Roadside Tree Planting Manual: June.2020
Roadside Tree Planting Manual: June.2020
Roadside Tree Planting Manual: June.2020
Celestine M. Kilongosi2; Nancy C. Kadenyi1; Luwieke Bosma1; Frank Van Steenbergen1; Theophilus M. Kioko1; James R. Messo4; Bosco K. Kidake5; and
Bernard K. Kigwa3
Author affiliations
MetaMeta Research, Netherlands
Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT)
Table of Contents
List of photos List of tables
Photo 1: Photos of some of the roadside tree species (http:// 9 Table 1: Roadside tree species selection (Gilman & Sadowski, 2007) 7 Table 2: List of common roadside tree species and their 8
Photo 2: Roof water harvesting in Kwa Vonza, Kitui County (Photo 11 characteristics (source:
credit: MetaMeta) Table 3: A sample list of shrubs suitable for roadside tree planting 9
Photo 3: Road drift water harvesting in Kitui county (photo credit: 11 Table 4: List of grasses for roadside planting 10
MetaMeta) Table 5: Road Safety Mitigation Measures 16
Photo 4: assorted flower plants, Flower Tree, Landscape green 13
belt(source: PNGWing, n.d.)
Photo 5: Avenue plantation (Source: MetaMeta) 14
Photo 6: Grasses used as a greenbelt (Source: Wikipedia) 14
Photo 7: How to water an established tree (Credit: DeJohn, 2019) 22
Photo 8: Collective community participation in designing RWH 23
structures (Source: MetaMeta)
Photo 9: A properly pruned branch. (Source: Wikipedia) 27
List of figures
1. General information that can be accumulated from roadside tree planting like reducing the air
1.1 Introduction pollution levels in the country. The air in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, and other
major cities is very polluted by industrial activities and the many motor
vehicles powered by diesel and petrol. They release particulate matter into
Humans and other living things depend on water for life and health. the air, affecting the health of thousands of city dwellers. These negative
People living on Arid and Semi-Arid Land (ASAL) face water shortages, outcomes can be averted by roadside tree planting. The dust generated by
long periods of droughts, and sporadic intense outbursts of rainfall. In the many vehicles traversing the worn-out and unpaved roads in rural areas
ASAL regions, soil erosion is a big challenge that is exacerbated by road is quite alarming.
construction. Hard road surfaces change the hydrology and alternate
subsurface flows, and they often generate higher run-off flows with higher
velocity. In this way, roads cause problems such as erosion, gully formation,
waterlogging, and washing away of fertile soil. These issues greatly affect
roads, the landscape, and adjacent farmland. However, the negative effects
can be turned into positive impacts through planting trees and other types
of vegetation, coupled with water harvesting. Safeguarding roads, the
environment, and farmland is essential to ensuring resilient and thriving
Roadside tree planting can make significant improvements to the quality of
Source: (MetaMeta)
roads and the environment and can protect key natural resources, especially
in ASAL regions where vegetation is essential in binding the soil with organic
matter that aids in enhanced infiltration and water retention in the soil. Road Apart from the health benefits, roadside tree planting can help in achieving
corridors can be a focus area for the restoration of vegetation cover, as the goal of 10% tree cover as stipulated in Kenya’s vision 2030. Trees hold
vegetation supports many additional benefits, such as trapping dust and the soil firmly in the ground and help to slow and absorb runoff, averting
reducing run-off flows. Several studies indicate that the benefits accumulated local environmental problems.
from roadside tree planting include better soil formation by shedding dead
leaves, increased water quality by reducing sediment flow, reduced erosion, Currently, Kenya’s forest cover is at 7.6%. A combination of the several
road beautification, flood control as the trees slow and absorb road runoff, aforementioned advantages and the challenges that can be averted by
windbreaking, providing important pollinator habitats, improving peoples’ roadside tree planting inform the need for this manual, which can be a
health, and protecting crops (Steenbergen et al., 2019; Perez et al., 2016). guide to road users and the general public. The main objective of the
manual is to highlight step-by-step procedures for roadside tree planting,
Despite the long list of the benefits of roadside tree planting, this practice maintenance, and management strategies as well as the benefits that can
has not been widely adopted in developing countries. For instance, in Kenya, be accumulated from this activity. This manual provides useful working
several tree-planting initiatives have been developed. However, these information to road engineers/designers, urban planners, field workers, and
initiatives focus mainly on tree planting on farmland, forgetting the benefits farmers in Kenya.
Section 5 - Pre-planting management: This section summarizes site
preparation, tree species selection, and site matching.
Section 6 - Tree planting and watering: This section provides a step-by-
step guide of tree planting. It also discusses proper tree watering regimes
to enhance tree survival and foster collaborative work between communities
and nursery out-growers.
Section 7 - Maintenance and Post-Planting Management: This section
summarizes general maintenance operations and requirements. The
Source: (MetaMeta) necessary tools for each activity are also illustrated.
Section 8 - Cost-benefit analysis: This section summarizes the monetary and
1.2 Reading Guide social benefits of roadside tree planting and the resources required for the
achievement of these benefits.
