Pishue 2003 2022 INRIX Traffic Scorecard Report

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2022 INRIX Global Traffic Scorecard

Bob Pishue, Transportation Analyst

January 2023
• For the second straight year, London again tops the Global Traffic Scorecard as
the most congested city in the world. The average London driver lost 156 hours
due to congestion in 2022, but Chicago is a close second, as drivers there saw a
drastic return to pre-COVID congestion levels by spending an extra 155 hours
sitting in traffic. Paris rounds out the top 3 in 2022 with 138 hours lost.

• Traffic delays exceeded pre-COVID levels in 39% of urban areas in the US (116
out of 295), and 42% in Europe (249 out of 593). In the UK, traffic delays
increased 72% in urban areas (79 out of 110), while in Germany, 51% of urban
areas saw more delay than in 2019 (37 out of 72).

• The typical US driver lost 51 hours due to congestion in 2022, a 15-hour increase
over 2021. In the UK, a driver lost 80 hours due to traffic congestion, a 7-hour
increase, and in Germany, drivers lost 40 hours on average, with no change from

• Fuel prices had a small effect on the amount people traveled but have increased
the burden drivers and freight-movers shoulder. Annual fuel costs rose nearly
$315 for the typical commuter in Los Angeles over 2021, and £188 ($223 USD)
for the average commuter in London. Due to fuel tax relief, drivers in Germany
paid an additional 38 € ($42 USD) in direct fuel price increases over 2021.

• Telecommuting has appeared to ease with the onset of hybrid work, yet still
exceeds its pre-COVID mode share significantly. In the UK, hybrid work increased
from 13% to 24%, while working solely from home dropped from 22% to 14%.
Trips to downtowns and city centers generally increased over 2021, but in
London, trips decreased, however, the City of London recovered faster than
other downtowns in 2021.

• Congestion cost the US more than $81 billion in 2022, UK drivers nearly £9.5
billion, and German drivers 3.9 billion €.



Introduction 4

Fuel Prices Increase Cost of Commuting 6

Telecommuting & Hybrid Work Still Affecting Downtown

Fatality Rates Remain Elevated 8
Commuting Isn’t Just About Cars 9
Data & Methodology 10
Key Definitions 11
Global Analysis & Ranking 12
United States Analysis 14
Rankings 15
Worst Corridors 16
Europe Analysis & Ranking 18
Rankings 19
The United Kingdom 20
Rankings 20
Worst Corridors 21
Germany Analysis 22
Rankings 22
Worst Corridors 23
Conclusion & Commentary 24
References 25
About INRIX Research 27


With most countries around the world easing COVID-19 restrictions following vaccinations, new
therapeutics, and less severe strains of COVID, 2022 was expected to be a year of re-emergence closer
to 2019 behavioral norms – as federal, state, and local governments around the world reversed mandates
on social gatherings, workplaces re-opened, and music and entertainment venues started hosting crowds.
Yet that trend was halted as oil prices began to rise across the world and were further exacerbated by
the invasion of Ukraine by neighboring country Russia.

From January through June, the price of regular motor gasoline rose 49% and the price of diesel fuel rose
slightly more than 55%, according to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics. While prices decreased
slightly in the second half of the year and ended 2022 58% higher than pre-COVID 19 levels.
Increased fuel prices and inflation had a significant negative economic impact on real wages, commuting,
air travel costs, freight movement, the supply chain, and lead to cost increases in goods and services
around the globe. INRIX found that the typical driver commuting to work paid more than $1,325 for fuel
in 2022, versus $1,010 in 2021. Commuting by driving in the UK cost Londoners an additional £212
($278 USD) in petrol while fuel tax relief in Germany kept the increase in fuel costs to about 38 € ($42
USD) per driving commuter.
Despite higher fuel costs, people have continued to drive. INRIX data shows US VMT increased less than
1% from 2021, UK VMT saw a 4% increase and VMT in Germany jumped 21%. However, compared to
pre-COVID times, US VMT was still down 9% and UK VMT lagged 13%, in contrast with Germany, where
VMT leapt above pre-COVID levels by 8%.
One reason the US likely didn’t reach pre-COVID VMT is the current state of office space use. In the US,
The New York Times reported that many companies are opting for smaller offices, and that “Wall Street
investors appear to think the office space sector is in for a deep slump.”i Many employers, though not all,
continued to allow employees to work from home, either full time or hybrid, with nearly 18% of
employees in the US working from home, resulting in fewer trips to Downtown areas than in 2019.

Although there remained fewer drivers on the road, safety concerns on transportation networks,
especially in the US, continued to remain above pre-COVID levels. Though traffic-related deaths fell the
first half of 2022 versus the same period a year earlier, the estimated fatality rate of 1.27 traffic deaths
per 100 million VMT was 17% higher than 2019 fatality rate of 1.09 per 100 million VMT.ii The rate of
1.27 traffic deaths is still significantly higher than the years between 2011-2019. However, that trend
has not been present in the UK, which has seen its traffic death marginally increase from 0.51 traffic
deaths per 100 million VMT in 2019 to 0.52 in 2021, while each year between 2011-2018 had a higher
fatality rate.iii

In terms of other modes of transportation, US public transport use rebounded significantly over 2021
levels by 33%.iv However, US public transport use still lagged pre-COVID ridership levels by 39%.v In
the UK, national rail sits at approximately 84% of pre-COVID levels, while London Tube ridership is about
76% of pre-COVID levels.vi As the 9 € ticket started in June, German officials reported short distance
public transport ridership increases of 36% in the first half of 2022 versus 2021, but ridership still lags
2019 levels by 21%.vii


Cycling increased across the UK by about 12% over pre-COVID level but had mixed results in the US.viii
Bike counters in Germany also logged an increase – comparable cycle counts in Cologne, Dusseldorf, and
Berlin were up 21%, 9% and 8%, respectively over 2019.ix Yet cycling in cities like Seattle and San
Francisco decreased as strong telecommuting continued, at the same time New York City’s Citi Bike
program recorded record ridership in 2022 and Washington, DC reported a 6.5% increase, mostly due to
a 150% increase in bike counts at the Anacostia River Trail – River Terrace counting station.x

In summary, while congestion returned in many places, it did not reach pre-pandemic levels. Transit use
overall still lagged 2019 levels, and cycling was mixed depending on location. Additionally, drivers still
paid more for fuel while vehicle-miles remained the same or slightly increased over 2021. As countries
across the world deal with record inflation and slowdowns in their economies, an air of uncertainty still
exists around transportation and commuting because of global economic slowdowns and telecommuting
preferences rather than an extension of the pandemic.


