AoS Blackened Earth 220920
AoS Blackened Earth 220920
AoS Blackened Earth 220920
Writing: Cat Evans, Elaine Lithgow, Martin Lloyd, Jacob Rodgers, Jessica Marcrum, KC Shi, Sam Taylor
Editing: Brian Johnson
Producers: Emmet Byrne, Elaine Lithgow
Cover: Johan Grenier
Illustration: Jog Brogzin, Runesael Flynn, Dániel Kovács, Sam Manley, JG O’Donoghue
Graphic Design and Layout: Diana Grigorescu, Noora Stubb
Proofreading: Lynne M. Meyer
Cubicle 7 Business Support: Tracey Bourke, Elaine Connolly, Jennifer Crispin, Matthew Freeman, Paula Graham,
Andrena Hogan, Fiona Kelly, Kieran Murphy, and Cian Whelan
Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, Alex Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski,
Chris Colston, Josh Corcoran, Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Runesael Flynn, Elaine Lithgow, TS Luikart,
Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy, Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue,
Laura Jane Phelan, and Sam Taylor
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound Designed by Emmet Byrne and Dominic McDowall
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‘The Everqueen may have forced all but one of our gates They are a bane on the city and its denizens, stealing
sealed, thinned our supply lines down to a single artery, and murdering as they wish, conducting sorties against
but we the people of Greywater Fastness will not falter. the walls and constantly seeking a way to circumvent its
For Sigmar’s realms, our factories will not halt; for the bristling defences. But when Clan Skryre’s true plans come
continued glory of Order, the cogs will turn!’ to fruition, a plucky band of ratcatchers have no chance of
holding back the Vermintide.
— Valius Maliti, Treaty Day Speech
And there are those within the walls who have been led
Deep in the Realm of Ghyran, within the Jade Kingdom astray, tempted by the power that the Blood God offers,
of Verdia and its vast jungles, lies a scarred land crowned believing that Khorne’s methods are the only way to save
by a Free City of several million mortal souls, an immense their homes. They practise their rites and rituals in secret,
military industrial complex armed to the teeth and seeing Greywater Fastness as one massive temple to the
packed with factories. But under the surface it is home to Lord of Slaughter. They pray that his day of reckoning is
devoted and hardworking citizens, dense populations of soon on the horizon, when Greywater Fastness can truly
Duardin, Humans, and a scattering of Aelfs who proudly live up to its name as a city of war.
call themselves ‘Grits’. They work long shifts and make a
modest living, filling quotas of arms and munitions that Sigmar accepts the disfigurement the city has rent into
the forces of Order desperately need. the Realm of Ghyran, and the political rifts it has widened
between himself and the Everqueen, but only because the
Life is hard to maintain here; the city and the lands around Redeemer knows how vital the city’s output is to maintain
it choke on its pollution. Farmland is all but unsustainable. his armies with weapons and munitions across the realms.
Livestock is imported from lands beyond, and all but a few Without Greywater Fastness, the forces of Order may
pack animals have been replaced by mechanical imitations falter and suffer immeasurable losses.
called Rattletraps. The Fastness sits atop a vast deposit of
cyclestone ore, which it continues to mine and refine into Sigmar has decreed it. Greywater Fastness must stand at
a potent power source. The runoff from this process, as all costs.
well as the rest of its industrial waste, is discarded into
the Ghoul Mere, a steadily growing toxic swampland that Blackened Earth is a five-part campaign set in and around
surrounds the city. the Free City of Greywater Fastness. Over the course of
the campaign, the player characters are instrumental in
The Treelord Pale Oak seeks to rejuvenate the Ghoul Mere deciding the fate of this great city. They experience the
and reclaim it for the Sylvaneth, aghast at what the Grits deadliness of the Ghyran wilderness, travelling by Cogfort
have done to the land. But a treaty forged between Alarielle through ever growing jungles and the pollution-tainted
and the Steam Lords keeps him at a branch’s length. Ghoul Mere. They investigate the city’s smog-filled streets
Greywater Fastness shall grow no further, and only one in search of Clan Skryre assassins, and root out betrayers
road is sanctioned in and out of the city. Pale Oak keeps of Order. They encounter an army of vengeful Slyvaneth
this peace for the time being, watching for those who leave and see first hand the true cost of the city’s war economy.
the One Road and trespass upon Sylvaneth lands. But as And when everything comes to a head, they must defend
Greywater’s poison continues to spread, he is one last the city on all fronts, deciding where to level their justice,
straw away from marching upon the city once more. where to forge allegiances, and making hard decisions that
alter the fate of Greywater Fastness forever.
Meanwhile, the rats of Clan Skryre see Greywater Fastness
as an ever growing treasure trove of technology that This book, combined with the Warhammer Age of Sigmar:
would be better off wielded by their own covetous claws. Soulbound corebook, provides everything a GM needs
to tell the legendary tales of this crumbling metropolis.
Blackened Earth also contains a detailed city guide for the Yet much of this animosity has been fabricated by secret
Greywater Fastness setting, filled with unique locations, cults of Khorne worshippers who have been dreaming of
goods and services for the party to use, and a host of city- this day, pushing for war and plotting in the dark as the
specific Endeavours for characters to invest in between city is brought to a boiling point.
adventures. A new cast of allies and enemies, complete
with stat-blocks, keep your players on their toes as these All this culminates in a great urban battle set against
characters vie for control of the city. Are you ready to save a ticking clock, that sees the party set upon by all three
the Grits from the opposing forces of Skaven, Slyvaneth, opposing factions at once. They must use everything at
and hidden Khorne cultists? their disposal to save the city.
Blackened Earth sees the party thrust into the powder- Yet no one is blind to these problems. Though the walls
keg of Greywater Fastness, and tasked with solving one are high enough to hide most Grits’ view of the Ghoul
city-wide crisis after another. They arrive after a long and Mere, the stink permeates through the ground and over
perilous journey to investigate why weapon exports have the walls. The pollution, combined with unrelenting
stopped, only to find the city under siege by Skaven forces. factory shifts, negatively affects their long term health. But
When the ratmen find their way inside the walls, the party the constant noise of industry, the wealth coming their
must try to stay one step ahead of them as they attempt way, and the simple distractions that surround them, are
to assassinate key city leaders and destroy infrastructure. enough to drown out the voices of the few who would
stick up for the better of the realm, rather than perpetuate
Later they encounter the Sylvaneth, and experience first Sigmar’s war economy.
hand what the city’s mass pollution has wrought upon
the people of the forest. Unless the party can bring about
peace, the Sylvaneth seek vengeance and march to wipe
Greywater Fastness off the map.
It’s a common mortal attitude for people to get used to The Outer Circle is a bustling warren of housing and
problems rather than try to properly solve them. The tenements. No building in this district is far from
Rattletraps are a key example of this way of thought. ramshackle or in need of some kind of repair. The stench
Rather than clean up the pollution and bring living animals of mortality is as strong as the olfactory impression
back into the city, the Steam Lords created mechanical of industry. Here the workers reclaim some life for
automatons instead. themselves, where they blow off steam, love and laugh,
and spend their meagre coin to make themselves feel alive.
In the eyes of Sigmar, the city itself is a necessary evil.
What damage it does to a small stretch of land in the The landscape beyond the walls offers the greatest contrast
ever expanding Realm of Ghyran is a small price to pay of all. The Ghoul Mere is a wasteland where little life of
to keep his armies fighting the existential threat of Chaos any kind can survive, and what does has become deadly
across the realms. But not everyone agrees with the Starlit and twisted. It is the consequence of achievement that no
King’s opinion, especially those affected directly by the one wants to think about.
city’s unrestricted pollution. The party may relate to this
attitude, or perhaps they will contest it. They should have HOPE AGAINST THE ODDS
ample opportunity to voice their opinions, seeing the Even though by the final adventure all may seem lost, with
wonders the city creates posed against the destruction the people of the Fastness confronted by death from all
they cause. Sylvaneth characters in particular should have sides and even within, the party and key characters they
a powerful connection to this theme, as it may even cause meet should represent hope for the redemption of the city
them to clash ideologically with the city itself. and its future.
THE CITY OF STEAM AND STEEL Groups like the Cherished Weald, lead by Anastasia
Like the large cast of NPCs the party encounters, the city Everlark (page 78), actively fight against the establishment
of Greywater Fastness itself should feature as a major within the Great Axle, and wish to bring green spaces
character in the campaign. The four major sectors of the back into the city. Through their adventures the party
city, divided up by its massive defensive walls, all have very will encounter Charred Yew (page 57), a Sylvaneth who,
different and contrasting tones and appearances; the party against all odds, is ardent in maintaining peace between
should know where they are in the city at any given time the forces of Order. There are some on the Grand Conclave
by how their surroundings are described. like Onduran Emblyn (page 83) who strive to make the
city a better place for everyone, and root out the forces of
The Great Axle is a tall, towering citadel, home to the Chaos.
city’s wealthiest Steam Lords, most powerful wizards,
and greatest engineers. All the city’s wealth flows out of During play, be sure to contrast the dirt and darkness with
the Great Axle, and returns with dividends. It’s a district moments of levity. Show an inn full of rowdy workers
that is as high as it is wide, all the towers and buildings singing in merry unison. Make mention of a pair of lovers
packed tightly together, one on top of the other, as if the meeting on the workways above. Show a scarred and
dazzling architecture is trying to touch the ceiling of the mean-looking Greycap helping a lost child find their way
realmsphere. home. By propping up these hopeful moments, contrasted
against the grim industrial backdrop, you can show the
The Inner Circle is one vast industrial complex, the main party that the city is worth saving, and that people’s
source of the city’s physical pollution, but also its noise attitudes could genuinely change.
pollution. The realmstone-powered factories never close,
the forges are never cold, the roads and railways are
always filled with goods going in and out. Workers hear The Road Ahead
the rhythm of industry even as they sleep, and due to the To allow GMs to prepare for running the campaign, below
smog that hangs over this sector and the shifts they take, is an overview of each of the five adventures that make
some may not see the sun for weeks. up Blackened Earth. Each summary concludes with
a rumour that can be seeded early in the campaign to
foreshadow future events. For more information on how
to best use Rumours, Fears, and Threats in your campaign
see Soulbound page 294.
HARBINGER OF TROUBLE the Sylvaneth and the city to the test. The party is called
This first adventure introduces the party to the Realm upon to aid the peace talks, but the hidden Khorne cults
of Ghyran, the Ghoul Mere, and the city of Greywater resurface, seeing this as an opportunity to stoke the fires
Fastness itself. It’s a perilous road trip, travelling by of war in their favour.
Cogfort along the One Road and encountering the natural
hazards of the Ghyran jungle. Along the way they’ll meet Rumour
Sylvaneth from the Dreadwood Clan, those who lost their Once again, traffic has halted along the One Road. Word is
home due to the city’s self-serving and pollutive ways, that the Skaven destroyed the Holfast Bridge in a last ditch
witnessing this destruction first hand as they set foot into act of bitterness before retreating. The city is organising a
the toxic Ghoul Mere. repair crew to investigate and fix the problem, and they
need an escort.
They’ll arrive at Greywater Fastness to find the city under
siege by Clan Skryre Skaven, and must find a way into the BLOOD RED ROOTS
city before they’re swept up by the vanguard. They’ll meet The fourth adventure begins as the last ended, with the
Corporal Steelwater, who guides them through the city party returning to the city from failed peace talks. The
and act as a point of contact in future adventures. Sylvaneth march to destroy Greywater Fastness. The party
has one last hope: act fast to prove to the Sylvaneth that
Rumour the forces of Khorne have been working behind the scenes
It’s been weeks since a shipment has arrived from Greywater to stoke the flames of war. The party must reach into the
Fastness. A Cogfort will soon leave to investigate. heart of the city, find the root of the Blood God’s influence,
and tear out the corruption before it’s too late. They’ll be
THE PRICE OF VICTORY confronted by friends and foes, intrigue, betrayal, and
The second adventure introduces the party to the forces ultimately, as they prove too late to stop the outbreak of
at play within Greywater Fastness. In the aftermath of the war, a dark bargain that could save or doom the city.
Skaven’s siege, the ratmen launch one last desperate attack,
aiming to destroy seemingly random locations and take Rumour
the head of Gulben Coldrock, a high ranking member of After learning of the failed peace talks at Holfast Bridge,
the Council of the Forge. the city prepares for war. A host of Sylvaneth have been
spotted marching through the Ghoul Mere, shrieking a
Later the party must smuggle a stranded Sylvaneth war-song. It’s only a matter of time until they arrive.
out of the city, one who was captured and tortured by a
mysterious faction operating within the walls. Doing so, NIGHT OF A THOUSAND FANGS
they’ll uncover the sinister truth — those who spurred the In this final adventure, the party races against time to save
Skaven’s attacks and who mutilated the captive Sylvaneth the city. The Sylvaneth siege has begun, and the Khornate
are one and the same, a hidden cult of Khorne. cults have begun painting the streets red with anyone who
gets in their way. As night falls, the Skaven forces open a
Rumour Gnawhole in the heart of the city, destroying buildings and
The Skaven siege is breaking, and citizens rejoice, disgorging legions of Ratmen and monstrous machines
believing the Skaven threat is gone for good. But beneath into the city’s least defended sector.
the city, the underjacks feel it is almost too quiet.
The party must use their time wisely; if they hesitate the
THE RIVEN BRIDGE city will undoubtedly fall before the sun next shines upon
The third adventure puts the party back onto the One Greywater Fastness. They’ll need to rally any allies they
Road, sent out of the city escorting a repair crew to fix can, protect civilian targets, and attack key objectives to
the crucial Holfast Bridge, and get shipments flowing once turn the tide. How much of the city will be left standing
more. They encounter a vengeful Treelord, who destroyed by the end?
the bridge in a fit of uncontrollable fury.
Defeating the Treelord and searching for the source of the Between the firing of cannons, citizens taking cover in
Treelord’s fury, the party discovers that the city’s pollution the Great Axle hear a discordant ringing coming from
has spread further than ever before, and all but destroyed beneath the streets.
a nearby Sylvaneth grove. This puts the treaty between
‘Our beloved Greywater Fastness is not just a city, she is As the factories never sleep, neither does the city. Workers
the greatest machine built by mortal hands! Her every eat, drink, and socialise day and night. They spend their
citizen is a precision cog, each vital to protecting the wages making merry, but all the wealth flows back to their
realms! Give us the right materials, and we shall deliver bosses — the Steam Lords. Even independent businesses
you an arsenal that will shake the realms, and bring our rent the space they use from this wealthy upper class of
foes to their knees!’ factory owners.
— Gulben Coldrock, Council of the Forge The city claims only token agricultural development
Inauguration Speech in the form of hydroponic operations hidden away in
unused corners of the city. While the citizens of Greywater
Greywater Fastness is one of the three so-called ‘Seeds of Fastness — the Grits, as they call themselves — believe
Hope’: three great cities built in the Realm of Life, Ghyran. there’s enough food to keep the city fed in a siege or
Yet it does not inspire hope in the same way as its sister an emergency, the reality is far more tenuous. Almost
cities. Foundries belch thick smoke and machines rumble everything a citizen needs is imported or stockpiled, and
night and day behind towering fortress walls. Steam and of course the elite few who operate the foundries also
magic-powered conveyor belts move thousands of workers control the city’s imports.
to and from their shifts — ensuring not a moment of
productive time is lost — while cargo trains chug between Beyond the walls and carriage-sized cannons, a single road
factories and the city gate, importing raw materials and winds through the polluted swamp known as the Ghoul
exporting the tools of war. Above it all, a constant, oily Mere. Stepping off the One Road is tantamount to a death
smog chokes the sky and the clouds grow gravid with soot sentence, with malicious spirits, Skaven skirmishers, and
and acid rain. the Dreadwood Sylvaneth waiting to snatch travellers who
stray from the warded path. Greywater Fastness and its
Every part of this ever-churning, city-sized machine is people are despised by their Sylvaneth neighbours, due to
dedicated to the ceaseless production of arms and armour the industrial runoff it pumps into the surroundings. The
— to equip the countless armies of Order battling across factories output a constant stream of toxic pollution that
the Mortal Realms. The city is a blight upon the land that taints the land, water, and sky — preventing the Ghoul
exploits its workers, but without it, entire realms could fall Mere from healing.
to darkness and be lost to the unrelenting forces of Chaos,
Death, and Destruction. Cyclestone, the icy emerald realmstone of Ghyran,
is plentiful beneath Greywater Fastness. It was for
this reason that the city was founded, after the great
architect Valius Maliti, alongside Ironweld engineers THE COUNCIL OF THE FORGE
and the Eldritch Council, unlocked the secrets of using The Council of the Forge began as an informal organisation
realmstone as a power source. With such abundant fuel, — a group of industrialists meeting from time to time to
the forges and machines of the Ironweld Arsenal could discuss business affairs. Some families, such as the Taverrs
operate without end. After Maliti’s discovery, a force of and Coldrocks, have had members on the Council of
labourers and engineers poured through the Festermere the Forge since the beginning, due to their positions of
Realmgate and built Greywater Fastness up from a small power within the Ironweld Arsenal and Greycap Freeguild
mining settlement into one of the greatest industrial cities respectfully. Others, like the Bluthammers and Estermeres,
the Mortal Realms have ever seen. are recent additions. The number of councillors fluctuates
as businesses fail or new competitors emerge but usually a
However, with power comes peril. Forces gather upon the spot on the Council lasts as long as the family in question
horizon that would see the city laid waste, its weapons maintains its productivity — with some families passing
stolen and its walls drowned in the swamp forever. on their coveted seat to carefully selected successors for
generations on end.
Most members of the Grand Conclave suffer in silence, THE CULTS OF KHORNE
knowing they are little more than custodians in their War is the lifeblood of Greywater Fastness. Cults of the
own grand chambers, but some stubborn or ideological Blood God have taken root in that fertile ground. These
members such as Onduran Emblyn continue to exercise cults are pervasive and powerful, and while they have so
their right to vote against or amend proposals from the far remained secret, it’s almost time to make the streets
Council of the Forge, though the practice has become run red with slaughter.
increasingly rare in the face of futility.
Most of these cults are isolated and unaware of the others,
The title of High Patriarch is currently held by Gorring although members may have their suspicions. The most
Ivarsson, an elderly Duardin who considers it his patriotic active have their influence winding through the Ghoul
duty to do everything he can to support the Council of the Mere Pioneers, the Council of the Forge, and other
Forge. The only serious opposition to the Council’s interests Greywater factions. They are only one cult amongst many,
comes from High Magister Allion Medoras, an Aelven though. Freeguild officers driven by the lust for blood
Wanderer under constant suspicion of sympathising with and violence, factory owners hungry for wars to grow
the Sylvaneth. their profits, and workers swayed by the ‘death or glory’
rhetoric around the weapons they make, are all ripe for the
The Conclave meets just twice a month, and when corrupting touch of Chaos. Even the Grand Conclave and
requested by the Council of the Forge, in the fortress- Council of the Forge are not free of the taint.
palace of Gryphon Hall, at the centre of the city in the
Great Axle district (see page 19). Khorne’s servants within the city walk a twisted path. Their
worship begins as an extension of values that, in Greywater,
THE SYLVANETH are normal, but slowly they progress to the bloody rituals
The city’s understanding of the Sylvaneth is limited. They the Blood God desires. Hateful litanies muttered as they
believe the Dreadwood Clan led by Pale Oak simply craft, blood-iron poured from crucibles, even small sigils
wishes to reclaim their territory out of pride or custom, carved into cannon barrels are all marks that an individual
and that this is why the Sylvaneth oppose Greywater’s is falling to the corruption of Khorne. These small steps
designs at every turn. In truth, to the Sylvaneth, the city is inevitably lead to darker rites, culminating in ritual
an infection in the open wound that is the Ghoul Mere: its slaughter and the harvesting of skulls in hidden precincts,
toxic runoff and airborne pollutants ensure the land can presided over by warped creatures that were once mortal.
never heal as long as Greywater Fastness stands.
Outsiders often make the mistake of thinking that the The majority of the Freeguild regiments in the Greywater
Ironweld Arsenal is a powerful force in Greywater Fastness. Fastness answer directly to the Grand Conclave, and are
Why wouldn’t they be, considering the city’s reputation primarily used for city defence and law enforcement,
for producing fearsome military technology? In truth, the though many Steam Lords employ smaller Freeguilds to
Council of the Forge keeps the Ironweld Arsenal on a tight protect their personal assets, or in extreme cases, act as the
leash. There is overlap between the membership of the two final stroke in an aggressive takeover.
groups, certainly, but they are far from a unified faction.
These Freeguilds are well armed and well funded. Some
The Ironweld Arsenal’s experimental engineering has claim their armaments are excessive, with even the lowliest
produced some of the city’s greatest successes, including member sporting a precision rifle, durable pistol, and finely
the tracks atop the walls, on which movable cannons crafted rapier, but the city buys these weapons cheaply
are mounted. But their experiments cost money, and from the Ironweld Arsenal and local foundries (which is
occasionally cause collateral damage. The Council of to say, the Council of the Forge use their influence over the
the Forge prefers predictable weapons that perform the Grand Conclave to pay themselves for weapons).
simple function of killing enemies efficiently. These are
easy to sell to other cities — a steam powered rocket that The Greycaps, named for their distinctive uniforms,
might, if not correctly operated, explode and kill a team of are the largest and best known of the city’s Freeguild
gunners, is not. regiments. They are a disciplined and iron-willed regiment,
withstanding whatever horrors a battlefield throws at them.
The Council keeps the Ironweld Arsenal in line by strictly They drill daily and pride themselves in the skill of their
controlling their resources. They approve projects that marksmanship, with most gunners naming their rifle and
are of interest to them, and ignore the ones that are not. servicing it twice daily. In peace times, the Greycaps serve
Of course, the Arsenal gets around this by skimming as the city watch under the Grand Conclave, maintaining
resources from every city-funded project it can to pursue their skills with regular tournaments of marksmanship
its own research interests. held at the Battery Green Firing Range (page 24).
The Dispossessed are also numerous in Greywater Individual Wanderers follow their own paths, of course.
Fastness’s defence force. They have centuries of collected Anastasia Everlark leads the Cherished Weald (see page
knowledge of siegecraft, both as attackers and defenders, 29), a group of rebel community gardeners who protest
that is invaluable to the isolated city. As well as staffing against the city’s exploitative attitude by reclaiming
the walls, Dispossessed architects review all building plans unusable plots of land and rejuvenating them, until the
before construction starts. This often leads to tension and landowners kick them out. A small contingent of the
heated debates between the Dispossessed, the Ironweld, Daughters of Khaine maintain a temple named Elrith Ceyl
and the Council of the Forge, as the carefully planned and (page 30) in the Outer Circle, where they have perfected a
ordered city the Dispossessed built becomes a cramped method of forging weapons with ritual blood.
and polluted industrial sprawl with every new factory.
The city’s treaty with the Sylvaneth dictates that the Grits The working class make up the largest demographic in
do not expand their walls any further, and leave the Ghoul Greywater Fastness. Most are raised to think of themselves
Mere to the Sylvaneth. This doesn’t sit right with many as part of a community of workers that forms the iron
of the Grits: parts of the Ghoul Mere could be drained, backbone of the city. They are taught to take pride in
mined, farmed, or fished, and the city would be more self- being honest, hardworking folk who make contributions
sufficient as a result. to the city and to civilization in general. After all, without
the weapons they craft in their workshops and on their
There’s a small but fierce movement in the city to expand assembly lines, Order would crumble. Every weapon
into the land outside the walls. So far, this is limited to forged is a guardian of Sigmar armed, every bullet a
a few new settlements, most notably Brinna’s Farm (The nightmarish enemy felled.
Price of Victory, page 34). Some of the would-be settlers
think of themselves as patriots, expanding Greywater’s Yet a worker’s life is hard: shifts are long, work is often
reach and stability. Others are survivalists and rebels dangerous, and one day off each week is the best you
looking for freedom outside the walls. can expect. Still, as long as a person has a job, they are
ensured a home in company housing, three meals a day,
While these pioneers describe themselves as independent and a modest wage. Unfortunately, this wage often takes
farmers, their daily life is more like siege warfare. The the form of tokens or scrips that can only be redeemed
horrors of the Ghoul Mere prey on them, and the Sylvaneth in certain markets or stores also owned by the company.
take every opportunity to strike against them. Their ‘farms’ This scrip is often simple musket balls or ammunition
are fortified camps under constant threat, and the farmers engraved with the sigil of a particular Ironweld Guild.
fall somewhere between soldiers and outlaws. Many workers feel no real reason to stash away their
earnings. Scrip comes and goes quickly, and is spent on
For all the pioneers’ talk of freedom and independence, good food, drinks, or anything else to make the scant off-
scant few of these brave new frontier settlements lie hours as lively as possible.
outside the reach of the city’s wall-mounted cannons.
Beady Skaven eyes are always set upon Greywater
Fastness. The realmstone refineries, the technology,
and the enormous amount of blackpowder are a prize
the rats find hard to resist, especially the warlocks and
engineers of Clans Skryre. The city’s defences have so far
dissuaded them from any serious raids, but the temptation
is growing. If they were able to get their claws on decent
siege weapons, the situation would change rapidly.
Defences The one road in and out of the city is defended by its largest
Greywater Fastness’s first line of defence is its thick, outer fortification, the Mere Keep. Garrisoned with Freeguild
stone walls. They’re supposedly strong enough to stop a soldiers and acting as a munitions depot and primary
Gargant, but that claim has never been tested. The walls station for the Hands, it has plenty of gun emplacements
are several feet thick, and keeping them in good order to ward off a frontal assault. In the event of a siege, the
is a top priority on the civic defence budget. No chip or Grey Gate below the keep can be shut at a moment’s
scratch goes unrepaired. notice. They can be closed at both ends of the Keep to
trap a portion of invaders or unwanted guests within an
Atop each section of the outer walls sit massive Guardian enclosed killzone.
Idols. These arcane statues are connected to the realm’s
geomantic energy, and project shields that ward off the Militia training is a common sight in the city: for the
likes of Geists and lesser Daemons. Those found atop sacrifice of a few hours a week, militia members get a
Greywater Fastness’s walls are some of the greatest in the couple of weeks off work each year to stand on the walls
realms, and can even absorb artillery strikes. Some are as and take pot-shots at anything that moves in the Ghoul
old as the First Wall of the city, and were gradually moved Mere. Dozens of battlemages are on call from the local
outward as Greywater Fastness grew, with more added to Collegiate Arcane, many of them specialising in Bright
the ranks between each expansion. and Celestial magics of fire and lightning. Jade magic is
rarely a speciality of the city’s mages; it is seen as wild
But the city’s pride and joy is the ring of rails that run and unpredictable, and the domain of the Sylvaneth. The
along the walls, upon which are mounted mightiest of the tunnel fighters of the Underjacks Guild are some of the
city’s main artillery pieces twelve colossal mobile artillery toughest in the city. Made up of mercenaries and convicts,
pieces, patrolling equidistantly around the city. Known as these brave souls venture into the sewers, drains, and
‘the Hands’, for their clock-like formation, these batteries ancient canals beneath the city to root out the Skaven and
have punished everyone who has dared threaten the city other monsters that make their homes there.
from outside the walls. The hourly firing tests serve as a
way to mark the time, and true aficionados claim they can The entire city is designed to make life difficult for
distinguish each gun, or at least each group (or ‘fist’), just invaders who make it past the walls. There are only the five
by the sound. direct Spoke Roads that run from the city gates into the
Great Axle, the central hub district, and all train lines and
Each of the Hands is fully mobile, so that cannoneers can workways are raised up above ground level. Any invading
manoeuvre and concentrate fire wherever it’s needed. army would have to either fight their way through narrow
Additionally, the cannons can be turned inward, towards maze-like streets that can be blocked off in minutes by
the city. Of course, this is to maintain fire on anything that a well-placed demolition, or risk one of the wide Spoke
breaches the walls, and not so the guards on the wall can Roads, which are designed to funnel enemies down five
threaten their own citizens in the event of a riot. easily defensible paths.
The city’s final defence is its vast Hurrincanum arrays. Places of Interest
These terrible arcane war machines are only used as an Greywater Fastness is full of interesting sights, from eateries
ultimate last resort, as the blasted wasteland of the Ghoul and entertainment venues to the ornate government
Mere stands testament to their use. buildings and plain, imposing blocks of housing that
dominate the skyline. Here is a sample of what is on offer
to those navigating the Fastness.
Economy and Trade
Greywater Fastness’s entire economy depends on war. MAJOR LANDMARKS
The city produces and sells weapons, using the money A Fahrenhorn’s Crucible of State: Where the Council
to import anything not destined for battle. The city is the of the Forge meets (page 19).
leading producer of blackpowder weapons in the Mortal
Realms. As long as there’s war, the city’s economy is stable A The Grey Gate & Mere Keep: The city’s gate and
— and there’s always war. gatehouse (page 30).
The treaty with the Sylvaneth, overseen by Queen Alarielle A Gryphon Hall: Meeting place of the Grand Conclave
herself, allows for one road out of the city. That road is (page 21).
an artery, pumping life-giving food and supplies into
Greywater Fastness. Because of this essential role in trade, A Ironweld Anvils of Industry: The private training
every import and export is taxed to provide for military and research facility of the Ironweld Arsenal (page
protection of the road. 22).
The city never sleeps. There are three factory shifts of equal A The Scintillant Spire: Home of Greywater Fastness’s
length, so the great machines never stop running and the Collegiate Arcane (page 23).
furnaces never cease belching black smoke up into the
sky. That means there’s always a need for entertainment A The Stone College: Institution of higher education
— cheap, convenient, and offering the chance to blow (page 23).
off steam after eight hours of repetitive activity. Eateries
and pubs operate at all hours, as do Greywater Fastness’s COMMERCE AND MARKETS
more esoteric entertainments, like the fighting pits where A Clinker Market: The city’s largest street market,
crude automata battle to the death with vicious weapons always open on Spoke Road #1 (page 24).
scavenged from factory assembly lines.
A Fargo’s Fine Endrineering: A stranded Kharadron
Outside of manufacturing weapons, feeding the Skyrigger selling and repairing machinery (page 30).
neverending need for relaxation and entertainment is the
best way to get rich in Greywater Fastness. Labourers have A The Handmarket: Market for upmarket luxury
quite a bit of disposable income and they’re always looking goods, imports and hand-made crafts (page 21).
for places to spend it. The bosses know that, and they’re
keen to take that money back, so there are plenty of bars, A Jessamyn’s Fine Tailoring: Armoursmith and
inns, and meal houses of varying qualities throughout the dressmaker (page 26).
city, and always close to factories. Many over-charge the
patrons, and almost all the takings go straight back into A Rummage: Secondhand goods store (page 33).
the company’s coffers.
A Spoke #1 Auction Yard: Auction house for livestock
Since the bosses are also the food importers, food supplies and imports (page 28).
are handled the same way. Some are sold on the open
market, but a lot are reserved for each company’s workers, A Torquill’s Alchemicals: Potions of dubious quality,
sold to them at a discount (which, again, takes money but cheap (page 29).
back from those damned inconvenient pay packets).
It’s not usually the best food, but it’s cheap and filling,
and it allows people to spend more of their money on
entertainment and treats.
A Aetherlight Promenade: Dance hall and ballroom A House of the Great Alliance: Clockwork cathedral
for the wealthiest Grits (page 19). dedicated to the Gods of Order (page 22).
A The Burnt Arches: Working class venue for music A Merciful Sigmar Hospice: Medical and end of life
and dancing (page 29). care (page 31).
A Five Dials Interchange: A workway intersection full A Palace of Precious Rest: A city mausoleum that
of entertainment options (page 30). transmutes ashes into gems (page 27).
A Great Axle Menagerie: Zoo open to the public (page A Elrith Ceyl: Daughters of Khaine temple (page 30).
A Kaulgar’s Blind: Local Fyreslayer lodge (page 26).
A Idleway’s Stacks: Budget hotels across the city (page
A Rail Yards & Network: Facilitating movement of
A The Orruk’s Regret: Pub known for beast fighting goods and munitions across the city (page 18).
(page 32).
A The One Road: The only road from the city to the
A The Plumb & Bob: Known for serving the cleanest Festermere Realmgate (page 35).
water in the city (page 32).
A The Spoke Roads: The city’s five major thoroughfares
A Quench: Upscale restaurant where Councillors meet (page 17).
to negotiate off the record (page 22).
A Workways: Moving walkways ferrying workers to
A Sarvisson Conservatory: Concert hall in the Great and from their jobs (page 17).
Axle (page 23).
A Rattlefast Courier Service: Highly reputed
INDUSTRY Rattletrap delivery service (page 28).
A Coldrock Ironworks: One of the first factories in the
Outer Circle (page 30). OTHER LOCATIONS
A Ashmond House: An overgrown, dangerous forest
A Estermere Munitions: Factory known for the family in the heart of the city (page 19).
motto ‘Quality — Lethality — Dependability’ (page
25). A Brinna’s Farm: Pioneer settlement just outside the
city walls (page 34).
A Hormint’s Labour Exchange: Recruitment office for
positions in the Great Axle (page 21). A Cherished Weald Garden: A successful community
garden (page 29).
A Ordiver’s Realmstone Works: Cyclestone
reclamation and disposal plant (page 27). A Forgehaven: The Council of the Forge’s secret
bunker beneath the city (page 20).
A Potbank Night Shelter: Trade basic labour for food
and board (page 28). A Long Smoke: City waste disposal yard (page 26).
A Hertzen & Sons Landdock: Steam Tank and Cogfort A Magpie’s Nest: Burned-out building where rebels,
service yard (page 25). criminals, and dissidents meet (page 31).
GUIDE TO Industry is aesthetic. Visible machinery controlling doors,
circulating air, or just serving as decoration, is a staple
GREYWATER FASTNESS visual element throughout Greywater Fastness. The more
technology a building has, the more someone has spent
Greywater Fastness is arranged for efficiency and defence. on it. Some of the finest residences are built on rails and
The centre of the city, known as the Great Axle, contains frames that allow the owners to reconfigure the rooms,
all the official residences, administrative buildings, and rotate them for better light, or peel back walls and combine
chambers of government. Here, the city’s most eminent small chambers into one great ballroom.
and wealthy residents spend their fortunes trying to make
their piece of the city the most beautiful. Under the grey
sky of the Ghoul Mere, this is almost impossible. City Infrastructure
The people of Greywater Fastness are reliant on its
Beyond the Great Axle, the Inner Circle of the city is given infrastructure, to support and protect them, and to
over to factories, foundries, mines, and other production provide them opportunities for work and trade.
sites. The Outer Circle is made up of workers’ housing,
and the shops and services those residents require. This AGRICHAMBERS
urban circle is closest to the city’s Outer Wall, and most There’s little urban green space within Greywater Fastness.
vulnerable. If invaders ever breached the wall they would The glass and iron agrichambers scattered throughout the
fight through these districts, and the loss of life and city on rooftops and along the Spoke Roads are the closest
destruction of property would be contained here so that thing to parks. They’re open to the public for a few hours
the city’s industrial sectors are safe. in the morning and evening, and they’re favourite spots
for courting couples.
The configuration of the city makes it easy for wealthy
folk and trade shipments to leave. It’s harder for private The agrichambers collect rainwater, filter the pollutants,
citizens, who have to cross the entire city to reach the only and pump it over the crops within. The wastewater feeds
road out. Most people don’t mind: there’s nothing in the back into the city’s purification systems for processing,
Ghoul Mere but monsters. and bees buzz amongst the flowering plants, their honey
turned into mead.
Most of the farmers and gardeners are Wanderers who RATTLETRAPS
prefer the greenery to the smoke and heat of industry, but Due to Greywater Fastness’s excessive output of pollution,
several Humans and Duardin work in the agrichambers and the scarcity of food supplies, it gradually became an
too. The food supplies they provide tide the city over inhospitable environment for livestock, pack animals,
between deliveries from outside, and are the only reliable and traditional mounts. As the city grew and its output
reserves they have in the event of a siege. increased, stables and farms steadily went out of business
as their animals starved or died off to various diseases
The Aelves and the agrichambers are essential to the city induced by the pollution. An enterprising group of Steam
but they’re also objects of suspicion. People whisper that Lords and Cogsmiths set out to solve this problem; quickly
there are Spites and other Sylvaneth creatures hidden they came to the idea of building automatons in the shape
amongst the greenery, spying for the Treelords. Every of the animals they’d lost, powered by the same cyclestone
failed crop gives rise to another rumour of Sylvaneth energy that fuels the rest of the city.
sabotage, and every abundant harvest garners accusations
about borrowed Sylvaneth magic. Once the local populace got their eyes on these imitations,
the name ‘Rattletrap’ immediately stuck. When their
The greatest secret behind the agrichambers isn’t any engines get going, their mechanical skeletons never stop
strange fey magic, it’s how ineffective they are. They rattling. Most are recreations of four-legged pack animals:
provide enough fresh greens that most Grits don’t suffer horses, mules, Gryph-chargers, the odd Dracoline. While
from serious vitamin deficiencies, but the idea that they they are able to travel over difficult terrain, and survive toxic
could be converted to efficiently grow cereal crops is landscapes, Rattletraps require constant daily maintenance.
delusional. If Greywater Fastness relied exclusively on the Owners need a readily available Cogsmith, rather than
agrichambers, it would starve. a stable boy, which has prevented the contraptions’
widespread use outside of Greywater Fastness.
The Spoke Roads are the five great avenues that cut directly WORKWAYS
through the city from the Great Axle to the Outer Wall. Studies by the Council of the Forge showed that workers
They’re an integrated part of the city’s defences, designed commuting to their factories by foot were inefficient.
to channel invaders into convenient straight lines where They’d often get distracted, or take indirect routes.
they can be bombarded with artillery fire. Their movements caused traffic on the major roads,
and valuable minutes were lost from work shifts. The
As Greywater hasn’t been successfully invaded in its entire workways solved that.
history, the locals have found other uses for the Spoke
Roads. They’re home to street markets on six days of the These suspended, clanking mechanical belts link the upper
week, and cleared for militia training on every second floors of each major housing block to the factories of the
Cometsday. They’re used for parades and carnivals, public Inner Circle. They’re relatively safe, sturdy, and secure,
performances and, increasingly, protests and open riots and they get tired workers efficiently between factory and
over unfair working conditions. domicile, any time of the day. Gridlock only occurs at the
towering workway interchanges, where workers who don’t
Because they run directly from the Great Axle to the live near a direct line to their factory switch conveyor
Outer Circle, the Spoke Roads have become the place belts, but this is a rare case — employers own housing, and
where the city’s rich and poor rub shoulders at market make sure they place their staff somewhere convenient.
stalls or in audiences. They’re
the only place where passing Services have sprung up to cater to the workways’
messages directly between passengers. Vendors sell food, drink, and tobacco. Some
different social levels is sell beer to those on their way home. ‘Riding the Belt’ —
easy and unobtrusive. stopping off at every belt-side tavern and bar between
work and home — is one of the city’s favourite drinking
games. ‘Hooking’ drunks — snagging them with long
shepherd’s crooks, off a belt and into a pub — is a source
of casual work for elders and youngsters alike. There’s even
a scoreboard of the most successful ‘crooks’.
RAIL YARDS AND NETWORK When the pumps break, a frequent occurrence in the
In addition to the workways, the city is criss-crossed by Outer Circle, the pump chambers and the streets above
raised rail lines, platforms, and terminals. Steam- and fill with stinking, polluted water. Even worse, parts of
emberstone-powered steam-carts move materials and Greywater Fastness are a foot or more below the natural
finished goods between warehouses and factories, then ground level of the marsh, subsiding beneath those tall,
out towards the Grey Gate for final export. These trains heavy buildings, so on some streets in the Outer Circle
add another discordant note to the background noise of the pumps are constantly active, and basements are
Greywater Fastness. eternally flooded.
Due to the introduction of the workways, some stations CITY CYCLESTONE MINES
and platforms have since gone out of use, repurposed Due to the city’s deal with Queen Alarielle, and her
as additional warehouses or cheap market spaces. Some blockade on extending industrial operations beyond the
stations, those left in disrepair, have been taken over by Outer Walls, all of the city’s resources are mined from
the city’s criminal elements as safehouses or makeshift within. Though often unseen, under the surface Greywater
headquarters. Fastness is as deep as it is tall, with its mines extending
miles into the dark earth.
Before the implementation of the standing railways and Most of these mines are in operation within the Inner
the workways, when the entirety of the city was behind and Outer Circles. The original mines under the Great
the First Wall, the people of the Fastness used a network Axle have long since dried up, and have either been filled
of canals to move goods and workers between the mines in by floods, or on purpose to block them off from the
and the factories. There were even plans to build a city centre. So that no part of the earth below the city
waterway all the way to the Festermere Realmgate, before is wasted, prospectors will meticulously separate their
the cyclestone rush and Valius Maliti scuppered them in extractions and auction off even the smallest stockpiles,
favour of his own plans to expand the city. The hand-dug this fastidiousness ensuring that they will not miss a single
and manually-built canals were too pedestrian for him; speck of cyclestone, which the city relies on for powering
funds were diverted away from their maintenance, and as machinery and manufacturing its technological wonders.
the Inner and Outer Walls were erected, and tensions with
the Sylvaneth grew, their use was utterly superseded by the PUREWATER STILLS
cyclestone-powered railways. Greywater Fastness isn’t lacking for water. The air is damp,
the rain is frequent, and the Ghoul Mere has plenty of
Those who run the city like to think that all entrance rivers and creeks. Unfortunately, the water table is heavily
ways into the ancient canals have long been blocked and polluted by industrial smoke and runoff. Drinking Ghoul
capped off, but that isn’t the case. Over time, some seals Mere water or untreated rainwater is an easy way to catch
have eroded naturally, or been broken into by vagrants something nasty, so all water used for drinking, bathing,
and criminals, who make use of the old channels to go or cooking is treated in vast purification plants the size of a
under the walls and exit the city as they please. The canals city block, and delivered to citizens through pumps on the
are a great source of urban legends; some say there are corner of every street or, in the richer neighbourhoods,
unknowable horrors lurking down there, and tall tales a series of clay pipes that bring running water right into
involving Skaven are common for children to share. every home.
DRAINAGE PUMPS The purewater stills aren’t cheap to run. They use gravel-
Stuck in the middle of a marsh, Greywater Fastness floods fine cyclestone for filtration, and while it’s sold on for
as fast as a person sneezes. A few days of black, polluted reprocessing afterwards, it’s low grade. The plants always
rain and the city streets would turn into rivers if not for the run at a loss, and only the fact that the rich rely on them as
drainage pumps. These rumbling machines sit below the much as the poor keeps them in operation.
streets every city block or two, churning and grinding and
sucking water down through the drains, then pumping it
out beneath the walls, back into the Ghoul Mere.
The Great Axle Rumour has it the wild plants are intelligent and defensive,
The bureaucratic centre of Greywater Fastness sits at the which dissuades potential buyers and developers from
heart of the city. Here the richest and most successful snapping the property up. As tensions grow with the
citizens live and work, and hopefuls train to one day Sylvaneth, so do rumours that spies for the tree folk have
succeed them. been seen within the grounds. Every now and again the
Council of the Forge debates razing the plants and building
THE AETHERLIGHT PROMENADE on the site, but nobody wants to take responsibility.
Aetherlight is a public ballroom, a windowless building
in which it is always midnight and alcohol and other FAHRENHORN’S CRUCIBLE OF STATE
mood-enhancing substances flow freely. Many perfectly Named after Adonin Fahrenhorn, the man credited with
respectable dinners and balls are thrown in the homes of designing, building, and funding the first of Greywater
the wealthy, but with Aetherlight open around the clock Fastness’s factories, as well as the first cyclestone refinery,
there is always somewhere to drink and dance, and with the building more commonly known as the Crucible
the pressures of Greywater life always comes a need to sits at the epicentre of the Great Axle. This tower of
let off steam. bronze, brick, and smoked glass holds a museum of the
city’s technological progress on the lower floors, open to
As well as its darkly glamorous reputation, Aetherlight is the public by special arrangement with the old, ornery
famous for its orchestra of automata which play without Duardin Special Collectionist Perro Pernisson.
need for rest or applause, with a repertoire of over a
hundred popular songs, accessed by inserting meticulously The Council of the Forge meets on the upper levels, in
inscribed ‘score cylinders’ into the conductor’s base. perhaps the most secure space in Greywater Fastness.
A seven–foot thick layer of concrete separates the
ASHMOND HOUSE administrative tier from the lower levels, and it is
Designed in the Azyrian style, and intended to be set in punctured by a single staircase fitted with three locked
luxurious, magically-enhanced gardens, Ashmond House and guarded doors. The message is clear: the Council’s
was to be the crowning glory of the Ashmond family. The business is private, and they have the power to ensure that
Ashmonds grew wealthy through a patented cyclestone remains the case.
refining process that was faster and cheaper than any other.
Sadly, it wasn’t stable, and after their refinery collapsed into The Crucible has two administrative levels. The first is
magically-contaminated rubble, their fortune collapsed the chamber where the Council meets, seated around an
too. The Ashmonds left the city in shame. enormous stone table with a map of the city and the Ghoul
Mere carved into its surface. The second is the gallery, a
The house is now a skeleton, and the Jade magics laid on balcony where Conclave members, if they are invited, may
the grounds have made them a weather- and pollution- observe the Council’s proceedings.
resistant jungle.
Grits joke that the Outer and Inner Walls protect The Forge of Artificers is one of Gulben Coldrock’s (see
Greywater Fastness, and the First Wall protects the Great Coldrock Ironworks, page 30) holdings. Silver Duardin
Axle from Greywater Fastness. Those who live behind it runes cover the imported marble walls of the four-storey
would say that’s not true, and the wall simply offers an building, and even by the standards of its neighbours in
additional layer of protection during a potential invasion. the Great Axle it’s impressive.
This wall was the first line of defence erected when the
city was still small, before Valius Maliti arrived to press The building is full of workshops, all powered by a single
his grand, expansionist vision. It remains mostly as a emberstone forge. In the basement, engineering luminaries
testament to Greywater Fastness’s history, which has long do their work in heavily guarded secret laboratories
been overshadowed by the towering city the First Wall called ‘the Masters’ Workshop’. They’re forbidden to
now contains, and the suspended workways and rail tracks talk about exactly what’s in development down there,
that now cut across it unimpeded. but the air of secrecy makes it all the more exciting, and
often a rumour or two will escape the marble walls. They
Large swathes of the wall are lost amidst the growing urban whisper of artificial realmgates, handheld weapons with
and industrial sprawl, but the five portals that lead in from more stopping power than one of the city’s Hands, and
the Spoke Roads still have thick and functional gates; in aqthracite bombs that could level cities.
the event of a siege breaking through, it is the upper class’s
last line of defence. Maintaining the white paint over the An apprenticeship at the Forge of Artificers can open up
industrial residue and graffiti is an endless task. the Great Axle to any young engineer — literally, with
apprentice dormitories near the majestic building itself.
FORGEHAVEN Apprentices spend their course of study rubbing shoulders
The Council of the Forge spend a lot of time thinking with people they wouldn’t ordinarily meet: members of
about city defences, and what would happen if Greywater the great families, former alumni, even Gulben Coldrock
Fastness was ever overwhelmed by an unstoppable force himself on occasion. Connections made here are worth
set on the city’s destruction. The Steam Lords’ fascination just as much as the practical experience and graduate
extends to how they would preserve their own safety in certificate a novice earns.
the event of such an invasion.
To this end, they built Forgehaven, a spacious, luxurious The mausoleum-fortress of Gravenstone is a towering
bunker dug deep into the earth, far beneath the city. It dodecagonal building of night-black Shyishian marble,
contains everything they might need, from weapons, etched with ancient script that glows with a silver-blue
to plentiful comforts such as good wine, to a library of light in the darkness. Its sombre guardians are the Anvils
blueprints for most of the unique weapons and machines of Heldenhammer, black-armoured Stormcast Eternals
the city produces. Complex systems of mirrored periscopes who safeguard the realmgate contained at its heart known
allow glimpses of the streets above, and several escape as the Gate of Thorns. This realmgate connects to Sigmar’s
routes permit egress as far as the Outer Wall. Shyishan fortresses, but rumour claims that the gate was
severely damaged during the Shyish Necroquake. Now,
Forgehaven is a secret known only to the Council of any who cross the threshold risk agonising death, as their
the Forge, and only current members can access it with souls are ripped from their bodies and cast into the realm
the proper keys. Layers of enchantment keep the list of of death. As a result, none pass through the gate outside
members up to date and hide the bunker, preventing of the most dire circumstances, and the city remains
others from simply stumbling upon it. dependent on the Festermere gate for travel and trade.
GREAT AXLE MENAGERIE selling to servants of the elite, then canny and unflappable
With no port for airships and only one road out, it’s hard elders catering to rowdier late night customers. Most of
to leave Greywater Fastness. The wealthy sometimes chafe the market families have been in the trade for generations
against this restriction but they find their own ways to and don’t take kindly to interlopers.
cope. One of those ways is to bring the pleasures of the
outside world to them, as they have done in the Great Axle In the Handmarket, everything is precious. It’s either
Menagerie. imported, like the Azyrian silks sold by Vetiver Fulman;
luxurious, like Ulda Dammercy’s meat and livestock
More than a square mile of land is enclosed by high walls, or Gordi Kurnok’s fresh flowers; or handmade, like the
sealed tight with a leaded glass ceiling. Beneath it prowl jewellery and ornaments Sulat the Wanderer creates in
majestic creatures from every corner of the Mortal Realms. shapes reminiscent of industrial machinery.
From rare bats to Demigryphs, colour-shifting serpents to
Dracolines, there are countless marvels to behold. Perishable luxuries slowly make their way down Spoke
Road #3: meat on the verge of spoiling, or wilted flowers,
Some of the creatures here are more aptly described as are often available for lower prices in markets further
prisoners, such as the Ochtar kept on display and the down the way.
Flamespyre Phoenix in its fireproof eyrie. Others, like
the venerable Gryph-hound, Quickstrike, are former war HORMINT’S LABOUR EXCHANGE
beasts who retire here to live out their days in comfort. Wealthy houses need servants, nurses, gardeners, tutors,
and many other capable pairs of hands to staff them.
GRYPHON HALL Domestic servants and other skilled help in need of
The home of Greywater Fastness’s Conclave and the employment register at Hormint’s Labour Exchange, and
bureaucrats who support them was designed and when a great house needs a new footman or ladies’ maid,
constructed by Valius Maliti, and it shows in every the master’s secretary or the housekeeper strolls down
winding corridor, high arched ceiling, and rumoured to Hormint’s, reviews some employment references, and
secret passage. The building is a great network of narrow acquires one.
passages that erupt into great audience chambers, and
extravagant spiral staircasesthat grant stunning views Hormint’s is one of the most run-down and decrepit
across the city. buildings in the Great Axle, though it’s kept scrupulously
clean inside and out. Erminda Hormint’s cut of all
The city functionaries who do their work here are fond hirelings’ first three months’ wages lines her pockets,
of the building’s quirks, but even they admit the three rather than maintaining the premises.
monumental bird heads that decorate the roof are eerie.
They’re supposedly a long-forgotten reference to three
branches of power, but in most citizens’ minds they’re
just ugly, baleful birds glaring down on anyone who visits
Gryphon Hall to register a birth, death, or marriage, or
interact with city bureaucracy in any other way.
This street market occupies the top of Spoke Road #3,
where the Great Axle meets the Inner Circle. It is open
round the clock and generations of the same families take
turns operating their family stalls: children in the morning,
HOUSE OF THE GREAT ALLIANCE Ivraen is a particular favourite amongst the younger
This clockwork cathedral honouring the Pantheon of generation of Grits: the Aelf is dashing, handsome, and
Order is architecturally octagonal. Each corner of its rumour has it they are quite the philanderer and carouser.
design is surmounted by a statue of one of the major Prospective students will ideally emerge on the other side
Gods of Order. Because of local superstitions, Alarielle’s of the curriculum equipped with a handful of useful spells
statue is left in disrepair. The workmen who clean the and parlour tricks, and a shocking number of scandalous
others fear touching this statue invokes the Everqueen’s anecdotes they can regurgitate for the rest of their lives.
notice and displeasure.
Inside, each vestibule of the octagonal cathedral is A hundred years ago, it was decided that art would enliven
dedicated to a different god, with art and scripture inscribed public spaces and a reminder of the natural environment
in the plaster and illuminated with magical fire, precious would breathe life into the city. History doesn’t remember
metals, and gems. The God-King’s wall is of course the who decided to craft a grove of life-sized trees out of black
most glorious of all, and the focus of the cathedral most iron, and the artist was probably glad to be forgotten. This
of the time. When the time comes to honour other gods, grim monument is dark and sombre, an eternal reflection
the floor of the cathedral rotates to align the correct statue of how Greywater Fastness corrupted the Ghoul Mere.
with the pews and balconies, moving with a distinctly
unholy sound of grinding gears that is always heard across During festive occasions, the city fills the grove with
the neighbourhood. aether-powered glow globes, but first they have to scrub
away the anti-Sylvaneth and anti-Council graffiti that
THE IRONWELD ANVILS OF INDUSTRY accumulate over the seasons.
