07C HDB SOR Demolition Jan2021
07C HDB SOR Demolition Jan2021
07C HDB SOR Demolition Jan2021
11 DAYWORK 7-9
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1.1 The clauses in the General Preambles shall apply to all work items contained
in the Standard Schedule of Rates.
1.2 The Particular Preambles to each Trade shall be read in conjunction with the
respective Trade in the Standard Schedule of Rates.
1.3 All Rates include the allowances for complying with the General and Particular
2 All rates contained in the Schedule of Rates are fixed basic rates (in
Singapore Currency) and no amendment whatsoever shall be made to such
Rates. The tenderers shall be deemed to have closely studied all Rates
contained herein and duly noted their implications.
3 All rates contained in this Standard Schedule of Rates are exclusive of any
Goods and Services Tax. Any such Goods and Services Tax shall be borne
by the Employer as and when the same becomes due and payable.
4 All work, materials and goods described in these Schedule of Rates shall be
of the respective kinds described in the Contract and in accordance with the
instructions of the Superintending Officer or the Superintending Officer's
6 Where brand/trade names are given in the descriptions, they are solely
intended for fixing the rates of the items. The products and materials to be
used in the contract shall be governed by the Specifications, Drawings and
other documents forming the contract (and not this Schedule of Rates).
(a) Labour and all costs in connection therewith including the labour in
fabricating, assembling, setting, fitting and fixing of materials and goods
in position.
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(b) Materials and goods including materials required for lapping, jointing and
the like and all costs in connection therewith such as delivery, unloading,
storing, returning of packings, handling, hoisting and lowering.
(i) General requirements set out in the Specifications, Drawings and other
documents forming the Contract.
8 Unless otherwise stated, all work shall be measured net as fixed in its place.
10 Where minimum deductions of voids are dealt with in this document they shall
refer only to openings or voids which are within the boundaries of measured
area. Openings or voids which are at the boundaries of measured area shall
always be the subject of deductions irrespective of size.
Billing of Quantities
11.1 Where the unit of measurement is the linear metre, square metre and cubic
metre, quantities shall be billed to the nearest whole unit. Fractions of the unit
less than half shall be disregarded and all other fractions shall be regarded as
a whole unit.
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11.2 Where the unit of measurement is the kilogramme, quantities shall be billed
to the nearest whole unit. Fractions of a unit less than half shall be
disregarded and all other fractions shall be regarded as a whole unit. Where
the unit of billing is the tonne or litre, quantities shall be billed to the nearest
two places of decimals.
11.3 Where the unit of measurement is the hour, fractions of the unit shall be
billed to the nearest next half hour.
11.4 Where the application of clauses 11.1 and 11.2 would cause an entire item
to be eliminated, such item shall be billed to the nearest two places of
12 Unless otherwise stated, the term "as specified" means as specified in any
of the documents forming part of the Contract.
m - Linear metre
m2 - Square metre
m3 - Cubic metre
no. - Number
kg - Kilogram
hr - Hour
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Definition of Ground
1.1 Ordinary ground includes spoil or rubbish of every description, rubbish
tip material etc, sand gravel, decomposed granite, red or white earth,
loamy or gravelly clay, gravelly laterite, mud, bog or any other formation
of pick and shovel and at any depth.
1.2 The description of each item of excavation shall be deemed to include
excavating around foundation, piles and confined areas, getting out,
removing of bakau piles, trimming, levelling and compacting bottoms of
excavations, keeping sides plumb and planking and strutting.
1.3.1 The measurement of all excavations and subsequent disposal shall be
those before excavating. The increases in bulk and any extra excavation
required for earthwork support, planking and strutting and formwork for
concrete shall be deemed to be included in the Rates.
1.3.2 No allowance for working space shall be made in the measurement of all
excavation unless the method of construction requires workmen to
operate from the outside of the structure. In such cases, a working space
of 600mm shall be measured from the external face of the structure.
1.3.3 Filling shall be measured as equal to the void to be filled. Any thickness
stated shall be deemed to be after compacting.
1.4 Rates for each item shall be held to include for keeping all excavation
free from water and site dry by pumping or bailing if required and
providing any temporary drains required.
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2.1 Rates for each item of concrete shall be held to include the following:
(a) Forming, cutting grooves, chases, mortices, holes and making good
any other sundry items of a like nature.
