Basic Photography PT 2022
Basic Photography PT 2022
Basic Photography PT 2022
Quarter 2
General Directions:
Rubrics for Basic Photography
Mastery Good Average Limited
25 22 18 15
Concept, Mastery Good Average Limited
Idea and
Shows coherency Shows coherency of Shows some Lacks general
Visualization of the concept with the concept with coherency of the coherency of the
a high degree of some originality and concept with concept. Many of
originality and sophistication. The commonly used the visual elements
sophistication. The idea is stated with cliché or and cues do not
idea is well stated visual elements and stereotyped lead the viewer to
with visual cues but needs to be imagery. The idea is the intended idea.
elements and cues. clearer or more obtuse, and requires
strongly evident. greater clarity
through the use of
visual elements and
Composition Mastery Good Average Limited
and Design
Shows strong Shows internal Shows obvious Image is breaking
internal integrity of integrity of the visual weaknesses in the apart - there is
the visual elements. A visual internal integrity of very little internal
elements. Nothing element needs to be the visual elements. integrity of the
needs to be added added, moved or Many visual visual elements.
or removed – the removed - framing elements need to be Most visual
framing is superb. needs some slight added, moved or elements ned to be
adjustment. removed - framing rethought - framing
needs definite needs major
adjustments. readjustment
Technical Mastery Good Average Limited
Shows mastery in Shows good Shows some Shows limited in
the use of command of the use command of the use the use of
photographic of photographic of photographic photographic
equipment and equipment and equipment and equipment and
techniques to attain techniques to attain techniques to attain techniques to attain
the assignment most of the some of the a few of the
parameters. assignment assignment assignment
parameters. parameters. parameters.
Content All contents are All contents are The contents are The contents are
complete and complete and 90% incomplete and only incomplete and
100% correct correct based on 80-90% are correct. only 50% below are
based on each each principle that correct.
principle that they they have used. .
have used.
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1. What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
2. How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue?
Describe your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that using drugs can also be a
waste of money and it just going to give you addictions, health problems
and many more.
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1.What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
Suicide is one of the worst social issue here in the world Every year 703,
000 people take their own life and there are many more people who attempt suicide.
Just like you saw in the picture a person is laying down with a pills or a medicine. I
would say it is an overdose and the reason that people suicide is probably family
problems, mental health problems and many more.
2.How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue? Describe
your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that suicide is just stupid way to die
because why are you going to take your life if there is a way to probably solve
your problem. And just a theory that the people who suicide will go to hell because
The God and the Lord don’t want you to die but still the hell force you to do it\
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1.What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
-The social issue that we present is the social issue of cigarette smoking.
Smoking is also one of the worst social issue because almost all
countries in the world is doing it and it has many different bad effects to the world
such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and many more
just like you saw in the picture the guy holding the cigarette has a pain which can
make his lungs to die and also smoking can also lead children and teenagers to
start smoking
2.How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue? Describe
your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that smoking is bad for our health and it can
cause us many diseases that can make us die.
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1.What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
2.How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue? Describe
your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that robbery is a worst thing to have money
because you did it illegally while you can do things not illegal and have an income.Also
God can saw all of us that’s why robbery is a bad thing and God will be happy for you if he
saw you doing things not illegal.
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1.What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
2.How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue? Describe
your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that discrimination is bad for our society because
God itself knows that all of us is equal in his eyes and heart that’s reason why why don't
we do it the same?
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1.What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
2.How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue? Describe
your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that littering can destroy our mother earth and it
is the place that we live in. What if it is destroyed where will we live what about the
children and what about the future generations
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1.What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
-The social issue that we present is the social issue Same sex marriage
Just like you saw in the picture there is two “Man” with a broken
heart because there is a thing specially here in the Philippines that many people
don’t agree in same sex marriage and it is destroying the society because why do
you give a thing to a partner because they just want to be happy.
2.How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue? Describe
your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that the same sex marriage can actually change
the world who knows and maybe it can stop the people discriminating a two person with
the same gender to love each other
Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________________
(Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial)
(Guide Questions)
1.What is the particular social issue that you represent? Describe your output.
2.How can your output help solve the problem in your chosen social issue? Describe
your answer.
The picture can help the world and show that harassment is a worst thing because
they are destroying the life of someone by putting trauma inside of it and many
lives is being destroyed and make them to another social issue of suicide.