Courses IB
Courses IB
Courses IB
These and other Faculty documents for students taking the Mathematical Tripos are
available from
2 Structure of Part IB
The structure of Part IB for 2019/20 may be summarised as follows:
• There are five courses of 24 lectures, seven courses of 16 lectures, three courses of 12 lectures, and
an additional Computational Projects course (CATAM).
• Five courses are lectured in Michaelmas Term, building on the core material in Part IA, while eight
courses are lectured in Lent Term, allowing more specialisation in preparation for Part II.
• Two of the 12-lecture courses are given in Easter Term and may be taken in either the first or
second year (Optimisation and Variational Principles).
• The examination consists of four papers, with Section I (‘short’) questions and Section II (‘long’)
questions spread as evenly as possible subject to
– each 24-lecture course having two short questions and four long questions;
– each 16-lecture course having two short questions and three long questions;
– each 12-lecture course having two short questions and two long questions;
– each course having at most one question of each type (long or short) but at least one question
of either type on each paper.
• A new 24-lecture course Analysis and Topology will be given in Michaelmas Term, replacing the
courses Analysis II (24 lectures, Michaelmas Term) and Metric and Topological Spaces (12 lectures,
Easter Term). The new course includes most of the material covered previously in Analysis II and
all of the material covered previously in Metric and Topological Spaces.
• The course Geometry in Lent Term has been extended from 16 to 24 lectures, with a revised schedule
concentrating on the geometry of surfaces. Some relevant topics that were covered previously in
Analysis II will now be covered in Geometry.
• The number of short (Section I) questions on each 24-lecture course has been reduced from three
to two. There have also been some other adjustments to the distribution of questions on papers;
see the Schedules booklet for details.
4 Choice of courses
The Faculty Board has issued the following guidance:
Part IB of the Mathematical Tripos provides a wide range of courses from which students should, in
consultation with their Directors of Studies, make a selection based on their individual interests and
preferred workload, bearing in mind that it is better to do a smaller number of courses thoroughly than
to do many courses scrappily.
So, you are certainly not expected to take all the courses in Part IB, and the informal course descriptions
below are intended to help you start thinking about your choices. It is important to choose courses that
you will find rewarding, and to be aware of the consequences of your choices for options in Part II. (The
Schedules booklet contains a table summarising the relationships between courses in Part II and those
in Part IB.)
In Part IA you were expected to follow four 24-lecture courses each term, i.e. to attend two lectures per
day for two terms (total 192 lectures). If you were comfortable with that, then this might be a sensible
target for Part IB. Many students prefer to take slightly fewer courses and learn them more thoroughly,
while other students may choose to take more. You should check the distribution of questions on the
four examination papers (given in the Schedules booklet) before making your final choices for revision.
5 Accelerated Courses
The 16-lecture courses on Complex Methods and Complex Analysis are “accelerated”, with three lectures
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for the first five (and a third!) weeks of Lent Term. This accel-
eration is intended to avoid a pile-up of example sheets and supervisions at the end of term. Similarly,
the 12-lecture course on Markov Chains is given with lectures on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the first
six weeks of Michaelmas Term.
8 Informal Description of Courses
The last part of the course defines and deals with the notion of a module, which can be described as
the immediate generalisation of a vector space where the scalars form a ring rather than a field. The
advantage of this approach is that it allows proof of general results which can then be used to unify
theorems in specific cases, as shown at the end of the course where applications to Jordan Normal Form
are given, along with a proof of the classification of finitely generated abelian groups.
For an introduction to groups, J. F. Humphreys, A course in group theory (Oxford Science Publications)
amongst others is very readable whereas B. Hartley and T. O. Hawkes, Rings, Modules and Linear Algebra
(Chapman and Hall), although somewhat dry, contains nearly all of the rings part of the course and more
than all of the material on modules.
The course also lays the foundations for most of the algebra options in Part II. In particular it is essential
for Galois Theory, and highly desirable for areas such as Number Fields and Representation Theory.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you should:
• have a firm understanding of the fundamental concepts of group theory and be comfortable applying
these to groups of small order;
• know the definition of a ring, a field and an ideal, and be able to determine whether an ideal is
principal, maximal or prime;
• be able to factorise elements in specific rings, including cases where factorisation is non-unique;
• understand the concept of a module and its application to finitely generated abelian groups.
