Capstone Sheetleb
Capstone Sheetleb
Capstone Sheetleb
By Sheetle Bhandall
How do injuries affect
athletes mental health?
By Sheetle Bhandall
Table of contents
What are micro tears?
Small tears or injury in the tissues surrounding the knee joint are referred to as micro tears.
Overuse, repetitive motions, or abrupt strong movements are the most common causes of
these tears. Micro tears can occur in a variety of knee tissues, including the muscles,
tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Sports activities, running, and other high-impact
exercises are common causes of micro tears in the knee.
Micro tears of the knee can cause discomfort, swelling, and stiffness in the affected area.
Pain could become worse with exercise but decrease during rest. A popping or clicking
feeling in the knee may occur in some circumstances. In more severe cases, surgery may be
necessary to repair or remove damaged tissues. It is important to seek medical attention if
you suspect that you have a micro tear in your knee or if your symptoms persist despite
rest and home remedies.
Treatment for a knee muscle strain typically involves rest, ice, compression, and
elevation of the affected area to reduce pain and swelling. In more severe
cases like mine, physical therapy was necessary to help improve strength,
flexibility, and mobility in the affected area. In some cases, surgery may be
necessary to repair torn or damaged tissues.
1. Pain: Pain is a common symptom of a micro tear in any of these
with activity.
1. Instability: Micro tears in the ACL, MCL, or PCL can cause
instability in the knee joint, making it feel like the knee may give
out or buckle.
knee joint.
1. Rest: Resting the affected knee is often the first step in treating a micro tear. This
may include limiting physical activity and using crutches to avoid putting weight
on the knee.
2. Ice: Applying ice to the affected area can help reduce swelling and alleviate pain.
3. Compression: Wrapping the affected knee with a compression bandage can help
4. Elevation: Elevating the affected leg can help reduce swelling and improve blood
1. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy may be recommended
reduce inflammation.
Secondly, sports injuries can be physically limiting and cause pain, which can make it
challenging to participate in everyday activities. This can result in a sense of isolation as the
injured person may need to rest or avoid certain activities, which can limit their ability to
socialize and connect with others.
Lastly, sports injuries can also affect a person's mental health, particularly if they were heavily
invested in their sport or if their sport was a significant part of their identity. The loss of their
athletic identity can lead to feelings of loss, depression, and anxiety, which can contribute to a
sense of isolation.
Fear of
Fear of re-injury
Fear of re-injury is frequent following a knee injury,
especially if you've had a previous injury or if your damage
was serious. Fear of re-injury is a typical reaction when
returning to physical activity or sports. Athletes who have
been hurt may become scared of re-injuring themselves,
which can cause anxiety and tension.
The cycle
The fear of re-injury, which is a psychological
response commonly observed in athletes following
a sports injury, can significantly impede the overall
rehabilitation process and ultimately hinder the
successful return to sports. This phenomenon has
been widely recognized as a major obstacle that
can negatively impact rehabilitation outcomes.
Therefore, addressing this fear of re-injury in a
comprehensive and effective manner is crucial to
ensure optimal rehabilitation outcomes and
facilitate a successful return to sports.
How can you
overcome this fear?
1. Follow a rehabilitation plan: Following a rehabilitation plan created by a
physical therapist can help you regain strength and flexibility in your knee joint
while minimizing the risk of re-injury. It's essential to follow your rehabilitation
plan consistently and make any necessary adjustments as recommended by
your physical therapist.
2. Gradually increase activity: Gradually increasing activity levels can help you
regain confidence in your knee joint while reducing the risk of re-injury. It's
important to start with low-impact activities and gradually increase the intensity
and duration of the activity over time.
02 Self efficacy
Self efficacy
• Self-efficacy is a person's belief in their ability to
succeed in a particular situation. It's the main part of
the self-system comprised of a person's attitude
abilities and cognitive skills.
• Has been shown to influence how athletes feel, think
and motivate themselves through personal judgements
and perceptions made about their abilities
The affects
1) Cognitive appraisal: What we think about the
injury and its relationship to our lives and goals.
Cognitive appraisal
Being sidelined can have a significant impact on an athlete's
capacity to cope with the stress of injury and recuperation,
leading to catastrophic thinking. Catastrophic thinking is
characterised as anticipating the worst-case situation, which
frequently leads to feelings of powerlessness, rumination,
and amplification of symptoms.
Emotional response
1. Anxiety is an anticipation of a future concern and is more associated with muscle
tension and avoidance behaviour. Athletes start to think far ahead and worry
themselves about future concerns which causes them to stress about situations in
the moment.
2. Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of an individual's
will or goal and is likely to increase when a will or goal is denied or blocked.
3. Athletes become frustrated when they can't do an exercise, are behind schedule
on recovery, and see others playing the sport they aren't able to play because of
their injury.
Behavioural response
1. Anxiety is connected to muscle tension and avoiding activity since it is the
anticipation of a future issue. Athletes begin to think far ahead and worry
about future worries, which drives them to be worried about current
2. Frustration stems from supposed opposition to the fulfilment of an
individual's desire or objective, and it is likely to increase when a will or aim
is denied or obstructed.
3. Athletes grow upset when they are unable to engage in a workout, are
behind schedule in their recovery, and observe others participating in sports
that they are unable to participate in due to injury.
Visual motor
The solution
Exercises include
• Box jumps
• Lateral jumps
• Ladder training
• Various jumps
Resistance training
Resistance Training involves doing exercises that cause muscles to contract
against an external force or resistance. Different forms of resistance training are
using free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, and your own body
Exercises include
• Squats with bands and weights
• Lunges with bands and weights
• Banded box jumps and lands
• Pivoting
03 Physical affects
Muscle mass
Muscle mass
• Muscle mass is the amount of muscle in
your body, including skeletal muscles,
smooth muscles and cardiac muscles.
Muscle atrophy
• Muscle Atrophy is the loss of strength and muscle mass.
There are 2 types:
•Children and teens who go through
ACL surgery are up to 10 times
more likely to develop early arthritis
- typically about 15 years after the
•When it occurs the knee joint, the
normally smooth , cushioning
surface if the joint is worn away,
leaving rough, exposed bone.
Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
Pain Bone
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