WG SS 2. Flotilla Guide 221202

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Design & Writing: Chris Colston, Oliver Darkshire, Michael 41ST MILLENNIUM
Duxbury, Cat Evans, Elaine Lithgow, and Pádraig Murphy The Imperium .................................. 3
The Warp.......................................... 4
Editor: Calum Collins The Gilead System............................ 5
Gilead History.................................. 5

Producer: Cat Evans, Pádraig Murphy

Varonius’ Favour ............................. 8
Line Developer: Chris Colston
The Circlet Council............................ 9
Contacts and Alliances .................... 9
Illustration: Bartomiej Fedyczak, Story Killinger, Daniel Kovacs, Who’s Who....................................... 9
Sam Manley, JG O’Donoghue, Erin Rea, and Felix Tisch
Graphic Design and Layout: Tom Hutchings & Pádraig Murphy Ducal Circlet................................... 17
Andraste........................................ 19
Cubicle 7 Business Support: Tracey Bourke, Elaine Connolly, The Recommitment........................ 20
Jennifer Crispin, Matthew Freeman, Paula Graham, Fiona Kelly, Julyanna’s Homecoming................. 21
The Blepharaoh.............................. 23
Neil McGouran, Kieran Murphy, and Cian Whelan
Straken’s Workhorse...................... 24
The Sunless Garden........................ 25
Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Alex
The Prerogative.............................. 26
Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski, Chris Colston, Josh
The Herald Varonius....................... 27
Corcoran, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Runesael Flynn, Diana Grigorescu,
Elaine Lithgow, TS Luikart, Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, PORTS OF CALL
Pádraig Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, Laura Jane Ashbreaker Peak (Nethreus).......... 32
Phelan, and Sam Taylor The Great Lift (Ostia)..................... 36
Port of Tithes (Enoch).................... 39
Creative Director: Emmet Byrne The Waystation (The Voidmire)...... 42
Runner’s Ridge (Gilead Primus)..... 46
Publisher: Dominic McDowall
Baying For Blood ........................... 52
Special thanks to Games Workshop
The Defence Of Hill 09-L7-8b7 ..... 54
The Wages Of Cowardice................ 56
A Glacial Opportunity..................... 58
Unfinished Businesss..................... 60
The Dreaming And The Damned.... 62

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Last Updated: 01 December 2022

The galaxy burns in the fires of thousands of The God-Emperor of Mankind once led crusades
unrelenting wars. Battlefields scream as ancient war to conquer the galaxy, but for more than a hundred
engines clash with sorcerous daemons. Untold trillions centuries He has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of
of warriors die every day in the bloody maelstrom of Holy Terra. His vast interstellar empire, the Imperium,
ceaseless conflict, and Humanity faces what might be is beset on all sides. Monstrous alien species ravage
its darkest hour. Human systems, raiding for supplies, expanding their
xenos empires, or simply satiating their hellish hunger

‘in the grim for bloodshed. Worse still, the Dark Gods of Chaos
corrupt Humanity from within, mutating mind and

dark future body into grotesque forms bent on destroying all of

reality itself.

there is Hope is a long forgotten dream in this nightmarish

future, but Humanity fights on defiantly — not out of

only war’ bravery, but for survival, united in faith that the God-
Emperor of Mankind protects, and that His Imperium
will prevail. There is no peace amongst the stars, for in
the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.
THE IMPERIUM As ancient technologies slowly falter and decay, the
methods of their manufacture and maintenance lost
to the ages, it is human effort, and human suffering,
The Imperium is the greatest interstellar empire in that endures. GUTSHIVA’S
Human history, said to span over a million worlds
across the breadth of the galaxy, with ancient Terra A life of comfortless servitude is the lot of most, and FLEET POLITICS
at its heart. Untold trillions toil in the Emperor’s those who are lucky enough to escape it do so only to
name, ensuring that His war machine has had the serve in the vast armies of the Imperium, their blood SHIPS OF THE
soldiers and resources needed to protect the Imperium the price paid to keep the xeno, the heretic, and the
through millennia of ceaseless conflict. Their duties traitor at bay.
have become all the more fraught since the Cicatrix
Maledictum cut the Imperium in two. The Emperor of Religion ADVENTURES
Mankind watches over the Imperium from Holy Terra, Faith holds the Imperium together in the face of
the ancient birthplace of Humanity. Silent atop the annihilation. The Imperial Cult, the sanctioned religion
Golden Throne, his light illuminiates the Imperium of the Imperium, holds the belief that the Emperor
Sanctus. Faith in the Imperial Cult is the sole mote of is the God of Humanity above all else. Anyone that
hope in the lives of countless billions. denies the truth of their strictures is a heretic that
must be purged.
Life is harsh on almost every world, marked by
endless toil and untold suffering. But it is necessary, The Imperial Cult is utterly dogmatic, though over
for only by the ceaseless diligence of the Imperium’s the vastness of Imperium and over the long millennia
many citizens can humanity hope to endure. Still, not since the Emperor’s ascension to the Golden Throne
all bear the burden of labour equally. An aristocratic that dogma has been interpreted in many strikingly
class rules most worlds, deriving their authority different ways.
from the High Lords of Terra, and thereby from the
Emperor Himself. The best among them live lives of Still, the doctrine that the Emperor is a divine being,
solemn duty, bearing the burden of their authority and that only by his sacrifice does the Imperium
with dignity and a steel resolve. The worst pay little endure, is all but universally accepted. Those who
heed to the needs and struggles of those beneath them, stray from this path are mercilessly persecuted by
enjoying lives of luxury and excess that border on the the Adeptus Ministorum. Those who have erred are
debauched. Menial workers toil endlessly across vast subject to horrific rehabilitation, paying the price for
Manufactorums, though most lack the perspective to their heresy in pain and blood, or purged ruthlessly
understand their contributions. and without remorse.

Faith permeates every part of Imperial life. Labourers its technolgy. Even among the Tech-Preises of the
work backbreaking shifts in time to emphatic hymns Mechanicus machines are barely understood, and
in factories or fields, given time off only for the most religious litanies and rote libations to machine spirits
essential of human requirements and to give praise to are an essential part of maintaining any device.
the Emperor — indeed most see these as one and the
same. THE WARP
Such fervent belief is necessary in the bleak reality of
the 41st millennium. Humans from opposite ends of Beyond the material realm is an alternate dimension
the galaxy raised in entirely different cultures can work composed entirely of psychic energy, known as the
together, unified by their shared indoctrination to the Empyrean, or more simply as the Warp. It is a realm of
Imperial Cult. Zealous warriors can mount a bayonet roiling chaos, a dark reflection of the material universe
charge against horrific daemons, pushed beyond fear populated by Daemonic entities whose very presence
through raw zeal. Every individual must be willing to instills terror in most mortals. It is also, regrettably,
die so that the Imperium may survive — the martyr’s the means by which humanity navigates the vast gulf
grave is the keystone of the Imperium. between stars. Protected by arcane Geller Fields that
create a tiny bubble of reality to keep the daemons at
Technology bay, ships enter the warp guided by Navigators. These
The Imperium has lost a great deal of technological are a strange but tolerated mutant clade of humanity
knowledge over the long millennia, and many capable of guiding a ship through the horrors of the
devices are poorly understood, their use steeped Immaterium with some hope of success, though the
in superstition. Ancient secrets and arcane devices process of doing so strains their minds terribly.
passed down from long forgotten generations. Few
understand the principles that underlie any machine, The Warp is key to the existence of the Imperium,
and such knowledge is jealously guarded by the for without it humanity would be little more than
Adeptus Mechanicus, a machine cult who worship scattered worlds isolated by centuries of travel from
the Omnissiah — a figure they see embodied in the their nearest neighbour. It is also home to humanity’s
Emperor. The Cult of the Machine is the only other most dire threat, though the exact nature and scale
sanctioned religious practice in the Imperium - a of that threat is carefully hidden from the masses of
necessary concession to the necessity of maintaining humanity, lest their despair feed the very Dark Gods
that would destroy them.

THE GILEAD have little time to enjoy them, as Ostia is ruled by the
ruthless efficiency of the Administratum who ensure
SYSTEM that no moment the populace could be labouring to
provide food for their betters is wasted. GUTSHIVA’S

The Gilead System is a collection of six semi-habitable Enoch, the Shrine World FLEET POLITICS
planets orbiting a yellow dwarf star, several moons, Claimed by the Ecclesiarchy during the Gilead Crusade,
and a pair of rogue planets thrust into the system by Enoch was transformed by the Imperial Cult from SHIPS OF THE
the whims of the Cicatrix Maledictum. It is located to an impoverished, heretic planet to a shining beacon
the galactic North of Holy Terra. of faith in the Emperor. Land suitable for building
has been covered in skyscraping cathedrals, and the
Avachrus, the Forge World very cliffs of the land have been carved into colossal
A barren rock of vast mineral wealth wreathed likenesses of saints.
in storms of toxic clouds and corrosive acid rain,
Avachrus is locked in close orbit of the Gilead star. The As the centre of worship in the Gilead System, Enoch
force of gravity keeps one side of Avachrus facing the is a wealthy world, frequently a major destination for
system’s sun, its blazing heat reducing simple metals pilgrimage. The priests trained here have powerful say
to slag in seconds, while the other side is bound in over local politics.
perpetual night.
Gilead Primus, the Hive World
Billions toil for the Adeptus Mechanicus beneath The capital planet of the Gilead System is a spent and
the surface of Avachrus in vast factory cities, each irradiated rock, utterly scoured for resources over
subterranean metropolis utterly dedicated to the millennia of toxin-producing industry. Its population
production and maintenance of holy machinery. of sixteen-billion or more is spread across nine colossal
hives separated by exhausted wasteland. Each hive is
Nethreus, the Knight World a towering urban construction of several cities packed
Nethreus is a tectonic nightmare of a world. Volcanoes one on top of the other, stretching thousands of metres
spit fire and ash into the sky with unrelenting fury into the sky.
and earthquakes ripple across the broken surface of
the second planet from the Gilead star. Temperatures Lord-Militant Tyleria Fylamon rules Gilead Primus
burn hot, but humanity survives on the surface of
this hostile rock. Megafauna fly, stalk, and burrow Charybdion, the Ocean World
across Nethreus like nightmare beasts risen from the More than 90% of Charybdion’s surface is covered by
mythologies of Old Earth. frigid, roiling oceans. Like Gilead Primus it is a hive
world, with titanic city spires claiming what little land
This planet was gifted to the Knight House Acasta, a is available while others plunge deep into the ocean to
noble family that can trace its lineage back through plunder its riches. Charybdion exists in the shadow of
the millenia and charged with operating the enormous its sister hive world,
walking engines of war known as “Knights”. Though
powerful weapons of war, the Knights are almost all
deployed to defend Imperial bastions on Nethreus
from the grotesque native creatures and hellish xenos
invaders. The Gilead System is thought to have been colonised
during the Great Crusade, when the Emperor Himself
Ostia, the Agri World led Humanity across the stars to claim His domain.
A verdant green jewel in the void, the abundant As His mighty armies swept over the small backwater
surface of Ostia is given over entirely to farmland, system and continued in their glorious path, it was
capable of producing tonnes of edible goods per day. marked simply as SKN-71-L-009. The scourge of the
Varied biomes provide bountiful crops and stunning Horus Heresy left this minor location mostly forgotten,
vistas, but the majority of the uneducated population as with many in the Age of Darkness. 5
The first mention of the Gilead system in Imperial This all changed with the coming of the Noctis Aeterna,
records is truly ancient, a single fragment of data, and the dawn of the Dark Imperium. Triggered by a
transferred between ageing cogitators a dozen times great outburst of power from an area of space known
since it was first recorded. It dates to the first century of as the Eye of Terror, a great rift has split the galaxy in
the 31st millennium, when Explorator Fleet Tsuruoka two, and Gilead is trapped within the roiling mass of
of the Mechanicum of Mars claimed the barren planet chaos that divides them. For three long years the light
closest to the sun of NNE.59021. They named it of the Emperor was obscured to the few Astropaths
Avachrus and discovered the presence of non-Imperial inside the system, and none could either enter the
Human societies on the fertile world of Ostia and the system nor leave it. It was only by expert navigation
surprisingly industrial world of Primus. and, some say, incredible recklessness that the Rogue
Trade Jackel Varonius was able to travel to Gilead,
Though the initial re-colonisation efforts by Imperial bringing with him news of the Imperium and a claim
forces seemed to go well in terms of construction and on its authority.
resource harvesting, several sects of the Human natives
to system NNE.59021, as it was there known, proved Only a third of the fleet survived the perilous journey,
recalcitrant. Even as the Tech-Priests of the Explorator and few think that any could make it back out alive
fleet discovered — and concealed — evidence of long without similar — or worse — losses. Gilead remains
forgotten yet highly advanced Human technology and isolated, though the Varonius Flotilla, as it is known,
peculiar xenos ruins, dissent fermented amongst the has brought some relief. Along with material support,
newly conquered populace. the denizens of Gilead have been assured that the wider
Imperium has not entirely forgotten them, and indeed
In the millennia that followed the Emperor’s that it still exists. Not all have welcomed Varonius with
enthronement on the Golden Throne, the system fell open arms however, as many planetary governors and
into obscurity, eventually becoming home to heretics military leaders in Gilead are loath to relinquish any
and even corrupted Astartes. In M34 a military effort authority to the Rogue Trader. There is strife even
to reclaim and purge the system was undertaken, within the flotilla, as various factions struggle to bring
labelled the Gilead crusade for its leader: Saint Julyanna their agenda to the forefront.
Gilead. The crusade was successful, and for almost six
millennia the newly named Gilead System remained a The Rogue Trader’s position is tenuous at best, as is
staunch outpost of loyal Imperial citizens. the fate of the system as a whole.


Existence aboard a mobile flotilla of vast void ships In practice, he’s far away on the Ducal Circlet, and
is a strange experience for the inhabitants, and even the Lord-Captain of a vessel is its absolute ruler. The
more so for visitors. From the hallowed halls of the Imperium only rarely sanctions dealing with Xenos,
Julyanna’s Homecoming to the sinister ironworks of and so the vast majority of those aboard the flotilla
the Blepharaoh, each ship represents its own miniature are human. However, Rogue Traders often operate far
ecosystem, connected to those around it by boats and from the idealism and authority of the Imperium, and
lighters that ferry weapons, travellers, and resources so find themselves in need of services humans cannot
from vessel to vessel in endless criss-crossing streams. easily provide.
Each ship maintains a log of officers and notable
passengers, in addition to estimates for how many There are a handful of xenos on the fleet, mainly in
passengers and crew are currently aboard, but only the form of a few Aeldari who serve as advisors or
high-ranking officials can expect to have themselves diplomats when it comes to dealing with Craftworld
regularly accounted for in any meaningful capacity. Ul-Khari. It is even rumoured that a few Ork
mercenaries are sometimes allowed aboard in carefully
In the bowels of the ships, countless human beings isolated areas of the ships. All are kept from the view
spend their lives toiling at their prescribed tasks, most of more stringent Imperial authorities. Despite being
of them hoping for nothing more than to live out their bound under the banner of the Imperium, the citizens
allotted time without coming to the notice of their of the fleet find ample reason for internal strife. The
superiors. Each vessel in the Varonius Flotilla is best practical military concerns of the Adeptus Astartes,
viewed as an independent city-state, bound in coalition the theological dictates of the Adeptus Ministorum,
with its sister vessels not by sympathetic alignment but and the technological and spiritual demands of the
instead by grim necessity and the potential for profit. Adeptus Mechanicus each pull the fleet in distinct and
In principle, every vessel is loyal to Jakel Varonius. conflicting directions. 7
This frequently results in political and theological
schisms with the potential to bring the fleet to a
grinding halt, and has created a political quagmire
that Varonius has found as difficult to navigate as the
perilous Straits of Andraste by which the fleet came
to Gilead.
The captains, mercenaries and traders alike all seek to
Food and water aboard the flotilla are often sourced earn the favour of Lord Varonius, or at least of those
from the worlds visited by the fleet, and acquired who speak on his behalf. The charismatic Rogue Trader
through trade, extortion, or whatever means holds the entire convoy together with his strength of
necessary. The resources are divided and allocated character, his vast hoards of wealth, and his known
according to byzantine laws and regulations only policy of sending troublesome or disappointing
truly understood by the Adeptus Administratum, and inferiors on the most dangerous missions. Varonius’
authorised by officials under the direct command of esteem can make the difference between a life spent
Varonius himself. Those who fall out of favour with scrubbing floors, and a life in the upper echelons of
the fleet captain might find themselves rationing their fleet society. A simple frown at the wrong moment
supplies until such a time as they can worm their way has the potential to send the offender into a suicide
back into his good graces. The hydroponic agri-ship mission on the blighted world of Vulkaris. Those whom
Sunless Garden provides a small but renewable source Varonius considers useful and talented receive the
of food. Intended to support deep space exploration, most interesting and lucrative contracts, whereas those
this resource also proves useful when Varonius who fall short of expectations might find themselves
wishes to make a point about how little the dynasty running low-paying escort missions and fading into
needs planetary governments’ goodwill — though obscurity. Naturally, this makes competition for good
this only serves to aggravate tensions around supply standing incredibly fierce, and it’s not uncommon for
and demand. The couriers which ferry these precious teams serving individual Lord-Captains to discreetly
resources from ship to ship are extremely vulnerable to (or overtly) sabotage each other in the name of
attack, and mercenaries are often hired to make sure professional advancement.
8 that the shipments don’t fall into the wrong hands.
The ships of the flotilla contain representatives from Whilst engaging with the cloaks and daggers of
most of the Imperium’s powerful institutions. Some flotilla life, Agents might wish to maintain their FLEET POLITICS
of these were dispatched in earnest to aid Varonius in relationships with planetbound contacts and their
relieving the beleaguered Gilead System. Others were alliances with factions elsewhere in the Gilead System. SHIPS OF THE
added to the fleet to keep an eye on it, and ensure Some characters might even find themselves bound by
the Rogue Trader didn’t become too powerful or seize obligation to report regularly back to their superiors,
the system outright. Tech-Priests of the Adeptus such as Adeptus Mechanicus characters far from their
Mechanicus maintain vital machinery on almost Forge World. It can benefit the campaign’s continuity
every ship, for example, but they also report back to if the characters have tools with which to maintain
a byzantine web of superiors shipboard activities. A contact during their travels. Unfortunately, there is
sizable contingent Adeptus Ministorum accompany only one Imperially sanctioned means of interplanetary
the flotilla, ostensibly to see to the spiritual needs of communication, and that is the school of Psyker known
GIlead’s citizens. Most of the contingent have shown as the Astropath. Each ship on the flotilla is likely to
far more interest in the political wranglings on Enoch possess at least one Astropath amongst their number.
than in its people, while others see the trip to Gilead
as a great pilgrimage that will demonstrate their own Due to the perils of warp activity and the high value
impressive piety. of any trained psyker, captains closely safeguard
their Astropaths. Astropaths rarely, if ever, have
These and a dozen other Imperial factions vie for the freedom to wander where they please. As such,
influence, eager to ensure their own agendas receive gaining access to the services of an Astropath within
the proper attention and resources. All this has led to a the flotilla is a costly endeavour. Additionally, there is
great deal of spying, backroom deals, and a ceaseless always the chance that a warp event may corrupt the
struggle for power and influence. communications, resulting in misleading or incorrect
messages that can hurl unwitting characters into
The Circlet Council is composed of the flotilla’s most intrigue or danger.
influential members, and is the hub for much of this
activity. There, wider disagreements are distilled down
to the will of a handful of individuals, all arguing their
position under the watchful eye of Jackel Varonius
himself. The Rogue Trader claims such struggles serve Even reduced in size, the Varonis Flotilla contains a
as a proving ground where the best ideas and sharpest multitude of important or influential people. A handful
minds rise to the surface. The wisdom of this remains of these have the influence to advance their agendas in
to be seen, and it is unclear if Varonius knows the true meaningful ways, and there are many opportunities to
extent of the political machinations at work. draw the Agents into their machinations.

