Country Report The African Colonial State Revisited: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Country Report The African Colonial State Revisited: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Country Report The African Colonial State Revisited: University of Wisconsin-Madison
**University of Wisconsin–Madison
Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1998
(pp. 101–120). © 1998 Blackwell Publishers, 350 Main St., Malden MA 02148, USA, and 108
Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 IJF, UK. ISSN 0952-1895
All these factors qualify but do not entirely invalidate the Cabral thesis.
Per capita income in many states declined during the 1980s, and in a
number the trend continues. “Crisis” continues in everyday discourse to
characterize the condition of the majority of African states. And many
influential studies situate the origins of the crisis in the inner nature of the
state itself (Bayart 1989; Mbembe 1989; Rothchild and Chazan 1988; Cha-
bal 1986; Reno 1995; Jackson 1990; Ergas 1987; Fatton 1992; Young 1994c).
The task of this article is to explore the legacy of the colonial state in
Africa, and to suggest some of the ways in which it has influenced the
post-colonial political order.
State traditions, though not entirely determinative, have a powerful
tendancy to persist. Even revolutions do not wholly efface the weight of
long-established institutional forms, practices, routines, mentalities, and
habits. The Napoleonic state and its diverse successors incorporated
In the final phase of the African colonial era, spanning the period between
World War II and independence, paradoxically the state progressively lost
its hegemonic capture of society, and yet rapidly expanded its scope of
activity and scale of operation. A newly hostile international environment
and the rapid growth of African nationalism placed the colonial state on
the defensive for the first time. But initially all assumed that European
sovereignty in Africa would last for decades; thus colonial state strategies
deliver a better life to broad categories of the population; this gilded recol-
lection is set against the deprivations and disappointments of the present
in many countries.
Along with the construction of an embryonic welfare state, the withdraw-
ing colonial power belatedly sought to temper the inherent autocracy of
alien domination with a constitutionalization of transitional arrangements.
In some cases, few in number but critical in influence—Algeria, Guinea-
Bissau, Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia—the presence of large
white settler communities already exercising decisive political influence
(Algeria, Zimbabwe, Namibia), or the ideologically-driven refusal of colo-
nial self-determination (Portugal) made negotiated independence impos-
sible. Armed insurrection proved able to outlast colonial determination to
protect existing arrangements, and forced independence largely on nation-
alist terms. Initially many assumed that a fundamentally different type of
post-colonial regime would result from this pathway; over time, however,
the successor states came to resemble closely those produced by negotiated
transfers of power, a silent and unintended tribute to the potency of the
colonial state legacy. Perhaps the crucial historical impact of the great anti-
colonial insurrections was to convince the colonizer that independence was
impossible to resist, and to tip the scales in favor of a bargained independ-
ence; certainly this calculus was crucial for the France of Charles de Gaulle,
and for Belgium.
In the end, in most of Africa the transition to independence was
remarkably and unexpectedly swift. For the negotiated power transfers,
there was a pact of apparent democratization in the cases where the colo-
nizing state was a liberal constitutional polity at home (Britain, France,
Belgium). Honorable withdrawal required grafting onto the robust trunk
of colonial autocracy fragile cuttings of democracy. For the nationalist
challengers, liberalization of the weakening colonial state provided the
indispensable openings for political mobilization to create a mandate for
their succession, and to accelerate the process of decolonization. As well,
“democracy” served as a badge of respectability at the moment of entry
onto the global scene as sovereign members of the international state sys-
tem. But an autocratic state tradition which had matured over three quar-
ters of a century was not so easily effaced.
As the colonial flags were lowered, and the new emblems of nation-
hood were raised, the African subject seemingly became the empowered
citizen. Many, particularly among the young, wanted to believe the
exorbitant promises nationalist leaders had broadcast of a life more
abundant. But there was also an undercurrent of uncertainty about what
the future might hold. The gap between appearance and reality is cap-
tured by Michael Crowder (1987, 21), in recollecting the dispatches com-
posed in Lagos before the actual handing-over ceremony, by journalists
reporting dancing in the streets; for those who then roamed the streets
of the Nigerian capital after the Union Jack was lowered, not a dancer
was to be seen.
