Manuscript Tesfaye.G
Manuscript Tesfaye.G
Manuscript Tesfaye.G
Abstract - This paper aims to optimize the process parameter of MIG welding on butt-welded 304L stain-
less steel material. The study examines effect of welding current, welding voltage, and welding speed on
quality of butt-welded joints. The quality characteristics of metallographic analysis of weld zone and Heat
affected zone, Mechanical properties of tensile test and hardness test are measured for output of good joint
strength. The mechanical properties and microstructural outcomes of the experiments are studied using
ANSYS to find out the significance of input parameters on output. Microstructure revealed changes in
solidification structure, grain formation, and distribution when the heat increased and cooling decreased. The
mechanical properties of yield stress, tensile stress, % elongation was affected by the microstructural change.
Calculated thermal stress decreases the residual stress of the weldment. Increment of welding current and
welding speed variations has a significant effect on mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of
welded material.
to the large number of variables present in the distance on weld quality and microstructure of
manufacturing process. Variation in the raw welded joints [8] studied on 304L stainless steel
material (composition, thickness, internal faults, welded by MIG welding for investigation of
etc.), variation in the surface condition (presence of mechanical properties and microstructural
dust, grease, oil, etc.), change of operator, variation characterization [9]. A numerical simulation with
in the spacing between two to be welded pieces, sequential coupled thermal-mechanical finite
variation in welding speed, and possibly variation element model has been performed for analyzing
in electrodes [6]. One of the most important joining the temperature field, residual stresses and
processes in the industry is metal inert gas welding. distortions. For the detailed validation of
MIG welding can be used to join identical materials applicability of the proposed model, simulated and
as well as those that are dissimilar. This approach is experimentally measured weld pool shape, residual
often used to adjust the thickness of sheets from stresses and distortions were compared [10].
thin to thick. Joint consistency is defined by a Through the analysis of MIG groove welding
variety of factors, including the joint's tensile process and welding experimental result, a
strength, microstructure, hardness, and penetration. complete two-dimensional mathematical model of
Different welding input process variables or their weld section molten pool characteristics was
combinations, such as welding voltage, welding established. Use Gaussian heat source distribution
current, wire feed rate, welding speed, and so on, to describe the weld heat source, introduced the
affect these factors. MIG welding can be used as a welding speed to establish transient heat source
manual welding operation as well as an automatic model on the cross section [11]. In this paper, a
process. The main advantage of MIG welding is the numerical analysis of multi-pass single V-groove
automatic continuous feeding filler wire. It can also weld in butt joint (three passes) of AISI 304L
be used to join unalloyed steel, aluminum alloy, and stainless steel, using the conventional MIG/ MAG
stainless steel [7]. The different types of welding process is presented.
input process parameters welding current, welding
The numerical simulations were performed by
voltage, welding speed, nozzle distance, wire feed
ANSYS® Multiphysics software, considering a
rate, gas flow rate and torch angle etc. play a very
moving heat source with Gaussian type
significant role in determining the quality of a weld
distribution, convection and radiation heat transfer
joint. All welding processes are used in general to
on the surfaces and temperature-dependent material
produce a welded joint with the required weld-bead
properties, for both mechanical and thermal
characteristics, good mechanical qualities, and low
simulations [12].
distortion. The effect of arc voltages, current,
welding speed, wires feed rate and nozzle-to-plate
The focus of this studies is, in searching of For this study, butt welding joint technique of SS
obtaining optimal process parameter by 304L sheet metal welded at different welding
investigating the microstructural characterization parameters of welding current, welding voltage and
and mechanical properties of welded material in welding speed. ..From standard stainless-steel sheet
MIG welding application and predicting of thermal metal 18 pieces of 100 x 100x 5mm are prepared
simulation result effect on mechanical properties and milled 300. A scientific approach for the
and microstructural evolution of welded material. combination effect of process parameter on the
output of planning the experiments is carried out by
2. Material and methods
statistical design of experiments. Taguchi based
The stainless-steel 304L material otherwise known design of experiment (DOE) is designed using the
as ASTM A240 stainless steel sheet was studied. OA orthogonal array. Hence, in this study, L9
Electrode wire SS308Si was selected for welding orthogonal array is selected based on having 3
process which has the same properties of chemical columns and 9 experiments runs as shown in table
and mechanical properties with the parental 2.3. Prepared sample -In accordance with to table
material to be welded. 2.4 the weld samples are prepared for tensile,
hardness and microstructural image test.