EYRSIC TONDAR his influence to stage lavish dinner parties at which
he seeds corruption in his fellow nobles and officers.
Ministorum Deacon During his tenure aboard the Prerogative, Tondar has
Captain of the Prerogative already gathered a corps of trustworthy cultists to his
cause, and his web of influence grows more tangled
Appearance with each passing day. Eventually, Tondar plans to
Deacon Tondar is a sallow man, tall and gaunt with seize control of and destroy the food supply aboard the
an intimidating manner. He seems to be all edges and Sunless Garden, dooming the flotilla and consigning
corners. His voice is hollow and tinged with a subtle their souls to the Lord of Excess.
urgency. The deacon often emphasises his words with
a grasp of his long, supple fingers, which are as cold Quirks/Secrets
and unpleasant to the touch as bare bone. Tondar has been falling further and further into
depravity in recent nights. Of late, he has begun to
Goals/Agenda satiate his endless hunger with cannibalism. So far,
The deacon has long been compromised by Slaanesh, the victims are only his fellow cultists. However,
the Chaos god of indulgence, and burns with the his eye wanders to the quiet corners of other ships,
passion to bring more into the demonic fold. Hunger where culinary rarities such as passing xenos might
dominates his every waking moment, and he uses disappear unnoticed.




SIDRIAN ICARROS came with him. Some might say the Lieutenant has
completed his duty admirably, especially given the
Primaris Lieutenant danger of navigating the Cicatrix Maledictum. Icaros
Captain of the Recommitment would disagree. He believes that until his Primaris
brethren are fully integrated into the chapter’s forces
Appearance in Gilead, his oath to ‘reinforce Gilead’s Absolvers’ has
Clad in battle-scarred Primaris armour and bedecked not been fulfilled.
with an imposing variety of lethal weaponry no matter
the occasion, Sidrian Icarros is an exemplar of military Quirks/Secrets
might and Astartes zeal. Scars criss-cross his hardened Icarros has come to bitterly resent the current de
face, each a reminder of another battle that failed to facto head of the Absolvers chapter, Brevet Captain
end his life. Akahir. The newly elevated Brevet Captain has refused
to explain to Icarros why the rites and secrets of the
Goals/Agenda Absolvers remain the purview only of the firstborn.
Captain of the Recommitment, Icarros’ charge is to In Icarror’s view, Akahir’s leadership is damaging to
deliver the strike cruiser to reinforce Gilead’s Absolvers the Absolvers, who desperately require reinforcement.
chapter. This is a great honour, though one that has Though he is a loyal Space Marine and would not act
been somewhat marred by the chapter’s refusal to against his commanders, he considered tasking a team
properly integrate the Primaris Space Marines that to investigate the fate of the former Chapter Master. 11
MARA OLGIMSKY her commander’s business acumen. As such, she is
dedicated with cutting costs and reducing expenses —
Officer it is joked that she would sell the flagship for parts if
Chief Quartermaster of the Ducal Circlet she thought it would improve the Rogue Trader’s fiscal
projections. Olgimsky despises such ‘unnecessary’
Appearance expenses as mercenaries, and must often be convinced
Officer Mara Olgimsky is a serious woman, and the of their necessity before signing off on important
numerous medals and honours that bedeck her missions. As a result she has amassed a great deal of
uniform speak of a storied career. On the occasions personal power, and not a small amount of ill-will —
that her serious manner breaks, she is capable of a facts that she is slowly becoming aware of.
grim and unsettling laughter that echoes through the
ship corridors and leaves most feeling vaguely unwell. Quirks/Secrets
The decades long deal that saw Olgimsky assigned to
Goals/Agenda the Rogue Trader’s service is coming to an end, and she
Olgimsky is a longstanding officer of the Imperial would like nothing more than to somehow leave the
Navy, seconded to serve with the Varonius Dynasty Navis Imperialis and join his retinue on a permanent
many decades ago in line with one of the Rogue basis. Unfortunately her writ of service is far from
Trader’s intricate and extremely profitable deals. complete, and the formerly incorruptible officer is
As quartermaster, she controls a good portion of considering using her considerable influence to
12 the fleets supplies, and has picked up something of somehow join the Rogue Trader’s retinue indefinitely.




XI-99 innumerable adepts and servitors who perform day-

to-day maintenance and repairs. In particular, the
Magos Errant Ducal Circlet is something of a weight around the
Blepharaoh Tech-Priest Magos’ neck, as key ship systems keep mysteriously
breaking down. Many of the known rituals to revive
Appearance these machine spirits are failing for unknown reasons.
Like so many of their creed, Xi-99 is a fusion of metal Growing desperate, Xi-99 is always searching for
and flesh in the service of the Omnissiah. The Magos Forge-World approved schematics, rituals, and
skitters along on numerous spider-like legs which fold unguents to apply to the ship, in the grim hope that
under and over each other. Red cloth drapes over the one of them shows lasting results.
Magos’ augmetic right arm, which conceals fifty-nine
hidden tools and fourteen secret compartments. Aided Quirks/Secrets
in breathing by a ventilation implant, the Tech-Priest The months spent researching a means to repair the
rasps and rattles about their business. Ducal Circlet’s failing systems has seen the Tech-Priest
grow in knowledge. This breadth of study has caused
Goals/Agenda Xi-99 to come to two conclusions; that humanity
Whilst the captain of the Blepharaoh attends to self- has lost more knowledge than most realise, and that
determined ‘higher matters’, the Magos Errant are forbidden innovations may be the only way to recover
ultimately responsible for the continued functioning this information. Most would see this as heresy, but
of the Flotilla. Xi-99 oversees this small but dedicated Xi-99 is growing certain that innovation and discovery
corps of Tech-Priests, who in turn oversee the are the true desire of the Omnissiah. 13
GLAUCIA of a commissar’s bullet — to resist the corruption of
the Warp. Since arriving in Gilead she has watched the
Primaris Psyker better part of the troops who accompanied her be sent
Sanctioned Psyker assigned to Straken’s Workhorse to their deaths in countless battles, and has become
convinced that someone is purposely weakening the
Appearance forces of the Varonius Flotilla. She is determined to
Glaucia is an intimidating presence wherever she discover who is responsible, and destroy them. Such
ventures, the obvious marks of her status and her investigations are far beyond her remit, however, and
incredible aura of power unsettling all but the most undertaking them openly would only draw suspicion
strong-willed. She is bald, her iris-less eyes appearing to her. She is in search of useful proxies to look into
blind to the casual observer, though this has not this matter for her.
impacted her ability to see. Despite this her features
are not unkind, and in unguarded moments she has Quirks/Secrets
been known to laugh along at the ribald jokes of the Glaucia has begun to hear voices in her sleep — not
common soldiers. unusual for a Psyker, but in this case the voice claims
to be the Emperor himself. Though wary of the Warp
Goals/Agenda and its seductions, the voice has so far only provided
Glaucia is a Primaris Psyker, a sanctioned psyker of Glaucia with sound advice and encouragement, so
incredible power. She serves the Astra Militarum she cannot entirely discount its claim. Unfortunately
as a living weapon, unleashing her powers on the for the Psyker, the voice in fact belongs to a Daemon,
enemies of the Imperium during battle, and relying Illusak the Proclaimer, who is intent on using her as a
on her training and indoctrination — and the threat gateway into the Gilead system.




JESSIAEL THORN in some cases stand in direct contradiction to current

canon law. While she respects the raw power of the
Canoness Adeptus Astartes, she privately believes that the
Captain of the Julyanna’s Homecoming Adeptus Ministorum is better positioned to free the
Gilead System from hardship and its innumerable
Appearance enemies. After all, was it not one of their own who
Clad in the raiment of a Sister of Battle, Jessiael first shook the system loose from the grip of heresy?
Thorn glows with conviction and certainty. From the
reflective gleam of the sacred Chaplet Ecclesiasticus to Quirks/Secrets
her highly polished armoured boots, she seems almost Many of Sister Thorn’s proposals have caused worried
impossibly pristine, and entirely unshakeable. enmity among the upper echelons of Enoch. Not to be
deterred and far from the light of Terra, Sister Thorn
Goals/Agenda has deluded herself into thinking that these tensions
A force to be reckoned with, Sister Thorn brims with will be soon forgotten once everyone sees how her
luminous ideas about how to improve the lives of the notions improve life in the Gilead System and make it a
Gilead System’s people. She has authored a 200-step greater asset to the Imperium. In fact, forces within the
plan to bring the light of the Emperor to the people, Eclissarcy have already made a note of her intentions,
though her plans are dangerously progressive and and have plans of their own to end them — and her.
The Varonius Flotilla can be imagined as its own Militarum Guardsmen, Sisters of Battle, Skitarii forge
system-in-miniature. Every voidship houses its own guards, and the legendary Adeptus Astartes of the
unique community, her crew as culturally distinct as Ultima Founding. Thus the flotilla was prepared not
the inhabitants of each Gilead Heartworld. But just as just to endure the ordeal of crossing the Great Rift,
each planet relies upon trade and communication with but to bring salvation to the Gilead System upon its
the rest of the Gilead System to survive, the fate of arrival. In practice, the damage suffered navigating the
each voidship is bound to the fortunes of the flotilla Straits of Andraste proved so extensive that the fleet’s
as a whole. None understand this better than Jakel vaunted self-sufficiency has been fatally compromised
Varonius, who labours tirelessly to keep apprised of (see W&G, page 297). Many lynchpin ships were lost
the situation aboard every vessel in his fleet. in the Warp, abandoned due to irreversible corruption,
or severely damaged. Now the Varonius Flotilla and
When the Varonius Flotilla was first mustered, it was Gilead System are locked in a dependent dance of
entirely self-sufficient. Titanic forge tenders such as doom — neither can survive without the other.
The Blepharaoh (page 23) mined refined promethium
to keep the fleet fuelled, whilst hydroponic agri- Life aboard the Varonius Flotilla is quite different from
vessels like The Sunless Garden (page 25) produced that experienced by most Imperial citizens. Admittedly,
enough nutrient slurry to satisfy the crew of every the average Navy rating spends their life performing
ship. Soldiers from the Imperium’s many military monotonous acts of ceaseless toil; not unlike the
organisations protected this valuable cargo: Astra mind-numbing, back-breaking labour familiar to hive
manufacturers or forge workers. But whilst the work The Heartworlds’ rulers have a standing invite to
is exhausting, and the danger of death in vacuum is the Circlet Council, but many keep the body at arm’s
omnipresent, few voidborn Imperials would choose to length, suspicious that the flotilla intends to supplant
return to life planetside, if offered the choice. Aboard a their power base. GUTSHIVA’S
Navy vessel, the opportunity to sail to distant stars and
behold bizarre celestial phenomena is the closest thing The ships listed below are only a sample of the FLEET POLITICS
to freedom an Imperial citizen can hope to experience many vessels that comprise the Varonius Flotilla,
in their lifetime. The truly exceptional might even catch demonstrating the variety of factions in its ranks, and SHIPS OF THE
the Varonius Dynasty’s eye with their skills, rising in the animosities they cultivate with one another.
station far beyond their lowly origins, and enjoying the
profits of their new status. DUCAL CIRCLET PORTS OF CALL

The Varonius Flotilla’s ultimate purpose is a matter
of conflicting perspectives. To the handful of Adeptus Ship Class: Exorcist-class Grand Cruiser
Custodes aboard The Recommitment (page 20), it is a Fleet Role: The Varonius Dynasty’s flagship
Torchbearer fleet, tasked by the resurrected Roboute Captain: Rogue Trader Jakel Varonius
Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines and author of
the Codex Astartes, to deliver new Primaris Astartes Ducal Circlet is the flotilla’s flagship — pride of the
to the stranded Absolvers chapter. The missionaries Varonius Dynasty — and de-facto capital of the Gilead
of Julyanna’s Homecoming (page 21) view the voyage System’s provisional government. To set foot about
as a holy crusade, charged with rebuilding the Gilead the vessel is to walk the corridors of power, and be
System as a bastion to defy the rising tide of Chaos. overawed by the scale of history, prosperity, and
political influence. Ancient when the Gilead System
Some of the Varonius Dynasty’s scions view the flotilla was young, the cruiser has aged magnificently over
merely as a profit-making venture, its incalculable the millennia, thanks to the substantial resources
risks surely offset by the legendary rewards at stake. the Varonius Dynasty has invested in upgrades and
Whatever was intended, the arrival of the Varonius maintenance. Every Varonius knows the state of
Flotilla has rescued the Gilead System from a backslide Ducal Circlet is emblematic of the dynasty’s fortunes
into anarchy and annihilation. New soldiers hold the — and no expense has been spared to leave a lasting
line against resurgent threats and new foes, whilst impression.
an influx of raw materials provides the Heartworlds
with the resources they need to craft a future beyond As Jakel Varonius’s personal transport, Ducal Circlet
the Noctis Aeterna. Hope is the greatest gift the flotilla crossed many sectors of Imperial space before arriving
brought the Gilead System. Its presence proves the in the Gilead System, and has souvenirs to show for it.
Imperium still perseveres beyond the Great Rift, and The impressive range is proudly displayed in the ship’s
the God-Emperor has not forsaken them. opulent arched hallways of its upper decks: a fortune
in jewels, glorious paintings, elaborate statuary, and
This revival of faith is how Jakel Varonius talked his animal skin rugs. . Even the mid-levels are lined with
way into the position of de-facto ruler of the Gilead frescoes of the dynasty’s earliest victories, sporadically
Sector, despite the seething resentment of Lord-Militant dusted by brush-armed Servo-Skulls. Priceless pieces
Taleria Fylamon and the other sovereigns. To secure of archeotech, bartered or looted from far-flung human
his position, the Rogue Trader’s flagship Ducal Circlet cultures, are secured in stasis vaults and weapon
(page 17) serves as the meeting place of the Circlet caches, awaiting a warrior sufficiently prestigious to be
Council, where faction leaders meet to coordinate their awarded their use. The crew are an eclectic bunch, for
efforts to save their system. Their number includes: Varonius prizes individual excellence over uniformity,
Navigator Lady Octavia Ecedes Omincara, Canoness much to the dismay of the ship’s Commissariat. This
Jeanne Grace d’Emysa of the Sanctified Shield, Brevet credo explains the occasional presence of Aeldari,
Captain Akahir of the Absolvers Chapter of the Jokaero, Kroot, and even Orks amongst the ship’s
Adeptus Astartes), and Inquisitor Tytrona Dikaisune personnel — out of sight from those who would dare
of the Ordo Malleus, as well as Varonius himself. judge the Rogue Trader’s methods. 17
Varonius’s flagship is the customary meeting place of Circlet Councillors’ activities, especially Varonius. A
the Circlet Council, de-facto government of the fleet and shadow war of intelligence and intrigue runs rampant
the Gilead System. It comprises the local commanders across Ducal Circlet, and half the crew serve two or
of the Adeptus Astartes, Adepta Sororitas, Inquisitorial more masters.
Ordos, and Navis Nobilite, with a standing invite to
the Heartworlds’ sovereign rulers. In practice, most Ducal Circlet is a Exorcist-class cruiser, once a long-
representatives seldom have the opportunity to range patrol vessel now repurposed and capable of
attend the council in person, so Ducal Circlet’s council devastating any other ship in the system with its
chamber is equipped with an advanced suite of holo- searing plasma macrobatteries. For all her inspiring
projectors that transmit crackling simulacra of the might, the Ducal Circlet is also a ship with a dark
virtual attendees. Proximity to the Gilead society’s reputation, rumoured to have been found abandoned
upper echelons is an invaluable resource, and many and adrift millenia ago. The dynasty scoffs at rumours
powerful people pay good money for updates on the of a ‘curse’ upon their flagship, instructing the crew to
ignore such outlandish superstitions.

More often than not, Ducal Circlet can be found docked

in Avachrus’s orbital ring, an army of Tech Adepts
and Servitors still labouring to repair the substantial
functional and cosmetic damage sustained during her
flight through the Cicatrix Maledictum. When Varonius
must journey elsewhere, he does so in style, never
allowing his flagship to travel without a fleet escort.
Whilst this show of force helps bolster his reputation,
it also limits his ability to attend to sensitive matters in
person. Of late, he has become reliant on small teams
of trusted operatives to take care of such incidents.

Every ship in the Varonius Flotilla employs the service
of a Navigator. These stable Mutants are trained from
birth to perceive the Immaterium’s currents with their
third eyes, guiding each ship through the dangers of
Warp travel. Crossing the Great Rift taxed the abilities
of these Navigators to impossible extremes, and not
all survived with their sanity intact. Most ships in
Torchbearer fleets are fortunate enough to travel with
a back-up Navigator, who could theoretically steer a
ship home if they were foolhardy enough to attempt
another Great Rift crossing.

