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Uv For the following description of various IP networking protocols write down the protocol name and its full form in the following table: a ‘Sending mail from sender computer to receivers: ‘mail server. ___ Network management protocol used to automate the process of configuring devices on IP networks. ‘Mapping a dynamic Internet Protocol address (IP ‘address) to a permanent physical machine address na local area network (LAN). Messages are typically used for diagnostic or ‘control purposes or generated in response to errors. in P operations. Answer the following: Bak _ (i), How many usable address? | (Gi), Find subnet mask. | (iti), Find Broadcast Address. (iy), What is last usable host?fii) Roe C eats rece ade eerF ee coneTafr SEAS Prat | ' include
aint main{ int i, sum=0 for (i=1,i<=10,i++; { sum=sum+i } printf (Sum of number=d,sum) return 0 IT JOB SOLUTION2. (a) Use Algebraic manipulation to convert the following equation to sum-of-product form: y(z + W)+x(Z+y) W+(zw)( XY) Answer: er er en A RR RR COMPACT IT JOB SOLUTION _ Page | 313stion Bank pa Ss the function using K-Map. ‘AnswersA. Answer the following: / (i), Find subnet mask. (i), Find Network Address, (iti), Find IP Address of the first host? ey (iv), Find IP Address of the last host? (v), Find Broadcast Address.‘© Insert value into “val” attribute. © / Total number of value: 6 inti val_count 5 rete Write a function in Python programming language which tak parameter, orders first 10 line in output. Answer:U ReEEEnEeScaae y/ Write Output from below code: jio.h> Bangladesh Industrial and Technical Assistant Center"; COMPACT IT JOB SOLUTION ° ~Question Bank oc nC OR I MERE OR INCRE 8 A RE sl=s; for(i=0; i<10; i++){ printf ("%c", s[il); ++s1; } printf ("\n"); for(i=0; i<10;" 24+) { psSbaens pees sl{i])?7 ++s1; ; ; } : wd return 0; ; } aiatig < afd 1m Ree2. (8) Write the full form of those: Answer: @ : Secure Socket Layer ) TSL: Transport Layer Security3. Software as a Service is SaaS, Platform as a Service is PaaS and. Service is laaS. Those are three types of Cloud services. In the are some Cloud services. Write the category of those:4. Fill in the gape and find output of the following p1 \ #include
int power(int n, int r) { int sum,i; | sum=1; | for (i=1; i<=r; i++) sum*=n; return sum; int main() { int n,Zz; scanf ("td %d", &n, &4); printf ("td", power(n,r)); return 0; }yk wxenork address is given 1 subnets and find every subnet 3{ jo channels, one with a bit rate of 190kbps and another with a bit rate 180 kbps sre to be multiplexed using g pulse stuffing TDM with no synchronization bits. answer the following questions: (a) What is the size of a frame in bits? (b) What is the frame rate? (c) What is the duration of a frame? (d) What is the date rate?Se XC sesame that for a certain processor, a read request takes 50 nanoseconds on a cache miss and 5 nanoseconds on a cache hit. Suppose while running a program, it was cbserved that 80% of the processor’s read requests result in a cache hit. The —— read access time in nanoseconds is :Pattern this print using C++ program- Answer:= . Find Network address, Valid Host, Subnet mask and Broadcast address jing Answer: Here, Network bit = 25 So, Host bit= 32-25 = 7 Valid Host= 27 — 2 = 128-2 = 126 Network Address = Subnet mask = [11111 111.11 111111.11111111.10000000] Broadcast Address='4 Simplify the Boolean expression as possible ABCD+ABCD+ABD Answer:6. , Output of the following program: a Einciucecetdi och? int recursion(int x) { int static y=0; if (x<=0) return 1; yrytx; printf ("$d\n", y); return recursion (x-2) +recursion (x-3) ; } int main() { int result; result = recursion (5); printf ("d\n", result) ; return 0; }J. Find the output of following program: int i, j, p, sum; for(i=-1,p=0; i<=10; i=it+2) { ame ss. eS eeewegen 00 