Digital Logic 2019 Question
Digital Logic 2019 Question
Digital Logic 2019 Question
Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as possible.
Group B
Attempt any SIX questions. [65 = 30]
2. Subtract: 1010.110 – 101.101 using both 2's and 1's complement. [5]
3. Simplify (Using k-map) the given Boolean function in both SOP and POS using the don’t
care condition d:
4. Define decoder. Draw logic diagram and truth table of 3 to 8-line decoder. [1 + 4]
5. Define ROM. Implement the following combinational logic function using ROM: [2 + 3]
A1 A0 F1 F2
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 0
6. What are the drawbacks of clocked RS flip flop? Explain the operation of JK Flip flop
7. What is T flip-flop? Explain clocked JK flip-flop with its logic diagram and truth table.
[1 + 4]
8. Design MOD - 7 counter with state and timing diagram. [2 + 1 + 2]
Group C
F1 (A, B, C) = Σ (3, 5, 6, 7)
10. Distinguish between sequential and combinational logic with example? Discuss the
11. A sequential circuit with two D flip-flops, A and B, two inputs x and y, and one output z, is
A(t+1) = x'y + x A