(b) Extra labour for laying to falls, or cambers and preparing surfaces to
receive screeds or pavings also to be included.
(c) All tests on concrete, cement and aggregate etc as required and
compliance with the strengths as specified.
2.2 No deduction shall be made in the measurement of concrete work for:
(c) Openings in walls, floor, roof slabs and the like of 0.10 square metre
or less.
2.3 Reinforcement
2.3.1 The description of each item of reinforcement shall be deemed to include:
(b) All cleaning, cutting, bending, fabricating, placing, typing and the
provision of all necessary distance blocks, tying wires, spacers or
chairs, temporary fixings and supports.
2.4.1 Rates for each item of fabric reinforcement shall be held to include for extra
material at laps, tying wires and all bending, cutting and notching around
obstruction. Only the net area covered shall be measured and no deduction
shall be made for opening less than 1.00 square metre.
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2.5 Formwork
2.5.1 The description of each item of formwork shall be deemed to include:
(b) All splayed edges, notchings, allowance for overlaps and passings
at angles, battens, strutting, bolting, wedging, easing, striking and
2.5.2 Formwork shall be measured to the surface of work sloping more than
15 degree from the horizontal.
2.5.3 No deduction shall be made in measurement of formwork for:
2.6 Unless otherwise stated, Rates for concrete, reinforcement and formwork
shall be applicable to all work irrespective of locality, positions, shapes
and height.
2.7.1 The description of each item of precast work shall be deemed to include
concrete, reinforcement, formwork including the formation and filling of
pockets, holes, chases and recesses for anchors, bolts and the like,
grouting, pointing of joints, surface finishes, delivery, unloading,
hoisting, erecting, fixing including all necessary temporary erection gear,
bracing and working platforms.
2.8.1 Rates for each item of surface water channels shall be held to include for all
angles, intersections, ends, outlets and extra labour and material for
forming grooves or rebates to sides.
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3.1 The description of each item of carpentry work shall be deemed to
include all cutting, notching, boring, sinking, pelleting, fitting, trimming,
mitring, halving, morticing, tenoning, dovetailing, scarfing, wedging and
all ends, splayed edges, short lengths and temporary supports and any
other sundry of a like nature and also all labour in forming, drilling for
bolts and fixing in position complete with nails, screws or adhesives.
3.2 Nominal sizes are stated for wrot timber and an allowance of 2.5mm is
permitted for each wrot face.
4.1 The description of each item of floor finishes shall be deemed to include
all temporary rules, temporary grounds, temporary screeds and the like,
cutting holes, notching and the like, all normal bedding and pointing
materials, providing all necessary samples, cleaning down and making
good around pipes, sanitary fixtures and the like, work in narrow widths
and small quantities in areas interrupted by seatings, channels and the
like, all internal angles, quirks, grooves, throats, drips, coves and
rounded external angles not exceeding 25mm radius, angles, stops,
intersections, fair ends junctions, wreathed corners and the like on
cornices, mouldings, enrichments, coves, skirtings, gutters, channels,
strings, kerbs and similar or other sundry items of a like nature.
4.2 The description of each item of floor finishes shall be deemed to include
protecting surfaces from the weather or building operations.
4.3 Rates for each item of skirtings, risers, moulded edges, channels and the
like shall be held to include for all short lengths, formed, cut and purpose
made angles, junctions, end, necessary UPVC trimming pieces, etc and
making good and any other sundry item of a like nature.
4.4 No deduction shall be made for openings of 0.50 square metre or less.
4.5 Where an item is described as “Add to (or deduct from)….. for each 5mm
thickness over (or under) ….. “, the difference for any thickness less than
5mm shall be paid/deducted based on 5mm thick.
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5.1 Rates for each item shall be deemed to include all temporary rules,
temporary grounds, temporary screeds and the like, cramps, dowels,
ties, special metal supporting brackets and the like, cutting holes,
notching and the like, masking, labour to internal angles other than
coved angles, making good around pipes, sanitary fixtures and the like,
work in narrow widths and small quantities, joints between different
types of work, joints between new and old work, internal angles, fair
edges, rounded or chamfered edges or angles, quirks, grooves, V-joints,
groin points and other intersections of curved surfaces, rounded coves
and external angles not exceeding 25mm radius, mitres, stops and the
like on cornices, mouldings, architraves, coves, skirtings, gutters, strings
and all making good and any other sundry items of a like nature.