Fuel Prices Increase Costs of Commuting

Figure 1: Change in Cost of Fuel for Driver Commuting

Annual Cost of Unleaded Fuel for Commuting in $USD

$1,325 $1,311


$1,000 $953
$884 $882
$825 $820
$782 $762 $767
$800 $756
$646 $651
$606 $595 $609
$600 $546



Los Angeles Chicago Houston New York DC US Avg London Birmingham UK Avg Berlin Hamburg Germany

Oil price increases around the world have resulted in soaring gasoline and diesel prices over the last year.
In the US, national pre-pandemic prices for regular unleaded were at $2.35 per gallon in February 2020.
Prices hit a high of $4.76 during June 2022, before receding to $3.25 per gallon in December 2022. xi This
has led to increases in freight costs, commuting costs, and the prices consumers pay for goods and

Yet depending on location, fuel prices vary considerably. Consider Los Angeles, where the 2021 average
price per gallon was $4.00, and the preliminary 2022 average price is $5.49 per gallon, significantly greater
than the national average. The price per gallon is even greater in the UK and Germany, where energy/fuel
taxes and Value Added Taxes (VAT) boost the price of fuel. Both the UK and Germany implemented
measures to reduce the burden on drivers by reducing taxes.xii

Despite that, the costs of commuting jumped across the board. Based on INRIX commuting analysis, the
annual cost of fuel per commuter increased about $315 per Los Angeles commuter compared to 2021,
while commuters in Chicago paid $242 more to commute to work in 2022.

Commuters in the London paid about £212 ($278 USD) more to drive to work in 2022 versus 2021, while
driving to work in Berlin, Germany cost just 51 € ($57 USD) more, likely due to the subsidization of fuel
keeping prices at the pump lower.
However, driving commutes outside of major metro areas also saw increased costs. Fuel for the typical
commute in the US was $134 more in 2022 than in 2021 and in the UK a driving commuter paid about
£122 ($128 USD) more. In Germany, drivers paid about 38 € ($42 USD) more for fuel to commute in 2022
than in 2021.

While telecommuters and those working from home saved on commuting costs, higher prices still affected
the cost of goods and services, leisure trips, running errands, and driving to shopping centers.

Telecommuting & Hybrid Work Still Affecting Downtown Travel

Despite the reopening of many economies, telecommuting (working from home) has continued to remain
relatively strong. According to the latest US Census Bureau statistics, 17.9% of workers in the country
worked from home in 2021, versus 5.7% in 2019, a more than 200% increase in mode share.xiii Yet
employers and employees appear to have switched to a more hybrid model since.

In the UK, between February and May 2022, employees with hybrid work schedules increased from 13%
to 24%, while the percentage working only from home decreased from 22% to 14%.xiv

As a result, trips to employment centers generally increased to downtown/city centers since their COVID-
19 lows, though not all downtowns increased over 2021, and many started from significant deficits as
shown in previous years’ Global Traffic Scorecards. Cologne, Germany saw the largest increase among
those downtowns analyzed, with a 28% jump in trips to downtown, followed by Berlin (+25%)
Washington, DC (+23%) and Charlotte, North Carolina (+19%). Leeds, UK (-17%), Sheffield (-14%) and
London (-11%) saw the biggest decreases among city centers analyzed but had generally recovered trips
faster than many other EU cities analyzed earlier in the pandemic.
Table 1: Year over Year Change in Trips to Downtown/City Center, by Location

Downtown (City Center) Trips

Downtown YoY Change Downtown YoY Change

United States
Atlanta 3% Miami 4%
Baltimore -2% Minneapolis 3%
Boston 13% New Orleans 7%
Charlotte 19% New York 17%
Chicago 1% Philadelphia 1%
Dallas 8% Phoenix 14%
Denver 9% San Diego 17%
Detroit 18% San Francisco 15%
Houston 11% Seattle 14%
Los Angeles -1% Washington DC 23%
United Kingdom Germany
Birmingham 2% Berlin 25%
London -11% Hamburg 15%
Manchester -2% Munich -5%
Sheffield -14% Frankfurt 19%
Leeds -17% Cologne 28%

Fatality Rates Remain Elevated

Throughout the COVID pandemic period, fatality rates on America’s roadways remained relatively high. In
the first half of 2019, for example, the fatality rate in the US was 1.07 fatalities per 100 million VMT, while
in 2021 that half-year rate jumped to 1.30 fatalities per 100 million VMT. Though the fatality rate
decreased slightly to 1.27, it is still significantly higher than in past years.xv

The UK, on the other hand, did see a slight increase in the fatality rate during the pandemic, as the rate
moved from 0.51 fatalities per 100 million VMT to 0.54 in 2020.xvi But in 2021 that rate had fallen back
0.52, still significantly lower than the 10-year average. 2022 fatality estimates have yet to be released in
the UK, but preliminary findings over the past year suggest that road fatalities are down 4% compared to
2019.xvii With a slightly decreased VMT figure, it’s probable that the UK fatality rate remains close to
2021’s figure.

German officials projected 2022 road fatalities to increase 9% over last year, to 2,790, still under 2019’s
3,050 road fatalities.xviii

To try to combat rising road deaths, state and local transportation officials across the US have widely
adopted a “Vision Zero” or “Target Zero” goal – a concept first used across Europe in the 1990’s. Most of
these plans set a goal zero traffic deaths on roadways by a specific year, like 2030, and highlight the value
in using data to prioritize interventions and projects. For example, deciding whether to change roadway
configuration to slow down vehicles to planning roadways that enable safe access for all users.
Yet despite the plan to eliminate roadway deaths, fatalities are not falling in all areas. As Vision Zero
deadlines approach, city, county, regional, Tribal and state governments will need to remain vigilant to
reduce fatalities and serious injuries on the country’s road network. In the US, the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law allocated more than half of the funds toward road and highway safety, providing
funding for important projects to reduce serious injuries and fatalities.
Figure 2: Annual Fatality Rates for US & UK (Latest Data Available)

