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TCS BaNCS End User Report User Manual Ver 2.0

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End User Reporting User’s Manual

End User Reporting

End User Reporting

User Manual

Tata Consultancy Services Confidential 1

End User Reporting User’s Manual

Copyright Notice
COPYRIGHT© 2014 Tata Consultancy Services. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced
in any form, including video recording, photocopying, downloading, broadcasting or transmission electronically,
without prior written consent of Tata Consultancy Services. Copyright protection includes content in the
material generated from software programs displayed on the screen, such as icons, screen displays, and so on.

Trade Marks
BaNCS is a registered trademark.

Information contained in this material is confidential and proprietary to Tata Consultancy Services and may not
be modified, copied, published, disclosed, distributed, displayed or exhibited, in either electronic or printed form
without written authorization of the Project Manager, BαNCS Development, Tata Consultancy Services.

Document details
Name Version no. Description
TCS BaNCS End User Version 2.0
Reporting User Manual Ver

Tata Consultancy Services Confidential 2

End User Reporting User’s Manual

Table of Contents
1 About End User Reporting ..................................................................................................................5
1.1 BaNCS Objects (BOs) ...................................................................................................................5
2 Landing Screen.....................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Type of Reports and Section .......................................................................................................7
3 Create General Report ........................................................................................................................8
3.1 Configure Attributes..................................................................................................................10
3.2 Configure Filter ..........................................................................................................................11
3.3 Additional Features ...................................................................................................................13
3.3.1 Configure Group and Sort ..................................................................................................13
3.3.2 Configure New Attribute ....................................................................................................14
3.3.3 Configure Aggregate Attribute...........................................................................................16
3.3.4 Configure Email ..................................................................................................................17
3.3.5 Configure Highlight ............................................................................................................18
3.3.6 Configure Column Statistics ...............................................................................................19
3.3.7 Configure Font and Date Format .......................................................................................20
3.3.8 Configure Disclaimer ..........................................................................................................21
3.3.9 Configure Number Format .................................................................................................22
5 Activate (Generate) General Report .................................................................................................25
6 Download General Report ................................................................................................................26
7 Create Sub Report .............................................................................................................................27
7.1 Configure Attributes..................................................................................................................29
7.2 Configure Filter ..........................................................................................................................29
7.3 Configure Sort............................................................................................................................29
7.4 Configure New Attribute ...........................................................................................................30
7.5 Configure Aggregate Attribute .................................................................................................30
7.6 Configure Highlight....................................................................................................................30
7.7 Configure Column Statistics ......................................................................................................30
7.8 Configure Number Format ........................................................................................................30
8 Modify Sub Report ............................................................................................................................31
9 Activate Sub Report ..........................................................................................................................33
10 Create Multiple Section (Multi) Report ...............................................................................................34
10.1 Select Sub Report ..........................................................................................................................36
10.2 Configure Email .............................................................................................................................37
10.3 Configure Disclaimer .....................................................................................................................37
10.4 Configure Font and Date ...............................................................................................................37
11 Modify Multiple Section (Multi) Report ..............................................................................................38
12 Activate (Generate) Multiple Section (Multi) Report .........................................................................40
13 Download Multiple Section (Multi) Report .........................................................................................41
14 Clone a Report ......................................................................................................................................42

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15 Report Configuration (Letter Text) ......................................................................................................44

16 Email Configuration ..............................................................................................................................45
17 Highlight Screen....................................................................................................................................46
18 Number Format Screen ........................................................................................................................47
19 Disclaimer Screen .................................................................................................................................47
20 Font and Date Screen ...........................................................................................................................48
21 Column Statistics ..................................................................................................................................48
22 New and Aggregate Attributes ............................................................................................................49
23 Group and Sort Screen .........................................................................................................................50
24 Access to the Generated Reports – Download Report .......................................................................51
25 Report Specifications ...........................................................................................................................52
26 Subscriptions ........................................................................................................................................53
27 Access Control and BO Access..............................................................................................................54
28 Type of Reports ....................................................................................................................................55
29 Report Operations ................................................................................................................................55
30 Password protection for Email (CTBC) .................................................................................................56
30 Index File for MMAS (CTBC) .................................................................................................................58

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End User Reporting User’s Manual

1 About End User Reporting

End User Reporting (“EUR”) is an end to end reporting solution having inbuilt knowledge of Corporate Action
(CA) and Security Processing (SP) data. The data is available for use in simple and comprehensive BaNCS Objects
(BOs). The BaNCS Objects are organized in optimal manner for reporting and analysis. Further, the User Interface
(GUI) enables users to design/configure and schedule own reports and charts in minutes.
The End User Reporting gives report writing and maintenance control to users and works on the concept of
BaNCS objects (BOs).

