The low noise figure is particularly important for the LNA and
mixer, as it directly affects the receiver's sensitivity.
where F is the total noise factor G is power gain.
Additionally, the high linearity is crucial for minimizing the
It is clear that the system noise figure is in fact dominated by distortion and intermodulation products in the output signal,
the noise performance of the first few gain stages. which can degrade the receiver's performance.
Fig. 5. Proposed Receiver were integrated with three stage LNA, Gilbert Mixer, and Low-Pass Filter
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improve the conversion gain and noise performance of the LNA Architecture with Improved Figure of Merit Using 40 nm
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low IF receiver architecture. Moreover, the performance of Applications. Wireless Pers Commun
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Frontend Using UMC 40 nm CMOS technology," 2020 IEEE
obtained results are to be compared with the results of
International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems
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effectiveness of the proposed design in achieving high GHz receiver frontend using 40 nm RFCMOS technology with
performance with low power consumption. The proposed improved Figure of Merit. Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
design can be used as a reference for future RF receiver front-
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Figure,60-mW CMOS Receiver Front End for 865-867 MHz
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