Lecture 5 - Recruitment and Placement Part 2
Lecture 5 - Recruitment and Placement Part 2
Lecture 5 - Recruitment and Placement Part 2
Recruitment and Placement (Part II) of the definition contradicts the first part, how
to harmonize this conflict?
Relevant Principles
Answer: Regardless of the number of
A liaison officer working in a persons dealt with, recruitment and
recruitment company, bearing a job placement are still constituted. The proviso
order and canvassing in a remote merely lays down a rule of evidence that
barangay is engaged in recruitment where a fee is collected in consideration of a
and placement. promise or offer of employment to two (2) or
The offer of employment need not be more prospective workers, the individual or
categorical. entity dealing with them shall be deemed to
The employment aspect initiated by a be engaged in the act of recruitment and
person and not by an employee of a placement. The words "shall be deemed"
travel agency does not amount to create that presumption. (People vs. Panis)
engagement in recruitment and
placement. Illegal Recruitment
Referral letter by a Labor Arbiter
A person, entity, partnership or
amounts to recruitment and
corporation recruits without a license or
an authority to recruit.
Mere suggestion to complainants
where they could apply is equivalent or License
tantamount to referral. (People vs.
Martinez) - It is an authority also given to a person,
A person referred to an educational entity, corporation or partnership to
institution by a recruitment agency for operate a recruitment agency.
the reason of training and by the - Broader in scope, since recruitment
initiative of the client does not amount violations can arise and disciplinary
to recruitment and placement. Such actions.
employment contracted abroad is mere Authority
consequence after training of the
client. - Issued to liaison officers normally.
The mere fact that the recruitment - The value of the authority issued to a
agency does not charge any placement person is that the person can go out of
fees will not detract the fact that it still the premises of the recruitment
engaged in recruitment and placement. agency, provided that it explicitly
All acts under the definition of provides where it can happen.
recruitment and placement must be - More specific in scope, since only
committed towards employment, and disciplinary actions may arise.
not for any other purpose. GR: Only Filipino citizens can engage in
Question: The definition of "recruitment and recruitment and placement. (for single
placement" under Art. 13(b) of the Labor proprietorship)
Code includes promising or advertising for XPN: Foreigners can come in the picture in
employment, locally or abroad, whether for juridical entities such as partnership or
profit or not, provided, that any person or corporations, provided that the 75%
entity which, in any manner, offers or capitalization requirement is owned by
promises for a fee, employment to two or Filipinos.
more persons shall be deemed engaged in
recruitment and placement. The second part
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Labor Law Review Lecture Notes – October 25, 2022 Prepared by: JOSE, Lovella Anne J.
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Labor Law Review Lecture Notes – October 25, 2022 Prepared by: JOSE, Lovella Anne J.
NOTE: RA 8042 expounded the concept of Penalties for Local Illegal Recruitment:
illegal recruitment by including licensees or Art. 39 of the Labor Code
holders or authorities can be guilty of illegal
Penalties. –
recruitment by engaging in the prohibited
acts. (a) The penalty of life imprisonment and a fine
of One Hundred Thousand Pesos
Most common forms of illegal
(P100,000.00) shall be imposed if illegal
recruitment constitutes economic sabotage as
1. Illegal recruitment committed by a defined herein;
non-licensee or non-holder of
(b) Any licensee or holder of authority found
violating or causing another to violate any
2. Failure to deploy without any fault on
provision of this Title or its implementing rules
the part of the applicant;
and regulations shall, upon conviction
3. Failure to reimburse placement fee in
thereof, suffer the penalty of imprisonment of
case of non-deployment.
not less than two years nor more than five
Elements of the First Concept of Illegal years or a fine of not less than P10,000 nor
Recruitment: more than P50,000, or both such
imprisonment and fine, at the discretion of
1. No license or no authority to recruit;
the court;
2. Commission of any of the act of
recruitment and placement mentioned (c) Any person who is neither a licensee nor a
in Art. 13 of the Labor Code. holder of authority under this Title found
violating any provision thereof or its
Elements of the Second Concept of
implementing rules and regulations shall,
Illegal Recruitment:
upon conviction thereof, suffer the penalty of
1. With license or authority to recruit; imprisonment of not less than four years nor
2. Commission of the prohibited acts more than eight years or a fine of not less
enumerated in the Labor Code or RA than P20,000 nor more than P100,000 or both
8042. such imprisonment and fine, at the discretion
of the court;
Two Kinds of Illegal Recruitment
(d) If the offender is a corporation,
1. Simple Illegal Recruitment partnership, association or entity, the penalty
2. Qualified Illegal Recruitment/Economic shall be imposed upon the officer or officers
Sabotage of the corporation, partnership, association or
a. By Syndicate [3 or more persons entity responsible for violation; and if such
conspiring to commit] officer is an alien, he shall, in addition to the
b. By Large-scale [3 or more penalties herein prescribed, be deported
persons recruited] without further proceedings;
Simple Illegal Recruitment (e) In every case, conviction shall cause and
Elements: carry the automatic revocation of the license
or authority and all the permits and privileges
1. No valid license or authority; granted to such person or entity under this
2. With license or with authority; Title, and the forfeiture of the cash and surety
3. The offender undertakes any of the bonds in favor of the Overseas Employment
recruitment activity under the law [RA Development Board or the National Seamen
8042, as amended] Board, as the case may be, both of which are
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