Zoning Resolution
Zoning Resolution
Zoning Resolution
SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a consultant contract with
Camiros, Ltd (VC27687), approved as to form by the City Attorney, for the comprehensive
reform of the Dallas development codes, Chapters 51, 51A, and 51P for the Department
of Planning and Urban Design for a term of two years, with two one-year renewal options,
in an amount not to exceed $2,015,660. If the service was bid or proposed on an as
needed, unit price basis for performance of specified tasks, payment to Camiros, Ltd shall
be based only on the amount of the services directed to be performed by the City and
properly performed by Camiros, Ltd under the contract.
SECTION 2. That the Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to disburse funds in an
amount not to exceed $2,015,660 (subject to annual appropriations) to Camiros, Ltd from
Service Contract No. PNV-2023-00020009.
SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage
in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the City of Dallas, and it is accordingly
so resolved.