• understand and be able to prove the basic results about differentiability of functions from Rn to
Rm and be able to calculate derivatives in simple cases;
• understand the notion of uniform convergence of functions and appreciate its significance in the
theory of integration;
• understand the basic theory of metric spaces, be able to prove the contraction mapping theorem
and apply it to the solution of differential equations;
• appreciate the definitions of metric and topological spaces and be able to distinguish between
standard topological and non-topological properties;
• understand the topological notion of connectedness and its relation to path-connectedness;
• understand the topological notion of compactness, know its significance in basic analysis and be
able to apply it to identify standard quotients of topological spaces.
Complex Analysis Lent, 16 lectures: accelerated
This course covers about 2/3 of the material in Complex Methods, from a more rigorous point of view.
The main omissions are applications of conformal mappings to solutions of Laplace’s equations and the
theory of Fourier and Laplace transforms.
The theory of complex variable is exceptionally elegant. It is used in many branches of pure mathematics,
including number theory. It also forms one of the guiding models for the modern development of geometry.
A rigorous course not only provides a firm foundation for, and makes clear the underlying structure of,
this material but also allows a deeper appreciation of the links with material in other analysis courses
— in particular, IB Metric and Topological Spaces.
An excellent book both for the course and for preliminary reading is Hilary Priestley’s Introduction
to Complex Analysis (OUP, paperback). The books by Stewart and Tall (Complex Analysis) and by
Jameson (A First Course in Complex Functions) are also good.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you should:
• understand the concept of analyticity;
• be able to use the theory of contour integration, including the residue theorem, to evaluate integrals;
• understand the theory of Fourier and Laplace transforms and apply it to the solution of ordinary
and partial differential equations.
Methods Michaelmas, 24 lectures
This course continues the development of mathematical methods which can be applied to physical sys-
tems. The material is fundamental to nearly all areas of applied mathematics and theoretical physics.
The course introduces the important class of ordinary differential equations that are self-adjoint. The
equivalent in the complex domain, used in Quantum Mechanics, are Hermitian operators. Self-adjoint
equations have nice properties such as having real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenfunctions, which allow
eigenfunction expansions, the prototype being Fourier series. Fourier series generalise, for non-periodic
functions,to Fourier transforms which provide a useful way of solving linear differential ordinary and
partial differential equations.
Much of the remainder of the course concentrates on second order partial differential equations: classifi-
cation into wave, diffusion and Laplace type equations; the fundamental solutions of the three different
types, solution by separation of variable which ties in with the earlier work on self-adjoint equations.
The course also introduces the famous Dirac δ, or spike, function and the Green’s function which can be
regarded as the inverse operator for a differential equation: it is used to express the solution in terms of
an integral. Many courses later, it will reappear as a basic tool in quantum field theory.
It would be particularly worthwhile to get to grips early with the major new ideas introduced here:
Fourier series/transforms; the Sturm-Liouville equations. Reasonably friendly accounts can be found
in Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Boas (Wiley, 1983); Mathematical Methods for
Physicists by Arfken (Academic Press, 1985) and Mathematical Methods for Physicists and Engineers
by Riley, Hobson and Bence (CUP, 98). It would also be very worthwhile to revise thoroughly the
Variational Principles course from the Easter term.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you should:
• be able to apply the theory of Green’s functions to ordinary differential equations;
• understand the basic properties of Sturm-Liouville equations;
• be able to apply the method of separation of variables to partial differential equations;
• appreciate the relationship between variational statements, conservation laws and symmetries in
Quantum Mechanics Michaelmas, 16 lectures
Quantum mechanics introduces a profound new way of thinking about the physical world, formulated
using precise mathematical language. It explains phenomena beyond the reach of classical physics, such
as the duality of particles and waves, and the structure and behaviour of atoms, but quantum mechanics
is also at work all around us in our daily uses of modern technology.
This course introduces the subject from scratch and deals mainly with the quantum mechanics of a
single particle, as described by a complex-valued wavefunction obeying the Schrödinger equation. For
a quantum particle there is no definite trajectory (as determined classically from Newton’s Laws) and
information about position and momentum must instead be extracted from the wavefunction in terms
of probabilities. One consequence of this is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
The Schrödinger equation is first studied in simple but instructive cases in one dimension, before moving
on to three dimensions, culminating in the solution of the Hydrogen atom. The underlying mathematics
involves hermitian or self-adjoint (differential) operators whose eigenvalues give the possible outcomes
of a physical measurement. Consequently, there are significant overlaps with material in IB Methods
(and IA Vectors and Matrices or IB Linear Algebra) although the treatment in this course is essentially
Standard introductory textbooks are Essential Quantum Physics by Landshoff, Metherell and Rees
(CUP, 2010) and Quantum Mechanics by Rae (IOP Publishing, 2002), while The Quantum Universe by
Hey and Walters (CUP, 1987) contains readable and non-mathematical accounts with lots of pictures,
going well beyond the IB course.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you should:
• understand the basic theory of quantum mechanics, including: wavefunctions, the Schrödinger
equation, observables and operators—measurements, eigenvalues, and expectation values;
• be able to solve, and interpret the solution of, the Schrödinger equation in simple cases, including:
1-dimensional potential wells and steps; the harmonic oscillator; and the hydrogen atom.