1.1 BaNCS Objects (BOs)

BaNCS Objects (BO) is comprehensive and simple, is available on a separate database & comprise of one or more
BO tables.
BOs are refreshed from the transaction tables in a cyclic process.
 Materialized views (MV) on transaction tables have been used for replication.

 Procedures are available to read the mv logs and write the data into the BO tables

 For the very first time, it will be a complete refresh; subsequent runs will have only delta changes
since last update. Data integrity is maintained using refresh groups.
BOs design follows following design principles

 De-referencing: for example system codes are replaced with user friendly descriptions, reference data
information such as BP name/Security Name embedded within BO.

 De-generalization: Data has been qualified in the BO - such as event rates, dates and prices according
to their context in event processing, or different address type of a customer.

 Derivation: Manual code, function and formula based transformation. This may include something as
simple as making available account identifiers from legacy system for reporting, having signed amounts
based on credit/debit indicators, derived fields based on complex arithmetic & statistical formulas or
defaulting value for an attribute based on conditions.
A BO contains set of underlying BO tables, relationship between them enables auto query builder to generate
the query based on report’s configuration (selection, filters ….) and generate desired reports.

For each BO, a default BO slice is available for use to define reports. BO slice contains the attributes to select
for reports. They are shown in the order defined in design (metadata).

Relationship between BO tables enables auto query builder to generate the query based on report’s
configuration (selection, filters ….) and generate desired reports.

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2 Landing Screen
End User Reporting (EUR) is available on Maintain Menu of BaNCS application. To work on End User
reporting, user needs to follow following navigation to come on EUR Landing Screen.
Maintain -> End User Reporting -> End User Reporting

Figure 1 – Navigation to open End User Reporting

After user follows the above navigation, following landing screen will be opened.

Figure 2 – End User Reporting Landing Screen

Landing Screen contains buttons to navigate to list of BO Slices; Pre configured reports and user created
reports. These buttons have horizontal and vertical titles which are explained below. Button click works
at the intersection of these titles.

View, Modify,
Download Allow Reports
Reports to be emailed
Reports Type of Reports

Configure Reports on
Define Packages Define access to
BaNCS Objects
for Subscription BaNCS Objects
(to Users)
Figure 3 – Landing Screen buttons

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2.1 Type of Reports and Section

Report Type Features and Usages

Contains data belonging to one BaNCS Object
Report content is printed in a Tabular format with Header, Footer, Labels and data
General Report
Additionally, can print cover page, company name, address, logo and disclaimer
Format supported - Excel/ PDF or text file
Contains data belonging to multiple BaNCS Objects (multiple sub reports).

Multiple Section Each sub report’s data is printed in a tabular format one after the other.
(Multi) Report Additionally, can print cover page, company name, address, logo and disclaimer

Format supported - Excel/ PDF

Contains data belonging to one BaNCS Object

Sub Report Is configured independently, can be scheduled by linking to a multi report or letter report.
It cannot be executed independently.

Contains data belonging to multiple BaNCS Objects (multiple sub reports).

Additionally prints Recipient's name & address, Salutation, Complimentary close &
Letter Report

In essence, desired text can be added to the letter along with the report’s data.

Analytics output is excel having data, pivot, chart and slicer/ dicer.
Analytics Report The data available is from one BaNCS object and have pre-defined attributes. It also has
capability to add more attributes based on user need.

Extract output is XML, Text and CSV.

Extract Report The data available is from one BaNCS object and some of the functions are not made
available like Highlight, group, column statistics, disclaimer etc.

Section Features and Usages

New Navigates to list of BO slices and capability to create new reports.

Navigates to list of available pre configured reports and capability to clone & create own

Navigates to list the reports created by users and capability to view/modify/activate/

download report or specifications/ delete/ deactivate/ subscribe reports.