2.1 Experimental work
Table 2.2 Chemical compositions percentage of SS 304L and wire SS308Si [13].
Composition, %(a)
Type UNS NO. C Mn Si Cr Ni P S
304L S30403 0.03 2.0 1.00 18.0-20.0 8.0-12.0 0.045 0.03
Wire SS308Si 0.014 1.78 0.85 19.67 10.4 0.015 0.001
Table 2.3 Level of control factors for MIG welding Table 2.4 L9 OA (3*3) for input value parameter.
Expt. No Current Voltage (V) mm/s W. S Current (Amp) Voltage (V) Speed (mm/s)
A total of twenty-seven (27) tensile I-test (figure
2.3) was carried out based on ASTM E8 (figure
2.2). The tensile test was carried out using the
Bairoe computer-controlled electro hydraulic
universal testing machine and the I-test (figure 2.4)
Figure 2.4 Tensile tests result after testing
was measured 3 times and take an average result.
The microstructural test was done using a 3D 2.2 Numerical method
optical scanning microscope for analysis of the Welding process is considered as a thermal
microstructural image (WZ and HAZ). mechanical-metallurgical coupled problem. The
Microstructural samples (figure 2.1c) were finite element method (FEM) is used for predicting
produced from welds per ASTM E23. The hardness the temperature history and its effect on mechanical
test (figure 2.1c) was carried out using a Rockwell properties and microstructural evolution. For this
hardness tester and 3 times for parental metal, WZ study, A two-dimensional (2D) heat transfer model
and HAZ were taken. was considered for the analysis of the MIG
welding. Sequentially linked thermo-mechanical
model is used for prediction of thermal result,
cooling rate, and stresses. In order to predict, the
surface Gaussian heat source model is generally
Figure 2.1 a) Welded samples (100x200x5mm) of material b) Prepared
used by considering a thin plate, where the
samples (20x200x5mm) for I specimen test c) Samples (20x40x5mm)
for microstructural and hardness test.
distribution along the thickness is not considered
[14, 15-16]. Thermal simulation on Butt-joint
welding process is done by finite element method
ANSYS workbench 2021 R2 software to illustrate
the thermal effect. Temperature-dependent SS
Figure 2.2 Tensile specimen (ASTM E8/E8M-13a tensile test 304L material [15] is considered in the finite
standards) element model for prediction and for analysis of its
effect on experimental output. The finite element
mesh (figure 3.21) was selected for uniform and
coarse mesh, to minimize the time of calculation.
heat source, a popular one among the second- where 𝑞𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum heat flux in the center
generation models, to approximately express the of the heat source, and Q is the heat flux of the arc.
heat flux in the heating spot. For the normal The overall heat output Q is calculated as a product
welding process, the Gaussian distributed heat of both the current, voltage, and heat transfer
source model can provide precise enough results. efficiency η from a source into the material [18-19].
The heat flux q(r), with a distance r from the heat 𝑉𝑥𝐼
𝑄=( ) 𝑥 𝑎𝑟𝑐 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝐼𝐺 𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 ….2.2
source center, is expressed by: 𝐴
Figure 3.22 Heat source Mode Figure 2.5 Finite Element meshing of the weld samples
Figure 3.1 Microstructural image result in 100Amp A) 3.33mm/s and voltage 21V, B) 3.57mm/s and 22V and C) 3.85mm/s and 23V.
