Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
(1) Determine the order and degree of the following differential equations. Also, mention that they are
linear or non-linear.
d5 y dy
(a) + 10 + y = 2x + 1.
dx5 dx
" 2 #3 3 2
dy d y
(b) 1 + = .
dx dx3
d2 y
dy 2
(c) 1 + = x 2.
dx dx
d3 y dy
(d) 3
+ xcos(y) = f (y), where f (y) is a continuous function.
dx dx
(2) Convert the ODE y n f (x) + g( xy )(y − xy ′ ) = 0 into a separable ODE.
(3) xy ′ = y and y ′ = x are same ODEs (T/F).
(4) Suppose y(x) = f (x) is a function of x and ys (x) = f (x) is a solution of an ODE. Can you claim
that y(x) = ys (x) ∀ x ? Why?
(6) Let the ODE y ′ = (y − a)(y − b)(y − c), y(x0 ) = y0 where a, b, c are three real numbers satisfying
the relation a < b < c.
(7) Solve the ODE y ′ = y 2 , y(x0 ) = y0 . Plot your solution and find the domain of the solution.
(10) (a) Verify that y = 5, −∞ < x < ∞ which is shown in the below figure as the horizontal black line
is a solution of y ′ = 5 − y.
(b) Why aren’t the curves shown in color in the figure plausible solution curves?
(c) Sketch several plausible solution curves in the regions y > 5 and y < 5.
Figure 1: This figure is for question no 10.