Inside this nigh-indestructible fortress, the Ironweld
Arsenal experiments, tinkers, perfects, and teaches. MASTERS’ BRIDGE
Its foundations run deep beneath the city and its walls This delicate, iron bridge runs between Gryphon Hall and
are thick enough to contain the explosions that would the Crucible of State, crossing between the upper floors
otherwise regularly disturb the peace of the Great Axle. of both buildings. It’s covered by a roof of thick, smoked
Progress is occasionally dangerous work. glass along its entire length to keep out the weather, and
decorated with the heraldry of every family who holds a
Much of the Ironweld’s research takes place in the position in the Conclave (on one side of the bridge) or
basements, with the floors above ground dedicated to the Council (on the other). The bridge is guarded at both
demonstrations and exhibitions of their achievements. ends, and only those with the seal of one of the two ruling
The Great Hall is by far the most impressive space in the bodies may pass along it. Private messages are sometimes
building. This grand lecture theatre hosts a breathtaking left tucked behind the appropriate family banner.
display of the Arsenal’s achievements, with detailed (and, to
most, incomprehensible) schematics decorating the walls QUENCH
and sophisticated prototypes ready for display on the stage. This restaurant near the Crucible is hot, stuffy, and the
Members of the general public are occasionally allowed to decor would have been fashionable fifty years ago. The air
attend lectures from the balcony around the Great Hall. is thick with pipe smoke and the smell of good brandy.
This is where members of the Council of the Forge meet,
Further back in the building, individual engineers in private dining rooms and quiet booths, to discuss
maintain laboratories and workrooms, each one the alliances and trades ahead of formal meetings. It’s valued
supreme authority over their cluster of rooms. for privacy and tradition, not the menu. The cuisine hasn’t
changed in thirty years and is memorable only for the
IVRAEN’S SANCTUM amount of stodge in every dish.
When elite Grits are forced to acknowledge one of their
offspring has no aptitude for business or military service, The proprietor, Kadree Aldisdottir, looks down on clientele
a magical education is often the answer. Aelven tutors who aren’t associated with the Council. She’ll serve them,
like Ivraen charge exorbitant fees for mediocre magical but there’s a surcharge.
tutelage, but it’s seen as more appropriate for scions of
wealthy families than a lifelong, binding entry into the
Collegiate Arcane.
SARVISSON CONSERVATORY Inside, the Collegiate Arcane trains battlemages, studies
The great, verdigrised dome of this opera house proclaims the magics of war, and in secret, researches more esoteric
the largest and most prestigious arts venue in Greywater subjects. Each floor of the Spire is dedicated to a different
Fastness. When it isn’t hosting touring companies school of magic: primal Jade on the ground floor, Amber
from Azyrheim or the other realms, Greywater’s own above it, and Gold above that; Amethyst, then Grey, then
performers, the Sarvisson Orchestra and the Grey Opera the ‘higher’ realms of Bright, Light, and Celestial at the
to name a few, perform to packed houses. top of the tower.
Most of the shows are patriotic tales of war and heroism Chancellor Kharee Muranis strives to publicise the
composed by Chaiko Verskisson, a local composer Spire’s military value but the Council of the Forge often
known for the stirring, bombastic mood of his music. turn their noses up at the mages: it takes longer to train
Regiments have marched into battle to his famous Battle a mage than it does to build artillery, and costs less to
for Phoenicium cycle. His most famous piece, the Seeds pay the men to operate the latter. Gold magic, which has
of Hope, was written especially to be performed in obvious applications in forging, smithing, and industrial
Greywater Fastness: it’s timed so that one of the Hands is production, is the exception. Graduates from this school
test fired right at the epic climax of the fourth act. receive offers non-stop from the city’s Steam Lords, who
seek shortcut magical solutions to solve hard industrial
The auditorium is designed with the fashions of the problems.
Grits in mind. The circles of seats are steep enough to
accommodate the tallest of hats without blocking the view, THE STONE COLLEGE
and gloves and veils are required. Anyone in Greywater Tutors and apprenticeships in the family business only
Fastness can buy tickets, but since visiting requires passing go so far. No education in business or manufacturing is
through the First Wall late at night, far from the workways complete without finishing at the Stone College. Here,
and cheap transport, shows remain a privilege for those eager (and not so eager) students learn the intricacies of
living inside the Great Axle. finance, trade, city law, and enough theoretical chemistry,
metallurgy, and engineering to understand what their
THE SCINTILLANT SPIRE businesses make.
The mages of the Collegiate Arcane reside in their high
tower on the outer edge of the Great Axle. The mass of The elaborate building takes up an entire city block, and
defensive enchantments on the Spire’s walls the faces of many of the founders of Greywater
cause light to dance oddly off its surfaces, Fastness as well as the symbols of the
making it shimmer. During heavy Council of the Forge and the
rains, drops of water bounce off Conclave are carved into its
those wards, never touching thick stone buttresses.
the paving below.
The main industrial ring of the city, strewn with factories Clinker Market, sometimes called the Sprawl Market,
and warehouses, pockmarked with scarred land and runs the length of Spoke Road #1 from the Inner Wall
massive pits that lead down into the cyclestone mines almost to the Grey Gate, but most of the best stalls ply
deep below the city. their trade in the Outer Circle. Stalls are supposed to be
broken down at the end of each trading day, but since
BATTERY GREEN FIRING RANGE no stallholder in their right mind lacks a night licence,
On the inside of the Inner Wall, where a long stretch of the market never stops. It’s crowded at all hours. Foot
ground is shadowed by two factories and the Battery Green traffic flows slowly and vehicles can’t pass between the
Penitentiary on the other side of the wall, the Freeguilds, tight-packed stalls, their stock spreading out several feet
enthusiasts, and inventors of Greywater Fastness come around each one’s premises.
to Battery Green to test their gunpowder weaponry. Its
grounds are littered with sandbags and dugouts, hastily Staircases and precarious wooden bridges lead down from
built brick walls and wooden targets. All of its ranges the workways to the market, and people frequently stop by
point towards the face of the Inner Wall. to shop on their way to or from a shift, as well as during
their limited free time. For the lucky folk who work in
The Green is in use every day, crews from different nearby factories, break time often means a meal of cheap
factories and Freeguild regiments booking blocks of time pastries sporting thick crusts designed with soot-and-
to test their latest creations or carry out training drills. filth-covered hands in mind.
The sound of the guns is constant, and exhausting. Each
week, the Council of the Forge has a Gun Club who At night, Clinker Market is a river of lights, and as busy as
meet here and often discuss business, not expecting ever. It’s a meeting place for those who prefer to just walk,
to be heard over the heavy artillery. A prize of surplus and wander, rather than drink the night away.
munitions is given out each week for the best shot made
on the 600-metre range.
The Estermere Munitions factory is massive, dirty, and The Greycaps are Greywater Fastness’s most famous
in disrepair, clearly in need of re-investment. Edelthea Freeguild. They’re highly trained, well armed, and iron
Estermere, the current owner of the family business, is disciplined. Greywater Lock is the fortress where they
more focused on what she can get out of the factory than make their home, named for its original use as a customs
what she might need to put in. She takes little interest in check on the ancient canals. Behind the walls are several
repairs or maintenance, worker complaints, or anything black stone buildings with gravel courtyards between
except output and profit, rather spending her time at them. Stores, barracks, training facilities, and a small
Great Axle parlours. prison (the Greycaps police their own) make Greywater
Lock a hive of activity.
The Estermere crest is carved in stone above every
entrance and exit, and over many of the production lines. Soldiers come from the barracks at a moment’s notice to
Though the family motto decrees ‘Quality — Lethality — respond to emergencies in the Inner Circle, from crimes
Dependability’, their product is currently suffering on all to fires. The Inner Circle is the industrial core of the city,
three fronts. Edelthea should know that the factory is one the whole reason for its being, and no expense is spared
more industrial accident away from being inspected by in its defence.
the Grand Conclave for misconduct. When that happens,
she’ll be desperate for help and investors from anywhere Over 500 Greycaps, or half of their total force, are
to swoop in and save the business. quartered here. The others occupy two smaller barracks
at different points around the Inner Circle. All the senior
FOOD CARTS officers are at Greywater Lock, living in the luxury their
Workers stuck in factories all over the Inner Circle at all status deserves.
hours are a captive market for vendors. Workplaces might
serve food on site, but it’s rarely anything but boring. HERTZEN & SONS LANDDOCK
At mid-shift, a whole fleet of food carts, independently The Hertzen family’s Landdock has seen better days. The
owned and operated, come puttering through the streets One Road’s vice grip on moving goods in and out of the
and down the workways. Some are simple hand carts city has drastically lowered the road traffic of Steam Tanks,
or barrows with small gas braziers for cooking, others Cogforts, and other mobile cannons passing through the
are steam-operated mobile restaurants. An experienced city. But the dangers the One Road poses mean there’s
vendor with a clever route can work their way around always a vehicle requiring fixing or servicing by the time it
three or four factories in a day, but no single cart can feed reaches the gates. Hertzen & Sons Landdock offers all the
an entire factory. facilities, specialists, and tools a captain needs to get their
tank or fort back in working order.
Each cart specialises in a specific cuisine, or even a specific
dish, but with a few clustered together customers have Bassilla Hertzen and her two sons, Larrius and Saffo,
a choice of anything from spicy Aqshyian delicacies or represent two generations of Duardin graduates from the
delicate Azyrian flavours to the local favourites of meat and Ironweld College in Sapenna. They moved to Greywater
vegetable pastries or curried peas. The foods of other realms Fastness after the passing of Larro Hertzen, Bassilla’s
have a distinctly Greywater twist, with a lot of substitutions. husband and the boys’ father, all looking for a new start.
A Greywater Fastness food cart is by far the safest way to eat
dappled Efreet — in Aqshy, it will kill you; in Ghyran, the Visitors may notice a dark corner of the Landdock
worst it will do is give you a mild case of heartburn. dedicated to Larrius and Saffo’s pet project. For years now,
the boys have been working on an Amphibious Steam Tank
The best food carts draw people from the Outer Circle to of their own design. They believe it could revolutionise the
the Inner on their days off, just for a taste of their favourites. way the Grits fight in the Ghoul Mere, if they could just get
the engine to stop flooding and seal every pinhole leak.
Every time they patch one up, another one seems to open.
For decades, Kit Idleway was a classic Grit: they worked The Fyreslayers of this lookout, descendants of the Baeldrag
hard and played hard. They often followed a shift with a Lodge, hold a modest presence in Greywater Fastness. The
round of the classic ‘belt game’: riding the workway and watchtower acts as an embassy first and foremost, serving
stopping at every pub. Like most passionate players, Kit as a point of connection between Greywater and other
frequently missed home entirely, waking up on a still- lodges. Secretly, the watchtower’s stern Auric Runefather,
moving workway in the wrong part of the city. Kaulgar-Grimnir, believes that they’ll one day find hidden
veins of ur-gold beneath the city, amongst the rich deposits
When retirement beckoned, Kit saw their opportunity to of cyclestone, just as the lodge’s founder once discovered
make their mark. Combining their savings with those of decades ago.
their family and friends, they bought a warehouse near a
workway intersection, and converted it into a hotel that LONG SMOKE
offers a cheap place to lie down until it’s time for work The square mile of the Outer Circle known as Long
again. The interior is still very much a warehouse, with Smoke (more properly City Sanitation Facility No: 4)
stacks of bunks a dozen high and repurposed goods-lifts is where waste that can’t be recycled or repurposed is
to carry guests to and from their reserved spot. burned. The fires burn eternally, smoke mixing with the
noxious clouds from the factory stacks, and when one
There are now a number of Idleway’s Stacks across the mountain of refuse is burned down to ashes it’s churned
Inner Circle, as well as numerous competitors cropping under, its residue slowly saturating the earth and sinking
up. At Kit’s behest, taking a cue from the workway pubs, into the water table.
each of their locations employ a few professional ‘crooks’
who look for those too drunk to make it home and take For those bold enough to brave the flames, there are prizes
them in to recover, so they don’t fall off a workway by to be won here: salvage missed by the Gulls, the guild of
accident and can make it into work the next day. waste processors employed to separate out the worthwhile
pieces before burning.
Jessamyn Barrg-Torr runs a tiny shop wedged in between LOOSE CANNONS UNDERJACKS GUILD
the perimeter walls of two huge factories. It’s a dainty little There’s plenty of work for underjacks in Greywater Fastness,
place full of lace and sweet perfume, and apprentices who and they can be hired here, in the damp and mildewed
serve honeyed tea to customers as they await their fittings. guildhouse stained by soot from the neighbouring
Jessamyn makes fine clothing and armour for the wealthy factories. The Loose Cannons are made up of ex-convicts
and elite. For special customers, she makes stunning, and folk kicked out of Freeguilds and other professions.
armoured garments that achieve the height of fashion. They’re people whose only skill is wielding sharp objects,
and view this as their only remaining option.
From gorgeous, feathered hats fashioned around steel
helmets to stylish coats with clever armour plating, there’s Their guildhouse is notable for two main features: the
nothing this gifted Duardin tailor can’t fabricate. Word head of the ‘kill of the month’ proudly displayed on a pike
is that she sells incredibly discrete concealed weapons jutting out above the main door, and the excellent, hand-
to an exclusive clientele — rings that unfold into razor- drawn maps of the sewers, canals, and drainage networks
sharp finger claws, single-shot pistols worked into discrete kept behind lock and key. They’re updated regularly as
jewellery, and all manner of collapsible blades with razor threats are cleared and new ones appear.
sharp edges. Her pride and joy is a long tobacco pipe that
unfolds into a loaded and ready micro duelling pistol with As terrifying as the underjacks are, even they mutter one
the flick of the wrist. After all, she is never seen without name in fearful whispers. Brod Gurnak used to be one of
that odd pipe in her hand. their number, until he lost interest in everything but stalking
Skaven and retreated to the tunnels to live for the hunt.
Statues dedicated to Valius Maliti, the Chief Architect of Before the Necroquake, the city mausoleum held
Greywater Fastness and developer of industrial realmstone countless cadavers decaying in drawers carved into the
use, stand all over the city. The largest is in Maliti Square, stone walls. After the Necroquake, that changed. The
where a towering bronze statue looms atop a stone plinth. Conclave mandated that no more burials take place; only
Verdigris covers the statue in streaks of vivid green, and cremations are allowed for funeral rites.
climbing plants with thorny stems weave over the plinth
and around his ankles. The owner of a steelworks decided that mere cremation
was not enough to honour their dearly departed relatives.
The city’s roads have changed since Maliti Square was
designed. Now it’s in the shadow of four huge industrial They tinkered for years before finding a way to render
buildings, accessible only through a few narrow passages, ashes into small diamonds, but once the technique was
and many dark deeds — and precious few good ones — displayed to the public it quickly became a trend, and then
are conducted ‘in the shadow of Maliti’. a tradition.
ORDIVER’S REALMSTONE WORKS Now the unimpressive, ugly Palace of Eternal Rest is home
Cyclestone, the realmstone of Ghyran, is a vital industrial to thousands upon thousands of gemstones, each one the
power source. It’s both powerful and long lasting, but remains of someone’s beloved relative. The wealthiest have
when its energy is used up it has to go somewhere. Hestin large, clear stones in gorgeous gold settings, sometimes
Ordiver, a Jade mage of some skill, made a fortune from beautiful silver trees with an entire family’s stones amongst
a secret process for renewing used up cyclestone, and the branches. Middle-class folk settle for small stones
disposing of the dregs. Her descendants still run the displayed on velvet cushions.
Realmstone Works, and they get richer every year.
Yearly upkeep bills pay for Freeguild guards, as the Palace
The ‘Ordiver process’ ekes out a little more life from is often broken into and its gems stolen, though the place
cyclestone by forcing it rapidly through its many states, draws only the most desperate of thieves. Rumours say that
helped along by a little magic. The used stone, colloquially the gems curse the thief that removes them, to be hunted
known as secondstone, is resold on the black market. by Nighthaunt or worse, and the continual presence of
Unfortunately, there’s no safe way to dispose of what can’t Sigmarite priests guarding the Palace does little to dissuade
be re-used from the refining process; here the attitude this rumour. This has affected the local markets in a
towards these remnants is ‘out of sight, out of mind.’ negative way: citizens are advised never to buy discounted
or uncertified gems under a square inch in size, as they may
They’ve been packing away the cyclestone and secondstone have come from the Palace.
waste into the dried up mine shafts under the Realmstone
Works for decades, but lately its uncontained taint has PLOT #75
been doing strange things to the workers. It might be A year ago this stretch of waste ground was a foundry,
something small — a change of complexion, or scabs and one day it will rise again as some renewed industrial
turning almost wooden in texture. A few have exhibited space. For now, it’s a problem. When the foundry was
more extreme changes: some have aged or de-aged rapidly, demolished due to rising mould and the threat of collapse,
or have had long-lasting illnesses cured. One woman the crew who dug up the foundations went right down to
claims her husband who worked for Ordiver turned into the canals, which lie very close to the surface in this part of
a gibbering Spite, but has since fled the city. Since there’s the city. Then they were eaten by a Fellwater Troggoth. The
been no official study of the effects of this cyclestone waste, crew sent to rescue them were eaten by the same Troggoth.
whatever has occurred is classed as urban legend.
After the Greycaps slew the Troggoth, work began on
rebuilding. Then some structural failing led to the fledgling
buildings collapsing into the Troggoth-haunted canals
beneath and the investor cut their losses. The ground was
sold a few times, and city officials have since lost track of
who owns it. It’s now cordoned off with high brick walls,
barbed wire, and bells attached to tripwires.
POTBANK NIGHT SHELTER day. In addition, the rare artefact or Sylvaneth contraband
Potbank, also known as ‘Open Arms’, is a shelter run by has been known to pass through the auction house, with
retired factory foreman Uldnar Hrek. The shelter offers invite-only auctions held in secret rooms guarded by
a relatively warm, dry place to sleep for the low price expensive and imposing automata.
of a couple hours of free labour. Visitors can rest in
clean blankets on a thin mattress in one of the two big The auction house is one of the few commercial enterprises
dormitories for up to ten hours in exchange for six hours that’s not open around the clock. It opens for browsing
of work the following day in Hrek’s kilnhouse, a small and inspection two hours before sunrise, then the auction
workshed run in the same complex of buildings as the begins at dawn and ends when there’s nothing left to sell.
shelter. For the promise of another hour’s work, he’ll treat If no goods entered Greywater Fastness the day before,
visitors to a meal and a hot bath. there’s no auction — though there’s usually still a hopeful
crowd before sunup.
With room for up to two hundred people, the shelter
provides Hrek’s entire labour force except foremen and The back corner of the auction yard is reserved for
skilled workers. Hrek spends almost nothing, his low livestock. It stinks of animal fear and waste, and rings
labour costs let him compete with much larger (and with the beasts’ cries. The livestock auction starts early
richer) owners nearby, and he gets the satisfaction of and never runs for long, and everyone present breathes a
helping people in need, even if families are often separated collective sigh of relief when it’s over.
into different dormitories due to space requirements.
RATTLEFAST COURIER SERVICE During the Necroquake, the risen dead from across the
One of the city’s many Rattletrap messenger services, inner city’s former graveyards coalesced at this crossroads,
Rattlefast specialises in delivering small packages sent and fought against Greywater’s mortal forces. The soldiers’
across long distances, and in record times. They’re so swords and guns were practically useless against the
proud of their fast service that they keep a chalkboard dead, but it was the city’s battlemages and the Anvils
hanging over the front counter, displaying their latest laps of Heldenhammer who saved the day. High Magister
and route times around the city. Each of their couriers Chemry Hissrian gave their own life calling down fire
carries a pocket watch to record their times, and as an from the stars above, summoning searing white light that
official badge of their employment. But everyone knows scoured the battlefield clean of living and dead alike.
a Rattlefast courier by the distinct gryphon-headed
Rattletraps they ride on. Their magic tore open the stones themselves, leaving long
fissures and deep pock marks appearing like comets and
The proprietor, Gilbert Scalder, is a former Rattletrap stars stamped into the flagstones, filled with seams of
engineer turned entrepreneur. He is always looking for cloudy white crystal. They’re a beautiful reminder of the
couriers to take on dangerous jobs, especially contracts price Greywater Fastness paid for its survival. The crystal
that go beyond the city walls. Lately he’s been getting is streaked with dirt and soot now, washed partially clean
mail from an anonymous old woman, a slowly growing by rainwater. It’s still one of the most arresting sights in
series of mysterious sealed letters addressed to someone the city, especially at night, as the stones glow when the
in Scallavost (page 35), the ruined Aelven city. No one stars are out.
currently under his employ wants to take the job.
Yet it is one of the few places outside the Gravenstone where There is only one way in and out of the penitentiary, a
the city’s dour Stormcast guardians can be found standing single workway going over the Inner Wall. The penitentiary
vigil, though whether they do so out of acknowledgement itself is surrounded by a deep moat of toxic waste, filled
of those lost in the Necroquake, or in anticipation of by runoff from nearby factories. Its manufacturing arm
further undead uprisings, only they can say. Some crystal produces some of the cheapest and most promptly made
pieces have long since disappeared; most consider them ammunition in the city, a reputation that overshadows
stolen. These strange stones can fetch a price on the black the atrocities that occur within its walls and allows the
market, or end up in poor homes as mere sources of light. penitentiary to operate under its own prerogatives. Some
of Greywater Fastness’s most notorious criminals are held
TORQUILL’S ALCHEMICALS here, and Warden Anvilbite is quick to show off his rogues
This small stone-walled shop, tucked next to one of the few gallery to visitors.
exposed sections of the old canals, is manned by Struan
Torquill, a local Duardin who carries some infamy. Locals THE BURNT ARCHES
suspect that he peddles in black-market alchemical goods, Tucked under a cluster of workway struts and supports is
but has never been caught in the act by the Greycaps. the Burnt Arches. It’s known for its Grey-ale and mixed
drinks made with local agrimead, and for showcasing
Furthermore, people suspect that Struan’s been local performers, from one-Duardin bands or Ghyran folk
experimenting with cyclestone. He’s been caught a few music played on reed pipes, to styles of music born from
times sneaking into nearby cyclestone foundries at night, the thudding industrial soundscape brought home from
and spotted sifting through their runoff pipes looking the Inner Circle.
for depleted materials. His shop sells large quantities of
‘Alarielle’s kiss’ — if you put a few drinks into him, he may Its clientele are a bunch of gossips, and use the venue to
claim to have created the concoction himself, but lost his fill their pockets with rumours and secrets. The Burnt
original formula in a game of 5-Card Sigmar’s Throne to Arches hosts a weekly masquerade ball for the workers,
another desperate alchemist. where partners are exchanged freely amid bawdy dances
in soot-stained work apparel, but it is tradition that with
Struan, like many mad alchemists, is obsessed with each exchange a secret must be shared. These secrets are
achieving eternal life, and believes that cyclestone holds often gossip, or trade secrets heard while working on the
the answer. It’s already had some strange effects on him: all assembly lines It is believed this dance has led to cases of
his finger- and toenails grow back a full inch each day, and industrial espionage, underhanded dealings, and the birth
his beard shrinks or grows depending on the weather. He of secret societies. But how many of these rumours are
also believes the cyclestone is whispering secrets to him. actually true?
The crops are only partly the point. The real message is that Fargo was a famous and well-respected Endrinmaster,
the city doesn’t belong solely to the owners and landlords, part of a Kharadron mission that sought to establish
but to everyone living in it, and they have a right to stand a skyport in the city and bypass the Everqueen’s ‘One
up against the ugliness of the factory city. Nay-sayers are Road’ restriction. But the Sylvaneth saw them coming,
quick to remind them that Greywater Fastness exists only conjured a seed-storm that strangled the airships with
to keep the other war-torn cities of the Mortal Realms rapidly growing plants and scuttled the scouts about the
well-supplied for conflict. That’s surely more important Ghoul Mere. All except Fargo. He flew through the storm,
than fresh flowers. Worse still, some fear that the Weald crashed just outside the city and crawled up to the Mere
are in collusion with the Sylvaneth, though to what ends, Keep. He pleaded for aid from the Conclave, but they
none can fully say. were apprehensive, believing that helping him might tread
upon the Sylvaneth’s treaty.
It’s rare to find industrial operations in the Outer Circle: Laden with unpayable debts from the failed venture and
most are further in, far from the marauding monsters unwilling to return home until he could square them,
outside and the ear-shattering pounding of the Hands. Fargo cobbled together enough scrap to build his own
When a block of workers’ housing collapsed, Gulben Kharadron workshop in the Outer Circle. He now repairs
Coldrock bought the land at a steal and threw together machines that should have died years ago for only a select
this foundry. Operating costs are low, the building was clientele, remaining bitter towards the city authorities and
cheap, and profits are high. those who orbit them. He longs to know what happened
to the rest of the lost expedition, at least to recover some
The Ironworks’ neighbours don’t appreciate this intrusion of the endrineering wonders that were lost in the Mere.
of work on a residential area, and not a week goes by
without someone scrawling obscene graffiti on the outer FIVE DIALS INTERCHANGE
walls. After the events of The Price of Victory (page 68), Over a hundred feet above ground level, on a circular
Coldrock Ironworks is a smoking hole in the ground. platform, five workways meet. The central point is called
Five Dials (there are five consoles that monitor operations
ELRITH CEYL on each track), and it’s become a place of congestion and
This Khainite temple was originally built when the city confusion for the workers who pass through. There are
had only the First Wall for defence, as the Daughters of food vendors, street musicians, soot-covered prophets
Khaine sought privacy from the Steam Lords, far from the ranting about the coming apocalypse, and gangs of
Great Axle. But gradually, it was absorbed by the spreading guttersnipes who pick pockets with the latest in strange
metropolis, caught between the construction of the Inner grapple-arms and purse-cutting technologies produced by
and Outer Walls. Though their order is small, this has disgraced artisans in the poorest districts of the city.
not dissuaded the Daughters from continuing their ritual
combats, which often spill out of the small temple and Most try to pass through the Five Dials as quickly as
onto the surrounding workways during Khainite holy possible, often grouping up with other workers from their
days. Though it tests the Greycaps’ ire, the guards know to factories into tight knit angry mobs. Unfortunately, this
keep their distance from the temple. only leads to more congestion and conflict, as groups from
rival factories push and shove through the interchange
The Daughters here have an alchemical method of with increasing aggression until inevitably someone goes
extracting iron from the blood spilled and collected during over the edge, or a fight breaks out.
ritual combat. Like their neighbours in the city, they have
also become formidable weaponsmiths. They apply their THE GREY GATE & MERE KEEP
rituals to the practice and put a drop of blood-iron into All gates in the city’s Outer Wall have been barricaded for
each blade they forge. defence save for one, the Grey Gate, which is also the most
active and heavily defended point in the city. The gate has
FARGO’S FINE ENDRINEERING its own battery of guns, as well as room for the gargantuan
Every profession has its masters and its disasters. Hands, and there’s always a mage on duty.
Some are quickly forgotten, and some live on in stories
forever. After what happened to Fargo Cogthrasher, the
Kharadron Overlords have abandoned all thought of
making Greywater Fastness a base of operations.
Surrounding the gate is the fortress called Mere Keep, a MERCIFUL SIGMAR HOSPICE
mighty, black stone monstrosity. In its prime, Mere Keep Partially funded by charity and city taxes of Aqua
was a nightmare for invaders, riddled with portcullises, Ghyranis, Merciful Sigmar provides a selection of medical
solid iron doors, and corridors that could be reconfigured aid but primarily end of life care. Lung diseases and other
into killing fields by those who knew the controls. These terminal ailments afflict many of Greywater Fastness’s
days it’s felt that the best defence is a ruthless offence, and working class. Often, their families can’t spare someone
the guns and soldiers on the wall will stop anyone from to provide full-time palliative care for an ageing parent,
getting close enough to need the gatehouse. Some years ago or lack the skills to make them comfortable. When that
it was converted into a garrison and munitions storehouse. happens, they move into the Merciful Sigmar Hospice.
GREY GATE EXCISE PARK The black stone building, perched alongside Spoke Road
Travellers with cargo are directed to the Grey Gate Excise #1, appears ominous from outside, but within, it’s relatively
Authority, where customs officials check import papers clean, warm, and comfortable , provided you can sleep over
are in order, tariffs are paid, and agents of the Order of the groans and cries of the most common patients — those
Azyr sniff out any sign of corruption. This wagon park is who have lost limbs in industrial accidents. Workways run
a soulless stretch of waste ground, and waits can be long: alongside and behind it, making it a convenient place to
if no caravans are expected that day, officials have to come stop on the route to or from work in the Inner Circle. It’s
down from the Great Axle for inspections. common practice to leave small ceramic tokens inscribed
with prayers for your loved ones’ good health outside the
There are three senior excisemen, and regular traders walls, sometimes tossing them off the workways with a
know Yzbek Burr is scrupulously honest, Kuren Lesk muttered apology. The perimeter of the hospice is dusted
always finds something to confiscate for herself, and Bale with shattered pieces of clay where prayer tokens broke
Orngrimm wants to be done as quickly as possible, so he before the staff could collect them.
can go back to working on his novel.
The hospice includes a crematorium for its own patients
MAGPIE’S NEST and (at a cost) those who die elsewhere. The smoke stacks
The Magpie’s Nest was once a treasure trove, an auction vent oily smoke night and day, wrapping the hospice,
house for rare, typically fenced, goods. That was a long surrounding streets, and the workways in a black shroud.
time ago. Now it’s a burned-out shell. By day, children
play amongst the ruins. By night, dissidents gather in the THE OLD BLUNDERBUSS
shadows to blether about better futures. Mrs. Büchsen’s hostelry establishment is run with the
discipline of a military unit: small, sparse, by the book. Two
The Nest is one bad day away from total collapse. When meals a day and an enforced curfew are the foundations
the guns on the wall fire, the wooden foundations shudder of her business. Guests are expected to eat breakfast and
and dust patters down from the roof. The authorities rarely dinner at home, mind their manners and language, and
think about what remains of Magpie’s Nest, and when clean up after themselves. No matter who they are.
they do, it’s to wonder whether anyone has redeveloped
the site yet. The citizens who still gather there feel like it’s With most factory workers renting subsidised
the safest place to talk down about the authorities who accommodation from their bosses, a lot of Mrs. Büchsen’s
lord over them, and plot to counterfeit currencies or plan guests are people who, for a myriad of reasons, can’t go
factory slowdowns, whatever petty deeds they believe will home to their families. She doesn’t ask questions, as long
make them feel better about their station in life. as folks follow the rules. It’s the same respect she showed
her troops during her old days as a Freeguild general. She
These Grits call themselves the ‘Magpies’. They’re not still keeps her old blunderbuss securely loaded above the
one group, but many individuals with a common cause: inn’s hearth, next to a plaque stating ‘Last Argument of
undermining the city’s production process. Some dream the Proprietor’.
of peace, some want higher pay and more rights for the
workers whose labour keeps Greywater’s production up
and the rest of the Mortal Realms safe. Some just covet a
cut of the money and the power.
THE OLD FEN GATE The area closest to the wall should be clear of buildings and
This old smuggler’s gate, far away from the Grey Gate, cover, but slums have expanded and crawled up the sides,
dates back to the founding of the city. Each night poachers along with their accompanying rubbish heaps. In reality
and smugglers slip underneath the Old Fen Gate, now the area immediately behind the wall is a grim wasteland
bricked up but easily dug under, into the ancient canal
system, and out into the Ghoul Mere. Each morning they THE PLUMB & BOB
creep back in with their spoils ready for sale. The noise from the nearby water treatment plant makes
this pub loud even when it’s empty. At busy times, the
At present, the gate appears to be firmly sealed. Some of off-duty engineers and workmen from the plant have to
the bricks near the bottom are loose, however, and moving shout to be heard as they chat and banter over pints of
them aside is child’s play. Needless to say, the Sylvaneth the local Grey-ale.
don’t take kindly to Grits intruding in their lands.
The Plumb and Bob has been in the Curnhorn family for
THE ORRUK’S REGRET generations. They live on the floors below the pub, and all
Secretly famous for the beast fights that take place under the young sons work as ‘crooks’, tempting — or sometimes
the premises, the Orruk’s Regret appears as a typical local physically tugging — folks off the workway outside for a
bar on the surface. Gruntas, giant insects, and stranger post-work pint and a luke-warm meal of unidentifiable
things fight to the death in the hollowed out mining pits mush.
hidden beneath. Lately the fights have become more
intense and frequent, to the delight of the regulars. The While the food is dire, locals brag that the Plumb and
sand and shavings at the bottom of the pit are stained Bob serves the cleanest drinking water in the city, truly
with dried blood, and littered with the bones and skulls a feature to boast about in the Fastness. Some patrons
of the losers. believe the Curnhorns have been syphoning directly from
the nearby treatment plant for years. But in recent times,
The fights are expressions of the proprietor, Big Ollis, some folks whisper that they are Sylvaneth sympathisers
and his mates’ secret devotion to Khorne, but most of the with access to life magic, and have been purifying the
ironworkers and neighbours who gather to watch the fights water themselves.
haven’t got a clue that the fighting pits also see their fair
share of kidnapped workers when the bar is closed.
ROOKERY WAY Vera-May thinks she has a problem with shoplifters, and
This tenement’s real address is 467 Rockway, but everyone pays several nephews and nieces to keep an eye on the
knows it as Rookery Way. Unlike the orderly high rises different corners of the store. She hasn’t yet realised the
that make up most Outer Circle housing, it’s a tangle of thefts are related to the large holes in the floor that waft
treacherously listing buildings that look bound together the stale air of the canals up into the premises. Customers
by rope and wooden bridges. It’s a mess, and calls to mind complain, but Vera-May doesn’t make enough profit for
the way a rook’s nest looks. repairs, or so she claims.
It’s one of the oldest blocks of worker housing, with an When the stores are closed, Rummage is a Skaven’s
abundance of stories to match, from hauntings to curses paradise. Several times, Clanrats have snuck in and helped
to local heroes. The community keeps to itself. All the themselves to pawned trinkets and anything weapon-like.
money they spend flows right back to their employers, of
course, but the Rooks don’t mind: they’re law abiding folk, THE SUNK STREETS
not grumbling dissidents. They have no interest in city The Necroquake tore apart some of Greywater Fastness’s
politics, just keeping their daily lives running smoothly. streets, and in the Outer Circle there’s still a crossroads
The tranquillity may not last for long, however, as a series submerged under feet of water. The Sunk Streets are a
of fires have threatened to burn the whole nest down. The slum, home to the jobless or those who can only afford to
locals suspect arson, but are too trusting of their own to squat. The inhabitants do their best to fight off a slew of
consider the firebug may come from within. diseases spread by bloated insects that have been twisted
by toxins, cyclestone runoff, and some whisper of darker
RUMMAGE powers.
Everybody needs a few extra Drops or a treat from time
to time. Rummage serves both needs. The cavernous People here are desperate. The ‘Sinkers’ often turn on
arcade built into the workway arches is home to a dozen those marked as outsiders, aiming to take their valuables
shops, and even stalls that spill out onto Spoke Road to trade for a simple hot meal. For nearby factories, they’re
#4. The proprietor, Vera-May Hammerhelm, will buy seen as the cheapest labour for any dirty or dangerous
anything. New, used, hand-made, or stolen. She doesn’t jobs. But these streets are not without hope; Anastasia
ask questions. Everlark sees the Sunk Streets as her next project for the
Cherished Weald. She wants to turn the area into another
The cobweb-filled corners of this self-contained green space, and whilst those in the Conclave are against
marketplace are jam-packed with secondhand clothing, her, she is gaining ground with the Sinkers.
broken filter masks to keep out the city’s smog, toys and
games, handcrafts, furniture, and enough machine parts
to build an entire assembly line. Everything’s a bargain
here, especially if you don’t look too closely at it.
The Ghoul Mere belonged to the Sylvaneth long before
AND BEYOND Humans learned of its existence. Their groves reached
up to the sky and the air hummed with their song. Valius
Most city dwellers don’t stray from the One Road that cuts Maliti’s builders and endless bombardment from the city’s
through the Ghoul Mere, for beyond it are a host of dangers. artillery systematically destroyed the forest to expand their
walls, and the poisons seeping out of Greywater Fastness
THE BONE GROVE have done irreparable damage.
Here, the trees reach up out of the water like skeletal hands,
and creak like hanged men as they sway in the foul breeze. The Dreadwood Sylvaneth, led by Pale Oak and his guard
Poppets and fetishes made of sticks and bone decorate the Oakshadow, keep to a small number of groves some
bare boughs, and the cackle of water birds rips through distance from the city. The trees are ailing and the few
the foetid air. animals and birds that remain are changed. The Sylvaneth
protect their last groves with thickets of poisonous thorns
This is where the few Beastfolk of the Ghoul Mere make and trees that tighten their branches against trespassers.
their homes, stalking unwary intruders through the
winding, treacherous paths, feasting upon their flesh and The Sylvaneth’s last remaining stronghold is Choirhall, a
using their bones to further decorate the grove. once-beautiful soulpod glade where the lamentiri of the
fallen, the memories and history of the Sylvaneth, rest
BRINNA’S FARM under the care of the Branchwyches. This is the most
This collection of fortified buildings and newly drained sacred place in the Ghoul Mere. Every last Sylvaneth
ground is the most successful of the Ghoul Mere Pioneers’ would die rather than let outsiders despoil it.
new settlements. Located by the side of the One Road just
within cannon shot of the city walls, and it would take Resentment and frustration have inspired a zeal for
only minutes for the settlers to flee if they needed to — violence in the Sylvaneth, a need to lash out. Every day,
but they’re determined to stay put. Brinna has cultivated more Sylvaneth begin to sing the song of vengeance, their
a lot of goodwill in the city by using her pasture to raise combined voices turning the Spirit-Song dark and terrible.
Woodhorn cattle, making fresh meat much easier to
obtain in recent times. THE FESTERMERE REALMGATE
The realmgate at Festermere, propped along the north-
Brinna herself is an ex-Greycap with a lot of friends on the western coast of Verdia, connects Ghyran to Aqshy. Each
wall, and she makes sure there’s always someone up there side of the realmgate is surrounded by defensive walls
looking out for her. and barracks, primarily supplied by Greywater Fastness,
collectively known as Fort Festermere.
It takes several days to travel from Festermere-Ghyran This toxic effluence is the prime source of what’s been
to Greywater Fastness, trekking through constantly slowly killing off plant and animal life across the Ghoul
overgrowing and uneven roads, and enduring the general Mere.
dangers created by the Ghyran jungle.
Sturdy metal grates stop anything bigger than a rat from
On the Festermere-Ghyran side of the realmgate, paths sneaking up the outflows. Three times a day, engineers
from Fort Festermere lead out to the One Road, and back in the city remotely open the grates, so the pipes can
onward to the Ghoul Mere and then Greywater Fastness be flushed to dislodge anything clogging up the flow.
itself. But the gate also provides for the nearby military city
of Heldenhammer’s Triumph, and other settlements along SCALLAVOST
the northern and western coast of the Verdia continent, This ancient Aelven city is a remnant from the Age
between the Gulf of Hags and the Bonemoulder Coast. of Myth. Once beautiful tree-homes toppled into and
drowned amid the black water and clinging weeds of the
The company of soldiers who defend the realmgate Ghoul Mere. Great treasures await within: artefacts of Jade
are some of the toughest, most experienced fighters of magic, and records encoded in the very fabric of gnarled,
Greywater. They’re also some of the most vile human petrified trees. Deep beneath the water is a great cathedral
beings in the Mortal Realms. Those who commit the grown of ancient yews, now bleached and dead.
most awful of crimes are sent here for a decade of military
service, kept in line by foul-tempered officers and the Only the boldest treasure hunters brave the banshees and
promise of a huge financial reward when they return to shades that haunt the ruins, emerging from the water to
the city. Half the company used to be gang members, and choke the life out of intruders with waterlogged weeds.
they are far from the worst of the bunch. Only those who are both brave and skilled survive.
The outpost is the Skaven’s base of operations for spying ALARIELLE’S KISS
on Greywater Fastness. Clanrats squeak and scurry in the This healing potion is created by Alchemists who distil
shadows, and Clans Skryre piece together newer and more pilfered runoff from the city’s cyclestone refineries. Public
vicious killing machines with plans and parts stolen from warnings about the use of Alarielle’s Kiss have been
the city. Meanwhile, their stock of warpstone poisons circulating ever since the Grand Conclave caught wind
the water with pure Chaos, creating monsters that lurch of its existence, due to its unpredictable side effects and
through the Ghoul Mere adding to the area’s dangers. association with the Everqueen’s Sylvaneth followers. It’s
typically sold at black market locations. Drinking the
potion heals 4 Toughness, but you must also roll 1d6. On
GREYWATER MARKETS an odd result, the character ages that many years over
the course of a few minutes. On an even result, they de-
There’s commerce for everyone in Greywater Fastness, age in the same way. Due to the nature of the cyclestone
available all day and night. Standard weapons and they may suffer additional side effects — the character
equipment, those listed in Chapter 5: Equipment of may sprout a few leaves in their hair, see their fingernails
Soulbound, are readily available across the city. Some items growing more quickly, or feel a hunger they can’t rid
unique to Greywater Fastness can be found in this section. themselves of for a few days.
Given the chokehold created by the One Road, and the COGBOXES
city’s tariffs, any imported goods are always sold at a Each Cogbox is unique by design, meant to have only a single
higher than normal price. Additionally, whilst the city is puzzling method to open it. Their exteriors are covered in
in lockdown, or under siege, merchants will capitalise on sliding and rotating faces, switches, buttons, and dials. They
the moment and raise their prices even more. Characters are typically no larger than a hardback book, with enough
seeking equipment with the Special Availability should space inside to contain a small weapon or trinket.
undertake the Scour the Markets Endeavour (page 41)
during their next downtime period. The city also offers Some use Cogboxes to secure gifts, personal mementos,
facilities for those wishing to craft weapons and armour or as something to keep a child occupied. Criminals may
(see the supplement Steam and Steel for further details). use one to pass messages or valuables between people
in their organisation, sharing the secret to opening it
with a trusted few. Opening a Cogbox without any prior
knowledge of its construction or solution is an Extended
GREYWATER MARKETS DN 4:1 Body (Dexterity) Test, requiring 8 successes with
one attempt made per hour.
Item Cost Rarity
Alarielle’s Kiss (1 use) 2D Common The cyclestone mines below Greywater Fastness may be
one of the most plentiful sources of the realmstone on all
Cogbox 50D Common of Ghyran. For the most part, these mines deal directly
with the city’s foundries. Demands and contracts are set
Cyclestone (1 chip, 1 oz.) 300D Exotic
up months in advance of extraction. Very little quantity
is auctioned off after the fact, and prices always appear
Dullers (5 uses) 5D Common
to be on the rise. Most of the city’s cyclestone is refined
into a potent power source, to fuel transport, industrial
Runic Munitions (per round) 10D Rare
machinery, and some for the city’s defences.
Rattletraps (per day) 20D Common
Cyclestone is desperately sought after, thought to be a key
Rattlebone Prosthesis 550D Exotic component of Aqua Gyranis itself, and as a key reagent in
the creation of alchemical healing transmutations. But it is
Rattletrap Purchase 750D Exotic often better for cyclestone to go straight into refinement —
whilst handled, or stored in close proximity for too long,
Skyfire Flare 100D Exotic exposure can cause mutations in the form of age-related
growths and regressions. The Sylvaneth particularly covet
the material.
There are a few artisans within Greywater Fastness that greens, or clothes embroidered with floral patterns, as it
can make weapons and armour with cyclestone, though evokes allegiance with the Sylvaneth — unless the wearer
their time and methods are costly. On average it costs wished to bear their sympathies and stand out as such.
300D in materials to make a simple cyclestone weapon or
set of armour, in addition to the weapon or armour type’s Workers, and the employers who often supply them,
original cost (Soulbound, page 103-104). This process will favour sturdy, long-lasting clothes: twill weave or canvas
tie up the artisan in question for several weeks, between trousers, and overalls with protective leather patches over
fittings, forging, and testing. Their labour rates on top of the knees, wrists, and elbows. Artisans rarely leave their
that are harsh but negotiable. leather aprons at the workshop, proudly wearing them on
the street to flaunt their status even among denizens of the
A cyclestone weapon deals +1 Damage and has the Magical Outer Circle. It is a local standard that all boots are metal-
Trait (Soulbound, page 105). At the start of your turn, while capped and ankle high for protection.
wielding a cyclestone weapon, you heal Toughness equal
to your Body. In addition, during combat, plant growths The middle class and up — the bureaucrats, architects, and
fuse the cyclestone weapon to your hand, preventing you inventors — favour the same durability but with a little
from being disarmed. more style. Subtle colour patterns are woven into strong
Duardin tartans and tweeds. A brass cogwheel worn as a
Wearing cyclestone armour, your Size increases one pendant or sewn into clothing is often the sign of a Council
step to a maximum Size of Large. Taking a Rest while or Conclave member, or graduate of a Greywater institute
wearing the armour, you clear one additional space on the of learning, people who feel they have earned their place
Wound Track. Dying while wearing cyclestone armour within the Great Axle which the brass cog represents.
causes your Zone to be sanctified per the Lifebloom spell
(Soulbound, page 278). For more about realmstone and its High fashion is rare, reserved for special functions.
applications, see Artefacts of Power. Dresses, doublets, and jerkins are made from brightly
coloured fabrics, to contrast against the industrial drab.
DULLERS Factory owners may incorporate armour pieces or
Greywater Fastness pumps out as much noise pollution weapons manufactured by their own business into their
as it does physical waste. The city may never sleep, but attire, to advertise their craftsmanship. See Soulbound,
its residents desperately need the few hours they can get page 108 for pricing and availability of general clothing
between shifts. Many have grown up in and gotten used to items.
the soundscape. But some suffer from sound sensitivities,
and in rare cases hyperacusis or phonophobia. Capitalising RATTLEBONE PROSTHESIS
on this public health issue, the city’s alchemists brew Industrial accidents are a common occurrence in
potions that dull a person’s sense of hearing. Almost every Greywater Fastness, especially those that result in the loss
alchemist has their own readily available brand, but in of a limb. After the Rattletrap boom, the Ironweld Steam
general the people have come to dub these small thimble- Lords took to modifying the technology into what the
sized potions as ‘Dullers’. Drinking one dose gives the locals call ‘Rattlebone’ Prostheses. They twitch constantly,
drinker the Deafened Condition for the next six hours. are bulky, powered by costly realmstone, and require
regular maintenance, but they can replace lost fingers and
LOCAL FASHION even full limbs. The tangible benefit to the factory owners
When it comes to fashion, the people of Greywater is that they get artisans back into their workshops, and
Fastness tend to favour practicality and durability over important workers back to their lines after injury.
anything fine or flamboyant. Caps, cloaks, and long coats
are common across all the city’s classes, in a practical This Ironweld tech replaces only the lost limb; it isn’t
sense to shield them from the drab weather, but also to precise enough to offer any additional functionality
keep random bouts of acid rain off one’s skin. beyond something like a concealed compartment, or
simple small blade, unlike the prosthetic marvels created
It’s rare that anyone wears white or lighter colours, as they by Kharadron Cogsmiths (see the supplement Steam and
are so easily stained by simply walking about the smog- Steel).
filled streets. It’s considered unfashionable in most places,
and a faux pas in some Great Axle courts, to wear vibrant
These mechanical steeds are available at Rattletrap stables These flares are highly restricted items, typically only sold
across the city, where they can be rented for a day’s use or to approved Freeguilds that operate within the city, but
more. But owning a Rattletrap outright is a luxury and a some can be found on the Fastness’s black markets. The
dangerous hobby in its own right. This is more common coloured smoke rising from the flare calls the attention of
among the elite who can afford to live within the Great the nearest Hand, the rail-mounted cannons that patrol
Axle. These bespoke wonders are made to specification, atop the city’s outer walls. When used, at the end of your
typically customised with family crests or Freeguild next turn the Hand will fire a specialised salvo into the
emblems with flairs and filigree to match. Freeguild Zone containing the flare, and apply the following Trait to
Rattletraps are often fitted with convenient holsters, that Zone, depending on the flare’s type:
sheathes, and heavy saddlebags for carrying weapons and
ammunition. (For more Rattletrap information, see page A Dragonfire Salvo (Red Flare): The Zone becomes a
150.) Deadly Hazard for 3 rounds.
GREYWATER FASTNESS The span between Spoke Road #2 and #3 is most popular,
as the Hands on patrol go off once in the early hours of the
ENDEAVOURS morning and afternoon.
The industrial metropolis of Greywater Fastness offers You spend the week training, seeking out the advice of
many unique activities for characters to invest their those who have completed the run before, and figuring
downtime in. Some provide additional equipment or out the best path to take. During the week, you can
currency for them to use in their adventures, others may make 3 separate attempts at a DN 6:3 Body (Athletics)
make it easier to traverse areas inside and out of the city, or Test. Succeeding, you forever become a local legend in
gain favour with certain characters and factions. Greywater Fastness, gaining Advantage on all Opposed
social Tests amongst the city’s residents, and may even
The following Endeavours can be taken by any party receive discounts or special treatment by those who would
members spending their downtime in Greywater Fastness. be impressed by this feat.
These are in addition to and follow the same rules as the
standard Endeavour options presented in the Soulbound GREYCAP TRAINING
corebook (page 156), or any other applicable Endeavours You spend your week with the local Greycaps, participating
members of the party may have access to. in citizen training drills and exercises at Greywater Lock
and around various guard posts in the city. You’ll be taught
CHASE THE HANDS how to utilise Aqua Ghyranis effectively, navigate the city
Spending any time in the Outer Circle you’re likely to under siege, and the correct prayers to Sigmar to ward off
hear citizens talking about ‘Chasing the Hands’. It is a feat corruption. You’ll even be shown how to help operate one
undertaken by those who wish to prove their athleticism, of the Hands, the massive rail mounted cannons that circle
and is rarely achieved. the outer walls.
The goal is to run between the positions of two of the You gain Advantage on Medicine and Survival Tests when
twelve massive cannons that patrol the Outer Wall. You operating within the walls of the city. If you take this
start from where the first one fires on the hour, and attempt Endeavour twice, the Greycaps will grow to trust you, and
to cross the finish line before the next one fires, exactly an grant you a pair of Skyfire Flares (Green and Yellow) to aid
hour later. You’ll need to traverse a 10-mile sector of the you in your quest.
city in a clockwise direction, through the urban sprawl
and tight streets of the Outer Circle.
GREYWATER GAMBLING This is a DN 4:8 Extended Test. In a week you can make
Believing in your luck, you spend a week visiting the 3 Tests in any combination of Mind (Intuition, Lore)
various gambling dens across Greywater Fastness. You or Soul (Entertain). If successful, you integrate well
must decide if you are spending your time the ‘Low Stakes’ with the people of the city, garnering a rapport at several
games found in the Outer Circle, at locations such as the establishments. You gain Advantage on your choice of
Orruk’s Regret (page 32), or ‘High Stakes’ games at various Opposed Intuition, Guile, or Entertain Tests while within
exclusive clubs hidden in the Great Axle. Greywater Fastness or parlaying with locals. The GM may
decide this bonus does not apply to every aspect of the
For a ‘Low Stakes’ game, set aside a pool of up to 100D and city or citizenry, especially hidden or manipulated areas
roll 1d6 on the table below to see your result. of its history, or organisations that operate in the shadows.
This bonus lasts until your next downtime Endeavour, as
keeping up with the popular crowd is a difficult task.
You can roll on this table up to 3 times per week, applying You join one of the city’s Underjacking Guilds, like the
any losses or gains after each roll and setting aside a fresh ‘Loose Cannons’, or rally local hunters to form a temporary
pool of currency each time. one of your own. For a week you spend your time hunting
Skaven below the city streets, among the sewers, lost
Participating in a ‘High Stakes’ game in the Great Axle, mines, and ancient canal ways, as well as filling in rat holes
set aside between 250D and 1,000D and roll on the same and damaged entrances along the way.
table, but games here sometimes offer Exotic prizes as
part of the prize pool, as desperate artisans and elites Hunting the Skaven is a DN 4:10 Extended Test. Over
offer up rare possessions as ante. Rolling two 6 results in the week, make 3 Tests using any combination of Body
the same week at these tables, you can choose one of the (Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill) or Mind (Survival).
following instead of your winnings: a Rattletrap Mount Succeeding grants you +1d6 to Tests when tracking Skaven
(adorned with the previous owner’s crests and built to within Greywater Fastness, and roll 1d6 to claim your
their specifications), a set of 3 Skyfire Flares (colours of bounty. Gain 10D × the result for Skaven tails returned
your choice), or a Cyclestone Weapon or set of Armour to the Greycaps. If you fail, you suffer a Lasting Wound —
(see Cyclestone rules on page 37). this has the same effect as a Minor Wound but cannot be
helped until your next downtime period.
You decide to spend your week appreciating what passes PREACHER OF ORDER
as culture in Greywater Fastness, choking down gruel You believe that the people of Greywater Fastness are
and tainted ale, watching exotic weapons displays at the steadily losing their faith in the gods, with rumours of
firing ranges, or watching ill-advised bets play out atop Chaos cults forming in the city, and having witnessed how
workways. some citizens act uncharitably and self-absorbed. So you
decide to spend a week at the House of the Great Alliance,
praying to and preaching about your chosen God of Order.
You take to the nearby streets, lead sermons, orate grand SCOUT BEYOND THE WALLS
tales from their history, and as proof of divine intervention Seeing an opportunity to gain more information about the
itself, speak of how they personally affected your life. world beyond the city walls, you decide to gather a group of
Some will hear your words and put more time into their local explorers and spend the week out in the wilderness.
faith, provided you don’t preach too loudly of Alarielle. Scouting the landscape, you discover breathtaking vistas
in the jungles of Ghyran, and the sucking polluted filth of
For your devotion, you gain access to a new Miracle from the Ghoul Mere.
your god of choice, until your next downtime period.