Table 3.1 Tensile test and hardness test. The weighted average of multi-objective grey
relational coefficients (𝛿𝑖 (𝑘) for all sequences,
W. S %ε WZ HAZ
(Mpa) (Mpa) expresses the relationship between the ideal(best)
B. M 1521.0 1752.0 45.00 110.00 and actual normalized S/N ratio. Where ∆0𝑖 (𝑘) =∥
1 1270. 1352.0 22.78 102.9 105.5
𝑥0 ∗ (𝑘) − 𝑥𝑖 ∗ (𝑘) ∥ , 𝜑 is distinguishing
2 1279.0 1361.3 22.28 98.33 105.4
3 1401.0 1547.0 35.08 97.77 102.7 coefficient whose value lies in the range of 0 to 1
4 1367.3 1507.7 29.1 97.73 101.1 i.e., 0< 𝜑 < 1, but it is generally taken 0.5, ∆𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑘)
5 1374.3 1519.7 35.92 98.8 101.87
and ∆𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑘) is the minimum and maximum value
6 1304.8 1448.7 34.23 98.87 102.9
of ∆0𝑖 (𝑘).
7 1361.7 1471.0 31.06 98.27 101.13
8 1341.3 1410.3 30.00 98.27 103.37 ∆𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑘)−𝜑∆𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑘)
9 1340.7 1420.0 27.47 98.70 103.70
𝛿𝑖 (𝑘) = ∆0𝑖 (𝑘)−𝜑∆𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑘)
A grey relational generating is performed by 𝛾𝑖 (𝑥0 ∗, 𝑥1 ∗) = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑤𝑖 𝛿(𝑥0 ∗ (𝑘), 𝑥0 ∗ (𝑘)) …3.4
normalizing using equn 3.2 for the experimental
Where 𝛾𝑖 (𝑥0 ∗, 𝑥1 ∗)is the GRG for the ith
data in the range between zero and unity.
experiment, 𝑤𝑖 is the weighting value of the ith
𝑥𝑖0 (𝑘)−𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑥𝑖0 (𝑘)
𝑥𝑖 (𝑘) = ………………….3.2 performance characteristic and n is characteristics
𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑥𝑖0 (𝑘)−𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑥𝑖0 (𝑘)
performance number.
where 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘) is the value after the GRG, 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑥𝑖0 (𝑘)
The main effect analysis of GRG is obtained for
is the smallest value of 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘) for the 𝑘 𝑡ℎ response,
cumulative effect on tensile and hardness test result.
and 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑥𝑖0 (𝑘) is the largest value of 𝑥𝑖 (𝑘) for the
Table 3.3 shows the average of each response
𝑘 𝑡ℎ response. An ideal sequence x0(k) is for the
characteristic for each level of each factor.
Considering the highest GRG value for each
Table 3.2 Normalization of experimental data. parameter, the optimal combination of process
𝜎𝑌𝑆 𝜎𝑈𝑆 WZ HAZ parameters corresponds to the combination
W. S %ε
(Mpa) (Mpa) (HRB) (HRB) analyzed through the of means (ANOMA). Table
1. 0.000 0.000 0.037 1.000 1.000 3.4 and figure 3.3 shows Main effects of Grey
2. 0.067 0.048 0.000 0.116 0.977
Relational Grade response graph and table of
3. 1.000 1.000 0.938 0.008 0.357
4. 0.742 0.798 0.500 0.000 0.000
cumulative (tensile & hardness).
5. 0.796 0.860 1.000 0.207 0.174
6. 0.264 0.496 0.876 0.000 0.000
7. 0.699 0.610 0.644 0.104 0.008
8. 0.543 0.299 0.566 0.104 0.515
9. 0.538 0.349 0.380 0.188 0.591
Table 3.3. Grey relation coefficient and Grey relational grade.
Table 3.4 Main effects of GRG table. Figure 3.3 Main effects of GRG response.
Based on the value of rank shown in figure 4.11, current < welding speed < welding voltage. From
combination effect on the output of cumulative the Table 4.12 (ANOVA for GRG), it is observed
result can be concluded from the response table that that welding current is the dominant factor on the
control parameters affecting the response variables response variable with a contribution of 51.17%
follows the order in ascending order, welding followed by travel speed and welding voltage.