Locked Navigates to the list of Locked Reports.

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3 Create General Report

To create a general report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of New and General Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 4 – Navigation to Create General Report

 User needs to select a BaNCS Object on which user wants to create a general report. As soon as user
clicks on a BaNCS Object, a new button “Create” will be displayed. Please refer following screen print
for navigation. (As an example Entitlement BaNCS Object has been selected.)

Figure 5 – Create Button

 User needs to click on Create button. As soon as the create button is clicked following screen will be
displayed. Please refer following screen print.


Figure 6 – Create General Report Screen

 Above screen can be summarized under three sections.
o Generic Details – Here user needs to specify Title, Frequency, Format, Owner, First Schedule
Date and Time zone etc.
o Summary – This section helps user to simultaneously review what has been configured.

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o Additional Details – This section helps user to define attributes, filter etc.

 Now User needs to enter Title and Time Zone. These two fields are mandatory on this screen that needs
to be filled. After entering the details user needs to click on “Save” button. Please refer following screen
print. Also, please review the frequency, if requirement is to generate an ad-hoc report, please select

Figure 7 - After click on Save Button.

 Following is the list of field description for the Generic field details.

Figure 8 – Generic Fields.

S. No. Field Description
1 Id A report/chart is given a system generated Id.

2 Title User can define the title of the report. The title is printed on the cover page and
header of the generated report
System generated. First time this will be in Draft status. Once User activates a
report, this status will be changed to Active status. Reports are scheduled for
3 Status generation when they are in ‘Active’ status. A Report can also be temporarily
suspended for generation in ‘In Active’ status and while being modified moves into
‘Modified-on Hold’ status.
4 Object Name of the BaNCS Object. Non editable field.
Define the report's format from the available options :
- Excel, PDF (Page size from A0 to B9) , Orientation Landscape / Portrait
5 Format
- Text - Based on user's attribute selection, a text report becomes multi row text
report with label and data printed one below the other.
Owner, A report's/chart's access can be given to an individual or to a user group. The
6 Owner Id, individual report/chart can be created for use by self or on behalf of another user.
Owner Name Report/Chart with Individual access will be available only to the individual Owner. A

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Report/Chart with access to user group shall be available to all users belonging to
the user group. The generated Report/Chart and all operations on the Report/Chart
can be performed by the users who have access to the Report/Chart.
Define the report's/chart's generation frequency from the available options:
'2 Hourly' , '3 Hourly' , '4 Hourly' , 'Daily' , 'End of Day' , 'Fortnightly' , 'Half Hourly' ,
'Half Yearly' , 'Hourly' , 'Month End' , 'Monthly' , Not applicable , 'Quarter End' ,
'Quarterly' , 'Week End' , 'Weekly' , 'Year End' , 'Yearly'.
7 Frequency
Based on the frequency of the report user is allowed to define Start/ End time and
mark the report for generation at End Of Day.
For example, for hourly, 2 hourly etc , define the start and end time. For Weekly,
can either define the start time or check EOD flag to generate the end of day.

A report/chart with this option will be printed with following information on the
8 Cover Page first page Logo, Report Name, Name of the report creator, Generation Date,
Company name and address.
9 Logo Choice of Logo to be printed.
10 Print Tick print box to move the generated files to a folder on server for printing
Choose from Standard, Chart, Cross tab report. Currently by default only standard is
11 Category
A report can be subscribed i.e. various consumers can request same report with
Subscription only information of their interest. Tick this indicator to enable subscription. This will
Indicator enable the subscription operation on the report to open the package list and select
consumer BPs.
In a multi entity/OU environment, the report’s generation time will vary, so will be
13 Time zone the End of day processing time. Hence for appropriate scheduling and to compute
the local time, this entry is required and it is mandatory field.

3.1 Configure Attributes

 Now user need to use additional details section to configure a report. For a report user first needs to
select the attributes. Please refer following screen print. Under attributes screen user can perform
following :
o Choose attributes to be printed from the available list of attributes. To achieve this click on
the check box present before the attribute. It will be added and displayed under sequence and
rename section.
o Feature to select all/deselect all. To achieve this user needs to click on respective button.
o Can search for an attribute by entering part of the attribute name. To achieve this user needs
to enter text in the text box provided and click on search button.
o Define sequence/order in which attributes should appear in the report. To achieve this user
needs to click and hold the mouse on the selected field (under sequence and rename section)
and rearrange as per their preference, after that release the mouse.
o Define the name of choice; it will appear as per this definition in the report. To achieve this
double click on the selected field (under sequence and rename section), it will be available for
modification. Once done click anywhere else.