Roll 3 times on either the Ghoul Mere Exploration Table
SCOUR THE MARKETS (page 54) or Ghyran Jungle Exploration Table (page 51)
You choose to spend your time attempting to locate (re-roll if you ever get a matching result). Make a note that
rare equipment and materials across the city. Greywater you have scouted these encounters, but do not physically
Fastness has many market venues. For legitimate goods, confront them during your downtime. If for any reason
there’s The Handmarket (page 21), located at the top you would trigger these encounters in your travels, the
of Spoke Road #3 which deals in imported goods. The GM informs you in advance and you have the choice to
Clinker Market (page 24) that runs the length of Spoke avoid them or not.
Road #1 is where you can find almost anything that the
city itself produces. Spoke #1 Auction Yard (page 28) is STUDIES IN GREYWATER ENGINEERING
located near the Mere Keep, dealing in heavy and large Requirement: Crafting (any)
quantities of goods, and hosts auctions every day. For
goods passing outside the purview of the law, some may You spend your time studying in the libraries and sitting
risk asking around the old burnt-out auction house, now in on lectures at the colleges of the Great Axle, or as a part-
called Magpie’s Nest (page 31), a known thieves’ den. time apprentice to a known Cogsmith or engineer you
Rummage (page 33) in the Outer Circle is a known pawn have encountered.
and salvage shop.
You reduce the difficulty on Crafting Tests you make
You must name a piece of equipment (including any by 1, until your next downtime period. If you take this
special equipment listed in the Greywater Markets, page Endeavour 3 times in a row, you scrounge together enough
36) you are searching for and make a Mind (Guile) or offcut or discarded materials and workshop time to create
Body (Stealth) Test to locate a seller or auction. The DN for yourself a mechanical ranged weapon or item with
of this Test depends on the equipment’s Availability. Rare or Common Availability for free.
A DN 4:3: Exotic
A DN 4:4: Special
In this first adventure, the party set out to investigate late where new dangers lurk. By the end of this adventure, the
shipments that were supposed to arrive from Greywater characters are introduced to some of the city’s opposing
Fastness weeks ago. They embark upon the Harbinger of factions, including Corporal Steelwater of the Greycap
Trouble, an Ironweld Cogfort commanded by the roguish Freeguild, who appears in and acts as a guide for the party
Captain Heinz, to discover the cause. Along the road they in subsequent adventures.
experience the strange wonders of Ghyran first hand, from
the relative comfort of the war machine.
Getting Started
But the Cogfort soon comes under attack by Clans Skryre Rumour: It’s been weeks since a shipment has arrived
Skaven. The party must fend them off, but ultimately the from Greywater Fastness. Requisition officers across the
Cogfort is destroyed, and they find themselves and the realms are getting desperate to receive their stock.
survivors stranded deep in the Ghyran jungle. Unable
to turn back, they must navigate the toxic Ghoul Mere Fear: The Mortal Realms need what Greywater Fastness
and find a safe way to the city, whilst defending the lives provides: quality weapons, munitions, and war machines
of the Cogfort survivors. They’ll meet Charred Yew, a to aid Sigmar’s fight against Chaos, Death, and Destruction.
Slyvaneth pacifist (and a key player in future Blackened The longer this break in the supply chain goes on, the more
Earth adventures). He guides them onto the One Road, precarious the Mortal Realms’ position becomes.
but warns them that the city is under attack.
Threat: A Cogfort, the Harbinger of Trouble, is setting out
The Skaven have had Greywater Fastness under siege for to investigate the supply disruption at Greywater Fastness.
all these weeks, cutting off the supply line. The party must
find a way into the city, guided by a ray of hope through the
siege and into the vast abandoned sewers under the city,
PART 1: THE LONG ROAD Looming over all these carriages is a massive Ironweld
Cogfort, standing adjacent to the fort’s realmgate. It has
TO GREYWATER six massive spider-like legs, covered in black steel armour
plating, and trimmed around its edges with gold Duardin
The adventure begins in the realm of Aqshy. The party runes. Its crew are running about nearby making final
is sent to Fort Festermere (Aqshy) to use the Festermere preparations. The engines are running, eager to depart.
Realmgate to arrive in the realm of Ghyran. This side of
the realmgate is surrounded by a typical Aqshy landscape
of heat-parched red sands and harsh stone mountains, Permission To Come Aboard
the sky roiling above with black clouds and the threat Approaching the Cogfort, the party is singled out and met
of thunder. The fort itself is a singular sunbleached ring by its commander, Captain Terzo Heinz, who introduces
of stone with two large gates, one at either end, and himself and the Cogfort behind him, the Harbinger
roads disappearing off into the distance. Read aloud or of Trouble. The party asks for permission to travel to
paraphrase the following to the players: Greywater Fastness aboard the Cogfort, and appraising
the party, Heinz is quick to accept. He explains his mission
You are welcomed into Fort Festermere in Aqshy by the is to find out what happened to the missing shipments,
standing guards. Inside, every free space is occupied by and that travel by Cogfort takes up to five days to get to
carriages filled with goods, cordoned herds of livestock, the city.
idle armed escorts, or huffing and puffing traders. You
quickly learn, these traders have been forbidden from
travelling through the realmgate until the fate of the
missing shipments has been confirmed.
What is a Cogfort?
Other ways to begin
Said to be some of the Ironweld Arsenal’s greatest
Looking for alternative or additional hooks to begin engineering accomplishments, Cogforts are massive
the adventure? New characters to the party could mobile fortresses, armed to the teeth with enough
have come from Greywater Fastness, and require firepower to level fortifications and sizable chunks
the rest’s aid in returning home. The party could of opposing armies. They’re typically driven by
have been sent to Greywater Fastness to investigate powerful emberstone cores that require crews of
rumblings of Chaos cults forming in the city, and their own to operate.
the Cogfort is their fastest method of getting there.
If the party is in a completely different realm from Typically Cogforts are deployed to guard existing
Aqshy, it is fully within your power as GM to alter cities, operating near borders to fend off attacks
where the Festermere Realmgate connects to. If the before they reach the settlement, but are also used
party is already in Ghyran, it should be noted that to deploy troops en masse in areas where aerial
Fort Festermere (Ghyran) is on the north coast of the support is difficult, often able to simply plough
continent, and has a small dock. It’s plausible the through difficult terrain.
party could arrive there by ship. Following on from
the end of the adventure supplement Shadows in Every Cogfort is a bespoke creation, and no two
the Mist, the party seeks a god’s power to cleanse are identical. While some Cogforts are massive,
the Crucible of Life, a powerful magical artefact the size of small towns or villages, the Harbinger of
from the Age of Myth that has been tainted by Trouble is smaller. It trades firepower in favour of
Nurgle. Alarielle may be able to help them. She speed, the ability to cross difficult terrain, and to fit
resides in Ghyran, and was instrumental in forming through some realmgates, the perfect tool to patrol
the treaty between Greywater Fastness and the the One Road between the Festermere Gate and
local Slyvaneth. Greywater Fastness.
the party witnesses Ironweld engineering at its finest.
The interior is covered in a maze of pipes, cogwork,
emberstone power channels, and voicepipes that facilitate
communication between all decks. They’ll see holds full
of rifles, stacks of munitions, and the cargo hold packed
with supplies; they are well stocked to travel into the wild
unknown. Built into the prow of the Cogfort is a massive
fixed-position Ironweld Cannon. For more information,
a detailed layout of the Cogfort’s Zones can be found on
page 47.
The water begins to swirl and slowly transmute, no longer The realmgate transition is tough on anyone with a
appearing as a regular body of water, but a shifting sea of weak constitution. Each member of the party is Stunned
black space, streaked with nebulae and stars. The Lord- for the next hour, unless they pass a DN 4:1 Body
Ordinator strikes the ground thrice with his staff, causing (Fortitude) Test. Surveying Fort Festermere (Ghyran),
sparks to ripple through the ground with each blow, they see a mirror-image layout of what was left behind in
signalling the connection has been made to Festermere Aqshy: star-pool, standing stones, and the same ringed
(Ghyran). Read aloud or paraphrase the following: construction. This side of the realmgate, too, has its own
Lord-Ordinator. However, this side is rife with vegetation.
The Harbinger of Trouble jolts forward, going full steam Vines climb the walls of the Fort, the ground is practically
ahead on its six mechanical spider legs. It treads straight mud, and massive trees can be seen rising up above the
across the realmgate perimeter and begins to submerge walls, even at a great distance. This fort is mostly empty, it
into the nebula-painted portal. It feels like the Cogfort is seems, save for those manning the walls and a few put-out
falling, and anything that isn’t strapped down is pulled looking travellers.
upwards. Microscopic stars and colourful dust clouds
appear to pass right through the hull and upwards with
the motion. Soon, you feel the ship beginning to tilt under Ghyran, the Realm of Life
a strange gravitational force. The whole Cogfort flips Captain Heinz has a quick chinwag with Fort Festermere’s
over, and immediately it feels like the vehicle is rising Lord-Ordinator, Loracia Stareye. But there is little for
towards a surface. him to learn: still, no-one has arrived from Greywater
Fastness in at least two weeks. Some travellers have come
The stars from inside the realmgate disappear, and the in from the coast via ship, some from Heldenhammer’s
Cogfort’s legs catch ground, lurching forward once more. Triumph to the far west, but Stareye has prevented them
Anyone near a viewport sees the change instantly. The from travelling out towards the city for the same reason.
black skies and dry heat of Aqshy are long gone, replaced
with vibrant green skies, and you might smell the briney The Lord-Ordinator orders her guards to open the front
breeze of a coastal wind. The Harbinger of Trouble has gate, and the Harbinger of Trouble departs Fort Festermere
arrived in Ghyran, the Realm of Life. (Ghyran) swiftly.
The pilot manoeuvres it towards the south. The Cogfort The moment of serenity doesn’t last for long. Each member
leaves the Ghyran coast behind and is swallowed up by of the party makes a DN 6:1 Mind (Awareness) Test.
the jungle, sheer mountains, and the overgrown dirt road Succeeding, as they’re mingling with the crew or enjoying
it aims to follow. the peace and quiet, they notice one or two seeds falling
from the sky, bouncing off the upper deck or pinging off
The following section of travel represents a three day the side of the Cogfort, and think it strange since there’s
journey towards Greywater Fastness through the Ghyran no flora overhead to drop them, nor any strong winds to
jungle. Events occur in the following order: blow them from afar.
A Day 1: The party experiences two Ghyran Minor Captain Heinz, more aware and used to the strange
Encounters. occurrences the Ghyran jungle can throw at travellers,
notices what’s going on and shouts for everyone to get
A Day 2 (Daytime): The party experiences the Seedfall below deck, double time! Anyone who didn’t pass the
Major Encounter. former Awareness Test makes a DN 4:2 Body (Athletics)
Test to get below deck in time before the Seedfall picks up
A Day 3: The party experiences two Ghyran Minor to become a full storm.
Anyone who failed the Athletics Test (as well as anyone
A Day 3 (Night-time): The party experiences the who might have picked up a fallen seed out of pure
Greedy Claws Major Encounter. curiosity with an unprotected hand) suffers 3 Damage
ignoring Armour, and is Stunned for one hour or until
Minor Encounters are drawn from the Ghyran Minor the seeds finish their life cycle, or until it is removed (see
Encounters table on page 45. Major Encounters have their below). A Duardin watchman is last to follow everyone
own sections further below. You can use this table later in down, and is caught by a full pelt of Seedfall before being
your adventures, to inject some life into the party’s travels dragged below. He and anyone else affected can feel the
anywhere in Ghyran. seeds digging into their skin, rapidly spreading out tiny
roots into their muscles, and see vines, leaves, and tiny
SEEDFALL blood-red flowers growing out of them.
Here the party experiences first hand one of the strange
perils of Ghyran. They are caught in a rain of Seedfall, a Aiding the ill-fated watchman or any of the party who were
weather phenomenon that is common to this part of the hit requires passing a DN 5:2 Mind (Medicine) Test, to dig
realm, and facilitates the ever-growing jungle they are in and remove every rooted seed as they’re still growing.
travelling through. Hyper-growing seeds fall from the sky If there are none among the party who can achieve this,
and take root in any living matter they fall upon, be that the Cogfort’s medic can complete the operation instead.
patches of fertile ground, existing flora, or even unwitting Captain Heinz warns against using Aqua Ghyranis to heal
mortals. Read aloud or paraphrase the following: while the seeds are in place, as it would only encourage
them to grow more, dealing a further 4 Damage. The
It is the middle of the day and the Cogfort continues Harbinger of Trouble itself is unharmed.
to steam along the overgrown road. The tree canopy
disappears above, and the Harbinger of Trouble emerges Ahead of the Cogfort, the Seedfall blooms on the road and
onto a stretch of rocky road overlooking beautiful Hysh- quickly withers away. Everyone stays below deck, hearing
lit vistas. For the first time, you are able to see above the the seeds clink off the outer hull as if they were hailstones.
tree canopy. The road is soon swallowed up by the Ghyran jungle once
more, the weather dissipates, and the Cogfort continues
There are only a few dark clouds in the sky. Most of the on its way.
off-duty crew climb up to the uppermost observation deck
to take in the scenery. Even Captain Heinz joins them,
and for a while, everyone gets a break from the constant
cacophony of the jungle.
GREEDY CLAWS A The Crew Deck is below the Gun Deck, with crew
In this second Major Encounter, a group of Clans Skryre quarters, crew storage, galley, and at the front of
Skaven ambush the Cogfort at night. It is critical for the this deck the Cogfort’s fixed forward-facing cannon
ongoing campaign (and to set up a dire surprise during room is located.
the events of the final adventure, Night of A Thousand
Fangs) that the party and crew are forced to abandon the A The Engineering Deck is at the very bottom, itself
Harbinger of Trouble, as it suffers critical damage from broken up into three Zones: the Emberstone Core
the attack. This also leaves the party lost in the Ghyran room at the front, the General Engineering room
jungle, a setup for Part 2 of this adventure. The following and cogwork drives for the Cogfort’s mechanical
fight occurs in two parts — the first as the Skaven threat legs in the centre, and the rear Cargo Bay. (Note:
is discovered, taking place on the Observation Deck and the Engineering Deck won’t come into play until the
Outer Hull, and the second part down in the Cogfort’s second part of this encounter).
Emberstone Core and Engineering Deck. Read aloud or
paraphrase the following: The Jungle beyond is also a Zone, from which the Skaven
are emerging and vine-swinging onto the Cogfort. But
Night has fallen across Ghyran on the third day of the with the Cogfort moving ahead at full speed, anyone who
Harbinger’s journey. The crew know that they should be falls off is left behind. If a player character falls from the
over halfway to Greywater Fastness by now. But Captain Cogfort, they take a Serious Wound, but catch up with
Heinz is not feeling any luckier, still not having uncovered the rest of the party in Part 2 of this adventure, Ghyran
the reason why shipments have halted from the city, and to Ghoul Mere. It is also the middle of the night, and
nothing along the road so far has appeared out of order. there is very little illumination on the Outer Hull and the
The Cogfort’s nightwatch has taken over and Captain Observation Deck, so both of these Zones are considered
Heinz has retired to his small cabin for the night. to be Lightly Obscured.
RATS ON THE HULL If characters investigate via the Observation Deck, all at
The party is resting for the night below deck, on the first appears quiet. There are two Duardin Freeguilders
cramped Crew Deck. Anyone with a Natural Awareness of on watch, and they report that all is well. The enquiring
2 or higher begins to discern odd tappings and scrabblings player must pass a 4:2 Body (Reflexes) Test or a Skaven
coming from the outside of the hull, over the driving noise Stormvermin (page 152) reaches up over the Outer Hull,
of the Cogfort’s engines, and can decide if they wish to get and quickly guts one of the watchmen, pulling their dying
up and investigate. corpse over the side. Those on the Observation Deck see
more Stormvermin claw over the side of the deck, and
The Cogfort has the following Zones, from top to bottom: even more swinging onto the hull via vines and branches
from the Jungle.
A The Observation Deck at the top of the Cogfort, that
is open to the air. The deck is clear apart from the Anyone investigating via the side hatches on the Gun or
three chimneys that run through all five decks down Crew Decks gets jumped by a Stormvermin as soon as
to engineering. they open the hatch. More follow them inside the opened
hatch soon after, as described in the next section.
A The Outer Hull which is covered in handholds for
traversal and repair, but has the Difficult Terrain Trait. If no one goes to investigate, the crew begin to pick up
It’s accessible from over the side of the Observation on the noise themselves and check out the Observation
Deck above, and a few hatches in the Gun Deck and Deck. Everything kicks off when a scream is heard — the
Crew Deck below. night watchman getting gutted and flung over the side of
the Cogfort — and the rest of the Skaven forces swing out
A The Gun Deck is below the Observation Deck, lined from the tree-line and land on the Hull.
with balistrarias and portholes for rifles and cannons.
The Bridge is located at the front of this deck.
The fight here is centred on the Observation Deck Zone. The following is occurring on the decks below. Any
At the moment it is the easiest way for the Skaven to Stormvermin who slipped by the party in the first section
get into the Cogfort. As the fight begins in earnest, a are engaging Cogfort crew on the Gun Deck, trying to
number of Stormvermin equal to the number of player gain access to the Bridge. Anyone who stops by to inspect
characters are distributed between the Observation Deck the Bridge on the Gun Deck finds Captain Heinz and
and the Outer Hull. During combat, any Skaven on the a Duardin helmsman trying to wrestle control of the
Observation Deck that are not intercepted make their way Harbinger. They’ll admit that the controls are no longer
through the open hatch into the Gun Deck below. Any responding, and that something must have happened
Stormvermin on the Outer Hull attempt to move up onto down in Engineering. The Crew Deck is clear of danger,
the Observation Deck. except that smoke is beginning to billow in from the
Engineering Deck below, through the voicepipes and gaps
After three rounds of combat on the Observation Deck, in the floorboards.
move on to the next section.
Anyone who dares and survives climbing down the Outer
Hull gets to bypass the decks entirely and enters the
Engineering Deck from the rear cargo doors, which have
been pried open by massive claws.
Here We Go Again!
The party enters into the Cargo Bay Zone of the Engineering
The initial fight on the Observation Deck is a Deck. The steel doors to the General Engineering Zone
fairly easy combat encounter. If your party is more have been pried open by force too, and they can see that
experienced, or cuts through the initial Skaven Zone is Lightly Obscured due to billowing smoke coming
forces with ease, you can simply add more ‘waves’ out. As soon as the party enters the General Engineering
of Skaven with greater numbers to the battle at Zone, Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
the beginning of any round (2 or even 3 per party
member!) This helps to sell the idea that there is You enter the engineering room, and find yourself
a whole army of Skaven in the darkness, without staring down a hulking Stormfiend. Due to the Duardin
potentially overwhelming a new group of players. architecture of the Cogfort, they barely fit inside the
deck. Hunched over, they begin clambering towards
you. But as they do, in the emberstone core room
beyond, you can just make out the shape of a Skaven
Warlock Engineer, angrily hitting and prying into the
HAYWIRE COGFORT heart of the core with their staff.
Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
One, two, and on the third hit, a white flash bursts out
You all hear an explosion ring out from belowdecks. A from the core room. All the strength goes out of the
flash of fire and shrapnel blooms from the rear of the Harbinger’s legs, as the base of the Cogfort falls to the
Harbinger, illuminating the forest for a single moment. jungle floor. The hull tilts to the side, and velocity catches
The Cogfort immediately tilts to the side, and begins up with everyone aboard. The Harbinger of Trouble is
to veer off the dirt road and into the jungle. Everyone, pitched on its side, brought to a sudden and violent stop.
even the rat men, brace for impact. The Cogfort begins to
plough through the jungle, getting way off course and into The whole party makes a DN 5:1 Body (Fortitude) Test
more dangerous terrain. to withstand the sudden stop, and any that fail take 3
Damage and are Stunned for the next round. It’s possible
The Observation Deck and Outer Hull Zones become a at this point that the party may ask if they can repair the
Major Hazard from tumbling debris and lashing thorny Cogfort. They cannot. State that the Emberstone Core
branches, as the Cogfort ploughs through the jungle and room is ablaze, and that the damage is irrecoverable; the
crashes into the surrounding flora. A muffled cry echoes core is likely unstable and it may explode again at any
through the nearby voicepipes: ‘Help! The rats are in the moment.
engine room!’
The Stormfiend (page 153), squeezed into the space it’s
in, fails to brace itself and begins the round Stunned.
The Emberstone Core room is on fire, becoming a Major
Hazard. The Skaven Warlock Engineer (page 153) The Skaven in the Midnight Cloak
emerges in the second round of combat, slightly singed
around the whiskers and having lost a Wound, but is The Skaven glimpsed atop the Cogfort is ‘Captain
otherwise able to fight. Over the subsequent combat Skitterclank’, the leader of the Skaven in this
rounds, any Stormvermin that were left from the first area. He has long dreamed of seizing a Cogfort
stage of the encounter in the upper decks join the group, for himself, and now he has his prize. He returns
coming in from the Cargo Bay at the rear. in The Price of Victory, where he tries and
fails to kidnap a skilled engineer to help repair
Three rounds into combat, the party hears Captain Heinz the Cogfort, and in the grand finale Night of
issuing the order to ‘Abandon fort!’ over the Cogfort’s A Thousand Fangs, when he rides the stolen
voicepipes. Combat continues, but the party notices the Cogfort into battle against the city.
fort’s Cogsmiths begin to flee from the wreck. Undefended,
they may get picked off; the party can choose to stay and
finish off the Warlock Engineer and Stormfiend, or they
can protect the smiths.
In this section, the characters should have:
Abandon Fort
Read aloud or paraphrase the following: A Learned that no shipment from Greywater Fastness
has reached Fort Festermere for over two weeks.
Following Captain Heinz’s orders, everyone who survived
from the crash runs full pelt into the uncharted Ghyran A Met Captain Heinz and the crew of the Harbinger
jungle, using Kurnalune, one of Ghyran’s moons, as a of Trouble and travelled at least three days into the
marker. Behind you, the wreck of the Harbinger of Trouble Ghyran jungle.
quickly disappears behind endless brush and thickets,
but you can still hear the fires burning and munitions A Lost the Cogfort in a fight with Clans Skryre Skaven,
exploding well into the night. The last thing you see is a and become stranded in the jungle along with
tall rat in a tattered midnight-blue cape climbing atop survivors from the Harbinger of Trouble.
the Cogfort’s main gun and wildly firing a rattling hand-
cannon into the sky in screeching celebration.
PART 2: GHYRAN TO You and Captain Heinz have been gathering survivors
all morning. You appear to have found a relatively safe
GHOUL MERE space in the wilds for now, but you know that staying in
one place for too long tempts discovery from the Skaven
It has been three days since the party left Fort Festermere. who attacked you the night before. Captain Heinz, even
The loss of the Harbinger of Trouble to the Clans Skryre though he has lost much, remains level-headed and has
Skaven the previous night, and the subsequent retreat a plan. There’ll be plenty of time for mourning the dead
into the jungle, has put the party and the survivors in a once you all get to the City.
dangerous position. The party cannot return from whence
they came; they must press forward towards Greywater Captain Heinz has many reasons why the group should
Fastness, cut a path through the jungle, and do their best press on through the jungle. Returning to the Harbinger of
to keep the rest of the survivors alive. Trouble is out of the question; the crash site is no doubt rife
with Skaven, and Heinz assures the party that the Cogfort
Read aloud or paraphrase the following: would not be salvageable without a full recovery team, and
likely replacing the whole engine. He has no doubt that the
Hysh rises on Verdia, its golden light cutting through the main road is crawling with Skaven too, the easiest place
dense Ghyran jungle, raising morning mists up from the for them to prey upon survivors. The group is also three
dense mulch on the ground. The jungle awakens with days into a five day trek, at this point more than halfway to
new sounds, the calling of beasts large and small, the roil Greywater Fastness, and to turn back would take longer.
from the sea of leaves above your head, and the constant He thinks it’s best for everyone to press forward and find
drizzle of water. Travelling all through the night, across their way to the Ghoul Mere. From there they can find
dense and difficult terrain, you are bloodied, exhausted, the One Road; lit by ghostlights, it should offer some
and completely lost. protection on their final approach to Greywater Fastness.
THE SURVIVORS The Path Forward
Heinz begins counting the crew members who have In this section, roll or choose two Major Encounters on
survived the attack. He doubts that any more can be found the Ghyran Jungle Exploration table below. Complete
by going back and searching the wreck of the Harbinger the events one after another, then proceed to the Ghoul
— the ratmen are known to be ruthless. Start with 13 Mere Section of the adventure.
survivors, including Heinz, then subtract from this total
based on the following results from Part 1 of the adventure: Note: You can use this Ghyran Jungle Exploration table
later in the party’s adventures around Greywater Fastness.
A Remove one survivor if the night-watchman was There is a Scout Beyond the Walls Endeavour (page 41) that
killed at the start of the attack. characters can take between adventures to make exploring
the Ghyran jungle easier.
A If the Stormfiend was not defeated, remove two
survivors. Off the leash and eager to get out of
the confines of the Cogfort, they picked off a few
stragglers after the fight.
2d6 Encounter
A If the Warlock Engineer was not defeated, remove
Nature’s Gaze: An abberant Cocatrice stalks the
two survivors. Under the warlock’s command, the 2
Ghyran wilds.
swarm was ordered to hunt down nearby survivors.
Choir of Vengeance: The party encounters a
This should leave you anywhere between 13 and 8 vengeful Sylvaneth choir.
survivors, including Captain Heinz. For simplicity’s sake, Don’t Look Back!: The party is charged by a
during combat, you can treat the survivors and Heinz as a 4
strange Troggoth.
single Swarm of Cogsmiths (Soulbound, page 303), their
Toughness equal to the number of remaining survivors Wild Woodhorns: The party finds a pack of
grazing Woodhorns.
(for reference, the rules for Swarms are on page 302 of the
Soulbound core book). They only have a few Cog Axes Village of Chains: The party finds a destroyed
and Blunderbusses to go around the group, so any damage and haunted village.
they do in combat is halved, until an opportunity arises
Trespassers!: The party runs into a Sylvaneth
to fully re-equip them. One third of them are Human, the 7
rest are Duardin. For the most part, the survivors remain
cautious and defensive, picking their targets carefully. 8
Incoming Stormfront: The party runs into a bad
Captain Heinz’s level head keeps them all in line, and his spell of weather.
goal for this stretch of the adventure is to keep as many of Corruption & Sorrow: The party finds a
them alive as possible. 9
corrupted grove.
There are some events throughout the rest of the adventure Bullgor Stampede: The party crosses paths with
a Bullgor stampede.
that can outright kill a survivor if Tests are failed, and
more instances of combat where they could lose their lives. Gor-on-Gor Violence: The party finds a
The Ghyran jungle and Ghoul Mere are perilous areas to battlefield of Beastmen.
adventure in, and it could make for a poignant moment if
The Magehunters: The party is hunted by
the party lost another of the group in those moments. Be 12
servants of Tzeentch.
on the lookout for opportunities to improvise.
The party begins to notice the twisted corpses of animals The party enters a shaded rocky area filled with edible
and a few mortals scattered about their path, a few blue fungi. A pack of wild Woodhorns (large bovines with
and white feathers amongst them. Inspecting them with oaken horns and leafy hides that use the stat-block for
a DN 4:2 Mind (Medicine or Nature) Test reveals that Gruntas, Soulbound, page 309) — a number equal to
all these bodies have one thing in common: most of their party size plus Doom — are grazing on the mushrooms. If
flesh and bone has been transformed into brittle wooden the party approaches to pick any mushrooms, one of the
matter. Continuing onward, the party makes a DN 5:1 Woodhorns gets agitated, snorts furiously and squares off
Mind (Awareness) Test. Passing, they notice the trees with the party. It and the rest of the pack charge unless
swaying above them, and looking up they see the shadow anyone can calm them down by passing a DN 4:2 Soul
of the Cylcestone Cockatrice (page 158) perched to strike. (Beast Handling) Test. So long as the party doesn’t do
Failing to spot the creature gives it the element of Surprise anything drastic in front of the herd after that point, the
on the party (Soulbound, page 135). The beast’s eyes can Woodhorns remain docile.
be harvested once defeated, each one containing a chip of
cyclestone (worth 300D each). 6: VILLAGE OF CHAINS
The party stumbles into a decrepit and overgrown village,
3: CHOIR OF VENGEANCE punctuated at its centre by a stalky wizard’s tower. It’s clear
The party hears a discordant ethereal singing carried by the state of the small graveyard that the Necroquake was
through the trees, its direction impossible to discern. the likely culprit in the settlement’s demise. Scavenging,
Sylvaneth party members recognise this as the Spirit Song, the party is able to find some minor supplies, and an
but twisted with rage and vengeance, and dominated by a Apothecary’s Satchel (Soulbound, Page 106), but pressing
call to war. Before long, the party encounters the source into the village rouses the geists who haunt it. The village’s
of the song — a Branchwraith (page 155) who leads a coven has returned as a trio of Myrnmourn Banshees
snarling choir of Dryads (page 156) in a dark war-song. (Soulbound, page 332), and is accompanied by a number
There is 1 swarm of 5 Dryads per party member. If the of Chainrasps (Soulbound, page 331) equal to party size
party are spotted, the Branchwraith lets out a mind- plus Doom.
rattling shriek and instructs the choir to attack. They
are overcome with the rising song of war and cannot be 7: TRESPASSERS!
reasoned with. If the party encounters the choir again, it The party has unwittingly stumbled into protected
has grown, adding 1 Spite Revenant (page 156) per party Sylvaneth territory. Two Kurnoth Hunters (page 156)
member. If the party encounters the choir a third time, the and a Branchwych (page 156) step forward to ward them
Dryad swarms increase in size to 10, and there are 2 Spite off. The party must succeed on a DN 4:2 Mind (Guile
Revenants per party member. or Intuition) Test to walk away safely. Otherwise, the
Sylvaneth attack. Each time the party happens upon this
4: DON’T LOOK BACK! Encounter, increase the Difficulty to parlay by 1. After
The party hears loud stomping, angry wails, and cracking three rounds of combat, two Swarms of Mere Spites (page
branches steadily heading towards their direction. They 158), size equal to party size plus Doom, arrive to back the
see a Dankhold Troggoth (Soulbound, page 341) with a Sylvaneth up.
wooden platform mounted to its shoulders, where three
Grots scout through the forest and issue it orders. The
dense forest is holding back the Troggoth’s movement, so
the party can outrun them by succeeding at a Group DN
4:8 Body (Athletics) Test. In combat, whilst issuing orders
to the Troggoth, the three Grots (Soulbound, page 340)
throw spears at anyone within Medium Range (Ranged
Attack (Good), 3d6, + S Damage, Piercing).
A surprise spell of Ghyran weather bears down upon the Anyone with a Natural Awareness of 2 or higher hears the
party. Everyone makes a DN 4:2 Mind (Survival) Test to stamp of cloven feet rushing through the forest towards
get into sufficient cover. Roll 1d6, and see what kind of them. A massive herd of Bullgors (page 157) rip through
weather occurs: the jungle and the party’s position. The party makes a
DN 3:2 Body (Reflexes) Test to duck for cover or hide
A 1: ‘Acidfall’: A mist of acid rolls through the area. behind a sturdy tree trunk, increasing the Difficulty by
Anyone out of cover takes 6 Damage, and is Blinded 1 for anyone who did not sense the stampede coming.
for the rest of the day, or until they are next healed. Anyone caught up in the stampede suffers 5 Damage and
is knocked Prone. A number of Bullgor stragglers from the
A 2-3: ‘Seedfall’: Anyone unprotected is hit by falling stampede, equal to the party size plus Doom, take notice
seeds that dig into their flesh and begin to grow. of the party and halt to attack. They have the element of
They take 3 Damage ignoring Armour and are Surprise.
Stunned for one hour or until the seeds are removed,
requiring a DN 5:2 Mind (Medicine) Test. Using 11: GOR-ON-GOR VIOLENCE
Aqua Ghyranis before the seeds are removed deals The party hears the sounds of Beastmen yelling, and
another 4 Damage instead of healing. the clash of blades and clubs coming from a nearby
field. Investigating, they first see the hulking corpse of
A 4-5: ‘Greyfall’: Anyone caught in the storm has a Maw-Krusha, freshly killed. Around it are two hordes
their Armour reduced by 1 until it can get repaired. of Tzaangors and Bullgors, both fighting over meat
Their exposed skin shrivels, and some of their hair from the corpse. There are plenty of dead Beastmen in
immediately turns grey. They age 1d6 years. the field already, some stuck in the Maw-Krusha’s jaws.
The party makes a Group DN 4:8 Body (Stealth) Test to
A 6: ‘Bloomfall’: Anyone caught in the storm remain undetected. Failing, a group of Beastmen equal to
miraculously heals a Wound, or 1d6 Toughness, the party’s size break off and attack them, half Tzaangor
whichever is more severe. (Soulbound, page 321) and half Bullgor (page 157),
rounded up, whilst the rest continue to fight each other.
9: CORRUPTION AND SORROW Succeeding in keeping their heads down, the party can
The party comes upon a corrupted grove, clearly overrun wait to get a cut of the meat for themselves; the rest of the
by Nurgle’s pestilence. A gnarled, putrefied tree sticks out Beastmen won’t stop until they kill each other off.
of the ground, surrounded by contaminated earth. At the
centre of the tree, a Branchwych is half absorbed into the 12: THE MAGEHUNTERS
trunk, becoming one with it, her face twisted in pain. The party discovers a beautiful oxbow lake filled with clean
Two Swarms of Plaguebearers (Soulbound, page 325), water, and stops for a moment to praise their luck and
the Toughness of each equal to party size plus Doom, refill their water supplies. As they are finishing up, a volley
rise from the contaminated earth and attack the party. of arrows skim through the trees and scatter across the
After dispatching them, the Branchwych calls out to the lake. They prepare for combat, but if there is a spellcaster
party. She is beyond saving, as she has been tormented in the party, the enemies have the element of Surprise. A
and tortured by the Daemons for too long, but she pleads group of Tzaangor (Soulbound, page 321) equal to the
for them to cleanse the grove before they leave. The grove party in number charge into the lakeside shale, along with
can be cleansed by fire, with a character who has access to two pet Vulcharc (Soulbound, page 321) Swarms, with
Bright magic succeeding on a DN 4:2 Mind (Channelling) four Vulcharc in each. These focus on any spellcasters in
Test, or using the Revitalise Miracle (Soulbound, page 93) the party. One Tzaangor stays by the treeline and begins
or any similar Miracle. They can also use 150D of Aqua to blow a warhorn. If they do this continuously for three
Ghyranis on the gnarled tree. Failing to cleanse the grove rounds, then in the party’s next encounter exploring the
increases Doom by 1. Ghyran jungle they’ll be hunted down by a Tzaangor
Shaman (Soulbound, page 321) instead of the encounter
that was rolled or chosen.
The Ghoul Mere
After nearly a day in the Ghyran jungle proper, the party
finds the edge of the Ghoul Mere. This represents them GHOUL MERE EXPLORATION
getting one step closer to Greywater Fastness. The Ghoul 2d6 Encounter
Mere is worse still than the Ghyran jungle — a wasteland
transformed by pollution and the atrocities of war, where Drowned Rats: The party cross a mire scattered
with Skaven corpses.
no sane soul would travel if they could avoid it. Where the
desolation has not been absolute, the effects of Ghyran’s The Downed Gunhauler: The party finds a
hard and fast life cycle have been amplified and twisted by crashed Kharadron vessel.
the toxicity in the earth and swampland.
Perennial Wrath: A strangely corrupted
Branchwraith tests the party.
Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
Shattered Horns: The party discovers a shattered
You notice the sky beginning to darken above, yet it is and overgrown Herdstone.
not so late in the day. The clouds have grown thick and Out of Spite: The party runs afoul of a group of
black, blocking out most of Hysh’s light, but do not appear 6
tricksy Mere Spites.
to threaten rain. A sharp smell begins to carry on the
wind, crawling into your senses. Something acrid and Call of the Haunt: A furious fright of Nighthaunt
assault the party.
industrial. Strange, you think, for this part of the realm.
Then you realise the calls of the wild have gone quiet. Grots at work: The party finds a burrow of Grots,
all up to no good.
Captain Heinz recognises this too, and leads everyone
Rites of the Deceiver: The party finds a Skaven
forward. He parts the brush and leads you onto a nearby 9
preparing for battle.
embankment. Before you is a vast swampland, dotted
with thickets and stretches of rotting forest. The waters 10
Return to Sender: The party encounters a lost
bubble, and are streaked with a sickly rainbow wash of Rattletrap Courier.
chemicals. Heinz welcomes everyone to the Ghoul Mere, Little Firestarter: The party spot a burning tree,
and hangs his head at the sight. 11
and what set it aflame.
In this section, roll or choose two Major Encounters on Procession of Chains: The party discovers a
Nighthaunt-led procession.
the Ghoul Mere Exploration table below. Complete the
events, one after another, then proceed to the Charred
Yew section of the adventure.
Note: You can use this Ghoul Mere Encounter table later An eruption of bog gas has dredged up a mire of Skaven
in the party’s adventures around Greywater Fastness. corpses. Soon the party feel a cold chill crawl up their
There is a Scout Beyond the Walls Endeavour (page 41) backs, and the Skaven bodies begin to twitch and rise from
that characters can take between adventures to make their watery grave. There are five undead Stormvermin
exploring the Ghoul Mere easier. (page 152) and two Rat Ogors (Soulbound, page 329). All
risen Skaven have the Lifeless Trait (they are immune to
being Charmed or Frightened), and are unable to make
any ranged attacks. The dead continue to rise during the
encounter: two more Stormvermin rise from the swamp
every round (they spend their turn rising). The Zone can
be purified to halt their resurrections by scattering 100D of
Aqua Ghyranis over the remaining dead (this takes three
rounds to complete), or a character can use the Revitalise
Miracle (Soulbound, Page 93) or any similar Miracle.
The party discovers a downed Kharadron attack craft A ring of Bullgors surround a shattered Herdstone,
wedged into an overgrown thicket of twisted trees. The offerings of old bones and rusted weapons scattered
thicket and wreck is inhabited by a group of bitter Spite- around it. The small herd all look sick; remnants of a long-
Revenants (page 156), two per party member, who attack past siege on the Fastness who have been deeply affected by
if approached. The wreck is riddled with Sylvaneth arrows, the Ghoul Mere’s pollution, each one of them is Poisoned.
the size of ballista bolts. One punctured right into the heart Two Beastmen in the middle of the ring are fighting each
of its aether-endrin shows what brought the Gunhauler other for dominance. Once the fight ends, the party must
down to earth. Its former pilot is nowhere to be seen, pass a DN 5:1 Body (Stealth or Survival) Test. If anyone
and the wreck has been scavenged nearly bare. A DN 4:2 fails, they’re spotted and the remaining six Bullgors (page
Body (Dexterity) Test can unlock the hull’s storage hatch, 157) relentlessly charge at them.
which contains a pair of rusty Grudge-Raker rifles, and an
Apothecary’s Satchel (Soulbound, page 106). 6: OUT OF SPITE
The party takes a moment to rest, next to a seemingly
A Grudge-Raker: 2 + S Damage, Loud, Piercing, quiet thicket. As they prepare to move on, they all make a
Spread, Two-handed DN 5:1 Mind (Awareness) Test. Those who pass see long
clawed hands emerging out of the brush, reaching for their
Anyone who’s spent significant time exploring Greywater belongings. Single out three characters to make a DN 6:1
Fastness can make a DN 5:1 Mind (Lore) Test to recall the Body (Reflexes) Test, reducing Difficulty by 1 if the hands
local endrineering workshop, Fargo’s Fine Endrineering were spotted. If they fail, a piece of gear or equipment is
(page 30), whose proprietor may have an interest in lifted off them and carried away by a pack of eight Mere
salvaging this wreckage. Spites (page 158). They run away from the party. If given
chase, they’re seen tossing any stolen items into a nearby
4: PERENNIAL WRATH stinking pit before taking off for good. Retrieving the items
An abnormally healthy bosk sticks out on the Ghoul Mere requires a DN 4:2 Body (Athletics) Test to wade into the
landscape, overgrown with bright flowers and surrounded pit, with failure causing that character to become Poisoned
by a cloud of spores. If the party wishes to investigate, until their next Rest, unless the party can come up with a
they immediately spot two groups of eight Mere Spites more creative method to retrieve their items.
(page 158) that are openly watching them. They won’t
attack nor make a move until their master gives the word. 7: CALL OF THE HAUNT
At the centre of the bosk they find a clearing, where a The party are crossing a rare dry patch in the Ghoul
Branchwraith (page 155) sits upon a trunk-spun throne. Mere, when they are attacked by a group of Myrnmourn
A cyclestone blade has been plunged into her chest right Banshees (Soulbound, page 332), a number equal to party
down to the handle, but it has not killed her; instead she size plus Doom. Hungry for arcane energy, they’ll focus
continuously sheds bark and leaves, flowers sprouting their attention on any spellcasters in or accompanying
from her hair and withering instantly, replaced by more the party. If the Banshees use their Mournful Cry Trait
(each round in combat, she recovers Toughness equal to collectively three times, during the party’s next encounter
her Body). If the party pry the cyclestone blade from her in the Ghoul Mere an additional Myrnmourn Banshee
and claim it for themselves, increase Doom by 1. desperately tracks them down and sneaks into the
encounter to prey upon the party.
The Branchwraith asks the party for an offering of Aqua
Ghyranis (150D is enough for her). Providing her with an 8: GROTS AT WORK
ample offering, she’ll let the party rest, and leave safely. The party finds the opening of a tunnel dug into the
If they are disrespectful, she’ll set upon them. Lingering ground, blunt digging equipment strewn in and around the
long enough in the clearing, the party notices a pair of opening. They hear the sound of digging and squabbling
cyclestone chips (worth 300D each) on a wooden plinth coming from within.
behind her throne, as well as the corpses of Greycap
guards pinned to trunks in her clearing.
Investigating, they find a pack of Grots (Soulbound, 11: LITTLE FIRESTARTER
page 340), number equal to two times party size, digging The party spots a tree on fire nearby, sending thick black
into the earth, and a number of Squigs (Soulbound, smoke up into the air. If they investigate, make a DN
page 341) equal to party size plus Doom guarding them. 4:1 Mind (Nature) Test. Succeeding, they spot a palm-
There are three Zones here: the Ghoul Mere Zone, the sized Flamespyre Phoenix chick hidden amongst the
Tunnel Entrance Zone, and the Tunnel End Zone. One charred branches. The chick has been Poisoned by the
Grot is armed with two scavenged Aetheric Grenades Ghoul Mere. Whenever it sneezes or coughs, it emits
(Soulbound, page 113), which they’ll hurl at the party a burst of fire, dealing 1 Damage to everything in the
instead of using them to expand the tunnel as they had Zone as if it were a Minor Hazard. They’ll also notice a
hoped (they telegraph this action one round before using collar made of jewels and Duardin runes round its neck.
them). Unless they’re stopped, any sufficient blast causes Anyone familiar with Greywater Fastness or able to read
a cave-in. The Tunnel End Zone collapses one round after the runes is able to discern that the chick came from the
a Grenade is used, the Tunnel Entrance one round later. Great Axle Menagerie (page 21). A character can make a
DN 3:6 Soul (Beast Handling) Extended Test, with three
9: RITES OF THE DECEIVER attempts, to capture the Phoenix chick, otherwise it flies
The party discovers a half-built section of the city’s ancient away to potentially be discovered again later.
canals, out in the middle of the Ghoul Mere. Passing a DN
5:1 Mind (Awareness) Test makes it clear that a mischief 12: PROCESSION OF CHAINS
of Skaven have made a burrow here. One of the canal walls The party spots a procession of swaying blue lanterns
has a man-sized opening, clawed out of the earth. There is in the distance, travelling across the Mere. On closer
a small series of tunnels below that open out into a large inspection, they see a caravan of Nighthaunt travelling
cavern. There are dozens of dead Clan Skryre Skaven along a road that no longer exists. There are three groups
scattered about the tunnel and cavern. There is a tall shrine from front to rear. The first consists of 4 Glaivewraiths
standing at the centre of the cavern, made of cobbled- and 4 Chainrasps, who guard the main carriage, drawn
together mechanical detritus and other hogwash artefacts. by a pair of undead horses. The second has 2 Chainrasp
Before it stands a cackling Grey Seer (Soulbound, page Dreadwardens and a Swarm of 6 Chainrasps. The third
327) who, up to their elbows in blood, is utterly absorbed has two Swarms of 6 Chainrasps (all their stat-blocks
by the arduous summoning ritual they are performing. If can be found in Soulbound, page 330–331). The party
interrupted, the Skaven goes into a frenzy and attacks the can attempt a DN 5:1 Body (Stealth) Test to lure one of
party. Leaving the Seer alone increases Doom by 1. the groups away from the caravan, beginning with the
rear. There’s plenty of overgrown thickets and copses
10: RETURN TO SENDER along their path to help. If they fail, both the group they
The party crosses paths with a haggard courier riding a targeted and the group in front of that one notices them,
gryphon-headed Rattletrap (page 150), bolting across the and attacks. Accessing the carriage, they find a chip of
Ghoul Mere. The courier sees the party and cries out for cyclestone (worth 300D), a Rattlebone leg prosthesis
help. Barrelling after them are a trio of Kurnoth Hunters attached to a withered corpse, and a collection of mere-
(page 156). Treat the courier as a Cogsmith (Soulbound, soaked Amethyst magic paraphernalia and grimoires.
page 303). Rescuing them, the ambitious courier explains
they were returning from Fort Festermere (page 34)
with their escorts and were forced off the road by a pack
of Flesh Hounds. The Kurnoth Hunters appeared from
nowhere and killed the Hounds, before murdering their
escort for leaving the One Road and giving chase. They tell
the party to stop by the Rattlefast Courier Service (page
28) to receive proper thanks. If the party encounters the
courier again, they find their corpse not far from the road,
Kurnoth arrows piercing their body and their Rattletrap
crushed into scrap.
Charred Yew The Sylvaneth Treelord (see page 157) introduces himself
It has been a long hard day’s travel through the Ghyran as Charred Yew — it’s what the ‘songless’ have come to call
wilderness, and subsequently the toxic Ghoul Mere. The him, he states. He has no intention of fighting the party,
party and survivors simply cannot continue on without a despite how they may initially react to his appearance,
solid break. Wounds need to be healed, legs need rest, and or how apprehensive Captain Heinz is in general of the
bellies need food. Besides, Hysh has set hours ago, and no Sylvaneth. Anyone who recognises this can prevent the
one is eager to travel in the dark. Who knows what comes survivors from initiating combat by making a DN 5:1
out at night in the Ghoul Mere? Captain Heinz leads the Soul (Intimidation) or Mind (Intuition) Test to calm
party in search of a small glade to rest overnight. Do not them down.
worry about the party or survivors here; so long as a keen
watch is kept and their fires remain lit, they’ll remain safe In combat with the forces of Order, Charred Yew is always
until morning. on the defensive. He uses the Dodge Action to avoid
attacks and the Defend Action to protect injured allies. If
Once everyone has settled and the opportunity to recover the party or survivors reduce his Toughness by 7 or more,
is granted, figure out which party member is currently on he’ll flee the grove. If they do chase him off, or refuse his
watch, and read aloud or paraphrase the following: aid in getting to the city, the party have to survive another
encounter on the Ghoul Mere Exploration table before
During the night, watching the nearby tree-line, you begin finding the One Road. If they listen to what he has to say,
to think your tired eyes are deceiving you. It’s almost as Charred Yew leads them all there come morning.
if the forest is moving all on its own. From the darkness
and the foul bracken emerges a massive walking tree. You
take a moment to realise that this is likely a Sylvaneth
Treelord, an eighteen–foot tall ancient being, known to be
leaders and warlords of the Sylvaneth groves. You scurry
to your feet and begin waking the rest of the camp.
Roleplaying Charred Yew
You are one of the few Sylvaneth in the area who before acting. Don’t be afraid of silence, and pause
still believes in the alliance of Order. The thrill of for however long it takes to find the right words.
battle saw you through the Age of Chaos, but you
refused to turn your weapons against Greywater Your voice sounds hollow, like all Sylvaneth, but the
Fastness when the time came. You were outcast permanent damage you received in battle adds a
from your brethren as a result, and Pale Oak burnt and raspy twist to your tone. When you think
himself threatened you with death should you dare deeply, you touch and fiddle with the damaged
return to your grove. You are inquisitive and eager bark around your missing eye, as a reminder of
to sit down with anyone willing to debate with you your new perspective on life. You know your way
peacefully. Some folks call you dull-witted, but around the Ghoul Mere well; though it is not the
you just prefer to think through the consequences most hospitable biome to live in, it is far from the
brethren who outcast you.
Charred Yew reveals that he has been tracking the party A Who or what is attacking the city?: Charred Yew
for some time, watching them since they entered the has kept his distance from the killing fields, but
Ghoul Mere. He tells the party that Greywater Fastness is believes the Skaven have risen up to attack the city.
under attack, that the cannons have not stopped firing for He believes they have been planning this for a long
days. He urges the party and the survivors not to approach time, having seen their movements increase across
the city, not to join the senseless fighting. the Ghoul Mere in recent weeks.
He recognises that they have all come from another realm, A Why do you refuse to fight?: The literal truth of
and offers to bring them to the One Road, so that they this topic is one that Charred Yew keeps close to
might travel back to Festermere. But Captain Heinz is his lamentiri. Instead he focuses on discussing his
quick to counter: they must push on to the city, they do beliefs: ‘In the face of so many enemies, we cannot
not have enough supplies to make the return trip. Charred afford to spill the blood of allies,’ he explains. ‘There
Yew offers to sit with them until Hyshrise, and joins them must be a better way to settle our disputes and stand
around the campfire if accepted. together once more.’
Charred Yew is an important character who encounters A Why do you live in the Ghoul Mere?: Though he no
the party again in The Riven Bridge; it would be helpful longer lives with them, his old grove is somewhere
if he understood more about the party before approaching nearby. If he is to lead them away from war, he must
them again. He won’t hesitate to ask them personal remain close. Additionally, he knows that the Ghoul
questions, about who they are and where they came from. Mere is the crux of the conflict between his people
In return he gladly answers any questions the party has, and Greywater Fastness. ‘I believe I am needed here.’
some examples of which are found below. Feel free to
expand upon these as necessary.
Back on the Road In addition to the bridge and the battlefield in the distance,
It is morning in Ghyran, though Hysh’s light can barely the party notices a string of strange blue lights that line
be seen through the black clouds that loom overhead. The the One Road in both directions, and also surround the
party, along with the survivors and possibly Charred Yew, bridge. Charred Yew explains that they are the ghostlights,
pack up their small camp and are all on their way once Alarielle’s wards that keep the undead away from the road,
more. Whether Charred Yew leads the party to the One and are maintained by the Sylvaneth as part of the city’s
Road or the survivors are left to find their own way, half a deal with the god and her people. They keep the road safe,
day’s trekking sees them emerge from the toxic swampland and also mark the boundary between the city’s reach and
and find an engineered bridge crossing (this is Holfast the Slyvaneth’s territory.
Bridge, featured in the adventure The Riven Bridge).
Charred Yew is visibly shaken by the scene he is witnessing,
Read aloud or paraphrase the following: and he cannot let his eye linger on it for long. He quickly
says his goodbyes to the party and stalks back into the
Treading through the Ghoul Mere, you hear the sounds Ghoul Mere. He is still noticeably disappointed in the
of the siege well before you see it. Cracks of thunderous party, but expresses his hope that bringing them to this
artillery, the shimmering and glass-shattering sounds place brings about some change for the better: ‘I do not
of magic being cast on a large scale, distant howls and agree with your methods, but I wish you well. I hope that
screams all mix into one background rumbling cacophony. you are able to bring peace to this city, and change its ways.’
Soon you emerge from the toxic jungle and come upon The party can see the walls of Greywater Fastness before
the first artificial structure you’ve seen in a while, a wood them. Their salvation is less than a day away. But how can
and stone bridge crossing a wide river. ‘This is the One they reach the city when this last stretch of the Ghoul
Road,’ Charred Yew explains, ‘the way north leads back to Mere is rampant with Skaven?
the realmgate; to the south, your city.’ But you barely hear
his words, stricken by what you witness in the distance. OVERVIEW
In this section, the characters should have:
An open plain of uneven noxious swampland leads up
to the massive outer walls of Greywater Fastness. An A Gathered the survivors from the Cogfort assault and
angry horde of Skaven and their twisted war machines moved deeper into the Ghyran jungle.
are throwing themselves at the walls and the city’s
bombardments are swatting them off. The number of A Found their way to the Ghoul Mere, and witnessed
ratmen you see is uncountable. first hand some of the destruction Greywater
Fastness has caused to the local environment.
PART 3: THE SIEGE OF Under siege, those gates won’t open for anyone. But the
party could aim for the Spoke Road #2 gate instead, a little
GREYWATER FASTNESS to the east. There’s no external road leading up to the gate,
having long since been obliterated by artillery when the
It has been four and a half days since the party left Fort Beastmen besieged the walls years ago, and the city never
Festermere, and a day and a half since they lost the rebuilt it. It’ll mean more treading through the Ghoul
Harbinger of Trouble to the vile ratmen. Finally, standing Mere, without even the relative safety of the road. What’s
on Holfast Bridge, they see Greywater Fastness just within more, the party will need to signal the guards on the city
reach. But the Skaven horde appears to be unrelenting. walls to open up that gate for them, and for that they’ll
Read aloud or paraphrase the following: need a good position.