Sections covered in the manual are: Section 9 - Recommendations: This section recommends activities that can
be undertaken for successful roadside tree planting. Some of the activities
Section 1 - Introduction: The introduction outlines the main purpose of the include the active involvement and participation of the government,
manual and the benefits of roadside tree planting according to studies community engagement, regulations, awareness creation, and multi-
conducted in other countries. It also highlights how roadside tree planting stakeholder engagement.
assists in achieving the country’s vision 2030 on improving forest cover.
Section 10 - Summary: This section summarizes the general socioeconomic
Section 2 - Tree selection: This section summarizes specific criteria to be benefits of tree planting and why trees are to be planted along roads. The
used in selecting suitable roadside tree species for roadside planting organizations that deal with tree planting in Kenya are also highlighted, as
and the process of analyzing the suitability of streets for tree planting. are links for possible follow up.
This section also identifies general tree selection considerations based on
community needs and desires.
Section 3 - Setting up and running a tree nursery: Before trees are 2. Tree selection
planted, they are set in a nursery for establishment. This section summarizes
nursery site selection, design and construction, alternative sources of water
for use in the nursery, pest and disease management, and planning and The right tree in the right position is the key principle in roadside tree
record-keeping for good management and survival of seedlings. planting, as the roadside environment is harsh. To fully realize the benefits
of roadside trees, tree species should be carefuly selected according to
Section 4 - Designing Roadside Plantations: This section summarizes the the site’s typology, the hardness of the tree species, a clear above and
general principles of roadside tree planting and available planting designs. below ground site analysis, and the ability of the tree species to improve
The section also discusses road safety measures that are very important drainage, trap dust, and reduce surface runoff. Selection criteria are based
factors to consider when designing roadside plantations. on the medicinal, nutritional, economic and ecological value of the trees, as
well as their adaptability, thecultural values associated with specific tree Cultural Utilities such as structures (buildings) and power lines
species, and their ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Chosen trees should be constraints (the selected trees should not grow tall enough to
evergreen so they will trap dust throughout the year, especially during the distupt power lines, but if that is the case there must
dry season when the dust is a nuisance to farms and households located be a pollarding strategy.
near the road. Some trees are a source of food, especially those that
Limitation Space and planting location (are you planting along
provide fruit to the communities living adjacent to the road and passersby
constraints a superhighway, at junctions, or corners, etc.?)
such as school children. Shade is also very important to passersby who
walk long distances on their way home in the scorching sun. Table 1 outlines
factors to consider tree selection.
covers Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and 5. Senna siamea Yellow cassia, Medium-sized (rarely exceeding
Zambia, and it has the following capabilities: Bombay 20 m in height), evergreen
1. The app shows the distribution of potential natural vegetation blackwood (drought resistant), ornamental,
(English) fast-growing
2. The app includes a species selection tool—‘the right tree for the right
place’—that accounts for the goods and services desired 6. Senna white cassia, Medium-sized, evergreen
spectabilis mhomba (drought resistant) ornamental,
3. The app links tree species to online databases (Kiswahili) fast-growing, boundary marker
4. The app informs users about the trees and shrubs that originally 7. Vitex payos Chocolate Berry Drought resistant tree found near
occurred at the location of interest rock outcrops, high water tables
5. The app identifies potential ecotypes within species and recommends 8. Berchamia brown ivory Grows naturally, adaptable
well-adapted seed sources for particular sites. (Kindt et al., 2015) discholar in semi-desert and grassland
Sample trees suitable for roadside planting are shown in Table 2.
9. Terminalia Bastard almond Evergreen, tall tree
Table 2: List of common roadside tree species and their characteristics 10. Anthocephalus Prosea Evergreen, tall tree with large
(source: chinensis foliage
11. Cassia fistula Golden shower Evergreen, medium-sized tree
No. Scientific name Common Name Criteria for selection
tree with large leaves
1. Jacaranda Jacaranda Evergreen, grows 5-16 m tall, 12. Pongamia Pongam Evergreen, medium-sized tree
mimosifolia ornamental, fast-growing, pinnata with dense foliage
drought-resistant, termite 13. Ficus Bunyan tree Semi-evergreen tree with
resistant, sprouts easily if benghalensis spreading canopy and compact
damaged leaves
2. Spathodea Nandi flame Grows to be a large tree, up 14. Ficus religiosa Sacred Fig Semi-evergreen tree with shiny
campanulata to 25 m, with a broad crown; leaves
ornamental, drought-resistant,
15. Gmelina Gmelina Deciduous tree with hairy leaves
termite resistant
3. Delonix regia Flame tree Deciduous, medium-sized tree
16. Putranjiva Putranjiva tree Evergreen tree with shiny leaves
with spreading canopy; drought-
resistant, termite resistant
17. Croton Croton Evergreen tree, well adapted to
4. Azadirachta Neem Fast-growing, evergreen, drought
macrostachyus a dry climate and numerous side
indica and pest resistant
Photo 1: Photos of some of the roadside tree species (
No. Scientific Name Criteria for Selection
1. Bougainvillea Bougainvillea Evergreen, climbing shrub
spectabilis producing stems up to 10 m
long, ornamental
2. Lantana camara Wild Sage Evergreen, can grow up to 2 m
tall, erosion control
3. Vernonia Common Drought tolerant, ornamental,
angustifolia ironweed stalks are 2-3 ft tall
4. Tecoma stans Yellow bells Commonly knowns as a roadside
weed, ornamental, adapts
well in tropical and subtropical
Table 3 presents some pollution-tolerant shrubs that can be used in roadside
i. Bougainvillea spectabilis ii. Lantana camara (Wild Sage) Table 4: List of grasses for roadside planting
(Bougainvillea) No. Scientific Name Common Name Criteria for Selection
Bouteloua Sideoats grama/ Excellent drought tolerance
gracilis mosquito grass
Sporobolus Prairie dropseed Perennial, deciduous,
2. heterolepis ornamental grass with hair-like
Pennisetum Kikuyu grass Very fast-growing grass, good
clandestinum shade tolerance, excellent cold
tolerance, and has the ability
to smother weeds.