separateendpoint, == SS unty \CLIMIFAES ThE Connecti What is the range of class C [Py4 address? Suppose, Class network has ~” subnets. How many usable PC needed each subnet? & Pave “epACTITJOB SOLUTION ~—~—Ssno. 0 (COMPACT IT JOB SOLUTIONa. a (a) What is the subnet mask of and What is the usabl address on network that has a 26 mask? aceon aa1. pe the following Boolean expression: (x+y+xy) (x+2) Answer: =(v4+vtxv) (x+7)i biaaennt re T — function overloading and operator overloading. Give example. aio 16* NIRCA, Lecturer Computer (College), Written Exam: 2019} 6 Woite down a program to find length of a string without using any library function J ‘Answer:7 ‘What is NAT? Why used and how NAT translate? {See BPSC, Assistant Programmer (Ministry of Commerce), TDM math: rate= 1.536 Mbps, message size= 960000, S I Switch time=800ms, calculate transfer time.Ads0RAw/gy | gOUU ‘If main memory access time is 100ns, cache access time 90% then what is the average time to read from m« ‘Answer: _ pola is 50Exam: 2021 (BUET) |Nyquist theorem, we can sample 12 million Cie Four-level signals per sample, for a total data rate of 24 Mbps. data rateit i, sum=0, x; (i=0, x=0; i<=10; it+=2){ x=i+3; if (i==2) continue; oe) break; (itx) ;139" iam Insertion occurs based on the arrival of the values and removal occurs based on priority. A rascasznorn 4 Broadcast Address aa #4 4% sea Computer (Host) Connect ==HBF 442482 edt. + 34242 asta iSistezs2 = a a Consider a magnetic disk consisting of 16 heads and 400 cylinders. This disk has ~ "four 100-cylinder zones with the cylinders in different zones containing 160, 200, 240. and 280 sectors, respectively. Assume that each sector contains 512 bytes, average seek time between adjacent cylinders is 1 msec, and the disk rotates at 7200 RPM. Calculate the (a) disk capacity (b) maximum data transfer rate. AnsweJ / a 7 as file system with 300 GB uses a file descriptor with 8 direct block address. 1 indirect block address and 1 doubly indirect block address. The size of each disk block is 128 Bytes and the size of each disk block address is 8 Bytes. The maximum possible file size in this file system. Answer:serial communication employing 8 data bits, a parity bit and 2 stop bits. What is the minimum band rate requested to sustain a transfer rate of 300 characters per second? Answer: a -Host A is sending data to Host B over a full duplex link. A and B are using the sliding window protocol for flow control. The send and receive window size are 5 packets each. Data packets (sent only from A to B) are all 1000 bytes long and transmission time for such a packet is 501s. Acknowledgement packets (sent only from B to A) are very small and require negligible transmission time. The propagation delay over the Tink is 200 us. What is the maximum achievable throughput in this communication? Answer:1 pose a network with IP address is divided into 2 subnets, find number of hosts per subnet. Also for the first subnet, find- @ First Subnet address Gi) First host address (iii) Last host address (iv) Broadcast address Answer:Inammyrer es lowe ee eens 1b pypeaniminn (evmeme y UE Cura we yy nenennane arraen 5 8. Write the difference between BIOS and CMOS? Answer: i, Complementary Metal Oxide Full Form Basic Input Output system Semi | Memory Type | BIOS is nonvolatile |_CMOS is volatile Mai BIOS is a program which is used | CMOS is a memory chip which Fi aoe Honallt to i ize hardware during the stores the BIOS configuration lunctionality ‘| booting process. settings | Upgradation | It can be upgraded by Flashing. sie be chaageaicongnGaoe: | Location chipset called EPROM or Flash CMOS is also «memory chip BIOS is usually found in separate i memory in motherboard. usually found in Southbridge. ox Draw the k-map for the equation: FeA'B'C’D'+A'B'CD'+A'BCD'+A’BCD+ AB'C'D'+AB'CD'+ ABCD'+ABCD, a Consider a disk pack