5.2 Rates for each item shall also be deemed to include protecting surfaces
from the weather or building operations.
5.3 No deduction shall be made for openings of 0.50 square metre or less.
5.4 In the measurement of plastering, no deduction shall be made for
casings for pipes under 300mm wide or angles which are finished in a
different material if these do not exceed 100mm girth.
5.5 “Within the building” shall mean surfaces within the internal of
buildings/flats, corridors, staircases and the like which normally do not
entail scaffolding or mechanical cradles to carry out the works.
5.6 “External face of building” shall mean surfaces such as gable end walls,
front/back external walls and any other surfaces which are constantly
exposed to weather and/or which normally require the use of scaffolding
or mechanical cradles to carry out the works.
6.1 The description of each item of steel work shall be deemed to include:
(a) Allowance for rolling margins and the weight of welding materials.
(b) Shop and site fabrication including drilling, cutting (including holes
and openings for other trades), notching, splicing, riveting, bolting,
machining ends and bearings, delivery, unloading, landing,
hoisting, erecting, fitting and fixing in position.
6.2 No deduction shall be made for drillings, holes, notchings, splay cuts
and the like.
6.3 Weights stated shall be net theoretical weights.
7.1 Rates for each item of painting shall be held to include for all necessary
preparation of surfaces including cleaning off, sandpapering woodwork,
wirebrushing metal and leaving all surfaces free from dust, rust, grease
and oil before painting, narrow widths, etc.
7.2 All items in this section shall be deemed to included for multi-coloured
7.3 No deduction shall be made for openings of 0.50 m2 or less.
8.2 The measurement of girths of the trees shall be at a height of 1.0 metre
above ground.
8.3 The rate for cutting down trees shall be deemed to include for grubbing
up roots and filling of voids after removal of tree roots.
9.1 The rates shall be applicable to all work executed on a daywork basis
including shifting of office equipment and furniture, supply of
transportation as directed etc. During the continuance of such work, the
Contractor shall keep proper records of the names, occupations and
working hours of all workmen employed for such work and the
quantities and descriptions of all materials and construction equipments
employed. Such records, receipts or vouchers must be verified by the
Superintending Officer or Superintending Officer's Representative before
payment can be effected. Provided always that if the Superintending
Officer's Representative shall consider that for any reason the keeping of
such records, receipts and vouchers by the Contractor as required was
impracticable, he shall nevertheless be entitled to authorise payment for
such work either as daywork (being satisfied as to the time employed
and Construction Equipments and materials used on such work) or at
such value thereof as he shall consider fair and reasonable.
002 Exceeding 150mm but not exceeding 300mm deep. m2 $4.80 DM002
005 Cart away excavated materials off site and deposit at the m3 $14.40 DM005
Contractor's own dumping ground.
006 Dry approved earth filling obtained from outside source and fill in m3 $16.80 DM006
layers of 300mm thick; including labour for spreading, trimming
and consolidating to form earth mounds or to form levels outside
buildings and / or under floor slabs, etc. as specified.
007 Select excavated material obtained within the site and used as m3 $17.80 DM007
filling to make up level including consolidation.
009 Supply quarry waste, spread, level and consolidate. m3 $53.50 DM011
011 Reinforced concrete (Grade 20) with 20mm to 30mm granite m3 $166.10 DM013
mechanically mixed, including working around rod or fabric
reinforcement (Formwork and reinforcement measured
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012 Reinforced concrete (Grade 25) with 20mm to 30mm granite m3 $165.60 DM014
mechanically mixed, including working around rod or fabric
reinforcement (Formwork and reinforcement measured
020 Mild / Deformed High Tensile Steel Rod Reinforcement, kg $2.20 DM022
fabricated and laid in foundations, beds, suspended slabs, walls,
columns, beams, staircases etc., including labour for forming
stirrups, links etc. irrespective of size.
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027 225mm wide (internal) reinforced concrete (Grade 25) surface m $67.80 DM030
drain not exceeding 300mm deep (average) to invert constructed
with 75mm thick sides, 100mm thick bottom reinforced with a
layer of BRC B6 weldmesh. All exposed sides, bottom and arises
rendered smooth in cement and sand mortar (1 : 3) including all
necessary excavation, hardcore, sand blinding and formwork,
laid to fall as directed.