Source: (Stock photo) Source: (Wikipedia) Stenotaphrum Pemba grass/ Excellent shade tolerance,
4. secundatum buffalo grass/ St. completely
Augustine grass
Chloris gayana Zimbabwe grass Shade tolerant grass, suitable
iii. Vernonia angustifolia (Common iv. Tecoma stans (Yellow bells) 5.
for weed and erosion control
Source: (Pinterest)
In the list, Kikuyu, Pemba, and Zimbabwe grasses can be used as footpaths Source: Stock Photo
on road pavements or for beautification purposes. Table 4 provides a list of
grasses that can be used.
3. Setting up and managing a tree nursery recommended height for transplanting trees is between 30 cm and 45
The selection of the area for a nursery is very important and should be sited
as centrally as possible to the sites to be planted. Critical points to consider i. Rooftop catchment: Intercepts
in the selection of a nursery area are: rainwater from hard roof surfaces
• The area should be well drained and free from waterlogging and conveys water to a storage
tank via a system of gutters.
• The plants should be exposed to direct sunlight
• The nursery should be close to a water source for ease of irrigation.
Photo 2: Roof water harvesting in Kwa
Road water harvesting has been occasionally used for roadside tree
Vonza, Kitui County (Photo credit: MetaMeta)
planting. ii. Road drift: A low causeway
• The area should be well protected from pets and wild animals. can be a simple way to recharge
shallow groundwater when built
• The area should be flat or gently sloping, with a slope ranging from 0
to function as a sand dam. It
to 30 degrees.
functions in slowing down the
• The number of seedlings depends on the planting pattern used, which flow upstream and building up
can either be square or rectangular. The recommended spacing sand, thereby allowing the water
between two lines is either 10 cm or the width of your palm, and to reach underground storage,
spacing between the plants is 10 cm (ICRAF, 2013). Further, the contributing to recharge.
Photo 3: Road drift water harvesting in Kitui
county (photo credit: MetaMeta)
c. Planting should be both functional and aesthetic to serve a definite
purpose such as traffic delineation, screening, erosion control, etc.
iii. Runoff harvesting: The runoff d. Where possible, especially in rural areas, planting designs should
from roads can be harvested and reflect naturalistic conditions, with informal flowing arrangements of
stored in an on-farm pond or a material ecologically adapted to the site and purpose of the design. Avoid
reshaped borrow pit. This water symmetrical, straight-line arrangements.
can be used in the nursery to
water seedlings. e. Form and shape should be used for harmony and contrast. Round-
headed or spreading plants form more desirable masses, while columnar or
Source: (MetaMeta) conical shapes add greater visual emphasis. As they mature, plants change
size and can quickly overgrow a particular planting site. Avoid planting
trees too close together such that they limit the potential width or height
4. Designing Roadside Plantations development of either plant. For example, trees that grow up to 30 ft should
be planted at least 3-4 ft from sidewalks or concrete areas. Trees that grow
30-50 ft tall should be planted 5-6 ft from sidewalks. Trees that grow more
All roadside landscape planting designs should conform to the general than 50 ft tall should be planted at least 8 ft from sidewalks.
principles of transportation, landscape, and environmental design. Roadside
planting and roadway design should be correlated to achieve an overall
unified plan (Hasan et al., 2018).
There are a few mandatory rules for landscape planting design. Good
design depends upon the knowledge and creativity of the designer.
However, a few basic guidelines, as reported by Steenbergen et al. (2019),
include: Source : Roads for water, n.d.
g. Consider the plant’s adaptability to various environmental, climate, k. Avoid placing trees and shrubs over underground utility lines and
and soil conditions. Some of the tree species’ characteristics include cold drainage pipes. Avoid planting trees under overhead utility lines unless the
hardiness, salt spray tolerance, soil moisture requirements, drought tolerance, mature tree size is recognized as a tree type recommended for this purpose.
insect susceptibility, disease resistance, ease of transplanting, sunlight or Avoid placing trees and shrubs in the centre of proposed drainage swales
shade tolerance, and availability of trees or seedlings. and in front of drainage pipe discharges.
h. Plant selection should emphasize the use of native plants to the
greatest extent possible. Efforts should be taken, when appropriate, to use
regionally native plants for landscaping. However, the design should also 4.2 Planting designs
strive to use the best plant selection possible for the prospective site and
design concept.