I make no argument that the colonial state legacies throughout the conti-
nent were identical. There were important differences in the metropoli-
tan state traditions, which shaped the subliminal premises of statecraft
by colonial state agents (Nettl 1968, 559–92; Dyson 1980; Badie and Birn-
baum 1981).14 Differing pre-colonial state traditions were encountered;
some were readily incorporated into the apparatus of colonial govern-
ance, in divergent patterns. In Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt, existing
state machinery, rationalized according to the doctrines of the overruler,
could serve the purposes of the colonizer effectively. In the Tunisian
case, by the turn of the century the French monitoring and controlling
superstructure fastened atop the beylical state structures had become
regarded as a veritable model; potential intermediaries in Senegal were
sent on pilgrimmages to Tunis to observe its operation (Searing 1985,
127–51). In Egypt, the reorganization of revenues and state practices
under the tutelary eye of Lord Cromer permitted quick liquidation of
the debt which had served as major pretext for the 1882 occupation, and
generated resources sufficient to fund most of the British reoccupation
and initial administration of the Sudan. At the other extreme, in Bot-
swana Britain applied only the most minimal overrule, building upon
the Tswana political tradition, which when independence arrived trans-
mitted a much less dominating, commanding colonial state tradition;
this may partly explain the relative political and economic success of
post-colonial Botswana (Morrison 1987).
The colonial state as well defined itself in function of the structures of
the societies it sought to rule. The presence of a substantial European
settler population is an obvious factor. Those from the ruling country car-
ried their citizenship in their steamer trunks. Although political exclusion
of the African subject was for the most part feasible, with such minor
exceptions as the four old communes of Senegal, European settlers were
another matter. At a minimum, their interests, noisily voiced, required
substantial accommodation. In the Cape Colony, Southern Rhodesia, and
Algeria, they had all but captured the colonial state.
Differently structured African societies also influenced the character of
the colonial state. Nomadic communities with a military tradition, inhab-
iting desert domains of little economic appeal to the colonizer, were left
under a much looser suzereinty than settled, cultivating (and taxable)
groups. The costs of imposing the degree of subordination imposed upon
settled populations was prohibitive in nomadic zones, and prospective
revenues limited, though of course herds might be taxed, and camels req-
uisitioned for military campaigns.15 Relatively greater latitude might be
accorded to well-organized kingdoms or emirates whose ruling class was
disposed to collaborate, as in Buganda, Northern Nigeria, or Barotseland.
The formidable mobilizing potential of Islam was well recognized by
Britain and France, with cultural space provided, and assiduous cultiva-
tion of tariq (religious order) leadership amenable to a cooperative rela-
tionship (most notoriously the Mourides and Tijaniyya in Senegal, also
eventually Khatmiyya and Mahdiyya in Sudan). Only the Belgians sought
to isolate systematically and uproot an embryonic Islamic community
produced by the 19th century expansion of Zanzibari polico-mercantile
networks. Boone (1994) offers compelling evidence of the impact upon
state structure and action, in colonial and post-colonial times, of the
contrasting patterns of rural political economy in the Senegalese peanut
basin, the Ghanaian cocoa zones, and the Ivory Coast export agriculture
The intensity of the colonial occupation varied substantially as well,
partly a function of its duration. In Egypt, British occupation, limited by
its operation through a continuing Egyptian state apparatus, lasted only
from 1882 to 1922 (despite the significant derogations of Egyptian sover-
eignty until the postwar period); the short-lived Italian conquest of Libya
was really operative as a colonial state only in the interwar years. The 130
years of French occupation of Algeria had a far more far-reaching impact
upon Algerian society than the four decades of rule in Morocco. The colo-
nial state legacy operated quite differently in zones of maximal and
intense impact, such as Zaire or Zimbabwe.
Finally, there were always limits to the reach of the colonial state, how-
ever potent its hegemony in its areas of most thorough-going domination.
Society was never without its weapons of resistance—what Mbembe
(1989, 148–9) terms its “historic capacity for indiscipline.” Although one
may doubt whether subjugated societies were entirely “uncaptured,”16
they might well, through a thousand strategies of dissimulation, evasion,
withdrawal, and passive resistance, limit the reach of the colonial
hegemon. Particularly in the latter phases, when the hold of the colonial
state was weakening, the subject might more actively contest the policy
projects of the occupant; through transforming spheres of state action into
terrains of confrontation, the character of the state itself becomes altered,
as Greenberg (1987) argues in the South African case.
How much, then, does colonial state legacy explain? A precise answer
to this query is impossible. But close scrutiny of the post-colonial state
suggests that a number of its pathologies trace to its predecessor. This arti-
cle argues that many of the practices which over time undermined both
performance and credibility find their origin in the embedded legacy of
the colonial state: its autocratic habits, its command mentality, its extrac-
tive relationship with the peasant sector. The collapse nearly everywhere
of the democratic structures precariously erected in the last days of the
colonial state, in retrospect, is a natural resurrection of the more enduring
state tradition. Single parties or military regimes were new vessels, but the
authoritarian content was unchanged. Robert Bates (1981) cogently argues
the disposition to meet the revenue imperative at peasant expense
reflected the greater political weight of the urban voice; one may equally
perceive well-ingrained habits of the past.