Aboard Ducal Circlet, Novator Octavia Omincara

serves as the flotilla’s pre-eminent Navigator, from
the privacy of her Sanctum Navis. Though Andraste
was the first ship to cross the Great Rift, it was Lady
Octavia’s course and charting that made their journey
successful. Now she conspires in secret to leverage her
newfound renown to the advantage of Navigator House
18 Omincara. (For more details on Octavia Omincara, see
Forsaken System Player’s Guide, page 72.)
ANDRASTE Amongst the many grievances nursed by Andraste’s
crew are their ongoing instructions to host a cadre
from the Sisters of Silence. These warrior-pariahs train
Ship Class: Sword-class frigate as dedicated witch hunters, observing vows to never GUTSHIVA’S
Fleet Role: Forward-scout and exploratory vessel speak again as proof of their devotion. Since boarding
Captain: Flag-Captain Uma Bhandari Andraste as the vessel departed Holy Terra, they have FLEET POLITICS
kept to themselves within the ship’s hallowed battle-
‘The Straits of Andraste’ is the precious, stable route monastery. Few aboard Andraste realise the Sisters’ SHIPS OF THE
through the Great Rift. It was named to honour anti-psychic field may be the only reason they survived
the first Imperial ship to enter the Gilead System the journey across the Great Rift largely uncorrupted.
navigated by the Varonius Flotilla from beyond Even Varonius himself has only recently become aware
the Dark Imperium. Andraste has always been at of their presence.
the forefront of the Varonius Dynasty’s pioneering
voyages, an exploratory vessel tasked with scouting
new opportunities for profit. When the flotilla first
mustered to penetrate the Cicatrix Maledictum, there
was no question which vessel would form the fleet’s
scout and vanguard. The Nodeel Anomaly
In the lightless abyss of deep space, far beyond
Andraste is a far younger ship than Ducal Circlet, the charted routes of Gilead subspace traffic,
boasting only a single millennium of service. But in a Warp rift has been discovered. It’s a small
that time, she has undergone countless trials that deviation, miniscule compared to the galaxy-
would have doomed lesser ships. Whether running spanning divide of the Cicatrix Maledictum, but
Chaos blockades, plundering ancient Tomb Worlds, or in Captain Bhandari’s mind it is no less worthy
gathering intelligence from active Tyranid Hive Fleets, of examination. Perhaps this gate is the means
Andraste has scraped by with the tenacity of a true by which Death Guard plague fleets appeared
underdog. The Sword-class frigate is lightly armed but in orbit of Vulkaris. Prolonged study may even
richly equipped, with a top-of-the-line augur array for reveal another way in and out of the system,
planetary surveying, and overcharged plasma drives restoring Gilead’s connection to the Imperium.
for bursts of incredible speed. Her crew cherish their
reputation for daring actions, with more squeamish If the Agents have the will to examine this
naval officers considering a posting to the vessel a relatively far-away disturbance, Bhandari
death sentence. will happily sponsor them to help obtain the
necessary materiel and specialists. A voyage
Yet, it seems Andraste’s years of adventure are behind this long will push any ship to its technical
her. As the first ship to cross the Great Rift, Andraste limits, without any hope of rescue if systems fail
has become symbolic of an enduring Imperium, a or supplies run out. If the expedition suffers a
reminder that Gilead’s lost citizens have not been setback, the Agents’ crew might mutiny against
abandoned by The Emperor. If any misfortune befell them, for few fates spook them as readily as
Andraste, morale would take a hit system-wide, and the prospect of being marooned in deep space.
with Gilead’s political stability precarious already, And that’s before the ship draws close enough
Varonius is not willing to take that risk. Andraste has to experience the reality-distorting effects of
been placed on permanent reserve duty, instructed to the Nodeel Anomaly, and whispers begin to
keep a distance from active warzones, with no return converse with each sailor individually.
to active service scheduled. Many idle crews become
restless, breeding ill-discipline, or even abandon
their posts, eager to get back into the action sooner.
Andraste’s captain, Uma Bhandari, invites explorers
and other trailblazers aboard Andraste, despatching
them on missions of discovery so she can relive her 19
ship’s glory days vicariously.
Ship Class: Astartes Strike Cruiser
Fleet Role: Primaris interstellar transport and
planetary invasion craft
Captain: Primaris Lieutenant Sidrian Icarros

The newest warship in the Absolvers’ arsenal

undertook its maiden voyage in the journey from
Terra to Gilead mere years ago, bolstering a Chapter in
desperate need of reinforcement. For all the power of
The Recommitment’s formidable bombardment cannon
and weapon batteries, its true strength lies with the
hundred new warriors residing in the Strike Cruiser’s
spartan quarters. These Primaris Space Marines are
the next stage in the Emperor’s vision for a genetically-
uplifted version of humanity, towering over even of the flotilla’s command structure. Small numbers of
Firstborn Astartes. The Absolvers could hope for no Astartes from other Chapters are also hosted aboard
mightier warriors to take up the arms of their Chapter. the Strike Cruiser, grateful for access to its armoury,
firing ranges, and apothecarium. These individuals
And yet, these new Primaris brethren have still to be are a mix of errant warriors stranded from their
fully received into the ancient rites of the Chapter. Chapter by the Great Rift’s emergence, and chosen
Distrustful of the certain claims made by Jakel Varonius, emissaries despatched to the Gilead System with
and without the wisdom or leadership of Chapter their own specific assignments. Their presence is not
Command, the Absolvers were initially reluctant to enough to prevent The Recommitment’s interior from
accept these new warriors. The recent intervention by feeling sterile and unwelcoming. For a ship of her
three Custodian Guards aboard The Recommitment, size, she is sparsely populated, mostly by Servitors,
legendary bodyguards who have not left the surface crew, and an insular lodge of dedicated Chapter serfs.
of Holy Terra in ten thousand years, has done much to The sense of community typically found in the lower
assuage their distrust. decks of Imperial warships is mostly absent from The
Recommitment’s cold, white corridors.
For now, what remains of the Absolvers command
structure works to delicately balance the guarding of What culture exists aboard The Recommitment revolves
the Chapters’ ancient secrets with the arrival of their around the Oath Hall. This circular chapel is sized for
new Primaris brothers. So far they have allowed the Primaris Marines, and filled with relics from legendary
newcomers to wear the heraldry of Absolvers and battles of bygone eras. Here, the Absolvers of The
undertake their first oaths as members of the Chapter. Recommitment, witnessed by their battle-brothers
It is hoped that in undertaking these traditional rites of and The Emperor, pledge dire oaths to fulfil missions
passage, bonds will eventually be formed in the heat and quests beyond the capability of mere mortals.
of combat between Firstborn and Primaris Absolvers. The Absolvers are famed for these unbreakable vows,
and the hallowed texts stored within the Oath Hall
In the meantime, the Primaris Absolvers operate out chronicle hundreds of covenants that, to the Chapter’s
of The Recommitment, building goodwill with Imperial shame, have yet to be fulfilled since the deaths of their
Adepta by despatching individual warriors to support pledgers. There is no surer way to earn the respect of
teams of operatives. Though Varonius is grateful the Absolvers than to help resolve these unfufilled
to have such supreme warriors at his side, they are vows — at least, their new Primaris brethren hope
20 not subject to his direct commands, and fall outside that’s the case.

One hundred years ago, the senior leadership of the Ship Class: Piety-class light cruiser FLEET POLITICS
Absolvers Chapter — their Chapter master, captains, Fleet Role: Monastery ship and Sororitas interstellar
and most 1st Company veterans — were all recalled to transport SHIPS OF THE
the Chapter’s homeworld. No one is sure what event Captain: Though strictly captained by a member of
required such concentration of the Chapter’s great the Imperial Navy, Sister Superior Jessiael Thorn of
and good, but it is believed the Absolvers had finally the Orders Militant is the true and uncontested power
discovered the origin of their Chapter’s gene-seed. aboard Julyanna’s Homecoming
Unfortunately, before the company captains could
return to their battle companions and reveal this lost The Missionarius Galaxia is the pioneering wing of
knowledge, the Great Rift split the Imperium in two. the Adeptus Ministorum. They deploy missionaries
The greater part of the Absolvers Chapter, stationed to human cultures beyond the Emperor’s light,
in the Gilead System, were severed entirely from preaching the creed of the Ecclesiarchy to ease a
their command cadre. Only recently have the Astartes planet’s transition to Imperial rule. Given the nature
appointed Brevet Captain Akahir as provisional of their work, they often collaborate with Rogue Trader
overseer in their leaders’ absence. expeditions outside the Imperium’s borders. They also
work closely with the Sisters of Battle, ferrying them to
Dark omens from the prophecies of Absolver Librarians new arenas where resistance must be countered with
hint that the Chapter’s leaders have met a terrible fate, fire and chainsword.
perhaps lost in the Warp or killed by the rising tide of
Chaos. And yet, Jakel Varonius claims to have been Julyanna’s Homecoming’s mission is to inspect and
called to the Gilead System by a message from the reinforce faith in the Cult Imperialis in Gilead, which
Absolvers’ Chapter commanders. Most can only guess was, as expected, left floundering from the Cicatrix
the contents of this message, if it even exists, though Maledictum’s catastrophic appearance. To that end, it
Brevet Captain Akahir and Primaris Lieutenant Icarros hosts a substantial contingent of Sororitas, preachers,
(page 11) are speculated to have heard its warnings. and inspired zealots, collected from the frigate’s many
Discovering the truth could be essential to preserve the voyages along the frontier. The Missionarius Galaxia
future of the Absolvers, and the Gilead System. permits some local variation of the Imperial Cult, to
ease the transition of heathens to Imperial worship,
and this diversity is reflected in the homeworlds,
backgrounds and beliefs of the Homecoming’s crew.
Evangelism is their common trait. Whilst Tech-Priests
and stable Mutants are not slighted as they might be
on other Ecclesiarchy vessels, they can expect to be
hounded by preachers, desperate to show them the
Emperor’s light.

Julyanna’s Homecoming regularly observes religious
holidays, broadcasting sermons to the rest of the
flotilla through a massive network of vox hailers. On
the most sacred occasions, senior officers from all
other ships visit the missionary vessel in person. It is a The Shrine World of Enoch is not just Gilead’s
great honour to be attached to one of these delegations, Ministorum headquarters, but also home to the
for Julyanna’s Homecoming is a monument to the main convent of a Sororitas Order. The Order of the
Imperium’s gothic architecture, richly adorned with Sanctified Shield have safeguarded the system for
black arches, golden skulls, and the wings of cherubim millennia. Under Canoness Jeanne Grace D’Emysa’s —
to guide the way. rulership of, their vigil has not relented. Whilst other
Orders take up the mantle of crusaders, charging across
Julyanna’s Homecoming is notorious for taking on the galaxy on glorious Wars of Faith, the Sanctified
a new designation ahead of each mission, and was Shield specialises in more defensive warfare. Since the
renamed before journeying to the Gilead System. coming of the Great Rift, their conviction to protect
Arriving in an auspiciously-named vessel, adapted the faithful has been tested like never before, and the
to the culture the crew intend to ‘enlighten’, helps whole system owes them a debt of thanks.
the missionaries to subvert native superstitions. But
the ship’s Tech-Priests complain the Machine Spirit The Gilead System is stricken with doctrinal dispute.
responds sluggishly to its new identifier, the side- The missionaries of Julyanna’s Homecoming are
effect of so many renamings and reclassifications. determined to enact sweeping Ecclesiastical reforms,
Lost secrets of old expeditions are buried in the ship’s purging the corrupt and complacent, and exalting
data banks, inaccessible without determined effort to visionaries strong enough to lead through the Noctis
navigate its inconsistent command access protocols. Aeterna. Enoch’s theocrats, under Archdeacon
Merramar Clade, are determined to maintain the
status quo, and denounce the reformists as flirting
with heresy. In this battle for the system’s soul, the
Sanctified Shield could be the ultimate kingmakers,
much like the Daughters of the Emperor proved to
be in the Age of Apostasy. So far, their duty to Enoch
slightly outweighs their sympathy for the flotilla,
but representatives of either faction could sway their
loyalties by offering services to the beleaguered Order.
THE BLEPHARAOH To avoid this horrifying fate, visitors to The Blepharaoh
are recommended to suppress emotional responses,
blink as little as possible, and enjoy art, love, and
Ship Class: Goliath-class Factory Ship laughter only in private. GUTSHIVA’S
Fleet Role: Mechanicus factory ship and Skitarii
interstellar transport Every ship in the flotilla requires the expertise of FLEET POLITICS
Captain: Magos Errant Xi-99 the Tech-Priesthood to function — The Blepharaoh’s
captain Magos Errant Xi-99 strives to ensure the SHIPS OF THE
The Adeptus Mechanicus’ contribution to the Varonius greater part of knowledge gathered on other ships
Flotilla is a colossal, space-borne factory. En route, ultimately makes its way back to his vessel. In practice,
she generated enough fuel from the solar plasma of the priesthood of Mars is as divided by religious schism
passing stars to keep the whole fleet flying from Terra as its Terran counterpart. An Adeptus Mechanicus
to Gilead. Now her manufactora produce voidship agent is as likely to be sent to The Blepharaoh to spy
components to repair damage sustained crossing the or sabotage, as they are to report to a superior.
Great Rift and since, for the flotilla’s ships. Her vital
maintenance and repair facilities are always protected
by a squadron of escort craft, though the frigates patrol
from a safe distance. If The Blepharaoh’s defences
were ever compromised, the ignition of its plentiful
fuel reserves would be cataclysmically explosive.
Industrial Espionage
Trusted operatives pilot massive cargo haulers ferrying The Blepharaoh was not a part of the Varonius
material to and from the forge tender, whilst unluckier Dynasty’s operations prior to the Gilead voyage.
individuals might be sent for bionic reconstruction. Many speculate about what payments or promises
The Blepharaoh’s growth-vats and cyber-surgeries were made by the dynasty, to secure the Adeptus
are famously extensive, with the ship’s massive Mechanicus’ backing for this reckless venture.
complement of Servitors easily duplicated if another Clearly there is much to interest the Priesthood
ship requires a bulk order. Demand for Servitor of Mars within the system: a Forge World, a
labour is currently so high that the Heartworlds have Knight World, and a Space Hulk overloaded with
reclassified minor misdemeanours into heresies. archeotech. Avachrus’s magi suspect these new
As a result, an increasing number of unfortunates arrivals intend to steal what does not belong
are sent for Servitor conversion. Even Psykers from to them, and would prefer to keep their fellow
Charybdion’s Ironwatch prison have fallen victim to Machine Cultists at arm’s length.
this trend, a short-term solution to the internment
centre’s overcrowding fated to have dire ramifications Unfortunately, Avachrus’s Tech-Priests must
in due course. (For more details see W&G, page 54.) also contend with the local rivals’ machinations,
and cannot afford to turn away potential allies
The Blepharaoh’s cyber-surgeries are part of of convenience. So, it is that The Blepharaoh’s
the conversion procedure and are known for crew have become enmeshed in the back-and-
being particularly eye-watering and painful. The forth of Mechanicus’ power politics. Sometimes
Blepharaoh’s ‘eye-opening’ conversion procedure they deliberately play one side against the other
is that all Servitors have their eye-lids removed, a to keep their operatives on an equal footing. To
curious and unsettling custom. This procedure ensures partake in this secret war exposes an individual
that Servitors are easily identified. They are vigilant to enemies on every side, but the victor gets the
for defects in their fellow Servitors, swiftly escorting spoils. Few organisations are as well-equipped to
damaged automatons to conversion centres, and reward useful assets as the Adeptus Mechanicus’
sometimes accidentally catching Human crew members Forge Masters.
in their round-ups.

STRAKEN’S Straken’s Workhorse’s lower decks are infamous for
their flourishing black market. Everything has a price,
WORKHORSE but favours are traded as often as coin.

The Workhorse’s warriors once constituted a fearsome

Ship Class: Carrack-class transport fighting force, but that time has passed. In her capacity
Fleet Role: Astra Militarum interstellar transport and as Lord-Militant of the Gilead System, Taleria Fylamon
cargo ship demands constant reinforcements for her endless wars
Captain: Captain Zhang Demetra of conquest. By requisitioning one squad at a time, she
has frittered away the Workhorse’s strength, likely as
Straken’s Workhorse takes its name from a legendary a deliberate strategy to undermine her political rival
Catachan commander, ‘Iron Hand’ Straken, one of Varonius. The remaining troops aboard Straken’s
many great Astra Militarum leaders the vessel has Workhorse cling to hopeful rumblings of glory in a
been honoured to ferry between warzones. Though patron’s service, lest they be the next sacrificial lambs
not the only Imperial Navy troop transport Varonius fed to one of Gilead’s many meat grinders.
requisitioned for his voyage, the Workhorse was the
only one to survive the flight through the Great Rift.

No single Imperial Guard regiment counts the

Workhorse as its base of operations. Varonius formed The Departmento
his army from a patchwork confederation of displaced
platoons and companies, plucked from across the
galaxy, and press-ganged for the Gilead campaign. The As the Adeptus Administratum conducts
Commissariat instils discipline in these unfortunate civilian logistics, the sub-division known as the
soldiers by having them eat, sleep, train, and battle Departmento Munitorum conducts the logistics
together, the better to integrate their individual combat of war. Prefects of the organisation hold court
specialties. Now trapped in the Dark Imperium, these upon Straken’s Workhorse, monitoring the
soldiers will never return to their regiments or their readiness of all the flotilla’s military assets.
homeworlds again. Straken’s Workhorse is their home Though Varonius finds their bureaucratic
now, albeit one they share with the ratings of the methods stifling, he also considers them a
Imperial Navy, whom the Militarum Troopers regard useful and entertaining weapon to unleash
with open animosity. upon political enemies. Merely the threat of
enduring the droning, legalistic pedantry of the
In addition to transporting human resources, Straken’s Munitorum’s logisters can compel obedience
Workhorse is a stockpile of war materiel: rations, from resistant vassals.
weapons, ammunition, and heavy armour. When
resources run low, Captain Zhang Demetra relies upon Recently, the Munitorum has clashed with the
influential mediators to secure what she needs from the Sortium of Ostia, a collective of Administratum
Heartworlds. Departmento Munitorum quartermasters hierarchs unused to oversight from the wider
undertake the thankless task of managing this Imperium. The Munitorum’s efforts to requisition
inventory, but ‘misplaced’ containers slip through the food rations for deployment to the front lines have
cracks all the time. provoked outcry from the Sortium, who insist
all decisions about the distribution of supplies
should fall under their sole remit. As the true
power-brokers like Varonius and Fylamon seem
disinterested in resolving such trivial disputes,
the Administratum’s warring adepts are taking
matters into their own hands, by hiring teams of
agents to enact covert operations against rivals.
THE SUNLESS Since arriving in the Gilead System, The Sunless
Garden has been stationed in semi-permanent orbit
GARDEN around Enoch, her efforts to feed the starving masses
of desperate pilgrims little more than a drop in the GUTSHIVA’S
ocean. It’s an ignoble posting, and Avery Bastroni, the
Ship Class: Universe-class mass conveyor ship’s captain, is keen to reverse their fortunes. FLEET POLITICS
Fleet Role: Manufacture and processing of food
Captain: Commander Avery Bastroni Bastroni believes they are being punished, after their SHIPS OF THE
previous position managing a dynasty frontier colony
However efficiently The Blepharaoh manages the ended in failure and desperate evacuation. If a team
upkeep of the flotilla’s ships, she cannot produce the of well-informed operatives were to help Bastroni
food and water necessary to sustain their Human crews. into a position of greater influence, they would surely
For that, the fleet relies upon The Sunless Garden, benefit from the commander’s goodwill, generosity,
a Universe-class transport vessel used to supply the and especially his discretion going forward.
crews of dozens of smaller vessels with nutrition.
Though Adeptus Mechanicus support is a recent boon
to the dynasty, The Sunless Garden has been the
Varonius family’s prize for millennia — facilitating
deep space exploration and mining operations beyond
Ration Raids
the limits of conventional supply chains. With the Sortium contesting every food order
from Ostia, rations are in increasingly short
With The Blepharaoh and The Sunless Garden working supply. Few have suffered as much, at least
in concert, the flotilla can theoretically survive for in their view, as the nobles of Gilead Primus.
centuries without ever docking at an Imperial world Their indulgent receptions have decreased in
or naval fortress. In practice, the damage those ships frequency, very much to their indignation. One
sustained crossing the Great Rift have left the flotilla aristocrat, Fabian Berrneyl, has taken matters
reliant on supplementary imports from the Heartworlds. into his own hands.
Some officers even prefer those imports, having grown
tired of the Garden’s fare over long years of service. Berrneyl has used his status to gain access to
information on shipping routes and times, and is
Growing crops on an industrial scale without rain, soil, passing this information to a crew of Greensteel
or sunlight requires some degree of creativity from the Corsairs willing to ignore the truce and raid
Garden’s crew of agri-serfs. Ghoulish refugees from flotilla ships. The Corsairs take everything of
low-light worlds farm enormous swathes of nutritional value and pass along a portion of the food to
fungi in the ships lowest levels, manageable in Berrneyl, who is using it to curry favour and
complete darkness and tended in crypt-like complexes. build alliances with other Noble houses.
Other nutrition is supplied by harvesting algae from
great vats of seawater gathered from ocean worlds. Varonius wants the thefts stopped immediately,
and his pleas to the Greensteel Corsairs have
A handful of Piscid populate these vats, rare delicacies gone unheeded. He sent the last ship with a
that are reserved for officers and scions of the Varonis detachmentof Voidsmen-at-Arms, but they
dynasty alone. Other ancient and arcane techniques are proved insufficient. He’d like the Agents to escort
used to create a variety of bland and tasteless foods, the next cargo, and additionally to investigate
and on one level known from its stench a handful of who might leaking information to the Corsairs.
Grox are reared and slaughtered, their produce again
reserved only for the elite.