• solve simple problems in electrostatics including calculation of electrostatic energy, capacity and
• derive, and apply to simple situations, the Biot-Savart law;
• use Gauss’s law and Ampère’s law to calculate electric and magnetic fields in symmetrical situations;
• calculate forces using the Lorentz force;
• understand the theory of interfacial waves and be able to use it to investigate, for example, standing
waves in a container;
• understand fundamental ideas relating to flows in rotating frames of reference, particularly geostro-
Numerical Analysis Lent, 16 lectures
An important aspect of the application of mathematics to problems in the real world is the ability to
compute answers as accurately as possible subject to the errors inherent in the data presented and the
limits on the accuracy of calculation. Numerical analysis is the branch of mathematics studying such
The course commences from approximation theory, focusing on the approximation of functions and data
by polynomials, continues with the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations and concludes
with the solution of linear algebraic systems. Although computational algorithms form a central part of
the course, so do mathematical theories underlying them and investigating their behaviour: computation
and approximation at their best should be done with proper mathematical justification.
An Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Suli & Mayers (CUP, 2003) and Interpolation and Approxi-
mation by Davis (Dover, 1975) are two excellent introductory texts.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you should:
• understand the role of algorithms in numerical analysis;
• understand the role and basic theory (including orthogonal polynomials and the Peano kernel
theorem) of polynomial approximation;
• understand multistep and Runge–Kutta methods for ordinary differential equations and the con-
cepts of convergence, order and stability;
• understand the theory of algorithms such as LU and QR factorisation, and be able to apply them,
for example to least squares calculations.
Markov Chains Michaelmas, 12 lectures
A Markov process is a random process for which the future (the next step) depends only on the present
state; it has no memory of how the present state was reached. A typical example is a random walk (in
two dimensions, the drunkard’s walk).
The course is concerned with Markov chains in discrete time, including periodicity and recurrence. For
example, a random walk on a lattice of integers returns to the initial position with probability one in one
or two dimensions, but in three or more dimensions the probability of recurrence in zero. Some Markov
chains settle down to an equilibrium state and these are the next topic in the course.
The material in this course will be essential if you plan to take any of the applicable courses in Part II.
Further introductory material and notes on the course are available via the webpage “Study in DPMMS”.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you should:
• understand the notion of a discrete-time Markov chain and be familiar with both the finite state-
space case and some simple infinite state-space cases, such as random walks and birth-and-death
• know how to compute for simple examples the n-step transition probabilities, hitting probabilities,
expected hitting times and invariant distribution;
• understand the notions of recurrence and transience, and the stronger notion of positive recurrence;
• understand the notion of time-reversibility and the role of the detailed balance equations;
• know under what conditions a Markov chain will converge to equilibrium in long time;
• be able to solve network problems by methods using, for example, the Ford–Fulkerson algorithm
and min-cut max-flow theorems.
Computational Projects (CATAM)
This course consists mainly of practical computational projects carried out and written up for submission
a week after the beginning of the Lent and Easter terms. For full credit, you do four projects. The first
two are prescribed and are submitted in the Lent term. The remaining two are chosen from a list of
projects and are submitted in the Easter term. There is also a non-examinable project that allows you
to practice programming and writing up results, with a model answer provided in Michaelmas Term for
comparison with your own answer.
The emphasis in the projects is on understanding the mathematical problems being modelled rather
than on the details of computer programming. Some students find the projects rather time consuming,
especially those who are not used to programming. The CATAM manual will be available over the
summer and it would be extremely helpful for you to start as early as possible on the non-examinable
project or the first two examinable projects.
The amount of credit available for the Computational Projects course in Part IB is 160 marks (and no
quality marks), which is additional to the marks gained on examination papers. Approximately 99% of
Part IB students submitted projects (not necessarily complete) in 2018.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, you should:
• be able to programme using a traditional programming language;
• understand the limitations of computers in relation to solving mathematical problems;
• be able to use a computer to solve problems in both pure and applied mathematics involving, for
example, solution of ordinary differential equations and manipulation of matrices.