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Figure 9 – Attribute Screen

 After user has selected all the attributes user needs to click on save and after that on close. (User can also
click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more attribute selection.) Please refer
following screen print. All the selected attributes will be displayed under summary section.

Figure 10 – Summary section with all the selected attributes

3.2 Configure Filter

 Once user has selected all the attributes, now user can define filter. Filter specifies the condition on
which BaNCS object data will be filtered out and the data that meets the condition will be displayed
when report is activated and generated.

Figure 11 – Define Filter

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 To define a filter first user needs to select the attribute then operator and value. After that join
condition and then needs to click on add. This will add a sub-expression. If user wants to delete
the sub-expression he/ she need to click on delete button.

S. No. Field Description

1 Attribute Choose attributes on which data to be selected/ filtered.

Choose operators like ('>' , '<' , '=' , '<>' , 'Is Null' , 'Is Not Null' , 'like' , 'between' , 'in'
2 Operator , 'not in' , '> Application Date' , '< Application Date' , '= Application Date' , 'between
Application Date' , '= Attribute‘).
3 Value Based on operator chosen, select /enter the value to complete expression.
Join Tick the join condition for more expression from AND/OR.
5 Add Mark the expression as complete to transfer to a new row on a screen.
Show Show expression thus formed by multiple criteria.
7 Delete Delete the Criterion.
8 Replace Replace the Criterion.

 After user has selected all the filters user needs to click on save and after that on close. (User can
also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more filter definition.) Please
refer following screen print. The entire defined filter will be displayed under summary section.

Figure 12 – Summary section with Filter

Once attributes and filters are defined, user can save and close the report. This is the basic feature that should
be configured for a report to be generated. Once user has defined the attribute and filter, he/she can activate
the report for scheduled generation or immediate (ad-hoc) generation. Please refer section 5, on how to activate
a general report.

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3.3 Additional Features

Once user has defined the basic features like attributes and filter, as per requirement he/ she can use additional
features like group and sort, disclaimer, new attributes etc. Please refer following section for more details.

3.3.1 Configure Group and Sort

 Now next available option is to define Group and Sort. This feature provides the following
capability to the report.
o It is possible to segregate data into two group levels. First group defines broader level of data
segregation (e.g. per event type or instrument type etc.). Within this data segregation, data
can be further grouped on combination of parameters (up to 8 such parameters).
o Segregation with first group works as below
 
 Create new files for Group 1 i.e. there will be separate files for Group 1 Data
 
 OR

Splits data in multiple
 spread sheet tabs (for EXCEL report) or induces a page break (for
PDF/Text report).

o Facility to define the order (as ascending or descending) in which data should appear in the
report. Sort can be defined on up to 8 attributes.

Figure 13 – Group and Sort Screen

S. No. Field Description

1 Group Level 1 Choose an attribute for Group level 1.
2 Group Level 2 Choose up to 8 attributes for Group Level 2.

3 Sort Level 1-8 Define ascending/ descending sort order for up to 8 attributes which may or may
not be part of group.
Split file at Choose if report needs to be split for every change in group level 1 data.
Group Level 1
Number of User needs to input to specify how many group 2 attributes to be printed in one
group 2 row during the break.
attributes to
print in row
6 Add Add attribute to group level 2.

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7 Delete Delete attribute from group level 2.

8 Expression Shows the expression formed by group level 1 and 2 attributes with sort order.

 After user has defined Group and Sorting, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close.
(User can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.) Please
refer following screen print.