028 Add to Item DM030 for the increase in stages of 150mm deep. m $24.70 DM031
029 225mm wide (internal) reinforced concrete (Grade 25) surface m $130.10 DM032
drain not exceeding 400mm deep (average) to invert constructed
with 100mm thick sides and bottom reinforced with a layer of
BRC B6 weldmesh. All exposed sides, bottom and arises
rendered smooth in cement and sand mortar (1 : 3) including all
necessary excavation, formwork and lean concrete laid to fall as
030 Add to Item DM032 for the increase in stages of 100mm deep. m $25.60 DM033
031 EXTRA OVER 225 mm wide reinforced concrete drain for m $0.90 DM036
033 Breaking up existing mass concrete structures including removal m3 $148.20 DM040
of debris off the site.
034 Forming of 25mm wide x 100mm deep bituminous expansion m $10.40 DM041
joint in concrete floors including formwork and bituminous seal.
035 Take out precast concrete paving or revetment slabs and stack m2 $12.60 DM042
up for re-use.
036 Select from stack and lay precast concrete paving or revetment m2 $12.10 DM043
slabs including the provision of 50mm bed of quarry waste or
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037 Sawn kapoh, balau or keruing in construction members, plates, m3 $1,819.00 DM044
scantlings, railings, deckings, hoardings, rafters, etc cut to the
forms and sizes required.
038 Hack existing concrete surface to form keys and wash clean to m2 $4.50 DM045
receive finishing.
039 20mm thick prepacked screed to floor trowelled to a smooth m2 $15.00 DM046
040 Add to (or deduct from) Item DM046 for each 5mm thickness m2 $3.10 DM047
over (or under) 20mm.
042 Exceeding 150mm but not exceeding 300mm girth /height. m $14.90 DM049
043 Add to (or deduct from) Item DM048 for each 5mm thickness m $1.90 DM050
over (or under) 20mm.
044 Add to (or deduct from) Item DM049 for each 5mm thickness m $3.00 DM051
over (or under) 20mm.
045 Hack existing concrete surface to form keys and wash and clean m2 $6.80 DM052
to receive finishes.
046 18mm thk plastering with approved PREPACKED MORTAR MIX m2 $28.80 DM124
to RC surfaces, brickwalls and blockwalls etc, applied from within
the building as specified.
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047 18mm thk plastering with approved PREPACKED MORTAR MIX m2 $34.30 DM125
to RC surfaces, brickwalls and blockwalls etc, applied from the
external face of the building as specified.
048 Mild steel flats, angles, tees, channels, rivets and bolts, etc. of kg $6.90 DM057
any size fabricated and fixed including welding or bolting, and
painting with one coat of primer (for non-structural steel work
049 Brush or wash down and apply one coat of approved acrylic m2 $2.70 DM058
emulsion paint (with 20% water dilution).
050 Brush or wash down and apply one priming coat (with 20% water m2 $6.70 DM059
dilution) and two upper coats (without water dilution) of approved
acrylic emulsion paint on concrete or plastered surfaces.
051 Brush or wash down and apply one priming coat (with 20% water m2 $4.80 DM060
dilution) and one upper coat (without water dilution) of approved
acrylic emulsion paint on concrete or plastered surfaces.
052 Brush or wash down and apply one coat of water based sealer on m2 $2.80 DM061
concrete or plastered surfaces.
053 Prepare and apply one under coat and one finishing coat of m2 $8.70 DM062
approved synthetic enamel paint on steel and ironwork.
054 Prepare and apply one under coat and one finishing coat of m2 $10.40 DM063
approved synthetic enamel paint on grilles or railing etc (rate
inclusive of painting on both faces).
055 Prepare and apply two coats of approved synthetic enamel paint m $2.30 DM064
to pipes not exceeding 75mm diameter.
056 Prepare and apply two coats of approved synthetic enamel paint m $4.40 DM065
to pipes exceeding 75mm but not exceeding 150mm diameter.
057 Prepare and apply two coats of approved synthetic enamel paint m $8.80 DM066
to pipes exceeding 150mm but not exceeding 300mm diameter.