One may begin with the most obvious of bequests: the territorial organiza-
tion of post-colonial space. With only the most minor exceptions, the
political geography of Africa remains entirely determined by the cartogra-
phy of colonial partition, sanctified by the regional international norma-
tive order articulated through the Organization of African Unity (OAU).17
Only a handful of African states have an historical identity preceding the
colonial era: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Rwanda, Burundi, Botswana, Leso-
tho, Swaziland, perhaps Madagascar. But the territorial organization of
colonial rule created in its three-quarters of a century of duration astonish-
ingly persistent state identities, which have proved tenaciously resistant
to diverse schemes of regional integration, and surprisingly immune to
The enduring force of colonial state identities is perhaps best demon-
strated by cases which might seem to contradict it. In the innumerable
instances where boundaries divide given ethnic communities, an abiding
consciousness of difference has been created. In northern Senegal, one
finds side by side Halpulaar (Fulani) communities who are Senegalese
citizens, and refugee communities, genealogically related, but classified as
Mauritanian refugees, lacking identity documents, entitlements to land
access, and all the myriad artifacts of “citizenship.” The former are fully
credentialed citizens; the latter are insecure displaced persons, of precari-
ous status. In the rural borderlands of Niger and Nigeria, Miles (1994) in
his masterful study of adjoining Hausa communities under different sov-
ereignties provides compelling evidence of the pervasive importance of
the boundary, even though villagers flow across it daily without formality.
His description is vivid:
Incongruously, provocatively, it towers on high: a fifteen-foot metal pole, spring-
ing out of the dirty brown Sahelian sand. No other human artifact is to be seen in
this vast, barren, flat savanna; only an occasional bush, a tenacious shrub, a
spindly tree break up the monotonous, infinite landscape. One stares and won-
ders how, by beast and porter, such a huge totem could have been lugged there
and erected in this desolate bush. But there it stands: a marker of an international
boundary, a monument to the splitting of a people, a symbol of colonialism, an
idol of “national sovereignty” . . .
The poles would determine the identity, fate, and life possibilities of the peo-
ple along and behind them. First under European colonial rule and then under
independent African governments the tangaraho [border marker] has come to
identify the spot where one alien power ends and the next one begins (Miles
1994, 1).
His central conclusion, after exhaustive field inquiry, is “the continuity of
colonial institutional norms in the postcolonial state,” and “the power of
boundaries to endure long after their imperial demarcators have gone”
(Miles 1994, 15).
The three instances where colonially amalgamated territorial group-
ings broke apart paradoxically confirm the thesis of persistence of the
colonial legacy. The vast expanses of French sub-Saharan colonial
domains were grouped into two administrative federations, Afrique
Occidentale Française (1895), and Afrique Equatoriale Française (1908).
Colonial politics, however, remained located primarily at the territorial
level (even though there were frequent boundary changes and even, in
the case of Upper Volta, elimination between 1932 and 1947). Postwar
nationalist politics emerged mainly at the territorial level, where effec-
tive African access to political authority was first opened through the
1956 loi-cadre. France in the decolonization process made no political
investment in vesting potential sovereignty in the federations. But the
dynamic of the independence struggle as well revolved around the far
more internalized territorial identities. Thus, though at some points in
time key leaders such as Sekou Toure, Leopold Senghor and Bartholome
Boganda were partisans of preservation of the federations, these supra-
territorial amalgams swiftly crumbled in the surge to independence (de
Benoist 1979; Young 1997a).
In the case of Rwanda and Burundi, though these spoils carved from
German East Africa after World War I were ruled by Belgium as a single
mandate territory, the historical personality of the two kingdoms was pre-
served and codified. Thus, when the hour of decolonization struck, nei-
ther wished to preserve a shared sovereignty, despite the hostility of
African members of the United Nations Trusteeship Council to their sepa-
ration. Here the decisive factor was the colonial repartition of German ter-
ritories in the World War I peace settlement; had former German East
Africa remained a single territory, one may doubt whether either Rwanda
or Burundi would be independent today.
As the fiscal crisis deepened in the 1980s, the nature of the state itself came
under assault. The patrimonialized, integral state frayed with structural
adjustment programs imposed as the price of debt renegotiation or finan-
cial relief. An often reluctant commitment to economic liberalization
halted the dynamic of state expansion, and began to roll it back—though
parastatal sectors shrank at a glacial pace. The pressures for transparency
inhibited patrimonial operations, already increasingly constrained by the
acute revenue shortfalls.