Figure 14 – Summary section with Group and Sort

3.3.2 Configure New Attribute

 Now next available option is to define new attribute. This feature provides the following capability
to the report.
o While there are attributes available that can be selected to print in the report, there are needs
where computations need to be done on the available attributes to create new attributes.
o Depending on the attribute type - Number/ text / Date, new attributes can be defined. This
new attribute appears as a column like other attributes in the report.
o Define the ‘Attribute Name’, select the ‘Attribute’ from drop down, choose from following
options and create the expression to derive the new attribute, validate the expression and
o Braces Drop down - `(`,`)`
o Mathematical Operation Drop down – ‘+’,’-’,’*’,’/’
o Date Operation Drop down – ‘Day Of’, ’Month Of’, ’Year Of’
o Concatenate Drop down – ‘Concatenate’, ‘Concatenate with delimiter’

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Figure 15 – New Attribute Screen

S. No. Field Description
New Attribute User definable new attribute name in the report.
Existing Choose if new attribute is based on some operation on the existing attribute.
3 Braces Choose for explicit insertion of Braces.
Mathematical Choose valid mathematical operation like "+", "-", "*", "/".
Date Choose valid date operation like “day of”, “month of”, “year of”.
6 Concatenate Choose from concatenate or concatenate with delimiter.
7 Serial Number Choose to insert a running serial number in a report for each record.
8 Expression Shows the expression formed while defining a new attribute.
Validate expression formed for defining a new attribute in an explicit manner, else
9 Validate
will be auto validated during save.
10 Clear Clear the expression formed while defining a new attribute.
11 Add Confirm to add a new attribute.
12 Delete Delete a new attribute.
Navigate to define filter / select criterion for picking up the records for forming
13 Condition
new attributes.

 After user has defined new attribute, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close. (User
can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.) Please refer
following screen print.

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Figure 16 – Summary section with New Attribute

3.3.3 Configure Aggregate Attribute

 Now next available option is to define aggregate attribute. This feature provides the following
capability to the report.
o This is a way of creating new attribute that will help in performing aggregate operation on a
set of data (already selected attributes). This will generate statistical information like count,
sum, min, max and average across similar set of data. For example status wise count of events.

o Define ‘Attribute Name’, select the ‘Attribute’ from drop down, add ‘Statistical Operation’
from available- `Sum’, ’Avg’, ’Count’, ’Max’, ’Min’ and create the expression to derive the new
attribute, validate the expression and Add.

Figure 17 – Aggregate Attribute Screen

S. No. Field Description

Aggregate User definable aggregate attribute name in the report.
attribute name
Existing Choose existing attribute on which aggregate attribute is based on.
Statistical Choose statistical function from count, sum, min, max and average.
4 Add Confirm to add aggregate attribute.
5 Delete Delete aggregate attribute.

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Navigate to define filter / select criterion for picking up the records for forming
6 Condition
aggregate attribute.

 After user has defined aggregate attribute, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close.
(User can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.)
Please refer following screen print.

Figure 18 – Summary section with aggregate Attribute

3.3.4 Configure Email

 Now next available option is to define email address. This feature provides the following capability
to the report.
o Own mailing list appears on entering partial name of BP/SCA or BaNCS users, their Ids or
email ids.
o For individual reports, can only define self email id, while for user group reports can define the
BP/SCA email ids as well as of users belonging to the defined user group. BP/SCA is considered
o For external, if email authorization is required, then report will be generated but would
require authorization before emailing first copy of scheduled report.
o Release Email Manually – to seek authorization prior to emailing subsequent copies of
scheduled report.

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Figure 19 – Email Screen

S. No. Field Description
Once the report is generated and is marked for emailing, it will be put on hold in
Manual Release case this flag is set. Such Report output can be viewed and then released
of Email manually by anybody who has access to the report output. This function can be
used for extremely important reports or customer reports.
Specify valid e-mail id to which the group report is to be emailed once the report
is generated (individual reports cannot be e-mailed to external domains). The ids
are validated against the one stored in BaNCS (both internal and external). At the
implementation time, it can be specified the domains which will be considered as
2 Email Id internal and the rest will be treated as external domain for e-mail purpose. At the
implementation time itself, it can be specified if external emails are to be
authorized. If yes, then first time report output will have to be authorized by
someone else in the group and then further outputs of the same report will go
out automatically.

 After user has defined aggregate attribute, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close.
(User can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.)

3.3.5 Configure Highlight

 Now next available option is to define highlight. This feature provides the following capability to the
o Define conditions where the records should be highlighted. For example, highlight record if
net amount > 1 million.