THE The Prerogative is built upon a chassis class more
commonly encountered amongst renegade warbands
PREROGATIVE than contemporary Imperial fleets. An ancient design
known for its reliability and simplicity of operation, it
makes a suitable vessel for novice crew, and the perfect
Ship Class: Iconoclast-class destroyer starting point for naval officers-in-training. Varonius
Fleet Role: Varonius Dynasty general purpose voidship intends for these young commanders to become his
Captain: Luric Millner (Though Ministorum Deacon heir’s court and advisory council, and tests them as
Erysic Tondar wields true power) diligently as his daughter. All this goes on beneath
Deacon Erysic Tondar’s watchful eye (see page 10),
The dynasty’s oldest servants report The Prerogative who has taken a personal interest in the young heir’s
is where Jakel spent much of his adolescence, learning ascension.
on the job how the family conducted its operations. By
necessity, the dynasty’s children are never raised on Hidden training areas provide elaborate simulations
Ducal Circlet, to prevent the destruction of one ship of close combat, firefights, void battles, exacting
extinguishing the family’s present and future. It is negotiations, and encounters with xenos creatures.
said Varonius’s daughter, next to inherit his Warrant Any warrior in the Rogue Trader’s favour would benefit
of Trade, is now sheltered and educated upon The from a crash course in these essential skills courtesy of
Prerogative as her father was. Though the Rogue Trader The Prerogative’s facilities. The tireless captain Millner
keeps her outside of public view, scholastic experts are ensures her crew is always ready to spring into action
sometimes redeployed to The Prerogative and offered to show off their extensive training.
extraordinary rewards to tutor the precocious scion in
their fields of expertise.

The Other Side

of the Coin
The Varonius Dynasty dedicates the treasures
they win to the glory of the God-Emperor, but
many amongst The Prerogative’s crew exalt the
divinity of darker powers. Their cult includes the
ship’s captain, Erysic Tondar, a Gorger Cultist
who prays to Slaanesh with each ravenous bite
taken from his ship’s selection of luxury cuisine.

Far from the scrutiny of Imperial authorities,

cults of every Chaos God have flourished within
The Prerogative. For now they are content to act
in secret, infiltrating the rest of the flotilla, and
quietly indulging their sinful passions. But the
omens all agree a time of reckoning is soon at
hand, when the devoted of Chaos must rise up,
and reclaim the Gilead System from the Imperial
lapdogs. Dedicated Agents who help to sow the
seeds of rebellion will be rewarded with a leading
role in the first wave of the uprising. From there,
the Path to Glory is only just beginning.

THE HERALD chambers, an army of serving staff, and a fortified
wine cellar housing priceless vintages from Agri worlds
VARONIUS now lost forever to the Imperium. Only a family as
prosperous as Varonius could afford such extravagant GUTSHIVA’S
indulgences, and even they might be forced to make
Ship Class: Sword-class frigate compromises in due course. FLEET POLITICS
Fleet Role: Convoy escort
Captain: Captain Marcellin Galba For more information on the Herald of Varonius, see SHIPS OF THE
the accompanying adventure Traitor’s Canticle.
The Herald of Varonius was once a mere escort ship,
deployed throughout the flotilla as a shield for more
valuable transports. Ostensibly part of the same
squadron as Andraste, The Herald was commonly
tasked with the protection of support ships like In stark contrast to the relative luxury that The Herald
Straken’s Workhorse and The Sunless Garden. At the presents to those the dynasty wishes to woo, it houses
Battle of Azlefar, she earned a more prestigious role by an embarrassing secret. Long ago, an entire deck of the
guarding the flank of Ducal Circlet , helping the cruiser ship became widely uninhabitable due to a sudden and
to navigate a broadside bombardment that might have inexplicable series of technical faults. Atmospherics,
otherwise doomed her. For this feat, she was permitted heat, power — a dozen systems seemed to fail all at
to take the dynasty’s name as her own, and trusted once, and no effort could repair them. Rather than
with the delivery of instructions too sensitive to deal with this problem, the then head of the Varonius
transmit by vox or astro telepathy. Dynasty ordered the deck isolated, power and other
systems routed around it, and all record of the deck
When Varonius wants a prospective trading partner struck from the ship’s logs.
awed and intimidated, he hosts them aboard Ducal
Circlet — but when he wants them comfortable and The result is what has become known among the crew
pampered, he hosts them aboard The Herald Varonius. as The Bilge, an entire deck of uninhabitable corridors
The ship has only modest trading and military and rooms, many flooded with radiation, toxic sludge,
capabilities, for she has been furnished entirely as and other environmental hazards. What is unknown to
a monument to the dynasty’s success. Her luxury all, including captain Marcellin Galba, is that hundreds
facilities include bath houses, sensory fulfilment of crewmembers were also sealed into the deck.

It has been many generations since this occurred, and
the descendants of the original crew still occupy the
deck, though as they have explored and modified the
Bilge their isolation has become a choice rather than
a necessity.
Ship Class: Mix of Arvus Lighters, Aquila Landers,
and other transport craft
‘They locked us in Fleet Role: Ship-to-ship and ship-to-surface

here, thinking they transportation

had made a prison, a Most crew of an Imperial ship never leave its confines
— unless forced to do so by emergency evacuation,
tomb. What they made but the Varonius Flotilla was conceived as a caravan
of mutually-supporting vessels, and transport between
was a cradle, and we them is not uncommon. The surplus materials of
have swelled to fill it.’ one ship are vital resources to another, and a small
armada of sub-Warp freight and passenger craft are
-Unknown Cultist of Fauster A’an
required to make these crucial deliveries on schedule.
Survival in the Bilge has necessitated many horrors, Since arriving in the Gilead System, their work is even
even by the already low standards on most void ships, more important, as they also ferry dignitaries between
and the denizens of the Bilge have turned to the worship moons and planets. The cruiser officers coined the
of several dark powers, chief among them being phrase ‘Scytel’ as a term of disrespect for their darting
Nurgle, whom they refer to as ‘The Wanton Wastrel.’ runs between vessels, but the shuttle pilots have
They believe that the Wastrel is a figure of largess who reclaimed the label as a badge of honour.
will eventually deliver them from the Bilge, spreading
its disease and toxicity to the entire ship. Should the Imperial Navy convention is for every shuttle to
true state of the Bilge be discovered, especially after be assigned to a specific warship. When a shuttle
the events of the The Traitor’s Hymn, it is possible completes its deliveries, it returns to the hangar of that
that the entire ship will be scuttled and destroyed after vessel, which is responsible for repairing and refitting
all — unless it can be dealt with decisively and, most the transport for its next flight. Varonius has organised
28 importantly, quietly. The Scytel Transfer Fleet differently.
Any shuttle bearing the dynasty’s mark is cleared Varonius’s surveys have already turned up promising
to dock in any flotilla ship or Gilead spaceport, and leads in the Gilead System, from archeotech on
obliged to receive maintenance as though it was Avachrus, to minerals on Nethrus. Unfortunately,
requested by the Rogue Trader himself. the Rogue Trader’s influence counts for little in the GUTSHIVA’S
borderland territories, and many of these survey
Varonius uses this special dispensation to tie the teams have come under fire, and have been forced to FLEET POLITICS
flotilla into a unified coalition, and expand his sphere attempt crash-landings as a result. If a company of
of influence by using shuttle pilots as informants. The Agents is not deployed to complete a planetary survey SHIPS OF THE
arrangement also makes it extremely difficult to catch themselves, they might be sent to recover a team of
vessels if they go rogue, as has happened more than surveyors, whose transport was downed in suspicious
once since arriving in the system. circumstances.

Shipments from the Varonius Flotilla often carry
goods and passengers of significant value, and they
are frequently attacked by pirates, heretics, and Survey Sorrows
Aeldari Corsairs. Despite these dangers, the position When the Varonius Flotilla first arrived in Gilead,
of shuttle pilot is one of the most eagerly sought in several survey teams were dispatched to various
the flotilla. Behind the controls of their transports, they asteroids which appeared unusual to long range
enjoy a relative freedom most other Imperial citizens Auspex arrays. Most of these were natural
could only dream of. To earn a flight jacket, or win a anomalies, while a few were infested with Orks
pilot’s service as a personal chauffeur, a warrior must have been marked for purgation as soon as
demonstrate exceptional competence in the field, and resources are available to do so.
have the backing of a powerful patron who vouches
for them. One, however, resists investigation. A large
asteroid dubbed simply G-OJI-14 by the fleet,
PLANETARY SURVEYS it has swallowed three separate survey teams.
After the third team went dark, and a rumoured
but officially denied Macrocannon strike had no
When a Varonius ship arrives in a new system, effect, the asteroid was dubbed ‘The Deathrock’,
it is common practice for Explorator teams to be and no further teams dispatched.
despatched by shuttlecraft, loaded with sophisticated
auspexes and trackers. The purpose of these surveys Unfortunately, the asteroid has begun to show
is to identify unexploited resources in the system, signs of life – or at least propulsion. It has begun
which the dynasty can recover to maximise profit. to move of its own accord, slowly changing its
Even inhabited systems are not exempted from these eons old orbit and falling toward the centre of
colonisation efforts, however much they are resented the system. Despite previous losses, the Agents
by the locals. are despatched as a fourth and final survey team.
They are to determine the nature of the asteroid,
and either disable it or destroy it.

The Gilead System is rife with peril, from natural Each world within the Gilead System boasts numerous
disasters to opportunists taking advantage of its remote ports, the better to import and export the necessary
and isolated location. As well as being overpopulated goods for survival (and the luxuries for those of
with a shortage of food and goods, these factors and appropriate rank), and the Varonius Flotilla has access
more leave the system ripe for corruption and thick to them all. Of course, some ports hold more risks
with desperation and greed. Each Heartworld is full than others, but for a savvy or well-connected fleet
to bursting with Imperial citizens, some clawing their officer — the higher the risk, the higher the reward.
way through life in order to survive; others determined The Varonius Flotilla’s various ships all have different
to keep a stranglehold on any wealth and privilege regular stopping points, the better to conduct business
they’ve conspired to accumulate. and trade in service of the Imperium.





The worlds of the Gilead System have stood for millennia as
a beacon of Imperial order, located in the coreward region
near the border of the Segmentum Solar and the Segmentum
Obscurus. The numerous habitable planets and moons of
the system were discovered by an Adeptus Mechanicus
Explorator fleet. Heretics and corrupted Astartes had
infested the halcyon system, and so the Imperium launched
a war against the traitors to claim what was rightfully the
Emperor’s territory.



+++Knight World+++
Nethreus is a tectonic nightmare of a world.
Volcanoes spit fire and ash into the sky
with unrelenting fury and earthquakes ripple
across the broken surface of the second planet
from the Gilead star. Temperatures burn hot,
but humanity survives on the surface of this
hostile rock. Megafauna fly, stalk, and
burrow across Nethreus like nightmare beasts
risen from the mythologies of Old Earth.

This planet was gifted to the Knight House

Acasta, a noble family that can trace its
lineage back through the millenia and charged
with operating the enormous walking engines
of war known as a Knight Suit. Though powerful
weapons of war, the Knight Suits are almost
all deployed to defend Imperial bastions on
Nethreus from the grotesque native creatures
and hellish xenos invaders.

ASHBREAKER now-cold lava tubes in order to access the striking port

PEAK (NETHREUS) via ground travel, a mostly safe method of traversing
from nearby dominions — though it’s not unusual for
one or more of the tunnels to be closed at any one time
Ashbreaker Peak sits within the large caldera of a now- because of megafauna infestation, a sudden influx of
extinct volcano. The port fills the entire basin floor, the toxic gases, or a collapse due to earthquakes.
buildings flowing up the steeply-sloping sides of the
bowl-shaped hollow, capped by a massive transparent Even with the threats and risks that are a constant
dome to shield the port from the harsh conditions part of life on Nethreus, Ashbreaker Peak’s Upper Rim
and constantly-falling ash. The dome is crafted from provides some of the greatest luxuries to be found
an impervious crystalline material discovered within outside the Knight Households. The further down
the walls of the caldera, and is the main reason the the slope, the more densely populated and poorer
port has endured so long on Nethreus’ hostile surface. the area becomes, with the common rabble and scum
The extraction process was long, arduous, and left packed cheek by jowl in The Lee: the lowest point of
the extinct volcano walls riddled with holes and the caldera floor, and the most depraved as a result of
caverns of all shapes and sizes. The largest tunnels its location. A centre spire rises nearly to the apex of
are patrolled by a pair of Knight Gallants in service the dome itself, where Port Master Vesperia and her
of House Vesperia of the Acastan league. Their soot retinue reside, along with any distinguished guests.
black chassis bear the icon of a blue dome that marks
them as protectors of Ashbreaker Peak, and they use Ships from the Varonius Flotilla stop at Ashbreaker
the tunnels to quickly respond to megafauna attacks. Peak in order to restock their food supplies. Rogue
Trader Jakel Varonius often sends out hunting bands
Despite the many protections in place, Ashbreaker to bring down megafauna to supply the ships with
Peak contends with Nethreus’s unpredictable tectonic fresh meat. Politics is Jakel’s other primary interest
activity, and the aggressive megafauna that prowl the in Ashbreaker Peak; he spends much of his time
volcanic wastes outside the dome and that lie beneath planetside with Port Master Vesperia, robustly debating
32 the surface of the hostile world. In the caldera walls political affairs and maintaining a relationship based
massive tunnels have been constructed through on mutual respect and competitive jousting
NOTABLE LOCATIONS Inside, the Spire’s rooms are richly appointed,
providing a perfect setting for entertaining. Vesperia
enjoys a constant flow of high falutin guests and
While there are a multitude of shops, homes, and earnest business partners keen on expanding their GUTSHIVA’S
hovels within Ashbreaker Peak, the Flotilla crew have interests on and off world. Jakel Varonius a regular
a few favourites. guest. He makes it a point to visit his old friend for FLEET POLITICS
dinner when he is in port, though more often than not
The Spire he lodges in the Spire until his business is concluded. SHIPS OF THE
Home to Imperium nobility and high-ranking members,
including Port Master Vesperia of the Acastan League, The Gilted
the Spire is an anomaly in its placement at the centre Gastronorium PORTS OF CALL

of Ashbreaker Peak. Located in the centre of the basin, Situated on the Upper Rim, the Gilted Gastronorium
the base of the towering structure is surrounded on all is a combination of gourmet butcher and expensive
sides by the poorest workers and most desperate of the restaurant, catering to Ashbreaker Peak’s elite. Run
port’s citizens. by Damariss Mathesius, the Gastronorium employs
a number of bold megafauna hunters, and enjoys the
Those who live within the Spire itself are so far removed regular patronage of the Port Master, meaning they get
from the desperation below, they need never lay eyes the first go at anything brought down by the Knights
on those beneath them. Made of gleaming ceramite, of House Acasta in the nearby areas.
the Spire features soaring buttresses, elaborate stained
glass, and heavy fortifications. The only way to access It provides meat to those in the Upper Rim, and sends
the centre spire is by personal craft, so several landing the cheapest cuts to its sister establishments in the
platforms circle the spire at various heights, preventing basin’s lower neighbourhoods. Needless to say, any
Port Master Vesperia from having to contend with the citizens who manage to bring down one of Nethreus’s
teeming masses below any time she wishes to leave or massive beasts can quickly find their fortunes changed
return to the Spire. for the better if they can smuggle meat to Damariss.

With only five tables, dining at the Gastronorium is a
privilege reserved for the few who have the wealth and
influence to secure a reservation. Chefs and cooks in ANTAGONISTS
service to the elite create a constant whirlwind of traffic
through the Gastronoriums’s back door, particularly on
days when megafauna have been felled nearby. The Varonius Flotilla has a number of known allies,
antagonists, and contacts within Ashbreaker Peak.
While the majority of the meat is sold out the back
door, Damariss reserves the finest cuts for herself, Port Master Vesperia of
and charges astronomical prices for the dishes served. the Acastan League
Her most popular menu item is a spiced and steamed Young but nonetheless politically savvy, Port Master
segment of the massive Ferrocuta, a gigantic millipede- Vesperia oversees Ashbreaker Peak from her position
like creature with a nearly-impenetrable carapace. at the top of the Spire. Born and raised on Nethreus, she
Each segment is large enough to feed a table of 30, but has seen her fair share of megafauna and volcanoes,
Damariss serves spoonful-sized bites of the tender and active, dormant and extinct. She neither blanches nor
succulent meat to her dine-in customers at a premium. shivers at the sight of danger, preferring to face it
head on. But she’s not a fool to run head-long into
Damariss also provides Jakel with her choicest cuts unnecessary battles. Vesperia seeks her glory, and
when he’s in town, though he often enjoys them in the Imperium’s glory, within the battlefields of careful
the company of the Port Master. A visit to The Gilted negotiations and political intrigue.
Gastronorium often nets members of the Flotilla a
delicious meal (though typically only Jakel and a It is with this goal in mind that she has made a firm
handful of his highest-ranking officers warrant a ally of Jakel Varonius. When Jakel first began courting
seat within the restaurant itself, if he desires it), the attentions of King Vilmaar, Vesperia was quick
and gives agents access to nobles and — sometimes to extend her own invitation to the Rogue Trader,
far more useful — their servants. Gossip abounds at fervently wining and dining him with little regard for
the exclusive restaurant’s back door, as servants and others’ perceptions. While Jakel enjoys the luxuries
cooks jockey for their chance at the day’s offerings. that his acquaintance with the Port Master provides,
he enjoys and respects her shrewd mind and erudite
If you have access to Redacted Records, members of discussion. She holds the entirety of the Varonius
the The Epicurean Society are known to frequent The Flotilla in high regard, though she may find individual
Gilted Gastronorium. agents distasteful. Along with good food and comfort,
Vesperia offers Jakel a link to the other nobles and
The Lee Barons of House Acasta who aren’t directly connected
Set within the shadow of the central spire, the Lee to the King.
is home to Ashbreaker Peak’s most desperate and
impoverished citizens. Tents, shacks, and huts are Damariss Mathesius
constructed one atop another here, creating a dizzying The Gastronorium’s proprietor and head butcher,
array of passageways, hive-homes, and hovels — Damariss Mathesius enjoys the luxuries of the Upper
in many cases, you can only enter one structure by Rim provided to her by the opportunities she’s carved
passing through several others first. out for herself. With little else on Nethreus to eat
other than worldroot, the opportunity to butcher and
Disease, famine, and corruption run rampant through cook fresh (or mostly fresh) megafauna meat is a
the Lee’s homes , and cults rise and fall here with a privilege few have. With a charming demeanour and
startling regularity preying on residents’ despair, a cut-throat business sense, Damariss has a number
hunger and thirst. The Lee’s residents maintain a of incredibly loyal poachers, thugs, and racketeers
certain pride in their resilience, especially their ability under her employ that help her maintain her station
to weather the ash storms and general hardships, and and the constant supply of fresh meat. Having risen
are suspicious of any newcomers. from obscurity, she clings to what she has earned, and
34 refuses to let prosperity make her soft.
Whilst she likes Jakel, she maintains caution and keeps THREATS
an eye out for when things go sour with him and the
Gilead System’s many powers. She has heard rumours
that his authority is not as absolute as he claims. With No world within the Gilead System is free from dangers, GUTSHIVA’S
these rumours in mind, she has no desire to end up on but Nethreus is a harsh mistress. The land and very
the wrong side of history when his empire crumbles air itself are deadly, and the creatures that inhabit the FLEET POLITICS
to dust. dominions and the ash-strewn wilds beyond the walls
are even worse. SHIPS OF THE
Ardent Thresh FLEET

While Jakel and the Flotilla have many allies, they Megafauna PORTS OF CALL
have an equal amount of enemies. Ardent Thresh is Nethreus’s megafauna don’t often come too close
one such individual, a famed and accomplished Knight to Ashbreaker Peak, but when they do, their arrival
Pilot who hides his venom behind a smile. A House stirs the majority of the city to action. Without the
Acasta noble, Ardent watched Vesperia fawn over fortifications of a typical Dominion, it is often up to
Jakel Varonius’s arrival and was disgusted by their the independent mercenary bands to take up arms and
affectionate display. He feels she is no longer fit for defend the port. Such megafauna attacks are terrifying,
her position, but blames Jakel and his ‘false Writ’ for but also an advantage for a citizen to make a name for
the diminishing of a once-great woman. While Thresh themselves —if they survive.
makes no obvious moves against the Flotilla or its
leader, he does what he can through toxic whispers, Genestealers
causing his contacts and agents within Ashbreaker The Lee’s poverty and population density is the ideal
Peak to stonewall any Flotilla agents when they can. location for Genestealer Neophyte Hybrids to blend
Ardent’s reach winds all the way down to the Lee, in, and a pack of Acolyte Hybrids could easily lair
where his people have people who know people within deep within the maze of hovels and hunt without
the ramshackle neighbourhood, all looking to gain the immediately drawing too much attention to themselves.
favour of a member of House Acasta.
Nethrean Xenophobia
Ardent believes Jakel’s Writ to be false, and has heard Nethreus’s people are insular and suspicious of
of how the Rogue Trader employs xenos and cavorts outsiders, even more so than those on the Gilead
will all types of scum. Ardent believes it’s only a matter System’s other worlds. Even in a port city such
of time until Jakel is brought low, and hopes the Rogue as Ashbreaker Peak, those who were born on the
Trader doesn’t bring the rest of the Gilead System heartworld are often outright hostile to offworlders.
down with him. Such attitudes make things complicated for Jakel and
his fleet, as most of them are not even from the system.