Fatality Rate per 100 million VMT, US & UK

1.30 1.27
1.2 1.14 1.13 1.11
1.10 1.07
1.04 1.05 1.06

0.57 0.55 0.56
0.6 0.53 0.54 0.53 0.53 0.51 0.54 0.52



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

US Fatality Rate UK Fatality Rate

Commuting Isn’t Just About Cars

While VMT picked up just months after the pandemic started in 2020, and is at or near pre-COVID levels,
other modes have had mixed results. For example, year-to-date transit ridership in the US dropped more
than 50% following the COVID-19 outbreak but recovered 33% of those losses over the past year.xix Rail
ridership specifically has continued to lag bus ridership in most metro areas. Rail ridership between January
and September was still 65% below 2019 levels in 2021 yet grew 55% between 2021 and 2022. A large
part of this is a continued lack of commuter demand to downtowns and city centers, but public transport
agencies also faced numerous challenges: the virus itself, staffing shortages, higher costs, and reduced fare

In Europe, transit ridership still lags pre-COVID levels as well. UK transit ridership is closely approaching
pre-COVID levels, with different modes of transport reaching 70-90% of pre-COVID level as of November
2022, and Germany sits similarly as local transit use is still down 21% from pre-COVID times.xxi

Figure 2: UK Public Transport Use by Mode Versus Pre-COVID Baseline

Average of UK Public Transport Use, by Mode, by

Month Compared to Baseline
2020 Sep

2021 Sep

2022 Sep
2020 Jul

2021 Jul

2022 Jul
2020 Mar
2020 Apr

2020 Jun

2021 Jun
2020 May

2022 Apr

2022 Jun
2020 Aug

2020 Dec
2021 Jan

2021 Mar
2021 Apr
2021 May
2020 Oct
2020 Nov

2021 Aug

2021 Dec
2022 Jan

2022 Mar

2022 May
2021 Oct
2021 Nov

2022 Aug

2022 Oct
2022 Nov
2021 Feb

2022 Feb

National Rail London Tube London Bus Bus (excluding London)

Cycling also rose in popularity during the pandemic throughout the UK & Germany. The latest UK.GOV
data show cycling at about 112% of pre-COVID levels through November, while cycle counters in
German cities show growth between 8-21%.xxii Yet some of those gains didn’t make their way across
the Atlantic. Seattle, for example, has seen decreases on every active bike counter in operation
compared to pre-COVID times.xxiii According to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,
the latest data showed 2022 cycle counts between January and October 2022 to be down 23% from
the same period in 2019.xxiv However, in New York, the bikeshare program Citi Bike announced record
levels of bike rentals in 2022.xxv

The results are mixed, especially in the US, on whether cycling will increase post-pandemic or whether
it will continue to lag pre-COVID levels. Cycling advocates and government officials across the country
stressed that boosting funding for safety will increase cycling and pedestrian activity. In the 2021
federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, various spending programs provided billions of dollars to increase
bike and pedestrian infrastructure. For example, the Transportation Alternatives program provides $1.4
billion per year for trails, bike paths, sidewalks, Safe Routes to School programs, and more. The
Highway Safety Improvement Program is estimated to fund about $3 billion in projects, some of which
can be used for bike and pedestrian safety. 9
The 2022 Global Traffic Scorecard provides a more granular and holistic analysis of mobility within the
world’s most congested cities. The 2022 Scorecard continues to include travel delay comparisons,
collision trends and last-mile speeds based on the unique commuting patterns within each metro area.
But also included key insight on transportation trends, with data from outside sources.

Commute times were calculated by looking

exclusively at the time it takes to get to and from INRIX collects billions of anonymous data
major employment centers within an urban area points every day from a diverse set of
from surrounding commuting neighborhoods. The sources, including connected vehicles, mobile
2022 Scorecard used anonymized GPS probe data devices, navigation units, fleet vehicles, road
to identify the most frequented routes and and garage infrastructure, and publicly
destinations throughout a region to create a more available information on incidents. With
accurate portrayal of commuting for a region, not coverage on all roads in countries of
just to and from a downtown core. With the coverage, and lane by lane precision, INRIX is
increased level of detail, INRIX calculated the the preferred provider of driving and mobility
additional time lost commuting due to traffic intelligence for leading automakers,
between multiple points within a region, which can businesses, and all levels of government for
be explored further on the Scorecard’s interactive accurate, real-time and historical.
city pages at inrix.com/scorecard.

Economic costs are calculated based on the following hourly values of time, which were based on U.S.
Federal Highway Administration’s Revised Departmental Guidance on Valuation of Travel Time for Economic
Analysis, 2016, adjusted for inflation: $16.89 per hour in the U.S., £8.83 per hour in the U.K. and 10.08 €
per hour in Germany.

The 2022 Scorecard calculated time loss by analyzing peak speed and free-flow speed data for the busiest
commuting corridors and sub areas as identified by data density. Employing free-flow data enables a direct
comparison between peak periods and serves as the basis for calculating time loss. Total time lost is the
difference in travel times experienced during the peak periods compared to free-flow conditions on a per
driver basis. In other words, it is the difference between driving during commute hours versus driving at
night with little traffic.

Data used to complete the 2022 Scorecard is based on more than 11 months of data, extrapolated to an
annual number. The Scorecard also incorporates three years of historical data to provide a complete year-
over-year comparison of congestion and mobility. A multi-year approach enables the identification of
trends in the world’s largest cities and provides a basis for comparison.

Commuting fuel costs were determined by using the median commute distance for each urban area as
calculated by INRIX, area-specific fuel prices where applicable, fleet fuel efficiency for each country for
unleaded gasoline, and assumed 240 commute days through the calendar year.

Due to the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe, Russian urban areas have been omitted from the 2022
Global Traffic Scorecard.


Impact Rank: The primary INRIX rank, based on the severity of congestion (hours
lost) weighted by city size.

Urban Area: The geographic scope of a city as defined by its road network density.

Hours Lost: The total number of hours lost in congestion during peak commute
periods compared to off-peak conditions.

Pre-COVID Period: Interchangeable with 2019, though in some contexts it differs

from a 2019 average to a comparable day in 2019, depending on data source.

Downtown Speed: The speed at which a driver can expect to travel one mile into
the central business district during AM peak hours.

Peak: The absolute worst portion of the morning and afternoon commute.

Off-Peak: The low point between the morning and afternoon commute periods.

Vehicle-Miles Traveled (VMT): The amount of passenger travel within a geography

for a specified time period.