058 Stop, knot with spirit knotting varnish, prime with one coat wood m2 $13.10 DM067
primer and paint two coats of approved synthetic enamel paint on
new woodwork.
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059 Painting plain surfaces of woodwork and metalwork including m2 $6.80 DM068
sand papering with one undercoat and one finishing coat of
synthetic enamel paint.
060 Prepare and apply two coats of wood preservative on woodwork. m2 $4.90 DM069
062 Close turfing to flat and slope level with surface not exceeding 15 m2 $14.40 DM071
degrees including supply of a layer of 125mm thick approved
good quality top soil as specified and well watering and tending to
ensure growth of turfs.
063 Supply and lay 100mm diameter perforated UPVC sub-soil pipe m $10.40 DM072
with open end butt joints
064 Supply and lay 150mm diameter perforated UPVC sub-soil pipe m $14.00 DM073
with open end butt joints
066 Exceeding 0.5m but not exceeding 1.0m girth. no $338.90 DM116
067 Exceeding 1.0m but not exceeding 1.5m girth. no $456.80 DM117
068 Exceeding 1.5m but not exceeding 2.0m girth. no $684.20 DM118
069 Exceeding 2.0m but not exceeding 2.5m girth. no $873.50 DM119
070 Exceeding 2.5m but not exceeding 3.0m girth. no $1,144.80 DM120
071 Exceeding 3.0m but not exceeding 4.0m girth. no $1,419.70 DM121
072 Exceeding 4.0m but not exceeding 5.0m girth. no $1,812.10 DM122
073 Exceeding 5.0m but not exceeding 6.0m girth. no $2,185.70 DM123
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074 Grass cutting at aeration slabs including weeding, sweep and m2 $0.40 DM126
remove cut grass off site. (includings area occupied by aeration
slabs but exclude concrete lining)
075 Grass cutting including weeding on level ground or slope m2 $0.20 DM127
embarkments, sweep and remove cut grass off site and
trimming edges at drain kerbs and roadsides, etc.
076 Precast concrete composite drain channels as specified true to m $34.10 DM128
line and level as shown in Drawing (Excavation, sand bed and
bakau roller measured separately)
For 300mm (Type C7) channel
077 Precast concrete kerb including jointing in cement mortar to m $18.20 DM129
details as shown in Drawing For 125mm x 280mm (with 20mm
diameter mild steel Bar) kerb
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091 Motor lorry (pick-up) not more than 2.5 tonne size including fuel hr $33.10 DM088
and driver.
092 Motor lorry 2.5 to 3 tonne size including fuel and driver. hr $36.40 DM089
093 Motor lorry or Tipper 5.5 to 7 tonne size including fuel and driver. hr $58.80 DM090
094 Motor lorry or Tipper 10 tonne size including fuel and driver. hr $70.10 DM091
095 Diesel Dumper not exceeding 0.75 m³ capacity including fuel and hr $39.60 DM092
097 Wheel or crawler shovel or excavator loader with back hoe hr $97.60 DM094
bucket not exceeding 0.4 m³ or 1.30 m³ loader buckets capacity
including fuel and driver.
098 Mini-backhoe excavator (not exceeding 0.2 m³) including fuel and hr $50.50 DM095
099 Crawler excavator with back hoe or dragline 0.85 m³ bucket hr $123.00 DM096
including fuel and driver.
100 Motor crane 3 tonne lifting capacity including fuel and driver. hr $51.30 DM099
101 Motor crane 5 tonne lifting capacity including fuel and driver. hr $72.50 DM100
102 Motor crane 8 to13 tonne lifting capacity including fuel and driver. hr $91.60 DM101
103 Crane (25 tonne lifting capacity) including fuel and driver. hr $142.90 DM102
104 Crawler mounted crane 25 tonne lifting capacity including fuel hr $129.00 DM103
and driver
105 Diesel powered field welder with minimum capacity 300 amp. hr $18.60 DM104
106 Mechanical rammer with impact force not exceeding 4000 kg per hr $24.40 DM105
107 Mechanical lawn mover with blade not exceeding 500mm and hr $3.10 DM107
engine power not exceeding 150cc.
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108 Air Compressor with air-delivery capacity not less than 4.5 m³ per hr $29.90 DM108
minute, pneumatic tools, fuel and tool sharpening (no labour).
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