Nethrean Adventures
u One of the main tunnels to Ashbreaker Peak is infested with megafauna, impeding the transfer of a
shipment from a Dominion. The creatures need to be cleared out.

u One of the nearby Dominions suddenly went dark, and King Vilmaar wants a demonstration of
Varonius’s might and cunning. Varonius has sent the characters to investigate and rectify the issue, if

u Rumours are flying that a new, promising material has been found near Ashbreaker Peak. Some say it
is another mineral deposit used to create the port city’s dome; others whisper that it’s a metal stronger
than any used by the Imperium. If the Flotilla could verify the veracity of the rumours, and secure the
site for themselves, it would put them in a truly advantageous position.

+++Agri World+++
A verdant green jewel in the void, the
abundant surface of Ostia is given over
entirely to farmland, capable of producing
tonnes of edible goods per day. Varied
biomes provide bountiful crops and stunning
vistas, but the majority of the uneducated
population have little time to enjoy them, as
Ostia is ruled by the ruthless efficiency of
the Administratum who ensure that no moment
the populace could be labouring to provide
food for their betters is wasted.

THE GREAT The Great Lift is divided into four main portions: the
Roots, the Bole, the Boughs and the Heavens. The
LIFT (OSTIA) Roots are located at the base of the space station, for
the primary unloading and transferring of goods. The
Bole is where the main trading occurs and passengers
Situated upon the equator of this lush, green Agri- unload. The majority of the locals live in the upper
World is a massive spire of ancient technology linking level of the Boughs, just below the Heavens. Visiting
to a vast geo-stationary platform that serves at the dignitaries are housed in the Heavens, for short- and
main point of departure for most of Ostia’s produce. long-term stays.
A central cable of thick plas-fibre, anchored at the
planetside ground station, extends for kilometres While it is technically part of a Heartworld, the Great
into the atmosphere and terminates at a city-sized Lift is isolated within Ostia’s atmosphere. While there
spaceport held in low-level orbit with the aid of are many other space stations, satellites, and orbital
countless antiquated thrusters. batteries within eyeshot of the Great Lift, and there is
a constant stream of vessels docking and departing,
Twenty smaller cords of plas-fibre circle the centre the void of space beyond the station creates a strange,
cable, serving as lifs to and from the station. Shipments disconnected feeling in many of the Great Lift’s
of produce are loaded onto lifts, which then ascend the residents — especially those living in the Heavens,
cords to the port itself and are loaded onto ships bound with an unimpeded view of the stars.
for Gilead Primus and the rest of the system under the
watchful eyes of countless Administratum scribes and Varonius Flotilla agents are often sent to the Great Lift
overseers. The view from the station is breathtaking. - to maintain Jakel’s contacts there. As Ostia is the main
Just barely on the edge of space, the Great Lift hovers source of fresh food for the entire Gilead System, the
within Ostia’s mesosphere, offering an incredible view Rogue Trader wishes to maintain a presence that, if not
of the verdant planet sprawled below and the orbiting constant, reminds those in power of his influence and
space stations and docked vessels above. his ability to aid those who aid him in return.

NOTABLE LOCATIONS If the Agents require an inroad into Ostia’s criminal
underworld, then a smuggling den is just the place to
find one. This is not without its perils however, for the
A space station the size of a city holds many nooks and dens also host a slowly growing Slaaneshi Cult known GUTSHIVA’S
crannies to be explored, though it is heavily patrolled, as The Serpent’s Flesh (see page 38 for more)
and as controlled as any such station can be — which FLEET POLITICS

Within the narrow corridors of the Bole, the Central

Markets are where the majority of the Great Lift’s
barter and trade occurs, both legal and illicit. The Inhabitants of the Great Lift generally fall into three
majority of goods sold here are produce of one type or categories: dock workers, merchants, or overseers.
another, fresh from the fields and orchards of Ostia. Dock workers labour away for long hours, loading
Since the Sortium maintains tight control over the and unloading the lift cables and transferring produce
rationing of Ostia’s produce, what fruits, vegetables, and goods from the lifts to the markets and the ships.
and grains can be found here are sold at a premium, Working the docks is hard, backbreaking work, but
most of it rotting or smuggled out of a shipment bound has a much longer life-expectancy than those working
off-world. Inflated prices, unscrupulous merchants, factories or mines on other worlds. Merchants enjoy
and shady back-alley deals are commonplace here. less menial labour, but face the constant struggle of
keeping their stores and booths well-stocked, turning
Smuggling Dens a profit, and paying off the racketeers that make their
Ostia produces a veritable bounty of plants. Fruits, rounds regularly. The overseers live in the Heavens
vegetables, grains, greens — the assortment of goods and the upper Boughs, and rarely need to leave their
is as wide and varied as the imagination. By long comfortable surroundings.
standing decree, these are all rendered into a bland,
nutrient rich powder for distribution throughout the Overseer Narciso
Gilead system. Ursinius
Bitter, petty, and cruel, Narciso Urinius is the
However, several smuggling networks exist which Administratum Overseer of the Great Lift. In charge
specialise in syphoning off unrendered fruit, of every soul, ship, and product that moves within
vegetables and meat. These highly prized luxuries the station, he lives within the Heavens, taking the
are then distributed throughout the system, fetching primest shares of produce for himself and his fellow
exorbitant prices from those who cannot access them bureaucrats. He is not a fan of Jakel Varonius or
through legitimate channels. his Flotilla, as he sees the Rogue Trader’s arrival as
a disruption to the status quo, and views Varonius
In the past, copious bribes and often ancient agreements as a scheming opportunist. In truth, Ursinius sees
allowed these smuggling rings to operate almost Varonius’s nigh-unlimited authority as a threat to his
openly. This is no longer true, as the general lack of own power. He awaits the sacred day Varonius falls out
food in the system has meant that every shipment is of favour with bated breath. Thus far, he does not have
now carefully watched. The inefficiencies of smuggled the courage to deny Jakel access to the Great Lift, but
produce have caused the practice to be upgraded from he does everything he can to make the Rogue Trader’s
nuisance to capital crime, and as a result the smugglers time on his station difficult, throwing every inch of
have become far more careful — and far more ruthless. red tape and every possible bureaucratic complication
in Varonius’s path. Varonius tends to send Agents to
Ostian smuggling dens have become a hive of illicit the Great Lift to handle any Flotilla business rather
activities, with the smugglers expanding their than make the trip himself — and the more subtle the
operations into other areas, always attempting to keep Agents can be, the better.
one step ahead of the authorities.
Octavian She adores Jakel Varonius, as his presence in the
A grey mouse of a man with an innocent demeanour, system and enforcement of Imperial decree, has driven
Octavian lurks about the markets and Smuggling Dens up demand for her products. Dowager Peregrina has
in the Great Lift’s Bole. Technically a minor official of crafted a small empire by trading not only in Ostium,
the Administratrum tasked with duties of oversight but in information, and has dirt on nearly every official
and inspection, in truth Octavian acts as a spy for the on the station, some of whom are her clients.
Sortium. The control the ruling body of Ostia exercises
over its people is far from absolute, and agents like
Octavian are not uncommon.
He sends reports back to his masters on the growing The Great Lift faces threats of all sorts, both from the
influence of various cults, on the simmering world below and from within the station itself.
dissatisfaction with the Tech-Priests and their servitor-
run farms, and on the fear that cuts to food rations will Corruption
lead to starvation. The Sortium is not Octavian’s only Grandfather Nurgle has had his eye on Ostia for some
master, however. He has taken to selling the secrets time. How could he not? Such a pristine, green world
he gathers to supplement his own meagre allotment of is clearly in need of Nurgle’s blessing. Meanwhile,
resources, passing sensitive information to criminals Slaanesh loiters in the debauchery of the smuggling
and heretics to acquire luxuries normally reserved for dens, the excessive indulgence of their patrons a
those far above his station. He has extensive dealings tantalising morsel.
with Dowager Peregrina, though he is not above doing
business with anyone. Criminal Factions
Though Dowager Peregrina has a hold on much of
Dowager Peregrina the Great Lift’s underworld, rival gangs often rise and
Dowager Peregrina is the owner and operator of one fall, convinced that they will be the ones to unseat her.
of Ostia’s largest ring of smuggling dens. A delightful They often do not last long, but occasionally one will
conversationalist and a shrewd opportunist, she make enough trouble that Dowager Peregrina must
delights in displaying her own wealth and good fortune take decisive action. These wars are often waged in
for all to see. She has no compunctions or guilt about the Great Lift’s back alleys and tunnels, away from the
her business ventures, and claims she’s offering the eyes of the general populace, but they can destabilise
Gilead System’s starving citizens a kindness — never the station for weeks. If a faction were to finally topple
mind that a smuggled grox flank fetches more than the Dowager Peregrina’s smuggling ring, it is likely that an
average worker would make in a year. even more ruthless operator would quickly replace her.

Ostian Adventures
u Some of Ostia’s fields have been afflicted with a strange rot that no one can cure. The most recent shipment
of produce made it up to the top of the Great Lift before it was discovered to be putrid… it’s unclear how such
noxious food made it past so many checkpoints, and anyone who came into direct contact with the produce
immediately fell ill with a bizarre fungal disease.

u A cult of Slaanesh, The Serpent’s Flesh, has been slowly growing in the eateries that operate out of Dowagers
Peregrina’s smuggling dens. The Dowager has become suspicious of them and would like them investigated,
though no doubt she underestimates the threat they represent. The cult sees the Great Lift as the means
by which many luxuries leave Ostia, and therefore an abhorrent thing. They intend to destroy it, and have
foreseen that in its death throes the great expanse of writing technology will resemble a great serpent
shedding its flesh. They hope to rebuild Ostia in their own image, and care not at all about the devastation
the destruction of the lift would cause.

+++Shrine World+++
Claimed by the Ecclesiarchy during the
Gilead Crusade, Enoch was transformed by the
Imperial Cult from an impoverished, heretic
planet to a shining beacon of faith in the
Emperor. Land suitable for building has been
covered in skyscraping cathedrals, and the
very cliffs of the land have been carved into
colossal likenesses of saints.

As the centre of worship in the Gilead

System, Enoch is a wealthy world, frequently
a major destination for pilgrimage. The
priests trained here have powerful say over
local politics.

Set on a smaller continent on Enoch’s equatorial

PORT OF TITHES region, the Port of Tithes is surrounded on all sides by
vast and arid desert. The sand is not visible for a great
(ENOCH) distance, however, for the press of refugees and their
tent cities is so dense. In the distance, far to the east,
the glimmer of the ocean can be seen, as well as the
A smaller port on the surface of Enoch, the Port of shadows of the native fisherfolk’s fortified cities.
Tithes serves as an isolated, fortified citadel of Enoch’s
nobles. A transfer point between strongholds, as well
as a stepping stone to off-world locations, the Port of
Tithes is a veritable bastion of law and order — or so
it seems. The slums that surround this stronghold are Spire of Light and the
wide and sprawling, and fester with starving citizens God Emperor’s Shrine
as well as heretics, cannibals, and sinister cults. One of the tallest spires within the Port of Tithes, the
Teeming with unrest, the populace constantly pushes Spire of Light is called so because it is the first point the
against the defences of this stronghold, and if it were sun hits when it rises every morning. Seen as an omen
to fall, the Port of Tithes would be an ideal springboard and a sign of the God Emperor’s blessing, nobles vie
to the rest of the Gilead System. for chambers within the Spire of Light, and a massive
shrine to the Emperor himself has been erected in the
Cathedral-like spires pierce the air within the Port top-most floor attended to and kept brilliantly polished
of Tithes, with gothic arches and wide, proud by the Ecclisiarchal servitors stationed within.
thoroughfares extending out from the central bastion
like spokes of a great wheel. Enforcers constantly The nobles strive to outdo each other to show their
prowl the streets and watch the skies, ever-alert for piety, most presenting themselves for supplication
threats against the stronghold from desperate scum. before the shrine once a day, while the more devoted
The priests and nobles that live within the port pray visit several times during the daylight hours. It is not
daily for the Imperium’s glory and the lives of the unsurprising to find politicking happening within the
faithful outside their walls, while enjoying the safety massive chamber, nobles coming together to form
afforded to them by their station. clusters of alliances before breaking apart to liaise with 39
another group entirely.
Within the Port of Tithes is a rare and wonderful thing:
a book bindery. Eccliesiarchal scribes work day and ANTAGONISTS
night to copy the words of the God Emperor onto pages
made of bleached and pressed reeds, binding them in
a shimmering leather made from the skin and scales of Caralisa
the fish caught within Enoch’s oceans, then carefully The organiser of what has become known as Caralisa’s
embossing, engraving, illuminating, and gilding each Kitchen, Caralisa claims to be a pilgrim who became
manuscript until each one is a unique work of art. stranded upon Enoch when the Gilead System was
Occasionally, a particularly powerful noble will pay to violently cut off from the rest of the universe. In fact, she
have their own book scribed and bound to their own arrived on Enoch from GIlead Primus, smuggled there
exacting specifications. Any such noble is sure to earn to spread the word of the Emperor Larval, a secretive
the jealousy, admiration, and ire of their peers. cult that claims the Emperor will soon arise from the
Golden Throne, remade and ready to descend from the
Caralisa’s Kitchen stars and reform the entire Imperium. Caralisa and her
In the refugee shanty town, and in the shadow of the kin are Genestealer cultists, their blood corrupted by
Port of Tithes, Caralisa’s Kitchen appears to be little Xenos taint, and intent on overthrowing the current
more than a collection of pots boiling beneath a roof order in Gilead.
of fabric and other reclaimed scraps. It functions
as a Ministorum-sanctioned slop house, providing However, they truly believe their faith will lead to a
sustenance to a tiny fraction of the endless starving better life for all the system’s citizens, and use Clarisa’s
pilgrims that throng the Shrine world. The only reason kitchen as a recruiting ground for new worshipers.
Caralisa’s kitchen has not been overrun is the unusually Given the desperation and fomenting unrest on Enoch,
coordinated group of muscled thugs who stand guard. this has proven a very fruitful endeavour. indeed.
They keep away trouble makers, admit only as many
as the kitchen can handle, and all seem to bear some Grand Ligaetor Lukian
kind of subtle familial resemblance. Caralisa serves up Those who lay eyes on Lukian at first assume him
her passable fare with a smile, and those who gain to be a military man. Broad shoulders, thick arms,
her favour and usually receive preferential treatment and a stout physique mark him for battle or physical
— and a quiet sermon on the proprietor’s own unusual labour. To say they are all shocked to learn Lukian is a
interpretation of the Imperial Creed. bookbinder is not overstating the fact.

Lukian began as a scribe as a boy, and has, over time, Unrest in the
worked his way upward to the position of Head Binder. Encampments
His age is only betrayed by the dusting of grey at his Unsurprisingly, the overabundance of citizens has
temples and the glasses he wears perched on the end led to many with no assigned tasks. Though many GUTSHIVA’S
of his nose when he works. Lukian takes great pride stay faithful to the Emperor, knowing his light will
in his work, and the work of all the scribes and binders return one day, many of these citizens turn to more FLEET POLITICS
beneath him, his heart lit with fervent passion both for unscrupulous means of survival, determined not to let
the art of book binding and the God Emperor’s words their fate rest on a salvation that may never arrive. SHIPS OF THE
that he knows by heart just as well, if not better, than Many, instigated by Caralisa, plot rebellion against the
any preacher of the Ecclesiarchy. nobles hiding within the Port of Tithes.

It is through this fervency, paired with the respect and Tzeentch Cults ADVENTURES
awe at his years of service, that make his books so rare Some scum are not satisfied with mundane illegal
and valuable. Each and every tome that Grand Ligaetor activities, and fear and desperation leads many astray.
Lukian handles are imprinted with his passions, Cultists easily infiltrate the tent cities, filling a void left
emotions, and zealotry and the resulting book imparts behind when Enoch was cut off from the God Emperor’s
powerful emotions and religious fervour upon any blessed light. The laity hope, more than anything, for
who read it. change, and in that hope Tzeentch finds its way in.
The Fraternitas Anticipant are the most successful of
Sister Genevieve D’Armas Tzeentch’s cults: they don’t know that they’ve given
Sister Genevieve D’Armas is a member of Orders way to heresy, believing themselves pious. They have
Famulous of the Adepta Sororitas. She is ostensibly a nine-step charter for change, which they advance
in the Port of Tithes to act as an advisor to and liaison through manipulation and sabotage.
between the noble families who live within the city’s
walls. Sister D’Armas’s primary goal is, unsurprisingly, Daemonic Infestations
discovering and destroying any heresy before it can The minions of Chaos and disciples of the Dark Gods
take root. Recently, she has taken the daughter of one are everywhere, and Enoch and the Port of Tithes are
of these noble houses within the Port of Tithes under no exception. These heretical creatures are particularly
her protection as a potential novice. She suspects the drawn to Enoch by the opportunity to profane and
girl’s parents to be heretics, and her true motivation destroy such a holy place. Intent on preserving a facade
for this arrangement was to remove the girl from their of stringent purity and control, the authorities quickly
influence and keep her in the Emperor’s light. Sister and routinely purge any evidence — or witnesses — of
D’Armas has not yet moved against the girl’s parents, such incursions.
but it’s only a matter of time before she confirms her
suspicions — something that the Agents might be able
to assist her with.

