Army Dress Regulations Part 7
Army Dress Regulations Part 7
Army Dress Regulations Part 7
Ministry of Defence
April 2014
Part 7 – Section 1
07.101 Scope. This Part of Army Dress Regulations details the Dress Regulations for all ranks of
the Reserve Forces including the Army Reserve and Cadets.
b. Section 2 - Dress.
07.103 Function. The Army Dress Committee considers all proposals affecting authorised orders
of dress and embellishments for soldiers and approves the wearing of new pattern clothing; no
deviation from any authorised pattern of clothing is permitted.
07.104 Dress Proposals. Proposals for Regiments and Corps of the Army Reserve are to be
forwarded through the appropriate Regimental and Corps HQ to the Secretary Army Dress Committee
copied to the appropriate branch in ARMY HQ.
07.105 Proposal Guidelines. To assist the Committee Secretariat in any research and to avoid
any unnecessary delay or correspondence, originators are to observe the following guidelines in the
preparation of proposals which should include:
h. Agreement of the Colonel or Colonel Commandant of the regiment or corps, and of the
Honorary Colonel and the Colonel in Chief, if appropriate.
d. Total personnel involved, by ranks, within authorised establishments and estimated cost of
the proposal.
e. A sketch indicating the design, colour, size and required finish, or, preferably a sample.
07.106 Proposals for Changes in Scaling. Scales for all Reserve Forces personnel are
contained in Scales for the Army. Any proposals to change scales of issue of any item of clothing or
accoutrements are to be addressed to Logistic Support Branch ARMY HQ.
07.107 Categories of Army Reserve Personnel. The Army Reserve, raised under the
Reserve Forces Act, comprises:
Part 7 – Section 1
bandsmen, required to provide a national reserve. This Group is available for employment on
specific tasks at home and overseas.
h. Group B. Officers Training Corps (OTC), OTC Special Officers Pool, Expeditionary
Forces Institute (EFl) (Group B), Engineer and Transport Staff Corps that have varying liabilities
for call out.
c. Group C. Personnel who have voluntarily joined the Army Reserve because of their
civilian employers' obligation for the provision and maintenance of agreed services in an
operational environment. Sponsored Reservists will have an obligation to train in peacetime and
are liable to be mobilised at short notice, prior to the mobilisation of other elements of the
Reserve Forces.
f. Non Regular Permanent Staff (NRPS). NRPS personnel are entitled to the Army
Reserve scales of clothing shown in Scales for the Army according to their rank. They are to
wear to uniform and accoutrements of their current unit and are not to wear any item of clothing
from any former unit with the exception of qualification badges. Former officers who are
commissioned into the Army Reserve as members of the NRPS are not entitled to receive an
initial outfit allowance or any other grants.
g. Civil Service Military Support Function (MSF) and Full Time Reserve Service
(FTRS). MSF and FTRS officers and soldiers are to be scaled according to the unit’s scales of
uniform and clothing including No 2 Dress. They may wear the uniform and rank insignia of their
former Regiment or Corps with the agreement of RHQ of their former Regiment or Corps and
with the agreement of their current unit or they may wear the uniform of their current unit. This
may be dictated by the FTRS contract. By default, they are to wear the rank appropriate to their
appointment though individuals may wear previously attained rank but only with the authority of
the local commander. MSF and FTRS officers and soldiers are not entitled to any military grants
but may be issued with ceremonial uniform and accoutrements if required for their appointment.
These are all to be returned on completion of any engagement/contract. If the current unit
requires an MSF or FTRS officer to wear the unit’s No 2 Dress in the course of his/her duties,
then as there is no allowance or grant for the individual to purchase the appropriate Forage Cap
or leather belt (Sam Browne or Cross Belt), it is the unit’s responsibility to provide some form of
subsidy but only from non-public funds. The uniform and the individual’s conduct in uniform is to
conform in all respects to Army Dress Regulations, AGAIs and QR(A).
h. Cadet Forces Adult Volunteers (CFAV) Officers. Officers of these forces are
commissioned into the Army Reserve General List, Section B but have no Army Reserve
responsibilities. Dress for these officers is contained in Part 8 of these Regulations.
