.3 Trunks can also be coated with white paint
to increase the reflection of sunlight (the al-
bedo of the stem). Paints should be specifi-
cally designed for the purpose or of mineral
origin (chalk, loam, clay etc.).
5.9.4 For specific tree species with thin bark
which is susceptible to sun scorch (like Fa-
gus spp. and Carpinus spp.), small twigs may
be attached to the stem to protect it from
excessive sunlight (unless specified otherwi-
se). These twigs must be distributed regular-
ly over the stem and must be stocky and not
older than 2 years.
5.9.5 In areas where planted trees are threatened
by gnawing, browsing or antler damage,
the trees must receive suitable protection.
In addition to mechanical protection (such
as sleeves, fences etc.), repellent coating or
spray is also possible. Coats or sprays must be
applied in accordance with the public health Figure 23: Examples of stem tree protections
regulations and traffic safety principles that
apply to the site.
5.9.6 In lawned areas, it is advisable to install pro-
tection against trunk damage by mowers
or grass trimmers. Maintaining a protective 5.9.7 Any trunk protection system must not da-
area around the trunk (e.g. by application of mage the tree and must be installed with
mulch) offers appropriate protection from sufficient leeway to permit trunk growth and
trunk damage by mowers. movement.
5.10 Mulching
5.10.1 It is highly advisable to mulch planted trees Grass and other fresh plant materials are not
with a layer of material of maximum 5 cm suitable, as they ferment.
depth (in dry climates and with coarse ma- 5.10.4 It is possible to use seasoned (partially de-
terial max. 10 cm). The mulch layer should be composed) mulch. However, to avoid having
kept away from immediate contact with the to move plant material (for biosecurity rea-
tree root collar. sons and to reduce carbon footprint), it can
5.10.2 Mulching materials must not damage the be better to use fresh woodchip if it is avai-
tree and their properties must not prevent lable on the site.
air and water absorption by the soil. 5.10.5 Using inorganic material as a mulch is possi-
5.10.3 For mulching the following organic mate- ble, even if it does not fulfil all the functions
rials could be used, for example: of organic mulch. It is possible to use it on si-
- bark, tes with a low risk of soil compaction. It must
- woodchips, not be used with a geotextile below.
- straw.
5.11 Water supply systems
5.11.1 Where possible, create a natural irrigation 5.11.3 Where required, slow-release irrigation
wall (see 5.7.13). This makes irrigation easier sacks can be used. These should be placed
by keeping the water in the rootable area. It around the trunk and then filled with water.
may offer additional protection against road The filling quantity varies depending on the
salt and mowing damage. trunk diameter of the tree. To avoid damaging
5.11.2 A constructed watering ring should have the tree’s stem, irrigation sacks can be secu-
a diameter about 1–1.5× the size of the root red around the stakes where appropriate.
ball. It should be placed around the tree and 5.11.4 In some cases, a watering system consisting
submerged to a depth of approximately 10– of in-situ irrigation pipes can be used. The
15 cm with the rest forming the watering rim irrigation pipes should be positioned around
above ground. The overlapping ends should the root ball, in the upper half of the planting
be fixed to the tree stakes to keep the wate- pit. Note that such irrigation pipes generally
ring ring stable. Watering rings should pre- can only hold a limited amount of water, ma-
ferably be made of biodegradable material. king watering time consuming or insufficient.
6. Additional technical solutions Planting
6.0 Introduction
6.0.1 Trees should preferably be planted in areas 6.0.2 The preconditions for the use of additional
that allow open growth, without any limits technical solutions and the guidelines for
to the development of their roots. Hard their application must be defined during
surfaces should be avoided whenever possi- a well-considered urban planning and de-
ble. However, when it is necessary to plant sign process.
trees in hard-surface surroundings, additio-
nal technical solutions can be used.