You are haggard and hungry, and you know that supplies
are scant. The Ghoul Mere around you won’t provide
anything safe to survive on apart from firewood to keep
you warm. In the eyes of your companions and the
Cogfort’s remaining survivors, you see the grim truth of
your shared situation, that in order to survive, you must
Wings of Salvation
make it past the walls of the city — even with the Skaven Even if any of the party members can fly, Captain
forces in your way. Heinz and the survivors must still tackle the path of
greater resistance, and gain access through the city’s
You are protected for the moment, surrounded by the sewers. Any party members that can fly could go
relative safety of the ghostlights. You have some time and warn the guards on the walls in Heinz’s stead,
to plan your inevitable assault. But you know that you allowing the party to skip some of this section. If,
shouldn’t linger on the One Road for long. The ghostlights for whatever reason, everyone can simply fly up to
may hold back the dead, but you feel like they won’t do the walls, skip to Steelwater greeting them when
much against ratmen and whatever beasts lurk nearby. they land, but place the encounter atop the walls.
They might have to dodge some friendly artillery
Captain Heinz is unfamiliar with the surrounding terrain, fire along the way.
apart from the One Road. He suggests, obviously, that
ploughing straight up the One Road to the Mere Keep
gates is certain death.
THE SAFEST PATH wrong foot and they might fall in. Anyone with a Natural
The party needs to work together to scan the surrounding Awareness of 2 or higher notices that there’s definitely
terrain, look for the safest path, and then decide which something living in the water, and it’s starting to move
path to take. This is a DN 4:1 Group Test (see Soulbound, about, sensing their presence. Each member of the party
page 297) using Mind (Awareness or Survival). Party must succeed on a DN 4:1 Body (Athletics) Test to pass
members who are able to get a high vantage can reduce through here safely. If no one in the party fails, one of the
the Difficulty by 1. Count the number of successes, and remaining survivors, a Duardin Cogsmith, slips on the
refer to the following to see what they can discover: bank and falls in.
A 0–3 successes: A small thicket of bushes and felled Choose up to two player characters nearby, who must
tree trunks atop a small rise (Destination 1). succeed on a DN 5:2 Body (Reflexes) Test to grab him
and haul him out quickly. Failing, the poor Cogsmith is
A 4–7 successes: A half-submerged Steam Tank wreck lost for good. Long-clawed wooden hands, spindly and
propped out of the swamp (Destination 2). bleach-white, emerge from the swamp water and drag him
down, drowning him. A group of Mere Spites (page 158),
A 8+ successes: An abandoned canal lock next to the numbering equal to party size plus Doom, rise up out of
ruins of a lock-keeper’s cottage (Destination 3). the water and go after the party and survivors. After three
rounds, any remaining Mere Spites cackle and disengage,
Once they know their options, allow the party to choose returning to the murky depths.
which destination they wish to aim for. Once they reach
their chosen destination, they’ll signal the city and get From here, move on to whatever Destination the party
a reply, indicating to them where to head next. Each of originally chose. Each one offers some advantage to their
these destinations are described below — but they’ll have plan, and some have usable equipment that can aid them.
to cross the battlefield to get there first. They leave behind Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
Holfast Bridge and, once more, the safety of the One Road.
After carefully marching through the Ghoul Mere for a You and the remaining survivors have spent some long
few hours, the number of Skaven they can count in the hours wading through another stretch of the Ghoul Mere.
rearguard of the besieging force begins to increase, and the Hysh has begun to set on another day, the city’s cannons
sound of cannons from the city’s walls grows ever louder. remain unrelenting, and the siege continues. You have
collected some more cuts and bruises along the way,
but have largely managed to evade the attention of the
Enter the Fray Skaven forces. You have reached your destination.
This section plays out the same way no matter where the
party decides to go. They run the gauntlet, sneaking past You all take up defensive positions, and Captain Heinz
the Skaven stragglers and rearguard, and brave another begins to signal the city. You know that once he begins,
section of the Ghoul Mere, to get to their chosen vantage the Skaven will take notice of you, and advance on your
point. This plays out in a series of small encounters. position. You must hold out at all costs. Heinz believes
that if he is successful, the city will provide cover for you
They first come upon a group of straggling Clanrats. The to leave this position and move on.
party must pass a DN 4:8 Group Test using Body (Stealth)
to pass them by unnoticed. If they fail, the Clanrats gather The party and remaining survivors must survive seven
up their spears and pounce on the party. The Zone is a rounds of combat, against increasing waves of enemies
waterlogged section of Difficult Terrain (see Soulbound, (the number of rounds may decrease depending on which
page 137) in the swamp. There are two Swarms of Clanrats Destination they chose below). Once the guards have been
(Soulbound, page 327), each of a size equal to the party alerted to their presence, they’ll show the party where to
plus Doom. When reduced to only one or two rats, the last head next, and back them up with artillery strikes from
of them attempt to Flee the Zone, warning their comrades. the wall’s long-range cannons (see Brightcoal Star, page
63). Zones are described as per the Destinations listed on
Next, the party must navigate through a stretch of the following page.
swampland composed of deep pools of toxic swampwater,
separated by narrow bands of relatively dry land. One
On the first round of combat, two Swarms of Clanrats DESTINATION 2: THE
(Soulbound, page 327), size equal to party size plus Doom, WREAKED STEAM TANK
spot the party and spend their movements entering the The second destination features a wrecked Steam Tank.
South Field Zone. If any Skaven got away in the very first Upon arrival, the party can make a DN 5:1 Mind
encounter in Enter the Fray, an additional Swarm of (Awareness or Survival) Test to investigate and scavenge
Clanrats join them. around the wreck. Succeeding, the party finds a submerged
cache of rusty Blunderbusses (Soulbound, page 103) at the
A Round 2: A number of Stormvermin (page 152) back of the Tank, enough to outfit the rest of the survivors
equal to party size plus Doom enter the North (removing the reduction to their damage). Heinz searches
Field Zone behind the party and aim to get into the the wreck too, and finds a lamp to help him signal the
Central Zone. guards on the wall. Reduce the number of rounds required
to alert the guards on the wall by one.
A Round 4: A pair of Skaven Weapon Teams (page
154) take up positions in the South Field Zone and There are three Zones in and around the wrecked Steam
fire upon the party using their Warplock Jezzails. Tank. The South Field Zone is an open stretch that points
towards the city (enemies spend their movement entering
A Round 3 + 5: A Stormfiend (page 153) enters the this Zone from the battlefront ahead). The North Field
South Field Zone and begins firing on the party’s Zone is to the party’s rear, and is a Minor Hazard, made
position with its Ratling Cannons. up of sunken muddy pools. The Steam Tank wreck is the
third, Central Zone between the other two, and offers
Captain Heinz spends each round signalling the guards Total Cover (see Soulbound, page 137).
on the city’s walls, using a light source and some coded
flickering and semaphore. Any remaining survivors will DESTINATION 3: THE
defend him, whilst taking pot shots at any incoming rats, ABANDONED LOCK
from the cover position. The party must defend Heinz and This destination is the hardest to spot of the three, a far-
the survivors at all costs. removed and ruined lock from the city’s ancient canals.
The canal itself is overgrown with thorny bracken that
DESTINATION 1: THE THICKET breaks up the battlefield. There is a ruined lock-keeper’s
The first possible destination is a simple thicket of sickly hut nearby, half-sunk in the toxic sludge, that offers a
bushes and fallen, rotten tree trunks. It has the small raised space complete with cover to aid in signalling
fortune of having been gradually raised above the water the guards. Captain Heinz finds an old flare in the ruins
line of the swamp (probably why the weeds here are still to signal the guards on the wall. Reduce the number of
alive). Captain Heinz has fashioned a crude wooden torch rounds required to alert the guards on the wall by two.
he uses to signal the guards on the city walls.
There are five Zones at this destination. The South Field
There are three Zones in the thicket destination. The South Zone is an open stretch that points towards the City
Field Zone is an open stretch that points towards the city (enemies spend their movement entering this Zone
(enemies spend their movement entering this Zone from from the battlefront ahead). The Central Zone contains
the battlefront ahead). The North Field Zone is to the a ruined lockkeeper’s hut that provides Partial Cover and
party’s rear, and is Difficult Terrain, made up of the more is large enough to fit the party and the survivors. Either
uneven swampland they’ve come from. The thicket itself is side of the Central Zone is an Ancient Canal Zone filled
the third, Central Zone, a circular one between the other with enough thorny branches and bracken to be a Major
two, and offers Partial Cover (see Soulbound, page 137). Hazard (outside of combat, characters can manoeuvre
across the canal zones safely). The North Field Zone is to
the party’s far rear.
BRIGHTCOAL STAR The Outflow Pipe area has four Zones. First is the end
Read aloud or paraphrase the following: of the Outflow Pipe itself, which is tight on space, and is
currently blocked off by the massive iron grating. Across
Captain Heinz stands tall, waving his light towards the from it is the Outflow River; this whole Zone is a Major
walls. He grits his teeth and curses, desperate for the Hazard, a deep river filled with barely diluted toxic
guards to notice his signals. He knows that soon, your chemicals. Then to either side are the Left Flank Zone and
position will be overwhelmed with Skaven. He spots Right Flank Zone.
a flicker coming from the top of the walls, three quick
flashes in succession, repeating. His heart swells. ‘Get The shelling has discouraged most of the spineless Skaven
back!’ he calls out to everyone. ‘Get into cover! Incoming from reaching the party, but some tenacious ratmen have
fire! Incoming fire!’ fought through the fire, and immediately engage them.
Between the two flanking Zones, distribute a number of
You and your comrades rush to get into cover, disengaging Gutter Runners (Soulbound, page 328) equal to party size,
the ratmen and returning to Heinz’s position. You hear and approaching from one side a Rat Ogor (Soulbound,
the cannons on the wall firing, their reports more acute page 329) — the latter is charred up by the artillery, and
as you sense the shells are heading towards you this time. has lost half its toughness.
As you duck your head, the ground in the surrounding
swampland explodes; the Skaven are blown apart and Getting the grating off requires the attention of one of
burnt alive. When the dust settles, you notice a new light the party, completing a DN 3:6 Body (Might) Extended
in the sky: a bright white flare falling on a position near Test, each attempt taking a round of combat. Alternatively,
to the city’s outer walls. ‘Brightcoal Flare,’ Heinz calls out. they can deal 15 Damage to destroy the grate. Once the
‘Praise Sigmar, we need to head to that position right grating is off, the way is open for everyone to escape. The
away. That’s our way in.’ party can disengage and flee up the pipe, or remain a
little longer to finish off the Skaven if they wish. Everyone
The cannons have cleared the battlefield around the party. scurries into the massive pipe and begins treading along
Any enemies remaining in the same Zone as Heinz and its length. Shielding their noses from the acrid stench
the survivors need to be finished off, or fled from. The way of the chemicals pooled in the pipe, they enter the city’s
is mostly cleared, between the artillery and the effect the sewers.
Brightcoal salvo has on the Skaven, but if the party don’t
move fast, the Clan Rats are on their heels once more. The
party must make a DN 4:8 Group Test (see Soulbound,
page 297) using Body (Athletics) to complete the run. If
they fail, another survivor trips and falls behind the group,
who is quickly torn apart by a swarm of Clan Rats.
Roused by Cannonfire The Grots are on alert due to the abundant cannon fire
Read aloud or paraphrase the following: above, and aren’t happy to have their little lair discovered.
They quickly attack the party. After this encounter, the
You and the survivors wade along the outflow pipe, the party stumbles into the Dankhold Troggoth encounter
noise of screeching Skaven and the clatter of claws on as described below. If they flee from the Grots, the
steel echoing at your back and filling your ears. You think Greenskins will follow the party into the Dankhold
if you keep on your feet, you can outrun them. But where Troggoth encounter.
you’re headed, you start to hear the rush of water, and
the trickling stream at your feet begins to rise up to slosh THE GREYWATER SEWER TROGGOTH
around your ankles. Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
Captain Heinz shouts for you all to halt — he’s found You spend another hour or so navigating the tunnels
a metal hatch along the ceiling of the pipe. Working and pipeworks of the city’s sewers. Soon you emerge into
together, you climb on top of each other and leverage the a four-way crossing with a massive central chamber,
rusty hatch open, and haul everyone up to safety. As the three storeys high and just as wide. Looking up you see a
last Cogsmith is pulled up, a rush of water fills the pipe, grating, and through the gaps you glimpse the darkened
the noise drowning out the ratmen’s screams as they’re Ghyran sky above. You sense you are nearly saved.
washed clean out the way they came.
But between bouts of gunfire from above, you hear
The party and remaining survivors have found themselves something new echoing through the tunnels next to you
in an outer section of Greywater Fastness’s sewers. They can — a deep, hollow hollering that’s getting louder. You
still hear the echo of the guns firing above, reverberating barely have a moment to think before a Troggoth, nearly
down through the wall’s foundations, shaking dust off the as tall as the sewer chamber you’re in, crawls through one
clustered pipes around them. The outflow room they’re of the intersections and stumbles into you. Its eyes are
in is dark and dank, the air they’re breathing reeking of wide with rage, and it’s clutching its ears, unable to deal
chemicals and mortal waste. If the party Takes a Breather with the constant noise of cannonfire. Completely riled
(Soulbound, page 154) in the sewers, they must make a up, it lashes out towards the party.
DN 5:2 Body (Fortitude) Test or become Poisoned until
they leave them. Captain Heinz fills the party in that their Once combat begins, keep track of the rounds. After the
journey isn’t over yet. The city guard doesn’t patrol the fifth round of combat, Corporal Steelwater arrives with
sewers as often as they should, and with the siege going Greycap reinforcements to rescue the party (see Greycap
on there’s likely no one down here to help them up. They’ll Rescue below). The Dankhold Troggoth (Soulbound,
need to find their own way to the surface. page 341) attacks the party, choosing random targets. Due
to its enraged state, it gains additional Mettle equal to
Once the party has gathered themselves, they begin to Doom above it’s maximum.
march forward. There’s no signage down here, and plenty
of ways to get lost. Navigating the labyrinthian sewers is a This section of the sewers has five Zones. The Central
DN 4:8 Group Test (see Soulbound, page 297) using Mind Chamber is a circular Zone, where the Dankhold Troggoth
(Awareness or Survival). Failure will have them stumble is raging about. There are four more Zones, Junctions that
into the small Bog Grot lair as described below, while have lower ceilings. The Dankhold Troggoth can crawl
success will let them skip that encounter and put them in and reach into these Junctions, and try to stick its club in,
front of the Troggoth, detailed further below. but these Zones are a Major Hazard for it. Due to its size,
it will easily hit its head or slam into the sides.
Failure to navigate the sewer has the party run into a band If anyone tries to flee beyond one of the sewer Junctions,
of sewer-dwelling Grots (Soulbound, page 340), their they come face to face with a swarm of five Grots,
number equal to party size plus Doom. Their small sewer inhabitants who are eager to push the party back towards
camp is tucked off to the side of an outflow interchange, the Dankhold Troggoth, hoping the free meal will calm it
decorated with spore-puffing fungi and the bones of down and stop it wreaking havoc through the sewers.
hapless citizens who got themselves lost and captured.
Greycap Rescue The soldiers cover your escape, as you and the other
If the party manages to defeat the Dankhold Troggoth survivors climb up the ropes to the surface. You are
before Corporal Steelwater arrives, she’ll congratulate greeted aboveground by a brand new face. ‘Corporal
them, and apologise for being so late. Otherwise, read Steelwater of the Greycaps, at your service,’ the soldier
aloud or paraphrase the following: says. ‘You picked a fine time for a visit.’ She gestures to the
marketplace around her, the cityscape in the background,
As the Troggoth continues to howl and rage about the and the crowd of citizens that have temporarily emerged
sewer chamber, you notice the roof grating at the top from hiding to gawk at the commotion. ‘City’s under siege,
of the chamber is lifted. Covering gunfire rains down and you’re running around the mere? I reckon you’ve got
from the open hole, followed by heavily armed troops some explaining to do.’
shimmying down on ropes. Their practised manoeuvres
and heavy weaponry quickly shoo the Troggoth away, A band of Greycap medics see to the injured, and those
and any nearby Grots get the same idea and follow suit. who are badly wounded are whisked away to a medical
facility at one of the Greycaps’ nearby barracks. Corporal
Thyrissa Steelwater is able to answer the party’s questions,
and listens to their stories intently, taking fastidious notes
to report to her superiors.
Local Prejudice
Local propaganda has spun many wild tales about
the capabilities and desires of the Sylvaneth. Yet,
most of the local populace have never seen a
Sylvaneth in the bark before. To them, they are the
monsters that exist beyond the walls, threaten to
kill anyone who strays from the One Road, and
wish to wipe the city off the map. If a Sylvaneth
player character emerged from the sewers into
the crowd, there would be shock. Even Corporal
Steelwater would be taken aback by their presence.
She informs them, in particular, that they’ve broken the
back of the siege. It might be a few more days before
the stragglers leave and the Mere Keep gates can
be opened again, but the Skaven rearguard are
beginning to pull away. The party’s little run to the
walls unintentionally pulled another swathe of the
enemy forces into the killzone.
OVERVIEW Her first order of business is to find a place for the party to
In this section, the characters should have: rest, to which end she calls in a favour at a local inn, The
Old Blunderbuss (page 31), and sets them up with a room
A Fought across the Ghoul Mere, swatting down each on the house. Word spreads quickly about the party
Skaven forces at every turn, and signalled the guards arriving in the city, and anyone trying to get ahold of them
atop the city walls. is likely to bug her about it. In the meantime, Steelwater is
happy enough to point the party members wherever they
A Crossed the battlefield outside the city, been led need to go.
towards and gained access to the Greywater Fastness
sewer system. Captain Terzo Heinz bids the party farewell. By the book,
he and the remaining survivors must report to a superior
A Survived the assault of a Troggoth, and subsequently officer at the local Ironweld Forge H all. He fears he will
been rescued by Corporal Steelwater and the get chewed out by his superiors for losing the Harbinger,
Greycaps Freeguild. but he hopes he will meet the party again, to share a drink
and toast to those they lost along the way.
A Escorted Captain Heinz and the rest of the Cogfort
survivors to safety.
As well as awarding XP for achieving any personal goals
AFTERMATH or party Short- or Long-term goals, award additional XP
for the following:
At long last, the party has arrived in Greywater Fastness.
They have some time to pursue their own goals and reasons A For completing the adventure, award 1 XP.
for coming to the city before the next adventure begins.
There is plenty between the walls for them to discover. A If the party slays the Warlock Engineer and
They could even lend a hand in cleaning up the siege — Stormfiend during the Cogfort crash, award 1 XP.
the Greycaps would no doubt be thankful for their help.
A If the party parlays peacefully with Charred Yew,
It turns out that Corporal Steelwater was responsible for award 1 XP.
organising the operation to cover the party’s final advance
on the city, personally fired the Brightcoal Flare, and A If the party gets at least half of their Cogfort survivors
ordered the shutoff of the outflow pipe to let them into the to the city, award 1 XP.
city. For her actions, she is ‘awarded’ the ‘honour’ of acting
as liaison to the party during their stay in Greywater (and
it is heavily implied that she has to keep an eye on them).
She admits to finding the party curious enough to keep
her complaints about Captain Fournoy, her commanding
officer, to a minimum.
The Price of Victory starts with the party racing to thwart Getting Started
a series of Skaven bombings, and save a leading member Rumour: The Skaven siege is breaking, and citizens
of the Council of the Forge from Skaven kidnappers. The rejoice, believing the Skaven threat is gone for good. But
intended target — Gulben Coldrock — swears vengeance underneath the city, the underjacks feel uneasy, believing
and reveals that his use of Skaven prisoners in weapon it is almost too quiet.
tests is probably what has drawn him to their attention.
Fear: The Council of the Forge have posted open bounties
Later the party is approached by Anastasia Everlark. for any Skaven infiltrators caught in the city, leading bands
The Cherished Weald gardeners have found an injured of ordinary citizens to join the underjacks in hunting
Sylvaneth called Mottled Leaf within Greywater Fastness, down Skaven.
and need help smuggling her out of the city. Mottled
Leaf was kidnapped and tortured by an unknown group Threat: An elite group of Skaven warriors has infiltrated
in the city. Once she is delivered to the Sylvaneth, a war- Greywater Fastness, intent on wreaking havoc.
mongering Treelord called Pale Oak threatens war against
Greywater Fastness if those responsible for Mottled Leaf ’s
torture are not brought to justice. PART 1: IT STARTS WITH
Investigating the kidnapping of Mottled Leaf leads the A BANG
party to uncover a Chaos cult devoted to the worship of
Khorne. They operate out of Brinna’s Farm in the Ghoul The adventure starts with the party caught in an
Mere, where they kidnap Skaven and Sylvaneth, forcing explosion at the Coldrock Ironworks. They may have
them to fight in bloody contests and selling the survivors been coincidentally passing by the Ironworks during their
to Gulben Coldrock, who is secretly the leader of the downtime, or Steelwater may have requested that the
Khornate cults in Greywater Fastness. party investigate rumours of Skaven sightings in the area.
If the characters are unlikely to be all together at once, you Rescuing the Workers
could pick one or two party members to experience the The characters have six rounds to rescue the four factory
initial explosion, and have the rest of them arrive shortly workers — Jorrit Fulcher (he/him, Human, age 32, with
afterward, likely summoned by Steelwater, another ally, or fresh burns on his hands), Harvus Tamlin (he/him,
by the sight and sound of the explosion rocking the city. Duardin, age 81, with a broken leg), Esther Prim (she/her,
Human, age 26, a singed dress), and Samuel Derring (he/
Read or paraphrase the following text to those caught him, Human, age 34, concussed) — who are trapped in the
in the unexpected explosion. Note that it is deliberately burning house. After six rounds the house is consumed by
confusing to evoke a feeling of shock and concussion: flames, and any workers inside perish.
The sun is setting beyond the walls of Greywater Fastness. Breaking the door down requires one round and a DN
You are looking at the sky, lying on your back in the 4:2 Body (Athletics) Test. Failure still grants a character
street. There is a ringing in your ears. Chunks of flaming access to the building, but costs an additional round. Once
masonry land all around you. You feel a heat on the side inside, the ground floor of the house is a Major Hazard.
of your face, as if you were standing too close to a bonfire. Making it up the stairs through the fire is a DN 5:1 Body
There is blood on your hands. What do you do? (Fortitude) Test. Success takes a character up the stairs in
one round, while failure costs two rounds.
Explosion at Coldrock Ironworks If the party elects to take the workers out through the
When the party stands up and looks around, the situation flames, one character can lead up to two workers through
becomes clearer. Coldrock Ironworks has ceased to exist. the flames at a time, but it will take two rounds to make it
In its place a vast fire rages out of control. The walls have out of the building. A DN 4:2 Body (Fortitude) or Mind
been blown outward, hurling masonry and globs of molten (Survival) Test is needed each round to keep the workers
metal hundreds of feet in every direction. Everywhere clear of the fire.
there is damage; people, many of them with terrible
wounds, are screaming and running in all directions. In If the party elects to throw the workers from the window,
the immediate vicinity of the party are dozens of corpses, catching them safely is a DN 5:1 Body (Athletics) Test.
people who just moments ago were passing by. Dust and On a failure the workers are injured but will recover.
ash are turning everyone and everything grey. Among the Convincing Esther to jump from the window is a DN 6:1
flames, sparks of green lightning flicker. Soul (Intimidation or Guile) Test.
Make clear that the party can forget any thoughts of If someone in the party can fly, no Test is required to carry
extinguishing the fire in the former Ironworks. The blaze the workers through a window and away from the flames.
will burn for more than a month, fed by the huge amounts If the party fail to save all the workers in peril, Doom
of cyclestone that powered the furnaces. increases by 1.
Saving the Warehouse These are the clues the party can discern:
Preventing the flames from reaching Rungrot & Sons
is an Extended Test. The characters need to accumulate A Witch-Sight reveals that the green sparks in the
10 successes within three rounds if they are to intervene flames are just the tip of the iceberg. Seen with Witch-
before the fire has progressed too far to be stopped. Sight the whole fire blazes a bright, neon green. In
twelve places the blaze burns extra bright, as if those
Things the party can try to stop the fire detonating Rungrot are where the fuel for the green fire is located.
& Sons are:
A The coach house is the only part of the Ironworks
Organising firefighting parties: Dazed by the explosion, that is still standing. The thick stone walls withstood
the volunteer fire-brigade of Greywater is struggling the initial blast, although they are glowing red hot,
to function. A handful of people have rushed to fetch and what remains of the roof is ablaze. The whole
buckets, but are standing confused, unsure what to do. A coach house is a Major Hazard.
DN 5:3 Soul (Intimidation) Test will get them moving in
the right directions. Anyone entering the coach house sees a pair of corpses
on the floor, one a Duardin in work clothes, and the other
Fight the fire directly: Making a difference with buckets a Skaven. It appears that they killed each other. In the
of water is a challenge and requires getting close to the corner is a warpstone bomb. A wire running from the
fire. A DN 6:1 Soul (Determination) or Body (Fortitude) bomb toward the centre of the Ironworks looks to have
Test is needed to fight the fire directly. been cut when the coach house’s sliding door was closed.
Create a firebreak: Halfway down the street an alleyway The devices used by the Skaven to destroy the Ironworks
has been filled with a collection of timber sheds. If these are warpstone bombs. At the core of each bomb is a fist-
were destroyed, the fire’s spread might be delayed. The sized piece of warpstone. This is surrounded by copper
sheds are Toughness 16 and have 2 Armour. If the sheds coils that are charged with massive reserves of warp
are destroyed, credit the party with 5 successes. lightning. When the bomb detonates, the lightning
obliterates the warpstone core, unleashing a massive wave
Use magical means: If any party members have suitable of destructive energy.
magic available, have them cast their spells. Score 1
success for a successful casting, with each additional
success adding 1 toward extinguishing the fire.
The bomb hasn’t detonated, but it’s still armed and the
intense heat is making it spark and crackle. If the party
attempts to disarm it, make a Mind (Crafting) DN 4:1 Test
and compare the number of successes with the following Successes Result
Defusing result. The bomb explodes with devastating force and
destroys the coach house completely. Increase
Trying to remove the bomb before defusing it causes it 0 Doom by 1. Everyone in the coach house takes
15 Damage, and anyone in a neighbouring
to explode as if zero successes had been achieved on the Zone takes 5 Damage.
Mind (Crafting) Test.
The coils discharge lightning, but fail to ignite
1 the warpstone core. Everyone in the coach
The dead Skaven is well armed and armoured, and wears house takes 5 Damage.
heavy gauntlets and green-tinted goggles. In its belt is a
map drawn on a skin in reddish brown ink. The map shows The coils discharge directly into the character
a large circle intersected with a messy collection of lines, 2
making the Test, but fail to ignite the
warpstone core. The character defusing the
with five locations marked in crude skaven scratchings.
bomb takes 5 Damage, ignoring armour.
What’s Going On?
As the GM, it helps to have a full understanding of what’s
going on behind the smoke, mirrors, and machinations, so
What can we do with warpstone?
here is a brief rundown. It will take the players a number of
sessions to discover all of this information, and they likely If the party defuses the bomb, they find themselves
won’t be able to put all the pieces together until nearer the with two pounds of warpstone. What can they do
end of the campaign. with it? Well, nothing good is the short answer. The
best course of action is likely disposing of it before
A A secret society led by Gulben Coldrock, a high it causes any further harm. The Artefacts of Power
ranking member of the Council of the Forge, has supplement provides additional rules for crafting
taken root in Greywater. The organisation is called warpstone into weapons, armour, and more.
the Brotherhood of Brass. They are obsessed with
developing greater and more destructive weapons.
A Aware of the kidnappings, Skaven infiltrators led by In the watchhouse cellar a previously concealed door has
‘Captain Skitterclank’ have used the disturbance in been broken down, revealing four sets of manacles fixed
the city’s defences caused by the siege to sneak into to the wall. This was where Sergeant Quinn and his men
the city and seek out these test sites. Some may think brought the captured Skaven. Old bullet holes can be seen
Skitterclank is in search of vengeance, but he actually in the walls, where the prisoners were shot with Coldrock’s
just wants to steal experimental weapons for himself new weaponry.
— Skaven are not known for their sentimentality.
A smaller warpstone bomb has been left in the middle
A The Skaven map found in the Coldrock Ironworks of the watchhouse, and is making an ominous crackling
leads the party to four different sites where the noise. Defusing it follows the same rules used for the
Brotherhood of Brass and their followers have been bomb in the Coldrock Ironworks, page 71.
keeping captured Skaven or testing weapons on
them. The final central mark shows the Ironweld THE HAMMER AND ANVIL
Anvils of Industry, where Gulben Coldrock holds SOCIAL CLUB
regular speeches. The Hammer and Anvil Social Club is located off a workway
that leads to the now-destroyed Ironworks. Ostensibly
A The Skaven want to steal weapons and capture a club where workers congregate between shifts to play
Gulben Coldrock. games of chance over a few drinks, it is in fact home to the
Anvil, a violent gang who extort many workers and rival
establishments in the local area through brute force and
Powderkeg Lane Watchhouse long knives.
The Powderkeg Lane Watchhouse was, until very recently,
the domain of Sergeant Quinn of the watch, a man noted Lately their violent impulses have been extended to rat
for his brutality, his hatred of Sylvaneth and Skaven, and hunting expeditions beneath the city, something that
his particular hatred of any workshy, skiving layabouts was introduced to them by Brod Gurnak, who also put
who refuse to labour in the factories. However, Sergeant them in touch with people who’d pay a good price for live
Quinn’s reign of terror is over. His throat has been cut, Skaven. Like the Powderkeg Lane Watchhouse, the scene
and his body suspended from the watch sign by his is a bloodbath. Unlike the scene at the Watchhouse, four
ankles. The sign of the Horned Rat has been painted on of the dead have been dispatched with a single, straight
the watchhouse’s door in his blood. A terrified crowd has thrust to the heart.
gathered in the street outside, but dare not approach.
In the aftermath of the attack two dozen members of Blood(sports) for the Blood God
the Anvil Social Club have assembled to defend it. The The cellar beneath the Orruk’s Regret connects via a broken
Skaven had left a bomb behind here as well, but ‘Sparks’, wall to a decommissioned mining pit that has long been
an engineer by trade, has deactivated it and club members used for unlicensed boxing and pit-fighting. In recent days
are in the process of carrying it off when the party arrive. the pit has been used to hold five Skaven that the regulars
They don’t know what they’re going to use it for, but as captured in an expedition beneath the city. Now the pit
far as they’re concerned a bomb is a bomb and it’d be a is empty, although there are ten sets of broken shackles
crime to let it go to waste. Convincing them to part with it clearly visible.
requires a DN 5:1 Soul (Intimidation) Test.
The soil in the pit is blood-soaked, and littered with bones,
If the party can talk their way into the club they’ll find both animal and human, most of which have been gnawed
some of the Anvils clearing out an attic space, where the by the Skaven prisoners.
bodies of three dead Skaven are stuffed in sacks. The Anvils
maintain that these Skaven were killed in the fighting, but Weapons for the Horned Rat
they were actually captured some time ago and beaten to When the party arrives there are screams and sounds
death when the Skaven attacked. of fighting coming from the bar. Outside, a Skaven
Stormvermin has a man by the collar and is squeaking
The Anvils aren’t worshippers of Khorne, but Gulben furiously, ‘Where-where are the kill-guns?’ If they spot the
Coldrock views the violence they cause as good for stirring party approaching, they stab the man with their weapon
discontent, so regularly pays them a small subsidy. and flee inside.
THE ORRUK’S REGRET Inside the bar, a furious fight is raging between a dozen
The third site on the Skaven’s map is the Orruks’ Regret, regulars and a large part of the Skaven infiltration team,
a bar located in the Outer Circle. The bar is popular with consisting of 2 Stormvermin (page 152) per party member
ex-soldiers and workers from the nearby ironworks. Led backed up by a Stormfiend (page 153) with Grinderfist
by the barman ‘Big’ Ollis, a band of the regulars have been Tunnellers, which it used to tunnel into the city. Things are
mounting expeditions into the tunnels beneath Greywater going badly for the regulars, even though they seem well
to capture Skaven for the Brotherhood of Brass. This group armed with knives, staves, and knuckle dusters.
also organises the various blood sports that take place
in the Orruk’s Regret; lately, these games have included
bloody pit fights to the death.
The Battle at the Guildhouse While this is going on, the Skaven mount their three-
The Ironweld Anvils of Industry is a formidable structure, pronged attack. The main stage of the lecture hall is Zone
and in the aftermath of the explosion at Coldrock A, where Gulben Coldrock has set up his temporary HQ.
Ironworks, heavily armoured guards have been posted The ground floor seating is split into Zones B, C, and
outside the doors. A DN 4:1 Soul (Intimidation) or Mind D, each of which has Partial Cover due to all the chairs.
(Guile) Test is needed to get them to permit the party to The balcony above is Zone E and F, and provides Total
enter. Raise the DN to 4:2 if the party is covered in blood. Cover from ranged attacks made from below, due to the
If allowed in, the party is directed to the grand lecture hall elevation and angles. The balcony can only be reached by
to speak with Guildmaster Coldrock. If the party can’t flight, or spending a turn to take the side doors near the
get immediate access, they’ll be standing on the doorstep stage in Zones B and D, which lead up narrow stairways
when the fighting starts, at which point the guards are too to the doors in balcony Zones E and F. Large double doors
distracted by Skaven to keep them out. to the north of Zone C are the only entrance and exit to
the lecture hall.
At present the lecture hall is serving as a base of operations
from which Gulben Coldrock is coordinating the efforts From up on the balcony of the lecture hall (Zones E and F)
around his Ironworks. He was at the guildhouse to present a sharp explosion signals 2 Skaven Weapon Teams (page
his weekly lecture, but with the explosion the attendees 154) to open fire with Warplock Jezzails on the group
have fled. Runners are coming and going from the hall, below. The gunners are each protected by 1 Stormvermin.
bringing news about the fire-fighting efforts and casualties.
A steady stream of eminent Greywater residents are After one round of combat, the floor in Zone C begins to
coming in to make donations and offer help. shake and crumble. After two rounds it gives way, granting
the Zone the Difficult Terrain Trait and revealing a newly
Gulben won’t have much time for the party, but if they dug tunnel through which 1 Stormfiend with Grinderfist
explain their business quickly and concisely he’ll take Tunnellers emerges. Finally, Captain Skitterclank (page
them seriously. He’ll also swear a number of bloodthirsty 151) emerges, protected by 2 Stormvermin per party
vengeful oaths upon the Skaven if told they are to blame. member. At least one Stormvermin uses the Defend action
to protect Skitterclank each round.
‘By all I hold holy, I will crack their bones and fill them with
lead. I will carve them into pieces and burn their entrails in
front of their faces.’
AND THE STEEL RATS When the Skaven retreat, the Greycaps arrive in force and
There are untold millions of Skaven in the Mortal Realms, the group are escorted outside along with Gulben, where
but the self-proclaimed ‘Great-Captain’ Skitterclank would a large crowd has gathered at all the commotion. There,
screech that he is the one with the greatest ‘kill-smart’. He Gulben Coldrock thanks the party for saving him.
is a Clans Skryre leader who has become obsessed with
Greywater Fastness and their destructive weaponry — so ‘If you hadn’t been here, those wretched rats would have
obsessed that he steals and wears the various trappings carted me off to who knows what. I should have expected
of a Freeguild captain. He carries an advanced Ratling it, I suppose. We’ve been working day and night on making
Cannon, and commands a regiment of Stormvermin he weapons to kill these rat-bastards. With all the rats we’ve
dubs the ‘Steel Rats’. killed it seems they got curious and came looking for their
own revenge.’
Unusually for a Skaven, a row of medals is fixed to his
armour, although these are often hidden beneath his He then addresses the crowd:
dramatic midnight-blue cape. All of these trappings were
stolen from the corpses of Freeguild leaders he slew in ‘Citizens of Greywater, take heart. We’ll take revenge for
battle. When the fighting starts, Captain Skitterclank can what’s happened here today, and for what they’ve done to
be found where all smart Skryre leaders are, issuing orders the Ironworks and our people. A thousand rats for every
from the rear while protected by a wall of shrieking meat Grit life they’ve taken from us. We’ll drown them in tunnels
shields, urging his rats on with chittering demands and full of rat blood.’
spraying bullets into his foes — and into fellow Skaven
if they are ‘stupid’ enough to get in the way of his bullets. The crowd cheers and he is quick to resume his duty as
leader of the Coldrock Engineering Company, speaking
Great-Captain Skitterclank wants to kidnap Gulben to his aides and coordinating firefighting efforts while
Coldrock, but was not expecting such strong resistance swearing oaths of vengeance.
from the party. He spouts bombastic claims and threats,
but the instant things start looking bad (if he loses too
many bodyguards, takes half his Toughness in Damage,
or if his Stormfiend is defeated) he flees the scene with
his Stormvermin bodyguards and vanishes through the
tunnels and sewers to regroup.
Take a Breather
From the opening bang to the kidnapping attempt on
Gulben Coldrock, the party has rushed flat out. There’s
an explosion. There’s workers in danger. The powder store
is going to blow. There’s a bomb. There are Skaven in the
city! There’s a Council member in danger! Later parts of
the adventure give the players more scope in choosing
their approach, but Part 1 should run as a succession of
escalating crises that have the party rushing to stay on top
of the situation.
PART 2: FALLEN LEAVES Two days ago the Cherished Weald found a horribly
mutilated Sylvaneth Dryad collapsed in one of their
After the drama at the Ironweld guildhouse, the situation gardens. They have done their best to care for them, but
in Greywater Fastness calms down as the city gets to work the Sylvaneth needs to be returned to their own kind if
repairing the damage done by the explosion. A few nights they are to survive.
later, a party member is contacted by Anastasia Everlark,
leader of the Cherished Weald gardeners, for aid. Unfortunately, the gardeners are closely watched by the
Greycaps, making it all but impossible for them to return
the Sylvaneth themselves. If the gardeners are found
A Request for Aid aiding a Sylvaneth within the city, the Cherished Weald
The contact is made quietly, and privately — held in a will be shut down, and who knows what will happen to the
shadowed alley, tavern backroom, or similar hidden Sylvaneth. Anastasia asks the party to save the Sylvaneth
location. Anastasia Everlark is concerned (correctly) that and the Cherished Weald by escorting them from the city.
she is being watched by city authorities and doesn’t want
to bring more trouble upon herself. If the party agrees to help, Anastasia is overwhelmed with
thanks and claims she knew that the party were good
If the party has a Sylvaneth member, she prioritises souls. She then leads them on a circuitous route to the
approaching them. Otherwise, she finds the party member location of the injured Sylvaneth.
who would appear the most sympathetic to her cause —
any party member who uses Jade magic, is an Aelf, or If the party refuses to help, the Cherished Weald have
appears to be an authority figure not directly linked to no choice but to smuggle the Sylvaneth out of the city
Greywater Fastness. themselves. The Dryad escapes, but the Cherished Weald
are caught in the process. As expected, they are arrested
and the Cherished Weald are broken up by the Greycaps.
Their gardens, the last patches of wild greenery in the city,
are swept aside. Increase Doom by 1.
Roleplaying Anastasia Everlark To Name the Trees
You are a kindhearted and quiet individual who Greywater Fastness took many things from the
protests the oppression and industrialisation Ghoul Mere’s Sylvaneth, but the Sylvaneth’s
of Greywater society through compassion and true names remain theirs alone. Mottled Leaf
empathy. You are a leader of the Cherished Weald is only ‘Mottled Leaf’ because the Gritfolk don’t
(page 29), and know that you’re responsible for your know what else to call them, and the same goes
passionate followers and their families, the few wild for Pale Oak, Charred Yew, and the clan’s other
patches of green in the city, and the joy they bring. Noble Spirits. Most common Sylvaneth, like
To that end, you know that you have to be careful Dryads and Spite-Revenants, don’t even have
who you trust, as the Council of the Forge views nicknames like these.
the Cherished Weald as Sylvaneth sympathisers
just a leaf’s breadth away from turning on their
fellow Grits. You pretty much always have soil on
your clothes and beneath your nails, and wear a
unique earring which marks you as a member of
the Cherished Weald, which you have a bad habit A Dryad’s Tale
of fidgeting with. The Sylvaneth is a Dryad named Mottled Leaf (they/
them). They are currently being hidden by a member of
the Cherished Weald in the loft of a disused house in the
Handmarket (page 21).
Mottled Leaf can answer the following questions:
What did they want? The people didn’t say. They asked
no questions.
Sylvaneth Smuggling The Greycaps could be lured away, or otherwise distracted
Escorting Mottled Leaf out of the city poses a number of long enough to let Mottled Leaf slip away from the building,
challenges to the party. by making an Opposed DN 4:1 Mind (Guile) Test against
the Greycaps’ Mind (Awareness). Alternatively, the party
LEAVING THE HOUSE may come up with some other means of distracting or
Anastasia Everlark is right to be concerned about being incapacitating them, using magic or some other clever
watched. Undercover Greycap Soldiers (page 149) ploy. If they fail, the Greycaps realise they are being tricked
have been tasked with following the Cherished Weald’s and raise the alarm.
members, although they missed Mottled Leaf being
brought in. Spotting them isn’t hard; a DN 5:1 Mind Another escape route is to climb out of the hole in the loft
(Awareness) Test or anyone with a Natural Awareness of roof and travel along the rooftops above the Greycaps’
2 or higher reveals two heavy-set Humans loitering at the heads. Anyone attempting to do so must make a DN 5:1
end of the street, who followed Anastasia to the building. Body (Athletics) Test. On failure, they misplace their foot
in the darkness and send loose roof tiles crashing to the
The Greycap Soldiers can summon another ten uniformed street below, alerting the Greycaps.
watchmen if they suspect danger or illegal activity.
Anastasia urges the party not to attack the Greycaps, as If the Greycaps are alerted, they summon reinforcements
she doesn’t want any blood on her hands, and any deaths and give chase. The party manage to shake them off in the
related to the Cherished Weald will no doubt result in dark, winding streets, but the city-wide alarm puts all the
arrests and who knows what else. Greycaps guarding the gates on high alert, increasing the
Difficulty of all further Tests to escape the city by 1.
Avoiding the Greycaps with the injured Mottled Leaf in
tow is not an easy task. The Dryad is missing a leg and is all ESCAPING THE CITY
but impossible to disguise aside from the very conspicuous Once the party has slipped away from the undercover
robes that Anastasia offers to cover them with. As a result, Greycap Soldiers, they must find a way to smuggle Mottled
anyone escorting Mottled Leaf suffers Disadvantage on Leaf beyond the city walls. There are any number of
Opposed Body (Stealth) Tests. methods the party may come up with on their own. If they
are stuck, Anastasia can offer the following suggestions, as
someone who has had to skirt around the Greycaps before:
A They could approach the group of revolutionaries Find the Scouts: Mottled Leaf expresses their desire to
at Magpie’s Nest (page 31). They have access to return to their people directly, but refuses to lead strangers
various secret tunnels connecting to the blocked- to their hidden grove. They claim that another scouting
up canals that run beneath the city walls. They will party of Dryads must be searching for them by now and
grant access, but only if the party agree to donate a all they need to do is leave the One Road for long enough
large sum to their revolution (200D), or repay them and they will be found. It takes one day of travel off the
with a big favour in the future. This favour will be One Road and two rolls on the Ghoul Mere Exploration
cashed in during the party’s next downtime period table (page 54) before the Dryad scouts appear.
and prevent them from taking Endeavours during
that time, as they undertake illicit activities to hinder There are three Dryads (page 156) in the scouting party
productivity in various factories throughout the city. and they are furious at the sight of the injured Mottled
Leaf. They snatch their fellow Dryad from the party and
A They could reach out to Corporal Steelwater for furiously hiss and lash out at any party members who
help. She is reluctant at first, but eventually agrees approach. They leave as soon as they can, taking their
to turn off the outflow pipe for a short time to let injured ally back to the grove. There, Mottled Leaf is
the party escape through the sewers in the same healed and has enough time to tell their full story — of
way they entered the city. If the party does this, the cruelty they experienced, but also of those in the city
they encounter a group of 1 Stormvermin per party willing to side with the Sylvaneth.
member attempting to infiltrate the city.
Take Mottled Leaf to Charred Yew: If the party seeks
Regardless of what method the party uses to escape the out Charred Yew, they can find him at the same spot they
city, if they are caught in the act they are arrested, but met him in Harbinger of Trouble or by making a DN 4:2
Mottled Leaf manages to escape and flee into the Ghoul Mind (Survival) Test to track his titanic footfalls through
Mere. Skip to The Sylvaneth Respond (page 82) as if the the Ghoul Mere. Alternatively, if the party cannot find
party had opted to Abandon Mottled Leaf in the Mere him and wander the Ghoul Mere for more than two days,
(see below). Otherwise, the party safely escorts Mottled making four rolls on the Ghoul Mere Exploration table
Leaf from the city and progresses into the next leg of the (page 54), Charred Yew finds the party and berates them
adventure. for getting lost again.
Charred Yew takes Mottled Leaf into his arms and utters:
Returning Mottled Leaf ‘In all my misspent seasons warring with the Humans, I
Once beyond the walls the party has several choices as to have never seen such cruelty…’. He thanks the party for
what they do with Mottled Leaf. They could: rescuing the Dryad and agrees that even though he is
exiled, he will carry Mottled Leaf the rest of the way to
Abandon Mottled Leaf in the Mere: Now that they are the grove. Unfortunately, he cannot let the party come
free from the city, Mottled Leaf will make their way away with him as it would only put them in danger and make
from the group towards the distant treeline, drawn by the matters worse. Mottled Leaf safely returns to the grove,
Spirit Song. is healed, and tells their full story. In addition, Charred
Yew’s calming nature has a positive effect on Mottled Leaf,
If they are let go without an escort, they are found near and the grove at large, as he helps to temper some of the
death by the Sylvaneth some days later. They describe Sylvaneth’s immediate rage, reducing Doom by 1.
the cruelty and tortures they experienced, but die from
further injuries suffered during their lonely trek across Regardless, after Mottled Leaf has been returned to the
the Ghoul Mere before they can talk about the Cherished Sylvaneth, the party can return to the city. Since the
Weald or the party’s help. Outraged that one of their own Skaven siege has broken, they have no trouble entering
was captured, tortured, and killed by the residents of through the Mere Keep. Here they face questioning under
Greywater Fastness, the Sylvaneth’s rage is immeasurable. suspicion of ‘conspiring with Sylvaneth infiltrators’, but
Increase Doom by 1. the charges do not stick for long, and they are released
back into the city with a stern warning.
The Sylvaneth Respond
The treatment of Mottled Leaf prompts a furious response
from the Sylvaneth. At dawn the day after Mottled Leaf ’s
Roleplaying Pale Oak return, Pale Oak (page 157) appears before Greywater
Fastness. His words repeated in unison by hundreds of
You are a Treelord, one of the greatest leaders Dryads, he roars out his challenge to the city walls.
among the Sylvaneth. You have warred with the
mortals within Greywater Fastness for over a ‘People of the stench. Dwellers in the Great Blight. Breakers
century, and bear the scars to prove it. You despise of young wood. You have taken our kin, scored their bark,
them. Their guns, their ugly grey walls, and the burned their flesh, severed their limbs, and degraded their
poison that pours from them. You are prone to spirit. Surrender those responsible to my justice, or I will
making sweeping gestures with your great blade, sever your One Road, and each and every one of you shall
and your booming voice can shake the earth just starve within your stone prison, just as Mottled Leaf did.’
as well as your footfalls. Every day, more Sylvaneth
agree with your warlike call, and you know that the Pale Oak’s words spread panic in Greywater. While some
time is coming when you will finally wipe the blight mock the Sylvaneth and point to the walls and guns of
of Greywater Fastness from the face of Ghyran. the city, others look to the One Road and wonder how
long food will last should the Sylvaneth close it. Panic
buying of food takes hold in the markets and Greycaps
are deployed to prevent food riots from breaking out. In
the squares of the city angry mobs appear demanding the
Council of the Forge take action against the
arrogant, swamp-dwelling Sylvaneth.
There are calls for bombardments
and bringing the Hands to bear.
PART 3: THE BLOODY the poisoned well of power and your soul is a plaything
for the Dark Gods. You desire to see the streets run red
FARM with blood, and you don’t mind whose blood it is. Blood
for the Blood God.
The party has only a scant few hours of rest before they are
summoned before the Council of the Forge. A squadron of Roleplaying notes: You are short-tempered and you don’t
Greycaps lead the party through the streets, much to the like to be challenged. Ignore anyone who doesn’t agree
murmurings of the citizens. with you, and if they insist on opposing you, turn quickly
to intimidation. Swear creatively and often, especially if it
CALLED BEFORE THE COUNCIL seems other people don’t know how to respond to it.
The Council meet in the Crucible of State (page 19). The
Council of the Forge consists of just under 100 members, NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED
a vast collection of industrialists and politicians, each Before the party are called they must sit through
with varying degrees of power and followings. The main a discussion the Council considers to be of great
three Council members that this campaign focuses on are importance. Pale Oak’s threat has highlighted how fragile
Gulben Coldrock, who the party have met before, and the Greywater Fastness’s supply situation is. Noting the great
following two new faces below: example set by the Ghoul Mere Pioneers at Brinna’s Farm,
Astrid Taverr presents proposals to establish additional
Onduran Emblyn, Member of the Conclave farms outside the walls in the Ghoul Mere within range
Appearance: A plump Human (he/him) in his early of the city’s guns. She explains that vast reserves of Aqua
thirties who wears stylish clothes, and sports a neat beard Ghyranis have been acquired to promote crop growth,
and a pair of thick, round spectacles which he is almost engines are prepared to drain parts of the mere, and ‘If the
constantly polishing. Sylvaneth try anything, we can blast them to kindling.’
Goals: Progress and productivity. Onduran is sick of Gulben Coldrock approves of the notion, claiming that ‘It’s
seeing Greywater Fastness mired in rivalries, grudges, and about time we made Greywater truly self-sustaining’, but
feuds with the Sylvaneth. He wants peace, because it’s hard Onduran expresses that ‘this is not the time to go poking
to turn a profit in such a volatile situation, especially if the the hornet’s nest’.
city is under siege.
The proposal is left to deliberation and Astrid storms back
Roleplaying notes: You are confident in your position of to her bench where she simmers for what time remains of
power, and you find people fascinating. Ask questions, the proceedings.
and be genuinely interested in the answers. If you can,
fiddle with your spectacles when you’re thinking (which Then the characters are brought forward to explain
is often). Be polite and considerate of others but don’t let themselves. The Council expects to be taken seriously
anyone talk over you when you have something to say; and to have their questions answered, on punishment of
equally, you don’t talk if you have nothing useful to add to arrest or exile. An eyewitness steps forward who spotted
the conversation. the party helping a Sylvaneth escape the city. This may be
one of the undercover Greycaps, or a reliable civilian who
Astrid Taverr, Councillor of the Forge just happened to see them. Taverr points out that one day
Appearance: A tall, powerful, muscular Human woman later the Sylvaneth are at the wall talking about injustices.
in her late forties, Astrid is in startlingly good shape for a So clearly there’s a connection. What follows depends on
politician. She has dark hair, pale skin, and several visible what the party mentions:
scars which come from her long military service.
A If the party accuses Gulben Coldrock of being
Goals: As a former soldier, you truly thought that involved in the kidnap and torture of Sylvaneth, the
overwhelming force was the best way to solve Greywater chamber goes silent and Taverr says the party should
Fastness’s problems, internal and external. Years ago, ‘watch who you level accusations against.’ Gulben
during a patrol of the Ghoul Mere, you discovered a claims that he does test his weapons on captives, but
daemonic blade buried deep in the mud. It called to you, only Skaven captives. A DN 4:1 Mind (Intuition)
promising the power to protect your soldiers. Foolishly, Test reveals that he appears to be telling the truth.
you accepted the blade. Now you have drank deep from
A If the party mentions Anastasia Everlark or the WHO’S RESPONSIBLE?