3.3 Thermal result
applies, the temperature of the plate falls as the 3.4 C. R effect on microstructural of weldment
welding speed increases. The cooling rate (C.R) of
the different weld sample is calculated in phase
transformation range of temperature distribution
800°C to 500°C, this temperature range is useful to
phase transformation. The centerline cooling rate
for thin materials in a two-dimensional case was
considered based on the thin plate study given
[25,26]. For an increased heat input (welding
Figure 3.5 WZ microstructural image result in a low heat input
current, travel speed and welding voltage)
calculated cooling rate (table 3.6) of the weldment
reduced from 6.08°C/sec to 2.54°C/sec.
current 100Amp in figure 3.5, the temperature of W. S Peak Temperature (℃) Cooling rate (℃/s)
the weld sample is decreased from 718.39 C to 1 718.39 5.46
% elongation obtained at lower temperature and at important temperature gradient in and around the
higher C.R whereas a lower hardness result is welded area. Its property and microstructure are
obtained. Further increased in medium and high affected by the thermal cycle. The mechanical
heat input range results in a higher temperature and properties of the welded metal and the HAZ are
a decreased in C.R, figure 3.6 and 3.7. This closely related to their microstructures, which are
variation results a coarse grain formation and dependent on the thermal history (cycles). Process
scattered ferrite distribution as can be seen in figure parameter effect on thermal cycle, microstructural
g and i. Temperature range of 800–1250◦C, which evolution and residual stress in transversal direction
is accompanied by the decrease in dislocation was investigated. Figure 3.8, for constant welding
density and dissolution of ferrite, causes the current and for an increased welding speed the
decrease in strength [29]. Due to high displacement temperature of WZ and HAZ increases for
density in austenitic grains and coarse ferrite, decreased heat input. These thermal results
mechanical properties of yield stress, ultimate increment, increased the cooling rate of WZ and
tensile strength and ductility of high heat input HAZ. Corresponding obtained microstructural
range is decreased comparing to medium heat input image result indicates; grains formation and
decrease of heat input and with an increase of increased for an increased travel speed. Obtained
temperature, grain formation of ferrite was better result shows, the weld zone, and HAZ residual
and fine grain was obtained. The finite element stress increased from -48.9 MPa to -74.8 MPa and
analysis result of residual stress distributions -72.1MPa to -85 MPa respectively. Whereas WZ
shows, tensile and compressive types of stresses are and HAZ tensile stress obtained result shows a
seen in the weld zone and heat-affected zone; this little. Compressive stresses improve the strength of
is ascribed to various temperature profiles. It can be the material, and better balanced compressive
seen that for unform welding current and for transversal residual stress was obtained in weld
variable welding speed, compressive stress was sample 3 [31, 32].
Figure 3.8 Shows cropped microstructural image, thermal cycle & stress distribution graph of WS1, WS2 & WS3.
W. S Weld zone and Heat affected zone Thermal and stress graph along transversal direction
800 711.11 3.E+08
700 2.00E+08
600 556.3 1.46E+08
Stress (MPa)
500 2.E+08
Temprature 0C
400 1.24E+08
1 300 149.98
800 721.86
700 665.94 2.E+08 1.94E+08
Stress (MPa)
582.61 2.E+08 1.46E+08
Temprature 0C
2 300 169.5 7.82E+07
5.E+07 3.91E+07
77.257 3.74E+06
0 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
W.C=100Amps, T. S=3.57mm/s, Q=65.1x106W/mm2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Distance from the weld line center/m Distance from the weld line center/m
800 3.E+08
674.08 2.E+08 1.95E+08
600.21 1.43E+08
Stress (MPa)
2.E+08 1.18E+08
Temprature 0C
3 200
1.E+08 8.89E+07
57.809 7.48E+07
0 4.53E+06
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
W.C=100Amps, T. S=3.85mm/s, Q=63.2x10 W/mm2 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Distance from the weld line center/m Distance from the weld line center/m
The thermal result obtained indicates that with the HAZ compared to the low heat input range. The
increases of heat input (72.6 to 87.4 W/m2), thermal corresponding tensile residual stress in the fusion
behavior is increased and the compressive residual zone was decreased for an increased temperature,
stress is decreased as shown in figure 3.9. Effect of but HAZ tensile residual stress result has little
welding current, results a higher temperature result difference.
Figure 3.9 Shows cropped microstructural image, thermal cycle & stress distribution graph of WS4, WS5 & WS6 .
