Answer Key Grade 5 Revision Sheet
Answer Key Grade 5 Revision Sheet
Answer Key Grade 5 Revision Sheet
Smooth Digestion , Involuntary
Muscles blood
Spindle shaped
Skeletal Limbs Striped or striated Voluntary
VI) Label True Ribs, False Ribs , Floating Ribs ,
Sternum , Vertebral Column
VII) Identify the type of Muscles:-
Intestine: - Smooth muscles / involuntary muscles
Lungs: - Smooth muscles / involuntary muscles
Triceps: - Striated muscles /voluntary muscles /
striped muscles
Heart: - Cardiac Muscles
Kidney: - Smooth muscles / involuntary muscles
Fingers: - Striated muscles /voluntary muscles / striped muscles
VIII) Explain the contraction and expansion of
muscles in lowering and lifting your arm.
Muscles work in pairs. When you lift your arm
biceps contract and triceps expand. When you
lower your arm triceps contract and biceps expand.
IX) Label sternum, gliding joint, ball and socket joint,
hinge Joint, Pivot joint, Shoulder girdle ( pectoral girdle), Hip
Girdle (pelvic Girdle)
X) Label Bone, Muscle, ligament and tendon.
Function :-
Location :-
IV) Identify at least one joints used in these activities:-
1. Jogging: - ________________
2. Swimming:-___________________
3. Writing: - ___________________
4. Cycling:- ____________________
5. Exercising the neck:-________________________
Smooth Muscles
Skeletal muscles
VI) Label True Ribs, False Ribs, Floating Ribs, Sternum , Vertebral Column
VII) Identify the type of Muscles:-
Intestine: - ________________________
Lungs: - ___________________________
Triceps: - __________________________
Heart: - __________________________
Kidney: - ___________________________
Fingers: - _____________________________
VIII) Explain the contraction and expansion of muscles in lowering and lifting
your arm.
IX) Label sternum, gliding joint, ball and socket joint , hinge
joint, Pivot joint, Shoulder girdle ( pectoral girdle), Hip Girdle (pelvic Girdle)
X) Label Bone, Muscle , ligament and tendon .