Cherished Weald, Taverr uses this as an excuse to The Brotherhood of Brass is a secret organisation made
issue an order for the leader of the Cherished Weald’s up of some of the finest weaponsmiths and most war-
arrest for conspiring against the city. obsessed industrialists in Greywater Fastness, many of
whom are in the employ of Gulben Coldrock, who acts as
A The Council ignores any suspicion of cults or Chaos the master of the secret society. They devote themselves to
worship, calling it hysteria. producing weapons that cause extreme bloodshed. So far
these weapons are all artisan pieces, each one a master-
After the characters recount their tale, or if they staunchly crafted weapon of great value. They have gifted these
deny involvement, Onduran steps in and proposes that weapons to some of the greatest warriors in the realms —
the party was duped into helping a Sylvaneth spy escape and so unknowingly, by extension, secured more souls for
the city, but since they caused this mess, they can solve the Blood God.
it, by helping to find the parties responsible for harming
Mottled Leaf and surrendering them to the Sylvaneth. The Brotherhood of Brass have taken delight in testing
their weapons on Skaven subjects, slaughtering them in
bloody, one-sided combat. Unlike Gulben, Astrid and her
Finding the Cult followers know what god they serve, as Astrid has been
With the party set free from their interrogation at the severely corrupted by a daemonic blade she discovered in
hands of the Council, it’s up to them to seek out the the Ghoul Mere some years ago. Astrid is responsible for
culprits and deliver them to the Sylvaneth before someone securing test subjects for their experiments, but they have
on either side of the walls does something dreadful. grown bored of hearing Skaven shrieks and turned their
attention to the Sylvaneth, with Mottled Leaf ’s scouting
For every full day that passes without the culprits being group the first to be captured.
handed over to the Sylvaneth, increase Doom by 1, as the
city begins to slowly tear itself apart under the renewed Astrid’s faction has become a full blown Khornate cult that
siege, with food supplies already at an all time low. operates out of Brinna’s Farm and a number of hidden
cells throughout the city. There, they have killed countless
Skaven in sacrificial fights to the death, saturating the
earth with blood and feeding their skulls to a monstrous
Khorgorath kept inside the farm
While Astrid Taverr is the head of the cult, her deputy There are some in Greywater who do more than just
Brinna Coalhands is responsible for the day-to-day complain about this. The Ghoul Mere Pioneers are a band
running of the operation. Brinna also plays the role of cut- of militant anti-Sylvaneth who have attempted to establish
out. Should the cult be compromised Brinna has sworn to smallholdings in the Ghoul Mere itself. Their proudest
take responsibility for its activities, to protect Taverr, and achievement is Brinna’s Farm, a collection of a half-dozen
by extension Gulben, from exposure. buildings located behind a stockade erected on the One
Road just within range of the Hands.
The biggest clue the party have encountered so far comes Brinna’s Farm is more a heavily armed camp than an
from Mottled Leaf ’s story. The Dryad mentioned the actual farmstead. Over the last year, Astrid Taverr has
sound of cattle when they were being held captive. Anyone slowly turned the farm into a haven for her splinter cult,
resident in Greywater, or success on a DN 4:1 Mind (Lore) engineering the replacement or death of any Pioneers not
Test, reveals that any kind of cattle are exceedingly rare in a part of her cult. Now it is entirely staffed by Khornate
Greywater Fastness. cultists, a perfect staging ground for them to roam into
the mere to capture Skaven, and now Sylvaneth, to fight
Most meat is brought in already dried and salted along and sacrifice. Those who survive are transported into the
the One Road, and most work-animals have been replaced inner city for Gulben’s weapon experiments. In residence
with Rattletraps. Some cattle are held in pens just inside are 3 Ghoul Mere Pioneers per party member, Brinna
the Grey Gate gate and slaughtered there. But living cattle Coalhands, and Grick Miller (use Greycap Soldiers, page
can only be found in the Handmarket, where luxury 149, for all of the Ghoul Mere Pioneers).
goods, including fresh meat, are sold to the nobility, and
at Brinna’s Farm. Brinna Coalhands is the leader of the Pioneers at Brinna’s
Farm. A formidable 45 year old woman who served 15
Ulda Dammercy’s Butchery shop imports livestock for years in the Greycaps before becoming a full-time Pioneer,
sale to restaurants and the nobility. On request they will she makes sure to maintain good relations with the officers
slaughter the animal for you and prepare whatever cuts and men manning the wall overlooking the farm.
you require. They do have a selection of cattle — strange
Ghyran farmstock known imaginatively as ‘woodhorns’ Grick Miller is the chief scout of the Ghoul Mere
which sport gnarled oaken antlers and ample meat Pioneers. He led the party that kidnapped Mottled Leaf
beneath their leafy coats. and is delighted with the success of the mission. As well as
capturing more Sylvaneth for the Brotherhood of Brass, he
The proprietor, Ulda, is happy to answer the party’s has started additional patrols with the goal of murdering
questions. She knows nothing about Mottled Leaf and just any Sylvaneth he comes across.
wants things to go back to normal, as all the sieges mean
she is running desperately low on grain to feed her cattle. Other than the occupants, Brinna’s Farm sports some
The only other location where Ulda knows there are cattle token rice fields growing outside the stockade — a hardy
is at Brinna’s Farm; she sold some to them two years ago. breed originating from Ulgu that is known to grow
She says, ‘I don’t think they’d have thrived in the ‘mere, regardless of light sources. Four skinny Woodhorns live
though — poor things. ‘Twould have been better to have out a miserable existence on a diet of swamp grass and
slaughtered them here.’ polluted mere-water.
Brinna’s Farm The Barracks: This is where most of the Pioneers live and
Brinna’s Farm is made up of various Zones as shown on the sleep. Outside of the usual sundries found in the living
Brinna’s Farm map. The rice fields and swamp Zones both quarters of soldiers or farmers — e.g., well-worn personal
have the Difficult Terrain Trait, and when the party arrive, weapons and tools — there is also the odd hand-carved
a thick drizzle is lashing the farm, granting all Zones the symbol of blasphemy.
Partially Obscured Trait. In addition, several key areas are
detailed below: The Storeshed: Located next to the cattle stalls, the stone-
built storeshed boasts two heavy locks and a reinforced
The Stockade: The walls are tall and reinforced with strong door. Inside, a Khorgorath (Soulbound, page 317) is
wood taken from the Ghyran wilds. Atop them are a pair bound and held in a skull-gorged stupor just waiting to be
of ballista which cannot be moved, but can be swivelled stirred awake. Characters with a Natural Awareness of 3
inward if needed. They use the following profile: are able to sense the Khorgorath before entering the shed.
A Ballista: 5 + S Damage, Long Range. Penetrating, Brinna’s Cabin: Brinna has a whole cabin to herself inside
Piercing. the stockade. Poorly hidden within, requiring only a
Natural Awareness of 2 to notice the bloody scuff marks
The Armoury: A cursory inspection of the armoury on the floor, is a door that leads to a small shrine of the
reveals that one half is filled with a mish-mash of weapons, Blood God. A pair of ceremonial daggers and a brass idol
mostly old, while on the other side a dozen shiny new depicting the Blood God roasting souls over a bonfire of
handaxes stand next to two dozen brand new Coldrock Sylvaneth sits in pride of place. Alongside it is Brinna’s
rifles. Beneath a large wooden hatch in the floor lies a journal, hand-written in brackish Skaven blood.
bloody fighting pit, the soil stained completely red. This
is where the Skaven and later Mottled Leaf were forced to The journal claims that Brinna is the mastermind of the
fight to the death. Khorne cult, spurred on as she was by her hatred of the
Skaven and Sylvaneth. It claims that she replaced all the
Ghoul Mere Pioneers herself with loyal cultists, and spent If they insist on being let inside, Brinna agrees to let them
her time capturing and murdering Skaven for the Blood in, but only in an attempt to spring a trap on the party.
God. Then, whenever she needed funds for the farm, She leads them into the heart of the farm, seals the gate,
she would sell the strongest captives to Gulben Coldrock and orders the Pioneers to attack. She orders Grick to
for his weapon experiments. The journal details each ‘wake our friend’, and he moves to the storage shed and
of these deeds in gruesome detail, including the recent unleashes the Khorgorath held within, which bursts forth
capture and torture of Mottled Leaf. This journal paints to join the fray.
Gulben Coldrock and Astrid Taverr as gullible fools who
knew nothing about Brinna’s scheme, but this is a lie. Brinna is such a fervent follower of the Blood God that she
The journal is a failsafe deliberately planted by Brinna to will not surrender. As she succumbs to her wounds, she
protect the greater body of the Khornate cult in Greywater gleefully confesses her sins — or as she calls them, ‘great
by diverting culpability onto herself, a role she is happy to battles’ — and orders the party to place her skull within on
serve in, for the greater good of the cult. her shrine once she is gone.
In addition, the use of any weapons with the Loud Trait, or Gulben publicly agrees to cease using live subjects for
spells or equipment that the GM dictates as suitably loud, his experiments, and rescinds his open bounty for live
also raises the alarm. If they are discovered at any point, Skaven. Surrounded as they are by a cloak of wealth, and
the alarm is raised and a fight breaks out as if they had their influence over the Council of the Forge, both of them
chosen The Direct Approach option. are widely exonerated of any sins.
Alternatively, if they enter the storeshed, they instantly If for any reason the party didn’t succeed in rooting out
wake the Khorgorath, which breaks its chains and bursts the splinter cult completely — if Brinna or Grick escape,
through the walls to attack. for example — the remnants seek to take revenge in The
Night of A Thousand Fangs (page 125). Amidst the
If the party manages to infiltrate, gather evidence, and chaos of future events, they seek out the party members
report back to the city, a squadron of 10 Greycaps are individually and attempt to kill them at inopportune
dispatched to seize the farm under Corporal Steelwater. moments.
This results in the same outcome as The Direct Approach.
Meanwhile, the party is likely to have earned a great deal
of respect for saving the city from another siege. Still,
AFTERMATH depending on their actions, they may have made some
enemies. The Pioneers were seen as heroes by many, and
Once the dust settles, the remaining members of the some refuse to believe that they were responsible for such
Ghoul Mere Pioneers at Brinna’s Farm are delivered into crimes, instead accusing the party of stringing them up as
the gnarled hands of Pale Oak and his Dryad cohort. They a sacrifice to the Sylvaneth. In addition, if it comes to light
make a swift and final display of tearing the cultists to that the party helped a Sylvaneth escape the city, they are
shreds before the walls of the city. Pale Oak almost seems branded by many as sympathisers, which comes with all
disappointed in the aftermath of the execution, and is manner of stigma in certain circles.
the last Sylvaneth to turn his back on the city, shouting
out across the blasted wastelands, ‘Let this be your final From here the party can move on to further adventures
warning!’ as he goes. in Greywater Fastness. The Riven Bridge (page 89) takes
them outside the walls, where they find that Khorne’s
With Brinna’s Farm now vacant, the Greycaps are given influence is also having an effect on the Sylvaneth. Brinna’s
jurisdiction over the small but vital plot of land. Corporal journal and the continued pleas of ignorance from Gulben
Steelwater is given command of the small garrison tasked and Taverr may make the party think that they have dealt
with overseeing its restoration, though if asked, she is with the problem of Khorne worship within Greywater
uncertain whether this is a reward, or a punishment for Fastness, but the problem runs far deeper.
her connections with the party. Under her command, the
farm is purged of Chaos taint, and they bring in actual
farmers, who work hard to try and usher some grudging Rewards
life out of the earth. Provided they were not arrested, some As well as awarding XP for achieving any personal or
members of the Cherished Weald take up this challenge, party Short- or Long-term Goals, award additional XP for
giving them a place to ply their green fingers away from the following:
the constant overwatch of the Council of the Forge.
A 1 XP for completing the adventure.
Inside the city, Gulben Coldrock and Astrid Taverr
proclaim their innocence and ignorance of the Ghoul A 1 XP for rescuing the workers, or stopping the
Mere Pioneers’ activities (true in Gulben’s case, but false secondary explosion at the warehouse.
for Astrid). Their claims are backed up by the discovery of
Brinna’s journal, which is held as the key piece of evidence A 1 XP for delivering Mottled Leaf to Charred Yew or
in the condemnation of the Ghoul Mere Pioneers and the Sylvaneth scouts.
acquittal of the Council of the Forge.
A 1 XP for defeating the Khorgorath.
Threat: Captain Heinz approaches the party. Reports have A The Ghoul Mere once had a thriving ecosystem, but
come in that the Holfast Bridge has collapsed, cutting now nothing lives within sight of the One Road.
off all overland travel along the One Road. As the most Undead remains pile up against the road’s edge,
experienced in traversing the mere, Heinz has been tasked wrenched out of the swamp by the Necroquake but
by the Ironweld Arsenal to lead the repair crew, but laid back to rest by the ghostlights.
knowing how dangerous it is, he requests that the party
join him on the mission, as he feels that his convoy is Party members can also make a DN 5:2 Soul (Entertain)
under-defended. Test to lift morale among the repair crew. Not many work
in the Ghoul Mere by choice, and the few volunteers have
only come because of the rising price of food. Characters
PART 1: THE FRAYING who succeed endear themselves to the workers, and have
Advantage on future Opposed Tests to calm, convince, or
ROAD inspire the crew.
The repair crew led by Captain Heinz meets the party You can include random encounters here if you like (see
at the city gates. A motley collection of smith-priests, The Ghoul Mere, page 54, from Harbinger of Trouble
ghost hunters, and hungry masons, they possess tonnes for more information), but don’t feel pressure to include
of construction equipment, as well as cumbersome mobile action for action’s sake. Use the first leg of the journey to
fortifications they plan to establish at the worksite. All of establish the Ghoul Mere’s oppressive atmosphere, any
this is pulled by a small pack of hardy Rattletraps. The friendly NPCs on the repair crew, and the consequences
party’s purpose is first to protect the vulnerable convoy if the One Road fails.
in transit, and second to discover what happened to the
ghostlights. Read or paraphrase the following once the
party leaves the city: What Broke the Bridge
The river’s sloshing indicates Holfast Bridge is close, but
Silence, as thick as the smog shrouding the Hysh-light, the ghostlights that normally illuminate the bridge have
hangs over the crumbling road. The repair crew joke and vanished. As the heavy machinery catches up to the
laugh to fill the quiet, but the bottomless hush swallows caravan’s front, the repair crew’s leader asks for the party’s
their voices and gives back only footfalls squelching in help in setting up the work camp, which is done in a
mud, or the rare breeze straining against the still, humid surprisingly timely manner — spurred on as the crew is
air. Soon even the most garrulous engineers stop talking, by fear of the dangers around them.
leaving the crew to march like a funeral procession past
shattered tree stumps and oil-slick ponds of scum. Once set up, the camp is divided into several Zones: the
West Camp and East Camp, which are lit by plentiful
The party’s destination is Holfast Bridge, the only segment torchlight, and the West Bridge, East Bridge, and River,
of the One Road that spans the wide, sludge-filled river which all count as Difficult Terrain. In addition, if a
nicknamed Old Sorrow. Any party member can speak to character enters or starts their turn in the River Zone,
Heinz or other members of the repair crew to discover they must make a DN 5:1 Body (Athletics) Test or fall
more about the One Road as they travel: Prone due to the rushing water. The two Zones outside the
West Camp and East Camp lead into the Ghoul Mere, and
A Originally built by Sylvaneth, the One Road winds count as Lightly Obscured due to the lack of light.
and twists through sacred sites where the ghostlights
shine the strongest. Ironweld engineers ‘improved’ Once the camp is established, the party can investigate
the highway by cutting straight lines through the the bridge. Not much of the bridge remains. Its closest
swamp, which sped up traffic but also made the route abutment protrudes, stump-like, from the bank of the
far more deadly. river, while shattered arches sit in the water, splitting the
current around them. Torn clothing and sludge-soaked
A The ghostlights are tiny Spites, though it’s hard to say cargo barrels litter the shore.
what draws them to the locations where they gather.
Their light soothes or befuddles any undead that get
close. All attempts by Greywater wizards to capture,
move, or replicate them have failed.
Characters who pass a DN 4:1 Mind (Crafting) Test can The Defender of Monsters
tell that extreme force broke the stone in multiple places, Oakshadow’s roar causes a group of 4 gunners near the
sending debris flying upstream, while those who pass a front to come running. (Use Cogsmiths, Soulbound page
DN 5:1 Mind (Survival) Test realise a large group was 303, to represent them.) The Treelord turns his attention
crossing the bridge when it broke. A thick mist makes upon these easier prey as soon as the first bullets graze his
details on the distant side difficult to make out. bark, which only encourages the crew to keep shooting.
If the heroes draw attention to themselves, such as by One round after the fighting begins, the repair crew
crossing the river, shouting to each other, or wielding shouts that the Sylvaneth have sent reinforcements. The
bright lights, then a silhouette disguised among the stone panicked calls of ‘Ambush!’ and ‘They’re everywhere!’ are
debris stirs. Water sloshes off him as he stands, running exaggerated, though. It is not a full-fledged wargrove, but
across his bark, his posture hunched and ape-like. Bulging only Charred Yew, rumbling his discontent as he strides
pink fungus splits the bark around his arms and shoulders, across the river.
and the crown of branches around his head is unnaturally
angular, dripping with sap. The Treelord turns drowsily, Charred Yew makes a fearsome sight with his ash-
until he catches sight of any non-Sylvaneth among the blackened bark, wicked talons, and one glowing eye, but
party. Then the etchings on his bark flash scarlet, as he he does not mean anyone harm. He scoops up injured
bristles, roars, and charges. crew or Mortally Wounded party members and carries
them to safety, all while half-commanding, half-begging
Aemhlann, called Oakshadow for the way he tails and Oakshadow to stop. Mistaking his aid for further attack,
guards Pale Oak in battle, is a Treelord who has been the gunners spend their next turn firing on Charred Yew.
overwhelmed by the growing discordant Spirit-Song of
vengeance directed against Greywater Fastness. A few The party can halt this mistake by making a DN 5:1 Soul
days ago, he slaughtered a trading convoy mid-crossing, (Intimidation) Test to make the gunners stop firing. If
destroying the bridge and scattering its ghostlights in the they don’t do this, or otherwise fail, Captain Heinz does
process. Oakshadow has knelt amongst the debris ever so instead, but his shock delays the call by an additional
since, eager for vengeance but with nothing in sight to turn, meaning Charred Yew suffers two rounds of attacks
kill, while his fading conscience fights the hatred burning from the gunners.
through his heart. The party’s arrival breaks his paralysis,
as insensate fury consumes what’s left of his personality.
This encounter should feel chaotic and disorientating. If a Branchwych is present, then Charred Yew bows his
What started as a simple quest to ‘slay the monster’ head and asks if they can save Oakshadow. Sylvaneth know
becomes a tangle of unclear targets and allies hurting Yew is not talking about the Treelord’s life, but something
allies. No matter what, Oakshadow does not survive. If far more important: his lamentiri, the soulseed containing
the party members do not kill him, then Captain Heinz all his lineage’s ancestral memories. Branchwyches
delivers the final blow, unwilling to let Oakshadow live automatically succeed at dissecting Oakshadow and
when it means putting his crew’s lives at risk. harvesting his lamentiri, but if your Branchwych player
is comfortable with roleplaying more, expand on how
YEW’S FURY they conduct this sacred duty. Every enclave’s customs are
Charred Yew is not immune to the discordant Spirit-Song. different. Do they sing as they work? Is the body arranged
A seed of anger is planted from the moment he hears a certain way beforehand? Can other party members help,
Oakshadow’s scream, and it grows with every incident or must the Branchwych perform this ritual alone?
where his beliefs are tested. As he journeys with the
party, Yew faces many junctures that put his nonviolent While Oakshadow’s body is likely severely damaged, his
philosophy to the test, and how the party supports or lamentiri itself remains intact, if slick with oily slime from
undermines him heavily influences the outcomes. To track his time in the river. Either Charred Yew or the party
his morale, Charred Yew has a counter called Despair, Branchwych must carry it until they can safely plant it in a
which starts at 0. The more Despair he accumulates, the soulpod grove. Adjust later descriptions and scenarios as
more likely it is Yew succumbs to the discordant Spirit- necessary to account for the fact that Charred Yew is only
Song during the adventure’s finale. carrying Oakshadow’s lamentiri, not his entire corpse.
If Charred Yew takes 10 or more damage from the crew If the party does not have a Branchwych, then Yew carries
gunners, or if anyone dies as a result of his interference, he Oakshadow’s body in his arms. He has neither the skills
gains 1 Despair. nor the tools to extract the corpse’s lamentiri, so he plans
to haul the body to his clan’s grove, where a Branchwych
he once knew can recover Oakshadow’s lamentiri and tell
Maintaining the Cycle him what happened. Reduce Charred Yew’s movement
Oakshadow’s corpse lies in the mud. A gunner starts speed to Slow so long as he is carrying Oakshadow’s body,
a joke about firewood but cuts himself off as Charred as he is encumbered by the heavy weight.
Yew strides over his head. In a few steps, Yew reaches
his fallen Sylvaneth brother and kneels, hand tracing the Yew invites the party to come with him. He is plagued with
cavity of Oakshadow’s lamentiri. ‘What happened to you, a terrible sense of foreboding and suspects Oakshadow’s
sproutling?’ he rumbles, his Spirit-Song resonating with transformation is related to the disappearing ghostlights,
resignation and sorrow. and hopes he and the party together can stop Oakshadow’s
fate from befalling any other Sylvaneth.
Charred Yew explains to the party about the nature
of the Spirit-Song if they are not already aware of it, GETTING TO KNOW YEW
and comments that lately it has become increasingly Charred Yew wants to know what the repair crew plans to
violent and vengeful, as Pale Oak and his followers sow do with all this heavy machinery, and he understands the
discordance into it. Charred Yew knows that if the Spirit- party might have questions for him too.
Song continues to be changed, it’s only a matter of time
until more Sylvaneth lose themselves to revenge like Peaceful though the Treelord may be, he makes an
Oakshadow. But a change in the song this dramatic must intimidating sight as he looms over the party. The repair
be caused by something new, and Charred Yew is going to crew huddle together and stare at his burnt bark, his
find out what, and hopefully dissuade his fellow Sylvaneth missing eye, and the scars on his hands. If anyone asks
from any further violence against those who should be or if they pass a DN 6:1 Mind (Weapon Skill) Test,
their allies. they learn those scars are from his fighting days, from
desperate soldiers hacking or stabbing at his hands before
he crushed them.
For a refresher on Charred Yew’s personality, see Charred Yew offers to help construct the repair crew’s
Roleplaying Charred Yew on page 58. Charred Yew’s defences, but the engineers bristle at the suggestion.
answers to common questions are below. Convincing the crew to admit Yew into their camp
is an Opposed Mind (Guile) Test against their Soul
A What are you doing here? Charred Yew found large (Determination), though different Skills may apply
tracks during one of his patrols, which he now knows depending on the party’s approach. If they succeed,
belonged to Oakshadow. No wild creature could Charred Yew uses his prodigious strength to raise
have made them — the mere can’t support beasts additional barricades around the site. If they fail, Charred
that size — but the undead don’t normally leave Yew tells the party he will meet them in the morning and
physical impressions so large. Worried, Charred Yew retreats back into the mere.
traced them as far as the river. He came running at
once when he heard Oakshadow’s roar.
Soon the hubbub of construction fades to a distant echo. DROWNING PIONEERS
Charred Yew guides you through the morass, along paths The party has reached a deep, foul-smelling bog. Wading
where the stagnant water only reaches your hips instead across requires a DN 4:2 Body (Might) Test. Those who
of your chest. And as the One Road disappears from view, fail flounder in the oily water, which soaks through their
you see something none of the crew warned you about: clothes and corrodes their leather or plate, permanently
life. Feeble sprouts and scruffy moss grow here, where the removing 1 point of Armour. Characters with flight can
city does not reach. bypass this Test, or they can ask Charred Yew to carry
them if he has room in his arms.
Life can grow where Greywater Fastness’s machines don’t
spill pollutants, belch smoke, or radiate scouring magic. Midway through the bog, the party members hear voices
But death also lurks here, from biting, bitter swarms of crying for help. Only after clambering over several rusting
ghostly mosquitoes to seething shades. Greywater war wrecks do the heroes see the source: a trio
of Ghoul Mere Pioneers who fled from Brinna’s Farm after
Charred Yew, leading the way, knows how to avoid the battle in The Price of Victory. They are drowning
the Ghoul Mere’s worst dangers. Silence has been his after a failed attempt to salvage a mired Steam Tank from
companion for centuries and he does not mind it, but if the sucking mud. The Steam Tank must have been lost in
party members want to talk then he entertains any subject, some past battle.
including his history, his philosophy, and the Mere-That-
Was, his joking name for the Ghoul Mere before Greywater Charred Yew’s one eye smoulders as he watches the Pioneers
Fastness. Sometimes Charred Yew hums as he walks, and drown. He does not consider it a violation of his principles
he is delighted if the party members offer to teach him to let them die, but he acquiesces if the party wants to save
any new songs. Should they teach him a song he has never the humans. Saving any of the Pioneers requires a DN 5:1
heard before, his Despair is reduced by 1. Body (Athletics) Test, with the Difficulty reduced by 1 if
the party employs magic or clever tactics.
Encounters in the Ghoul Mere After they pull the last Pioneer free, they — predictably —
Travelling through the Ghoul Mere carries many risks. betray the party, attempting to steal anything of value they
As the party undergo their pilgrimage to the Dreadwood can get their hands on before fleeing into the wastes, no
glade, they encounter a number of strange events as laid doubt to cause further harm and trouble.
out below. Between each encounter listed here, roll on the
Ghoul Mere Exploration table, page 54. Afterwards, Charred Yew expresses contrition and
doubt. At which point do allies become enemies? Could
During combat, Charred Yew defaults to taking the Defend the Pioneers have been rehabilitated? Or should they be
or Dodge Actions, especially if he carries Oakshadow’s struck down the instant they show signs of chaos worship?
body or lamentiri. If attacked directly, he uses his What if they do so unknowingly?
Groundshaking Stomp on the attacker, but he never attacks
fellow Sylvaneth. Charred Yew gains 1 Despair for every WALKING ON GRAVES
encounter in which the party kills any Sylvaneth. In the Ghoul Mere, it’s hard to tell dead insects from living
ones. Reanimated Segmapede exoskeletons skitter past
After each encounter, the Treelord often asks the party to the party in this bramble-choked copse, where a blast of
reflect on their actions, particularly their use of violence. Amethyst magic has ossified the spindly trees. The entire
Was it justified? Was it avoidable? Give the characters area is Difficult Terrain, and Zones where undead insects
space to come to their own conclusions. Charred Yew dwell are Major Hazards.
listens with an open mind, trying to understand both what
is right and how to know it is right, and the conversations Mist pools around the party’s feet as they reach a clearing
here may influence his decisions in the epilogue. If during in the petrified wood. Beast-headed apparitions haul
any of these conversations the party can come up with themselves from the soil, their empty eyes locked on
justifiable reasons for their actions, Charred Yew’s Despair the heroes, particularly any spellcasters. The Myrmourn
is reduced by 1. Banshees (Soulbound, page 332) have the skulls of egrets
and herons, while the Chainrasps (Soulbound, page 331)
have curling goat horns and collars around their necks.
There is 1 Myrmourn Banshee and 1 Chainrasp per At the start of the third round, Charred Yew returns. His
party member. In addition, a Chainrasp Dreadwarden hands tremble as he restrains himself, but anyone can
(Soulbound, page 330) leads the haunting, the points of its see how desperately he wants to reach out and flatten the
antlers burning with green flame in place of a candelabra. Chaos beasts. In the end, he picks up Oakshadow’s body
and retreats. If the party follow him, then the Fleshhounds
Charred Yew strides for several paces before he realises stay behind and chew the Wyldwood, drinking deep of the
this is a problem. Used to travelling alone, he normally crimson sap of the trees as if it were blood. If the party
just walks away from the Nighthaunt, trusting in his fights, then shed blood soaks into the realmroots and the
armoured bark and the realmroots to protect him. But to Wyldwood turns against even fellow Sylvaneth.
Flee or Retreat, each party member must pass a DN 4:2
Body (Athletics) Test to make it past the skeletal thicket, ‘How do you defeat a god who only grows stronger as you
and any who fail get separated amid the cutting thorns. fight him?’ asks Charred Yew, once the Wyldwood is
behind the party. He has been searching for the answer to
Later, Charred Yew dwells on the privilege of his beliefs, a this question for centuries.
philosophy viable only because he can survive the blows of
those he tries to parlay with. Is it fair to ask frailer beings, A CONSPICUOUS ABSENCE
without his durability or strength, to risk death for morals? The route now crosses a familiar place, the marshland
What personal cost is too high a price to maintain peace? where the Harbinger of Trouble fell. The wrecked Cogfort,
however, has vanished. A shallow, muddy lake has formed
TO SERVE KHORNE in the crater where the Harbinger collapsed, but there are
The party reaches an Awakened Wyldwood, a shadowed no tracks, no skid marks, nothing to indicate where the
grove protected by ancient Sylvaneth spirits. The sentient Cogfort could have gone.
boughs creak ominously if non-Sylvaneth approach them,
but Charred Yew lays his hand on the nearest trunk and Searching for the missing Cogfort is a DN 4:10 Group
hums serenity through the Spirit-Song. The Treelord can Test. Characters may use any Skills that are relevant, like
enter the realmroots from here, and he asks the party to Awareness to spot clues, Fortitude to dive into the lake, or
safeguard Oakshadow’s body as he scouts ahead. Survival to see what else has passed this way. On a success,
the heroes find a single warpstone shard embedded in the
The quiet doesn’t last long. A pack of baying Flesh Hounds lakebed. It looks like the tip of a drill bit.
(Soulbound, page 315), 2 per party member, appear on the
horizon. As they charge the party, the Wyldwood reaches Now is a good chance to rest, as the sun is setting and
out to crush all trespassers, becoming a Deadly Hazard to some things prowl the Ghoul Mere that even Charred Yew
any non-Sylvaneth. A red mist of blood and sap soon fills would not dare cross at night.
the air.
Without ghostlights, the party must take turns keeping If anyone is Poisoned by the branches, Charred Yew
watch on the encroaching fog. If you like, characters can rumbles discontent and informs the party that there
take this opportunity to have one-on-one conversations should be some plants nearby that can act as a cure for the
with each other or with Charred Yew. Those who speak poison, provided the pollution hasn’t killed them. Finding
with the Treelord find him weary, but hopeful. ‘Exile was them requires a DN 5:1 Mind (Survival) Test. If they
simpler,’ he admits. ‘But also terribly lonely. Thank you for are found, Charred Yew can instruct anyone in making a
walking with me all this way.’ simple poultice which cures the poison.
Charred Yew drops Oakshadow’s body. He will not move Green Ash’s answers to common questions are below.
for hours, his song reduced to a single, sustained note of
mourning. Party members can try to comfort him, but A What happened here? The same thing happening
words alone barely touch the Treelord’s grief. His Despair to the entire Ghoul Mere. Greywater poison — too
increases by 1. vile for Green Ash to ever cleanse — leaked into the
water, and the roots drank deep before the clan could
The party can pick through the polluted glade to learn act to prevent it.
more about what happened. Anyone who passes a DN
5:1 Mind (Lore or Nature) Test realises this catastrophe A Where are the other Sylvaneth? If they cannot
occurred because realmstone pollutants from Greywater cure the symptom, they must excise the source. The
Fastness entered an underground river, travelling far wargroves march to ‘sever the treacherous branch
beneath the earth and tainting the groundwater. The that reaches into our lands and steals our Dryads’,
plants and animals here died swiftly, but, not counting and from there, to destroy the city that ultimately
the soulpods, the party can find no Sylvaneth corpses. A produced the poison.
DN 4:2 Mind (Survival) Test reveals a trail, heading the
general direction of Greywater Fastness, which seems like A What happened to Oakshadow? He stopped
it’s following the underground runoff to its source. holding himself back. But his emotions got the better
of him, and he would not wait for Pale Oak’s orders
THE BRANCHWYCH’S WRATH before seeking his revenge.
As the party finishes investigating and Charred Yew
collects himself, a Branchwych steps through the trees. A Why are the ghostlights disappearing? The
Her pale bark and sharp talons mark her as Charred ghostlights are Spites, skittish things that come and
Yew’s clanmate, and a scarred Bittergrub curls around her go as they please. Something is scaring them, likely
shoulders. Curtains of moss dangle from her arms, for the corruption that spreads through the forest, and
which Greyfolk call her Green Ash. the baleful hounds prowling around the mere.
Green Ash is the very Branchwych Charred Yew hoped to Once the party has asked all the questions they can think
find, but even if she had anywhere to plant Oakshadow’s of, or fails two Tests to speak with Green Ash, read or
lamentiri, she is in no state to extract it. She trembles as paraphrase the following:
she wades through the muck, clutching her arms to her
chest like she’s trying to hold herself together. ‘I came back Green Ash snarls, and the shrieking echo in her Spirit-
when I heard you, Rhodrynath,’ she croaks. The discordant Song could bring an ordinary mortal to their knees.
Spirit-Song in her voice whines painfully, and any non- ‘Enough of this,’ the Branchwych spits. ‘I tire of your
Sylvaneth party members who hear it must pass a DN guests, Rhodrynath. I came for you alone. It is time to
5:1 Body (Fortitude) Test or they experience a terrible finish this war — this war hiding behind a false peace,
headache and a trickle of blood falls from their ears. ‘Now this war we have been losing season after season. The clan
you know what they have done to us.’ needs you. Sing battle again, and your exile shall end.’
The Treelord, always slow to find the right words, can’t Charred Yew’s talons flex. His sigh is a wind whistling
seem to speak. The party members can ask Green Ash through ruins. And he says, ‘No.’
questions, but she does not hide her contempt for
outsiders in the grove, even other Sylvaneth. Every time The Branchwych’s trembling stops. Slowly, as if straining
a party member speaks to her, they must pass a DN 4:1 against an immeasurable force, she clutches her head in
Mind (Guile) Test before she answers a question. With her hands. ‘I had hoped… but we have lost, lost you too…’
each question they ask, the Difficulty of this Test increases Her voice becomes even harsher and spite-filled. ‘Lost the
by one as the Branchwych’s impatience grows. Having a grove, lost the mere, lost all the lamentiri…’ Her growl is
Sylvaneth in the party reduces this Difficulty by 1. barely intelligible as she gazes directly at Charred Yew.
‘But not yours.’ Then she draws her scythe to harvest the
traitor’s soul.
Green Ash (a Branchwych, page 156) fights to kill PART 3: CORRUPT AT
Charred Yew and take his lamentiri, but she does
not hesitate to open the throats of a few out-of-place HEART
Soulbound or Stormcast Eternals in the process. As she
strides forward, her Bittergrub (Soulbound, page 304) After Green Ash falls, Charred Yew kneels by her corpse
falls from her shoulders and attacks the party alongside for as long as the party lets him. If the party chooses to Rest
her; it is crimson-fleshed, wet with ichor, and angry. in Choirhall, then he spends the night by the Branchwych’s
side, deciding what to do next. When the time comes to
She weilds her greenwood scythe with vengeance- move on, he picks up both her body and Oakshadow’s and
bolstered strength, and by calling on the Mere Spites who tells the party his plan remains the same. He believes they
lurk in the surrounding forest to her aid. Until Green Ash shall find the other Sylvaneth if they follow the pollution
falls, 1 Mere Spite (page 158) per party member joins the to its source, and perhaps someone among them can save
battle at the start of every round. his old friends’ lamentiri, and counter the discordant
Once again, Charred Yew tries to resolve the confrontation
without fighting his fellow Sylvaneth, but nothing he says The party should now know the Dreadwood Sylvaneth are
can reach Green Ash anymore. In the end, all he can marching to war, though the exact details they’ve learned
do is shelter what’s left of Choirhall from the corrupted depend on what Green Ash told them. Charred Yew fears
Branchwych’s reckless, scything strikes. If combat lasts for his fellow Sylvaneth. He has felt the city’s firepower
more than three rounds — or if the party uses particularly firsthand, and asks the party to help him intercept the clan
destructive spells or weapons — then the fighting destroys and make them see reason before they destroy themselves.
Choirhall beyond recognition, and Charred Yew gains The Treelord also has concerns about the discordant notes
2 Despair — 1 for killing a fellow Sylvaneth, and 1 for he heard in both Green Ash’s and Oakshadow’s Spirit-
defiling his sacred home even further. Songs. Now that he knows the corruption is not isolated,
he worries if it has spread to anyone else.
Charred Yew stops the party before they go further. ‘Pale means he automatically fails any Stealth Test to navigate
Oak — my brother, our leader — must be here,’ the Treelord the battlefield. But he is left alone by the other Sylvaneth,
says. ‘If we can convince him to end this, then the clan shall so is able to approach regardless of the party’s tactic. If the
heed him.’ He pauses. ‘My siblings are angry enough to kill, entire party fails, then combat begins as described in The
but that does not mean they deserve to die. Promise me you Simple Approach.
will take no Sylvaneth life today.’ If any party member does
not make that promise or does not keep it, then Charred THE DIPLOMATIC APPROACH
Yew gains 1 Despair. Finally, party members might want to speak with the
settlers or the Sylvaneth. No one here is much in the mood
for talking, though, and it takes a DN 5:8 Group Test using
Reaching Pale Oak Body (Intimidation) or Mind (Intuition) just to get
The battle is well underway by the time the party arrives. anyone’s attention — or, if the party has their attention, to
Ballista bolts and rifle rounds spray dirt around the get them to pause and listen. The use of loud weapons or
charging bodies of Dryads and Spite-Revenants, as they spells to draw attention to the party reduces the Difficulty
sing a whining melody that makes eyes water and ears of this Test for the whole party by 1.
bleed. The party is just in time to see the towering form of
Pale Oak smash through the farm’s main gate, and force If successful, the fighting outside the settlement grinds
his way inside with a commanding song. to a halt and the party can progress to Old Friends. In
addition, Charred Yew’s Despair is reduced by 1, for
If the party is to convince Pale Oak to call off the witnessing the party pushing for peace.
attack, they must speak to him in person. The following
approaches are not the party’s only options, nor are these
methods exclusive of each other. Be flexible, and reward Old Friends
your players if they use their characters’ abilities creatively! As the party passes through the shattered gates of Brinna’s
Farm, they hear screams and gunfire coming from the
THE SIMPLE APPROACH barracks. Large sections of its walls lie in ruins. Climbing
Fighting through the chaos is the most straightforward vines, growing at accelerated speed, crack the foundations
route. The party must cross 3 Zones of rice fields to reach and snake around the supports of buildings. Harsh jade
the gates. (Bear in mind Charred Yew’s movement speed light flickers from inside the ruins, casting a Treelord’s
is Slow if he is carrying any corpses.) 1 Spite-Revenant crowned shadow across the party’s path. Inside, Corporal
and 3 Mere Spites per character notice the party first, Steelwater and a further 5 Greycap Soldiers are making a
hissing as they leap in to attack the party as they traverse last stand against Pale Oak’s assault.
the fields. On the walls, five Greycap Soldiers (page 149)
try to provide cover. The party finds Pale Oak kneeling, holding several Greycaps
down in a puddle of oil-stained mud. The Branchwraith
Anyone can attempt the Parley Action with the Spite- (page 155) beside him, known as Oakspeaker, translates as
Revenants as they charge. If successful, they manage to he says in the Spirit-Song, ‘A punishment to fit your crime.
pause long enough to realise that Charred Yew is escorting Drink.’ Pale Oak continues to hold the Greycaps down if
the party and they might just be allies in the fight, at which the party draws his attention.
point they let the party progress to the gates unharmed.
Unless a party member convinces him to let go with a
THE SUBTLE APPROACH DN 6:1 Mind (Guile) or Body (Intimidation) Test, then
Approaching unseen is a DN 4:8 Group Test. Party the Treelord meets their eyes and does not move or speak
members can use Body (Stealth) to sneak through the until the thrashing Greycaps drown. Otherwise, Pale Oak
battle, using the swamp or other sources of cover, or any tosses them aside with enough force to dent the wall.
Sylvaneth can use Soul (Determination) instead, by
singing a violent Spirit-Song to disguise their intent as Pale Oak is Charred Yew’s polar opposite, his branches
they stride openly through the fields. crooked where Yew’s grow straight, his bark bleached white
where Yew’s has burnt black. His face is a mask, frozen in a
Charred Yew must be accounted for as well. Pale Oak will predator’s snarl, teeth bared and eyes narrowed. For notes
likely attack the party on sight if Charred Yew does not on roleplaying Pale Oak, see page 82.
accompany the heroes, but the pacifist Treelord’s sheer size
Charred Yew lays Oakshadow and Green Ash at his See Pale Oak’s answers to common questions and
brother’s feet, and Pale Oak inclines his head in the barest arguments below.
suggestion of a nod — returning the lamentiri excuses
Charred Yew’s unlicensed return from exile. Yew begs Oak A Why are the ghostlights disappearing? Pale Oak
not to break the truce, and Oak, through Oakspeaker, unbound the ghostlights from the One Road when he
responds, ‘They broke the truce, not us. They declared war saw what happened to Choirhall. The ghostlights felt
on our soil, our water, our air, our sunlight. They murdered no compunction to go at once, but the belligerence
our ancestors’ memories, and the worst part is they did it by of the living frightens them. The more fighting that
accident. We have every right to answer them in kind.’ Pale happens along the road, the more the ghostlights will
Oak’s gaze scans over the party as he says this. flee and not come back.
Then, Charred Yew and Pale Oak have a brief, rapid A What is causing the discordant Spirit-Song? Pale
exchange through the Spirit-Song. Anyone who passes a Oak confirms that his followers have been spreading
DN 4:1 Soul (Intuition) Test can tell, from their tone alone, the discordant song in the wake of Choirhall’s
there are old, familiar wounds between the Treelords. The pollution. As he has done before, but this time he
argument they are having is one they have had a hundred claims it will be the final chorus in the song of the
times. Finally, Charred Yew turns aside, fists clenched in poisoned city.
frustration and disgust. ‘If you will not listen to me, listen to
them,’ he says, gesturing to the party. With a sigh, he wishes A We are supposed to be allies. Pale Oak could say
the party luck — ‘He agreed to peace once. Surely he can do the same about Greywater Fastness. Why must the
so again.’ — and steps aside. Sylvaneth stay peaceful, when the Council of the
Forge can wage war as they please, killing his lands
But Pale Oak has run out of patience, especially after and people without drawing a blade? To save his
what happened to the Dryad Mottled Leaf in The Price of people, he must destroy the city of war and death
Victory. Convincing him to maintain the peace is a DN that is Greywater Fastness.
5:8 Extended Test, using Skills determined by both what
the heroes say and how they say it. If Mottled Leaf lived A War will annihilate your clan. So will this peace.
long enough to speak about how the party helped them The Sylvaneth will die out if they cannot plant
escape, reduce the Difficulty of this Test by 1. their soulpods or lamentiri. The clan faces either
a slow death, to pollution and the restless dead, or
Have characters make these Tests at natural junctures in a worthwhile one, against the warmongers who
the conversation. The party can make a total of 3 Tests to poisoned their land.
speak with Pale Oak before he sets his mind.
A We can convince Greywater Fastness to change.
Pale Oak says nothing. He gives the party a flat,
unreadable stare.
The party can sway Pale Oak if they convince him he can get
Roleplaying Oakspeaker
what he wants — prosecuting those responsible for killing
In times of war, Pale Oak prefers to speak in the the lamentiri, cleansing the Ghoul Mere, and preventing
Spirit-Song, which is when he calls on you. Most further Sylvaneth corruption or experimentation — with
people assume you’re nothing more than Pale just the threat of war, not war itself.
Oak’s mouthpiece, and you prefer to keep it that
way. You are well-spoken, observant, and shrewd, If the party succeeds on the Extended Test, then Pale Oak
with a high, lilting voice that resonates like song. gives them an ultimatum. The party has three days to bring
Sometimes you mourn that you must convey your a Greywater delegation to Holfast Bridge, where they must
centuries of knowledge through language, a faulty make reparations and negotiate a new truce. If the party
medium, rather than Spirit-Song. This season you fails the Test, then Pale Oak still gives the party a chance to
have taken a masculine aspect, but you switch gather the city leaders for peace talks, but they only have
between masculine and feminine expressions often. until sunset tomorrow. Otherwise, the Sylvaneth shall tear
the One Road apart, root and stem, and watch Greywater
Fastness starve.
Regardless, with the thrill for bloodshed initially sated, Speaking With Power
Pale Oak sings for a retreat. The Sylvaneth leave Brinna’s The party must choose which leaders to approach. Almost
Farm, leaving Steelwater and the Greycaps bloodied but all need convincing, for both personal and political
standing. Steelwater asks plenty of questions about what reasons, but the party has a limited amount of time and
caused the attack, giving the characters a chance to breathe must spend it wisely. While the coming talks are doomed
and recover from their ordeals for a few hours before from the start, the party’s choices will have long-reaching
setting out to deliver Pale Oak’s ultimatum to the city. consequences for Greywater Fastness.
Charred Yew leaves with Pale Oak. He doubts he can help The Sylvaneth remember the faces who appear at Holfast
the party inside the city, but Pale Oak has not banished Bridge. If these leaders survive Blackened Earth, then they
him back into the mere yet and maybe, if he stays with earn a measure of trust with the Sylvaneth and will have
the clan, he can increase support among the Sylvaneth for the best chance at eventually negotiating a new peace.
peace. He still carries the bodies. The clan’s Branchwyches
have been spread thin for years, and since they walk the THE GREYWATER DELEGATION
spirit paths slowly, it will be a week or more before the Major leaders in Greywater Fastness are listed below. Feel
next nearest returns. But Charred Yew is not worried — if free to add or remove names from this list depending on
all goes according to plan, he shall meet the party soon at the events of your personal campaign. By default, each
Holfast Bridge. can be convinced with a DN 4:2 Mind (Guile) or Soul
(Intuition) Test, but feel free to adjust the DN and Skills
used based on the party’s approach or history with the
characters. Each character who takes part in the peace
talks has an agenda, either war, peace, or neutrality. The
composition of this delegation changes how the peace
talks transpire, so the party must choose carefully who
they ask to speak for the city.
A Gulben Coldrock: Gulben realises the importance Glass shatters as a blackpowder grenade sails through
of playing house, and offers to attend the peace talks the window, detonating before it hits the ground. Sulphur
without any Test required. But he masks his true and flame fill the building, and as you clear your stinging
motive of sparking a war behind his staunch claims eyes you see hooded figures stalking through the smoke.
that the Sylvaneth are likely ‘leading us out there to One, the clear leader, sees you and barks for her followers
die’. He pushes for war. to join her. ‘Hear you’re rounding up the city’s best to beg
with the treefolk!’ says the leader, her grin visible beneath
A Magda Stormpilot: Magda, the leader of the Magpies the hood. She raises her axe. ‘We’re not falling for it.’
(page 31), has been busy, capitalising on the One
Road’s closure to put pressure on the factory owners. 1 Greycap Soldier (page 149) per character defends every
Her departure from the city would leave the Magpies exit from the building, which becomes a Major Hazard as
leaderless at a critical moment in their movement, so the flames spread. In addition, 1 Greycap Soldier per party
she agrees to attend only if the party can promise her member searches for the party. All of them wear civilian
some immediate benefit. She has a neutral agenda. clothing and burlap hoods to disguise their features. They
believe the party and anyone associated with them are
A Onduran Emblyn: The stylish Conclave member Sylvaneth sympathisers, and that these peace talks are
only needs assurance that the Sylvaneth desire for really a ploy to decapitate Greywater Fastness’s leadership
peace is genuine. If the party confirms that these are before the true war begins. Depending on the location, the
real peace talks, he jumps at the chance to negotiate heroes are not alone with their enemies. The grenade blast
lasting cessation of hostilities. He pushes for peace. may have hurt a city leader, and their staff or retinue. If
the party does not make an effort to save noncombatants,
A passel of minor Conclave members attends negotiations Doom increases by 1.
no matter what, but none of them have the authority to
make significant decisions for Greywater Fastness. Characters who pass a DN 4:1 Mind (Ballistic Skill) Test
recognise the grenade as Freeguild standard, of the kind
The heroes can attempt to convince two major leaders usually wielded by pistoliers and outriders. Captured
for every day they have left. (The party likely has either Freeguilders give unreliable information if tortured or
two or six attempts total, unless they took detours when intimidated, but locals can identify the arsonists by name
returning to the city.) Both success and failure use up an if they see their faces.
attempt. The heroes don’t need to expend an attempt to
convince leaders with whom they have earned particularly With the meeting at the bridge looming so close, the party
good standing, perhaps from heroics shown in previous doesn’t have enough time to investigate, and the search for
adventures. Just contacting those leaders counts as an others involved gets smothered quietly if passed on to the
automatic success. authorities. But this attack should remind the party that
Khornate followers are still active throughout Greywater
Fastness, and the heroes will likely encounter these cultists
The Hateful in Blood Red Roots.
Once the party uses half their attempts to speak with city
leadership, word spreads of Sylvaneth aggression. A mob
forms outside the Conclave’s meeting hall, demanding To the Bridge
retaliation, and all throughout the night Greycaps and Once the party uses all their attempts to gather allies,
other soldiers fire blanks into the sky to signal their they have just enough time to organise the representatives
support for war. and strike out to Holfast Bridge. The more Steam Lords,
Conclave members, and community leaders they bring,
As the party crosses the city, anyone with a Natural the more convincing Greywater’s desire for peace seems.
Awareness of 2 or higher notices a pair of Greycaps
following them, ostensibly on their patrol. They tail the Pale Oak chooses to meet at Holfast Bridge because it is
party until the heroes reach the residence of the next far enough from the city to satisfy him, but it has enough
potential ally. Before the party leaves their location, read guns (from the repair crew’s temporary fortifications) to
or paraphrase the following. make the Steam lords comfortable. For all that he despises
Greywater Fastness, Pale Oak is not entering these
negotiations in bad faith.
THE PEACE TALKS or arguments to maintain the status quo, and if more
Party members can attend the talks, but unless they are people push for peace, the talks are centred upon how two
natives of Greywater Fastness, remember that they have so-different peoples can become allies once more.
less experience with the Ghoul Mere’s troubles than most
everyone here. Neither the Gritfolk nor the Sylvaneth These negotiations are long and exhausting, lasting two
need the party to speak for them, and the best they can full days. During the night after the second day, proceed
hope to do is keep things civil and talks continuing when to the events below.
tempers flare.
‘Peace without justice is a tree without roots,’ Pale Oak The Lamentiri Burn
declares on the first day of negotiations. He demands the The character with the highest Natural Awareness smells
heads of the mason-lords responsible for poisoning the smoke first. Once a party member investigates, read or
Ghoul Mere, in this season and in all seasons before, as paraphrase the following.
well as sweeping changes to the way Greywater Fastness
does business. He will not settle for another false truce, Gritfolk, many wearing Freeguild uniforms, stand around
where the city cuts apart and poisons the mere while the a pyre on the river shore. Onlookers surround them,
Sylvaneth dwindle into nothing. Humans and Duardin to one side and shrieking Sylvaneth
to the other. ‘They have let corruption fester among us!’
The Greywater Fastness leaders all have arguments for shouts a man in a Greycap uniform, brandishing a
maintaining the status quo, though each person prioritises torch. ‘For all our safety, we must purge their corrupting
a different part. Advocates for peace make arguments for taint with fire!’ Only then do you recognise what they’re
business, supplying Sigmar’s empire with weaponry, and burning: the bodies of Oakshadow and Green Ash, their
staying focused on their common enemy. Khorne cultists lamentiri already reduced to charcoal
and warhawks use this as an opportunity to square up
against Pale Oak, demanding his head for all the Greyfolk The corpses have burned to the point that they barely
he’s killed if he demands any of theirs. resemble Sylvaneth anymore, but party members who pass
a DN 5:1 Mind (Awareness) Test notice that someone has
The first day of talks is nothing but bluster, but after lopped the heads off the dead Sylvaneth before setting
the most stubborn Longbeards and distant Treelord them ablaze. Being secret Khorne worshippers, they just
councillors have worn themselves out, negotiations start couldn’t help themselves.
to make real progress. From here, the tone of the peace
talks depends largely on the weight of the agendas across News spreads fast around the camps, and this unfolding
the two delegations. disaster becomes something bigger than the party could
ever hope to control. The party might especially have
If more delegation members push for war, the talks are full concerns for Charred Yew, but a DN 4:1 Mind (Intuition)
of threats, thinly veiled and open. If more people have a Test reveals that he went far afield this morning to search
neutral stance, there are a lot of noncommittal complaints for new materials for the bridge. Wherever he is, though,
he must be able to hear the Spirit-Song.
The Sylvaneth crowd continues to grow. Eventually, WHAT WE SAVE FROM WAR
shuddering footfalls signal Pale Oak’s emergence from the Captain Heinz approaches the party and screams that
Sylvaneth thicket. He surveys the scene from a distance, ‘we have to save the diplomats, or this was all for nothing!’
while the hissing Spite-Revenants stare at him for guidance Choose up to three Greywater Fastness leaders who came
or, more likely, permission. The Dreadwood Treelord to the talks. Try to pick characters the heroes hold in
has no translator present, but any Sylvaneth in the party high regard, and don’t pick anyone who follows Khorne.
understand him as he walks away and sings, ‘Kill them all.’ These characters, along with Captain Heinz, are placed
in immediate danger as the Sylvaneth begin to sweep
through the camp.
The Battle of the Riven Bridge
The war for the Ghoul Mere begins here. As Pale Oak To save an ally, one party member must first declare who
leaves to command the assault against the city, the Spite- they’re searching for and pass a DN 5:1 Mind (Awareness
Revenants (page 156) around the river (two per character) or Survival) Test to find them. If they succeed, they find
fall upon the party and any characters present. an ally in one of the following scenarios.
The Spite-Revenants tear apart those who burned the A 3 Greycap Soldiers (page 149) are attacking the
bodies in the first round, before turning on the party. ally, who has been backed onto the western bridge,
Talking them down from their rage is impossible, but aiming to kill them in the confusion of battle.
success on a DN 6:2 Mind (Guile) Test might redirect their
anger towards those truly responsible: the warmongers A A group of 3 Spite-Revenants rip through the
hiding behind the barricades. Already, the boom of the command tent in the western camp, shrieking to
Ironweld Arsenal’s cannons echoes over the rising, angry each other as they search for the chosen ally hiding
Spirit-Song. Once the party members deal with the Spite- somewhere nearby.
Revenants, they are out of danger — but their allies aren’t.
