(LB ANSWER) Cambridge Global English 1
(LB ANSWER) Cambridge Global English 1
(LB ANSWER) Cambridge Global English 1
5 Learner’s own answers.
Learner’s Book 1.4 This is my friend
Starter unit 1 Learner’s own answers.
1.3 Children around the world 2 Child 1: image 4; child 2: image 5; child 3:
image 1; child 4: image 3; child 5: image 2
1 Amira uses computers at school.
Marat reads at school. 3 Learner’s own answers.
Zak does maths at school. 4 a For Grandma: card with I love you, Grandma
2 Learner’s own answers. b For baby brother: toy with For my
3 By bicycle, bus, car, boat and walking. baby brother
4 Picture dictionary page 175 c For my sister: pencil with For my sister
1 Cambridge Global English – Elly Schottman & Caroline Linse © Cambridge University Press 2021
5 Learner’s own answers. Learners point to the two girls playing table
tennis/ping pong.
2.3 Let’s count!
Learners point to the girl bouncing a ball on
1 Picture dictionary page 168 the floor.
2 a There is 1 door. The girl can bounce the ball five times.
b There are 2 trees. 3 hit, kick, catch, bounce, roll, throw
c There are 5 flowers.
3.2 Can you do it?
3 There are two beds. There are six houses.
1 Learner’s own answers.
There is one door. There are five bowls.
There is one table. There is one computer. 2 Learner’s own answers.
1 Rice and chicken are in the shopping cart. 2 Learners follow instructions.
Carrots are next on the list. 4 Learners make up their own verse.
Kadar and his friends play football.
3.5 Short u
Mum makes a cake. Ana makes birthday hats.
5 Picture dictionary page 172
2 Learner’s own answers.
3.6 The Ker-PLUNK
3 Learner’s own answers.
2 a Rabbit is scared because of the noise.
4 Learner’s own answers.
b The nut falling in the pond makes the
5 Learner’s own answers. sound Ker-PLUNK.
Unit 3 c The rabbit, the frogs and the ducks
are silly.
Getting started
d The lion is wise.
Learner’s own answers.
4 a Learner’s own answers, e.g. Rabbit
3.1 Let’s have fun! looks worried.
1 Learners point to the two boys playing
football/soccer. b The ducks and frogs ask what is wrong.
2 Cambridge Global English – Elly Schottman & Caroline Linse © Cambridge University Press 2021
3 Cambridge Global English – Elly Schottman & Caroline Linse © Cambridge University Press 2021
5.1 What can you find on a farm? 3 There are 13 words: This, fish, fix, things, is,
fixing, ship, it, swing, little, fins, wings and minute.
1 Dina is feeding the horse and goat. The cow
is in her stall in the barn. The chicks and hens Words with the sh sound: fish, ship
are eating under the tree. Mum is in the field.
Dad is driving the tractor. There are four new Words with the short i sound: this, fish, fix(ing),
lambs. Dina is going to see the new lambs. things, is, ship, swing, little, it, fin, wings, minute
3 hen, cow, goat, horse, sheep 5.6 The Little Red Hen
4 here, here, there 2 a Little Red Hen is picking wheat.
5.2 Living on the farm b Little Red Hen is grinding wheat.
1 a A boy is feeding the cow. c Little Red Hen is making bread.
b A girl is carrying a lamb. d Everyone is eating the bread.
c A girl is picking strawberries. e Chick and Duck are sweeping the floor
and washing the dishes.
d A farmer is driving a tractor.
3 Learner’s own answers.
e A boy and his grandma are planting seeds.
4 Learner’s own answers.
2 a They are planting seeds.
4 Cambridge Global English – Elly Schottman & Caroline Linse © Cambridge University Press 2021
d The boy is playing the triangle. 3 The side feels like a wall.
e Learner’s own answers, e.g. There is The tail feels like a rope.
1 triangle.
The trunk feels like a snake.
