Design and Vibration Parameter Test of Low-Frequency Axial Vibration Drilling Tool Handle
Design and Vibration Parameter Test of Low-Frequency Axial Vibration Drilling Tool Handle
Design and Vibration Parameter Test of Low-Frequency Axial Vibration Drilling Tool Handle
School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an
Correspondence to: 710048, China
Jianming Zheng
Abstract Vibration drilling technology has the advantages of reliable chip breaking,
Citation: smooth chip removal, small drilling force, and slight tool wear. However, most of the current
Chen, T., Zheng, J., Cao, C. (2023). vibration drilling devices are special machine tools, or the existing machine tools are trans-
Design and vibration parameter test of formed. The problems of high cost, poor universality, and difficult parameter adjustment limit
low-frequency axial vibration drilling tool
handle. Journal of Mechanical Science the further promotion of vibration drilling technology. Based on the principle of friction transmis-
and Technology 37 (5) (2023) 2527~2535. sion, this paper designs a low-frequency axial vibration drilling tool handle with adjustable am- plitude and connected with the machine tool by standard connection mode. The design princi-
ple of the frequency rotation ratio of the vibration drilling tool handle is obtained, the working
Received August 2nd, 2022 principle and amplitude adjustment mode of the tool handle are analyzed, and the theoretical
Revised December 7th, 2022 vibration curve of the tool handle is calculated by analyzing the chip-breaking mechanism of
Accepted January 17th, 2023 vibration drilling. The actual amplitude and axial output characteristics of the tool handle were
tested, thereby guiding the further application of vibration drilling.
† Recommended by Editor
Hyung Wook Park
1. Introduction
The hole is an essential structural element of parts and plays a vital role in cutting. According
to relevant statistics, parts with holes account for approximately 50 % to 80 % of the total, and
material removal accounts for about 1/3 of the total removal amount of cutting [1, 2]. About
70 % of high-speed steel is used to make hole machining tools yearly [3]. Traditional drilling
methods generally have difficulties in chip breaking and chip removal and low tool life. In re-
sponse to these problems, experts have developed numerous hole-making ways based on
different principles, such as EDM [4, 5], ECM [6], and spiral milling [7, 8]. Still, due to various
reasons, such as machining accuracy and machining efficiency, these approaches have not
been widely used. Drilling is still the most commonly used method of hole processing.
In 1954, Professor Junichiro Kumabe of Japan proposed the vibration drilling technology,
which can effectively solve the problems of chip breaking and chip removal during ordinary
drilling. It has quickly gained increasing attention in the industry. Vibration drilling applies regu-
lar and controllable vibration to the tool or workpiece by using the vibration excitation device.
The tool changes from the continuous cutting state during ordinary drilling to the pulsed cutting
state [9, 10]. The state of contact between the workpiece and the tool changes all the time, the
chip breaking and chip removal performance of the drilling process is improved [9], the axial
force is reduced [11, 12], the heat dissipation conditions are improved, the average tempera-
ture of the workpiece and the drill bit is reduced, and the tool life is prolonged [13, 14]. The ef-
fects of vibration drilling depend on the performance of the vibration excitation device to a large
extent; thus, the design and development of the vibration drilling device are of great signifi-
cance to the further promotion and application of the vibration drilling technology [15].
Since the vibration drilling technology was proposed, scholars from various countries have
© The Korean Society of Mechanical
Engineers and Springer-Verlag GmbH
developed various vibration drilling devices based on different principles. At present, the com-
Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023 mon vibration excitation devices mainly include the following: hydraulic excitation device, elec-
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3
tromagnetic excitation device, ultrasonic vibration device, and jectory of the two cutting edges is a downward inclined har-
mechanical excitation device [16-18]. Among them, the me- monic curve, and the instantaneous cutting thickness is in the
chanical vibration method is currently the most commonly used process of dynamic change. To analyze the influence of drilling
vibration generation method. Due to its relatively mature tech- process parameters on chip breaking further, the axial dis-
nology and simple implementation, it is widely used in vibration placement of the two chip edges at the corresponding rotation
drilling equipment. This form usually adopts linkage mecha- angle is subtracted. The instantaneous cutting thickness during
nism, eccentric mechanism, slider mechanism, and cam vibration drilling [24] is:
mechanism. This type of device has a large excitation force, a
wide range of amplitude variation, and easy maintenance, but fr ωπ π
Δh = − 2 A sin( f )cos[ω f (θ + )] , (1)
most of the amplitudes are not adjustable. The low-frequency 2 2 2
vibration tool holder produced by MITIS in France superim-
poses a sinusoidal vibration on the feed direction of the tool where fr is the feed/mm·r-1; A is the amplitude/mm; ωf is the
during the drilling process, which causes the tool have low- frequency conversion ratio, ωf = 60f/n; f is the rotational fre-
frequency axial vibration [19], which can realize the step-less quency; n is the rotational speed; and θ is the rotation angle of
adjustment of the amplitude. According to the amplitude and the drill bit.