THREATS Enochian Adventures

u A cult of heretics has sprung up in one of
the shanty town slums. The characters must
Perhaps more so than any other Heartworld, Enoch root out its cause, and kill its leader before
thrums with overpopulation and desperation. When the threat grows and triggers another Night
the Gilead System was cut off from the rest of the of Tears.
universe, Enoch’s pilgrims were left stranded. Though
u A member of the Order Pronatus of the
Enoch has a source of food — the ocean — that source
Adeptus Sorotitas has arrived in the Port
has become depleted and far more dangerous in recent
of Tithes. Rumours of a holy relic surfacing
years, and monstrosities prowl the deep.
elsewhere on Enoch have reached off-world,
and she has arrived to find and claim it.

station will soon be back under Corsair control, but
THE WAYSTATION infiltrators sent by the Varonius flotilla are less certain.
They report that the Orks have been ripping the station
(THE VOIDMIRE) apart to create crude but effective war machines, and
are soon likely to launch an overwhelming assault on
the Corsair positions.
Within the disastrous dark of the Voidmire, wreckage
of ships drift amidst fragments of broken worlds and Despite being a warren of endless tunnels and
shards of xenos cityscapes. One such remnant is the ceaseless warfare, the Waystation has long been a lure
Waystation. Once a void station in orbit around a now- to the brave and foolhardy of Gilead. It is a city sized
shattered world, the Waystation hovers on the edge of construction of ultimately unknown origin, much of it
the ebbing tides of the Great Rift. It has been repaired cobbled together from non-Imperium or even Xenos
and altered multiple times with scrap found floating in components. It dates back at least to the arrival of the
the Voidmire, and is now a patchwork of the original Explorator fleet in Gilead in M.31, and was an object
station’s construction. Haphazard expansions dot the of fascination to those Tech-Priests who dared explore
exterior like jagged growths, giving the entire structure it. It is rumoured to contain artefacts from the Dark
a strange, misshapen appearance. Age of Technology, some still functioning and capable
of wonders that border on tech-heresy. Whether or
The Voidmire is claimed by Emerald Princess Ferianwyr, not this is true is unclear, but occasional emissions of
an Aeldari Corsair who has a tenuous truce with the intense energy have been detected from it that so far
Varonius Flotilla. Her authority over it is anything but remain unexplained.
absolute, however. Though her Greensteel Warrior
Corsairs saw some initial success at purging the Orks Some sections of the Waystation are relatively
who had most recently infested it, the creatures have compatible with life, air, heat and power provided by a
ceased their infighting and rallied against her forces to cobbled together mix of machinery than an interested
retake the station. Only a single level of the massive Tech-Priest could spend a lifetime studying. Other
station remains directly under their control, and even areas range from the merely hazardous to the entirely
this is uncertain. Ferinwyr has claimed the entire lethal, bathed in intense radiation, coated in toxic
42 sludge, or simply exposed to the void.
Other than the Orks and Corsairs, small enclaves of hearing whispers in the depths of the Waystation,
other factions still hold out deep in the bowels of the however these concerns are normally met with violent
station. Some are entirely cut off, while others have reproach from their overseers.
endured by carefully avoiding attention. Most would GUTSHIVA’S
leave in an instant if given the opportunity, but a few The Emerald Deck KOMMANDOS

have become obsessed with the Waystation and its A haughty title for a battle scarred series of docks FLEET POLITICS
many secrets. and hangers, the Emerald Deck is the last remaining
bastion of the Aeldari Corsairs under Emerald Princess SHIPS OF THE
NOTABLE LOCATIONS Ferianwyr’s command. The pirates have done what
they can with the crumbling infrastructure and décor,
but despite a handful of comforts, the deck remains a
Within a place such as the Waystation, nearly all spartan affair. The sound of Ork gunfire and the shriek
locations seem notable. However, a few stand out from of Shuriken weapons is almost constant. The Corsair’s
the rest. last remaining Wraithcannon has so far helped to hold
back the Orks, but the defenders don’t expect this to
The Ratways last much longer.
Travel within the Waystation is tricky and dangerous,
even if one can avoid the crossfire between the Orks
and Corsairs. Aside from the relatively navigable main
corridors, a vast warren of smaller conduits, vents, and ANTAGONISTS
maintenance passages exists that offers a modicum
of safety when getting around the station. However,
these tunnels are far from empty. The Waystation is a dangerous place to explore. Though
the Corsairs would welcome almost any assistance, the
As well as the occasional Grot or Snotling, the alliance between the Flotilla and Princess Ferianwyr
remnants of many past expeditions to the Waystation is hardly robust. Agents who attempt to make contact
make their homes here. As well as mutants and Xenos, with anyone in the Waystation should exercise extreme
a handful of Imperial citizens and their descendants caution, though the desperation of the waystation can
live their entire lives in these twisting passages, which make for unusual alliances.
they have named the Ratways. A handful of these
have been contacted by spies sent by the Varonius Tenelyan Quickblade
flotilla, and while some have proved nothing but An Aeldari Corsair of the Greensteel Warriors, Tenelyan
hostile, others have offered assistance in exchange for Quickblade has risen to a position of command by
their eventual evacuation. The Circlet Council has yet the expedient if brutal method of watching all of her
to officially consider any of these requests. superiors perish in battle with the Orks. She is a
competent if unimaginative battlefield commander,
Da Workshop and sensibly ordered the withdrawal of her forces to
The Ork Mekboyz originally began to gather here the Emerald Deck before they were completely overrun.
out of convenience, littered with scrap and ancient There she has organised a solid defence, but one that
technology ready to be put to use by the raving mad no one — least of all herself — believes can last for
Oddboyz; it was also an abandoned deck… well, much longer.
mostly abandoned, save for the poor Scum who had
been squatting here… Though on the surface Quickblade maintains a stoic
demeanour befitting one who almost became an
Da Workshop rings out with the sound of steel-shod Exarch before abandoning her life on Ul-Khari, she is
mallets on metal and rivet guns as the Mekboyz set in truth anything but calm. Despite being in frequent
to work, constructing the unhinged Killa Kans under contact with Princess Ferianwyr, Quickblade remains
orders from Gobsmakka while their Grot underling in the dark about why maintaining a presence on the
furiously search and loot anything not nailed down. Waystation is necessary. Ferianwyr simply proclaims
Lately many of the Grots have been complaining of it to be vital, and so a great deal of Aeldari blood has 43
been spilled to do so.
The Emerald Princess does sometimes ask unusual Isenrath
questions about the station, and a steady stream of Isenrath is a human born on the Waystation some time
samples are sent back to the Corsair fleet, but so far ago — he is unsure exactly how long — but claims that
it is unclear if anything of worth has been found. The Gilead Primus is his true home. Though he has never
Princess has suggested that Quickblade send teams to visited the hiveworld, at least one of his parents was
retrieve samples from deeper in the Waystation, but so born there. In his idle moments the greying, pale and
far Quickblade has declined to do so. Should the queen chronically malnourished Isenrath speaks longingly of
order her to do so, then the recently elevated corsair how beautiful a world Gilead Primus must be.
leader will have a difficult decision to make. So far,
that hasn’t happened. Idle moments are few and far between in the Ratways,
however. Isenrath is the leader of a small enclave
As the situation grows more desperate, so does of humans that make one section of these twisting
Quickblade. At this point she would entertain almost tunnels their homes. So far they have avoided falling
any plan to improve the fortunes of the corsairs on prey to Aeldari, who never had the numbers nor the
the Waystation, even if that involved working with inclination to properly clear the vast and winding
Imperium forces. Certainly they might serve to recover Ratways, or the Orks, who simply haven’t found them
new samples and readings from deeper in the station. yet. The group is aware of the ongoing battle for the
Though she judges this far too dangerous a task to Waystation and believes that it will soon conclude.
risk spilling Aeldari blood to achieve, she has no such Isenrath, incorrectly, assumes the outcome will have
compunctions about risking mon-keigh life. little effect on their own squalid existence.

Long isolated in the Waystation, Isenrath’s group

are suspicious of anyone they don’t recognise. Still,
Isenrath still keeps to some Imperial practices. He
and may of his followers pray to the Emperor, and
recognise many Imperial sigils, such as the Aquila. If
the Agents wear or present such symbols, Isenrath will
be sure to at least hear them out.

Recently Isenrath made contact with one of the

spies sent by Varonius to the Waystation, whom he
has helped to navigate several remote sections. The
old man is delighted to have made contact with the
Imperium proper once again, and is certain that he and
his enclave will soon be rescued. Unfortunately the
spies’ orders are merely to conduct surveillance of the
Waystation, and did not include any provision for the
rescue of its residents. Without someone advocating
on their behalf, the group is likely to be abandoned.

Warboss Gobsmakka
Across the darkened reaches of the Waystation the
remaining Orks have united under the Warpole and
savage authority of the Warboss known as Gobsmakka.
A hulking brute, even by the standards of the Orks he
has established himself as the biggest and most brutal
of the surviving Orks, accompanied by several broken
jaws, earning him his moniker.

Gobsmakka has wasted no time in setting the other Other Xenos
Orks to task, larger mobz of Boyz roam the Waystation, The Aeldari and Orks are not the only xenos to
attacking and pushing the Aeldari back to the Emerald reside within the Waystation’s hull. It is possible that
Deck. While far from sight, Mekboyz and their Grot Genestealer hybrids are among the Humans secluded GUTSHIVA’S
underlings loot and plunder huge sections of the in the Ratways, and the ancient Xenos elements of the
Waystations depths, these resources being put towards station may be home to even stranger creatures. FLEET POLITICS
the construction of their crude warmachines.
Waystation Adventures PORTS OF CALL
u Rumour has it that a valuable and powerful
On the Waystation, any ally can become an enemy in
artefact has surfaced in one of the rare trade ADVENTURES
the blink of an eye. Even so, there are those who have
hubs of the Ratway. The characters must
no desire to maintain the façade of civility, and will just
get their hands on it before another faction
as quickly cut off your hand as shake it.

Aeldari Corsairs u Corsairs mistakenly raided a Varonius

The Waystation’s Corsairs harbour no love or trust Flotilla ship, and its crew was taken to the
for the Imperium’s citizens, or any other creature Waystation. Keen to avoid a diplomatic
that may find its way to the Waystation or the incident, the Corsairs are willing to hand over
Voidmire surrounding it. Regardless of any alliance or the crew to the Agents. Unfortunately, some
arrangement, the Corsairs will quickly turn on anyone have already disappeared into the bowels of
if they appear to be withholding information about one the station, and must be recovered.
of the Waystation’s many secrets.

Desperate Humans
Exceptions aside, most of the Humans who dwell
within the Ratways are as far removed from the God
Emperor’s light as any heretic. Some may be working
in service of the Imperium, but most are simply
attempting to survive, and a group of well equipped
strangers may look like little more than an opportunity
to them.

Deep within the Ratways, there is a chamber that is
said to be the very centre of the Waystation. There, the
stations intermittent artificial gravity is entirely absent.
Those who float there for a time find themselves lost
to the contemplation of the many distant sounds that
filter to them. Among the chatter, gunfire, and racket
of ancient inscrutable machinery, there is a voice.
To those who listen to it, it brings great fortune,
and ultimately disaster. Entire cults have sprung up
around worship of the Creaking Voice, all of which are
invariably hostile to outsiders.

+++Hive World+++
The capital planet of the Gilead System
is a spent and irradiated rock, utterly
scoured for resources over millennia of
toxin-producing industry. Its population
of sixteen-billion or more is spread across
nine colossal hives separated by exhausted
wasteland. Each hive is a towering urban
construction of several cities packed one
on top of the other, stretching thousands of
metres into the sky.

Lord-Militant Tyleria Fylamon rules

Gilead Primus

Most of his subsequent visits have all been to check in

RUNNER’S RIDGE with Cree, and he has strangely not mentioned Verity
since he left her domicile.
Built upon the protruding middle tier of a domestic
hive, Runner’s Ridge does brisk business in both Most of the districts within Runner’s Ridge are
legitimate trade and an underground smuggling and residential, at least according to their official
racketeering ring. While the majority of Gilead Primus’s classification. Situated roughly halfway up the
population is concerned mostly with survival rather hive, the residents here are in a better position than
than advancement, the opportunity for profit exists those further down the city. While those in the hive
within Runner’s Ridge for those with the ambition and levels below them toil their short lives away in the
moral flexibility to achieve their goals. manufactorums on Gilead Prime, and only return to
their squalid homes long enough to sleep for an hour
Shrouded in dense clouds of toxic gases, Runner’s or two before returning to work. The residents in this
Ridge is dark and gloomy, lit only by dim lighting that portion of the hive serve as dockworkers, runners,
does little to penetrate the clouds outside the hive, and and servants. While their meager existence is still
somehow barely pushes back the darkness within as dominated by work and worship, their labour is less
well. Since it is part of a domestic hive, there is little backbreaking and hazardous than those in the lowel
in the way of official shops or markets. Still, business levels.
is booming in Runner’s Ridge. Densely packed and
filled to bursting with citizens working to load and The Docks
unload cargo, hawk their wares to crew members, or The Runner’s Ridge Docks vary in size, from the
attempting to slip aboard a ship unnoticed, the streets smallest slip for a personal shuttle to a massive docking
of Runner’s Ridge are easy to get lost in, by accident bay able to hold a gigantic cargo ship. Citizens stop to
or design. Jakel Varonius first arrived at Runner’s gawk whenever a large craft comes into port, hoping to
Ridge in an uncharacteristically impulsive act. While catch a glimpse of an illustrious figure — maybe even
46 there, he met with Verity, and established a working the famed Jakel Varonius himself.
relationship with Kernen Cree.
If no one of high rank is purportedly on the ship, — a process that took weeks and scores of heavy
however, most rush off to continue whatever work is flamers. While there were plenty of citizens from lower
required, cursing the lost minutes of work that will be in the hive eager to capitalise on the sudden vacancy
taken out of their rations or their hide. above them, regardless of the lingering bloodstains GUTSHIVA’S
and scorch markings, the new Dockmaster refuses
Ships that dock at Runner’s Ridge take extra to utilise the dock, claiming it is tainted with the foul FLEET POLITICS
precautions, making sure security is in top shape essence of the creatures and will only bring tragedy.
before opening their doors to the populace. The ships SHIPS OF THE
here represent a tantalising, though illusory, freedom, Needless to say, some of the more enterprising elements
and while most citizens are content to let their work of the hive were more than happy to use Docking Bay
guide them, a few find the temptation too hard to 86/B to suit their own needs. There, amidst the twisted
resist. Service on a ship neither brings independence remains of the Light of Purity, scum, smugglers, and
nor autonomy, and those who find themselves aboard other unsavoury types meet. If asked, no one ever sees
a vessel heading offworld discover they have simply anything or anyone within Docking Bay 86/B. In some
traded one form of oppression and exploitation for circles, the dock has gained a reputation for being
another. Even those who linger too long near the docks haunted, infested, or even cursed, and any noises
may find themselves press-ganged into service — a heard within are easily blamed on such superstitious
ship needs a crew and many officers don’t have the nonsense; others know the truth of what happens
money or patience to hire legitimately. within Docking Bay 86/B, but are happy to pretend
they don’t.
Docking Bay 86/B
Docking Bay 86/B is kept empty, no matter how Hab-Unit 167-AQ-5640-A
crowded the skies become or how large of a bribe a A Hab-Unit home much like all the other homes within
captain offers. The Light of Purity was the last ship this level of the Hive, there is nothing that immediately
to dock here, bound from the Voidmire. When its sets this Hab-Unit apart from any other. A cramped
doors opened, instead of a crew of tired Imperials, room with nothing but the basics for survival — four
Genestealers and Genestealer cultists poured from beds, cold storage for rations, and a privy with a door
the decks and swarmed the waiting workers. They — Hab-Unit 167-AQ-5640-A is important not because
devoured and corrupted thousands of residents before of what it holds, but who it holds: Verity Beverit, a well
they were finally killed and their remains cleared out known information broker.

CONTACTS, ALLIES, Verity Beverit -
Information Broker
ANTAGONISTS Within the cramped confines of the Hab-Unit the
elderly form of Verity Beverit sits hunched over a low
table with an assortment of small, brightly coloured
Residents, dockworkers, and scum make up the velvet stools arrayed around her. She greets guests
majority of Runner’s Ridge’s population. with a kind smile and warm, welcoming eyes before
earnestly guiding them to sit opposite as she lays out
Cornelius Clericus the wafer thin cards of the Emperor’s Tarot - though
The Dockmaster oversees every ship that comes in and her ability to actually discern a coherent message from
out of Runner’s Ridge. Currently Cornelius Clericus the shifting images of the cards is subject to some
holds the position. A shrewd and ambitious man with contestation.
an eye on the upper levels of the hive, he is determined
to advance his station, either through a carefully In reality, Verity deals not with the insight garnered
preened presentation of dedication and loyalty to his from the blessed cards of the Emperor but from
superiors or through corruption and simple bribery. a clandestine and well established network of
For Cornelius, the ends almost always justify the intelligencers, counterspies and an untold number of
means, even when it comes to dealing with those he indebted information gatherers across the entirety of
considers beneath him. the system. From the highest spires of Enoch to the
dilapidated habs of her homeworld no deals are made,
Pragmatic in every way, Cornelius was raised to the promises delivered or endeavours undertaken without
position after the previous dockmaster was devoured one of her many agents lurking in the shadows,
along with so many others when the Genestealer- eager to report back. Verity uses this seismic flow of
infested ship, Light of Purity, docked at Docking Bay information to her immense benefit. This wide reaching
86/B — an incident he blames entirely on the previous network has given Verity an enviable position. Aware
Dockmaster’s ineptitude. of the major movements and arrangements within the
system, selling the most prudent of information to the
highest bidder and gaining vast amounts of wealth
in the process. A dangerous enterprise, Verity also
ensures she has enough nobles and officials indebted
to her to guarantee her own continued security.

Needless to say, these services are in high demand but

affordable only by a scant few. Jakel Varonius is one
such individual. He has visited her once, leaving with
an uncharacteristically grim expression that took him
days to shake off.

Tech-Priest Enginseer
Sett-9 Recursive
Sett-9 Recursive is an Enginseer of Avarchus, usually
tasked with maintaining Imperial warmachines on
the battlefield. He served faithfully in that role for
decades, before political machinations he incorrectly
thought did not concern him saw the unfortunate
Tech-priest banished to Gilead Primus. He has been
given the sisyphean task of repairing what remains of
the voidship Light of Purity, now a tangled mass of
scorched metal.
Sett-9 Recursive knows this task is impossible, but
labours on regardless. Recently he discovered several
intact sections of the ship, buried deep beneath the
wreckage. These could contain any number of threats
Gilead Primus GUTSHIVA’S
— dormant Genestealers, rogue combat servitors, or
devices whose machine spirits have become confused u Verity Brevit has a message for the Agents, FLEET POLITICS
and hostile. He would like the Agents to finish the task one that can only be delivered in person.
began years ago, and purge what remains of the Light SHIPS OF THE
u Cornelius Clericus has impounded one of FLEET
of Purity.
the Flotilla’s ships and imprisoned the crew.
Jakel requires the player characters to travel PORTS OF CALL
THREATS to Runner’s Ridge to negotiate their release.

The Faithful of Docking

Bay 86/B
Though the authorities of Runner’s Ridge believe they
dealt with the Xenos incursion released from The Light
of Purity, the infestation was not so easily purged. A
nascent Genestealer cult is developing on Runners
Ridge, with those infected by the Genestealers Kiss
coming to see dock as the birthplace of their new
religion. These faithful leave small offerings there, a
strange xenos faith masquerading as a memorial to
those who died in the battle. If not addressed, the
cult will only grow in power an influence, their ranks
swelling with infected citizens and their hybrid
offspring alike.

Rogue Psykers
With the Gilead System in isolation the feared Black
Ships of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica are no longer
capable of reaching the System. In combination with
a dwindling Inquisitorial presence an increasing
number of Rogue Psykers go unnoticed and
unmolested as their powers swell. The
most sensible of these individuals hide
away their abilities, living a life of fretful
trepidation, hiding from the authorities,
while the truly recalcitrant eventually fall
to the call of Chaos.