There followed, at the end of the 1980s, the surge of democratization
demands, originating both within Africa and externally. The vast majority
of African states were compelled to make at least gestures toward political
opening, even though some of the more wily and durable autocrats
1. Quoted in “The State in Africa,” Review of African Political Economy, 5 (Janu-
ary–April 1976), 1.
2. I had the opportunity to serve on the International Advisory Board for the
Eritrean Constitutional Commission, and to participate in this symposium.
3. The analysis in this paper draws upon Young (1994b).
4. The changing roster of developmental icons would make a worthy topic in
intellectual history. In the African case, the list of fallen idols is lengthy: Nas-
ser’s Egypt, Nkrumah’s Ghana, Toure’s Guinea, Tanzania at the peak of Tan-
zaphilia, Mozambique early in the FRELIMO years, Ivory Coast and Kenya
as sometime capitalist miracles. The unending search for exemplary devel-
opment models in recent years is confined to East and Southeast Asia, with
an occasional nod toward Chile.
5. “Effective occupation” had been earlier used, especially by Britain and
France, to challenge Spanish and Portuguese claims to the entirety of the
western hemisphere by papal donation and “discovery”.
6. The reasons for Italian exceptionalism are not entirely clear. There were
some particular motivating dimensions to Italian policy: the vision of the
“fourth shore” for Libya in the Mussolini period, providing a means for the
large Italian emigration to be diverted to nationally aggrandizing purposes;
the scheme of using Eritrea and Somalia as launching pads for the construc-
tion of an Italian East African empire. By the close of World War I, 75% of So-
malia’s colonial revenue came from Italy; the Eritrean budget was balanced
only once during the colonial era.
7. One may doubt whether at a conscious level colonial administrative cadres
ever imagined themselves to be “building capitalism”, which many re-
garded as a vulgar affair. A liberal economy, of course, was assumed, and the
merchant houses had ample avenues of influence to the field administration
and to some degree in the home government. But state survival interests
took precedence over merchant concerns.
8. Mahmoud Mamdani (1996) advances the interesting, if perhaps exagger-
ated, argument that the very essence of the colonial legacy was the “decen-
tralized despotism” incarnated by the “chiefly” intermediaries. The core of
the despotic legacy, I believe, lies in the center rather than the periphery.
9. This code originated in Algeria as a comprehensive inventory of acts by
Muslim subjects which the local administrator was authorized to summarily
punish with a prison sentence or fine. Beginning in 1893, similar decrees
were extended to sub-Saharan French territories, with lists of proscribed be-
havior of sometimes astonishing length—over fifty items, in one version.
The bottom line was administrative authority to instantly punish any act of
disrespect toward a European agent of the state.
10. For a classic statement of the debate, and elegant debunking of its premises,
see Deschamps (1963, 293–306).
11. By “civil society,” I refer to the domain of public-regarding action by the citi-
zen, perhaps captured by the notion of a space between the state institutions
and the household. Often the term is indexed through the array of autono-
mous associations through which public action is vehicled (Young 1994a,
12. Mamadou Diouf, personal communication.
13. In an opening address to a colloquium which I attended on development ad-
ministration in Dakar, Senegal, December 1987.
14. The contrast between the Anglo-American and continental European
(Franco-Prussian) state traditions runs through much of the state literature,
and was forcefully argued in the seminal Nettl article (1968, 559–92), which
helped trigger a renewed theoretical focus on “state”.
15. For detail relating to the Niger Tuareg, see Fuglestad (1983).
16. Recollecting the argument of Goran Hyden (1980).
17. The exceptions are the attachment of Southern Cameroon to Cameroun in
1960, pursuant to a resurrection of an older colonial state personality of Ger-
man Kamerun, the amalgamation of Tanganyika and Zanzibar in 1964,
which remains incomplete and still problematic, and the unification of Ital-
ian and British occupied portions of Somalia, now undone by the reappear-
ance of a separate “Somaliland”, unrecognized but real.
18. Liberia is perhaps not strictly speaking a post-colonial state, although it was
created by the private American Colonization Society in 1822, and nomi-
nally sovereign since 1847. However, until the postwar period, citizenship
was restricted to Americo-Liberians, and the hinterland populace was ruled
as indigenous subjects.
19. “Africa & US National Interests,” Report of the Ninetieth American Assembly
(New York: Columbia University, 1997), 4.
20. Jackson (1990) argues that many African states enjoy only a formal, or
“negative,” sovereignty conferred by international recognition, and not an
effective monopoly of authority within their territorial realm.
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