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Figure 20 – Highlight Screen

S. No. Field Description

1 Attribute Select attribute (s) to specify the criteria for highlighting. The attributes which are
enabled for use in highlighting are controlled by meta data.
2 Operator Highlight criteria can be specified in terms of “>”, “<”, “=”, “in”, “not in”, “<>”,
3 Value Value to compare with to satisfy the data.
4 Add Add multiple criteria for highlighting.

 After user has defined highlight criteria, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close.
(User can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.) Please
refer following screen print.

Figure 21 – Summary section with Highlight

3.3.6 Configure Column Statistics

 Now next available option is to define Column Statistics. This feature provides the following
capability to the report.
o Print Column Total, Column Average, Minimum value or Maximum value in column at the
end of the report.

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Figure 22 – Column Statistics Screen

S. No. Field Description

1 Attribute Select attribute on which column statistics is required.
2 Sum Choose if sum is required.
3 Average Choose if average is required.
4 Minimum Choose if minimum is required.
5 Maximum Choose if maximum is required.
6 Add Confirm to add column statistics.
7 Delete Delete Column statistics.

 After user has defined column statistics, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close. (User
can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.) Please refer
following screen print.

Figure 23 – Summary section with Column Statistics

3.3.7 Configure Font and Date Format

 Now next available option is to define Font and Date. This feature provides the following capability to
the report.
o Customize the font settings of details appearing in header/footer/ column headings/ report

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o Customize the format of date (mm/dd/yy or d/mm/yy... etc) and time (12 or 24 hour format)
o If not defined, default settings shall apply.

Figure 24 – Font and Date Format Screen

S. No. Field Description

1 Header Choose style and size for the header content. Header contains report id, report
title, logo, report business date and generation time.
2 Footer Choose style and size for the Footer content. Footer contains page number,
company disclaimer, report specific disclaimer.
3 Attribute Choose style and size for the attribute name.
4 Data Choose style and size for the data.

5 Date Format Choose date format from multiple options of number/character for month,
separator, with or without centaury, leading day or month.
6 Time Format Choose from time format – HH:MM 12, HH:MM 24, HH:MM:SS 12, HH:MM:SS 24

 After user has defined Font and date format, he/she needs to click on save and after that on
close. (User can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.)

3.3.8 Configure Disclaimer

 Now next available option is to define Disclaimer. This feature provides the following capability to the
o Customize the disclaimer to be printed in the report. Else print the company disclaimer.
o Company Disclaimer - Check box is available on screen to print the company disclaimer, the
disclaimer text cannot be edited, and it will be picked from the default level.
o Report Disclaimer - User can define own/specific disclaimer for each report.

Figure 25 – Disclaimer Screen

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S. No. Field Description

Report Specify report level specific disclaimer.
Print Company Choose if default company disclaimer is to be generated. Company disclaimer is
Disclaimer set up at implementation time.
Company Show text of the company disclaimer.

 After user has defined Disclaimer, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close. (User can
also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.)

3.3.9 Configure Number Format

 Now next available option is to define Number Format. This feature provides the following capability
to the report.
o Numeric attributes are printed in comma separated format. Apart from this user can set up
to view in thousands and millions.

Figure 26 – Number Format Screen

S. No. Field Description

1 Separator Type Choose to specify any numeric field (like amount, quantity) in thousands, millions.
This will not apply to numeric fields which are IDs (e.g. position type etc).

 After user has defined number format, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close.
(User can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.)

Figure 27 – Summary section with Number Format

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4 Modify General Report

To modify a general report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and General Report. Please refer
following screen print for navigation.

Figure 28 – Navigation to Modify General Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to modify. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 29 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 30 – Report Operation options

S. No. Field Description
1 Download Download the latest and previous version of the reports.
2 Modify Modify an existing report.

3 Activate Register a report for generation. Only active reports will be generated as per
4 Clone Copy an existing report or pre configured report to create own report and
5 Deactivate De-activate an existing report. The next generation will be put on hold till the
report is again activated.
6 Re-Trigger Request instant generation of a scheduled report. For example, there exists a

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weekly report and a copy of this report is required instantly with data as of now.
7 Delete Delete an existing report.

8 Status This operation opens a new window to view the status of a Report and also the
status and generation date & time of previous and next run.
9 View Spec Ability to preview report definition on screen and export in excel, pdf, html, xml
and text format.
10 Configuration Button to navigate to export the technical configuration of the report.
11 Lock Button to Lock the existing report. Once a report is locked it cannot be modified.