A The ally was at the Wyldwood outside the western
camp, talking to the Sylvaneth, when the fighting
began. A swarm of 8 Mere Spites attack the party as
the sentient trees attempt to drag the ally deeper into
the thicket.
How Could This Happen?
The Greycaps have been corrupted. Just like what The first time the party fails the Test, they find Oakspeaker
happened with the Ghoul Mere Pioneers, Astrid instead. A squad of 3 Greycap Soldiers are fighting him
Taverr has been slowly replacing the Greycaps with in the river, cutting down the Spite-Revenants protecting
loyal cultists over the years. The Greycaps are the him. Oakspeaker’s death makes communication with Pale
largest Freeguild in Greywater however, so they have Oak all but impossible, and Doom increases by 1 if the
only managed to turn a relatively small number, heroes do not save him.
a few hundred Greycaps spread throughout a
Freeguild of thousands, but it is more than enough
to cause problems. A number of these loyal cultists
waited for the perfect moment, and under Astrid’s
secret commands, set fire to the Sylvaneth bodies,
knowing it would spark the war that they so dearly
Future Demands
sought. The party may not discover this until later. Onduran plays a vital role in future adventures of
Lucky for them, their greatest ally in the Greycaps, Blackened Earth. If the party fails to save him,
Steelwater, remains the model Greycap, and has not instead of dying he suffers heavy injuries and barely
been turned to Chaos. manages to return to Greywater Fastness alive. He
works with the party only grudgingly and holds the
heroes in much poorer esteem.
The first time one of the Greycap Soldiers is defeated, have Ash trembled. Though his eyes are dry, his boughs shake
the player character with the highest Awareness notice a with unreadable Sylvaneth emotions. On seeing the party,
hand-carved amulet showing the sign of Khorne, making he begins to pointedly ask a question. ‘Why—?’ But he
it a clear indication that there are Khorne worshippers doesn’t seem to know how to finish.
among the Greycaps.
Charred Yew must make a DN 4:1 Soul (Determination)
The party’s activities do not go unnoticed. After the Test. Increase the Difficulty by 1 for every point of Despair
heroes make three total attempts to find their allies, or he currently has. If the Difficulty reaches 6, increase the
once they decide to get away from the battle, a Khorne- Complexity by 1 instead.
worshipping Greycap captain realises what they’re doing
— inadvertently or not, the party is salvaging the Ghoul If Charred Yew fails, then he succumbs to the discordant
Mere’s best remaining chance for peace. He barks at his Spirit-Song. He tilts back his head and lets out a bellowing
loyal soldiers to stop them, and unless the heroes want to cry of fury and attacks. Doom increases by 1. In this case,
see the people they’ve rescued surrounded and cut down, the party has no choice but to fight Charred Yew or run.
they must retreat, a sentiment echoed by the allies they If they retreat, or he loses more than half his Toughness,
have saved. he turns his attention towards the battle in the camp, and
the party hear his agonised, furious roars echoing across
As the party flees the scene into the Ghoul Mere, they the mere as he lays waste to all living things around him.
encounter Charred Yew. He turns to face them, fighting Whichever delegates the party couldn’t take with them
to hold himself together against waves of anger and regret. across the river are slaughtered.
CHARRED YEW’S TEST If Charred Yew succeeds on the Test, then he resists the
Charred Yew clutches the ashen remains of Oakshadow Spirit-Song. Instead, he clutches his sides and sings a tune
and Green Ash in his giant hands. The fresh bullet holes, he learned during this adventure, such as the folksong the
gashes, and burn marks on his bark imply he marched repair crew played or a melody a party member taught
into the battle and plucked their crumbling bodies from him as they kept watch together. After a few torturous
the fire, but too late. He begins trembling the way Green seconds, his shaking fades and he returns to himself.
A If the party encourages him to fight, then Charred
Yew reconsiders his philosophy. ‘I laid down my
arms because I did not want to hurt anyone,’ he
Fighting in a Warzone
says, ‘but I have caused infinitely more suffering by
The camp quickly descends into a warzone — letting my foes be. I must find a way to fight, without
countless Spite-Revenants, dozens of Dryads, letting fighting consume me.’ He swears to gather like-
and a whole platoon of Greycaps, both loyal and minded Sylvaneth to fight for the alliance, hoping
corrupted, all trying their best to kill each other that a swift, decisive victory will heal the mere in the
in a terrible battle. You could track individuals or long run.
swarms of enemies as they attack each other, but
we recommend simply having the player characters If Charred Yew succumbs to the discordant Spirit-Song
treat all Zones in the camp as Deadly Hazards to and lives, the party must find their own way through the
represent crossfire and ceaseless attacks around Ghoul Mere. This takes at least a day, and you may want
them, and only focusing on the key participants in to roll on the Ghoul Mere Exploration table (page 54)
rescuing allies. Then let player characters use an twice before they return. Afterward, folk whisper that a
Action to make a DN 5:1 Body (Weapons Skill twisted Sylvaneth monster stalks the swamp, clawing at
or Ballistic Skill) or Mind (Channelling) Test to itself and all living things near it. Its roar is a terrifying,
represent fighting or clearing their way through the rageful sound, but more disturbing are its sobs. Regardless,
warzone. Every two successes they gain lets the Charred Yew returns in The Night of A Thousand Fangs,
character reduce the Hazard by one level until the either as a staunch ally, or tragic enemy.
end of their next turn.
The party must watch as the inevitable war grinds into
motion. In this moment, hope for a better future may
seem futile — but even as forces beyond their control
clash around them, the heroes can fight to save the people
However the party escapes the battle, and whoever they and places left that are worth protecting.
do it with, they look back and see a bloodbath: gunfire,
war-song, screams, and exaltations to Khorne all blend From here, the party can move on to the next adventure,
into a cacophony so terrible it seems the Ghoul Mere Blood Red Roots, where they must uncover the
might never be quiet again. burgeoning Khorne cult at the heart of Greywater while
the city is under attack from the Sylvaneth.
Greywater Fastness and the Dreadwood Sylvaneth are As well as awarding XP for achieving any personal or
at war. The lights along the One Road fall dark, as the party Short- or Long-term Goals, award additional XP for
Sylvaneth begin starving the city out of their land. the following:
The party must circle around the Ghoul Mere to return A 1 XP for completing the adventure.
to Greywater Fastness, but luckily the battle at the bridge
has drawn away the undead. If Charred Yew resists the A 1 XP for putting Oakshadow to rest.
discordant Spirit-Song and lives, he escorts the party
and their allies back to the city, saying goodbye once A 1 XP for gathering a Greywater delegation and
the walls are in sight. His next decision depends on the arriving at the peace talks on time.
conversations the party had with him during their travels.
A 1 XP for saving at least one ally from the battle of the
A If the party encourages him to remain a pacifist, then riven bridge.
Charred Yew reaffirms his dedication to upholding
the alliance. Over the coming days, a few beleaguered A 1 XP if Charred Yew does not succumb to corruption.
travellers stumble into Greywater Fastness. They all
have the same tale: as the ghostlights fell dark, a
mysterious Treelord escorted them to safety.
The lights on the One Road are out and the Sylvaneth Coldrock and his right-hand man, Greycaps Captain
march to war. The Council of the Forge cannot allow Vikar Fournoy. Their secret society within Greywater is
internal corruption to undermine the war effort as it did revealed, but how much of Khorne’s bloody influence has
the peace talks. It’s time for the party to tear out the cult of seeped into the Brotherhood of Brass?
Khorne, while the rest of the city’s forces concentrate on
their external enemies, and would-be peace brokers try to Caught in the act of corruption, the Brotherhood of Brass
end the conflict as quickly as possible. presents the party with an ultimatum: They could abolish
their secret society and purge their leadership from the
Blood Red Roots follows directly from The Riven Bridge. city, or set them loose with their arsenal and manpower to
Party members who participated in that adventure have fight for Greywater Fastness’s Survival.
time to tend their wounds and catch a couple hours of
sleep, but little else. Unbeknownst to the party, they might be in dire need of
their aid. Before the end of the night, the city must fight a
After an emergency strategy meeting, Conclave member war on three fronts, between Chaos, Skaven and Sylvaneth.
Onduran Emblyn, whom the party may have met in
previous adventures and may have participated in the
failed peace talks in The Riven Bridge, explains that he Getting Started
hopes to bring about a truce with the Sylvaneth if he Rumour: After learning of the failed peace talks at Holfast
can prove that the burning of the Sylvaneth bodies and Bridge, the city prepares for war. A host of Sylvaneth have
lamentiri was the work of Khorne worshippers, and that been spotted marching through the Ghoul Mere, shrieking
the city has dealt with them. Even if he’s wrong, having the a war-song. It’s only a matter of time until they arrive.
forces of Khorne at work within Greywater Fastness will
not help the Council win the war. Fear: When the delegation returns, the city erupts into
protests for and against the war. Some groups, including
While battle rages outside the walls and riots tear through powerful, prominent people such as Astrid Taverr, are
the streets, the characters are sent to pursue Council of eager and bloodthirsty.
the Forge member Astrid Taverr, to find evidence of her
secret cult, and deprive her of her position as leader, and Threat: Grand Conclave member Onduran Emblyn
probably her life. From there, a trail of clues leads them summons the party for a private meeting, one he claims is
to the leader of the Council of the Forge himself, Gulben integral to stopping the war.
PART 1: NO REST FOR THE DN 5:1 Body (Intimidation) Test. If they fail, Onduran’s
private secretary Stasiya, a curtly-spoken brunette
WICKED Duardin (she/her) with half-moon spectacles, eventually
comes down to look for them.
This scene begins the moment the party returns from the
Ghoul Mere. Read aloud or paraphrase the following: The sky is the grey of a gun barrel, and acid rain splatters
heavily against the smoked glass windows of the Council
The Grey Gate grinds into place behind you and the wall- Chamber. The meeting is already in progress, the Council
mounted guns known as the Hands begin a bombardment of the Forge hunched over their great, stone table, shuffling
to drive off the Sylvaneth vanguard that has already papers, and calling out facts and figures. From the gallery
begun to charge the walls. You have the space between above them, Onduran and the city Conclave watch
one breath and the next to feel safe before peace is once nervously, anxious about what the Council may decide,
again disrupted. and if they aim to act against the Conclave’s wishes.
‘Emergency meeting, three hours hence,’ Astrid Taverr Even if the party arrives early, the meeting is already in
declares with a commander’s certainty, then strides away progress. It has only been around three hours since the
into the city, directly up the wide Spoke Road that runs delegation returned to the city. Nothing has been decided
away from the gate. There’s a powerful energy to her, like yet: the party has been fortunate enough to miss a lengthy
a Gryph-hound on the hunt. review of the city’s treasury and possible budget for war.
If Astrid Taverr was not part of the away mission, she has When the party arrives, discussion stops. Astrid stands,
been waiting at the gate for the group to return. Either beckons them forward, and commands them to provide
way, she has no interest in talking. There’ll be enough of their assessment of the situation. They’re the closest thing
that at the meeting. If the party initiates conversation, to objective observers the city has. If the party is not in
she has questions for them: what they think of how the favour of war with the Sylvaneth, Astrid asks them leading
mission ended, and whether they’re ready to stand with questions, trying to force them into a position where they
the city’s defenders in the coming war. A DN 5:1 Mind are compelled to support a war. For example:
(Intuition) Test reveals she’s trying to get them to commit
themselves to war. A ‘At what point did the Treelord give the order to “kill
them all”?’
Onduran Emblyn catches the party before they leave.
Unlike Astrid he is badly shaken, either from his A ‘You’ve seen the Treelords fight. Would you rate our
experience outside the walls, or from word of the atrocities chances better in a siege, or taking the fight to them?’
that took place there. He informs the party it is vital that
they attend the meeting. If necessary, he outright orders A ‘Are all the Treelords corrupted, or just the majority
them to attend, which they notice is unlike his usual of them?’
gentle, composed manner.
Astrid doesn’t give the party any opportunity to offer a
The party has all of three hours to rest up, recuperate from different take on what happened in the Ghoul Mere. If
their time outside the walls, and handle any errands they they talk over her, getting the rest of the Council to listen
need to attend to. Skilled medics are on hand at the gates is a challenge — a DN 4:2 Soul (Guile) challenge. If for
to offer additional healing, flush with Aqua Ghyranis and any reason the party gets violent in their attempts to be
Jade magic. This allows each character to fully heal their heard, they are condemned by the Council and escorted
Toughness and any additional Wounds during their Rest. from the proceedings.
Succeeding a DN 4:1 Mind (Intuition) Test, the party Diplomacy’s Last Stand
understands that Astrid and Gulben have the majority When the Council session concludes, Onduran makes
control of the Council. Astrid has more military experience a quick exit from the gallery, and Stasiya leads the party
than the rest of the Council combined, and Gulben holds to his private office, across the Master’s Bridge, and into
the industry of Greywater in his iron grip. Most of the Gryphon Hall. It’s everything one might expect from
members have no hope for peace. Onduran: a rebellious blaze of colour, with jade green
curtains, vivid tapestries on the walls, and not one iota of
Once the party has given their input, they are invited to Greywater Fastness’s typical pseudo-industrial stylings.
watch the rest of the proceedings from the gallery. Astrid
formally asks for a vote, and after some meaningful glares, Onduran slumps into his seat, removes his glasses, and
the Council of the Forge all but unanimously votes for worriedly pinches the bridge of his nose. Without looking
war, against the Conclave’s wishes. Some councillors are up, he asks how the party thought that went. He waits for
grim, some are full of bravado, a few (including Astrid) the party to have their say before gesturing for Stasiya to
are delighted. Several hours of budget discussions follow, check the corridor is clear, which she does. Then, without
as well as an agreement to schedule another meeting with further dissembling:
the Freeguild captains, militia leaders, and other people
with valuable strategic insight. If the party asks to attend, Onduran looks wearily up at you, and announces,
they are dismissed by Astrid: ‘These mortal concerns are
beneath such mighty spiritual warriors as you. May Sigmar ‘She’s one of them. Corrupted. Her desire for war goes
bless your blades when you rejoin our fight.’ beyond logic; I’ve seen it in her eyes, I know you have too.
I know it. I know it, and I can’t prove it. None of what she
Onduran sends Stasiya to the party shortly after their heard today shocked her. Not the burning grove, or the
testimony is over. She asks them to join him at his office corrupted Treelords. It’s like she knew this was coming…’
in Gryphon Hall, to talk privately. If they remain in the
Crucible, she waits with them. Onduran has one last hope for peace: if he and the party
can prove the pro-war movement is fuelled by Khorne-
worshippers, and finally expunge the last of the Blood
God’s influence from Greywater Fastness, they may be able
to show the Sylvaneth they do not want war. Onduran’s
few allies on the Council are even willing to work towards
Chaos Reigns the Conclave’s wishes and instigate methods of reducing
The party may have guessed Astrid is a Khorne the toxic outflow into the Ghoul Mere, but as it stands,
cultist. They might even decide to accuse her now, every attempt they have made to work with the Conclave
before the Council of the Forge. However, without is shot down by Coldrock and Taverr.
evidence, the accusation doesn’t stick. Onduran
formally asks the party to investigate and provide If the party is in favour of war, Onduran’s arguments focus
proof: you can skip Diplomacy’s Last Stand.
Stand on how many lives will be unnecessarily lost if the Dark
God’s haphazard and sacrificial tactics take precedence in
If the party has somehow gathered compelling planning their defence. He describes it as ‘a war no one
evidence that she is a Khorne follower, the Conclave wins.’ Onduran also reminds the party that if Greywater
steps in and places Astrid under arrest. She fights Fastness is embroiled in a war at home, the likelihood
the party and the guards (Freeguild
Freeguild Soldiers, that it will continue supplying weapons to Sigmar’s armies
Soulbound page 303), and probably dies here. The reaches zero.
party still needs to investigate her home to find
their next lead.
Onduran has three requests for the party: PART 2: THE TOWER OF
1. Investigate Astrid Taverr and provide conclusive BLOOD
proof for the Conclave that she is a Khorne-
worshipping danger to the city. The best place to The party has time to prepare for their visit to Astrid
begin is her home tower in the Great Axle. however they see fit. If they put it off for too long, however,
remind them that they do have a time limit: Onduran
2. Arrest or subdue her: once she knows she’s under wants this matter settled before the Conclave’s strategy
investigation, she could do a lot of damage. meeting tomorrow.
3. Follow up on any leads towards other organisations Astrid’s home is something between a palace and a fortress.
in the city. Onduran has suspicions about the Its design is typical of Greywater Fastness architecture in
Greycaps given their actions at the Holfast Bridge, the city centre: a great narrow tower that reaches up into
but believes that Taverr is the key to bringing them the grey sky, with a general impression of being sturdy
down as well. enough to withstand a couple of bomb blasts. Getting to
Astrid herself presents several challenges.
Onduran wants the party to get back to him with proof as
soon as possible. The first Council strategy meeting begins
in twelve hours, and no doubt the first Sylvaneth assault on Entering the Tower
the city’s defences will start long before that. The faster the Main Entrance: A wide set of grey stone steps leads up
party moves, the more harm they can avert. He does not to a sturdy metal door. It looks (and is) blast proof. It’s
under any circumstances encourage the party to execute guarded by a pair of Greycap Soldiers (page 149). All the
Astrid themselves, but understands that their mission is to Greycaps in Astrid’s home are part of her cult, and are
purge Chaos wherever it may hide in Sigmar’s cities, and under orders to admit no one as Astrid is busy meeting
trusts they will do the right thing. with senior members of the cult on the top floor.
When the party leaves Gryphon Hall, the character with Servants’ Entrance: The servants’ entrance is locked
the highest Natural Awareness hears a distant, dolorous but unguarded. Opening it can be done with a DN 5:1
bell ringing somewhere in the city. It’s unusual, only just Body (Dexterity) Test, or dealing 10 Damage to the lock.
audible over the sporadic sounds of cannon fire from Unfortunately it opens straight into the kitchen, where
the walls, but it’s impossible to locate which direction it’s the ‘cook’ (an elderly Duardin Greycap with an eyepatch,
coming from. Perhaps a factory summoning the next shift who smokes a cigar) is butchering a goat for Astrid’s Flesh
to work early, or a fire somewhere? This bell is actually the Hounds. The cook raises the alarm immediately and
first sign that the Skaven are conducting a ritual to open blocks the door from the kitchen into the rest of the house.
a great Gnawhole in the heart of the city, but the party
cannot know that at this time. Windows: There are windows on all floors of the tower
except the top floor. They are made of smoked glass, and
a DN 5:1 Mind (Awareness) Test is needed to see into
the rooms beyond from outside. Each window is locked,
requiring a DN 4:1 Body (Dexterity) Test to open, and
Dead Trees Walking jam shut on a failure. Alternatively, a window can easily be
broken to open it, but the sound raises the alarm.
It’s a bad time to be a Sylvaneth character in
Greywater Fastness. By the time the party leaves Scale the Walls: Characters can attempt to scale the walls
the Crucible, word of war with the Sylvaneth has or fly to reach one of the many upper-story windows.
spread. From this point on, Sylvaneth characters Characters who climb must make a DN 5:1 Body
are treated with suspicion and in some cases open (Athletics) Test to climb each storey, with the Difficulty
hostility. Sylvaneth characters suffer Disadvantage increasing by 1 with every storey they climb. The Difficulty
on most Opposed social Tests while the city is is reduced by 1 if the character has appropriate climbing
under attack from the Sylvaneth. gear. They can then enter through a window on any floor
they have climbed to, or the balcony on the third floor.
The third-floor balcony leads into Astrid’s rooms, but is While inside the tower, each time a character enters a new
always patrolled by a pair of Greycaps who like to smoke, Zone, or spends longer than 5 minutes investigating a
look over the city, and plan where they will do the most Zone, they must make an Opposed DN 4:1 Body (Stealth)
killing in the coming siege. As a result, anyone seeking to Test against a Greycap Soldier’s Mind (Awareness).
climb or fly higher than the second floor must make an This represents sneaking past or avoiding the patrolling
Opposed DN 4:1 Body (Stealth) Tests against the Greycap Greycaps. If they are discovered at any point, the alarm is
guards’ Mind (Awareness). raised. The only way to prevent a Greycap from raising the
alarm is to incapacitate them during a Surprise round. In
Chimney: If a character scales all the way to the rooftop, addition, the use of any weapons with the Loud Trait, or
they can attempt to enter through the chimney. The thick spells or equipment that the GM dictates as suitably loud,
layer of soot conceals the rows of barbed wire stapled also raises the alarm.
into the bricks inside the chimney (Astrid is a Councillor
and a Chaos cultist. She has reason to be paranoid). Any If the alarm is raised for any reason, half the remaining
character who attempts to climb down takes 3 Damage Greycaps in the tower move towards the location of the
and must pass a DN 5:1 Body (Might) Test or fall into the disturbance, while the other half take up various defensive
Chapel of Slaughter (see page 114). This understandably positions on their respective floors. The party has
raises the alarm. disadvantage on Stealth Tests until they are caught.
Drains: Characters coming through the drains come up In addition, Astrid’s tower is an unusually tight space, and
in the tower’s flooded sub-basements. Why such easy hard to swing a sword in, filled to the brim as it is with
access? Astrid goes into the sewers a few times a week to narrow rooms, antiques, old war heirlooms, and statues.
hunt Skaven, Grots, vagrants, or whatever else she finds All rooms in the tower provide Partial Cover. This has
down there. The city sewerage system connects to the the benefit of making a stealthy approach easier, but if a
drains in Astrid’s tower, just like any other building, but character’s attack ever misses or causes no Damage, their
using this mode of access requires a contact who knows attack instead strikes a nearby object, and all targets within
the sewers and can act as a guide. Brod Gurnak of the Close Range of the intended target must make a DN 5:1
Underjacks (page 26) can provide guidance. Alternatively, Body (Reflexes) Test or be Blinded until the end of their
Onduran may be able to fish up blueprints for the drains, next turn, as dust and flying shrapnel fill the air.
but delivering them takes two hours.
SUB-BASEMENT Atop it lies a map of Greywater Fastness, which is partially
Squeezed between the building’s foundations and the buried beneath stacks of plates, and weapons. There are
sewers running beneath the streets, the tower’s Sub- two exits in the Dining Hall: a narrow staircase which
Basement is a cramped and dark space filled with pipes leads down into the Entrance Hall, and the continuation of
and storage crates overflowing with junk. The area is the staircase which leads up to the second floor, featuring
Heavily Obscured due to the lack of light. Any character of the Guest Rooms.
Medium size must crouch to move through here, and all
of their Tests using Body have their Difficulty increased by SECOND FLOOR: THE GUEST ROOMS
1. Large characters simply cannot fit in such a tight space. This floor features a narrow corridor that follows the
There are two exits in the Sub-Basement: one leading outside wall of the tower and leads characters in a circle
to the sewers via a heavy grating, and the other into the around a nest of four Guest Rooms in the centre. Each
Kitchens via a hatch. room was once well appointed, but they have all become
storage at this point. The odd room out features a collection
GROUND FLOOR: ENTRANCE of skulls mounted on the walls. Many are Skaven, some
HALL AND KITCHENS are Human, and others are from strange beasts the party
The ground floor is split into two Zones, the Entrance Hall may not even recognise. Central to this chamber is a
and the Kitchens. The Entrance Hall was once a nice open small plinth atop which a heavy Greataxe sits. This is
space where guests could be greeted, but like the rest of the weapon that Astrid used to hunt these beasts before
Astrid’s house, it is now a cluttered mess. Faded paintings she discovered her daemonic blade in the Ghoul Mere.
of a younger Greywater Fastness and Astrid Taverr can Anyone can tell the Greataxe has never been cleaned, as its
just be made out amid the mess. There are three exits from surface is encrusted with dried blood. There are two exits
the Entrance Hall: a small foyer that leads out the front from the Guest Rooms floor, each a staircase at one end of
door, a heavy door worked into the wooden panelling that the curved corridor: one leading down to the Dining Hall,
leads into the Kitchens, and a narrow staircase that leads the other leading up to Astrid’s Rooms.
up to the Dining Hall.
The Kitchens are somehow worse. With no servants Astrid’s Rooms appear at first glance to be the top of the
or care given to the room, it is piled high with stinking tower. They feature a large bedroom, complete with writing
refuse. Butchered animal corpses, piles of filthy plates, desk, wardrobes, and a large bed — all of which are just as
and rusted grime-encrusted knives cover every surface. unkept and cluttered as the rest of the tower — and a well
There are three exits from the Kitchens: one leads to the appointed washroom. Anyone inspecting the washroom
Entrance Hall, another is a heavy hatch in the floor which can spot a red line of dried blood around the rim of the
leads down into the Sub-Basement, and the last leads out free-standing bathtub. There are three exits from Astrid’s
the servants’ entrance. Rooms: the staircase leading back down to the Guest
Rooms, a set of double doors which open up to reveal a
FIRST FLOOR: THE DINING HALL wide balcony, and a hidden door located behind a skull-
The Dining Hall is a large octagonal room which takes up faced statue which leads up to the Chapel of Slaughter.
the entire first floor. Every wall features floor-to-ceiling
mirrors which have the effect of making the room appear The door can be discovered by making a DN 5:1 Mind
much larger, and more confusing, than it is. Like the rest (Awareness) Test to hear distant murmurings coming
of the house, this room is a cluttered mess, especially the from behind the wall. Alternatively, if the alarm has been
octagonal dining table which takes up much of the centre raised, the hidden door is ajar — a taunting invitation
of the room. from Astrid to enter her chapel.
The Chapel of Slaughter The party has time to take one Action each before the
The hidden staircase in Astrid’s bedroom leads the party brass doors are thrown open, swung inwards by a pair of
up to the final floor of the tower, behind a pair of large cultists inside, and the Flesh Hounds are hunched down,
brass doors, engraved with grinning skulls and smeared ready to pounce.
with blood. If the alarm is not yet raised, characters have
the opportunity to eavesdrop on the meeting from inside The room smells like a slaughterhouse, as well it might.
Astrid’s Rooms. The doors are thick, so they only hear Old blood, some dried to rusty stains and some still tacky-
snippets of conversation: dry, splatters walls, ceiling, and floors. Shackles on the
walls and the marks of heavy weapons scarring the floor
‘...the time is nigh. The streets will run red with blood. Grits, speak of prisoners, fights, and deaths in vast numbers.
Treelord, or Skaven, all shall bleed for the Blood God.’
In the centre of the circular room, Astrid Taverr sprawls
‘...Captain Fournoy’s Greycaps are massing at the Western comfortably on a throne of Skaven and Human skulls set
Barracks to prepare for our first battle as we speak. We’ll upon a stone dais, her face covered with a scowling brass
fight them hand to hand, as the Blood God demands. Blood mask. A twisted toothed greatsword lies across her lap; its
for the Blood God! Blood for the Blood God!’ teeth gnash and its bloodthirsty eyes lock with the party.
Flanking the throne, prowl a pair of rumbling, snarling
They can also hear some muffled, unidentified, growling. Flesh Hounds. Chewed up Human carcasses lay strewn
While damning, this is still not solid evidence the party at their feet.
can present to the Council. The party either has to return
with city guards (though there is no guarantee that the A group of Greycaps surround the room, as Astrid lazilly
Greycaps they enlist are not part of Astrid’s organisation), pulls herself up from her throne and grins through her
or confront Astrid now. mask. ‘Finally, I have waited long enough,’ she says,
before leaping forward into a full-blown attack.
Once the party has had a chance to eavesdrop (or not, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
if the alarm has been raised), a wet, thunderous howl The Chapel contains 3 Zones: the entranceway featuring
from inside the room halts the conversation. as Astrid’s the large brass doors and leading to the stairs, the central
Flesh Hounds sense the presence of fresh meat and begin dais featuring the throne where Astrid and the cultists
beating the brass doors to get at the party. start out, and a wide area behind the throne featuring
heavy iron chains where Astrid locks up the Flesh Hounds
when she is absent. All Zones are Lightly Obscured, and lit
only by a scattering of flaming braziers.
Astrid Taverr (page 149) is a skilled warrior, emboldened None of the occupants of the Chapel surrender. They fight
by the power of the Blood God and the daemonic blade she to the death. When Astrid takes her final Wound, read or
carries. While she holds the blade, she regains 1 additional paraphrase the following:
Mettle each turn, which she uses to take actions that can
taunt or demean her opponents, such as making Called Astrid stumbles backwards, bleeding profusely from her
Shots to the arms to disarm them, Shoving them into the injuries. She knows she has been defeated, but rather than
flaming braziers (which causes a character to catch fire let the party deal the killing blow, she raises Goredrinker,
and take 1 Damage ignoring Armour at the start of their grins, and says: ‘I’m sorry my lord. I was unworthy. Take
turn until they take an Action to put it out). my blood and skull as payment, that I might fight forever
in your honour. ’
Her two Flesh Hounds (Soulbound, page 315) go into
a frenzy and directly attack the party. As part of their At that, the daemonic blade distends its gnashing jaws
frenzy, they Grapple or make Called Shots to the legs and snaps shut around Astrid’s neck, decapitating her
to knock their targets Prone. The first time one of them in one scything motion. She jerks upright for a moment,
dies, another two break out from their cages and pounce before falling to the floor, dead.
from the shadow behind Astrid’s throne and join the fight,
following a similar pattern. A BLOODY TRAIL
With the death of Astrid, any surviving corrupted Greycaps
In her first turns of combat, before her battle lust completely flee the tower, vanishing into the streets to prepare for the
takes over, with each savage swing of Goredrinker, Astrid battle ahead. Needless to say, there is plenty of evidence in
delivers some exposition about her grand plan in a gloating the Chapel of Astrid’s devotion to Khorne:
and maniacal way.
A The daemonic blade Goredrinker snaps and growls
A ‘Do you like the taste of my blade? He is Goredrinker. at any characters who approach. It can be carefully
I knew from the moment I rescued him from the mud bound and carried if need be, but it is all but
of the Ghoul Mere that he was my destiny!’ impossible to destroy the blade itself. It will need
to be disposed of; trusted Greycaps, or Onduran’s
A ‘Did you really think Brinna was the mastermind people, can ensure its safe delivery to Gravenstone,
behind all of this? She was just a pawn! A warrior the local Stormkeep, locked away under the watch
who served us in death as well as she did in life! Didn’t of the Anvils of Heldenhammer. If anyone decides to
you know, it’s rude to read someone’s journal!’ wield Goredrinker in combat, Doom increases by 2.
A ‘You played your part stunningly! At first we thought A Astrid’s severed head, still wearing the custom-fitted
sending the repair crew to die would be enough to brass mask covered in Khornate symbology, would
spark the war, but to think you managed to arrange make a fitting and damning piece of evidence.
peace talks! PEACE TALKS! What better place to
start a war!’ A The party may simply feel that their own testimony,
and instructions to search Astrid’s home tower, is
A ‘It took years to build the Pioneers, to infiltrate the enough evidence to convince the Council.
Greycaps. So much… patience… and waiting…
I almost went MAD! But now the time is here. Regardless of the precise evidence, the characters have
Greywater is a city that trades in blood and war, and their next clue: Captain Fournoy, the leader of the
now it will finally live up to its promise!’ Greycaps who is allegedly gathering Khorne worshippers
in the Western Barracks.
There is one Greycap in the Chapel per party member,
and each carries a Battleaxe. They target anyone that At this point, the party can either report to Onduran after
Astrid isn’t fighting directly, and have a particular hatred dealing with Astrid, or move straight on to hunting down
of spellcasters. Some will take the Defend action on Astrid, the corrupted Greycaps in Greycaps Stained Red.
if they see her beginning to lose.
PART 3: GREYCAPS The Greycap Western Barracks
The Greycap Western Barracks are classically Greywater
STAINED RED in design. They’re a quartet of big, brutalist buildings
made of dark grey stone streaked with soot and pitted by
The party recognises the name of Captain Fournoy from acid rain, fortified and imposing. Cannons are mounted
previous interactions with Steelwater. He’s a leader of the along the perimeter walls, and rifle-armed guards patrol
Greycaps Freeguild. Fournoy has a reputation as a harsh the grounds regularly.
and temperamental man who rules the Greycaps with
an iron fist. His saying, ‘Always be ready for war’, often The streets immediately around the Barracks are empty:
parroted by the Greycaps, likely makes a lot more sense to locals avoid the area. By contrast, the Barracks themselves
the party in hindsight. ring with sound: training drills are taking place in the
parade ground in front of the Barracks, messengers sprint
If the party doesn’t recognise Fournoy’s name, any of their in and out of the gates, and officers stride purposefully
allies (including Onduran and of course Steelwater) do. from building to building, grinning like they’re about to
Identifying him is not the problem. With the city under get a medal.
martial law, the Greycaps have a great deal of power and
resources at their disposal. Picking a visible fight with the A brief look indicates that there are hundreds of armed
Greycaps could land the party in prison or in front of a Greycaps here. A fight would be a terrible idea. The party
firing squad for sedition. can Observe the Barracks for additional information on
the goings-on inside the Barracks, and then either Walk in
Additionally, Fournoy proves harder to apprehend than the Front Door or attempt to Scale the Walls.
Taverr. He’s more prepared, more wily, and he’s forewarned,
either by one of the Greycaps who fled Astrid’s tower, or if OBSERVE THE BARRACKS
any prior public accusations are made against him. A tall rest house called Idleway’s Stacks (page 26) stands
nearby — located on the tenth floor of a housing block,
Fournoy is mustering the Khorne-worshipping members opposite the Barracks and nestled high among the
of the Greycaps at the Western Barracks — marshalling workways. The sign is visible from the street as the party
and equipping them to take part in the siege. However, approaches the Barracks. Not only does the rest house
Onduran (or almost any other convenient NPC) can point balcony overlook the courtyard where troops are drilling,
out that just arresting a well-liked Freeguild Captain on but the staff all know the Greycaps of the Western Barracks
the eve of war is a serious threat to city stability. Fournoy better than they would like.
is also a close friend of Gulben Coldrock: the party’s proof
will need to be incontrovertible. The party can use Idleway’s Stacks as a secluded spot
to watch the Western Barracks. They can get a sense of
the comings and goings of the patrols, and see ways to
slip in unseen. Characters partaking in this observation
can make a DN 4:8 Extended Group Test using Mind
(Stealth or Awareness) over the course of a few hours. If
successful, the party gets a much greater understanding of
What About Steelwater? the Barracks, and reduces the Difficulty of all Stealth Tests
At this point in the timeline, Steelwater has been in and around the Barracks by 1.
called back to Brinna’s Farm in the wake of the
battle at the Holfast Bridge. The farm is one of In addition, when the party arrives, the rest house lobby
the frontlines for the fighting, and she refuses to is mostly empty: there’s only Rhea (she/her), the owner —
abandon her post or her soldiers. an energetic, loud Human woman wearing green canvas
overalls — behind the modest bar, chatting to two pale,
worried young Humans wearing nondescript brown
clothes. The two are furtive and are drinking heavily,
knocking back thick stout and shots of oily gin.
These are Abret (he/him) and Daniver (he/him), two A Due to the current bustle of activity, it would be a
deserters from the Greycaps. Despite their desertion, lot easier to gain entry to other areas of the Barracks
they’re not afraid of combat; in fact they plan to go and now than it usually is.
enlist in the city militia come the morning. Instead, they’re
terrified of the people they’d be fighting next to. A Captain Fournoy has been reassigning Greycaps
from all over the city to the Western Barracks. It’s
Both men were semi-professional boxers before they were been causing logistical chaos among the Freeguild,
recruited into the Greycaps. They served for some years as other units scramble to fill the ranks.
and made friends with a number of the Western Barracks
Greycaps, but they didn’t realise what they were getting A Despite this, Fournoy isn’t on site. All communications
into before they joined. If a character makes a DN 5:2 addressed to him are going to Lieutenant Oretz.
Mind (Guile or Intuition) Test, they reveal that both men
underwent an initiation ritual where they drank a revolting
cocktail of whisky, wine… and ‘animal’ blood. Later, Entering the Barracks
they found a grisly trophy room in the all-but-deserted Now that the party has gathered some information about
Administrative building where the regiment’s champions the Barracks and the soldiers gathering there, it’s up to
display the skulls of the creatures they regularly hunt them to infiltrate the place. There are a number of ways
outside the city walls. Both men deserted the force not to do so:
long after, and have been hiding out ever since — rightfully
afraid that a portion of the city’s greatest Freeguild might Walk in the Front Door: Characters can approach the
be murderous psychopaths. Barracks directly and hope that their authority granted
by the Council is enough to get them through the doors.
Abret and Daniver are far too terrified of the Greycaps The gates are guarded, but with the number of messengers
to testify in front of the Council, and leave the Idleway’s going in and out, the party are at least granted access to
Stacks in a hurry if the party pushes for such an act. They the guard post without too much scrutiny.
have families to care for, and firmly believe that going
against the Greycaps is tantamount to suicide. Still, they Make the characters nervous when they’re stopped at the
offer some advice on the location of the trophy room, and gate and made to announce their credentials. Make them
wish the party good luck in their investigation. sweat as the two pale guards with red-rimmed eyes and
heavy axes look them over like butchers sizing up the next
Messengers pig in the line. The characters must make a DN 4:2 Mind
The party might speak to any of the messengers as they (Guile) Test to talk their way in. If they fail, let them in
come and go from the Barracks. They’re all in a hurry, anyway but tell them the guards seem suspicious and
urgently needing to get back to their own superiors, watch them after they pass inside the gate.
employers, or government representatives with the
Greycaps’ replies. Many ride atop swift, but painfully loud, Scale the Walls: The characters can sneak over the outer
Rattletraps through the deserted streets, so they are easy wall to appear at a back entrance to any of the main
to hear coming. buildings, of course, but there are hundreds of soldiers
drilling in the courtyard. It’s a DN 6:2 Body (Stealth)
The characters can pull rank as the Council’s agents or Test to gain entry to any building from the front, and
just use a DN 4:1 Mind (Guile or Intimidation) Test to DN 4:2 from the back. Failure sees the characters quickly
convince a messenger to talk to them. They know: surrounded by a squad of ten Greycap Soldiers and their
sergeant. They’re yelled at, threatened with axes, and the
A There’s much tighter security inside the Barracks red-faced sergeant with spittle flying from his mouth
lately. There are paths marked with red lines on the demands to know who they are. If the characters assert
floor that outsiders are to follow if they need to speak they’re there from the Council, they’re arrested (see You’re
to an official, or deliver a message. Most outsiders see Under Arrest!).
a twentieth of the Barracks, at most.
Traversing the Barracks While inside the Barracks, each time a character enters a
Inside the Western Barracks are over 200 Greycap new Zone, or spends longer than 5 minutes investigating
Soldiers (page 149), the majority of which are mustering a Zone, they must make an Opposed DN 4:1 Body
in the parade ground, with groups of two guarding various (Stealth) Test or Mind (Guile) Test against a Greycap
entrances or patrolling the corridors, and larger groups of Soldier’s Mind (Awareness or Intuition) respectively. This
up to ten mingling in social spaces. Though only Fournoy’s represents the group navigating around the patrolling
inner circle are Corrupted by Khorne (page 148), more Greycaps or convincing them that they are meant to be
of his trusted followers arrive from across the city every there. If the party is discovered at any point, the alarm is
hour, as he consolidates his force. raised. The only way to prevent a Greycap from raising the
alarm is to incapacitate them during a Surprise round. In
addition, the use of any weapons with the Loud Trait, or
spells or equipment that the GM dictates as suitably loud,
also raises the alarm.
You’re Under Arrest! If the alarm is raised for any reason, a squad of Greycap
If for any reason the party are incapacitated, Soldiers equal to the number of party members plus
surrender, or otherwise find themselves at Doom approach the location of the disturbance and aim
the mercy of the Western Barracks Greycaps, to arrest the party (see You’re under Arrest). Whilst the
they are disarmed and thrown into a cell in the alarm is raised, any Stealth Tests inside the Barracks are
Correctional and Storage building. The cells are made at Disadvantage.
laced with Nullstone, preventing the use of spells
while imprisoned. Escape entails picking the lock (a If the party needs to, they can Flee or Retreat (Soulbound,
DN 4:1 Body (Dexterity) Test), and overcoming a page 143–144) from any combat in the Barracks should
pair of Greycap Soldiers left on guard outside the they be discovered, and return a few hours later to renew
cells, ideally before they raise the alarm. their investigation. If they do so, the Difficulty of all Body
(Stealth) Tests to move around the Barracks increases to
5, to represent the Greycaps’ increased vigilance.
The Barracks Layout A There’s a skeleton in one of the prison cells. It’s
Now the party are inside the Barracks, they begin the hunt missing its head. Before they died, they used their
for incriminating evidence linking the Western Barracks own blood to scrawl prayers imploring the God-King
Greycaps to the Khorne cult. Painted red lines guide Sigmar to ‘save our souls from the enemies within’.
visitors to a few permitted locations: the offices of Fournoy
and the other commanders in the Housing building, and A The armoury features an unusual number of axes,
the rear of the Correctional and Storage building for many showing signs of heavy use and crusted blood
deliveries. Signs in several languages indicate these as the along their sharpened edges.
only areas visitors should ever access.
A As is common in Greywater Fastness, rats sneak up
The Greycap Western Barracks is made up of four from the sewers to feed on the stores. The practice
buildings, surrounding a central parade ground where the of nailing them to the walls with daggers or actual
body of the corrupted Greycaps are mustering: nails and leaving them to rot, however, is unique to
Fournoy’s Greycaps.
The largest of the buildings, directly north across from ADMINISTRATIVE
the parade ground. The building is divided into a ground Directly to the east of the parade ground, this octagonal
floor mess hall, four floors of dormitories each with six seven-story tower contains three offices on each of its seven
rooms containing twenty beds, and a fifth floor of officers’ floors. They’re all dusty and rarely used: administration
quarters. The place lacks any kind of order or cleanliness. doesn’t seem to be a priority here.
Plates and cups litter the mess hall, and the kitchen is
filthy. Dust builds up in corners. Chipped paint, damaged A An office on the first floor contains plans for
furniture, and cracked windows suggest fistfights are the addition of an eighth floor. A DN 4:1 Mind
regular and violent. (Theology) Test reveals eight to be a holy number
for Khorne’s worshippers.
A A heavy, iron cauldron on the mess hall’s high table
swarms with flies: it still contains a few inches of A The third floor contains the Trophy Room. A
blood. So do some of the cups. In the kitchen a suspiciously unmarked door that can be unlocked
Woodhorn carcass hangs from chains, completely by passing a DN 5:1 Body (Dexterity) Test. Inside,
drained of blood. the kill counts of each individual soldier, along with
the type of victim (Skaven, Sylvaneth, Human, etc.),
A Fournoy’s chosen Greycaps keep trophies of their are recorded on huge iron plaques that cover the
kills: bones, teeth, and ears are all commonplace. walls. Anyone investigating the kill counts can see
They have very few other possessions: no journals, that Lieutenant Ortez has almost double the kills of
very few reminders of loved ones or family. After their nearest competitor.
spending 5 minutes investigating and making a DN
5:1 Mind (Awareness) Test, the party can come A Oretz’s office on the fifth floor includes a shelf of
away with a small collection of hand-carved bone manuscripts featuring prayers to the Blood God,
charms in the shape of Khornate skulls. Definitely describing in graphic detail the glorious act of
incriminating evidence. murder. The books sit in steel cases bound with black
iron chains. Breaking the chains to remove them
A Some of the officers have pieces of black enamel plate from the unit is loud, and summons a patrol of 10
armour hidden in their rooms (uncovered with a DN + Doom Greycap Soldiers to investigate. The party
5:1 Mind (Awareness) Test). None have full sets, just must act fast to subdue or evade them.
a few pieces each. Some pieces are decorated with
horns, skulls, and spikes. A Fournoy’s office on the top floor contains a brass key,
sitting next to a lump of blood-red wax. It features a
CORRECTIONAL AND STORAGE version of the Greywater Fastness coat of arms, but
The smallest of the four buildings, to the north-west of with the central ‘S’ replaced with a stylised, grinning
the parade ground. The storehouse is a hexagonal building skull. A DN 5:1 Mind (Theology) Test reveals this
two storeys high. The lower floor features thirty prison skull to be the symbol of the Blood God.
cells of varying sizes, and a well-stocked armoury. The
upper floor holds stored foodstuffs and gear.
TRAINING AND CHAPEL Cumbersome and uncertain in his new form, he misses
On the south-western side of the parade ground, this with his initial charge and crashes into the entranceway,
building is a sturdy construction of thick stone featuring causing it to collapse and trap the party in the chapel with
a single double-height storey, divided into two large halls. the newly-birthed monster.
One side is a training room, full of apparatus to maintain
physical fitness and spaces for combat practice. The other The chapel consists of three Zones: the Altar where Ortez
is a chapel. Strangely, the windows have been bricked up. was chained, and two wide rows of Pews. The Pews grant
their Zones the Difficult Terrain and Partial Cover Traits.
A The training room has been hard-used. Axe blows
have taken chunks out of every surface, and all other Oretz attacks like a crazed monster. Each time he attacks
equipment is neglected. Sprays of old, dried gore he follows through, scattering pews, pummeling the walls
speak of many injuries dealt here. and shattering stone supports, spreading cracks across the
red tiled floor with every stomping footfall. His careless
A The great reinforced doors to the chapel are sealed swings change the landscape of the chapel each turn:
shut with heavy locks and arcane wards. Any
character with Training in Arcana recognises A In the first round of combat, plaster and streams of
instantly that tampering with the doors will alert dust start falling from the ceiling, making all Zones
those in the surrounding area to intrusion. The key in the chapel Lightly Obscured.
to the door is missing. It can be found on the top
floor of the Administrative building. A In the second round, chunks of stone begin to fall,
turning all Zones into a Minor Hazard.
A Characters with a Natural Awareness of 2 or higher
can just make out the sound of pained cries coming A In the third and fourth rounds this becomes a Major
from the other side of the door. Hazard. In addition, at the beginning of each player
character’s turn, they must make a DN 5:1 Body
A Inside the chapel is a nightmare. The statues and (Reflexes) Test or be knocked Prone by a large chunk
icons of the gods of Order have been destroyed or of masonry or falling pillar.
repurposed, carved and re-painted into grinning,
leering demons. A bloodstained wooden altar bears A From the fifth round onwards, the ceiling starts
the mark of Khorne, and skulls and bones have been to collapse. The chapel becomes a Deadly Hazard
roughly plastered into the walls. and the Difficulty of Tests to avoid the falling stone
increases to 6.
A Lieutenant Oretz is chained to the altar, doused in
blood and covered in profane Khornate symbols cut To add to the characters’ woes, this fight is loud. A squad
into his flesh. Upon entering the chapel, proceed to of Greycap Soldiers loyal to Fournoy and Oretz who were
Murderer’s Reward. watching the Chapel, equal to 10 + Doom arrives at the
beginning of the second round and begins clearing the
entranceway to get at the intruders. They complete this
Murderer’s Reward clearing at the end of the fourth round and enter the fight.
Once the characters enter the chapel, the situation Another squad arrives in rounds six and eight. The party
deteriorates quickly. Oretz, the bloodiest and most cannot Flee or Retreat from the chapel until the exit is
deadly killer of the Western Greycaps, is completing his cleared, or they manage to find some other clever way of
transformation into a Khorgorath (Soulbound, page 317) breaching the walls.
— his reward from the Blood God for all his slaughter.
He completes his screaming transformation and tears free If Ortez is left alive when the party flee, Doom increases
of his chains within seconds of the characters arriving. by 1, as he breaks free from the Barracks and rampages
Needless to say he is aggressive and blood-crazed; the across the city, in which case he becomes a problem in The
Khornate runes across his flesh glow like molten brass. He Night of A Thousand Fangs.
barrels through the pews, scattering them to kindling as
he charges the party.
THE BLOOD GOD’S MARK Onduran thanks the party and informs them that he can
There are a number of different forms of evidence that the use this evidence to gather more supporters in the Council
party can uncover from the Barracks, proving that some of the Forge and the the Grand Conclave, declaring that
Greycaps within the organisation worship the Blood God. The days of the Council’s opressive control are numbered.
A The armour and small icons from the Housing EVIDENCE AGAINST FOURNOY
building make for suitable evidence that the The party should return to Onduran with the news of
corruption has spread among the soldiers themselves, undeniable evidence that Khornate influence has spread
and isn’t contained within the officer ranks. within the Greycaps Western Barracks. If they don’t do
so immediately, they’re summoned to Gryphon Hall two
A Any of the Khornate tomes found in the hours before the Conclave’s scheduled strategy meeting.
Administrative building serve as perfect evidence of This time Stasiya is waiting at the entrance of Gryphon
corruption within the organisation. Hall to admit them. Onduran is visibly stressed: nervously
perspiring, and pacing his office. The news about the
A Any parts taken from the altar or carved from the Greycaps is not well received. Read aloud or paraphrase
Khorgorath that was Lieutenant Ortez serve as the following:
grizzly proof of corruption.
Onduran runs a hand through his thinning hair, and
With evidence in hand, the party can progress to The begins pacing around his small office.
Executioner’s Axe.
‘This is far worse than I could have predicted. I suspected
Fournoy… but to have such a number of enemies within
PART 4: THE our walls? And within our policing freeguild no less.’
The heat in the foundry is a constant assault, but Coldrock
appears untouched by the temperature. He leans forward
To The Walls! like he’s drinking in the heat. So does Fournoy, if that’s the
identity of the grey-haired Human man next to him, light
As the characters cross the city, the sun begins to gleaming off brightly polished armour, a telltale grey cap
set and the tolling of distant bells intensifies, its atop his head. You witness an exchange between the two.
source unidentifiable and the ringing discordant. Fournoy produces a blade, twisted and bloodstained,
Alarms quickly join the clamour: the Sylvaneth and dreadfully familiar. Gulben seems taken aback for
have reached the walls. Freeguild and militia rush a moment. But even from a distance, you notice the
to reinforce the troops on the walls, and the covetous gleam in the Duardin’s eyes. He reaches out and
booming of the Hours signals the beginning of the takes hold of the daemonic blade.
siege. Everyone not stationed on the walls retreats
indoors to pray the city’s defenders keep them alive Goredrinker has fallen into the cult’s hands once more. (If
until morning. any of the characters happen to be wielding Goredrinker
themselves, this is a new blade, a backup that Astrid had
From this point on, the noise is constant, a nagging constructed in secret.) The party can choose to assault
reminder that the city is already in crisis. Gulben and Fournoy head-on, but they may be able to
creep up on them, which requires only an Opposed DN 4:1
Body (Stealth) Test versus Gulben’s Mind (Awareness).
That allows them to get to the end of the section of walkway
the two men stand on, close enough to hear what they’re
saying. Any closer than that and their weight makes the
An Offering of Blood walkway sway, giving away their presence. As Gulben and
Like every other factory in the city, Trostray Crucible Fournoy become aware of the party’s presence, he turns to
is working at full capacity. The facility makes industrial Fournoy and speaks:
equipment for the city’s other factories. There’s a heat haze
around the foundry, the air shimmering and dry from the ‘This indeed is a strangely beautiful weapon, old friend,’ he
furnaces inside. holds the blade close to his ears, hearing its dark whispers
for the first time, ‘it will serve me… the Brotherhood of
A lone watchman minds the gate, but as the characters Brass well in defending our city, the right way...’
arrive three dozen off-duty workers are marshalling in the
street outside, an aged Duardin veteran in a mechanised ‘A great gift from Astrid,’ Fournoy replies, barely hiding a
wheelchair handing out rifles and spears and providing sinister smile.’
basic instruction on their use. If asked, the Duardin
explains management isn’t leaving anything to chance: ‘Excellent timing, champions,’ Gulben turns to address
if the Sylvaneth breach the wall, they’ll find key facilities you. ‘The Brotherhood of Brass has a beneficial
guarded and ready to defend themselves. proposition for you…’
No one attempts to bar the characters from entering, and Coldrock and Fournoy have a proposition for the party.
the watchman is happy to confirm that Gulben Coldrock The remnants of Astrid’s cult, Fournoy’s corrupted
is inside, along with Captain Fournoy. He doesn’t know Greycaps and Gulben’s assortment of warmongering
precisely where they are, but any of the staff inside the industrialists will leave Greywater Fastness in disarray
facility should know. This is true: any of the sweating, no matter what. Would it be prudent to take them off
weary workers loading coal into the furnaces, adding the board at this point? Diverting essential forces off the
metal, and cooling and carrying away the freshly cast walls to subdue them? What would it mean for the Grits
cogs and rods can simply point to Gulben. Gulben and to learn of this corruption now? It could sow distrust and
Fournoy stand on one of the walkways above the bubbling suspicion among the people at a most critical time.
vats of liquid metal.
Wouldn’t it be better to let Coldrock and Fournoy lead Gulben begins to see Khorne’s influence as a tool to be
their consolidated forces into battle against the Sylvaneth? used in the city’s defence. But the longer they wait, the
They’ll either die and provide Fournoy with a glorious more Goredrinker sinks its teeth into him. Gulben is
blood offering to his god, or should they win, they promise already adamant he won’t part with the blade.
to walk away from the city when the siege breaks, never to
be seen again. Gulben believes his Pioneers have proven Fournoy is no fool about the party’s likely intent for him
it possible to build a new settlement that can survive and his fellow cultists. If it looks like the party is going
the Ghyran wilds. He gets to be a hero to the Grits, like to reject their offer, Fournoy quickly goads Gulben into
he’s always wanted, and the city gains ferocious, highly helping him fight them off; spill some blood then escape to
effective allies that the Sylvaneth won’t expect. Fournoy safety in the city. In that eventuality, Coldrock calls for the
watches the conversation eagerly, eyes alight with hope at Brotherhood of Brass to rise up and defend them as they
the prospect of joining battle. make their escape.