frequency of the tool holder vibration, a kinematic model is Eq. (1) shows that the instantaneous cutting thickness of the
established, reasonable parameters are set, and the problem vibration drilling is jointly affected by three parameters, namely,
of metal chip breaking is well solved to improve the processing feed rate, amplitude, and frequency speed ratio. The minimum
quality [20, 21]. PEX Company produced a pneumatic portable instantaneous cutting thickness during vibration drilling is:
hole-making unit that integrates a mechanical low-frequency
vibration module. This module breaks chips easily during proc-
fr ωπ
essing and improves the processing quality of materials. How- Δhmin = − 2 A sin( f ) . (2)
ever, the vibration parameters of the device cannot be adjusted, 2 2
and its versatility is not strong [22, 23]. Although many kinds of
vibration drilling equipment are in use in the industrial field, When ∆hmin<0, the moving tracks of cutting edges interfere
most of them are special-purpose machine tools or the trans- with one another, and the drill bit and the workpiece are in in-
formation of ordinary machine tools. Problems, such as difficult termittent contact, which can achieve geometric chip breaking.
parameter adjustment, high cost, and poor versatility, restrict According to Eq. (2), the geometric chip breaking area diagram
the further promotion of vibration drilling technology. Therefore, is shown in Fig. 1. The boundary of the vibration drilling chip-
this paper develops a vibration drilling tool handle with adjust- breaking area is a periodic symmetrical curve, the period is 2,
able parameters and can be installed on various ordinary ma- and the symmetry axis is ωf = 2k-1 (k = 1, 2, 3, ···, n). When
chine tools through standard connection methods, which is of the frequency speed ratio is close to an odd number, the ampli-
great significance to the promotion and application of vibration tude required to achieve geometric chip breaking is smaller.
drilling technology. When it is close to an even number, the amplitude required to
achieve geometric chip breaking is larger. Regardless of how
large the amplitude is, geometric chip breaking cannot be
2. Chip breaking mechanism of vibration achieved when it is an even number. At the same time, with the
drilling increase in feed rate, the area of chip breaking gradually de-
After expanding the spatial displacement curve of the vibra- creases, and the boundary of chip breaking area gradually
tion drilling tool along the circumference, the axial motion tra- approaches the axis of symmetry. As mentioned above, to
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3
combined with Eqs. (7) and (8), the spring stiffness coefficient where Q is the positive pressure between the friction wheel
K in the tool handle should satisfy: and the friction disk, and l is the contact length between the
friction wheel and the friction disk.
4π 2 nmax 2 R 2 m The half contact width between the friction wheel and the fric-
K> . (10)
225d 2 tion disc is:
Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (6), the differential equation of The maximum stress σmax at the center point is:
motion of the spring mass system can be expressed as:
(A + δ )
2Q 1 ⎡ 2 FN + 2 K ⎤2
− mAω sin(ωt ) + K (δ + A sin(ωt )) − Fn = F(t) .
(12) σ max = = ⎢ ⎥ . (18)
lπ a 2 ⎣ lπ dE *
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3
Fig. 5. Tool handle amplitude measurement system (1. Eddy current dis-
placement sensor; 2. Low-frequency axial vibration drilling tool handle; 3.
LMS data acquisition instrument; 4. Transmitter; 5. Computer).
(a) Vibration curve with theoretical amplitude of 0.05 mm
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3
force fluctuates greatly, and noise is high, but the overall curve
is still a periodic change. Affected by machine tool vibration
and other factors, the frequency domain analysis results show
that the frequency domain composition of the signal is more
complicated than when idling. The main frequency is 17.34 Hz,
which is the same as the frequency when idling.
In summary, the axial output of the vibratory drilling tool han-
dle is relatively stable, and the frequency during drilling is the
same as that during idling, indicating that the internal transmis-
(b) Axial vibration frequency domain sion of the tool handle is stable and reliable with no slip during
Fig. 9. Axial output characteristics of the tool handle.
the drilling process.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37 (5) 2023 DOI 10.1007/s12206-023-0428-3