London (156 hours lost), Chicago (155), Paris (138), Boston
(134), and New York (117) comprise the Top 5 most
congested cities in the global congestion Impact Ranking. Despite higher fuel prices,
These results are due to their large populations and the
significant inflationary pressure,
increasing morning commute, when added to the evening
commute rebound witnessed in 2021, resulted in traffic and supply chain problems
patterns last seen in 2019. The Impact Rank captures the around most of the world - in
aggregate influence of congestion relative to population. addition to a war in Europe -
On the other hand, hours lost reflects the impact of most urban areas experienced
congestion on the typical driver and commuter on the more delay in 2022 than in
roadway. In terms of hours lost, London, Chicago, and Paris 2021. However, most still lag
still took the top spots with 156 hours, 155 hours, and 138
their 2019 levels of traffic
hours lost respectively. Cities like Bogota, Boston, Miami and
Toronto all moved up significantly from last year, seeing congestion, as commuting and
double digit increases over 2021. work habits have shifted
Drivers in just seven of the top 25 cities spent less time in
traffic in 2022 than they did in 2021, with drivers in Brussels
seeing a -27% decrease in traffic congestion.


2022 Impact Change Downtown Change in
2022 Delay per Change
Rank (2021 Urban Area Country from Pre- Speed Downtown
Driver (hours) from 2021
Rank) COVID (mph) Speed

1 (1) London UK 156 5% 5% 10 -9%

2 (6) Chicago IL USA 155 49% 7% 11 -27%

3 (2) Paris FRA 138 -1% -16% 11 0%

4 (18) Boston MA USA 134 72% -10% 11 -27%

5 (5) New York City NY USA 117 15% -16% 11 -15%

6 (8) Bogota COL 122 30% -36% 11 -15%

7 (22) Toronto ON CAN 118 59% -13% 10 -29%

8 (13) Philadelphia PA USA 114 27% -20% 11 -15%

9 (32) Miami FL USA 105 59% 30% 15 -21%

10 (9) Palermo ITA 121 11% -12% 9 0%

11 (36) Monterrey MEX 116 66% 108% 19 -17%

12 (16) Dublin IRL 114 28% -26% 12 -8%

13 (7) Rome ITA 107 0% -36% 13 -7%

14 (33) Los Angeles CA USA 95 53% -8% 19 -17%

15 (34) San Francisco CA USA 97 52% 0% 12 -14%

16 (10) Istanbul TUR 89 1% -42% 14 0%

17 (3) Brussels BEL 98 -27% -30% 10 0%

18 (68) Medellin COL 91 72% 32% 12 -14%

19 (11) Bucharest ROU 91 -7% * 15 7%

20 (99) Washington DC USA 83 89% -33% 11 -21%

21 (12) Lyon FRA 92 -10% -12% 10 -9%

22 (23) Mexico City MEX 74 10% -53% 12 -14%

23 (15) Budapest HUN 86 -7% -7% 16 7%

24 (43) Cape Town ZAF 80 36% -35% 12 -20%

25 (50) Bristol UK 91 38% -12% 14 -13%

*New to Scorecard in 2020


In 2022, Chicago (155 hours lost ), Boston (134), New York
(117), Miami (105) and Los Angeles (95) ranked in the top 5 for
congestion impact in the US. Both Chicago and Miami now have
more traffic congestion and delays than they did pre-COVID, United States Findings
while Boston, New York and Los Angeles still lag 2019 levels.

In the top 25, some of the biggest increases in delay occurred in • Time Lost: 51 hours, up 15
Miami and Las Vegas. Miami saw an increase of 39 hours of hours from 2021
delay over last year, a 59% increase, and drivers in Las Vegas • Cost to Driver: $869, up
lost 13 more hours in 2022 than the year before, a 46% $305 from 2021
increase. For the first time, Nashville also cracked the top 25
• Cost to Country: $81 billion
list, as drivers lost 41 hours to traffic congestion in 2022, a 14%
increase over 2019 levels. • Fuel Costs: Up 32%
Of the 295 US urban areas analyzed, 179 are still below their • Collisions: Up 4%
pre-COVID normal levels, while 116 have surpassed them. Of
the top 50 ranked areas, just 12 have exceeded 2019 levels,
indicating it’s the smaller, less-congested cities that have already
“returned to normal” in terms of traffic.

The typical driver in the country lost 51 hours in congestion, up 15 hours from 2021’s 36 hours lost,
costing the average driver $869 in lost time. That doesn’t include fuel cost increases, which INRIX
analyzed would cost the average American driver $134 more in 2022 than in 2021. It would cost the Los
Angeles commuter nearly $315 more in 2022 than in 2021, and the typical New York driver an additional
$213 in 2022.

Nationally, drivers spent 4.8 billion hours in congestion, still short of 2019’s 6 billion lost hours. The cost
of traffic delays across the country increased from $53 billion in 2021 to $81 billion in 2022, a 53%
increase. However, despite an approximate 17% jump in inflation since, the cost of nationwide congestion
is still down $7 billion from 2019’s high of $88 billion.


2022 US Compared Downtown Change in
2022 Delay 2022 Cost 2022 Cost
Rank (2021 Urban Area to Pre- Speed Downtown
(2021) per Driver per City
Rank) COVID (mph) Speed