Like all Rogue Traders, Jakel Varonius bears a Warrant As long as Varonius is bringing new worlds into the
of Trade, giving him power to negotiate, barter, steal, fold of the blessed Imperium, eradicating heretics and
and kill in service to the Imperium. other enemies of the faithful, or, barring that, turning
a profit, few find cause to complain. In the Gilead
The warrant enumerates the specific borders and System, his authority goes beyond the Warrant of
boundaries of Varonius’s authority… though they Trade: he’s the only Imperium representative to enter
are extensive, and it is worded in such a way that a the system since the Great Rift opened, and he brought
particularly cunning or charismatic individual (which much needed resources, including trained military
Jakel Varonius certainly is) could twist the meaning personnel. At first he was hailed as a saviour. Over
and extract enough plausible deniability as to have time, the system’s rulers have come to feel increasingly
authority to do nearly anything they wish. threatened by his power, though very few dare to move
50 against him.
To Jakel Varonius, Rogue Trader in Service of The Emperor, Glory Everlasting
to Him on Terra, To Him All Things Are Given, and in Service of the Imperium,

Know thou that we have bestowed upon thou, master of one ship The Ducal Circlet, and master of
another ship, The Herald Varonius, and of numerous other ships bearing your colours and your
marque, the authority and blessings of the God-Emperor to trade, barter, bargain, contract, and pact with
those who seek the Emperor’s Light, or with those others necessary to expand the reach and influence of
the Imperium, and full bearing to apprehend, seize, attack, besiege, kill, slay, destroy, conquer, or take
into your custody any and all who would impede the expansion of His Wisdom and Glory, and any and
all who would work alongside such heretics, and the authority to seize, repossess,
reclaim, and appropriate any merchandise, money, goods, weapons, or other cargo or
wares found in the possession of such heretics and their conspirators, and to
reapportion, ration, and dispense such goods and you see fit and necessary in the
service of the blessed Imperium.

In discharge of this great trust, any loyal citizen of the Empire is expected to provide
you with any and all services, supplies, labour, funds, and aid as necessary to
successfully complete your mission as set forth in this Writ. To refuse to do so is to

By his will let it be
refuse our God-Emperor himself, and to be considered heretic. done. In His name

ord Sylar Pruss VI
let all our work
prosper. By his
Written this day in the year of our Emperor M41.984. strength let all our
enemies fall. Let the
Xenos burn, let the
Heretic know fear.
By the Throne and
by the High Lords
of Terra, let the
agreement here
sealed stand forever,
or if fractured, let
those who broke be
shamed in His sight
and flensed of their
flesh and sin.

Jakel Varonius maintains his trust and good will with With such things in mind, it is not unusual for Jakel
the Gilead System’s various leaders, not just through to temporarily confer authority on a group of Agents
the authority of the Rogue Trader Writ, but by being to answer a summons in his stead, or to look into
the contact you want to call when you have a need. rumours and leads before they become much more
Whether it’s a problem that needs solving, goods public issues. These operations can be anything from
that need transporting, or heretics that need killing, an extermination mission within a towering hive or a
someone in the Varonius Flotilla is sure to possess tricky negotiation with scum, heretics, or xenos. Some
whatever particular talent is needed, and Varonius is of the Gilead System’s areas are too volatile for the
quick to help his allies. martial nature of Astartes forces, or are better handled
by Agents empowered to negotiate rather than risking
Broad Authority, outright war — these are usually the missions with
Plausible Deniability the biggest pay-out and the best prizes. In these cases,
The nature of the Rogue Trader Writ gives Jakel often the lesser-known Agents are the best to handle
Varonius — and anyone flying his colours — broad these dicey situations… should things go south, Jakel
authority to act in ways many higher-ranking members can easily disavow the group he sent, claiming they
of the Imperium cannot. This makes Flotilla’s members were acting on their own without his authority or
highly sought after by nobles or Ecclesiarchs requiring knowledge. This allows the Flotilla to claim its many
a delicate problem handled without the Imperium’s full successes, but more importantly, wash its hands of
force and might. any failures, keeping its reputation intact. 51


After months, the desperate band of stranded pilgrims The refugee camp clings precariously to a shore of
besieging Saint Rathama’s Rest on Enoch has suddenly jagged stone slabs encircling a small bay. The rocky
gone quiet. But the people of this once-prosperous shore is a honeycomb of caves, many of which have
fishing enclave remain wary — some of their boats been converted into shelters for the desperate pilgrims.
have been found close to land or run ashore, their crew From a distance all seems well — figures appear to mill
missing, and the pilgrims remain the chief suspects. about cave entrances, and the smell of roasting meat is
carried on the air.
Unknown to the enclave, the pilgrims are dead or in
hiding in the cliffside caves around their impromptu As the Agents approach it becomes obvious that not all
settlement. They are being hunted and killed by a is as it seems. The ‘figures’ are merely tent flaps and
Lictor, a terrifying Xenos monstrosity whose presence windbreaks twisting in the constant sea breeze, and
on Enoch heralds dread times ahead for the system. the smell seems to be coming from a single gruesome
The Lictor has been picking off pilgrims one or two at bonfire in the center of the camp, close to the water.
a time, and with most dead has turned its attention to Closer examination shows the fire to be full of bones —
fishing boats which venture too close. human remains slowly being consumed by the flames.

HOOK As they are examining this, a few rocks scatter and fall
from a nearby cave mouth. As the Agents investigate,
When the appearance of the Cicatrix Maledictum a figure suddenly appears as if from nowhere next to
stranded uncounted pilgrims on the shrine world one of the Agents. This is Clauth Nu, an emaciated
Enoch, people quickly became desperate enough young girl aged far beyond her years. She eyes the
to fight over food. The leaders of Rathama’s Rest Agent with suspicion, and asks if they are here to kill
are loath to risk reigniting the violence but want to the ‘monster’.
know why the attacks stopped so suddenly. Have
the refugees given up, or are they gathering strength Clauthe is a Novitiate of the Adepta Sororitas, the famed
before the next attack? The locals have petitioned Sisters of Battle. Attending the Shrine of St. Rathama
Varonius to send neutral investigators. as part of a pilgrimage, the rest of her squad were
slain by the Lictor. She was spared her for unknowable
ACTION reasons — though Clauthe attributes this to her faith
in the Emperor. It was she who set the bonfire, in the
hopes of putting to rest the creature’s victims. Clauthe
Ulina Caln, the flint-eyed and weary speaker for Saint says little else, but can direct the Agents to Carinelle
Rathama’s Rest, outlines the enclave’s situation. She Beauford, leader of the camp. She and a dozen others
finds the notion that the refugees could be responsible have been hiding behind a barricade in one of the
ridiculous — they are hungry, but hardly capable of Caves, with only Clauthe willing to venture out safely.
ambushing a boat full of experienced sailors — and
wants the agents to act as go-betweens to prevent A minor noble before becoming stranded on Enoch,
escalating the situation. she is terrified of the Lictor, having seen it kill dozens,
and is desperate for help. She will promise the Agents
anything they wish, but in truth has very little to give.
She knows Clauth is a psyker, but doesn’t reveal that
unless coerced with a successful DN 5 Intimidation
52 (Wil) Test.
If the agents wish to kill the Lictor, they will have to be
clever. It is a serious threat, and will hunt them through
the warren-like caves, across the beach, and even into
the sea if they attempt to swim away. It is more than a If the Agents can kill the creature, the survivors thank GUTSHIVA’S
match for them, but prefers ambush hunting and will them profusely, doubly so if they can further convince
not attack them when they are all together. Beauford the enclave to provide them some food or shelter. If FLEET POLITICS
knows the camp well, and can direct the Agents to a they fail to do so and are forced to flee, another strike
small supply of Promethium — a powerful incendiary team is called in to deal with the issue, and the Agent’s SHIPS OF THE
— in some caves across the bay. Clauthe has seen reputation suffers.
the creature up close and knows some of its abilities.
Though a novice of her order, she has some skill with Either way, if the Agents identify the creature as a
a Bolter — it is up to the dice if the Emperor will spare Tyranid, they will become the subject to prolonged
her from the Lictor a second time. interviews by the authorities in Gilead, who seem
extremely concerned at this development. Sworn to
Agents can identify the Lictor as a Tyranid bioform that secrecy, it will be weeks before they hear tales of an
specialises in stealthy ambush with a successful DN 6 entire peninsula on Enoch being vaporised by brutal
Scholar (Int) Test from Clauthe’s description, which orbital bombardment.
drops to a DN 4 Test if they see the beast themselves.
If Clauthe survives she returns to her Abbey, and her
prayers to the Emperor for the Agents’ good fortune
and grace provide +2 Bonus Dice to one Test during
Threat A|A|E|E|T TYRANID their next adventure.
S T A I Wil Int Fel
7 4 6 5 4 4 2
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
4 8 6 7 (AR 4)
SKILLS: Default 5, Athletics 9, Awareness 8 (Passive
4), Stealth 10, Weapon Skill 8
ACTIONS: Flesh Hooks: 7 +6 ED / Range 5 / Brutal,
Silent, Inflict (Poisoned 4)
Grasping Talons: 7 +2 ED / Range 1 / Silent, Inflict
Ruin: Spend 1 Ruin. The Threat makes a Stealth (A)
Test as a Free Action. It resets its Stealth Score with
the result.
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
4 3 6 Avg



Among the ever shifting wastelands of the Knight
World Nethreus an amassed horde of barbaric and
vicious Orks has begun to lay siege to one of the great
domed cities of the planet known as Kalva. Recent The Agents will be shuttled directly to the planet’s
tectonic activity has destroyed many of the outlying surface and after a brief shuttled transfer find
Millitarum emplacements and the vast majority have themselves on the other side of Kalva’s huge defensive
already safely fallen back to defend the defensive fortifications. From here the Agents can see the ash
fortifications of the city walls. plains of Nethreus and the isolated hill in the distance.
A Gilead Gravedigger scout has been assigned to guide
The noted exception to this is a large mound of a hill them through the battlefield towards the beleaguered
with the official designation of 09-L7-8B7, several outpost, Agents must pass a DN 3 Stealth (A) Test
kilometres ahead of the main defensive line. Known or find themselves ambushed by an equal number of
by its bloodied defenders simply as “The Meatstack”. roaming Ork Boyz eager for a fight.
An entrenched and embittered detachment of Gilead
Gravediggers hold this hill with a steely determination On reaching the base of the Hill, the Agents see that
under direct orders that can be traced back to Lord- it is nothing more than a blood slicked quagmire —
Militant Fylamon herself. The Meatstack has, punctuated by burned out Chimera tanks, rusted razor
inexplicably, been deemed of vital strategic importance wire and the smell of promethium searing the Agents’
and to be held at all costs. nostrils from the constant battle. The encampment
atop is a sombre and disheartened place, commanded
With reinforcements being dispatched to the desperate over by one Commissar Gimneus Dak.
hill on an almost daily basis and an ever growing
attrition rate Varonius himself has taken an interest Dak is an impassive and grim-faced woman who has
in bringing the ongoing defence of the Hill to swift enforced the orders of Lord-Millitant Fylamon with the
conclusion liberal application of her Bolt Pistol and a stringent
adherence to the Imperial Creed. The assorted ranks of
HOOK the Gilead Gravediggers stationed here are obviously
combat fatigued and apprehensive, seemingly caring
little for standing to attention or morning prayer as
Jakel Varonius has grown concerned over the defence makeshift Ork ordinance thunders around them. If
of Hill 09-L7-8B7 and its spiralling consumption of the Agents succeed a DN2 Insight (Fel) Test they
resources. Aside from the apparent lack of strategic quickly realise the Commissar is neither well regarded
importance Varonius is also worried about the nor trusted by the Millitarum troops present, although
abnormally high mortality rate and has tasked the none would dare to voice this aloud.
agents with investigating further and even suggests
making use of the planet’s Knight Houses to hopefully Commissar Dak will be professionally accommodating
bring a swift end to the protracted affair. to the Agents and informs them her only expectation
of them would be to love the Emperor and to take up
arms should the Hill come under attack while they are
present. Otherwise she is willing to let them conclude
their investigations, confident in her superiors orders
although it is evidently apparent that the hill holds
54 little to no strategic value.
On returning to the main Defensive lines the Agents
should enquire after the Knight Houses present and
will be directed towards Ardent Fresh who will demand
an update from the besieged outpost. If the Agents have managed to convince Ardent Fresh GUTSHIVA’S
to issue new orders to retreat or decided to return and
On hearing the Agents assessment of the strategic attempt to intervene themselves then shortly before FLEET POLITICS
importance of Hill 09-L7-8B7, Fresh curses Varonius’ the amassed weaponry of the Knight House turn Hill
stupidity, blaming him for the atrocious casualties and 09-L7-8B7 into a smouldering crater the beleaguered SHIPS OF THE
quickly mobilises to pacify the encampment and claim ranks of the Gravediggers can be seen making their
glory. Agents can attempt to convince Fresh to issue way towards the relative safety of Kalva’s defensive
withdrawal orders to the camp and save the remaining line.
Gilead Gravediggers with a DN 4 Persuasion (Fel)
Test prior to the assembled Preceptors Las-impulsors As long as the drain on resources is resolved then
laying waste to the area. If they fail this Test, the Varonius will consider the undertaking a success,
Agents will have little time to return to Hill 09-L7-8B7 however should the Agents leave the remaining
and will face the wrath of Commissar Dak should they Gravediggers and the Commissar to their fate it may be
attempt to organise a retreat. some time before he trusts the Agents with a resource
sensitive mission again.



Threat A|E|T|T|T
S T A I Wil Int Fel
3 3 2 3 5 2 4
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
2 6 7 6 (AR 3)
SKILLS: Default 5, Deception 7, Intimidation 7,
Persuasion 7, Weapon Skill 6
Champion: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and has
1 personal Ruin.
Zealot: This Threat may become Frenzied as a Free
BATTLECRY: Imperial Creed
The Threat may make an Intimidation Interaction
Attack against anyone with the IMPERIUM keyword
within 15m. Any target affected by the Interaction
Attack becomes Frenzied
ACTIONS: Boltpistol: 10 +1 ED / Range 6-12-18 /
Salvo 1 /Brutal / Pistol
Chainsword: 7 +4 ED / Range 1 / Brutal, Parry
Spend 1 Ruin to roll 4d6.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
5 4 6 Avg



Servitors are criminals and traitors the Adeptus
Mechanicus has cybernetically lobotomised,
reprogrammed, and augmented with technological
parts to perform the Imperium’s harshest tasks, making The Agents are brought before Tech-Priest Telot-9-Rho
them important cogs in the war machine. There’s a in his private workshop, a high-vaulted space with
wealth of condemned criminals for conversion, but churning machinery and stained-glass windows. Telot-
the supply of mechanical, augmetic components has 9-Rho explains the situation and requests the Agents
slowed as requisition requests have stalled in the go to Straken’s Workhorse to retrieve both the soldiers
Adeptus Administratum. and the components to turn them into servitors. The
Tech-Priest notes that it may be inadvisable to inform
Telot-9-Rho, a Tech-Priest stationed on the Belaphron, the soldiers of their intended use as, in his experience,
has finally been assigned the proper components to this has been known to cause ‘undue and regrettable
create a new cohort of combat servitors — six mighty distress.’ If anyone questions his choice of subjects, the
Kataphron Breachers. The components are aboard Tech-Priest launches into a long and highly technical
Straken’s Workhorse, remnants of a long resolved discussion of the many precedents for the use of those
conflict that have only recently emerged from the awaiting trial during times of great need. In return
bowels of Administraum logistical bureaucracy. for their services, the Tech-Priest offers repairs and
suitable upgrades to the Agent’s equipment — though
Their presence on Straken’s Workhorse, an Adeptus shortages abound in Gilead, Telot-9-Rho is adept at
Militarum troop carrier, has sparked an idea in Telot-9- acquiring supplies from unusual sources.
Rho’s cogitators. Is it truly wise to risk using just any
condemned criminal to create servitors from such rare On Straken’s Workhorse, the Agents are greeted
components? Wouldn’t it be better to use the bodies of by Lieutenant Silt. She directs the Agents to the
those who are already experienced combat veterans, to bunkhouse where the condemned soldiers can be
ensure the servitors are as effective as possible? found, and to Hanger 66b, where the components are
stored. The Lieutenant has been told only that the
It’s up to the Agents to go to Straken’s Workhorse and soldiers are to accompany the Agents — she assumes
retrieve the components for the Servitors — both the to help guard the delivery. If the Agents question Silt
machinery, and the flesh. further, they find that she does not think highly of the
squad. She explains that the six are all that remains of
HOOK the Gilead Gravedigger’s D Company. They fled from
battle with a small Ork incursion on Gilead Primus,
and are awaiting trial for cowardice.
Tech-Priest Telot-9-Rho summons the Agents to
The Belaphron, an Adeptus Mechanicaus ship, and Retrieving the components from Hanger 66b proves
sets them the task of retrieving the components to be a straightforward matter, though the large
for the servitors and a squad of Adeptus Militarum munitorum cargo containers prove awkward to load
Guardsmen to create them from. The Guardsmen have aboard the shuttle without help. The Agents may
an outstanding disciplinary notice against them for first retrieve the soldiers of D Company to assist. The
cowardice, which Telot-9-Rho uses to justify their fate. Guardsmen are a sorry lot, clearly veterans from their
scars and physique, but entirely dejected.
They are led by Sergeant Helna Thar, whose many If the Guardsmen were able to sneak in their weapons,
medals indicate that she is, or perhaps was, a decorated Sergeant Thar orders her troops to help them — all but
hero. She is professional with the Agents, but clearly herself and one other soldier take the opportunity to
suspicious. She asks many questions about the details flee. Should Telot-9-Rho perish, the Agents will have GUTSHIVA’S
of their assignment, only quieting if a superior (such some explaining to do, and are unlikely to be welcome
as a Space Marine or Astra Militarum officer) orders on the Belaphron again in the future. FLEET POLITICS
her to do so.
If the Agents allow the Guardsmen to escape, they are SHIPS OF THE
If the Agents use these soldiers to help load the servitor later captured, though to their credit they never reveal
components, have them make a DN 3 Deception any aid the Agents gave them.
Test if they wish to avoid having them discovering
what is inside. If they do, the questions only become
more pointed, and a successful DN 5 Deception or
Intimidation (Wil) Test is required to calm them. In
either case, Sergeant Thar attempts to sneak a small
supply of weapons onto the shuttle — allow Agents
a DN 5 Awareness (Int) Test to notice this. If she is
confronted about it, Thar merely shrugs and says ‘It
always pays to be prepared.’

