Pca. Ingles 2do 2023
Pca. Ingles 2do 2023
Pca. Ingles 2do 2023
Weekly course load: No. of working hours Learning evaluation and unexpected issues Total class week Total periods
3 42 13 29 87
O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely and openly experiencing other cultures and
languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an inter cultural and
multinational society.
O.EFL 5.3 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities.
Respect themselves and others within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity
O.EFL 5.4 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for profession al or general
investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
O.EFL 5.5 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from dif ferent L1 backgrounds on work, study or general topics
of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
O.EFL 5.6 Interact quite clearly, confidently and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language
(CEFR B1 level)
Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further (language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others
within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
Directly access the main points and important details of up-to date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient
use of ICT and reference tools where required.
J = Justice Interculturality Training of a democratic citizenship
I = Innovation Environmental protection To care health and recreation habits of students
S = Solidarity Sex education in young people
MODULE 1 • Students will CE.EFL.5.1. Communication and cultural awareness • Simple past,
Where are you Identify and use Display an understanding of the integrity of different cultures, as EFL 5.1. Display an understanding of the relationship present perfect,
from? Simple past, well as nonverbal and oral communication features, by sharing between the practices and perspectives of different and time
present perfect, experiences and by participating in class activities and discussions in sequencers
cultures by recognizing and sharing cross-cultural
and time a way that shows empathy and respect for others. • Family
experiences ad ideas in order to demonstrate
sequencers. CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for Meaning: Identify the main idea in a variety vocabulary
• Students will of audio recordings (e.g., interviews, mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall • Identify
be able to radio ads, news reports, etc.) and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar respect for the integrity of cultures and daily diphthongs
demonstrate empathy, phrases and words in familiar classroom activities. • Read a story
tolerance and an contexts, provided speech is clear and visuals help support meaning. and an email
overall respect for the CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate ORAL COMMUNICATION • Write an
integrity of cultures in vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range informal email
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the main idea and some details of
daily classroom of audiences and levelappropriate purposes. • DNA and
activities applying the CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and identify the main points in recorded news reports, documentaries and heritage
acquired knowledge in simple, straight forward texts on subjects of personal interest or interviews reporting on seasonal festivities, • Family history
the unit. familiar academic topics while making informed decisions about one environmental issues, food and international • History of
´s own reaction to the text. customs, climate, weather, etc., where the visuals piñatas
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order support the commentary. • Latin American
to make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that EFL 5.2.6 Use new words and expressions which traditions
might be of practical use for one’s own academic needs. • Handling
occur in conversations in the personal and
CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and produce wellconstructed informational texts educational domains, and make use of such terms
by applying the writing process and while demonstrating an ability to and expressions wherever appropriate and
justify one’s position on an argument through carefully selected necessary.
information and appropriate language, tone and evidence.
CE.EFL.5.16. Respond to and interpret literary texts, including Reading
original stories written by peers, referring to details and literary EFL 5.3.1. Find specific predictable information in
elements of the text. short, simple texts in a range of age- and level-
CE.EFL.5.14. Identify, critically evaluate and recommend a variety of appropriate topics. (Example: biographies, news
potential resources and references, including digital tools that articles, narratives, memoirs and personal accounts,
support collaboration and productivity, for educational and formal letters and emails, etc.)
academic use. EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to
INDICADORES DE EVALUACIÓN make informative and narrative texts
I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the comprehensible and meaningful. (Example:
integrity of different cultures, as well as nonverbal and oral skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main
communication features, by sharing experiences and by participating ideas and details, using structural and context clues,
in class activities and discussions in a way that shows empathy and cognates, format, sequence, etc.)
respect for others. (I.3, I.4, S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3) EFL 5.3.8. Identify and understand the main points in
I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can identify the main idea in a variety of audio straightforward texts on subjects of personal
recordings (e.g., interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and interest or familiar academic topics.Writing
deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words in familiar EFL 5.4.1. Critically evaluate information from
contexts where speech is clear and visuals help support meaning. references, including those found on the web, and
(I.3, I.4) recommend print and digital sources to other
I.EFL.5.6.1. Learners can deal with practical, everyday learners.
communication demands in familiar social and academic contexts, EFL 5.4.7. Use the process of prewriting, drafting,
such as following directions in class activities and identifying main revising, peer editing and proofreading (i.e., “the
ideas in other curricular subjects when given sufficient support. (I.1, writing process”) to produce wellconstructed
I.3, S.1) informational texts. Language through the arts
Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using new EFL 5.5.5. Create original, imaginative stories using
words and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. Ref. appropriate vocabulary and elements of the
I.EFL.5.7.1. (I.2, I.3, J.2) literature learners have read or heard.
Learners can find specific in- formation and identify the main points
in simple, straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or
familiar academic topics.REF. I.EFL. 5.10.1. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
Learners can Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order
to make texts meaningful and to select information within a text.
(I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3) REF. I.EFL.5.11.1
I.EFL.5.14.1. Learners can identify, critically evaluate and recommend
a variety of potential resources and references, including digital tools
that support collaboration and productivity, for educational and
academic use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
Learners can produce well-constructed informational texts by
applying the writing process. Ref.I.EFL.5.15.1.(I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)
Learners can engage with a variety of digital and print texts and
resources by evaluating the information in order to find the most
appropriate sources to support an idea or argument. REF.
I.EFL.5.12.1. (I.2, I.4, J.3)
I.EFL.5.16.1. Learners can respond to and interpret literary texts,
including original stories written by peers, referring to details and
literary elements of the text. (S.1, S.4, J.2)
Learners can demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in
literary texts, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
responding in a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4, J.3) Ref. I.EFL.5.17.1.
T.B.L.Task Basic Learning METHOD Singing songs that practice helpful language. TECHNIQUE Observation
LEXICAL APPROACH Answering a set of questions. (GROUP WORK/HOMEWOK)
The Direct Method. Participating in short dialogues and role plays to
INSTRUMENT Numeric Scale
Grammar-Translation. practice target language
Audio-Lingual. Pronunciation models Descriptive Scale Rubrics
The Structural Approach. Modelling exercises TECHNIQUE Interview (ROLE
Suggestopedia. Listening for scanning PLAY) INSTRUMENT
Total Physical Response (TPR) Listening for skimming Structured Or Semi structure
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Listening for details Drill
Guide of Questions
Writing models
Decoding Guessing the meaning of unknown words TECHNIQUE Test (oral and
Reading for gist Reading for skimming written) INSTRUMENT
Reading for details Reading for scanning Questionnaire
Filling in