Different tree planting designs can be applied depending on the
i. Avoid selecting plants that have the potential to invade areas intended purpose of the plantation as well as the availability of space.
adjacent to the highway right-of-way and adversely harm other plant Only one species of trees should be planted for a long distance of the
communities. Such plant species include prosopis spp, water fern (Salvinia road (Randhawa &Mukhopadhyay, 1986). This is because this setting is
molesta), wild garlic (Allium vineale), and prickly pear (Opuntia spp). more beautiful, gives a wavy appearance to the skyline, and makes the
j. Creating naturalized plant areas using decorative native shrubs, management and gap-filling of the trees easier. The same authors report
perennial bulbs, daylilies, and wildflowers can be effective in providing that trees should be planted 12 m apart in the row and at least 5-6 m
colourful focal areas along the highway. away from the edge of the road so that they have enough space to spread
and not interfere with the traffic. If a road is as wide as 30 m or more,
double rows of trees should be planted, with rows spaced 10-12 m apart.
According to the authority guidelines, no trees or shrubs should be planted
on the inside of cut-slopes, around curves, or on the inside curve of an
embanked road.
The different types of roadside tree planting designs are avenue Other benefits that can be achieved from a well-implemented greenbelt
plantations, greenbelt plantations, and vegetative roadside barriers, as include:
described in the subsequent sections.
• Control of rainwater runoff
• Increase of underground water levels
1. Planting along avenues (avenue plantation) • Prevention of soil erosion
Avenue plantation involves a straight • Increased biodiversity index
path or road with a line of trees Grasses (Table 3) and shrubs (Table 2) can be used as greenbelt vegetation.
or large shrubs running along each Grasses reduce the velocity of flow, trapping sediments and reducing
side. It helps in minimizing dust loads, roadside erosion.
gaseous pollutants, and noise pollution
from traffic. Evergreen and deciduous
trees are effective in minimizing air 3. Design of roadside vegetative barriers
pollution by filtering, intercepting, and
Photo 5: Avenue plantation (Source:
effectively absorbing pollutants for Several decisions must be made when designing roadside vegetative
MetaMeta) environmental improvement. barriers: the combination of trees and shrubs, the porosity of the barrier,
and the number of tree lines.
2. Planting along avenues (avenue plantation) The selection of species will determine the plant spacing, i.e., the distance
between the shrubs and trees. Shrubs, for instance, grow at a much closer
Greenbelt plantations are made spacing than trees; this should be taken into consideration when determining
up of species of trees and shrubs the combination of species to be planted. The general guidance for row
selected to reduce the effect of plantings is to plant larger trees at 3 to 5 m apart, larger shrubs at 2.5 to
pollutants. According to Pokhriyal & 4 m apart, and smaller shrubs at 1.5 to 2.5 m apart. Single-row plantings
Nautiyal (1991), the use of a green should only be used on higher-value land and where space is limited. When
belt resulted in a 27% reduction of possible, it is preferable to have plantings of two to four rows to protect
dust particles in London (Hyde Park). a larger area. One- and two-row plantings are cost-effective options but
Maher et al. (2013) reported that require a uniform and high survival rate.
more than 50% of particulate matter
Photo 6: Grasses used as a greenbelt Figure 2 shows the different types of roadside plantings. Porous barriers
is reduced by roadside tree planting
(Source: Wikipedia) have the most beneficial impact on dust control. Dust capture is enhanced
and even more if the leaves are hairy.
by turbulence in the planting caused by the presence of irregularities such
However, Perez et al. (2016) note that there is limited information on how as branches, leaves, and complex leaf structures. The more irregularities
effectively roadside tree lines intercept dust. the structure contains, the more dust and pollutants will be trapped. In
comparison, almost all dust will “leap” over solid barriers, and little will be
intercepted. Porous plantings allow a large part of the airflow to traverse speeds. This is best achieved with double rows of trees and bushes. This
the planting. Dust will be trapped better, because there is more contact with would balance both effects: trapping dust and other pollutants and bringing
the leaves of the trees and shrubs. To achieve a good degree of porosity, downwind velocity on the leeward side.
plantings should be approximately 5 to 20 m wide, consisting of tall trees
with a bush layer underneath.
4.3 Road safety
Safety is the main concern for highways and streets, thus an important
factor to contemplate when designing roadside plantations is road safety.
Trees can cause accidents, and special mitigation measures are necessary
at certain speeds to avoid them (Perez et al., 2016). Trees near the road
can present a fixed object hazard. Grass, weeds, brush, and tree limbs
can obscure or limit a driver’s view of traffic control devices, approaching
vehicles, wildlife and livestock, and pedestrians and bicycles (Federal
Highway Administration, 2008). Controlling vegetation helps reduce crashes
and injuries (Training on Roads for Water and Resilience, n.d.; Perez et al.,
2016). Table 2 shows safety mitigation measures depending on the speed
zone, keeping signs visible to drivers.
5. Pre-Planting Management
5.1 Site preparation
a) Determine the size of the planting area 5.1.1 Determining the size of the planting area
b) Remove the competing vegetation The planting area has to be shallow and wide to suit the development of
roots, because most of the root growth happens within the upper 12 inches
c) Prepare the soil
of the soil. Three measurements to consider when estimating the planting
area are:
Table 5: Road Safety Mitigation Measures a. Width: The planting area should be 3 to 5 times as wide as the roots or
root ball.