2 Learner’s own answers. The leg feels like a tree.
3 Learner’s own answers, e.g. The ear feels like a giant fan.
a ball: hard, round 5 a They can hear it.
b pencil: hard, short b They can feel the dots.
c bat: hard, flat 6 Learner’s own answers.
d paper clip: hard, flat
Unit 7
e socks: soft, short
Getting started
6.4 Sweet and loud Learner’s own answers.
1 a apple
7.1 How do we travel around?
b banana 1 Learners point to slide, tower, river, car, plane.
c watermelon
2 I can climb up a tower.
d kiwi
I can slide down a slide.
e orange
I can float down the river.
2 Sweet: banana, strawberry, mango
Not sweet: lemon, carrot, bean I can drive a little car.
Juicy: lemon, strawberry, mango I can fly in a plane.
Not juicy: banana, carrot, bean
3 float, fly, slide, climb, drive
4 quiet, loud, high, low
4 Learner’s own answers.
6.5 Short o
7.2 Vehicles
1 Learner’s own answers, e.g. The frog is on
the box. 2 Learner’s own answers.
2 a 3 3 Has wheels: motorcycle, bus, plane
b 2 Doesn’t have wheels: boat, train, snowmobile
c 1 7.3 Make a helicopter and a plane
3 Four words have the short o sound: pot, hot, 2 Learner’s own answers.
popcorn and pop.
4 Learner’s own answers.
4 There are 14 words: hop/s, Bob, frog, pond,
stop, odd, tock, fox, clock, rock, bop, flop, 5 Learner’s own answers.
on, of.
7.4 Describing things
5 Picture dictionary page 174
3 Learner’s own answers.
6.6 Five Friends and the Elephant
7.5 Long e spelling ee
2 Learner’s own answers, e.g. Because they are
blind/cannot see. They need to use their other 1 a The letters ee make a long e sound.
senses to learn about the elephant. b ‘Tree’ and ‘knee’ rhyme.
c wheel
5 Cambridge Global English – Elly Schottman & Caroline Linse © Cambridge University Press 2021
2 Other question words beginning with wh are 3 a There are three shops.
what, where and who.
b Answers will vary. For example, bread in
3 A boy brushing his teeth; three sheep, one is the bakery.
asleep; bees; a girl planting seeds kneeling/on c Stop.
her knees; a jeep making a beep beep sound;
a wheel; a tree. 8.2 Around the city
4 What do bees make? A Jeep goes 3 Learner’s own answers.
Where do sheep sleep? BEEP BEEP.
4 fourth door: yellow, fifth door: red, sixth door:
What sound does a Bees make honey. yellow, seventh door: red, eighth door: yellow,
Jeep make? Sheep sleep in ninth door: red, tenth door: yellow. The
a field. pattern is red, yellow, repeated.
6 Cambridge Global English – Elly Schottman & Caroline Linse © Cambridge University Press 2021
2 Learners point to the correct image within b The paper clip doesn’t float.
each picture.
c The paper boat floats.
3 In the first picture the goose is on the bus.
d The pear doesn’t float.
In the second picture the goose is on the train.
2 Learner’s own answers.
In the third picture the goose is next to the
traffic light. 9.5 Long a spellings – ai and ay
In the fourth picture the goose is sitting at a 1 rain, away, again, day, play
table under an umbrella.
2 a It’s a rainy day.
4 Learner’s own answers.
b Let’s paint a snail.
5 Learner’s own answers.
c Let’s play with the train.
Unit 9 3 stay, play, rainy, day, snail/s, playing, say, wait,
away, hooray
Getting started
Learner’s own answers. 9.6 The Song of the Toad
2 a Real
9.1 Why is water important?
b Make-believe
1 Suggested answers: rain, people with
umbrellas, wind blowing the umbrellas, coats c Real
and hats, a little boy in a yellow raincoat, a
yellow rain hat and red boots, jumping in a d Real
puddle, green grass, flowers and a tree e Make-believe
3 sunny, hot, rainy, cloudy, cold, windy 5 Learner’s own answers.
7 Cambridge Global English – Elly Schottman & Caroline Linse © Cambridge University Press 2021