Condensed Rules
Condensed Rules
Condensed Rules
block action, the block is assisted. The coach rolls 1 extra block dice and then chooses which result to use. A
maximum of two Block dice can be rolled.
Injured players: An injured player is removed from the board and placed in their team’s dugout.
A sidestep action is a move by a marked player of 1 square, but when a player makes this action, they must
finish the move open. If a player moves on to the ball when using a sidestep action the ball bounces.
A prone player can only make a stand up action. If a player takes this action, stand them up in the square they
are occupying.
A reserve player can only make a reserves action. Place the player in a free square in their team’s end zone.
They cannot be placed adjacent to an opponent or in a square containing a ball unless there is no other option.
If a team has fewer than three players on the board at the start of their turn, they gain one free Reserves action,
which they must make immediately.
After completing an action with a player, but before claiming a challenge card, check to see if a touchdown has
been scored. To score a touchdown, a player from your team must fulfil these 3 criteria at the end of any action
made during your turn:
• They must be in the other team’s end zone
• They must be in possession of a ball
• They must be open
If a player scores a touchdown, the ball that player is carrying is removed from play and that player’s team
scores 4 points. In addition, the player that scored is placed in their team’s dugout. The coach may complete
their turn, even though there is no ball on the pitch.
No ball in play: If there is no ball on the pitch during the No Ball in Play step of the Pre-Turn Sequence of a
coach’s turn, a new ball enters play.
New ball: If there is more than 1 trapdoor on the pitch, the coach whose turn it is rolls D6 to determine which
trapdoor the new ball emerges from. On a result of 1, 2 or 3 the ball is placed on the trapdoor to their left; on a
4, 5 or 6 it is placed on the trapdoor to their right.
If there is a player standing on that trapdoor, that player is immediately injured, and if they were holding a ball,
it disappears down the trapdoor with them.
Finally place a ball on the trapdoor square the new ball emerged from. That ball then bounces.
Multiple balls in play: When there is more than 1 ball in play at once, only 1 ball can occupy a square, and each
player can only carry 1 ball. If a player carrying a ball moves into a square containing another ball, that ball
bounces. If a ball bounces into a square containing another ball, or a player carrying another ball, that ball
bounces again.
Challenge cards in the spaces marked 1-3 are active and can be claimed during a coach’s turn. The card on top
of the challenge deck is not active, although it is visible to both coaches. Coaches are not allowed to look at the
backs of any challenge cards until they take them into their hand.
The coach taking their turn can claim one active challenge card during any claim challenge card step, after
completing an action with a player (including a free action), providing all the conditions on the challenge card
have been met, and at least 1 of the conditions was fulfilled as a result of the action just completed. No cards
may be claimed on either coach’s first turn.
When a challenge card is claimed by a coach, its points value is added to their team’s score and the coach takes
the card, adding the bonus play on the back to their hand. If a coach has more than 3 challenge cards in their
hand at the end of their turn (not counting any cards that they have played in front of them), they must discard
cards from their hand until they are left with 3.
Clean sweep: If a coach claims all 3 active challenge cards in a single turn, this is a clean sweep, and their team
scores 2 bonus points.
Replace challenge cards: During the pre-turn sequence of a coach’s turn, the active challenge cards are
refreshed. If all 3 active challenge cards are still present, the coach taking their turn can choose to discard any
one 1 of those cards. Then, draw new challenge cards from the top of the deck to fill any free spaces.
Discarding challenge cards: When a challenge card is discarded, place it onto the space along the edge of the
board, with its bonus play side showing.
The reverse of each challenge card shows a bonus play. Some cards state that they must be played immediately,
but otherwise, each bonus play card states when a coach can choose to play it. However, a coach cannot play
duplicate cards in the same turn.
Points victory: Once the last challenge card is dealt out and becomes active, each team has 1 more turn. The
game then ends and the team with the highest score wins. If both teams have the same score, the game ends in a
During setup, shuffle the 16 endgame challenge cards challenge-side up. Then deal 6 cards onto the challenge
deck space next to the board. Place any remaining cards back in the box without looking at them.
The 24 standard challenge cards are then shuffled challenge-side up and placed on top of the endgame challenge
cards with all cards challenge-side up. This creates a challenge deck of 30 cards in total, the bottom 6 of which
are endgame challenge cards.
The endgame occurs as soon as one of the endgame challenge cards becomes active. From that point on, a
sudden death victory cannot be won; the game will only end with a points victory.
An open player that is adjacent to a prone player can make a foul action that targets that opponent. Their coach
rolls 1 block dice:
Spotted!: The player making the foul action is spotted and sent off – place them in their team’s dugout.
The target player is unaffected.
Take That!: The target player is injured. Place them in their team’s dugout. In addition, the player
making the foul action is spotted (see above).
Slipped!: The target player remains prone, but the player making the foul action cannot make any more
actions (including free actions) this turn.
Got them!: The target player is injured. Place them in their team’s dugout.