with the following specifications- 16 surfaces, 128 tracks per surface, 256 sectors per track and 512 bytes per sector. Answer the following questions (a) What is the capacity of disk pack? (b) If the format overhead is 32 bytes per sector, what is the formatted disk space? (©) If the disk is rotating at 3600 rpm, what is the data transfer rate? Answer:(wy rreempuve sur (ii) Round Robin (Quantum time: 3) scheduling algorithm + [See Multiple Ministry, Assistant Programmer, Written Exam: 2016] A want to send 2 files the size of each file is 500000 bit’s data to B through TDM channel which has slot 16 channel bit rate 1.5 Mbps and 30 millisecond delay time, if 0 propagation delay; find out time to send the data. Answer:suse Subnetting. Given an IP address, For creating 4 subnets department of A, B, C, D with 2000, 1000, 6000 and 8000 hosts, find out ey department first and last IP address. Also write the subnet mask of q-x-y.z/notation, Answer: Fill the following table is given below-Question Bank Written Y For 7 segments display the input is abcdefg. When a decimal digit or value is display then its equivalent segment is high. @ Draw logic circuit for 2-to-4 Line Decoder/De-Multiplexer Answer:rRUM Anstructor as 1, snoeeeee~= —- - WHERE T.salary > S.salary and S.dept name ~ Find the time and space complexity of BFS which has branch 4 branch and the ta at level 5? If cpu can explore 10000 nodes per second find the time required and if the memory IKB find the required memory. ‘CSE’:find the output of the following program. You must show each staps. nclude
main(){ int i =0, j=5, x=0, count=0; (5>i) 1 (i=7) count=td",i, count); x=td",i, x); to 4b doveA You are given a IP address have four subnets. For each department find the following information. Page | 460_ Question Bank CSE | | to EEE | | to | IPE | | to PME_ | | [ to | 5. You have a file name accounts.txt which cantain the fallawina infarmatian. Naw writeer: [See BREB, Assistant Junior Engineer (IT), W . Make NAND gate using NOR gate. Answer:/ . Find signal bit per second bound rate 1000 and 16-QAM signal. \nswer:A. We have four sources, each creating 250 characters per second. If the interleaved unit is a character and 1 synchronizing bit is added to each frame. Now find- (a) the data rate of each source. (b) the duration of each character in each source. Answer:U Ox a8e + ABD + ABCD convert it into minimum lateral. ‘Answer:\2Fina out the output of the following program. #include
int main(){ int i=0, length; char string[] = "Hello\0O World!!"; length = strlen(string); char*s = string; for (i=0; i
Example: $1pr Compactfile.txt, where Compactfile.text W216 5 F204 | 8. CIOKARC cof FECA sata eaTS Fra? Answer: DROP table table_name ‘COMPACT IT JOB SOLUTION Page | 471U awrite a program for the following series: 17+27+37+4*+.... Answer: #include
int main() { int i,N; unsigned long sum; printf("Enter the value of N: "); scanf ("%d",&6N); sum=0; for (i=1;1i<=N; i++) su sumt+ (i*i); E * printf("Sum of the series is: %ld\n",sum); return 0;U eZ After compilation and execution, what will be output in the following code: int main(){ int i=-3, j=1, k=0,m; m=+4i| |++j66++k; printf ("%d,%d,%d,%d",i,j,k,m); return 0; } Answer:Question Bank , i ‘Simply the following function: ABCD +ABD +ABCD Answer:(AIP Address is: now answers the following questions: @ What is the network address of this IP? Amswer: Network Address= (ii) What is the subnet mask? Answer: Subnet mask= (iii) What is the broadcast address? Answer: Broadcast Address=172.168,128.127 (iv) How many connection is possi in this network? Page | 509Question Bank Written + Number of possible host=2" — 2 =27 - 2 =128-2=126 Write down Linux command: i. Display current directory folder and file. Answer: pwd fi, Create a folder name “DPDC”, Answer: mkdir DPDC ii, Remove a file like as “DPDC2”. Amswer: rm