07.108 Authorised Orders of Dress. Authorised orders of dress for all ranks of the Army
Reserve are as follows
Part 7 – Section 1
07.109 Wearing of Uniform. Military uniform may be worn in public both on and off duty in
accordance with the guidelines contained in AGAI Volume 2 Chapter 59 including lectures, social
functions, band concerts and charity events. Members of the Army Reserve travelling to and from their
place of military duty may wear uniform unless there are restrictions in place from the local regional
Brigade. However all Reserve personnel are to be aware of the occasions when uniform is NOT to be
a. Personal Equipment. Members of the Army Reserve are issued with the web equipment
authorised in Scales for the Army. Local policy may dictate the issue and storage of these items.
b. Buff Equipment. Army Reserve units are entitled to use the pool of buff equipment
(bayonet frogs, belts and rifle slings) administered by Log Sp Branch ARMY HQ.
c. Bagpipe Covers, Cords and Ribbons. Authorised Corps of Pipes and Drums (see JSP
813) may purchase replacement bagpipe covers, cords and ribbons from regimental suppliers;
payment is effected through the local Brigade HQ.
07.110 Clothing Issues to Recruits. Recruits are to be issued only with the minimum basic
clothing to enable them to be adequately dressed for training duties (see Annex A to Section 4).
Immediately before reporting for recruit basic training, recruits are to be issued with additional clothing
to bring them up to the full scale.
07.111 Clothing in Warm Weather Areas. Units and individuals who need warm weather
clothing are to apply to their local regional Brigade for the appropriate clothing.
07.112 Clothing in Cold Weather Areas. Units with a requirement for cold weather clothing are
to apply to their local regional Brigade for the appropriate clothing.
07.113 Ceremonial. Army Reserve units entitled to ceremonial items for special occasions, are to
apply to their local regional Brigade for initial issue and guidance on replacement and repair.
07.114 Stable Belts and Side Hats. These items may be worn at the discretion of COs on
suitable occasions in any form of working dress. Stable belts and side hats are not provided at public
expense and no officer or soldier is to be ordered to provide himself with these items. Patterns must be
approved by the Army Dress Committee.
07.115 Skin Sensitivity. Soldiers suffering from epidermic disorders considered to be brought
about by the contact of military clothing or equipment with their skin, are to report to their unit medical
centre in accordance with unit Standing Orders.
07.116 Army Reserve Civilian Staff. Civilians employed by RFCAs may be issued with
waterproof and working clothing if the circumstances are such that issue would be justified for MOD
employees. Clothing issued in this way is to be held and accounted for in the same manner as unit
07.117 Tailoring. The tailoring of authorised uniforms issued to Army Reserve personnel is
carried out under the tailoring contract arranged by the regional Brigade.
07.118 Dry Cleaning. Army Reserve soldiers (but not officers) may use the dry cleaning facilities
under contract arrangements made by the regional Brigade. When this is not possible, dry cleaning is
to be paid for by the individual and the cost reclaimed on presentation of the receipted bill to the
Regimental Administrative Officer (RAO).
Part 7 – Section 1
a. The Army Reserve unit is not to issue items not normally held in order to equip the
individual up to the Regular Army clothing scale; additional scale items are to be supplied
by the receiving Regular Army unit.
b. Regimental items and clothing peculiar to the Army Reserve are to be withdrawn
prior to transfer.
07.120 Clothing Retained on Discharge. Individuals may keep certain items on discharge as a
Free Retention Scale (FRS), provided they have served at least 3 years and are not discharged, on
disciplinary grounds or for misconduct.
07.121 Clothing Exchanges for Personnel in Their Last 6 Months of Service. Clothing
exchanges in the last 6 months of service are to be restricted to essential clothing items only.
Serviceable part worn items are to be issued where possible.