1 (2) Chicago IL 155 (104) 7% $2,618 $9.5 B 11 -27%

2 (4) Boston MA 134 (78) -10% $2,270 $4.3 B 11 -27%

3 (1) New York City NY 117 (102) -16% $1,976 $10.2 B 11 -15%

4 (3) Philadelphia PA 114 (90) -20% $1,925 $4.5 B 11 -15%

5 (5) Miami FL 105 (66) 30% $1,773 $4.5 B 15 -21%

6 (6) Los Angeles CA 95 (62) -8% $1,601 $8.6 B 19 -17%

7 (7) San Francisco CA 97 (64) 0% $1,642 $2.6 B 12 -14%

8 (13) Washington DC 83 (44) -33% $1,398 $3.5 B 11 -21%

9 (8) Houston TX 74 (58) -9% $1,257 $3.7 B 16 -16%

10 (10) Atlanta GA 74 (53) -10% $1,257 $3.1 B 16 -16%

11 (9) New Orleans LA 77 (63) -3% $1,297 $665 M 14 -13%

12 (11) Portland OR 72 (48) -19% $1,216 $1.2 B 15 -12%

13 (14) Stamford CT 73 (46) -1% $1,236 $465 M 13 -19%

14 (12) Dallas TX 56 (44) -11% $953 $3.1 B 16 -16%

15 (16) Baltimore MD 55 (37) -35% $932 $1.1 B 12 -14%

16 (19) San Diego CA 54 (32) -23% $912 $1.3 B 19 -17%

17 (15) Denver CO 54 (40) -14% $912 $1.2 B 14 -13%

18 (21) Austin TX 53 (32) -23% $892 $850 M 17 -15%

19 (22) Seattle WA 46 (30) -38% $770 $1.2 B 17 -11%

20 (20) Concord CA 54 (40) * $912 $53 M 18 -10%

21 (17) Providence RI 42 (38) -40% $709 $500 M 14 -13%

22 (23) Las Vegas NV 41 (28) 156% $689 $622 M 19 -10%

23 (*) San Juan PR 41 (24) -7% $689 * 20 -5%

24 (54) Nashville TN 41 (16) 14% $689 $600 M 21 -13%

25 (24) Sacramento CA 36 (25) -44% $608 $550 M 17 -11%


Top 25 Worst Corridors in the U.S.
Throughout the country, delay on the busiest corridors increased in 2022 along with congestion metro
wide. I-95 through Stamford, Connecticut, took the number 1 and number 3 spots. Drivers on the 30-mile
corridor on I-95 Southbound from Sherwood Island Connector to Indian Field Road lost an average of 34.5
minutes per day in lost time during the morning commute, only to see significant congestion on the return
trip Northbound, losing nearly 30 minutes on that stretch of I-95.

I-5 Southbound in Los Angeles was number 2 on the top 25 list, where drivers lost an average of 31.8
minutes per day at the 5:00 PM rush hour. A driver taking that route 240 workdays in 2022 would have
lost 127 hours a year sitting in traffic. Other notable corridors are I-93 Southbound through Downtown
Boston to the Pilgrim Highway Interchange (99 hours lost annually) and Westbound Brooklyn Queens
Expressway to Tillary Street in New York City (91 hours lost).


2022 Peak 2022
Rank Urban Area Road Name From To Minutes Hours
Lost Lost
Sherwood Island
1 Stamford, CT I-95 SB Indian Field Rd 8:00 AM 34.5 138

2 Los Angeles, CA I-5 SB I-10 I-605 5:00 PM 31.8 127

Sherwood Island
3 Stamford, CT I-95 NB Indian Field Rd 4:00 PM 29.6 118

4 Boston, MA I-93 SB Exit 18/US-3 Exit 7/MA-3 4:00 PM 24.7 99

5 New York City, NY I-278 WB I-495 Tillary St 4:00 PM 22.6 91

Exit 12B for I- Exit 15A-B for

6 Concord, CA CA-4 EB 4:00 PM 20.7 83
680 CA-242
Allen Raymond
7 Stamford, CT CT-15 NB North St 4:00 PM 19.5 78
Merritt Pkwy
8 Stamford, CT Wilton Rd Stanwich Rd 8:00 AM 18.3 73

9 Chicago, IL I-55 SB I-94 S Central Ave 4:00 PM 17.9 72

Exit 60/FL-429
10 Orlando, FL I-4 EB Exit 72/FL-528 5:00 PM 17.4 70

11 Baton Rouge, LA I-10 EB Bayou Rd I-12 4:00 PM 17.1 69

12 New York City, NY I-95 NB I-678 E 175th St 4:00 PM 17.0 68

13 Dublin, CA I-580 EB Grove Way Airway Blvd 4:00 PM 15.8 63

14 Chicago, IL I-90/I-94 EB I-290 I-57 4:00 PM 15.6 62

15 Norfolk, VA I-664 NB I-64 Exit 264 Exit 9/VA-164 4:00 PM 15.6 62

I-15 Exits 96-

15 Los Angeles, CA CA-91 WB Exit 45/CA-71 7:00 AM 15.5 62

17 Tacoma, WA WA-167 SB 15th St SW Valley Ave East 4:00 PM 14.5 58

Harlem River Trans-Manhattan

17 New York City, NY East 127th St 4:00 PM 14.4 58
Dr NB Expy
19 Chicago, IL Exit 17/US-45 S Austin Blvd 7:00 AM 14.3 57

20 Los Angeles, CA I-405 NB Wilshire Blvd Sepulveda Blvd 5:00 PM 14.1 56

Lewis and Clark

20 Portland, OR I-5 NB I-405 4:00 PM 14.1 56
22 San Francisco, CA Fish Ranch Rd Pleasant Hill Rd 4:00 PM 14.0 56
Tunnel EB

23 Concord, CA CA-24 EB Camino Pablo I-680 4:00 PM 13.3 53

John Young
24 Orlando, FL Vine St Pleasant Hill Rd 5:00 PM 13.0 52
Pkwy SB

25 Los Angeles, CA I-605 SB Exit 19/CA-60 Imperial Hwy 4:00 PM 12.9 51


European cities place amongst the slowest globally due to the vast majority of their growth occurring prior
to widespread adoption of the automobile. Dense cores, narrow roads and complex road networks make
these cities ill-suited for car-based mobility. Last year’s number one, London, and number two, Paris, took
the top spots in the European ranking again this year, with drivers losing 156 and 138 hours in congestion,

Most urban areas in Europe were still significantly below pre-COVID levels in terms of traffic delay, with
just 7 of the top 25 exceeding 2019’s level of congestion. Of the 593 urban areas analyzed in Europe, 249,
or 42%, have reached or exceeded their pre-COVID levels of traffic congestion, leaving 344 still below
2019 levels.

Yet London and Berlin, both capital cities, continue to sit above their pre-COVID level of delay, at +5% and
+8%, respectively. 2019’s number one-ranked Rome, Italy, drops a spot to number 5, seeing no increase in
traffic congestion over last year. The UK hosted 6 urban areas in the Top 25, France had 4, and Italy and
Poland each had 3.