DPDC2.txt iv. A file name is “myFile”; Rename the file name to “DPDC2.txt”. Answer: mv myFile DPDC2.txt ¥. Give permission to a file so that anyone can read, write and executive that file. Angmer: chmod777 myFile.txt Fill in the blank: (@ Run command to MS word open Facer frera_? Answer: winword command Px 1 (Gi) MS Word, Excel, Spreadsheet Macro Wee warea_3fur eT Answer: 3 = mH Gili) Spreadsheet x acewbrware ten ‘Answer: cell (iv) Storage device 3 folder er7rm__? (©) Database 4 data file wena etree eer — Amewer: index), Tareq Hybrid network model BAGH sats acer | Me WEVA “ofS Layer =z, Application, Transport, Physical, Data link and Network Layer | S44 WG CEM SCR AC FC, DMIs SIN SS SEP Layer ects ATs PISA | No Work Layer File transfer i 12iJ 3Question Bank REVOKE SELECT, UPDATE ON MY TABLE FROM USER1, USER2; 13. There are different number systems, VA Convert (10010.101):=(2) Answer: 1X40 DP +Ox P41 x 4O% 241 x24 0% 224 1x2? = 164040424040. = 1810.540.125 = 18.675 :(10010.101):=(18.675)6 AWC Answer: 16 (583 1633 15(A)" 16221 0-2 2 (43)0= 21A)e JAC Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm. Write a program to sort some given ‘numbers using insertion sort algorithm, Answer: include
void insertionSort (int azv{, int n){ int i) key, 32 for(i=l; i
kev) ( are(j+1]=arr(j); een ) dt si arr[j+1] = key: intArray (int arr(], int n) om (1 int 4 (iO; Lenz i++) ee printe ("sd "yarr(i)); iE ("\n") Page | 527Question Bank Writte, ) int main(){ int arr(100),n,i; printf("Input the number of elements to store in the array:"); scanf ("$d", &n); printf ("Input %d number of elements in the array :\n",n); for (i=0;i
int main(){ int i,n, sum=( printf ("Enter the value of scant ("%d", én); for (i=1; icensit+) ( ‘sum=sumtpow (i,m); stn! (where n>0). to ait eee eirsim of series=%d", sum); return 0; ) . aC Write down the output of following program: #include
| ant main(){ i int i=0; | for (i=0; 1<20; i++) ( switch (i) ( ea", id; OF off iervag, 208 gud a ecb 2) veer oli sity gnideant3. What will be the output in C and java code? (i) C program: #include
int main() { int a[] = {5,3,4,2,1}7 int i; for (i=0; i<10; i++) « printf£("%d\n", a[il]);K H A N So, after decrypting the Shift Cipher with key K=19 our friend deciphers the cipher text "DATG" into the message text "KHAN". Ke ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC, Simplify using K-map with logic circuit.Vv fia ‘Address, Find the (i) Network address (ii) Broadcast ‘address (lil) Subnet mask (iv) Total valid host (v) IP address class Answer: £‘What is the output of following code? #include
void main (){ char *f [] = {"Ronaldo", "Messi", printf("ts\n", £(1]+2); print£("ts",£[2]+1); } Onutont- “Zidan", “Maradona"}, str[{20);; x What is the output of the following program? i, mane xX 94+274%*3-2% 4+ (5-4) *3 -main ()—- - - ig ct 1.01 oJ rf 1-bit full adder &t 3rgcH 2-bit full adder Ch #4) Answer: 2 ft ater VTLS EPSPS PSPsJ 7 Find the subnet and host number of Answer:int£("B") ; aa
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Lecture - 9: Drawing of Elevation and Sectional Views of Two Storied Building
Aurongo Nasir
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The Ordinal Approach To Utility Analysis
26 pages
The Ordinal Approach To Utility Analysis
Aurongo Nasir
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Eco 9
36 pages
Eco 9
Aurongo Nasir
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Government Economic Policies: What Is Monetary Policy?
27 pages
Government Economic Policies: What Is Monetary Policy?
Aurongo Nasir
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Income, Consumption, Savings & Investment
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Income, Consumption, Savings & Investment
Aurongo Nasir
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Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)