Classification of Vitamins
Vit B
Vit A
groups Water
Essential: need to be taken by food
Vit C Vit D
Non-essential: produced by the body
Vit E
Vit K
Water soluble Vit
1. B groups vitamins: This group of Vit B (B1+ B2+ B3+ B6+ B7+ +B9+ B12)
act as coenzymes to help the body to get energy from food. B vitamins are also
essential for good vision, healthy skin, healthy nervous system, and for red blood
cell formation.
The amount of Thiamin/day = 1.1- 1.2 mg/da. Its presence in adequate amount helps to
release energy from foods, promotes normal appetite, and is important in maintaining
proper nervous system function. ﯾﻌزز اﻟﺷﮭﯾﺔ
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Deficiency of Vit B1
The deficiency of Vit B1 is rare due to its availability in lots of grain sources. However,
these are some factors could affect the daily amount:
1. If someone is making heavy diet or doing sever exercises
2. Consuming alcoholics.
Symptoms of thiamin deficiency: mental confusion, muscle weakness, wasting, water
retention (edema), impaired growth, and the disease known as beriberi.
Water soluble Vit
Deficiency of Vit B2
The deficiency is rare. However, if it happened, it it could be due to:
1. Alcoholism,
2. Malignancy,
3. Hyperthyroidism,
4. Symptoms of deficiency may appear as cracks at the corners of the mouth,
dermatitis on nose and lips, light sensitivity, cataracts, and a sore, red
Water soluble Vit
The daily amount of Vit B3 is 16 mg/day for male and ; 14 mg/day for
Vitamin B6 Deficiency
Deficiency causes skin disorders, dermatitis, cracks at corners of mouth, anemia,
kidney stones, and nausea.
Excess amount of vitamin B6 over time have been known to result in nerve
Water soluble Vit
1.7. Biotin: B7
Biotin is liver, kidney, egg yolk, milk, most fresh vegetables, yeast breads and
cereals. Biotin is also made by intestinal bacteria.
Biotin Deficiency
Biotin deficiency is uncommon under normal circumstances, but symptoms include
fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, depression, muscle pains, heart
abnormalities and anemia.
Water soluble Vit
The daily amount: is 400 mcg/day for adult males and females.
For pregnancy =600 mcg/day.
Folate Deficiency
Folate deficiency affects:
1. cell growth and protein production, which can lead to overall impaired
2. anemia and diarrhea..
Water soluble Vit
1.6. Cobalamin: Vit B12
Vitamin B12 is found in meats, liver, kidney, fish, eggs, milk and milk
products, oysters, shellfish.
The daily amount of B12 is 2.4 mcg/day for adult males and females.
The fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K, are stored in the body for long
time and therefore, no need for supplements. Any small extra dose of
vitamins A, D, E and K may lead to cell toxicity.
Additionally, some disease may decrease the absorption of these vitamins
A, D, E and K.
1. Retinol: Vit A
1. It found in the food of animal origins such as liver and fish.
2. Beta-carotene from fruits and vegetables (orang or dark green colored
3. Carrots, squash, apricot.
The daily amount: 900 mcg/ day for adult males and 700 mcg/ day
for adult females.
Vitamin A Deficiency
It causes
1. night blindness and very dry, rough skin
2. decreased resistance to infections, faulty tooth development, and
slower bone growth.
Fat soluble Vitamins
2. Vitamin D
Vit D defficiency
1. Rickets in children 4. Increase autoimmune disease
2. Osteomalacia (muscle and bone weakness) 5. hypertension
3. Osteoporosis (loss of bone mass)
Fat soluble Vitamins
3. Vitamin E
It founds in the vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cottonseed, and sunflower).
Fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts (almonds), seeds, cereals.
What does Vit E do?
It acts as antioxidant agent and protects Vit A and C, red blood cells, and
essential fatty acids from destruction. Previous studies suggested that taking Vit
E supplement may prevents heart disease and cancer. However, recent study
argued this theory and suggested that taking supplements does not decrease the
heart diseases or cancer. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables (not supplements) is
necessary to have antioxidants and anticancer compounds.
Vit D deficiency
1- premature infants and those unable to absorb fats
2- reduces the total dietary fat
Fat soluble Vitamins
4- Vitamin K
Vitamin K is found in spinach, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli, and
certain vegetables oils including soybean oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil
and olive oil, as well as animal food.