2022 EU Change Downtown Change in
2022 Delay per Change
Rank (2021 Urban Area Country from Pre- Speed Downtown
Driver (hours) from 2021
EU Rank) COVID (mph) Speed

1 (1) London UK 156 5% 5% 11 -10%

2 (2) Paris FRA 138 -1% -16% 11 0%

3 (6) Palermo ITA 121 11% -12% 9 0%

5 (12) Dublin IRL 114 28% -26% 13 -8%

6 (5) Rome ITA 107 0% -36% 14 -8%

7 (7) Istanbul TUR 89 1% -42% 14 0%

8 (3) Brussels BEL 98 -27% -30% 10 0%

9 (8) Bucharest ROM 91 -7% 0% 14 7%

11 (9) Lyon FRA 92 -9% -12% 11 -10%

12 (11) Budapest HUN 86 -6% -7% 15 6%

14 (32) Bristol UK 91 38% -12% 16 -14%

15 (23) Athens GRC 78 11% -27% 14 0%

16 (13) Turin ITA 86 -7% -30% 12 -9%

17 (21) Marseille FRA 83 6% 2% 12 -9%

18 (38) Manchester UK 84 35% -9% 16 -14%

19 (18) Wroclaw POL 80 -4% 4% 15 -7%

20 (25) Berlin DEU 71 9% 8% 14 0%

21 (12) München DEU 74 -6% -15% 11 0%

21 (105) Galway IRL 94 84% -12% 15 -15%

23 (48) Birmingham UK 73 38% -9% 18 -13%

24 (16) Poznan POL 74 -14% 23% 15 0%

25 (40) Nice FRA 71 18% 1% 14 0%

23 (44) Belfast UK 73 20% -9% 16 -6%

24 (23) Warsaw POL 64 3% -10% 15 0%

25 (47) Nottingham UK 71 22% -9% 14 -7%


The United Kingdom

All urban areas in the UK top 10 saw increases in traffic United Kingdom Findings
congestion and delays over last year, yet just London was
above their 2019, pre-COVID level. Delay per driver in London • Time Lost: 80 hours, up 7 hours
increased just 5.4% over 2021, while the area experienced a from 2021
greater recovery than most in the previous Scorecard. With
• Cost to Driver: £707, up £112
those gains, London still sits atop the UK and the INRIX Global from 2021
Traffic Scorecard with 156 hours lost per driver to delay, while
• Cost to Country: £9.5 billion
Chicago in the US sits just below London at 155 hours of delay
per driver. • Fuel Costs: Up 25%
• Collisions: Up 11%
The cities of Cambridge, Exeter, and Cheltenham fell out of the
top 10, while Edinburgh (7th), Leeds (9th) and Leicester (10th)
joined the Top 10 in 2022. Traffic congestion overall increased, which could be in part due to light
commercial vehicles (LCV) and heavy goods vehicles (HGV) on UK roads. Comparing each day in 2022 to
its comparable pre-COVID day, LCV use was higher 95% of days, while HGV use was more on 88% of

The typical driver in the UK lost 80 hours due to traffic congestion last year, up 7 hours from last year but
down 35 hours from 2019, costing drivers an average of £707 in lost time. That’s in addition to the extra
cost of fuel, which INRIX calculated on page 6. A driver commuting in London pays an extra £212 ($278
USD) this year for fuel, while the average driver in Birmingham pays about £182 ($238 USD) more this
year to commute. The typical driver throughout the entire UK paid about £122 ($160 USD) more to

Traffic congestion cost the UK £9.5 billion in 2021, with 60% of that cost attributed to London’s
congestion. Out of the 110 urban areas analyzed in the UK, 79 have met or exceeded their pre-COVID
levels of delay.

2022 UK Change in
2022 Delay Compared to 2022 Cost 2022 Cost Center
Rank (2021 Urban Area City Center
(2021) Pre-COVID per Driver per City Speed
Rank) Speed
1 (1) London 156 (148) 5% £1,377 £5.7 B 10 -9%

2 (3) Bristol 91 (66) -12% £805 £175 M 14 -13%

3 (6) Manchester 84 (62) -9% £742 £191 M 14 -13%

4 (8) Birmingham 73 (53) -9% £646 £346 M 16 -11%

5 (7) Belfast 72 (60) -36% £636 £102 M 16 -6%

6 (9) Nottingham 71 (58) -9% £625 £97 M 14 -7%

7 (21) Edinburgh 67 (45) -32% £593 £150 M 16 -6%

8 (10) Hull 68 (56) -9% £604 £74 M 16 0%

9 (13) Leeds 60 (50) -9% £530 £196 M 16 -6%

10 (12) Leicester 62 (53) -15% £551 £92 M 16 -6%

Top 5 Worst Corridors in London

London holds most of the top corridors for traffic delays in the UK, with 4 out of the top 5. In general,
delays on London’s worst corridors increased over last year. In 2021, A503 East from Camden High Street
to B152 St Ann’s Road held the top spot at 42 hours lost annually. This year, A219, from Fulham Road to
Morden Hall Road takes the top spot at 47 hours lost for those who take the corridor.

2022 Peak 2022

Rank Urban Area Road Name From To Peak Hour Minutes Hours
Lost Lost

1 London A219 SB Fulham Rd Morden Hall Rd 5:00 PM 12 47

2 London A202 EB Neathouse Pl Peckham Hill St 5:00 PM 11 45

3 London A406 EB Falloden Way Bowes Rd 4:00 PM 11 42

4 London A24 SB The Avenue Merton High St 4:00 PM 10 38

5 London A205 EB Norwood Rd Ravensbourne Rd 4:00 PM 9 36

Top 10 Worst Corridors in the U.K. (outside of London)

2022 Peak 2022

Rank Urban Area Road Name From To Peak Hour Minutes Hours
Lost Lost

1 Birmingham A45 EB Bordesley Circus Henry Rd 4:00 PM 9 37

2 Leeds A6177 SB Bolton Rd Great Horton Rd 4:00 PM 8 34

3 Birmingham A435 SB Haden Circus Wynfield Gardens 4:00 PM 7 33

4 Edinburgh A902 WB Great Junction St Hillhouse Rd 4:00 PM 7 30

White Horse
5 Leeds A65 SB Park Road 4:00 PM 7 30
Moore Street
6 Sheffield A61 NB Bradfield Rd 4:00 PM 7 29

7 Birmingham A45 WB Hobs Moat Rd Bordesley Circus 4:00 PM 7 28

8 Birmingham A34 SB Camp Hill Circus Hamlet Rd 5:00 PM 7 28

Hicks Gate Bromley Heath

9 Bristol A4174 NB 5:00 PM 7 28
Roundabout Roundabout
City of Edinburgh
10 Edinburgh A702 SB Brougham St 4:00 PM 7 27



In 2022, Germany re-emerged toward its pre-COVID level of

travel. Yet certain measures by the government lessened the
Germany Findings
burden on most travelers. During the summer, German officials
• Time Lost: 40 hours, up 0
passed the 2.5 billion € “Energy Cost Relief Package,” which hours from 2021
included fuel subsidies and a 9 € per month train ticket
• Cost to Driver: 399 €, up 28
program, allowing regional and local travelers across the
€ from 2021
country unlimited travel for a subsidized fee.
• Cost to Country: 3.9 Billion €
The subsidized fuel price allowed drivers to travel without the • Fuel Costs: Up 5%
large price increases seen in neighboring European countries.
• Collisions: Up 5%
For example, a driver commuting in London paid about £212
($278 USD) more for petrol in 2022 than in 2021, but a
commuter in Berlin paid about 51 € ($57 USD) more.