6.2 Structural soils
6.2.1 Structural soils are artificial soil-substitu- 6.2.3 Depending on the required load-bearing
ting substrates that combine load-carrying capacity, the matrix can consist of sand or
capacity and rootable volume. They can be crushed rock (e.g. gravel, lava or recycled
used under all hard surfaces, e.g. footpaths, materials) of differing dimensions (typically
roads and parking areas. Note that structu- between 0,2 and 15 cm, but monogranular).
ral soils allow root growth but are a compro- The material must be sufficiently hard not
mise material for use under hard surfaces to crumble under compaction and load. The
and thus they are suboptimal for root de- elements must be angular, not round, to be
velopment. For this reason, structural soils compactable.
must not be used in open planting areas. 6.2.4 The physicochemical composition of the
6.2.2 All structural substrates consist of a load matrix and its solubility can influence pH and
-bearing matrix of monogranular11 material mineral composition in the substrate. For
with voids that are filled with a soil with high this reason, a recycled material like crushed
loam/clay and organic material content to concrete is generally not suitable for making
accommodate root growth. structural soils due to its high alkalinity.
6.3 Pressure distribution systems
6.3.1 Pressure distribution systems can be used 6.3.4 Pressure distribution systems can also redu-
to mitigate soil degradation under load, by ce root damage to hard surfaces by sprea-
spreading the load over a larger area and ding root pressure over a larger area.
thus lowering peak loads. 6.3.5 Hollow plastic sandwich panels can be (part-
6.3.2 Pressure distribution systems generally con- ly) filled with high-quality compost or orga-
sist of hollow plastic sandwich panels that nic soil and act as a nutrient supply for the
are linked together to form a continuous underlying (structural) soil.
layer under a hard surface.
6.3.3 When connected to the outside air, hollow
plastic sandwich panels can contribute to
soil aeration under a hard surface.
Figure 26: Example of installed soil cells system around a newly planted tree.
6.5 Root bridges
6.5.1 Root bridges or guides are systems that guide 6.5.2 Root bridges can be a local solution to an
root growth away from undesirable areas (e.g. underground problem, e.g. an individual
just below the pavement) into a more suitable structural root that damages a pavement
area (e.g. a structural substrate under the or driveway that needs to be installed in the
pavement). root area of the tree.
Figure 27: Example of an aeration system.
6.9 Grilles
6.9.1 Grilles are installed as one of the measures 6.9.3 The grilles must be fastened in a way that
to prevent soil compaction in areas with in- does not prevent roots from growing into
tensive pedestrian traffic. the surrounding soil. Grilles are usually
6.9.2 The size of the grille depends on the target mounted on beams laid on footings.
size of the planted tree. For larger trees, 6.9.4 Grilles must be sufficiently permeable for
split grilles are preferable as they allow the water and air, and must permit inspection
space for the trunk to be enlarged as the of the root area, removal of litter and tree
tree grows. care. They should allow for disassembly, but
should be secured against theft.
6.10 Modifications of the immediate surroundings of trees
6.10.1 Advantages and disadvantages of specific land-
scaping around planted trees are summarized
in the following overview table.12
6.11 Root barriers
6.11.1 Root barriers are systems that stop roots 6.11.3 Installation of root barriers all around the
from growing into a particular area. circumference of a tree at close proximity
6.11.2 Root barriers can be used for one-sided pre- is not advisable as this will compromise the
vention of root growth (e.g. towards under- tree’s future stability.
ground utility lines). They must be installed
at a sufficient distance from the tree so that
they will not impact (future) tree stability.
13 For example Populus (section Nigra), Figure 29: Example of planting a tree on a waterlogged site.
Salix, Alnus, Taxodium, Metasequoia etc.
7. Post-planting tree care Planting
7.0 Introduction
7.0.1 Completion management proceeds from continues throughout the tree’s further
planting to handover and acceptance by the growth until it becomes fully functional.
contracting authority. 7.0.3 Development management is followed by
7.0.2 Development management proceeds from standard tree management, which is provi-
handover and focuses on minimising post ded throughout the tree’s life.
-transplant shock. In a reduced form, this
14 The length of the post-transplant shock can be determined approximately as 1 year per 8 cm of trunk circumference
(rounded upwards).
7.4 Weeding
7.4.1 Weeds are natural plants which can be im- 7.4.3 In mechanical weeding, undesirable plants are:
portant for site biodiversity and phyto- - plucked,
pathology. If necessary, weeding is done to - the above-ground portion is sepa-
remove undesirable plants from the planting rated from the roots by hoeing,
area. - the weeds are mowed.
