CH 1 PLCs An Overview-1
CH 1 PLCs An Overview-1
CH 1 PLCs An Overview-1
Experimental Design for Engineers
(MIEng 6331)
Introduction to Programmable
Logic Controllers
Structure – Introduction to PLC
Design and PLC information and Programming Programming
operational communication methods techniques
characteristics techniques
2.1. Introduction 2.3. Digital systems 2.5. Ladder and 2.7. Internal relays
functional block
2.2. Input-output 2.4. I/O processing programming 2.8. Jump and call
2.6. IL, SFC and 2.9. Timers
ST programming
2.10. Counters
2.11. Shift registers
2.14. Programs
Ch 1
Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs):
An Overview
Learning objectives
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Define what a programmable logic controller
(PLC) is and list its advantages over relay
Identify the main parts of a PLC and describe
their functions
Outline the basic sequence of operation for a PLC
Identify the general classifications of PLCs
1.1. Programmable Logic Controllers
Most widely used
industrial process control
A programmable logic
controller (PLC) is an
industrial grade computer
that is capable of being
designed for multiple input and output
arrangements, programmed to perform
extended temperature ranges, control functions.
immunity to electrical noise, and The programmable
resistance to vibration and impact. controller has eliminated
an example of a real-time system since much of the hardwiring
the output of the system controlled by associated with
the PLC depends on the input
conventional relay control
1.1. Programmable Logic Controllers (Cont…)
basically a digital computer designed for use in machine control.
designed to operate in the industrial environment and is equipped
with special input/output interfaces and a control programming
offers several advantages over a conventional relay type of
small and inexpensive compared to equivalent relay-based
process control systems
Relays have to be hardwired to perform a specific function
When the system requirements change, the relay wiring has to be
changed or modified.
A very important component in an Electrical Circuit.
between the inputs
and outputs are
determined by the
user program
1.2. Parts of a PLC (Cont…)
Programming device:
used to enter the desired program
into the memory of the processor.
program can be entered using relay
ladder logic- most popular
programming languages
hand-held programming device &
most PLCs have software available
so that a PC can be used as the
programming device.
software allows users to create,
edit, document, store, and
troubleshoot ladder logic
1.2. Parts of a PLC (Cont…)
user-developed series of instructions that directs the
PLC to execute actions.
Programming language provides rules for combining
the instructions so that they produce the desired
Relay ladder logic (RLL): standard programming
language used with PLCs. Its origin is based on
electromechanical relay control.
Relay ladder logic program graphically represents
rungs of contacts, coils, and special instruction blocks.
1.3. Principles of Operation