Berlin topped the list for Impact Rank in 2022 with 71 hours per driver lost, a 9% increase over 2021’s 65
hours lost. Munich (74 hours lost) saw moderate decreases in congestion in 2022, falling from number 1 in
2021 to number 2 in 2022, largely due to above-average congestion in 2021 between late June and early
September. In addition to Munich, Cologne and Nuremberg also saw reductions in delay per driver.

German drivers in total lost more than 325 million hours to traffic jams in 2022, costing 3.9 billion € in lost
time. The typical German driver lost 40 hours in congestion, the same as 2021, yet lost 28 € more in the
value of lost time due to inflation. Though average driver delay remained flat, delays were still down from
their 2019-high of 46 hours lost per driver.

Downtown Change in
Germany 2022 Delay Compared to Cost per Cost per
Urban Area Speed (Last Downtown
Rank (2021 (2021) Pre-COVID Driver City
Mile, MPH) Speed

1 (2) Berlin 71 (65) 8% 714 € 963 M € 14 0%

2 (1) München 74 (79) -15% 746 € 390 M € 11 0%

3 (4) Hamburg 56 (47) 17% 569 € 372 M € 15 -6%

4 (7) Potsdam 55 (46) 57% 556 € 35 M € 16 0%

5 (10) Leipzig 46 (40) 38% 460 € 92 M € 16 0%

6 (22) Darmstadt 47 (37) 31% 472 € 27 M € 16 0%

7 (12) Freiburg 43 (40) 23% 435 € 36 M € 15 0%

8 (5) Köln 38 (42) -7% 387 € 148 M € 17 0%

9 (13) Bremen 40 (37) 8% 399 € 79 M € 16 -6%

10 Nürnberg 40 (41) -5% 399 € 74 M € 16 0%


Top 10 Worst Corridors in Germany
In Germany, worst corridors were mostly concentrated in Berlin, holding 3 spots in the top 10. Yet the
most congested corridor was in Munich, where drivers on the B2R Northbound from Stettnerstraße to
Plinganserstraße at 5:00 PM lost 51 hours last year if they commuted on that stretch of the B2R. Though
Munich held just one spot in the top 10, Berlin’s corridors ranked 5th, 6th, and 7th. Hamburg and Cologne
urban areas held two spots on the top 10 (2nd and 8th & 3rd and 4th, respectively).

Corridors in Kiel, Hannover, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt, which made the top 10 in 2021, fell from the list in
2022, while Cologne and Hamburg joined.

The number of hours lost on Germany’s worst corridors continued to increase. For example, in 2021 the
B2R Mittlerer Ring from Petuelring to Heimeranplatz ranked the highest at 27 hours lost if a driver took
that corridor every workday for the year. Yet in 2022, a driver on another corridor also located mostly on
the Mittlerer Ring, would spend 51 hours if taken every day to work.

Additionally, the most congested morning commute route was in Berlin, on the A1/B5 Westbound from
Myslowitzer Straße to Samariterstraße – the only morning commute listed in the top 10.

2022 Peak
Rank Urban Area Road Name From To Peak Hour Minutes
Hours Lost

1 München B2R NB Stettnerstraße Plinganserstraße 5:00 PM 13 51

2 Hamburg A7 SB HH-Volkspark HH-Waltershof 4:00 PM 10 40

Dreieck Köln-
3 Köln A3 NB Kreuz Leverkusen 4:00 PM 9 38
Dreieck Köln-
4 Köln AA59 SB Exit Troisdorf 4:00 PM 9 37
5 Berlin A1/B5 WB Myslowitzer Straße Samariterstraße 7:00 AM 8 33

6 Berlin B96 NB Roedernallee Bieselheider Weg 4:00 PM 8 32

7 Berlin A100 EB Hohenzollerndamm A103 4:00 PM 8 32

8 Hamburg Ring 2 SB Schwalbenplatz Sievekingsallee 4:00 PM 8 31

9 Bonn A565 NB Rulandsweg A555 4:00 PM 8 30

10 Wiesbaden A3 NB Mönchhof-Dreieck 4:00 PM 8 30


Just as most countries, states, cities, and towns completely lifted most mandates on social gatherings and
events – and as companies opened their doors to employees – the economic fallout from a weakened
supply chain, soaring energy and& oil prices, a war in Europe, and general inflationary pressure rippled
through most of the western world. Yet despite those challenges, Vehicle-Miles Traveled, or amount
people drive, largely stayed the same or even increased in certain urban areas and countries.

However, congestion has been generally increasing, as traffic patterns begin to look more like they did in
2019 than in 2021. The AM peak period continued to grow into the more traditional peak, as opposed to a
gradual increase in traffic throughout the day.

Trips to Downtown have generally increased from 2021, yet downtown city centers continue to lag pre-
COVID levels as office space vacancies continued to be stubbornly elevated and small businesses
struggled with a lack of workers flooding office buildings.

In the US, urban areas like Chicago and Miami saw significantly increased traffic congestion over last year.
In the UK, London continued its reign at the top of the Global Traffic Scorecard Impact Rank as the UK
continues to see more light commercial vehicles and heavy goods vehicles than it did prior to the COVID-
19 pandemic. In Germany, the energy package reduced the cost of travel in general, both on rail and for
fuel, reducing the burden fuel prices and alternatives to driving place on the traveling public.