All areas in the foundry have the Lightly Obscured Trait AFTERMATH
due to the perpetual heat haze, and the foundry floor
has the Partial Cover Trait from all the vats, belts, and If the characters agree to Fournoy and Gulben’s offer,
machinery on the floor. Doom increases by 1 and the city gains the service of
the corrupted Greycaps and Cult remnants in the battle
The catwalks were never intended to support people to come. The Grand Conclave are disappointed with this
fighting on them. At the beginning of each round, if there outcome, to say the least. No doubt a foolish and fear-
are more than two combatants fighting in a catwalk Zone, motivated decision; but as time is running out, they have
it begins to creak and buckle under the stress. If at the no choice but to back the party’s decision.
beginning of the next round there are still two or more
combatants in that Zone, it collapses. Any characters in the Otherwise, the Greycaps from the Western Barracks
Zone fall to the Zone below on the foundry floor, taking become a hazard to both sides in the coming battle,
3 Damage which ignores Armour. If a character wants to and something the party must deal with in Night of A
force a catwalk to collapse, they can deal 5 Damage to it, Thousand Fangs. Gulben and Fournoy escape, but are
which forces it to collapse. bound to resurface and cause trouble later.
On the foundry floor, the greatest threat are the large Regardless, the Grand Conclave and the Council of the
vats of liquid metal. If any attacks miss their target, they Forge are in disarray, as news of internal corruption finally
instead strike a nearby vat, production line, or piece reaches them. Some are already taking to their bunkers,
of machinery, damaging it and causing it to spring a shelters, and panic rooms to wait out the siege. The party
leak. The Zone becomes a Minor Hazard which ignores are soon to be called upon again by Onduran Embyn, as
Armour as molten metal begins to pour into it. On the he and the few remaining members of authority in both
subsequent turn, this increases to a Major Hazard which parties seek to save as much of the city as they can.
ignores Armour, as the leak gets worse. Any character can
intentionally cause a leak by dealing 5 Damage to any of The sun sets and the dolorous bells coming from beneath
the vats or the production lines. the city reach a deafening crescendo, as the Night of a
Thousand Fangs begins…
Fournoy is still fostering Gulben’s growing corruption
and always spends an Action to Defend him, using his
Counter Attack Trait to punish any characters who attempt Rewards
to harm him. Gulben’s natural cunning is being fed by As well as awarding XP for achieving any personal or
Goredrinker’s ferocity. Given an opportunity, he attacks party Short- or Long-term Goals, award additional XP for
the walkways to make opposing characters plummet to the the following:
floor below, attempting to fight his way out of the foundry.
A 1 XP for completing the adventure.
One turn after Gulben attacks, a squad of Cogsmiths
(Soulbound, page 303) charge from the foundry floor to A 1 XP for uncovering evidence against Astrid Taverr.
save their leader, members of Gulben’s Brotherhood of
Brass. There are two Cogsmiths per party member, plus A 1 XP for uncovering evidence of Khorne worship in
a number equal to Doom. If this group is reduced below the Greycaps’ Western Barracks.
half strength, another group of the same size arrives. They
aim to cover Gulben and Fournoy’s retreat, and escort A 1 XP for bringing Captain Fournoy and Gulben
them into hiding. Coldrock to justice.
The situation can’t get much worse; with the Sylvaneth Getting Started
siege outside the walls and Khorne’s influence spreading With the party concluding their investigation of Khorne’s
through the streets, Greywater Fastness teeters on a influence within Greywater – whether they accept Gulben
bloodied knife’s edge. But when a Skaven Gnawhole rips and Fournoy’s offer, see them escape, or bring them to
open at the very heart of the city, disgorging a Skaven- justice – Hyshlight begins to fade and the Sylvaneth siege
corrupted Cogfort along with an army of hungry ratmen, on the city is about to begin. Before dusk, they receive
the party are called to leap into action to protect the an urgent message from Onduran Emblyn. The Council
innocent and save what is most precious to them. and Conclave are in disarray after the news of Khorne’s
influence has been brought to light. Infighting and
The disquieting toll of a great bell has been reverberating squabbling has risen above the needs of the city, as the
from beneath the city streets for some time now, but just Steam Lords seek to save their own hides. Onduran has
as the party find themselves rooting out the last of the seized control of both the Council and the Conclave, and
Khornate cult that has plagued Greywater Fastness, the claimed Forgehaven (page 20) as a base of operations to
ringing reaches a mind-scrambling crescendo. Stunned organise the defence of the city. He seeks the party’s aid
silence falls across the city for a moment, before a rippling and expertise in the coming battles.
explosion of terrified screams fills the air. In the heart of
the Great Axle, a gargantuan swirling wound in reality Rumour: Many Grits believe the Council of the Forge has
tears open, swallowing buildings whole. From this a safehouse hidden somewhere in the city. Few Councillors
nightmarish Gnawhole, an army of Skaven pour into the are seen whenever the city is under siege.
streets, slaughtering all who stand in their way. Worse still,
a diabolically twisted Cogfort bursts out of the portal and Fear: High-level siege protocols are in effect. The city
sets about the task of levelling the city that birthed it. is in lockdown. Looking to the Council of the Forge for
answers, only Onduran Emblyn is speaking with the
Pandemonium descends upon the city. Without action people’s interest in mind.
and organisation, Greywater Fastness will fall before
morning. The party is only a small force amid a conflict of
such scale, and they cannot fight an army alone. From the
hidden bunker of Forgehaven, they must rally allies and
choose which key missions they will undertake or delegate
in hopes of turning the tide. The clock is ticking.
PART 1: TO FORGEHAVEN Three miles underground, the elevator slows to a halt,
and everyone switches onto a steam-cart that takes them
Read aloud or paraphrase the following: further through a long winding tunnel, towards the
centre of the city. The cart line terminates at one of the
You hear the opening volleys of war deflecting off the gates of Forgehaven. Heinz continues forward, passing
city’s Guardian Idols, and the Hands begin firing into and nodding to armed Ironweld Arsenal guards and the
the Ghoul Mere in return. The Sylvaneth have arrived. odd sullen looking Steam Lord, past stockrooms of fine
Criers begin relaying decrees from the Grand Conclave. weapons, armour, and supplies. Onduran waits for the
High-level siege lockdown is now in effect. The workways party in the central chamber, a crisis room filled with
above your head grind to a halt, Rattletrap couriers ornate cogwork periscopes that reach up and spy on the
gallop through the streets desperately delivering orders, city above, and communicator devices that relay orders
and Spoke Road merchants hastily pack up their wares. and information, each operated by Ironweld Arsenal
officers and engineers. Onduran is hunched over a central
As the Grey Gate begins to close, the city’s elite retreat table, a map of Greywater Fastness carved into it and
to the Great Axle, and workers head to their assembly cluttered with map markers, tomes, and order scrolls; it’s
lines — the well-defended factories are much safer than in as much of a mess as the city above. Onduran greets
returning to their ramshackle abodes in the Outer Circle. the party and gathers everyone around the war table. Read
You see a familiar face approach. Captain Terzo Heinz, aloud or paraphrase the following:
with an armed escort from the Ironweld Arsenal in tow,
finds you. ‘Onduran needs you, post-haste. I’m to take ‘Heroes, warriors, soldiers,’ Onduran begins, ‘I have
you to Forgehaven.’ gathered you here today so we may save as much of the
city as we can. This is far worse than the ratmen’s most
Heinz gathers the party and hands each of them a brass key recent attempt. By our estimation of the Sylvaneth forces,
embossed with the insignia of the Council of the Forge and the walls will not hold; the very forests of Ghyran rise up
a series of Duardin runes in the bow. Magically sensitive against us. What’s left of the Grand Conclave and Council
characters feel a strange kind of magnetism from it. They of the Forge is in this room; we’ve ordered everyone to
see that Heinz has one himself, hanging around his neck. sequester themselves. Everything’s shut down, all citizens
He gives them a stern warning: ‘Don’t lose it.’ Heinz then are to take cover, unless there is a gun to man —’
leads them away from the crowds into a factory’s back
alley, to a shed tucked into the corner near the Inner Wall. ‘Sir,’ an officer interrupts Onduran’s speech, ‘something’s
He uses the key to open the door, and reveals a mine-shaft happening at the Great Axle.’ Onduran pushes past and
elevator inside. He ushers everyone in, inserts his key into grabs the periscope. His brows raise above the viewfinder
the controls and pulls the lever. The elevator begins to fall, and an awe-filled Duardin profanity passes his lips. You
quickly driving deep down into the earth. feel Forgehaven shake, the sound of ringing bells and
screams reaching down through miles of rock and tunnels
Heinz explains that Forgehaven’s entrances are shrouded from the surface above. Onduran sees reality tearing
by layers of enchantments, and that the party has been apart at the seams as a Skaven Gnawhole claws through
blessed to see past the shroud and allowed to enter. The the firmament, disgorging ratmen and their mechanical
Council of the Forge built Forgehaven as a bunker to monstrosities into the heart of the city.
survive the worst calamities, not just sieges, but potential
worker uprisings and natural disasters. But Onduran has
requisitioned the luxury shelter as a command centre: it’s
the safest place in the city, has over a dozen exits hidden
across Greywater Fastness, and even escape tunnels that
reach beyond the walls. The keys, in conjunction with
their received blessings, are required to open doors and
operate any transportation and machinery within.
The Order of Events
During the Night of A Thousand Fangs, Threats become
active at different times, and the party must decide which
Threats to confront themselves, assign to allies, or leave
alone. A time period lasts roughly four hours; realistically
the party can only personally deal with two Threats in that
period of time, unless they split the party, which is not
without risk. The starting times of these four-hour periods
are referenced as: Dusk, Night, and Dawn. Between the
first and second time periods, the party regroups at
Forgehaven, and receives new intelligence from Onduran
and his staff.
The party can use Forgehaven’s tunnels and exits to get close
to their objectives. However, due to the turmoil on the city
streets, whenever the party travels between Threats and
Forgehaven, roll or choose an encounter on the Greywater
Siege Minor Encounters table on page 128 and resolve it.
(Some of these encounters require a personal touch from
the GM to relate to the party’s experience in Greywater
Fastness. Think back on their previous adventures and
encounters in and around the city.) Allied Forces & Delegating Threats
During their adventures in Blackened Earth, the party
By Morning, the state of Greywater Fastness depends on should have met and gained favour with various characters
how successful the party has been at resolving Threats, and and groups around Greywater Fastness. Now the city is
the conditions of the various allies and enemies they deal in danger, it’s time for these allies to come to the party’s
with. Part 3: The Morning After (page 145), provides a aid. These allies can join the party in combat when facing
number of possible conclusions for the party’s adventures Threats directly, or the party could gather the various
in Blackened Earth, as well as resolutions for the various allied Leaders and Reserves they have access to and forge
factions present in the city, based on what occurred during them into one or more Allied Forces capable of tackling
the Night of A Thousand Fangs. Threats while the party is engaged elsewhere.
Dusk The Skitterclank Cogfort (page 129) The Head Hunter (page 131) The Heart of the Weald (page 132)
Night The Chittering Tide (page 134) The Horn of Karanak (page 134) The Choice of Violence (page 137)
Dawn The Sleight of Hand (page 138) A Sacrifice for the People (page 140) The Fallen Idol (page 142)
1D6 1 2 3 4 5 6
You pass a bar you A beloved building A catatonic Clanrat Sewage rises up A Flesh Hound You run into
1 once visited, now a crumbles on the hides its head on a rapidly from drains begins baying in a congestion on one
burnt out husk. skyline. street corner. in the streets. nearby alley. of the Spoke Roads.
Weeds stuck
You spot some A courier A tree trunk falls An old Duardin
Fyreslayers from between the
opportunistic attempts to repair from the sky, woman is escorted
3 Kaulgar’s Blind are cobbles begin
Magpies looting a their damaged thrown like a to her home by
looking for trouble. to rise and grow
nearby store. Rattletrap. massive javelin. Greycaps.
A band of A wind carrying A Treelord standing A Steam Tank rolls A section of A Steam Lord is
underjacks emerge razor-sharp petals atop the outer wall down a cobbled workways above running for his life,
from a manhole flows from over is shot down by the street accompanied you falls, crashing wearing only his bed
and run for cover. the wall. Hands. by Freeguilders. into the street. clothes.
A spell of
Daughters from A favoured Swarms of A group of traitor A pair of underjacks
Elrith Ceyl stalk Greywater Spiterider Lancers Greycaps are pick through Skaven
5 conjured seedfall
the streets seeking Fastness character are shot down by escorted to Battery corpses looking for
rains down on the
traitors. is in danger. cannon fire. Green Penitentiary. trophies.
A lone Duardin Someone who You pass a Civilian volunteers You encounter A Stormfiend
wardrummer once insulted storefront, its are hauling carts the corpses of stumbles through
6 marches down a the party is seen windows smashed; of ammunition Freeguild soldiers; broken buildings,
street, tears and surrounded by some stock remains to the nearest all are missing their gunned down by
fury in his eyes. Clanrats. unclaimed. emplacement. heads. Freeguilders.
Roll 1d6 to determine the row, then roll 1d6 to determine the column.
An Allied Force must contain at least one Leader character, At the beginning of Night of A Thousand Fangs,
and any number of Reserves. In general, Leaders are named the party may have access to the following Leaders
characters capable of commanding people in battle, while and Reserves, depending on their story so far:
Reserves are unnamed forces or units. For Group Tests,
each Leader uses their stat block, as laid out in Allies A Captain Terzo Heinz (treat him as a Human
and Enemies (page 148), and each Reserve allocated to Cogsmith, Soulbound, page 303), of the Ironweld
the Allied Force simply adds one d6 to all Group Tests Arsenal (Leader) & 8 Loyal Ironweld Arsenal
the Allied Force undertakes. Allied Forces can only be Soldiers (also Cogsmiths).
assembled and committed to tackling a Threat while the
party is in Forgehaven, meaning the party is encouraged A Gulben Coldrock (Leader, page 150) & Brotherhood
to return to Forgehaven after tackling each Threat to check of Brass Cogsmiths (Reserves).
on the success or failure of their Allied Forces.
A Vikar Fournoy (Leader, page 149) & 8 Khorne
Some Leaders and Reserves are only available based on aligned Greycap Soldiers (Reserves, page 149).
the party’s previous actions, and the GM should feel free
to add alternative or additional characters that aren’t listed The following Leaders and Reserves arrive at Forgehaven
if the party has managed to garner more allies in their before Night (the second time period).
travels. More Leaders and Reserves may become available
to the party during the long night, depending on the A Captain Thyrissa Steelwater (Leader, page 149), & 8
results of their own attempts to tackle Threats. Loyal Greycap Soldiers (Reserves).
When sending an Allied Force to resolve a Threat without PART 2: GREYWATER
the aid of a party member, that Allied Force must complete
a Group Test as detailed in the individual Threat sections. IN FLAMES
Compare the results of the Group Test against the Threat
Resolution table below to see if the Allied Force succeeds, The following nine Threats detail the culmination
and how much of that Allied Force returns to Forgehaven. of events in Blackened Earth, arranged in order of
occurrence. These are the final showdowns with the Clans
Skryre Skaven of the Ghoul Mere, the Greywater Khorne
The Ebb and Flow of War insurgency, and the Sylvaneth siege.
During the Night of A Thousand Fangs, the party may
decide to split up and tackle the various Threats, with THREAT 1: THE SKITTERCLANK
individuals either going alone or accompanying an Allied COGFORT
Force. This is certainly possible and can lead to some great This Threat appears at Dusk. If the party decides to deploy
narratives as the party spread themselves thin trying to an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make a DN
fight all the fires that spring up around the city, but be 5:1 Body (Ballistic Skill) Group Test; if Captain Heinz is
aware that splitting the party too much comes with risk. a Leader of this Force, reduce the Difficulty of the Group
At this point in the overall adventure of Blackened Earth, Test by 1. Count the number of successes and refer to the
the party is likely to be beat up and exhausted, carrying Threat Resolution table below, and see the Resolution
Wounds over from previous adventures as they have had section on page 131.
little time to rest.
Threat: A Skaven-converted Cogfort emerges from the
A party member can spend their time recovering in Gnawhole — the Harbinger of Trouble has risen once
Forgehaven during a time period, rather than combatting more, twisted by accursed Skaven ingenuity. Acting as
a Threat. Here they can monitor the siege and make use Clans Pestilen’s vanguard, it begins attacking civilians
of Forgehaven’s ample medical supplies and Ironweld and levelling buildings in the Great Axle. Read aloud or
apothecaries. Count their time spent as full Rest paraphrase the following:
(Soulbound, page 154) and the resting character also
regains an extra Wound. An Ironweld officer urgently calls Captain Heinz to inspect
the view from a periscope. He sees what has just emerged
With all of this in mind, the Night of A Thousand Fangs from the Gnawhole. ‘That’s the Harbinger!’ Heinz cries
should progress in an ebb and flow. The party gathers in out. ‘That’s my bloody Cogfort! What have the ratmen
Forgehaven to assess the current Threats at large, gather done to her?!’ The Skaven Cogfort begins to scramble
allies and forge Allied Forces, then make a plan of which down the streets, away from the Gnawhole and into the
Threats will be combated by whom. With a plan in mind, Great Axle’s built-up areas, tearing through buildings,
they set out on their various missions, travelling through letting off volleys from a massive Lightning Cannon, and
the city and witnessing the siege in full swing. After their warping the surrounding area with the Screaming Bell
mission concludes, they return to Forgehaven and repeat mounted to the top deck. Heinz pleads with the party to
the steps above until morning. intervene before the Cogfort wreaks any further death
and destruction upon the city.
Number of
Tragic Loss: Some Reserves return with news that one of their Leaders has lost their life trying to resolve the
Threat. A number of Reserves lost their lives equal to Doom. The Threat is ongoing.
Loss: The Leader(s) return to Forgehaven with news of defeat, and a number of Reserves equal to Doom lose
their lives. The Threat is ongoing.
Victory: The Leader(s) return to Forgehaven victorious. The Threat is resolved, but a number of the Reserves
equal to Doom lose their lives.
9+ Heroic Victory: The Leader(s) return to Forgehaven victorious; not a single life was lost. The Threat is resolved.
The party exits Forgehaven into the streets of the The Grey Seer is performing rites in front of the Screaming
Great Axle, seeing the destruction first hand. They can Bell affixed above the bow. A number of Stormvermin
practically feel the twisted energy in the air, emanating (page 152) equal to party size plus Doom defends them.
from the Gnawhole nearby. Around them, Freeguild As long as the Grey Seer is alive, the Screaming Bell gives
soldiers defend buildings and civilians from the tide of every Skaven aboard the Cogfort +3d6 on Determination
ratmen coming out of the Gnawhole. It’s not long before and Channelling Tests. Additionally, the Grey Seer can
the party is able to find the Cogfort’s path. When they do, spend an action to make a DN 4:2 Body (Might) Test
they make a DN 4:8 Group Test using Body (Stealth) to to ring the Screaming Bell. Succeeding, the Bell does
remain unnoticed. If they fail, they lose the element of 3 Damage to all enemies within long range, ignoring
Surprise when launching their first attack and the Cogfort Armour (note: this includes enemies not on the Cogfort).
begins firing on them immediately. When combat begins,
track the number of rounds until the Cogfort is secured. The Outer Hull is covered in handholds for traversal and
repair, but has the Difficult Terrain Trait. It’s accessible
To secure the Cogfort, the party must defeat the Grey Seer from over the side of the Observation Deck above, and
operating the Screaming Bell on the Observation Deck, a few hatches along the Gun Deck and Crew Deck below.
clear Captain Skitterclank and the Warlock Engineer off
the bridge on the Gun Deck, and finally shut down the The Gun Deck is below the Observation Deck. Three
Warpstone Core in the Engineering Deck. Alternatively, Skaven Weapon Teams (page 154) equipped with
destroying the Cogfort entirely can be accomplished by Warplock Jezzails fire out of the balistrarias that line the
dealing significant damage to the Warpstone Core in the deck. At the front of the deck is the bridge, which is sealed
Engineering Deck, as described further on. off behind a locked door. Opening the door requires a DN
4:2 Body (Dexterity) Test, or destroying it by dealing 10
The Cogfort is laid out from top to bottom similar to how Damage. Captain Skitterclank and a Warlock Engineer
it was in the Harbinger of Trouble adventure, but under (page 153) are steering the Cogfort and firing the main
Skaven reconstruction it has been altered and populated Lightning Cannon into the city. Confronted by the party,
with Skaven enemies. Captain Skitterclank (page 151) or if they feel the odds are against them, Skitterclank
begins combat atop the Observation Deck, valiantly will attempt to escape and regroup with his forces (and
surveying the destruction his Cogfort is causing. At the potentially appear once more in a later Threat). Seizing
first instant the party is spotted, he heads below deck to control of the bridge only halts the Lightning Cannon
the bridge. from firing. In their infinite wisdom, the Skaven didn’t
fix the Cogfort’s brakes, so someone needs to stay and
The Observation Deck, at the top of the Cogfort, is open steer the Cogfort, or else it continues to plough through
to the air, and has a hatch to the Gun Deck below. At the buildings. Actually stopping the Cogfort requires gaining
front of the deck, is a Grey Seer (Soulbound, page 327). control of the Warpstone Core room.
The Crew Deck is below the Gun Deck. The Warp THREAT 2: THE HEAD HUNTER
Lightning Cannon sticks out from the front of this deck. This Threat appears at Dusk. If the party decides to deploy
A number of Stormvermin (page 152) equal to party size an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make a DN
plus Doom are operating the cannon, and attack anyone 5:1 Mind (Survival) Test. If Fournoy or Gulben attend
who enters. to this Threat, reduce the Difficulty of the Group Test by
1. Count the number of successes and refer to the Threat
The Engineering Deck is at the very bottom of the Cogfort, Resolution table on page 129 and see the Resoluton
itself broken up into three Zones: the Warpstone Core room section on page 132. Furthermore, if Ortez is left alive and
at the front, the General Engineering room and drives for allowed to break free during Blood Red Roots, he is the
the Cogfort’s mechanical legs in the centre, and the rear Khorgorath; otherwise this Khorgorath was the product of
Cargo Bay. The Cargo Bay is filled with Skaven junk and another of Astrid’s previously unknown rituals.
sharp scrap, a Minor Hazard for anyone climbing through
it whilst the Cogfort is moving. The General Engineering Threat: A Khorgorath is wreaking havoc across the Inner
room contains one Warlock Engineer per party member, Circle, using the workway platforms to avoid engaging
who won’t all attack the party right away, as they’re busy with troops on the ground, and hunting for skulls in the
operating the fort. The Warpstone Core room is a Major workway and transit stations. Read aloud or paraphrase
Hazard for anyone inside. The Cogfort won’t stop until the following:
the Warpstone Core is safely disengaged, which requires
a DN 5:2 Mind (Arcana) or Body (Dexterity) Test. An Ironweld officer watching the city turns away from her
Alternatively, if the Warpstone Core takes 15 Damage, the periscope, stricken with horror, face dripping with sweat.
core becomes unstable, and the whole Cogfort explodes Onduran goes over to help. She explains to him she’s been
three rounds later, dealing 15 Damage to everything in all following the trail of a Chaos beast and just watched
Zones in and adjacent to the Cogfort. it tear a soldier clean in half, devour their head whole,
and disappear back into the workways. You believe this
To get onto the Cogfort, characters must make a DN 5:1 monster is a dreaded Khorgorath.
Body (Athletics) Test, unless they are capable of flight.
From there, they can enter the Observation Deck Zone, or Onduran urges the party to hunt the Khorgorath down,
use the hatches along the Outer Hull to enter the Gun or believing few of the Ironweld or Greycap forces have the
Crew decks. The cargo hatch at the rear of the Cogfort has stomach to face such a monster and live.
been sealed up, but dealing 10 Damage to it breaks it open,
and adds an additional point of entry or exit. The party leaves Forgehaven, emerging into the Inner
Circle of the city. They travel towards the industrial sector
During combat, once per round, any characters outside where the Khorgorath was last spotted. They soon arrive
the Cogfort (beyond the Outer Hull Zone) must make a at a nearby workway station, where the Khorgorath’s trail
DN 4:2 Body (Reflexes) Test or suffer 3 Damage from begins; the sealed doors on the ground floor have been
being within the Cogfort’s disaster radius, as it continues torn off. Investigating inside, up the stairwells onto the
to knock down buildings and tear up the streets. various platforms the workway lines connect to, they find
the mangled remains of Greycap soldiers littered about
Resolution the station. All these corpses have one thing in common:
If the party manages to disable or destroy the Skaven they’re all missing their heads.
Cogfort, and possibly defeat Captain Skitterclank, reduce
Doom by 1. If it is an Allied Force that overcomes this To track the Khorgorath (Soulbound, page 317), the party
Threat, they can only destroy the fort, and always allow makes a DN 6:1 Mind (Survival) Test. Succeeding, they
Captain Skitterclank to escape. The wreck now lies close find the Khorgorath’s trail, following the stalled workway
to the First Wall. Captain Heinz calls in some favours, lines to another station to the north. They find the monster
and a group of Ironweld Arsenal soldiers are deployed to hunched over in a corner of a platform munching the head
guard the Cogfort’s remains. He’ll make sure the wreck is off a fresh corpse, and have the element of Surprise. If the
properly disposed of, sent to Hertzen & Sons Landdock party fails the Test, the Khorgorath catches up with them
(page 25) once the siege is over. If the party or Allied as they explore and attacks them from above; it has the
Force fails to resolve this Threat, the Cogfort continues to element of Surprise.
threaten the city and increases Doom by 1.
There are four Zones in this area. The Platform Zone is If two party members suffer a Wound in combat, the fresh
surrounded by a web of 3 Workway Line Zones that criss- blood draws a pack of Flesh Hounds (Soulbound, page
cross around and above the platform; these offer Partial 315). A number equal to the party size charge into the
Cover and all sit 8 feet apart from each other and the Platform Zone at the beginning of the next round, and
Platform Zone. All these Zones are around 40 feet above seek out the wounded characters first.
ground level, and there is nothing but the cobbled streets
below to catch anyone’s fall (see Falling and Jumping in Resolution
Soulbound, pages 140–141). The Khorgorath is so huge If the party or an Allied Force manages to defeat the
that it can move between workways without making a Khorgorath, the citizens and soldiers in the Inner Circle
Test, and even Charge between them. The former citizen are a little bit safer. Get a party member to make a DN
(or Oretz) may have lost all their memories in their 6:1 Mind (Lore) Test. Succeeding, they enlighten the rest
transformation, but their instincts about moving around of the party with the knowledge that the Khorgorath may
the city remain intact. one day seek them out for vengeance, effectively reforged
by its master Khorne. If the party or Allied Force fails to
In combat, the Khorgorath moves between the platform resolve this Threat, the Khorgorath continues to threaten
and surrounding workways. If no one follows it, it the city and increases Doom by 1.
chooses a moment and Charges back towards the party.
If any party members cause it particular trouble, the THREAT 3: THE HEART OF THE WEALD
Khorgorath attempts to Grapple them, then Shove them This Threat appears at Dusk. If the party decides to deploy
off the workway on its following turn. Getting back to the an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make a DN 4:1
platform from ground level takes two rounds of combat, Body (Weapon Skill) Test. Count the number of successes
unless the character can fly. (In the event that all party and refer to the Threat Resolution table on page 129 and
members have been thrown down to street level, the see the Resolution section on page 134. The Branchwraith
Khorgorath escapes.) Oakspeaker (page 100) is central to this Threat, however
if they were killed during the events of The Riven Bridge,
a new Branchwraith called Merecrier takes the same role.
They are a young Branchwraith who grew up in the Ghoul
Mere, and are loyal to Pale Oak. Similarly, Anastasia
Everlark (page 78) features in this Threat too, however if
she died in the fight at Holfast Bridge during The Riven
Bridge, one of Anastasia’s followers takes up this role:
Sorisana Spoker is a Human who feels like Anastasia was
a sister to her, and is outraged over her death. Since then,
she has been elected leader of the Cherished Weald.
They seek to defend the Branchwraith at all costs until Threat: The Skaven have built fortifications around their
the Wyldwood is summoned, and if a swarm is defeated, Gnawhole, to keep it stable and protect it. Ironweld forces
a replacement emerges from the burgeoning Wyldwood have cut a path to the Gnawhole and are ready to strike.
at the start of the Branchwraith’s next turn, until the Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
Branchwraith is defeated. The Plots Zone begins to
writhe with life, shimmering jade light filling the area An Ironweld messenger arrives to speak with Onduran.
as massive trees begin to coalesce and burst out of the They bring news from the front in the Great Axle: Their
planters, branches weaving together into tough knots. It forces have contained the glut of Skaven invaders for the
takes the Branchwraith three rounds to fully summon the time being, and cleared a path to the Gnawhole, though
Wyldwood, during which time any non-Sylvaneth treats neither the approach nor the opportunity to use it will
the Plots Zone as a Major Hazard. Once fully summoned, last for long. They’ve requisitioned reinforcements and
increase this to a Deadly Hazard. Unless it is dealt with, even one of the Hands to help them in this mission, all
the Wyldwood aims to spread out across the rest of the they need is a strike team to get in there and shut the
greenhouse and out into the garden, then, if left alone Gnawhole down.
entirely, begins to plant its roots further into the city.
Onduran offers you the mission, believing that if anyone
Resolution is able to get it done, it’s you. The Gnawhole needs to be
If the party or an Allied Force manages to foil the dealt with, or else the rats will make Greywater Fastness
Branchwraith and their plans, Greycaps are rallied to their permanent home.
protect the garden. If the Wyldwood is fully summoned,
the garden must be burnt down. If they are able to The Ironweld messenger is ordered to bring the party to
interrogate the Branchwraith, or retrace their movements the front. They leave Forgehaven in a mining elevator,
by passing a DN 5:2 Mind (Survival) Test, the party is going straight up to the surface, into the Great Axle.
able to figure out that the Sylvaneth snuck into the city They travel a short distance to the Arsenal’s temporary
the same way Mottled Leaf was smuggled in, through a command station, The House of the Great Alliance (page
tunnel maintained by Astrid’s followers, now abandoned. 22). Its clockwork operation has been stilled, frozen on
Anastasia (or Sorisana) can be taken back to Forgehaven, Sigmar’s image. The city centre is overrun with skittering
to have her wounds seen to and be held for questioning rats and bands of Freeguild soldiers, and just as many
and sentencing later, for conspiring against the city in a corpses littering the streets.
time of war.
The messenger hands the party over to a Duardin corporal,
If the party or an Allied Force fails to resolve this Threat, introducing herself as Corinna Lodeheart. She hasn’t
the Sylvaneth gain their first foothold in the city’s Outer got time for greetings, saying she’ll make their proper
Circle and increase Doom by 1. acquaintance if they all survive this crisis. She hands the
party a bundle of Skyfire Flares (one each of Blue, Red,
THREAT 4: THE CHITTERING TIDE and Yellow; see page 38). ‘Don’t waste these, they’re all
This Threat appears at Night. If the party decides to deploy we’ve got left,’ she discloses. ‘We’ve got the Vice of Grimnir
an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make a DN for the next couple of hours, and it’s nearly in position,’ she
5:1 Soul (Determination) Group Test. If Captain Heinz says, checking her pocket watch. The party recognizes the
is a Leader of this Force, reduce the Difficulty of the name as one of the Hands, and Lodeheart launches into
Group Test by 1. Count the number of successes and refer explaining the rest of their mission, complete with known
to the Threat Resolution table on page 129 and see the intel and a crudely scribbled-over map of the Great Axle.
Resolution section on page 135. The battlefield has the following Zones:
The Battlefield Zones: These Zones surround the party makes a DN 4:8 Group Test using Body (Stealth).
Gnawhole, four quarters that split up the battlefield, Succeeding, they gain the element of Surprise, and have
labelled clockwise 1 to 4. Battlefield Zone 1 contains a time to move into position before all hell breaks loose.
collapsed building, offering Total Cover to anyone inside,
and contains 2 Weapon Teams (page 154) armed with Each round, Skaven forces arrive through the Gnawhole.
Ratling Guns, who cover the three other Battlefield Zones. They aim to leave the Zone and rush into the city, but
fight the party if they come face-to-face with them.
Gnaw-Anchor Zones: There are three of these Zones, one Cycle through the following four arriving units, until the
in the middle of each Battlefield Zone 2, 3, and 4. Each one Gnawhole is collapsed:
is a rickety structure made of scavenged materials from the
city, housing a mad arrangement of Skaven devices, and A 1 Stormvermin (page 152) per party member.
not one looks the same as another. Each one is manned
and protected by a pair of Warlock Engineers (page 153), A 1x Weapon Team (page 154) equipped with a
who never leave their machines. The Gnaw-Anchors can weapon loadout of your choice.
be disabled by dealing 15 Damage to the structure, or
succeeding in a DN 5:2 Mind (Arcana) Test within the A 1x Stormfield (page 153) equipped with a weapon
Zone to shut it down, or overloading it by passing a DN of your choice.
5:2 Mind (Channelling) Test.
A 1x Warlock Engineer (page 153).
Approach Zones: The Skaven have tried to clear these
Zones, but with their ceaseless deployments from the Then roll 1d6 to determine where that unit is moving
Gnawhole, they keep getting in the way of each other. to (exception being the Warlock Engineers, who survey
There is an Approach Zone attached to the outer side of the battlefield when they emerge and approach the most
Battlefield Zones 2, 3 and 4, and all offer Partial Cover. damaged Gnaw-Anchor machine to lend a gnarled paw).
The party deploys into Approach Zone 4 as combat begins. Once the three Gnaw-Anchors are destroyed or disabled,
move to Resolution.
Corinna makes sure to remind them a second time that
Gnawholes can only be used by Skaven; going inside Resolution
is guaranteed to utterly obliterate you. ‘So don’t fall in.’ If the party or an Allied Forces succeeds in collapsing the
She reminds them that they likely only have one chance Gnawhole, the remaining Skaven forces around it scatter
at this, before the Skaven re-organise their defences into the city, and Doom is reduced by 1. It may take months
and the constant reinforcements cause the Gnawhole’s to clean them all up, but at least their reinforcements
fortifications to become insurmountable. have been cut off for the time being. Corporal Lodeheart
redeploys her forces to secure the site for the rest of the
When the mission begins, the party is led through a warren night, and promises to thank everyone later with a drink.
of alleys and broken buildings by a hastily conscripted
member of the Loose Cannons Underjack Guild, named If the party or an Allied Force fails to resolve this Threat,
‘Galls’. He knows his way about the darker corners of the the Gnawhole remains open, continuing to pour Skaven
city, as well as how to avoid the rats’ skittish patrols. The forces into the city. The Threat is ongoing and increases
Doom by 1.
1d6 Outcome
The unit moves out of the Gnawhole Zone into Battlefield Zone 2,
attempts to move into Approach Zone 2, then escapes to cause havoc in the city.
The unit moves out of the Gnawhole Zone into Battlefield Zone 3,
attempts to move into Approach Zone 3, then escapes to cause havoc in the city.
The unit moves out of the Gnawhole Zone into Battlefield Zone 4,
attempts to move into Approach Zone 4, then escapes to cause havoc in the city.
THREAT 5: THE HORN OF KARANAK Quietly exploring the heights of Gryphon Hall (unless
This Threat appears at Night. If the party decides to deploy they’re able to follow a Greycap Soldier), the party begins
an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make a DN 5:1 to hear the noise of a deep, unsettling horn blowing,
Body (Might) Group Test. If Fournoy or Gulben attend at different frequencies and tones, as if being tuned.
to this Threat, reduce the Difficulty of the Group Test by Following the noise brings them up to the Masters’ Bridge,
1. Count the number of successes and refer to the Threat a long bridge that connects Gryphon Hall to the Crucible
Resolution table on page 129 and see the Resolution of State. Getting closer, the noise shifts, getting louder,
section on page 137. Captain Vikar Fournoy (page 149) almost sounding like the howling of a beast.
is the key antagonist of this Threat, but if the party made a
deal with him in Blood Red Roots, Fournoy is replaced by The Cult Leader (Fournoy or Furio) stands proud next
one of Astrid Taverr’s Acolytes: Furio Skyway (who uses to a brass mechanical amalgamation of pipes, pressure
the same stat block as Fornoy) is doing his best to keep vessels and controls, blasting out in time like a fog horn.
the remnants of Astrid’s cult together and carry out what Three massive Flesh Hound skulls are affixed to one end,
remains of her plan. pointed out towards the city. The whole unit looks like a
cross between a three-headed war-horn and a pipe organ.
Threat: Corrupt Greycaps have been spotted transporting Anyone who passes a DN 6:1 Mind (Lore) Test recognises
and assembling an unidentified device atop the Masters’ the machine as a twisted facsimile of Karanak, Khorne’s
Bridge. Could this be the next stage of Astrid’s plot? Read most favoured Flesh Hound. The air appears to warp
aloud or paraphrase the following: around the machine. ‘You’re not getting in our way this
time!’ the Cult Leader taunts the party.
Using Forgehaven’s surveillance, Ironweld officers have
been tracking a group of suspicious Greycaps moving ‘Soon the Master’s Flesh Hounds will hear our call and
equipment about the Great Axle. They’re coming and descend upon the city.’ Combat begins, and the corrupted
going from Gryphon Hall, which was ordered to be Greycaps charge at the party.
evacuated once the siege began. One group is spotted via
periscope, stumbling as they enter the building, revealing The Masters’ Bridge is segmented into five Zones: the
part of what they’ve been transporting — what appears to Gryphon Hall Entrance Zone on one end, the Crucible
be a massive Flesh Hound skull. of State Entrance Zone on the other, and three Bridge
Zones in the middle, with the Horn of Karanak in the
Onduran urges you to investigate, believing that Astrid’s most central Bridge Zone. All Zones, apart from the
cult has unfinished business they are desperate to central Zone, are covered up by thick arches of glass (5
complete before the siege is over. Damage is enough to shatter each section). The corrupted
Greycaps have already smashed down and removed the
The party rides the mining elevator up to a Forgehaven section in the middle, allowing the Horn to call out into
exit near the city centre. They have a few blocks to go the open. Note that falling from the Masters’ Bridge is a
before they reach Gryphon Hall. one thousand foot drop to street level, not recommended
for anyone without flight or a way to halt their fall.
There is a group of four Greycap Soldiers (page 149) with
the Blood for the Blood God Trait guarding the front doors The Cult Leader (Fournoy’s stat block, page 149) always
of the building. The party can approach them directly, spends an Action to Defend the Horn itself, and uses
but the soldiers always attempt to get them to move on. his Counter Attack Trait whenever possible, otherwise
The party can try to pull rank on the Greycaps, but it he won’t stop until the party is defeated. A number of
won’t work: they’re dedicated to concealing what they’re Greycap Soldiers (page 149) with the Blood for the Blood
doing here. If the encounter leads to combat, one of the God Trait (page 148), equal to party size plus Doom, take
soldiers breaks off and runs for the Masters’ Bridge (page up position around the Horn and open fire. It’s possible
22) above. Alternatively, the party can sneak in another to push the Horn off the side of the Bridge, requiring
entrance by making an Opposed DN 5:1 Body (Stealth) the character to pass a DN 5:2 Body (Might) Test, or 15
Test against the Greycaps’ Mind (Awareness). Failing, the Damage can be inflicted to destroy it beyond function.
Greycap guards spot them and engage.
At the end of each round of combat, if the Horn is You relay this information to Onduran, who urges you
still functioning, one of two things happens: On odd- to intercept them and see what they’re up to, as he re-
numbered rounds, a pair of Flesh Hounds (Soulbound, deploys troops to cover the crack in their defences. An
page 315) enter either the Gryphon Hall Entrance Zone, or Ironweld officer tracks the Sylvaneth to a purewater stills
the Crucible of State Entrance Zone. On even-numbered plant in the Outer Circle, and hands you the coordinates.
rounds, the Horn blows, and non-Chaos forces on the
Bridge make a DN 5:1 Soul (Determination) Test; failing, The party rides an underground train out to an exit in the
they take 1 Damage ignoring Armour and are Deafened Outer Circle. They have some ground to cover before they
for the next two rounds. reach the water treatment plant, at the end of Spoke Road
#2. Along the way they spot Onduran’s redeployed forces
Resolution and the shadows of Sylvaneth beginning to stalk through
If the party or an Allied Force succeeds in defeating the the city streets.
cult’s forces, disabling the Horn of Karanak and foiling
their plans for the time being, the remaining Flesh Hounds The party received intel from the Ironweld Arsenal
scatter. Upon their defeat, the Cult Leader (Fournoy or about the purewater stills plant’s importance. It stores
Furio) takes one last chance to curse the party: cutting his and recycles massive quantities of waste water, primarily
flesh, flicking his blood at them and ensuring the party distributed throughout the northern half of the Inner
that Khorne will bathe in their blood one day. Circle. It also acts as a major route for all the diverted
flood water that is a constant nuisance to the city. If the
If the party or an Allied Force fails to resolve this Threat, city is to survive past the siege, it will require the clean
the Horn of Karanak continues to blow, calling Flesh water stored there.
Hounds towards the city. The Threat is ongoing and
increases Doom by 1. The purewater stills plant interior has the same layout of
Zones regardless of which encounter happens next. The
THREAT 6: THE CHOICE OF VIOLENCE open area is a 3x2 grid of Zones surrounded by a massive
This Threat appears at Night. If the party decides to complex of machinery and treatment silos (where it is too
deploy an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make dense to fight). The three far Zones each have access to a
a DN 5:1 Soul (Determination) Group Test. If Captain major artery pipeline, enormous pipes that feed through
Steelwater attends to this Threat, reduce the Difficulty of most of the city’s water. The other three Zones opposite
the Group Test by 1. Count the number of successes and those have Difficult Terrain, filled with barrels and pallets.
refer to the Threat Resolution table on page 129 and see There is also a Zone of gantries above with plenty of access;
the Resolution section on page 138. Charred Yew (page it provides vantage on all Zones below, but no extra cover.
58) is a key character in this Threat, playing either ally or If an artery pipeline is destroyed, the Zone that pipe is in
antagonist to the party, depending on his state at the end and the open Zone opposite it begin to flood rapidly, both
of The Riven Bridge. There are two alternative encounters becoming Difficult Terrain and a Major Hazard.
that follow, which one occurs depends on where he stands
with the city and within himself. Charred Yew as Ally
As the party approaches the water treatment plant, Charred
Threat: The Outer Wall has been breached, and Sylvaneth Yew intercepts them in the streets. When asked why he
forces begin to trickle into the Outer Circle. Ironweld has come into the city, Charred Yew explains that he wants
officers have spotted a group of Sylvaneth led by a towering to help. He still believes in the forces of Order, but heard
Treelord approaching a critical location, a water treatment the Spirit Song of War regardless, and was compelled to
plant. Read aloud or paraphrase the following: approach the city. Anger burns within him, but he believes
he is strong enough to still think for himself. He suspects
You feel more rumblings reaching down to Forgehaven as that some worshippers of Khorne are plotting something
the siege continues into the night. ‘Sir! The Outer Wall, nearby — he encountered some Greycap soldiers soon
it’s been breached!’ an officer calls out. The other stations after he entered, one of whom he even recognised as an
re-align to watch, and you get a look in yourself. It’s just antagonist at the Holfast Bridge incident. Charred Yew,
a crack, splitting the Outer Wall only half way down, but being curious, followed them to the purewater stills plant,
it’s wide enough for a Treelord to climb through. Which and spotted some more of them carrying explosives.
is exactly what you see: Charred Yew and a number of
other smaller Sylvaneth coming through.
Sneaking inside the purewater stills plant to investigate Spites (page 158), each of a number equal to party size
requires passing a DN 4:8 Group Test using Body (Stealth), plus Doom. They move to stand between Charred Yew
granting the element of Surprise against the Chaos forces. and the party.
If the characters are spotted, or kick down the front door
to the complex, they’ll find their enemies in the middle of The party can try to reason with Charred Yew, but he
setting up explosives on some gargantuan pipes. There are is enraptured by the discordant Spirit Song of War. If
four Human Cogsmiths (Soulbound, page 303) running the party does not immediately engage Charred Yew,
about between Zones setting up the explosives on the he destroys the first pipe of three before combat begins,
artery pipes, and a number of corrupted Greycap Soldiers showing that he won’t back down from his mission. During
(page 149) equal to party size plus Doom are defending his turns, Charred Yew uses his Groundshaking Stomp
them. They are being led by a Blood Warrior (Soulbound, attack on the pipes (treat the pipelines as if they have 25
page 315), another rogue Greycap called Wulf Mason, Toughness and Great Defence). He’ll use his Strangleroots
who is enthusiastically clad in more traditional Khorne- attack on any party members that get close to him, but
styled armour. Like him, all the Human Cogsmiths and this only deals half Damage. They may sense that part of
corrupted Greycap Soldiers have the Blood for the Blood him is still reluctant to hurt them. The Branchwraiths and
God Trait (page 148). Depending on how Charred Yew Mere Spites support Charred Yew as best they can, trying
(page 58) felt by the end of The Riven Bridge, he may to distract the party or get in their way, to let Charred Yew
aid the party in combat by directly attacking enemies, or work undeterred.
taking supportive actions.
Mason and the Greycap Soldiers aim to defend the If the party or an Allied Force succeeds, the purewater
Cogsmiths at all costs, as they finish setting up their stills plant is saved, and secured by trusted Greycap forces.
explosives. The party has seven rounds total to prevent all Crisis Cogsmiths move in to begin fixing the damage
the pipelines from being destroyed. At the end of rounds 2, done. If none of the artery pipelines were destroyed,
5, and 8, one set of charges explodes, immediately dealing reduce Doom by 1.
5 Damage to everything in that Zone, and rupturing the
pipeline. The party may be able to tell which explosive is If Charred Yew is on their side, the party may invite him
about to detonate by the Cogsmiths clearing out of that back to Forgehaven. Charred Yew declines, but promises
Zone during the previous round. To stop the explosives to aid the party if they confront Pale Oak and the Sylvaneth
from going off, the party must defeat all the Cogsmiths, or army later in the siege.
remove the explosives from the pipes before time runs out,
and move them to another Zone. Disarming the explosives If Charred Yew is defeated, they may wish to recover his
is possible, by passing a DN 4:2 Body (Dexterity) Test, lamentiri. What they do with it, is something they can
however this is dangerous! Failing the Test causes the look into after the siege ends.
volatile explosives to go off.
If the party or an Allied Force fails to resolve this Threat,
Charred Yew as Enemy all three of the artery pipelines are destroyed, and the
The party goes straight to the purewater stills plant. Outer Circle begins to flood. This hampers the Slyvaneth
Sneaking in to investigate requires passing a DN 4:8 forces from pressing into the city, but the damage to that
Group Test using Body (Stealth), granting them access sector is nigh-irrecoverable. Increase Doom by 1.
and the element of Surprise against the Sylvaneth inside.
Navigating through the pipes and machinery, they come THREAT 7: THE SLEIGHT OF HAND
upon Charred Yew and a small host of Sylvaneth; Charred This Threat appears at Dawn. If the party decides to
Yew in particular is focussing his strength on rupturing the deploy an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make
three main artery pipes, bashing them in and conjuring a DN 5:1 Body (Ballistic Skill) Group Test. If Captain
tainted roots to get between the seals. Heinz or Captain Steelwater attend to this Threat, reduce
the Difficulty of the Group Test by 1. Count the number of
As soon as he spots the party, Charred Yew (page 157) successes and refer to the Threat Resolution table on page
taunts them: ‘Old friends,’ he speaks sardonically, ‘I urge 129 and see the Resolution section below. This is Captain
you not to get in my way. The Song asks that I flood this Skitterclank’s last stand, but if he was defeated earlier in
city to snuff out your forges.’ He is accompanied by a pair The Skitterclank Cogfort, replace his presence with a
of Branchwraiths (page 155) and two Swarms of Mere Warlock Engineer (page 153).
Threat: The Clans Pestilens forces have been capturing The wall shakes under their feet, and the nearby Guardian
key defences to secure their place in the city. Finally they Idols crackle with energy, their colossal shields flickering
have reached the Outer Wall and are attempting to capture ominously. In the distance they can see the Grasp of
one of the Hands. Read aloud or paraphrase the following: Opportunity approaching, smoke billowing out of its
engine, and a horde of Skaven chasing it, some already
Grasp of Opportunity, one of the city’s Hands — the massive climbing across its hull. Getting aboard requires a DN
railway cannons that patrol along the Outer Wall — has 5:1 Body (Athletics) Test, or access to a method of flight,
sent up an emergency flare. An Ironweld officer directs as the engine is still moving. Those who safely land are
their periscope to investigate, seeing that a band of Skaven distributed across the Hand’s Zones. Anyone who misses
have gotten up to the Outer Wall and are attempting to get can spend time catching up, as described below.
aboard. The railway cannon has begun moving to try and
outrun the rats. The Grasp of Opportunity has three Zones in itself, and
a fourth surrounding it. The Engine Zone at the front
Having already seen what the Skaven are capable of in includes the steam engine and the cab that controls the
reverse engineering the Harbinger of Trouble, Onduran asks Hand’s propulsion; stopping the engine requires passing
that you intercept the Grasp of Opportunity, and defeat the a DN 4:2 Mind (Crafting) Test. Behind the Engine is
ratmen before they take it over. Losing a Hand and turning the Turret Zone, this is where the cannon is controlled
its guns against the city would be a catastrophic loss. and aimed. Operating the cannon requires one Action
to load, a second Action to align, and a third Action to
The party makes haste to an underground Forgehaven exit fire (multiple characters can take these Actions if they
near the Outer Wall. It may be the final time they leave cooperate). Atop the Turret is the Barrel Zone, a long Zone
Forgehaven on this night. Time is of the essence if they’re that moves depending on where the cannon is pointing.
to catch the train as it passes through one of the Outer All three Zones that are part of the Hand have the Difficult
Wall’s turret stations. If they failed to resolve the Threat in Terrain Environmental Trait so long as the engine is
The Choice of Violence, they’ll start to see the streets of moving. Additionally, each Zone provides Partial Cover.
the Outer Circle flooding, waves of sewage rolling atop the
cobbled roads. Whenever the cannon is fired, or the engine is stopped,
all characters on the Hand must pass a DN 5:1 Body
They reach the designated Outer Wall tower and climb to (Athletics) Test or fall onto the Tracks, which is the fourth
the station at the top. Now up-close to the siege, they’re Zone. Characters in this Zone need to spend one Move
surrounded by tired Freeguild gunners, and civilian during their turn to keep pace with the train, and take an
volunteers carrying supplies to the different floors. Action to attempt to climb aboard once more, requiring a
DN 5:1 Body (Athletics) Test.
The Skaven forces are distributed as such: Captain THREAT 8: A SACRIFICE
Skitterclank (page 151, or his Warlock Engineer FOR THE PEOPLE
replacement, page 153) stands proud at the end of the This Threat appears at Dawn. If the party decides to
Barrel Zone, shouting commands back to those in the deploy an Allied Force to resolve this Threat, they make
Turret. There are 2 Warlock Engineers in the Turret Zone, a DN 5:1 Body (Ballistic Skill) Group Test. If Fournoy
fiddling with the controls and operating the cannon, or Gulben attend to this Threat, reduce the Difficulty
which they have mostly figured out by the time the party of the Group Test by 1. Count the number of successes
gets aboard; they’ll split their attention between making and refer to the Threat Resolution table on page129 and
it work and defending their position in the Turret. see the Resolution section on page 142. This is Gulben
Skitterclank is indicating that they turn the cannon Coldrock’s final stand, unless he was killed previously
towards the city and fire towards the Great Axle. In the or has allied himself with the party. In that case, the last
Engine Zone, 2 Stormvermin (page 152) and another of Astrid Taverr’s fellow Khorne cultists have gathered
Warlock Engineer are fighting 2 Cogsmiths (Soulbound, to complete this final mission on behalf of their fallen
page 303) for control of the cab. If the Cogsmiths perish, leader: they’re led by an undersecretary of Taverr’s office,
it’s down to the party to wrest control of the cab and secure a Human woman named Madreina Brighthearth (use
the engine. Gulben Coldrock’s stat block to represent her).
Count the number of rounds that elapse once the party Threat: Throughout the night, city officials and heads of
embarks onto the train. If they are unable to bring the state have become unaccounted for. Some emptied bunkers
Grasp of Opportunity to a halt, or wrest control of the and safe rooms within high-class housing show signs of
cannon, by the end of the eighth round, the next Hand kidnapping. Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
along the track, the Clutch of Victory, has no choice but to
blow them off the tracks to prevent the two Hands from Reports reach Forgehaven of a few break-ins occurring
colliding and end the Threat. Anyone in the party with a throughout the night, and enough data has finally piled
Natural Awareness of 2 or greater notices the presence of up for someone on the surveillance team to notice. An
the Clutch of Victory at the end of the sixth round, and sees Ironweld officer homes in their periscope to investigate
them lining up their shot. Skaven reinforcements follow other houses in the Great Axle area, and spots a pair of
the Grasp of Opportunity: 2 Warlock Engineers, and a Greycaps leading a Council of the Forge member away
Swarm of Stormvermin, number equal to party size plus from their home. Onduran orders the officer to follow
Doom, are keenly keeping pace with the Hand. They catch them. Soon the Greycaps and their charge reach the
up and leap aboard the Hand if the party manages to bring Ironweld Anvils of Industry and disappear inside.
it to a halt.