Speed zone Road safety mitigation method
The impact force is unlikely to exceed human b. Depth: The planting area should be shallow enough to allow for the
40 km/h topmost root to be 1 to 3 inches above the soil surface (Gilman & Sadowski,
tolerances, so no specific mitigation is needed.
A minimum lateral distance from the road edge 2007). Planting a tree too deep limits the soil oxygen available for root
50 km/h of 1 m should be maintained to reduce incidental respiration. This can cause several problems, including the death of the tree.
interaction between vehicles and trees. c. Volume: There needs to be enough loose soil in the planting area for
at least 10 m beyond intersection adequate root growth. The amount of soil needed for healthy root and tree
Intersections on the approach and departure growth depends on the tree species, size at maturity, expected lifespan, and
side environmental stress factors (Trees Energy Conservation, 2019).
at least 3 m between driveway
and tree
60 km/h 5.1.2 Competition control
Lane merge 3.6 m lateral distance from the
locations road edge Planting sites have weeds and other competing vegetation that have to be
3.6 m lateral distance from road evacuated before tree planting. Evacuating the competing vegetation can
Curves edge for gentle curves; barrier for either be done mechanically or chemically. Mechanical site preparation
moderate/tight curves involves loosening the soil and consolidating organic matter to supply short
term vegetation control. This avoids competition for water, sunlight, and
The impact force is highly likely to exceed human
nutrients that are required for the development. Chemical site preparation
is less labour-intensive compared to mechanical site preparation. Both
70-100 km/h Safety barriers are the most appropriate mechanical and chemical location preparation techniques can be effective,
mitigation (wire rope safety barrier, guard rail, or but each has its limitations.
other approved safety barrier that is suitable in
high-speed environments). Mechanical location planning is expensive and may lead to compaction,
causing soil disintegration. On the other hand, chemical site preparation
Source: (Agujetas Perez et al., 2016) involves the use of pesticides, which can be naturally destructive to the
living biological system. Despite the challenges, location preparation
is fundamental for a high success rate. Both mechanical and chemical
competition control mechanisms include:
a. Herbicides: It is important to apply herbicides according to the 5.2 Tree species and site matching
manufacturers’ directions, and sometimes a license is needed to apply
herbicides in an area.
Urban/roadside vegetation includes trees, shrubs, and herbs on public
b. Multiple tilling can help control weeds and vegetation. One option is to
and private lands (parks, streets, and backyards), all intercepted within a
till once or twice during the dry season and once again immediately before
landscape dominated by paved surfaces. This kind of vegetation plays a
planting. Precautions must be taken if heavy equipment is used to prevent
vital role in moderating micro-climates, sequestering greenhouse gases such
soil compaction, especially if the soil is wet.
as CO2, and aiding in the percolation of water and beautification. Table
c. Plastic sheeting: A sheet of dark plastic staked over the planting area 1 shows some of the tree species that play this vital role. Before planting
for 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season kills grass and weeds. Remove trees along the road, one has to determine species site suitability to ensure
the sheet before planting the tree. proper selection of the trees to be planted. The trees selected should have
d. Hand weeding is labor and time-intensive, making it practical only for unique characteristics (Plan et al., 2003) as presented in section 2.
small planting areas.
e. Stripping the sod is sometimes necessary to remove sod from the 5.2.1 Site matching
planting site. Topsoil might be removed in some locations, and thus it
The site location offers clues on potential stresses that will impact tree
is necessary to add topsoil or compost when planting (Trees Energy
health and maintenance. For instance, a tree located alongside a downtown
Conservation, 2019).
sidewalk will probably require more maintenance than one located in a very
dark park. Sites with pedestrian and vehicle traffic require special attention.
5.1.3 Preparation of the soil a. Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Paved Areas
Soil conditions of the planting area greatly influence the ability of the tree If tree is positioned near a street, sidewalk, bike path, or other paved area,
to survive and mature. Problems with soil conditions should be identified several site factors must be considered. For instance;
during site selection and corrected before planting. However, this is not
• Pedestrian and vehicular areas - For any site near where pedestrians
always possible. If planting must continue without site preparation, the soil
or vehicles travel, tree species selection is critical. Species with thorns
in the planting area has to be loosened thoroughly to enhance root growth.
or prickly foliage or soft, messy fruit should be avoided. Trees with
Do not disturb the bottom of the planting area to reduce the settling of the
drooping branches would force frequent pruning. For public safety, it
planting area. The soil has to be pressed down if disturbed to decrease
is always important that traffic lights, signs, and intersections not be
settling. To enable the roots to penetrate the soil surfaces, roughen the sides
obstructed by trees. Select a species tolerant to high salt levels within
of the planting area (The American Rhodes Society, 2020 & Jason Griffin,
the soil if the tree is positioned near a road where de-icing salts are
• Conflicts with roots and pavement - Tree roots may grow under asphalt
or cement pavement, which might cause the pavement to crack and
buckle (Urban Forestry, 2019). Some communities have tried using root
barriers and root training to avoid root-pavement conflict with differing d. Site Activities
types of root barriers, from cylinders to herbicide strips placed within
The type of activities (past, current, and future) on the site can help in
the planting site. These measures are designed to physically deflect
evaluating planting options. Has construction occurred on the site that will
the roots away from the pavement. In some cases, these measures are
have changed soil conditions? How many people or vehicles use the area
implemented to prevent root growth near sidewalks, but they will also
around the site? Are there safety concerns associated with tree planting, like
limit tree growth. Root training is an option that uses chemical and
personal welfare or property damage? Will the trees be protected against
physical barriers, deep fertilization, and irrigation or aeration structures
compaction, vandalism, or potential injuries? This kind of data can usually be
to enhance the soil conditions within the deeper soil horizons. If the
determined by visiting the site and talking with folks who are familiar with
barriers are successful, the roots will grow deeper, avoiding surface
the area. The landholder or local planning departments are good resources
problems like cracked sidewalks.