W. S Weld zone and Heat affected zone Thermal and stress graph along transversal direction
1000 3.E+08
800 2.E+08 1.99E+08
Stress (MPa)
600 2.E+08 1.30E+08
Temprature 0C
620.61 9.69E+07
4 400 1.E+08
156.35 8.08E+07
200 5.E+07 3.13E+07
0 0.E+00 4.88E+06
W.C=120Amps, T. S=3.57mm/s, Q=74.6x106W/mm2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Distance from the weld line center/m Distance from the weld line center/m
1000 3.E+08
800 2.01E+08
713.61 2.E+08
Stress (MPa)
600 1.22E+08
Temprature 0C
617.66 2.E+08
5 400 1.E+08
138.55 8.67E+07
200 65.098 5.E+07 3.84E+07
0 5.80E+06
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
W.C=120Amps, T. S=3.85mm/s, Q=72.6x106W/mm2 Distance from the weld line center/m Distance from the weld line center/m
862.43 3.E+08
800 2.E+08 2.00E+08
Stress (MPa)
Temprature 0C
600 2.E+08
634.6 9.70E+07
6 400
1.E+08 8.63E+07
5.E+07 5.28E+07
200 68.403
0 0.E+00
W.C=120Amps, T. S=3.33mm/s, Q=87.4x106W/mm2 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Distance from the weld line center/m Distance from the weld line center/m
distribution for lower welding speed, the thermal An increased more welding current (140Amp); the
behavior of the weld zone and heat-affected zone outcome of simulated thermal effect increased, and
temperature increased as compared to the low heat WZ residual stress decreased in figure 3.10. An
input range. Due to thermal effect coarse grain increasing heat/temperature results in a decrement
formation, and large distribution ferrite is obtained of cooling rate having coarse grain formation and
in the middle heat input range. the austenite grain scattered ferrite distribution. The tensile and
size was slightly increased, and the δ-ferrite content compressive stresses distribution graph behavior
in the transverse direction was increased. For an was different compared to the low and middle heat
increased temperature, the compressive residual input range. Due to the incremental in thermal
stress was decreased from -74.8 MPa to -52.8 MPa stress in the weld zone, residual stress distribution
in WZ and increased from -85 MPa to -86.7 MPa in was more tensile behavior in weld samples 8 and 9.
The tensile residual stress is located in the weld the thermal effect on tensile stress has little change
zone near the weld joint transition ranges 99.3 to but the compressive stress was increased in this
115MPa whereas residual compressive stresses zone. Volume expansion during the cooling-
present 14.9 to 33.2 MPa. Corresponding tensile induced transition from austenite to ferrite is the
and compressive residual stress of HAZ reaches the primary cause of these compressive residual stress,
maximum range of 196 to 202 MPa and 94.7 to 104 which superimpose with transformation residual
MPa respectively. Heat affected zone indicates that stresses [32, 34].
Figure 3.10. Shows cropped microstructural image, thermal cycle & stress distribution graph of WS7, WS8 & WS9.
W. S Weld zone and Heat affected zone Thermal and stress graph along transversal direction
1000 3.E+08
800 2.E+08
Stress (MPa)
Temprature 0C
7 400 1.E+08
156.31 3.32E+07
200 72.27
W.C=140Amps, T. S=3.85mm/s, Q=80.8x106W/mm2 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
Distance from the weld line center/m Distance from the weld line center/m
1000 3.E+08
926.73 1.96E+08
800 2.E+08
Stress (MPa) 2.E+08
Temprature 0C
Stress MPa
Conclusion the tensile stress weakened. An increased
transverse stress of HAZ was observed.
• Welding current and welding speed variation
• Prominent microstructural variance in the FZ,
results in a decrease of tensile result of yield
HAZ and BM was obtained from the
stress, ultimate tensile strength, and ductility of
microstructural mage. The microstructure
weld sample as a factor of thermal changes.
evolution was closely related with the calculated
• Increasing the welding heat input, the
thermal cycles.
solidification mode transferred from AF mode to
FA mode, and the morphology of different types
of δ-ferrites. The δ-ferrite content indicated the
I would like to thank Dr. Samuel. T, Dr. Mulugeta.
highest tendency of all conditions through the
H and Dr. Getasew. A for their expertise and
welding sample 3 attributed to fine grain with
assistance throughout all aspects of my study and
fine structure and higher tensile test result with
for their help in writing the manuscript.
a lower hardness.
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