Part 7 – Section 1
07.201 Authorised Orders of Dress. The orders of dress authorised for all ranks of the Army
Reserve are listed in Section 1. The following paragraphs contain additional detail on specific items of
07.203 Provision for Musicians. The Bands, Corps of Drums, Bugles or Pipes listed in JSP 813
are authorised by the Army Dress Committee to wear No 1 Dress. Providing funds are available, the
Committee will approve the issue of No 1 Dress either at public or unit expense, subject to the following
a. Only the patterns of dress and embellishments approved by the Army Dress Committee are to
be worn.
b. The manning strength within its approved complement is at a level to maintain acceptable
musical standards.
07.205 Aiguillettes. Aiguillettes are authorised for issue to Army Reserve officers for wear with
ceremonial uniform in the following appointments:
a. Equerries within the Royal Household, ADC and Honorary ADC to The Sovereign – Aiguillettes
No 1
On cessation of the appointment Aiguillettes are to be signed over to the new incumbent or returned to
the formation Log Sp staff.
07.206 Officer Pattern Items for WO1. WOs 1 may wear officer pattern No 1 Dress and
accoutrements when the parent Regiment/Corps so authorises.
07.207 Pools of No 1 Dress. Army Reserve units, other than bands, authorised to hold and
maintain pools of No 1 Dress are listed in Section 4, Part 10 of these Regulations.
a. Army Reserve officers, WOs and Sgts (Groups A and B]. The free issue includes
jacket and trousers, all badges and buttons, shirts, tie, socks and a pair of black shoes.
WOs and Sgts also receive free issue of caps and belts.
b. Musicians. Members of authorised bands, corps of drums, bugles and pipes as listed
in JSP 752.
07.209 Pools of No 2 Dress. No 2 Dress for Cpls and below is to be held in unit pools. Holdings
are not to exceed 50% of unit establishment and may be less according to need. Exceptionally, selected
Part 7 – Section 2
units may exceed the permitted limit but only when specifically authorised by Log Sp ARMY HQ through
the appropriate regional Bde HQ.
07.210 Grants.
a. Initial Outfit Grant. If an officer is commissioned after 1 Apr 13 into a Group A unit, caps and
Sam Browne belts are to be provided from the Initial Outfit Grant but maintained thereafter by the
individual. See Section 2, Part 10 of these Regulations.
b. Non-Standard Belt Grant. Officers commissioned after 1 Apr 13 into Group A units and into
regiments or corps that do not wear the standard brown Sam Browne Belt may claim the Non-
Standard Belt Grant. See Section 2, Part 10 of these Regulations.
07.211 Upkeep Grant. Officers commissioned after 1 Apr 13 into Group A units and who received
the Initial Outfit Grant may claim the Uniform Upkeep Grant of £50 annually on each anniversary of
receiving the Initial Grant. Claims for this grant are to be made manually and receipts are not required.
07.212 Personal Clothing System – Combat Uniform (PSC CU). PCS-CU is issued to all Army
Reserve personnel for wear on operations, training and in barracks. Exceptionally it may be worn on
formal parades by Army Reserve personnel; medals are not to be worn in this order of dress with the
exception of campaign medals presented at a medal parade. Other medals may only be worn on
Combat Uniform with the personal approval of GOC Support Command in consultation with PS12(Army).
07.213 Mess Dress. For officers commissioned prior to 1 Apr 13 and SNCOs promoted from Cpl
before 1 Apr 13, Mess Dress is an optional item of clothing. For those officers commissioned after 1 Apr
13 into Group A units and for SNCOs promoted into Group A units from Cpl after 1 Apr 13, Mess Dress
is provided from Grant and is to be worn as ordered. For officers this is the remaining elements of the
Initial Outfit Grant and for SNCOs the grant is the SNCO Mess Dress Grant. See Part 10 of these
Regulations for details. Junior NCOs should be discouraged from purchasing Mess Dress. Mess Dress is
to be in the pattern approved for each regiment and corps by the Army Dress Committee.
07.214 Upkeep Grant. For those officers commissioned after 1 Apr 13 into Group A units and for
SNCOs promoted into Group A units from Cpl after 1 Apr 13, a Uniform Upkeep Grant is available.