for locating plans for the positioning.
b. Structures
Trees must be far enough from buildings to permit correct crown and root
development (Gilman & Sadowski, 2007). Trees that grow large, like 6. Tree planting and watering
oaks, should be planted at a minimum of 15 ft from a building. Small and 6.1 Pit preparation and Tree establishment
medium-sized trees are also planted closer to the building, but regular
pruning is also required (Gilman & Sadowski, 2007).
c. Utility Lines Generally, tree planting should start immediately after the rainy season
begins. Holes should be dug preferably 1-2 weeks before the rains
Utility lines for water, sewer, phone, electric, or cable may cause problems commence. For instance, in Kitui County and other similar areas, planting is
for trees. When selecting a site, check for underground or aboveground considered ideal during the October-December rains.
lines that may interfere with the long-term growth of the tree.
PRECAUTION: If possible, plant on a cloudy day to enhance the survival of
• Above ground utility lines - If the tree positioning has aboveground your seedlings. Select only healthy and strong seedlings of at least 30 cm in
utility lines, select a small-growing species that may top out at a height for planting. The number of seedlings earmarked for planting should
minimum of 5 ft below the wire, or select a species with a narrow crown not exceed available labour. This will minimize waste due to unplanted
and place it so that it will not grow into the utility line (Valerie 2004; seedlings left in the field at the end of the planting period.
Trees-energy-conservation, 2019).
• Below ground utility lines - The planting site should be located a
minimum of 12 ft from a serious underground utility line for big trees 6.1.1 Seedling handling before planting (hardening up)
(Gilman 2004; Sather et al., 2004). A standard misconception about For a few weeks (1 month) before the planting season begins, seedlings
tree roots is that they actively grow into sewer and water lines. Roots earmarked for planting should be well prepared for the harsh field
will follow a path of effort and only grow into sewer and water lines conditions. To achieve this:
that are broken.
• Reduce the watering frequency by half
• Expose the seedlings to more sunshine
• Root prune frequently
The following is a step-by-step guide to tree planting: iii. Dig out the remainder of the
hole and move the soil one foot
i. Planting holes should be dug away from the hole.
before the rainy season commences
if possible, since water collects in
the hole and improves survival even Source: (Wikipedia)
when there is less rain. Neil (2013)
suggests that you should dig a hole
of 30 cm x 30 cm (the distance from
iv. Hold the young tree in the hole, roots first. Keep the soil at bay and
your wrist to your elbow), 45 cm x
gently press it down onto the roots.
45 cm, or 60 cm x 60 cm (especially
in dry areas). The dimensions of the
hole will depend on the size of the
seedling. The planting hole softens
the soil so that the roots of the tree
Source: Gardens Illustrated, 2020) can easily penetrate; loose soil can
catch and contain more moisture.
they are less likely to survive (Engledow, 2013). Place the seedling back into 6.1.2 Tending after planting
the hole and stamp the ground with your foot to make it stand firm.
i. Weed control
PRECAUTION: Long-rooted plants should be planted with caution to avoid
Remove weeds by uprooting them as soon as they appear. A jembe is useful
the development of coiling roots, which promotes poor root development.
for clear weeding. Spot weeding can be adopted to save time/labour.
Pruning/trimming of elongated roots is recommended before planting.
The spot weeded area should be twice as big the tree height or at least
cover a 2 m diameter. Weeding should be done two or three times in one
rainy season to help the immature root system access as much as water as
activity will depend on the availability of extra seedlings in the nursery. 6.2 Watering
iv. Protection
a. Protection from animals/livestock Trees perpetually lose water to the atmosphere. Water is the most limiting
This can be done using dead branches of thorny Acacia species as a fence. factor for tree survival and development. Water shortages severely harm
In other circumstances barbed wire can be used, if available, to keep young plants that have not acclimatized to the new environment after
animals away. Patrol officers can be deployed to enhance protection. In planning. Trees will experience inferior growth, infestation by pests, and
other cases, leave a ring approximately 10 cm wide directly adjacent to the even death. Watering of young and newly planted trees will enhance their
base of the tree. This can help protect the roots from scratching by hens or survival throughout the year. Watering of plants throughout a dry season
roving animals (Chesshire, 2018). should be emphasized. For example, during the dry season, one tree can be
watered with 10 litres of water twice a week to enhance the possibility of
survival. The time of the day you water your plants influences the amount of
water accessible for plant use within the soil.