During the trip to the Belaphron, the Agents may

ask the Guardsmen about the circumstances of their
disgrace. They explain that, after holding their position
for three days and losing most of their comrades, they
finally fled from battle in the night. This necessitated a
massive shelling of the position to finally destroy the
Orks — something that could have been done at any
time, were it not for the ammunition shortage. The trip
to The Belaphron is otherwise uneventful, though two COMBAT SERVITOR
of the Guardsmen play at games of chance and invite ADEPTUS MECHANICUS,
Threat T|T|T|T|T
anyone around to join them. IMPERIUM, SERVITOR
S T A I Wil Int Fel
AFTERMATH 4 2 2 2 1 1 1
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
1 5 - 7 (AR 4)
If the Agents successfully return the components to SKILLS: Default 4, Weapon Skill 5
Telot-9-Rho, the Tech-Priest is pleased. If the cache
of weaponry was not discovered the six Guardsmen,
Iron Soul: This Threat is unaffected by abilities that
realising their fate, put up one last stand against the target the mind, and never needs to make a Resolve
Agents and Telot-9-Rho. The Tech-Priest demands Test to continue fighting.
the Agents deal with the issue without causing undue ABILITIES
harm to the Guardsmen’s bodies in the process. ACTION: Servo Arm: 9+2 ED / AP -3 / Range 1 /
Brutal, Unwieldy (2)

If the Agents chose to try to convince Telot-9-Rho COMPLICATION: Error: The Servitor is Exhausted for 1
to find other candidates for servitorship, he can be Round. This can be negated by an ally succeeding on a
DN 3 Tech (Int) Test.
convinced to do so with a DN 5 Persuasion (Wil) Test.
If failed, the Tech-Priest orders his 5 Combat Servitors DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.

to attack the ‘traitorous’ Agents, whom he declares Conviction Resolve Speed Size
have volunteered their own bodies for his purposes. 1 1 5 Avg


Thousands of years ago, Humanity’s greatest HOOK
warriors, Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes,
stood against a green tide of Orks on the ice planet
Trollius. The battlegrounds have since been long The Agents receive a priority summons from Icarros
buried in Trollius’ ever-shifting ice, until an Adeptus himself. A Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought has
Mechanicus Explorator team chanced upon reopened been discovered in a temple below Trollius’ ice, and he
glacial paths. They uncovered an ancient temple filled needs them to immediately secure the Dreadnought.
with hundreds of frozen Ork corpses surrounding a The planet’s ice might re-bury the site at any time,
damaged Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought, a war and with Death Guard already at the site and other
walker of immense power. The explorators managed to covetous factions taking notice, he’s arranged for their
transmit details of the find to the flotilla before falling immediate deployment. The race is on!
mysteriously silent.

Word of the find quickly reaches Primaris Lieutenant

Sidrian Icarros. Oath bound to ensure the dreadnaught’s
recovery, quickly dispatches a handpicked team of his The Agents receive priority communications from
own Agents, hoping to get to the temple before the Icarros explaining the importance of securing the
shifting ice reclaims it. Contemptor Dreadnought, and immediately deploy on
Trollius at the entrance of the fractured ice paths that
Icarros isn’t alone in pursuing the Dreadnought. Other lead down to the temple.
factions have taken notice, and scans show a Death
Guard dropship has already landed near the temple This mission is a race against time: the longer the
site. The corrupted Astartes must not be allowed to Agents take to reach the Dreadnought, the more time
infect the holy war machine and turn it to their foul the Death Guard have to rouse the war machine’s
purpose. The Agents must race to secure a powerful weapons. Ruin represents this time pressure. Increase
war machine from an ancient battleground before the Ruin when the Agents progress too slowly, including
planet’s shifting ice or heretic Astartes can claim it. if they take time to rest. If Ruin reaches its maximum
before the Agents arrive at the temple, you can
spend it all to have the Death Guard escape with the

Know no Fear The ice paths to the temple are treacherous, as are
This is an ideal mission for a group of players the extreme cold temperatures. Hordes of Orks are
looking to serve the Emperor as a party of frozen in the ice, their bodies making the path steep,
Space Marines, who will better appreciate the unpredictable, and hard to traverse. As the Agents
importance of the ancient Dreadnought. It will travel to the temple, they encounter one or more of the
also serve to acquaint them with the Death Guard following obstacles:
and Chaos Space Marines, some of the most
dangerous foes the Absolvers face in Gilead. A mob of 5 Cultists and a Plague Marine attempt to
stall the Agents. The GM gains 1 Ruin at the start of
each Combat Round after the first.

The shifting ice and recent activity have freed a mob
of 10 befuddled Ork Boys with choppas who had lain
dormant. They attack on sight The GM gains 1 Ruin at Mere hours after the Agents depart, the ice shifts
the start of each Combat Round after the first. and the temple is again lost beneath the glaciers. If GUTSHIVA’S
the Dreadnought was secured, Icarros gives hands it
As the Agents move along the side of a deep crevasse, over to the care of the Chapters Techmarines stationed FLEET POLITICS
an avalanche crashes over the path. Characters must aboard the Recommitment and as a means of thanking
succeed on a DN 4 Athletics (S) Test to hold their the Agents rewards them each with a single piece of SHIPS OF THE
ground.Anyone who fails is swept off the path into the Uncommon or Rare wargear from the vaults.
crevasse, falling onto a ledge 10 metres down. The GM
gains 1 Ruin if any Agent fails the Test. If the Death Guard recovered the Dreadnought, the
Plague God blesses it with bile and corrupts it into a
Reaching the temple, the Agents find a cavernous putrid and devastating weapon of war to turn against
chamber 40 metres wide with frozen Orks in the the Imperium in short order.
walls and blanketing the floor, slain long ago by the
Dreadnought. On a dais in the centre of the temple
stands the gloriously shining Dreadnought, damaged in PLAGUE MARINE
battle and with its sarcophagus hacked open. A Plague
Surgeon is manipulating tech inside the Dreadnought Threat A|A|E|E|T ASTARTES, CHAOS, DEATH
A Plague Marine and a mob of 10 Cultists stand ready GUARD, NURGLE
for battle, attacking anyone that enters the temple. S T A I Wil Int Fel
6 8 5 5 4 3 2
A Plague Marine has activated the Dreadnought’s arm- Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
mounted Kheres-pattern assault cannon. Once each 4 12 6 14 (AR 5)
combat round, a creature touching the Dreadnought SKILLS: Default 5, Awareness 9 (Passive 5), Ballistic
can use a Full-Round Action to aim and fire the Skill 8, Weapon Skill 8
enhanced assault cannon, which has a +2 DN penalty, BONUSES
+2 ED, Salvo 8. The GM must spend 1 Ruin for a Architect of Ruin: The Threat Seizes the Initiative
Threat to use the assault cannon. without spending a point of Ruin and Charges. It gains
an additional +1 bonus die to its attack Test as part of
the Charge.
Once all Threats are dealt with, the Dreadnought has
Champion: This Threat may use Ruin Actions and has
been secured. Icarros sends in a waiting retrieval team one personal Ruin.
to remove the Dreadnought.
Mark of Chaos: Nurgle.
ACTION: Plague Belcher: 10 +1 ED / Range 5 - 10 -
15 / Salvo 1 / Assault, Inflict (poison 4)
Plaguesword: 13 +5 ED / Range 1 / Brutal, Inflict
(poison 4)
RUIN: Veteran of the Long War: Spend 1 Ruin to add the
game’s Tier as ED to all attacks this Threat makes this

REACTION: Noxious Discharge: Whenever this

Threat takes a wound, roll a d6. If you roll an Icon,
a mix of virulent gasses and toxic effluent spills from
the Wound. The Noxious Discharge hits every target
Engaged with the Death Guard.
Noxious Discharge: 2 +4 ED / AP -4 / Blast (4), Inflict
(Poison 4)
DETERMINATION: You do not need to spend Ruin to
roll Determination for this Threat. Roll 8d6. This Threat
can roll Determination against Mortal Wounds.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size 59
4 4 5 Avg

Alyxea Hanzel, an officer of the Astra Militarum, is HOOK
haunted by dreams of her younger sister Lyzette,
who was killed in action as a result of an air-strike
Alyxea ordered during a protracted battle with a force During a routine stopover at the Port of Tithes (see
of xenos horribilis. Lately she has dreamed of her page 39), the Flotilla’s voidmaster, Evgenio Crawe ,
sister, seemingly alive in an unfamiliar place, telling introduces the Agents to an old friend: Alyxea Hanzel,
her that all is forgiven. After months of searching, an officer of the Astra Militarum, also newly posted to
Alyxea has finally identified the place in her dream: Enoch. The voidmaster owes Alyxea a favour; he pays
an ancient, crumbling aqueduct in the slums below the his debt by volunteering the Agents to help Alyxea
Port of Tithes, and has resolved to find out if her sister find her missing sister, who she believes is in the Port
is there. of Tithes.

Lyzette survived her sister’s airstrike, but she and her

soldiers were infected by the Genestealer’s kiss. She
wants her sister to join her and become part of her new
‘family’, but the Agents may have other ideas… A crisp military bearing clings to Lieutenant Alyxea
Hanzel, even as she outlines her troubles to the Agents.
A former officer of the Astra Militarum asks the At first she merely explains that she is looking for her
Agents to help her find her sister — but will the Agents sister, a fellow soldier whom she has reason to believe
find what she’s looking for beneath the Port of Tithes is somewhere beneath the Port of Tithes, possibly
before disaster strikes? having been kidnapped. Agents passing a DN3 Insight
(Int) Test will realise she is hiding something, and if
pressed she relents. Many years ago her orders led
to the death of a company of soldiers including her
younger sister (and junior officer) Lyzette. She asks
the Agents to accompany her to a concealed location
beneath the slums of the port, where she believes her

The Genestealer’s Kiss sister may be living. She claims that her sister was
sighted there by a mutual friend.
Genestealers are a particularly lethal Xenos
creature and herald of the terrifying Tyranids. It A DN 5 Persuasion (Fel) Test gets Alyxea to confide
excels in close combat, but in many ways this is in the Agents that she obtained the information from
the least dangerous of its abilities. Genestealers a particularly clear, recurring dream that started when
can also administer what is known as ‘The she arrived on Enoch after her time in the Astra
Genestealer’s Kiss’, depositing a genetic package Militarum came to an end. When she found that
that corrupts the mind and body of the victim. her dream accurately depicted a real location, she
Those infected typically become thralls, forming concluded that it might be a message from her sister.
strange cults and spreading the curse among the Though she does not know it, this message was sent
greater population. by a Cult Magus, eager to draw an Astra Militarum
officer into their expanding ‘family.’

On leaving the main port area, Agents who pass a
DN 4 Perception (I) Test notice that they are being
followed by five Astra Militarum Guardsmen. If The Agents’ decisions have both immediate and
pointed out to Alyxea she starts, and whispers that the further-reaching consequences. If either sister is GUTSHIVA’S
group’s mismatched uniforms and lax gait means they killed while the other survives, the survivor will
are certainly not Guardsmen. In fact they are members become a powerful and vengeful future antagonist. FLEET POLITICS
of the Genestealer Cult, fourth generation hybrids able The Genestealer cult beneath the Port of Tithes has
to move freely through human populations. If ignored, infiltrated the city’s society. The Agents may choose SHIPS OF THE
they follow the Agents to the meeting. If confronted to investigate it further, and the longer they stay, the
they will depart with a DN 5 Intimidation (Will) Test, more likely it is that any psychically sensitive Agents
though this is to avoid causing a scene rather than start to experience disturbing dreams of their own.
being truly intimidated.

Alyxea leads the Agents through the darkest and most GENESTEALER CULTISTS
desolate slums of the Port of Tithes. Here the most Threat T|T|T|T|T HUMAN, GENESTEALER CULT
disadvantaged in the Imperium scrabble out a meagre S T A I Wil Int Fel
existence among the toxic sump-waste. Eventually
3 2 2 4 3 2 2
their route leads the Agents to a vast cavern full of
Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
gantries, pipes, and archways, all rising above a
3 1 2 6 (AR 2)
massive chemical lake. Six robed and hooded figures
SKILLS: Deception 5, Stealth 3, Weapon Skill 4,
step forward as the Agents approach. The leader Default 3
pulls back her hood to reveal Lyzette Hanzel —the
family resemblance is unmistakable. The others wear ACTIONS: Autopistol: (Damage 7+1ED; AP 0; Range
remnants of Gilead Gravedigger uniforms. Any Agent 20m (R); Salvo: 2; Pistol)
studying them can make a DN 3 Awareness (Int) Knife: (Damage 5+1ED; AP 0)
Test to notice that two of Lyzette’s companions are DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 2d6.
misshapen and hunched beneath their robes.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
2 2 6 Avg
Lyzette greets her sister with obvious delight and
opens her arms to embrace her. A successful DN 5
Awareness (Int) Test notices the glossy carapace of GENESTEALER
a Genestealer as it moves through a tangle of pipes Threat A|A|E|E|E TYRANID, GENESTEALER CULT
overhead. Despite the strangeness of the situation and S T A I Wil Int Fel
the apparent danger, attempting to convince Alyxea to 6 6 6 6 4 1 1
leave her sister and flee requires a successful (DN 5 Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
Persuasion (Cha) Test). Any attempt to leave with
5 12 7 7
Alyxea causes the cult to attack, with Lyzette bitterly
SKILLS: Default 6, Awareness 8 (Passive 4), Athletics
criticising her sister for abandoning her a second time. 10, Stealth 10, Weapon Skill 10
Second Strike: Instead of attacking once on your turn,
you can attack twice instead. If you do, you may not
shift any icons to inflict extra damage.
BATTLECRY: Swift and Deadly: The Threat Seizes
the Initiative without spending a point of Ruin and
Charges. It gains an additional +1 bonus die to its
attack Test as part of the Charge.

ACTION: Rending Claws: 12 +4ED / AP –2 / Range 1

/ Rending (2)
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 6d6.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size 61
4 3 8 Avg


The death of the Corsair Wayseeker Aryllaine Spiritsong Everything goes wrong, however, when Jaryk betrays
on the decks of the Waystation was an unutterable the Agents and the Aeldari begin to sweep through the
tragedy for every Aeldari in her small contingent battleworn outpost.
of Corsairs. Her essence lingers in her ancient and
precious Spirit Stone, currently in the possession of
an ambitious and heretical Cult Leader known as the
Savant of Excess. The Savant brazenly intercepted it
en route to Aryllaine’s mother, the Aeldari and Corsair After being shuttled directly to the Waystation The
Queen Ynderaille. Agents wait for over an hour in one of the few relatively
safe and unoccupied areas of the Waysation before
Word of the missing Spirit Stone has reached Varonius Jaryk arrives at their agreed meeting point. The mutant
aboard the flotilla via one of his many contacts aboard walks with a pronounced gait and is obviously nervous
the Waystation, a ruthlessly opportunistic information as he continually dabs at a thin film of sweat beading
broker by the name of Jaryk Virtanen. Viewing the across his upper lip. On seeing the agents, Jaryk’s face
developing events as an opportunity to help stabilise lights up, he thanks the Agents for coming armed and
and build upon the uneasy alliance brokered with the eagerly informs them that he knows the location of the
Corsairs he has arranged for the Agents to meet with missing stone. Suspicious Agents may attempt a DN5
Jaryk and to retrieve the stolen artefact. Insight (Fel) Test to realise that he isn’t being entirely
forthcoming with the truth. If successful he admits that
Interfering directly in an attempt to retrieve the Spirit the stone is in the possession of the cult for use in their
Stone by the Aeldari in a manufactured show of dark rituals. Otherwise he attributes his demeanour to
benevolence is a risky strategy and as such Varonius the innate danger of the Waystation.
makes it clear that maintaining deniability is of the
utmost importance during this mission. As the Agents follow Jaryk into the depths of the
Waystation the station’s Vox-System begins to blare
For the Dark Commune that rules over the cult the out a squalling warning tone. A veritable army of the
Spirit Stone provides an opportunity to further abase Emerald Princess’s Corsairs board the station, blocking
themselves before their Dark God, breaking it asunder access to the shuttle bays and beginning to sweep the
in an offering to Slaanesh. To the Aeldari, it must be station deck by deck for the stolen Spirit Stone. To
returned; for allowing She Who Thirsts to lay claim avoid a head-on confrontation with the bulk of the
to the once powerful Wayseekers soul would be force, the agents must all succeed on a DN2 Stealth
unthinkable. With the cultists looking to complete their (A) Test to avoid them in the labyrinthine passages of
rituals and the Aeldari desperate for its safe return the the Waystation
Waystation is about to erupt into bloody conflict—
with the Agents caught squarely in the middle. As the Agents proceed into a poorly lit and particularly
cavernous section of the Waystation, Jaryk falls behind
HOOK them, slowly backing away before turning to flee.
Agents who pass a DN3 Perception (I) Test notice the
The Agents are sent on a dangerous and politically six cultists covered in writhing, disturbingly beautiful
volatile mission to the Waystation (see page 43) to tattoos, led by a Blessed Blade of the Dark Commune
meet with Jaryk Virtanen, their contact, then to locate before they launch their ambush. In an ecstatic frenzy,
and retrieve the lost Spirit Stone on behalf of their with no thought beyond indulgent murder for their
62 employer, Varonius (see page 8). Dark God the cultists decend on the Agents.
As the smoke clears the Agents will find the stolen
Spirit Stone concealed within the robes of the Blessed
Blade. Now in possession of the stolen Aeldari artefact
the Agents face a dilemma. More cultists can be heard If the Agents willingly hand over the spirit stone GUTSHIVA’S
advancing through the ancient station towards them and either keep Varonius’ involvement a secret or
and with the xenos of the Corsairs sweeping through convince Emerald Princess Ferianwyr they were FLEET POLITICS
the Waystation and holding the shuttles, the Agents initially deployed with good intentions then they
are trapped. gain her personal favour. If the Agents choose to SHIPS OF THE
fight through the Corsairs and survive their attempt
The Agents are pursued relentlessly as they attempt to flee the Waystation their eventual destination and
to move through the Waystation from now, with thus Varonius’ intent quickly becomes apparent to
cultists appearing from unseen passages or emerging the Emerald Princess, which may cause irreparable
from the shadows eager to reclaim the Spirit Stone for damage to an already fragile alliance.
Slaanesh. As the situation around them deteriorates
rapidly, the self-styled Emerald Princess Ferianwyr,
the Aeldari Corsair who claims the Waystation as her BLESSED BLADE
personal domain, reaches out to the Agents, her voice Threat A|E|E|T|T HUMAN, HERETIC, CHAOS
resonating with distinct clarity within their heads. She S T A I Wil Int Fel
offers them safe passage and her personal protection, 4 3 5 4 4 4 4
in exchange (of course)for the Spirit Stone. Defence Wounds Shock Resilience
3 8 5 7 (AR 2)
If the Agents accept her offer the Corsairs stop their SKILLS: Default 6, Intimidate 5, Intimidate 6,
sweeps and fall back towards the Emerald Deck. Deception 5, Cunning 6, Persuasion 6
Should the Agents eventually make it to the Emerald BONUSES
Deck Princess Ferianwyr welcomes their arrive and Champion: This threat may use Ruin Actions and has
anxiously accepts the Spirit Stone, quickly having one personal ruin
it taken out of sight before turning on the Agents Dark Master: The Blessed Blade generates 1 point of
sharply. When questioned the Agents must undertake Ruin per round for every 5 cultists present at the start
of each turn.
a DN4 Deception (Fel) Test in order to keep Varonius’
Silver Tongue, Black Heart: This threat gains +3
involvement a secret or a DN2 Cunning (Fel) Test to
bonus dice to all interaction attacks
convince her Varonius sent them to help.
ACTIONS: Commune Blade: Damage 10+2ED; AP -1;
Alternatively the Agents make seek to complete their Brutal, Unwieldy
mission as intended, attempting to fight their way
DETERMINATION: Spend 1 Ruin to roll 3d6.
through the Corsairs and making a DN8 Pilot (A) Test
RUIN: Dark Ecstasy: As an action, the Blessed Blade
to break through the cordon of Aeldari vessels; or they may spend 1 Ruin to make an Interaction Attack against
could attempt to negotiate with any of the other groups all targets who do not possess the Chaos keyword within
on board for safe passage off the station in exchange 15 metres. Any character affected by the Interaction
Attack is stunned for a turn as waves of corrupted ecstasy
for the Spirit Stone. flood through them, and must make a DN 4 Corruption
However they choose to leave the Waystation, the Kill them All!: As a free action, the Blessed Blade may
Gamemaster is encouraged to throw a selection of spend a point of ruin to let a mob of Cultists within 3
metres make a combat action.
threats in their way.
Conviction Resolve Speed Size
5 4 6 Avg



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