Officers receive £50 from which to maintain both No 2 Dress and Mess Dress. SNCOs receive £25
annually on each anniversary of receiving the SNCO Mess Dress Grant. Claims for this grant are to be
made manually and receipts are not required.
07.215 Reserved.
07.216 No 13 Dress – Barrack Dress Winter Order. This order of dress consists of regimental
jerseys (if so authorised) or Jersey Heavy Wool, shirt, tie, khaki trousers of Trousers Lightweight and
shoes. Stable belts may be worn according to regimental/corps custom.
07.217 No 14 Dress – Barrack Dress Summer Order. As for No 13 Dress less jersey and tie.
07.218 George Boots. George Boots without spur housing are authorised for those bandsmen,
who are entitled to wear Cavalry pattern trousers.
07.219 Tartan Pattern Skirts. Territorial Army female officers and soldiers in certain headquarters
and units in Scotland are authorised to wear tartan skirts at public expense. These skirts are issued on a
Part 7 – Section 2
loan basis and are to be returned to store when the officer or soldier is no longer serving in Scotland.
The authorised tartan patterns applicable to the units concerned are shown in Part 10 of these
Regulations. The Maclaren tartan authorised for 117 HQ Sqn, 71 (AS) Engineer Regiment (Volunteers)
is not provided at public expense.
07.220 Maternity Wear. Maternity Wear is available for Army Reserve female personnel when it
becomes inappropriate for normal uniform to be worn.
07.221 Maternity Clothing Items. Army Reserve female personnel are entitled to the following
items, however this should be viewed as a maximum and units should only demand items which are
likely to be worn:
i) 1 x cardigan.
ii) Maximum of 4 "tops" in any combination of dress and short sleeve shirt (with
slacks), determined by the individual according to the role they are fulfilling.
iii) e.g. 2 dresses, 2 shirts, 1 pair of slacks or 1 dress, 3 shirts, pair of slacks or 4
shirts, 2 pairs of slacks.
i) 1 x cardigan.
Part 7 – Section 2
07.301 Introduction. This section deals with the issue of personal clothing to Army personnel of
UOTCs. Except where specifically indicated it does not deal with clothing matters for the permanent
staff or for regimentally sponsored commissioned officers undergoing a university degree course, who
are attached to UOTCs. The universities authorised to form UOTCs are listed at Annex A to this
07.302 Initial Issue. The authorised scale of initial issue clothing is detailed within Scales for the
Army. Clothing in excess of this scale is not to be issued without Log Sp ARMY HQ authority. The issue
allows for the provision, on an individual basis, of combat clothing for field training and clothing for
barrack wear. It also includes No 2 Dress clothing for cadets required to wear that uniform.
07.303 Unit Clothing. Unit clothing may be authorised in the unit ET scale or held on the unit
Miscellaneous Stores Account (MSA). When necessary advice on this matter should be sought from the
regional Brigade Log Sp staff.
07.305 Unit Pools. In order to facilitate the issue of No 2 Dress uniform a pool of these uniforms
numbering up to 50% of the total cadet strength may be held in unit stores. The issue of this uniform to
individuals is to be on a temporary basis, the uniform being returned to the unit pool following the duty
for which it was issued. The pool is to consist of the following items:
07.306 Scottish Pattern No 2 Dress. Where authorised Scottish pattern No 2 dress may be worn
by cadets. Where authority exists for Scottish pattern No 2 dress to be worn, shoes highland are
authorised for issue.
07.307 Head Dress. Other than when issued to cadets for attendance on the Commissioning
Course or when required for ceremonial parades, No 1 Dress caps are not to be issued. No 2 Dress
caps are not to be issued to officer cadets. The approved headdress is the standard issue blue beret
except where specifically a regimental pattern beret or Tam O'Shanter has been authorised by the Army
Dress Committee. In No 2 Dress a bonnet or glengarry is worn as authorised.
07.308 The Army Dress Committee has approved certain items of clothing and badges for
particular UOTC. Details of these items can be found in Part 9 of these Regulations.
Part 7 – Section 3