Drip irrigation using waste bottles is a good option. Small holes drilled into March-April-May (MAM) rains for roots to get well established in the soil. It
bottle caps release water slowly into the soil, penetrating the roots of the is important to enhance dampness through watering and mulching the soil in
plant and making it thrive. This helps to reduce workload and provide water those early times after planting in case nature does not provide the regular
to trees over time efficiently without water loss through evaporation. soaking through rainfall. During hot, dry weather periods in ASAL regions,
new trees could need watering as frequently as three times per week to
6.2.1 Early Morning
ensure that the root ball does not dry out.
The best time to water your trees is in the morning before outside
6.2.4 Watering Established Trees
temperatures begin to rise. This takes advantage of the fact that winds are
generally less strong, thus reducing water loss through evaporation. Large established trees can be watered by wetting the soil surrounding the
plant’s roots (DeJohn, 2019). This region is known as the “root zone,” and
6.2.2 Evening
it serves as a capacity tank from which the tree draws moisture. Most roots
If your schedule prevents you from watering your trees in the morning, water spread 1½ to 3 times as wide as the tree’s canopy but are not very deep
them in the late afternoon instead. Watering your plants 2 or 3 hours before (usually in the upper 6 to 12 inches of soil). This depends upon the size
sunset provides the leaves time to dry off, decreasing the probability of of the plant and the type of soil. Shallow or compacted soils can resulti n
fungal infection. shorter or wider root zones. Water the complete root zone area each time
6.2.3 Watering Newly Planted Trees you irrigate.
It is commonly assumed that tree roots are a mirror image of the tree 6.3 Working with the community and nursery growers
canopy. Some well-established trees’ roots grow beyond the canopy or the
drip line (Pomery, 1987). Although some anchor roots can reach deep into
the soil, most of the tree-root area is limited to the upper soil layer. When Working with the community and different tree growers provides farmers
watering established trees, provide deep, soaking irrigation to the entire with support across the forestry value chain, from seedlings to sawmills, and
area beneath the tree canopy and extending several feet beyond the drip involves different interventions such as:
line by loosening the soil around the tree (DeJohn, 2019) following the line
• Provision of top-quality forestry inputs and knowledge
of the last leaf/stem (photo 8). Preferably, dampen the soil to a depth of
10 inches whenever you water. To avoid rot, do not apply water to the zone • Provision of extensive training and lifetime support: Through this
directly around the trunk support, farmers receive deep training, from initial land surveys and
site preparation to planting and seedling care, through to long-term
6.2.5 Know when to water
monitoring and maintenance services for the lifetime of every tree
How frequently your trees need water depends on the weather, type and planted. As a result, farmers are confident that they are growing the
development of the tree, root depth, and soil type. Generally, trees ought best trees and applying best practices.
to be watered once or twice a week during the planting season just in case
• Tree harvesting, processing & sales
there is no rainfall that particular week/season. Once you start watering,
you should continue regularly until the rain reappears. It should be noted
that plants use 3 to 5 times as much water during the hot, dry season as they
do during the wet season.
Adjust your watering plan with the season and when there are critical
weather changes. To avoid wilting, young plants need to be watered more
often than older and well-established plants. After they have established (in
1 or 2 years), allow a slight drought between watering regimes. The plants
will get acclimatized and become more drought tolerant.
Points to note:
• Seedlings, like other living organisms, require water for life.
• In water, the nutrients that the seedlings depend on are dissolved and
are taken up by the plants through their hair roots. Watering is normally
done twice in a day: in the morning and the evening for seedlings
exposed to sunshine.
• Seedlings in the shade can be watered once a day. During the rainy
season, watering is unnecessary.
Photo 8: Collective community participation in designing RWH structures
(Source: MetaMeta)
7. Maintenance and post-planting management 7.2 Staking
Maintenance is one of the factors to consider before embarking on tree Staking provides extra support, protection, or help to the tree to stay
planting. Trees should not be planted until the necessary resources for anchored. In the case of roadside tree planting, staking protects trees
maintenance have been arranged. According to Steenbergen (2015), from destruction from animals (since they are young and palatable) and
some of the key maintenance strategies are preventing physical contact passersby. Staking can be done with the use of sticks. However, staking is not
of the seedlings with livestock as well as watering during the dry season. to be done on all newly planted trees; only stake the following:
Managing a roadside tree properly enhances public safety, making the i. Bare-root trees or trees with a small root ball
city more livable and improving the environment (Hasan et al., 2016).
Maintenance shall include, but is not limited to: ii. Trees planted in areas with lots of foot traffic
iii. New trees that cannot stand on their own or that begin to lean
Lopping is a form of harvesting in which only the lower branches are cut and
Source: (Pennington, 2019)
new branches re-sprout along the lower portion of the stem. This harvesting 7.5 Coppicing
method can be used to reduce branches that may interfere with traffic.
7.4 Pollarding
This is a tree harvesting system whereby all branches are removed but the
main trunk is left standing. After the branches are cut off, new shoots are Source: (Forestrypedia, 2018).
allowed to sprout from the main stem and form a new crown. When the
tree loses its sprouting vigor, the main stem can also be cut for use as large system-detailed-note/
diameter poles. An advantage of this method is that the new shoots are high
enough off the ground that they are out of reach of most grazing animals.
7.6 Pruning
Pruning usually involves the removal of smaller and lower branches of trees.
Pruning can be a major source of firewood and wood for other purposes.
Branches should be cut clearly and as close as possible to the main stem.