7.4.2 Weeding should be done using purely me- 7.4.4 The work must always be carried out care-
chanical removal methods. Chemical wee- fully to avoid damage to the root collar or
ding is not advisable. the roots of the tree.
8. Palm tree planting Planting
Figure 30: Example of supporting a palm tree.
9.1 Appendix 1: List of trees and tree-formed shrubs tolerant of alkaline soils
(above pH 7)
Latin name Common name
HURYCH, Václav. Okrasné dřeviny pro zahrady a parky. 2., upr. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Květ, 2003. ISBN 80-85362-46-5.
KOBLÍŽEK, Jaroslav. Jehličnaté a listnaté dřeviny našich zahrad a parků. 2., rozš. vyd. Tišnov: Sursum, 2006. ISBN
80-7323- 117-4.
9.2 Appendix 2: List of trees and tree-formed shrubs tolerant of acidic
soils (below pH 4)
HURYCH, Václav. Okrasné dřeviny pro zahrady a parky. 2., upr. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Květ, 2003. ISBN 80-85362-46-5.
KOBLÍŽEK, Jaroslav. Jehličnaté a listnaté dřeviny našich zahrad a parků. 2., rozš. vyd. Tišnov: Sursum, 2006. ISBN
9.3 Appendix 3: List of tree species sensitive to salinity
Latin name Common name
HURYCH, Václav. Okrasné dřeviny pro zahrady a parky. 2., upr. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Květ, 2003. ISBN 80-85362-46-5.
KOBLÍŽEK, Jaroslav. Jehličnaté a listnaté dřeviny našich zahrad a parků. 2., rozš. vyd. Tišnov: Sursum, 2006. ISBN
Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the pre-
vention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species.
Acacia saligna
Ailanthus altissima
Prunus serotina
9.5 Appendix 5: Minimum rootable volumes required for trees
60 years 30 m³ 50 m³
40 years 20 m³ 35 m³
20 years 10 m³ 20 m³
40 years 12 m³ 25 m³
20 years 7 m³ 15 m³
Table: Indicative minimum tree rootable volumes for normal soil. (For poor soil or structural soil, the minimum rootable
volumes must be raised according to the equivalent mineral and water holding capacity of the substrate.)
16 Groundwater contact refers to a situation where a tree can access the groundwater table for the entire growing season
(groundwater table typically between 1 and 2 meters below ground), so water is not a limiting factor for its growth.
Without groundwater contact, a tree must rely on the water holding capacity of the soil, making water a limiting factor
for its growth. The required soil volume is larger in this situation.
9.6 Appendix 6: List of tree species (examples) according to expected
crown size in maturity
HURYCH, Václav. Okrasné dřeviny pro zahrady a parky. 2., upr. a rozš. vyd. Praha: Květ, 2003. ISBN 80-85362-46-5.
KOBLÍŽEK, Jaroslav. Jehličnaté a listnaté dřeviny našich zahrad a parků. 2., rozš. vyd. Tišnov: Sursum, 2006. ISBN 80-
9.7 Appendix 7: Relationship of Proctor density to bulk density of soils
Proctor Density
85% Density where root growth is affected
Bulk density (g/cm3)
Leam Sandy
Sandy Loam
Sandy Loam
Loamy Sand
Heavy Clay
Clay Loam
Silty Clay
Silty Clay
Urban, J.: Up by Roots: Healthy Soils and Trees in the Built Environment, International Society of Arboriculture, 2008,
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CE Conformité Européenne (administrative marking that indicates conformity with health, safety,
and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area)
EAC European Arboricultural Council
EAS European Arboricultural Standards
ETT European Tree Technician
ETW European Tree Worker
EU European Union
ISA International Society of Arboriculture
pH potential of hydrogen (pondus hydrogenii)
PPE personal protective equipment
SSRA Site-specific Risk Assessment
SUDS Sustainable urban drainage systems
TeST Technical Standards in Treework
© Working group TeST – Technical Standards in Tree Work, 2022
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