Energy markets are hard to predict. Large scale energy infrastructure projects can take decades to build
and often face strong political opposition no matter the energy source. In lieu of that, governments
generally looked toward reducing demand for energy, with varying degrees of success or failure. It’s likely
higher-than-normal oil prices continue through 2023. Additionally, Bloomberg Economics gives a 100%
chance of a recession in the US within a year, which may put downward pressure on travel.

In the 2021 Global Traffic Scorecard, INRIX Research stated that it expects “growth in VMT, especially in
the US, to remain low, with a gradual increase over the coming years.” It largely expects the same for
2023, yet VMT may trend into negative territory should a recession strongly take hold.



i. “Why Office Buildings Are Still in Trouble,” The New York Times, November 17, 2022, by Peter Eavis, Julie Creswell and Joe
Rennison, at https://www.nytimes.com/2022/1/1/17/business/office-buildings-real-estate-vacancy.htm.
ii. “Traffic Safety Facts, Crash Stats; Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for the First Half (January – June) of
2022,” National Traffic Safety Administration, September 2022, at
iii. “Reported road casualties Great Britain, annual report: 2021,” GOV.UK, September 29, 2022, at
iv. “Monthly Module Adjusted Data Release,” National Transit Database, FTA, at transit.dot.gov/ntd/ntd-data
v. Ibid.
vi. “Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, GOV.UK, at
vii. “Number of bus and rail passengers up by just over a third in the 1st half of 2022,” DESTATIS, September 21, 2022 at
viii. “Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, GOV.UK, at
ix. Bike counters accessed: Germany: Berlin at https://www.berlin.de/sen/uvk/verkehr/verkehrsplanung/radverkehr/weitere-
radinfrastruktur/zaehlstellen-und-fahrradbarometer/karte/; Cologne at https://data.eco-counter.com/ParcPublic/?id=677;
Dusseldorf at https://data.eco-counter.com/ParcPublic/?id=857.
x. “Bike Counters,” Seattle Department of Transportation, accessed November 28, 2022, at
https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/bike-counters. Counters analyzed:
Fremont Bridge, Spokane St., 2nd Ave, Burke-Gilman, W 58th St Greenway, and Elliott Bay Trail. Other counters did not have
2022 data available; and “Annual Comparison by Month Dashboard,” San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency,
accessed November 28, 2022, at https://www.sfmta.com/reports/annual-comparison-month-dashboard; and “DC
Automated Bicycle and Pedestrian Counters,” at https://ddot.dc.gov/page/dc-automated-bicycle-and-pedestrian-counters;
and “Citi Bike Keeps Breaking Its Own Ridership Records in NYC,” Bicycling.com, September 27, 2022, at
xi. “Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, U.S. Regular Gasoline Prices,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, at
xii. US: “Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, U.S. Regular Gasoline Prices,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, at
https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/gasdiesel/; UK: “Weekly road fuel prices,” Department for Business, Energy & Industrial
Strategy, at https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/weekly-road-fuel-prices; and DE: “Consumer prices of petroleum
products: Germany,” CountryEconomy.com, at https://countryeconomy.com/energy/prices-gasoline-gas-oil-
heating/Germany. 25
xiii. “American Community Survey, Table B08301, Means of Transportation to Work,” ACS 2019 and 2021 1-year estimates, US
Census Bureau, at data.census.gov.
xiv. “Is hybrid working here to stay?,” Office for National Statistics, May 23, 2022, at
xv. “Traffic Safety Facts, Crash Stats; Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for the First Half (January – June) of
2022,” National Traffic Safety Administration, September 2022, at
xvi. “Reported road collisions, vehicles and casualties tables for Great Britain,” Department for Transport, at
xvii. “Provisional in-year statistics on reported road casualties,” Department for Transport, November 24, 2022 at
xviii. “Number of traffic accident fatalities expected to increase significantly to roughly 2,790 in 2022,” DESTATIS, December 5,
2022, at https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Society-Environment/Traffic-Accidents/_node.html.
xix. “Monthly Module Adjusted Data Release,” National Transit Database, FTA, at transit.dot.gov/ntd/ntd-data. Due to lagging
data reporting, periods analyzed were January through September, 2019-2022.
“Downtown trips lag metro area recoveries, results in less traffic congestion and transit ridership,” INRIX, March 2021, at
xx. “Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,” GOV.uk, at
https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/transport-use-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic; and “Number of bus
and rail passengers up by just over a third in the 1st half of 2022,” DESTATIS, September 21, 2022, a.
xxi. UK: Ibid. Germany: Berlin at https://www.berlin.de/sen/uvk/verkehr/verkehrsplanung/radverkehr/weitere-
radinfrastruktur/zaehlstellen-und-fahrradbarometer/karte/; Cologne at https://data.eco-counter.com/ParcPublic/?id=677;
Dusseldorf at https://data.eco-counter.com/ParcPublic/?id=857.
xxii. “Bike Counters,” Seattle Department of Transportation, accessed November 28, 2022, at
https://www.seattle.gov/transportation/projects-and-programs/programs/bike-program/bike-counters. Counters analyzed:
Fremont Bridge, Spokane St., 2nd Ave, Burke-Gilman, W 58th St Greenway, and Elliott Bay Trail. Other counters did not have
2022 data available.
xxiii. “Annual Comparison by Month Dashboard,” San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, accessed November 28, 2022,
at https://www.sfmta.com/reports/annual-comparison-month-dashboard.
xxiv. “Citi Bike Keeps Breaking Its Own Ridership Records in NYC,” Bicycling.com, September 27, 2022, at
xxv. “Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, GOV.UK, at

Launched in 2016, INRIX Research uses INRIX proprietary big data, analytics and industry
expertise to understand the movement of people and goods around the world.

We achieve this by leveraging billions of anonymous data points every day from a diverse
set of sources on all roads in countries of coverage. Our data provides a rich and fertile
picture of mobility that enables INRIX Research to produce valuable and actionable
insights for policy makers, transport professionals, automakers, and drivers.

INRIX Research has a team in Europe and North America, and is comprised of economists,
transportation policy specialists and data scientists with backgrounds in academia, think
tanks and commercial research and development groups. We have decades of experience
in applying rigorous, cutting-edge methodologies to answer salient, real-world problems.

In addition to our research outputs, INRIX research reports and data are a free and
valuable resource for journalists, researchers and policymakers. We are able to assist with
data, analysis and expert commentary on all aspects of urban mobility and smart cities.
Spokespeople are available globally for interviews.


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