Branches are also used as mulch between tree rows in alley cropping
Source: (Forestrypedia, 2018).
The main objective of pruning is to add value to the trees, and it is mostly The most common types of tree pruning are:
undertaken at the end of the dry season to serve the following purposes:
i. Crown thinning, which involves selectively removing some secondary
(Federation, 2011)
branches (particularly weak branches) to bring out the crown structure,
• To increase light reaching crops without altering the overall size or shape of the tree. This method increases
light and air penetration, which in turn promotes better form and health of
• To check on the spread of pests and diseases
the tree (Hibberd, n.d). (Do not overdo crown thinning on mature trees.)
• To promote straight stem growth
ii. Crown raising/lift, which is the removal of the lowest branches and the
• To give room for mechanized farm operations; and preparation of lower branches for future removal. This method shortens low
• To improve growth rate of trees and the quality of poles or timber while branches to regularly suppress their growth and, in turn, force more growth
providing immediate products. in the upper branches. For roadside tree planting, removing lower branches
allows more clearance.
• To reduce competition between trees and adjacent cropland (the best
pruning is two-thirds of the maximum tree height) (Makee, 2016).
• To controls plant size and shape
• To keep shrubby evergreens well-proportioned and dense
• To remove unwanted branches, waterspouts, suckers, and
undesirable fruiting structures that detract from plant appearance
• To improve the quality of the trunk for timber production
• To minimize shading
iii. Crown reduction, which involves removing larger branches at the top of
the tree to reduce its height. When done properly, crown reduction pruning
is different from topping, because branches are removed immediately
above lateral branches, leaving no stubs. Crown reduction is the least
desirable pruning practice. It should be done only when necessary.
Source: (Africa Wood Grow) Source: (Bartlett Tree Experts, 2016) iv. Crown cleaning, which is the selective removal of dead, dying, and
diseased wood from the crown.
The main issues to look out for in
pruning are branch stubs, rubbing
branches, water sprouts, sucker
growth, closely spaced branches, Photo 9: A properly pruned
and weak, narrow crotches. branch. (Source: Wikipedia)
ii. Loppers
The use of the right tools in pruning makes the work easier and helps you
do a good job. Keeping tools well-maintained and sharp will improve their Loppers are similar to pruning shears, but their long handles provide greater
performance. There are many tools for pruning, but the following will suffice leverage needed to cut branches up to 1 1/2 inches in diameter.
for most applications:
Source: (Wikipedia)
v. Hand saws
Hand saws are very important for cutting branches over 1 inch in diameter.
Many types of hand saws are available. Special tri-cut or razor tooth
pruning saws cut through larger branches—up to 4 inches in diameter—with
Source: (Amazon)
7.7 Mowing
Fencing is the best way to protect young trees from destruction by humans • Provide a remuneration strategy where the participants are rewarded.
and livestock. There are other methods of protecting trees, including: This could be done in phases.
a. Installing plastic tree guards and stakes made of shrubs, branches, and • Introduce an incentive program as a way of encouraging the community
bamboos. of trees such as shrubs, branches, and bamboos (Photo under to support the project, for example by recognizing and rewarding
staking illustrates cheaply affordable methods to protect trees) farmers who have managed their trees well.
b. Stacking used tyres over the tree using three-star steel posts driven into
the ground
c. Using an old drum, kept in place with a triangle of steel posts. Wire
mesh can be added to the top of the drum for further protection as the tree
d. Constructing a guard around the tree using old wooden fence posts
9. Summary iii. Trees for the Future
iv. Kenya Forest Service
Roadside tree planting needs to be embraced in Kenya. Among the various v. The Green Belt Movement
tree species that can be planted, several are locally and readily available vi. Kenya Forestry Research Institute
and have added advantages for communities. Before venturing into
roadside tree planting, one has to consider several factors, including vii. Kenya Electricity Generating Company in collaboration with Bamburi
Cement Ltd and Better Globe Forestry Foundation.
• Costs required for land preparation, seedlings, pitting, manuring,
pit creation and refilling, seedling planting and mulching, watering,
fertilizer/manure, pruning, fungicides, weeding, security, transportation,
processing and other miscellaneous items needed throughout
implementation and management until the tree riches maturity annually.
• Sites factors, social factors, economic factors, institutional factors, tree
characteristic factors such as resistance to urban environments, education
factors, environmental constraints, cultural constraints, and other
• Associated impacts and benefits, such as trees fruit production, honey
(bees use the flowers from the trees), timber, firewood from pruning,
and the environmental non-tangible benefits such as fresh air, shade,
aesthetic beauty, carbon sequesteration, stormwater attenuatation from
the tree canopy, reduced runoff, enhanced roads, and reduced dust to
farms and homesteads
• Maintenance and management, as planting and maintaining trees
require an investment of not only monetary resources but human
resources as well (Urban Forestry Network, 1999). It should be noted
that without proper planning and maintenance, trees can have negative
impacts: uprooted sidewalks, leaf collection in streets and culverts,
disrupted utilities, and tree damage.
Some of the organizations in Kenya dealing with tree planting include:
i. World Agroforestry (ICRAF)
ii. Trees for Kenya
This manual was prepared in collaboration with the Green Roads for Water Initiative, World Agroforestry, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, WSTF, and KRB.
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