Onduran has a bad feeling about this, and asks the party
Resolution to investigate. Something isn’t adding up: The Greycaps
If the party or an Allied Force succeeds, the Hand is shouldn’t be moving anyone about the city at this time,
rescued from the clutches of the Clans Pestilens. If but this city official appears to be trusting of these
Captain Skitterclank is finally defeated, reduce Doom by Greycaps enough to follow against orders.
1. The party manage to guide the Hand to a nearby tower
platform, where it is quickly looked over by a band of The party heads back up to the city’s surface, perhaps for
Cogsmiths, and re-armed and supplied so it may return the final time. They leave through an exit situated near
to duty post-haste. the First Wall, and head towards the Ironweld Anvils of
Industry a few blocks away. The party may remember
If the party or an Allied Force fails to resolve this Threat, meeting Gulben Coldrock here for the first time during
the Skaven quickly take over the Grasp of Opportunity, and The Price of Victory.
there are additional consequences for the city outlined in
Part 3: The Morning After. Increase Doom by 1.
Outside, there has been some damage done to the building Coldrock (or Madreina Brighthearth) stands next to it.
from the siege, broken windows and cracked facades — Across the cavern’s ceiling, the party notices what looks
in particular the party notices the scorch marks from the like the twinkling of stars, but is actually the scattering
Skitterclank Cogfort’s massive Lightning Cannon. There of cyclestone ore deposits reflecting in the firelight. The
is no one guarding the front doors, and they’ve been left sound of the siege above rumbles down into the caverns,
unlocked, so the party is able to slip inside undetected. the ground shakes and trails of dust fall from above.
There’s no sign of the Greycaps inside, nor the city official. Gulben (or Madreina) turns to the party as they enter, and
The corridors are eerily empty and soundless, except his small army of Greycaps take up defensive positions
from the echo of the siege happening outside. Characters around the containers. ‘Our work is already in motion,’ he
with Witch Sight feel the conjuring of a massive spell calls out. ‘It’s their fault the city is in this mess, so it’s their
somewhere beneath their feet. Moving through the lives that will pay to set things straight. The blade, it’s so
maze-like Duardin-sized corridors and inspecting the hungry…’ Gulben shows moments of distress amongst his
cleared out rooms, the party can make a DN 5:1 Mind fury, as the Khornate blade still whispers to him. Around
(Awareness) Test to discover a hidden passage, hearing him are a few headless carcasses of former officials. ‘They
a lift mechanism operating on the upper levels, leading thought they were safe in their bunkers and panic rooms,
them to Gulben’s office. but they forgot that we designed and built them,’ he gestures
to the remaining panicked officials. ‘Once this is all over,
Alternatively, the party may wish to wait for another group and the blade has what it wants… my Brotherhood of
of Greycaps (page 149, with the Blood for the Blood God Brass will rebuild this city…’ Above him, the smoke from
Trait, page 148) to lead them there, which happens after the incinerator begins to coalesce into something more
a short while. Two appear, with another city official in sinister. (If Madreina Brighthearth is present instead, she
tow, and the party can follow them through the building. knows just as much about the party’s exploits so far.)
Anyone wishing to do so must make an Opposed DN
4:1 Body (Stealth) Test against the Greycaps’ Mind The cavern is laid out in four Zones: The Incinerator Zone
(Awareness), or be caught in the act. If the party are where Gulben Coldrock (page 150) begins. There is a
caught, one Greycap flees to meet their leader, whilst Cavern Zone between the Incinerator and the mine exit
the other aims to distract the party. If these corrupted that has been cleared out and is totally open terrain; this
Greycaps are interrogated with a successful DN 5:1 Soul is where the party begins. On either side of those Zones
(Intimidation) Test, they reveal that their boss is down there is a Depot Zone filled with machinery, and each
below the guildhouse, in an area they call the ‘emergency one has a group of Greycaps (page 149), number equal to
bunker’, and that they’ve already started their ‘great work’. party size, all with the Blood for the Blood God Trait (page
The official knows nothing, and explains that they thought 148); they are holding the kidnapped
the Greycaps were moving them to a centralised bunker city officials hostage in the
for safety reasons. containers. There is one
last group of Greycaps,
All paths lead to the guildmaster’s office on the upper level, two times party size,
another of Gulben Coldrock’s seats of power. In a corner that head straight
of the room, a section of scroll shelving has been removed towards the party from
to reveal a secreted mine shaft elevator that appears to go the Incinerator Zone.
far down below the building. Riding the elevator down They will try in pairs
alerts the guards to the party’s presence, since they’re to Disarm and Grapple
expecting another delivery. Another pair of Greycaps each member of the
are waiting, and begin to flee when they see the party party and drag them
emerge from the elevator cage. Not too bright, if followed into the Incinerator to
or caught the Greycaps lead them through some twisting be subsequently fed to
and splitting mine tunnels, into a massive hollowed- the blade and sacrificed
out cavern. The corners are littered with rusted mining as part of the ritual.
equipment and containers. In the centre of the cavern
stands an industrial incinerator, surrounded by fuel and is
already ablaze, the heat coming off it is palpable. Gulben
Once combat begins, count the rounds. The Chaos Resolution
energies from the blade’s sacrifices are coalescing with If the party or an Allied Forces succeeds, the captured
the cyclestone in the upper cavern: at the end of each council members are rescued in time, and the head has
even-numbered round, roll on the Incoming Stormfront been severed from the Khorne cult insurrection. It will be
encounter from the Ghyran Jungle Exploration table a long time before the cult is able to rebuild and find new
(page 51) and apply the effect to the Incinerator Zone leaders, and what is left of the city authorities may be able
and the Cavern Zone (everyone in the Depot Zones and to stamp them out for good. If Gulben was defeated or
the mine tunnel are under sufficient cover and remain rescued at the hands of the party, reduce Doom by 1.
If the party or Allied Force fails to resolve this Threat,
At the beginning of the fourth round, a rift opens most of the remaining Council of the Forge and Grand
above the incinerator, and Daemons begin pouring Conclave members are sacrificed to feed Goredrinker’s
out at the beginning of each round; this goes on for 8 rift; there are additional consequences for the city outlined
rounds until the rift eventually collapses. The list below in Part 3: The Morning After. Increase Doom by 1.
shows what Daemons appear, and on which round:
A Rounds 4, 7, 9 & 11: A number of Bloodreapers This Threat appears at Dawn, and is a situation that only
(Soulbound, page 316) equal to party size. the party could hope to resolve. The party cannot deploy
an Allied Force to resolve this Threat — they must deal
A Rounds 5, 8 & 10: A Swarm of Bloodletters with it personally, if they choose to do so. This Threat
(Soulbound, page 316), number equal to party size features Pale Oak and the bulk of the Sylvaneth army. If
plus Doom. Charred Yew is on the party’s side and still alive, he will
join them to face his brethren in this confrontation.
A Round 12: A Khorgorath (Soulbound, page 317).
Threat: The Sylvaneth army have been pummeling the city
These Daemons intend to attack the party and their allies. walls all night. Seeing an opportunity to topple a section
Some may attempt to get into the containers with the of the outer wall, the bulk of their forces redeploy to focus
remaining city officials, but are unsuccessful. Gulben is their efforts. Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
visibly shocked at what Goredrinker has coerced him to
do, and the party can see terror in his eyes. Succeeding Ironweld officers from Forgehaven have been watching
an Opposed DN 4:1 Soul (Determination) Test against the outer walls. Through their periscopes they spot
Gulben’s Soul (Devotion) causes him to surrender the swathes of Sylvaneth pulling back from certain fronts
blade and snap out of its corruption. Otherwise, under and redeploying at a single stretch of wall between Spoke
Goredrinker’s control he continues to fight the party until Roads #3 and #4. The reason why soon becomes clear,
his last breath. as one of the Guardian Idols sparks out and begins to
crumble, taking a chunk of the Outer Wall away with it.
During the tenth round, the party notices that the cavern The officer hastily reports this development to Onduran,
has become unstable. At the end of the twelfth round, or who replies with some new orders. He hangs his head, as
as soon as the party rescues the last council members, a new decision weighs heavily on his shoulders.
the cavern begins to cave in around them. The rift and
the released Chaos energies are shaking the cavern apart. ‘This may be your last chance to end things peacefully,’
At the end of the twelfth round, the Incinerator Zone he says. ‘I plead to you, find Pale Oak and get him to
collapses, taking Gulben Coldrock and Goredrinker with withdraw. With his forces centred on one point, we
it. Then one Zone collapses each round after that: the two have no choice but to threaten them with the Macro-
Depot Zones, and the Cavern Zone last. The party and Hurricanum Array. I have sent word to Chancellor
those they manage to rescue escape through the mine Muranis at the Scintillant Spire to deploy it. It is the city’s
tunnel they entered through, and ride the mine elevator last argument — we hoped never to use it again.’ You
back up to the guildmaster’s office. Any remaining enemy know the truth of this statement, having spent some time
Greycaps and Daemons are swallowed by the cave-in. in the Ghoul Mere.
It was the weapon that decimated the surrounding land, Greycaps meets them there instead). On the tracks above,
its use the tipping point that created the Ghoul Mere. If it they see four of the city’s Hands rolling into position
is fired again, in such close proximity to the walls, there’s around the tower. ‘We received word you were coming from
no telling how much damage it will do, or what the after- Forgehaven.’ Captain Steelwater begins to explain the plan.
effects might be.
‘We have a crane rig ready to lower you over the wall. The
The party reaches the city’s surface and moves through the Hands are set up to make a coordinated strike to clear a
broken Outer Circle. They come upon the broken section path towards the Sylvaneth commander, you can’t miss
of wall and see the surrounding destruction; scattered him. The Hands will do their best to clear the battlefield
masonry, broken cobbles, and shattered glass everywhere, around you. We’ll begin on your command.’
they feel the resulting tremors of artillery from both sides
pounding in their chests. Greywater forces are assembling Atop the wall, taking cover, the party surveys the battlefield.
in the streets, and the soldiers look prepared for the worst. There are chunks of severed lumber and smoking craters
If Charred Yew is on their side, he meets the party at the as far as the eye can see, a whole layer of earth and toxic
base of the artillery tower, having sneaked his way through life has been stripped off the surface of the Ghoul Mere.
the Outer Circle. Tangles of Sylvaneth — Spites, Dryads, Kurnoth Hunters,
and Tree Lords — scramble towards the wall, swatted back
Captain Steelwater meets them at the base of the tower, by the city’s artillery strikes. Magical roots summoned by
and escorts the party to the top, pushing past all manner Branchwraiths and Branchwyches claw at the base of the
of spent soldiers and civilian volunteers (if Steelwater walls, cracking and scattering the thick masonry, desperate
is indisposed, or dead, Lieutenant Scrystone from the to tear it all down.
The party has a few options to end the conflict: They can The Branchwyches are keeping their position protected
convince Pale Oak to pull the Sylvaneth back, to save his and deflecting incoming artillery by a powerful combined
people before Onduran orders the Macro-Hurricanum Arcane Barrier, which they’ll only drop if combat begins.
Array to fire, at the very least calling for a ceasefire. This
is difficult without the aid of Charred Yew, as Pale Oak is To convince Pale Oak to see reason and cease the siege, the
more amenable to listening to his former comrade, and party must succeed on a DN 5:10 Group Test using Mind
Charred Yew may be able to help quell what influence the (Guile) or Soul (Determination). Decrease the Difficulty
discordant Spirit Song of War has over him. Otherwise, of his Test by 1 if Charred Yew is present. Succeeding, Pale
they must fell Pale Oak, cut him down as an example to Oak comes to understand the horrific loss of lamenteri
the rest of the Sylvaneth, which may be enough to force that would occur, and the irreparable damage that the
them to listen to reason. Macro-Hurricanum Array would cause to his brethren
and the Ghoul Mere if they continue their course of action.
Still, they have to get to him first. The battlefield is laid He signals a ceasefire and retreat, though the Sylvaneth
out as follows: The party is deployed into the first of eight remain just outside long range of the city’s cannons. Pale
Battlefield Zones containing Difficult Terrain, chained Oak states that they are simply at a stalemate — this is
together and winding through the battlefield between the no truce. If unsuccessful, Pale Oak and his Branchwyches
wall and the Sylvaneth Command Zone where Pale Oak attack the party.
and his Branchwyches are commanding his forces. The
Command Zone has two Flanking Zones at either side If Charred Yew is with them, he aids the party rather
where the party can move for cover if need be. After their than directly attacking during his turns, using the Defend
initial salvo to clear the battlefield, the Hands keep up Action or aiding any members that become injured. He
their bombardments to either side of the Battlefield Zones, will also assist with any non-combative Group Tests the
keeping most of the Sylvaneth army off the party’s back, party makes against Pale Oak or the Sylvaneth forces. If
but this means that moving outside these Zones to reach Pale Oak is defeated, Charred Yew retrieves Pale Oak’s
the wider battlefield is suicide, as the Hands maintain their lamentiri if at all possible.
coordinated bombardment. However, some enemy forces
manage to slip through and hinder the party’s movement. Resolution
Track the number of combat rounds, and at the end of each If the party succeeds, recognising the threat and
odd-numbered round deploy one of the following enemies acknowledging the further damage to the realm the city
in a Zone in front of or behind the party, either emerging could cause, the Sylvaneth army retreats to the edge of the
from the ground below or from gaps in the artillery fire to Ghoul Mere. Convincing Pale Oak to back down without
the side. Cycle through the list if necessary. Reinforcements defeating him, the party reduces Doom by 2.
stop coming once the party reaches the Command Zone.
If the party fails to resolve this Threat, Onduran has no
A A Swarm of Mere Spites (page 158), number equal to choice but to unleash the Macro-Hurricanum Array on
party size plus Doom, emerges from the earth below. the Sylvaneth army. Their force is needlessly decimated,
and the Ghoul Mere is even worse off than before. There
A A Kurnoth Hunter (page 155) enters some Zones are additional consequences for the city outlined in Part
away, firing their Great Bow at the party. 3: The Morning After. Increase Doom by 2.
PART 3: THE MORNING A The Ghoul Mere: If the Macro-Hurricanum Array
was fired, a quarter of the Ghoul Mere becomes
AFTER a newly-seared wasteland. Because of this, the
general state of decay in the Ghoul Mere intensifies.
After encountering their last Threat, the party returns to What would have been decades until the total
Forgehaven to regroup with Onduran and the rest of the environmental collapse of the area now becomes
Ironweld commanders, and any remaining trusted city mere years.
officials. Hysh’s morning light shines in the sky, cutting
through the smoke and smog hanging above the city. It is KHORNE’S CULTS
apparent that what damage has been done will take a long A The Khornate Forces: If the party allied with Gulben
time to rebuild. The after-effects of the siege will be felt for and Fournoy at the end of Blood Red Roots, the pair
years to come. aim to leave Greywater Fastness for good and start
their own industrial settlement, as promised — but
Onduran is pleased to see the party return, and anyone in are apprehended by Onduran’s orders, with rare aid
need of immediate medical care is sent to the infirmary from the Anvils of Heldenhammer. They are publicly
to recover. The diligent Ironweld officers have already executed the next day, along with any other Khornate
supplied Onduran with a list of damage and surveillance forces that were captured.
reports about the current state of the city. With the party
and assembled remnants of the city’s leadership gathered A Lieutenant Oretz: If undefeated, the Khorgorath —
in the Forgehaven command room, he asks for silence as formerly known as Lieutenant Oretz — continues
he reads through the reports and lays out a new state of to make the workways in the Inner Circle its lair,
play on the map table. Check the following faction entries gathering loose Flesh Hounds to add to its beastly
against what happened in the campaign and relay the army. The workways are closed until further notice.
appropriate outcomes to the party.
A Gulben Coldrock: If defeated, Coldrock Ironworks
THE SYLVANETH and its sister companies are seized by the Ironweld
A Oakspeaker: If Oakspeaker was defeated at the Arsenal, scrubbed of any further Chaos influence,
Cherished Weald’s gardens, the Sylvaneth lose a and their assets gifted to the Grand Conclave as part
foothold in the Outer Circle’s green spaces. If he of the city’s relief effort. The Brotherhood of Brass,
was not defeated, the Cherished Weald’s gardens in shock of learning what happened to Gulben,
and other green spaces in the Outer Circle are effectively disbands without their charismatic leader
surreptitiously replaced by Wyldwoods during the no longer at the forefront.
night. These burgeoning Wyldwoods continue to
defend themselves for years to come. A Vikar Fournoy (or Furio Skyway): If defeated,
and the Horn of Karanak is destroyed, most of the
A Charred Yew: If alive and successful at bringing a Flesh Hounds drawn to the city return to the Ghoul
temporary peace with the Sylvaneth, he leaves the Mere. Many of them run into Slyvaneth forces and
party and returns with his people, vowing to temper are destroyed. Otherwise, Vikar (or Furio) flees the
their anger and sway them from the discordant city with some remaining loyalists and the Horn
Spirit Song of War. If defeated, his lamentiri may be of Karanak, to form a roaming band of Khorne
in the party’s possession; they may decide they wish marauders who summon packs of Flesh Hounds to
to return it to the Sylvaneth, so his memories are their command.
integrated and carried into the next generation, to
bring peace in time.
A The Skitterclank Cogfort: If the Cogfort is stopped, In addition to the state of the enemy factions, the party’s
Captain Heinz petitions the Ironweld Arsenal to aid accumulated Doom leaves a lasting effect on the citizens
him in rebuilding the Harbinger of Trouble to its and the city itself.
former glory, believing it may be needed to defend
the city once again. Otherwise it disappears after A 1–4: The Grits mourn their losses, but remain hopeful
the siege, with Captain Skitterclank at the helm. The that the city can be rebuilt if everyone rolls up their
Skaven Cogfort resurfaces in numerous skirmishes sleeves and gets to work. Onduran is able to install a
to wreak havoc over the years, between bouts of it renewed Grand Conclave, who strive to enforce the
breaking down under Skaven incompetence. proper disposal of Greywater’s waste outflow, and
cease the expansion of the Ghoul Mere. The waste is
A The Gnawhole: Closing the Gnawhole halts Skaven transported atop newly designed Cogforts, through
reinforcements from pouring into Greywater the Festermere Realmgate, where it is disposed of
Fastness. Cut off, the ratmen eventually lose their into Aqshy’s volcanic heart. This considerably eats
hold on the city, though the sewers of Greywater are into the Steam Lords’ profits, and slows production,
never as safe as they once were. If the Gnawhole was but it is all for the good of the realm. The Ghoul
left functional for the rest of the siege, it collapses Mere will still take generations to heal, but what is
by the end of the night, but by then enough Skaven this time to the immortal Sylvaneth? It matters more
make it through to gain a permanent foothold within to them that they can see the Mere shrinking, inch
the city. Clans Skryre seizes several cyclestone mines by inch, and with every new vibrant blade of grass.
beneath the city, which they exploit with typical
rabid efficiency. A 5–9: Many Grits leave Greywater Fastness altogether,
their homes destroyed, or no longer seeing the grand
A Captain Skitterclank: With their ambitious leader future that was once promised to them. Onduran
defeated, the Clans Skryre Skaven of the Ghoul and the remaining Steam Lords are able to reforge
Mere fracture into even smaller factions, with less their respective organisations and get everything
ambitious Warlock Engineers vying for power. back on track. Despite his hopes, Onduran believes
Though they are still a nuisance, a concerted effort that making a better peace with the Slyvaneth now
from local Underjack Guilds may be able to rid is impossible; their cold war has worsened, and
the city of them for good. But undefeated, Captain continues now with a greater measure of mutually
Skitterclank furthers the Skaven’s clawhold on assured destruction on the line. There is much to
Greywater Fastness, leading raids for supplies and rebuild, and the Steam Lords and citizens who
equipment in the Great Axle. remain want nothing more than for their lives to
return to the old normal.
A The Grasp of Opportunity: Liberating the Hand
prevents the Skaven’s growth beyond the Great Axle. A 10: Onduran orders the total evacuation of the city.
If left undefeated, they begin to take over several Greywater Fastness is to be abandoned until the
other Hands, and lash them together into a fortified forces of Order can regroup and work together to
death train that constantly circles the city. Weeks reclaim it; only small remnants remain to exploit
pass as they rain destruction into the city, until their what they can from the corpse of the city. In the
ammunition supplies run dry, at which point they weeks following the siege, the One Road is choked
send it hurtling from the tracks into the city below in with refugees travelling towards the Festermere
one final act of self-destructive glee. Realmgate, who wish to seek asylum in Aqshy. Fort
Festermere becomes the last bastion of Greywater’s
Freeguilds in Ghyran, who plan to regroup and
retake the city, pleading to Sigmar for aid.
AFTERMATH Mere poses may take a lifetime to solve, but the proper
regime installed could see it through. With considerable
In the weeks following the siege, reinforcements from effort, the party could see to it that the Sylvaneth have
the Ironweld Arsenal and other free cities arrive to some say in how the city is organised and run, or with
aid the Grits’ rescue efforts, either delivering supplies equal effort return Greywater Fastness to its former glory,
or aiding the refugees evacuating the city. Since the an even greater megafactory to supply Sigmar’s forces.
ghostlights have been dispelled from the One Road, the
way between Greywater Fastness and the Festermere The siege has affected everyone within the walls; every
Realmgate has become more dangerous. The Sylvaneth citizen is bound to have problems in need of solving, and
keep their distance from the highway, and the Ironweld very few would turn the party away from aiding them.
Arsenal and local Freeguilds aim to patrol the road with Many characters and locations mentioned in the City
increased regularity. Considerable resources have gone Guide (page 16) still offer lucrative opportunities and
into providing escorts for these patrols and shipments, fantastic mysteries that are worth solving, if the party
until a better solution can be found. wishes to remain in Greywater Fastness.
Onduran Emblyn does his best to cobble together a new The Sylvaneth have remained quiet for the time being,
leadership, primarily to tackle the problems that have but they are still not free from the Ghoul Mere’s infection.
persisted after the siege, salvage what is possible, and deal The party may be able to aid the Sylvaneth in finding a
with the enemies who remain. The new regime rules from more direct and peaceful solution, to regain favour with
the seat of Forgehaven, the last guaranteed safehouse in the children of Alarielle. The party may still be on the trail
the city. Every day new problems arrive on Onduran’s desk, of the Everqueen herself, to cleanse the Crucible of Life’s
from cases of citizen unrest, to factory repairs, to dealing defilement after their adventures in Shadows in the Mist.
with the irresponsible demands of outside investors in
Greywater Fastness’s economy, who have arrived to claim From among the caravans arriving from the free cities,
their pound of flesh like vultures. those from Excelsis also bring rumours of a great evil
stirring in the Realm of Amber that could threaten all of
Captain Thyrissa Steelwater is now the highest-ranking the Mortal Realms. Strange and twisted creatures have
officer of the Greycaps Freeguild. The Order Azyr executes begun to emerge from a stretch of wild Ghur known as
a thorough investigation into the remaining Steam Lords the Gnarlwood; rumours say that the Astral Templars of
and leaders of the Freeguilds to root out any lingering Valourhall seek assistance in solving this mystery, but are
Chaos influence. The Greycaps resume their position as reluctant to ask for it directly. (For more on adventures
the de facto police of the city, but in the eyes of many their in the realm of Ghur and the city of Excelsis, see the
reputation never recovers. This has been made Steelwater’s upcoming Soulbound supplement Era of the Beast.)
primary concern; to dispatch of the problem quickly, she
may wish to reach out to the party for aid.
The Grits and Sylvaneth both send out prayers, to the As well as awarding XP for achieving any personal goals
Lord of the Storm Eternal and the Protector of Ghyran, to or party Short- or Long-term goals, award additional XP
come forth and broker a new peace, but the gods remain for the following:
silent. All parties involved still wonder if their deities have
abandoned them. A For completing the adventure, award 1 XP.
Residents of Greywater CAPTAIN FOURNOY
Greywater Fastness’s population is primarily a mix of Captain Vikar Fournoy has been in league with Astrid
Duardin and Human families, with a smaller community Taverr for years, as they have conspired to turn his old
of Aelfs, though given the vast multi-realm trade centred friend, Gulben Coldrock, along with his wealth assets
around the city, representatives of most cultures and and manpower within his Brotherhood of Brass, to serve
species among the Free Peoples can be found scattered Khorne’s will. After years of service within the Greycaps
throughout the populace. The exception to this is the and a little political manoeuvring via the Council of the
Sylvaneth themselves, who are barred from the city due to Forge, Fournoy now has a true position of power. He is
their ongoing aggressions. now Captain of the Western Barracks, which he has turned
into a secret fortress to further his and Astrid’s goals, and
ASTRID TAVERR to further prove their devotion to Khorne.
Astrid is a former Freeguild soldier, who quickly rose
through the ranks and beyond, building a small Greywater CORPORAL STEELWATER
business empire from the ground up and landing a seat Thyrissa Steelwater is a woman caught between two
on the Council of the Forge. Hers is the story of a truly worlds, her life as a diligent Greycap Freeguilder rising
aspirational Grit, rising up from the gutters in the Outer in the ranks, and her spurned Aelf Wanderer heritage;
Circle to the high-rises of the Great Axle. often the latter suffers for the sake of the former, as she
hides her ears beneath the brim of her cap. She was
Many criticise her meteoric rise to power, though few know born in Greywater Fastness and though she has rarely
the truth of her ambition’s origin — the fateful day in the gone beyond the Outer Wall, she knows every street and
Ghoul Mere when she stumbled upon the daemonic blade workway like the back of her hand, fuelled by her natural
Goredrinker, accepting its corruptive power, receiving the Aelven curiosity to explore. She has contacts all over the
dark advice it whispers, and fuelling her secret fascination city, and knows which ones she can trust. Her skill with
with summoning Flesh Hounds. Subordinates call her a a rifle and her straight-shooting attitude have caused
Daemon behind her back, for her short temper, imposing Steelwater to quickly rise in the Greycap ranks, though the
stature, and the stream of unfiltered expletives that leave closer she gets to the top, the less she trusts those ranked
her lips; none of them know the damnable truth behind above her. You can read more about roleplaying Corporal
their mockery. You can read more about roleplaying Steelwater on page 66.
Astrid Taverr on page 83.
The Greycaps Freeguild were long ago contracted to
become Greywater Fastness’s de facto policing force, and
have since become one of the largest Freeguilds in the city.
They are well connected, for better or worse — overseen
Corrupted by Khorne by the Grand Conclave (and by extension, the Council
Various individuals and creatures in Blackened Earth of the Forge). The Greycaps were formed and raised in
can fall to the Blood God’s corruption. To represent Greywater itself, and their officers and soldiers are almost
this, simply add the Blood for the Blood God Trait entirely locally recruited, now boasting numbers in the
to their statblock. thousands. Each Greycap is trained rigorously in the use
of ranged weapons and hand-to-hand combat, as well as
Blood for the Blood God: The sight of blood sends all manner of civic defence procedures. Their rifles and
this creature into a frenzied rage. If this creature is handaxes are symbolic of the guild, the former used to
in the same Zone as any other creature who has defend the walls, and the latter used when they’re breached
suffered a Wound, their Melee increases one step. — each one is emblazoned with the Greywater banner and
the Greycap insignia.
Medium Mortal (Human), Chosen Medium Mortal (Human), Chosen
M Good A Average D Good M Good A Average D Average
Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
2 9 5 2 1 7 4 1
Speed: Normal Speed: Normal
Initiative: 4 Initiative: 3
Natural Awareness: 1 Natural Awareness: 1
Skills: Athletics (+1d6), Intimidation (+1d6), Might (+1d6), Skills: Ballistic Skill (+2d6, +1), Devotion (+1d6), Might
Reflexes (+2d6), Weapon Skill (+2d6, +1) (+1d6), Reflexes (+1d6), Weapon Skill (+2d6, +1)
Blood for the Blood God: The sight of blood sends
Astrid into a frenzied rage. If she is in the same Zone Blood for the Blood God: The sight of blood sends
as any creature who has suffered a Wound, her Melee Fournoy into a frenzied rage. If he is in the same Zone
increases one step. as any creature who has suffered a Wound, his Melee
increases one step.
Goredrinker’s Frenzy: While Astrid holds Goredrinker,
she regains 1 additional Mettle each turn. Counter Attack: Fournoy is a Greycap trained to defend
and escort others during Riots. Once per turn, when he or
Sic ‘em!: Astrid can spend an Action to direct one of her the character he is defending is dealt Damage by another
loyal Flesh Hounds to attack a specific target on its next target he is aware of, Fournoy can make an immediate
turn. When it does, its Melee increases by one step. attack with his Handaxe.
Goredrinker: Melee Attack (Good), 6d6, +1 F, 3 + S
Damage. Slashing, Two-handed. Rifle: Ranged Attack (Average), 5d6, +1 F, 2 + S Damage,
Long Range. Loud, Piercing, Two-handed.
Handaxe: Melee Attack (Average), 5d6, +1 F, + S
4 2 3 Damage. Slashing, Subtle, Thrown (Short).
One of the longest standing members of the Council of The mechanical fauna of Greywater Fastness, Rattletraps
the Forge, Gulben Coldrock owns factories and businesses are used every day for hauling goods and carrying couriers
all over the city, and has a close relationship with the across the city, outright replacing the reliance on beasts
Ironweld Arsenal. He loves Greywater Fastness more than of burden. They are not an all-around improvement,
anything, understands the dangers that are posed towards however: Rattletraps require constant maintenance and
it, and would do anything to ensure its safety. It is for this cyclestone fuel to function, as well as specially trained
reason that he often clashes with the Grand Conclave’s Cogsmiths to keep them in working order, meaning their
designs and laws, believing their rule over the city slows widespread use outside of Greywater is a dream their
down progress and hampers growth. It was this attitude creators have yet to manifest.
that made him a charismatic and popular leader, but also
led towards founding his own secret society, known as the Most Rattletraps are made in the image of some
Brotherhood of Brass. quadrupedal form. Horses are a given, but some are styled
after Dracoths, Gryph-chargers, or even Mournfangs.
Their primary unifying trait is also their namesake — the
GULBEN COLDROCK rattling din of their activity, and the whirling mechanisms
Medium Mortal (Duardin), Chosen that have an uncanny knack for catching on the clothing,
M Average A Good D Average stray fingers, and hair of those untrained in their operation.
Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
Speed: Normal Large Automaton, Warrior
Initiative: 5 M Poor A Poor D Good
Natural Awareness: 3
Skills: Awareness (+1d6), Ballistic Skill (+1d6), Crafting Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
(+2d6), Determination (+1d6), Devotion (+2d6, +2), Guile 2 4 – –
(+2d6), Weapon Skill (+1d6)
Speed: Fast
TRAITS Initiative: 1
Natural Awareness: 1
Goredrinker’s Frenzy: While Gulben holds Goredrinker, Skills: Fortitude (+2d6), Might (+1d6)
he regains 1 additional Mettle each turn.
In the Face of Doom: Gulben rallies his followers: ‘The Power Source: The Rattletrap does not need food or
city is doomed unless we rise above and turn the tide!’ water and automatically passes any Body (Fortitude) Tests
At the beginning of each of Gulben’s turns he gains a to endure harsh climates.
d6 dice pool equal to Doom. Until Gulben is defeated
or until no more dice remain in the pool, Allies sharing Automaton: The Rattletrap cannot be Poisoned, Charmed,
a Zone with him can add 1d6 from that dice pool to any or subjected to any kind of mental influence. The
Attack they make. Rattletrap doesn’t have a soul and automatically succeeds
any Soul Tests to resist spells and other effects.
Whispers of the Blood God: Fournoy and Astrid’s plans
to influence Gulben with Khorne’s power subliminally Clanking and Hissing: Any character that rides or leads
sends him into a frenzied rage. If Gulben is in the same a Rattletrap suffers Greater Disadvantage on any Opposed
Zone as any creature who has suffered a Wound, his Stealth Tests they make.
Melee increases one step.
Mechanical: Unless noted otherwise, a Rattletrap can only
recover Toughness if another character spends ten minutes
ATTACK and makes a 4:1 Mind (Crafting) Test, with each success
recovering 1 point of Toughness.
Heavy Cog Axe: Melee Attack (Average), 4d6, 2 + S
Damage. Slashing, Two-handed.
Goredrinker: Melee Attack (Average), 4d6, +1 F, 3 + S Defensive Kick: Melee Attack (Poor), 3d6, 1 + S
Damage. Slashing, Two-handed. Damage. Crushing.
3 4 2
Medium Mortal (Skaven), Chosen
Skaven of Clans Skryre Captain of the Tide: If there are 8 or more Skaven
creatures within Medium Range of Captain Skitterclank
The Skaven are a constant nuisance for Greywater Fastness. at the start of his turn, he regains an additional Mettle
(Swarms count the total number of individual members for
They have established deep hidden warrens in the Ghoul
the purpose of this Trait).
Mere, from which they regularly poke at the city’s defences
‘Loyal’ Crew: Once per round, when Captain Skitterclank
and ambush travellers on the One Road, always looking is the target of an Attack or spell, he can duck behind a
for ways to steal the wealth of warmachines, munitions, Skaven ally within his Zone. This noble Skaven sacrifice
and technology that Greywater produces. becomes the target of the Attack or spell instead of him.
Ratling Doom: When Skitterclank attacks with his Ratling
‘CAPTAIN’ SKITTERCLANK Gun, add additional dice to the dice pool equal to Doom.
The self-proclaimed ‘Captain’ is the current leader of
the Ghoul Mere Clans Skryer. A former weapons team ATTACK
operator of prodigious strength, Skitterclank found that Rusty Sabre: Melee Attack (Good), 5d6, 1 + S Damage.
his kill-partner kept getting in the way, so did what any Slashing.
Skaven would: murdered them, took the full weight of the Ratling Gun: Ranged Attack (Good), 7d6, +1 F, + S
Ratling Gun into his own claws, and proceeded to kill his Damage, Medium Range. Loud, Piercing, Spread.
way to the top of the pecking order. BODY MIND SOUL
4 4 3
It is rare for a Skaven such as Skitterclank to rally the
ranks of Clans Skryre’s chaotic hierarchy of Warlocks and
Engineers, but his power lies in his demented obsession STORMVERMIN
with Greywater’s weaponry and surprising skill at Marked out among their litters by dark fur and abnormally
executing cunning raids that see all under his command dense muscle mass, Stormvermin are raised from pink-
gain a hefty supply of munitions and realmstone to fight nosed pups into the elite fighting force of Clans Verminus.
over. This has empowered him to unite much of the Skaven Granted the best equipment and trained by embittered
in the Ghoul Mere under his banner, and set everyone’s war veterans for their entire lives, most Stormvermin
beady eyes on the city. His sneaky mind and bombastic adopt a swaggering arrogance due to their privileged
personality are only met by his rampant greed, desperate position in Skaven society, often demanding the right to
as he is to set his claws upon every wonderful war machine first feast upon fallen foes or challenging those they deem
Greywater Fastness can produce. Most notably, ever since weak to bloody duels for supremacy. Yet this arrogance
Skitterclank saw an Ironweld captain pilot a Cogfort is not unwarranted. Stormvermin are so renowned for
through the Ghoul Mere, he has been obsessed with their martial prowess that units are often contracted by
attaining his own, and thus began his demented parody other clans, where they act as armoured battering rams
of captainly flare. or imposing bodyguards for high-ranking and paranoid
members of Skaven society.
Twisted brainchildren of Clans Moulder flesh crafters The endlessly aspirational techno-sorcerers of Clans Skryre
and Clans Skryre Warlock Engineers, the Stormfiends spend their short and dangerous lives in a desperate bid to
are towering siege machines and frontline terrors of scrape and claw together any artificial source of power they
Skavenkind, capable of smashing, melting, or annihilating can reach. These Warlock Engineers come in many shapes
fortifications and regiments with nightmarish ease. and sizes, each with their own particular obsessions, with
some seeking alchemical or arcane secrets to fuel their
The biological framework for Stormfiends are gestalt Rat megalomaniacal dreams, while others turn their attention
Ogors purchased from Clans Moulder. These hulking to warp-lightning-spewing contraptions or towering
monsters are further enhanced by all manner of abhorrent war machines to reach their goals. Regardless of their
alchemical and sorcerous processes which force their particular specialty, no Warlock Engineer should ever
already grotesque bodies to bulge and grow to ludicrous be underestimated, as beneath the half-mad chittering
degrees, eventually dwarfing their Rat Ogor kin. Once eyes lies a festering hatred for all living things that stand
grown, thick plates of warpstone-laced armour are between them and their goals.
grafted to their outsized bodies, and their twisted limbs
are severed, only to be replaced with the most terrifying
weapons Clans Skryre can produce. Finally, the one STORMVERMIN
weakness of the Rat Ogor — their ubiquitous stupidity Medium Mortal (Skaven), Warrior
— is overcome by stitching an unwilling ‘brain-Skaven’ D Average (Good
to the Stormfiend’s back. Through agonising procedures, M Good A Poor with Shield)
this atrophied surrogate is linked by arcane means to the Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
monster’s brain. This grants the accursed surrogate the 2 5 – –
ability to take orders and steer the wrath of the lumbering
Speed: Normal
behemoths, to desolating results.
Initiative: 3
Natural Awareness: 1
Skills: Awareness (+1d6), Intimidation (+1d6), Reflexes
(+1d6) Stealth (+1d6, +1), Weapon Skill (2d6, +1)
3 22 – 1 2 7 – 1
Built for Purpose: Each Stormfiend only has access to More-More!: The Warlock Engineer can push their
the Clubbing Blows Attack and one other weapon options power to dangerous limits. Once per turn, immediately
listed in Attacks. before making an Attack or casting a damaging spell, the
Warlock Engineer can declare that they are unleashing
Nigh Unkillable: The Stormfiend is impossibly resilient.
their full power. The following Attack or damaging spell
Its Toughness is equal to (Body + Mind + Soul) × 2. This is
deals additional Damage equal to the current Doom. If
included in the above.
the Warlock Engineer deals more than 13 Damage with
Tunneler: If a Stormfiend is equipped with a Grinderfist this Attack or spell, they suffer a fatal tecno-sorcerous
Tunneller, it can move through solid rock, earth, and catastrophe and explode in a wave of uncontained energy
normally impassable walls or barricades as if they were — dying instantly and dealing 5 Damage to all creatures in
Difficult Terrain. the same Zone. This Damage ignores Armour.
Unpredictable Volleys: If the Stormfiend is equipped with Spellcasting: The Warlock Engineer is a spellcaster. It
Ratling Cannons, roll 1d6 whenever it uses them to Attack. knows the Arcane Blast, Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, and
Add the result to a single die in the attack roll. Warp Lightning spells. Additionally, the Warlock Engineer
can unbind spells per the Unbind Talent.
Warpstone-laced Armour: Stormfiend Armour counts as
Magical and cannot be reduced by weapon Traits such as Warp Lightning: DN: 5:2. The Warlock Engineer reaches
Rend or Penetrating. out one gnarled claw and a snaking bolt of agonising warp
lightning slams into their target. Choose one target within
Medium Range. The target suffers 3 Damage. This Damage
ignores Armour.
Clubbing Blows: Melee Attack (Superb), 10d6, + S
Damage. Crushing, Ineffective. ATTACK
8 2 1
The deranged Warlock Engineers of Clans Skryre are
in a constant, anxiety-driven competition to scrabble
Medium Mortal (Skaven), Warrior together the most death-kill capable weapons they can
M Average A Good D Average (Good imagine. Most of the time the results are sinister weapons
with Shield) of unwieldy size and unpredictable lethality — shrieking
Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle Ratling Guns that spew a scything hail of warp-laced
1 10 (5x2) – – ammunition from their whirling barrels; Warpfire
Throwers that ignite and spit long torrents of highly
Speed: Normal
volatile alchemical concoctions, melting through flesh,
Initiative: 3
Natural Awareness: 2 bone, and steel with ease. These weapons of war are varied
Skills: Awareness (+1d6), Ballistics Skill (+3d6 +1), Stealth in appearance and function, but the one unifying factor
(+1d6, +1), Weapon Skill (+1d6) between them is their outsized and cumbersome nature.
When not fitted to Stormfiends, these weapons are dragged
Many-Many Like It, but This is Ours!: A Weapon Team into battle by Skaven Weapon Teams — ambitious and
carries either a Ratling Gun, a Warpfire Thrower, or a
Warplock Jezzail. competitive squads of rat-men who are taught just enough
to operate their weapons, but never quite enough to realise
My Turn!: A Weapon Team is composed of two Skaven
that share the duty of carrying and wielding their the instability and true danger they pose to their wielders.
cumbersome weapon. Each Skaven has 5 Toughness, and
counts as an individual creature for the purposes of being
targeted by spells or attacks. If one of the Weapon Team
is killed or unable to operate the weapon, the team’s Sylvaneth of the Choirhall Grove
Accuracy and Speed are both reduced by one step, as the Choirhall Grove is the nearest Sylvaneth settlement to
remaining Skaven struggles to handle the outsized weapon Greywater Fastness, thought by the Grits to be located
just beyond the Ghoul Mere’s toxic influence. But
Unpredictable Volleys: If a Weapon Team is equipped unbeknownst to the residents of the city, the Ghoul Mere
with a Ratling Gun, roll 1d6 whenever it uses the Ratling
Gun Attack and add the result as additional dice to the
has since grown and swallowed the Grove up, bolstering
dice pool. the Sylvaneth’s hatred of the city, and striking the first
Pavise: If a Weapon Team is equipped with a Warplock
chords of their ‘discordant Spirit-Song’.
Jezzail, they also come equipped with a large shield which
acts as a stabiliser for their longrifle and a crude defensive BRANCHWRAITH
measure. Their Defence increases one step.
Priestesses of the Sylvaneth Wyldwoods, the Branchwraiths
ATTACK are especially attuned to Alarielle’s Spirit Song. They relay
and amplify it to the Dryads and Spites under the forest
Rusty Knives: Melee Attack (Poor), 2d6, 1 + S Damage. canopy of their territory. It is their duty to protect their
forests at all costs. As they march to war, Branchwraiths
Ratling Gun: Ranged Attack (Good), 5d6, +1 F, + S raise their slumbering allies and carry the Spirit Song of
Damage, Medium Range. Loud, Piercing, Spread.
War within them, embodying the pure wrath of nature.
Warpfire Thrower: Ranged Attack (Good), 5d6, +1 F, They are Jade wizards who call upon the land to bolster
1 + S Damage, Short Range. Loud, Spread. A creature
damaged by the Warpfire Thrower must succeed a DN their allies and lash out at their foes, but their true power
6:1 Body (Fortitude) Test or become Poisoned. This lies in acting as a conduit to their Wyldwoods and the
Condition lasts until the target finishes a Rest or is cured natural lands around them.
by other means.
Warplock Jezzail: Ranged Attack (Good), 5d6, +1 F, 2 + BRANCHWYCH
S Damage, Long Range. Loud, Penetrating.
Branchwyches are the spiritual custodians of Sylvaneth
BODY MIND SOUL groves. With their powerful life magics, they oversee the
cycle of life and death for the Sylvaneth. They harvest
2 2 1
the lamentiri of fallen brethren and resow them in the
soulpod groves so their souls and memories can be passed
on to future generations that sprout from these groves. But
when called to defend their home, this caring nature turns
as quick as the autumn wind, from a gentle breeze, to a
vicious storm of scything blades and nature’s fury.
The most numerous of the forest folk, Dryads are willowy The most common among the Outcast Sylvaneth, those
creatures of resilient wood and wicked claws. Though who arise only once the Spirit Song of War is called out,
they have gained infamy among non-Sylvaneth for their Spite-Revenants are typically the first into battle. They add
ferocity in battle — where they fly into a wild fury and are their own tune to the Spirit Song of War, screaming curses
capable of shrugging off great blows or punching through and dissonant melodies that cause their foes to waver as
armour with ease — they are not always driven to such the Spites descend upon them. When the Spirit Song ends,
violence. Their minds are simply impulsive and difficult they return to their gloomy groves, dark patches of forest
to comprehend to most. They are insular and distrustful at where even the light shies away. As the blood of their foes
the best of times, prone to suspicion and swift retribution dries into the surface of their bark-like skin, the Revenants
for any who despoil the natural world. lie in wait until they are called to war once more.
Kurnoth Hunters are warriors cultivated by the Everqueen BRANCHWRAITH
herself as hunters, warriors, and heralds. They are gifted
Medium Mortal (Sylvaneth), Champion
with great focus, incredible strength, and a natural affinity
for the hunt. Indeed, they claim the fallen Hunter God M Average A Average D Poor
Kurnoth as both their namesake and their spiritual father Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
alongside Alarielle as their mother. 2 8 – –
Speed: Normal
It is the duty and the nature of the Kurnoth Hunters to Initiative: 5
Natural Awareness: 3
operate more independently than most Sylvaneth. They
Skills: Awareness (+1d6), Arcana (+1d6),
range far from their home groves, hunting down and Channelling (+2d6, +1), Nature (+2d6), Reflexes (+2d6),
destroying threats before they can draw close, or seeking Weapon Skill (+2d6)
information and lost relics. Whatever their charge, they TRAITS
are implacable in pursuit of it, and not even a Vampire Blessings of the Forest: The Branchwraith connects to the
Lord or Ossiarch cohort will sway them from their paths natural flow of Jade magic around it. If the Branchwraith
if need be. is in the same Zone as any significant flora, plantlife,
or woodland, it gains +1d6 to all Tests, and its Defence
increases by one step.
Yet their independent work sometimes gives the Kurnoth
Spellcaster: The Branchwraith is a spellcaster. It knows the
a certain pragmatism that can lead them to treat with the Aetheric Armour, Arcane Blast, Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield,
dead, or make common cause with them against greater Roused to Wrath, and any 2 Jade spells. Additionally the
foes. When such occasions arise, these potent Sylvaneth Branchwraith can unbind spells as per the Unbind Talent.
often find their father’s legacy leaves them closer kindred Roused to Wrath: DN 5:1. The Branchwraith amplifies
to Soulblight and Nighthaunt than they may have realised. the Spirit Song of War in their allies. The Melee of all
Sylvaneth Minions and Warriors within the Branchwraith’s
Whether this leaves them more inclined to hunt alongside Zone increases one step until the start of the
the dead, or repulsed by their new self-knowledge, varies Branchwraith’s next turn. Each additional success extends
greatly, but such encounters are often climactic in one way the duration by 1 round.
or another. ATTACK
Piercing Talons: Melee Attack (Average), 4d6,
TREELORD + S Damage. Cleave, Piercing.
Treelords rule the Sylvaneth Households, channelling and BODY MIND SOUL
projecting the Spirit Song that unites Alarielle’s children. 2 4 2
While most Noble Spirits can only traverse the realmroots
as far as their senses allow, some Treelords are so spiritually
in tune that they can cross many leagues through the spirit
paths in a single stride. Spites often reside in their craggy
bark, and growing plants bow to them at their passing.
Young Treelords are energetic and belligerent, confident
that their ligneous strength shall prevail over nature’s
enemies, but once they’ve seen a few centuries, they
become wise and cool-headed Treelord Ancients.
Medium Mortal (Sylvaneth), Champion Medium Mortal (Sylvaneth), Minion
M Average A Average D Poor M Good A Poor D Good
Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
2 8 – – 2 1 – –
Spellcaster: The Branchwych is a spellcaster. It knows the Swarm: If three or more Dryads occupy the same Zone
Aetheric Armour, Arcane Blast, Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield, they become a Swarm. The Dryad Swarm acts as one. Add
and any 3 Jade spells. Additionally the Branchwych can +1d6 to attacks and +1 Toughness per Dryad in the Swarm.
unbind spells per the Unbind Talent. The Swarm suffers double Damage from effects that target
a Zone.
Impenetrable Thicket: A Dryad Swarm increases its
Greatscythe: Melee Attack (Average), 4d6, 2 + S Defence by one step.
Damage. Cleave, Slashing, Two-handed.
Piercing Claws: Melee Attack (Good), 5d6, 1 + S
2 4 2 Damage. Penetrating, Piercing.
TREELORD Creatures of Ghyran
Large Mortal (Sylvaneth), Champion Strange and twisted creatures stalk the Ghoul Mere and
the Ghyran lands beyond. Following is a sample of these
M Great A Average D Good
creatures that feature in the Blackened Earth adventure:
Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
wild spirits, Beastmen remnants left from the old siege,
3 14 – 3 and a particularly dangerous monster. But many more
Speed: Normal wild beasts can be drawn in from the Soulbound Core
Initiative: 5 Book and Bestiary supplement to give more variety.
Natural Awareness: 3
Skills: Awareness (+2d6), Ballistic Skill (+1d6), Beast
Handling (+1d6), Determination (+2d6), Fortitude (+2d6), BULLGOR
Lore (+1d6), Might (+2d6), Nature (+1d6, +1), Survival The largest Gor-kin suffer a curse called the bloodgreed.
(+1d6), Weapon Skill (+2d6, +2)
Long ago, their ancestors cannibalised their kin to steal
TRAITS their strength, and like the Flesh-eater Courts, their curse
Walk the Spirit Paths: The Treelord can traverse the awoke an insatiable hunger for red meat. Generations later,
realmroots. As an Action, the Treelord can make a DN 4:1 the bloodgreed has only grown stronger, and Bullgors of
Soul (Determination) Test to appear at any point in Long
all breeds feel a compulsion to eat still-living bodies. While
Range. If they succeed with 1 or more additional successes,
they can appear at any point in Extreme Range. If they most Bullgors resemble their namesake, Chaos has warped
succeed with 3 or more additional successes, they can them more than any of their kin, and there exist Bullgors
appear at any point within 100 miles. with rhinoxen, beetle, and Grunta-like features. Despite
ATTACK their disparities in form, they are united by temperament,
each of them unsubtle, reckless, and assured of their own
Groundshaking Stomp: Melee Attack (Great), 8d6, +2
F, + S Damage. Crushing. A Medium or smaller creature strength in battle.
that suffers Damage from this attack must make a Body
(Might or Reflexes) Test opposed by the Treelord’s
Body (Might). If they fail, the creature falls Prone and BULLGOR
moves to the bottom of the Initiative order. They cannot
act again if they have already acted this round. Large Mortal (Corrupted by Chaos), Warrior
Impaling Talons: Melee Attack (Great), 8d6, +2 F, 3 + S M Great A Poor D Good (Great
Damage. Penetrating, Piercing. with shield)
Sweeping Blows: Melee Attack (Great), 8d6, +2 F, 2 + S Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
Damage. Cleave, Crushing. 1 8 – –
Strangleroots: Ranged Attack (Average), 7d6, 1 + Speed: Normal
S Damage, Medium Range. Piercing. A Medium or Initiative: 3
smaller creature that suffers Damage from this attack is Natural Awareness: 2
Restrained, as the roots wrap around them. A Restrained Skills: Awareness (+2d6), Determination (+1d6), Fortitude
creature can use an Action to make a Body (Might or (+1d6), Might (+2d6), Weapon Skill (+2d6, +1)
Reflexes) Test opposed by the Treelord’s Body (Might)
to escape. TRAITS
The two most notable Treelords in the Ghoul Mere Bullgor Axe: Melee Attack (Great), 7d6, +1 F, 1 + S
Damage. Slashing.
are the siblings known by the people of Greywater
as Charred Yew and Pale Oak. They use the Bullgor Great Axe: Melee Attack (Great), 7d6, +1 F, 2 +
S Damage. Rend, Slashing, Two-handed.
Treelord statblock, but both count as Chosen and
have a total of 7 Wounds. You can read more about Bullgor Horns: Melee Attack (Great), 7d6, +1 F, + S
Damage. Piercing. This attack deals +2 Damage when
roleplaying Charred Yew on page 58, and Pale Oak used with the Charge Action.
on page 82.
5 1 2
A small number of these incredible creatures stalk the These spirits have been twisted by the Ghoul Mere and
Ghyran wilds and edges of the Ghoul Mere. Reports of seem to comprise little more than prickly thorns and
the beast are few and far between. Not many live to tell sharp branches. Their minds are as twisted as they are
tales of their encounter, so the Cyclestone Cockatrice has mischievous, often attacking everything other than
become something of a myth, up there with the Fourth- Sylvaneth without discretion, unrelenting until their
Gate Drowner and the ghost of the Bullgoth. Unlike target is destroyed or they are.
its petrification-inclined namesake, the Cyclestone
Cockatrice leaves only decay in its wake; remain within the
monster’s gaze for too long and you’ll be transformed into MERE SPITE
nothing but loam and compost. Each of its eyes contain a
Tiny Spirit (Spite), Minion
chip’s worth of cyclestone, a prized artefact to be carefully
displayed in a zoologist’s lair or recycled as a desperately M Good A Poor D Great
sought-after resource. Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle
1 1 – –
Speed: Fast
Enormous Beast (Corrupted by Chaos), Champion Natural Awareness: 2
Skills: Awareness (+2d6), Reflexes (+3d6),
M Great A Poor D Great Weapon Skill (+2d6)
Armour Toughness Wounds Mettle TRAITS
0 14 – 1 Hit and Run: Once per turn, if the Mere Spite deals
Damage with a melee attack, it can move to an adjacent
Speed: Fast, Fly (Fast) Zone as a Free Action.
Initiative: 3
Natural Awareness: 1 Nimble: The Mere Spite is unnaturally lithe and quick,
Skills: Athletics (+1d6), Reflexes (+2d6, +2), Stealth its Melee and Defence are one step higher than normal
(+2d6, +1), Survival (+1d6), Weapon Skill (+2d6) (included above).
5 1 1