A Review On Smart Meter System
A Review On Smart Meter System
A Review On Smart Meter System
14 8,127
2 authors, including:
Mitul Modi
Ganpat University, U.V.Patel College of Engineering
All content following this page was uploaded by Mitul Modi on 05 May 2017.
Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2015
Abstract: The present system of energy metering as well as billing in India uses electromechanical and somewhere
digital energy meter. It consume more time and labour. One of the prime reasons is the tradition billing system which is
incorrect. Many times slow, costly and lack in flexibility as well as reliability. Today accuracy in electrical billing is
highly recommended. The smart energy meter gives real time consumption as well as accurate billing. A possible
solution is a Wireless Energy Meter which is able to send its data via wireless communication to PC or a remote device
where monitoring and analysis of the data will be easily made. In smart metering there is a different technique in
communication system like AMI, WIMAX, and Zig-bee etc. This paper presents a brief literature review of the work
carried out by the various researchers in this field by using AMI techniques. And also the various communication
system used in smart metering technology.
Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2015
Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2015
reside. Since different types of architecture and networks enable low power transmission, wireless technologies are
are available for realization of AMI, there are various the dominant solutions for HANs. These technologies
mediums and communication technologies for this include 2.4 GHz WI-Fi, 802.11 wireless networking
purpose as well: Power Line Carrier (PLC), Broadband protocols, Zig-Bee and HomePlug. Zig-bee is based on the
over power lines (BPL), copper or optical-fiber, and wireless IEEE 802.15.4 standard and is technologically
cellular, WiMAX, Bluetooth, GPRS, Peer-to-Peer, Zig-bee similar to Bluetooth. HomePlug, on the other hand,
and a few others. At AMI level, communications are transmits data over the existing electrical wiring at the
between devices in a home while at upper layer, they home. There is still no unique standard or practice for in-
occur between Home Area Networks (HAN) and the home communication on the market; however, Zig-bee
utility provider. These two, in short, could be called in- and to lesser extent HomePlug and Z-Wave are the
home and utility networks. dominant solutions. Advantages of Zig-bee include
HANs connect smart meters, smart devices within the providing wireless communication, low power
home premises, energy storage and generation (solar, consumption, flexibility and economic efficiency. The
wind, etc.), electric vehicles as well as IHD and controllers main disadvantage of Zig-bee is the low bandwidth. In
together. Since their data flow is instantaneous rather than commercial buildings, a wired technology named BACnet
continuous, HANs required bandwidth varies from 10 to is the prominent communication protocol. Recently, a
100 kbps for each device, depending on the task. The wireless version of BACnet has become available using
network, however, should be expandable as the number of short range wireless networks such as Zig-bee [5].
devices or data rate may increase to cover office buildings
or large houses. The calculated reliability and accepted C. WIMAX
delay are also based on the consideration that the loads In the smart grid smart meters, home gateways, and
and usage are not critical. Given the above requirements consumer devices server and respective clients
and considering the short distances among nodes that communicate via wireless communication.
Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2015
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and reluctance of consumers towards paying electricity 12, December – 2013.
bills on time. In this paper brief introduction about smart
grid and smart meter are given and also the advance
metering infrastructure discussed. Here various wireless
communication used in smart meter technology is
described and also the comparison of four different
technology is given. Here we conclude that PLC method
has high initial cost and Zig-bee method has low cost, long
battery life and more secure so Zig-bee method is more
preferable for smart metering communication application.
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