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Rail Land Development Authority invites proposals through e-tendering single stage two packet bidding system from
Interested Eligible Bidders as per the conditions of Bid Document for “Re-development of Ahmedabad Railway
Station and construction of associated infrastructure on Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) Mode” as
per following details:
The schedule of important dates Fees and contact person (s) are as follows:
Fees Due Date(s)/Pre-Bid Meeting & Time Contact Person(s)
(1) (2) (3)
1. Registration Charges: Rs. 2,500/- 1. Commencement of downloading of e-bid 1. Sh. Hansraj Sharma
(Non-refundable) for E- document: 08.10.2022 at 18:00 Hrs. Chief Project Manager/Ahmedabad
procurement portal of RLDA. Mobile No. +919122663715
2. First Pre-Bid Meeting: 09.11.2022 at 11:30 2. Sh. R K Kapoor
2. Tender processing fee: Rs. Hrs.
2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand
Only) (exclusive of all taxes) 3. Second Pre-Bid Meeting: 08.12.2022 at Mobile No. +919429136384
(Non-refundable) 11:30 Hrs. 3. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Gupta
3. Bid Document Fee: 1,00,000/- + 4. Conducted Tour of the Project Site: Date: (e-mail-
Applicable GST 18% = Total of Rs. 17.11.2022, Time: 11:30 hrs, Venue for Mobile No. +919013164466
1,18,000/- Non-refundable & assembly: Ahmedabad Railway Station
Non-transferable. 4. For e-bid Assistance :
Mr. Suraj Singh (ITI Ltd.)
5. Last date of downloading of e-bid Document
4. Bid Security: Rs. 10,00,00,000/- Mobile No. +919599653865
for participation/ submission online:
(Rupees 10 Crore only) in the 24.01.2023 upto 14:00 Hrs.
manner as prescribed in the Bid
Document. 6. E-bid Due Date/ last date of submission of e-
bid (the “Bid Submission Date”): 24.01.2023
upto 15:00 Hrs.
7. Opening of e-Bids Technical: 30.01.2023 at
15:30 Hrs.
(1) Bidders have to download the Bid documents from the e-procurement portal i.e. after registering themselves on portal
and after payment of Tender Processing Fee & Bid Document Fee before last date & time of downloading the e-bids online.
(2) All Bidders are advised to see Amendments to RFP, if any, before submission of the e-bids. In case the bidder does not submit the amended
bids/amendments, it will be presumed that bidder has seen the amendments/ Amended bids and e-bid will be evaluated accordingly. The decision
of RLDA shall be final and binding.
(3) Any Corrigendum/Addendum to this RFP Notice, if any, would appear only on above mentioned websites and will not be published in newspapers.
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20:50:21 IST
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