 Once user has clicked on Modify button, following screen will be opened and user can perform any
operation as was permissible under additional section while creation of general report.

Figure 31 – Modify General Report

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5 Activate (Generate) General Report

To activate a general report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and General Report. Please refer
following screen print for navigation.

Figure 32 – Navigation to Activate General Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to activate. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 33 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 34 – Report Operation options

 Once user has clicked on Activate button, following screen will be displayed which will contain the
information regarding the transaction (activate) is successful.

Figure 35 – Activate Successful

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6 Download General Report

To download a general report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and General Report. Please refer
following screen print for navigation.

Figure 36 – Navigation to Download General Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to download. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 37 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 38 – Report Operation options

 Once user has clicked on Download button, following screen will be displayed which will contain the
information regarding current as well as previous run of the report.

Figure 39 – Download Screen

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7 Create Sub Report

To create a Sub report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of New and Sub Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 40 – Navigation to Create Sub Report

 User needs to select a BaNCS Object on which user wants to create a sub report. As soon as user clicks
on a BaNCS Object, a new button “Create” will be displayed. Please refer following screen print for
navigation. (As an example Payment BaNCS Object has been selected.)

Figure 41 – Create Button

 User needs to click on Create button. As soon as the create button is clicked following screen will be
displayed. Please refer following screen print.


Figure 42 – Create Sub Report Screen

 Above screen can be summarized under three sections.
o Generic Details – Here user needs to specify only Title. Other fields which were editable while
creating general report will be disabled. This is because the sub report will not be generated
independently. For this report to be generated it should be attached to multi report. (How to
attach a sub report to multi report will be explained under section 8).
o Summary – This section helps user to simultaneously review what has been configured.

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o Additional Details – This section helps user to attributes, filter, disclaimer etc.
 Now User needs to enter only Title. This field is mandatory on this screen that needs to be filled. After
entering the details user needs to click on “Save” button. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 43 - After click on Save Button.

 Following is the list of field description for the Generic field details.

Figure 44 – Generic Fields.

S. No. Field Description
1 Id A report/chart is given a system generated Id.

2 Title User can define the title of the report. The title is printed on the header of the
generated sub report
System generated. First time this will be in Draft status. Once User activates a
3 Status report, this status will be changed to Active status. Only active reports can be
attached to a multi report. Once the sub report is attached to a multi report it
cannot be attached to other multi report.
4 Object Name of the BaNCS Object. Non editable field.
5 Format For Sub Report it is not used. Format will be as defined in Multi Report.
A report's/chart's access can be given to an individual or to a user group. The
individual report/chart can be created for use by self or on behalf of another user.
Report/Chart with Individual access will be available only to the individual Owner. A
6 Owner Id,
Report/Chart with access to user group shall be available to all users belonging to
Owner Name
the user group. The generated Report/Chart and all operations on the Report/Chart
can be performed by the users who have access to the Report/Chart.
7 Frequency For Sub Report it is not used. Frequency will be as defined in Multi Report.
8 Cover Page For Sub Report it is not used. Cover Page will be as defined in Multi Report.
9 Print Report Choice to print sub report name in multi report or not.

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10 Print For Sub Report it is not used. Print will be as defined in Multi Report.
Choose from Standard, Chart, Cross tab report. Currently by default only standard is
11 Category
Subscription For Sub Report it is not used. Subscription will be as defined in Multi Report.

7.1 Configure Attributes

 Now user need to use additional details section to configure a sub report. For a report user first needs
to select the attributes. Please refer section 3.1 for more details on how to configure attributes.

7.2 Configure Filter

 Now user need to use additional details section to configure filter on a sub report. Filter feature can be
used by user to restrict (filter out) date that needs to be printed on a sub report. Please refer section
3.2 for more details on how to configure filter.

7.3 Configure Sort

 Now next available option is to define Sort. Unlike general report where user has option to define
grouping and sorting. In sub report user cannot use group feature. User can only define sorting
condition in order to get the sub report data with sorting. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 45 – Sorting Screen on Sub Report

S. No. Field Description
1 Sort Level 1-8 Define ascending/ descending sort order for up to 8 attributes.

 After user has defined sorting, he/she needs to click on save and after that on close. (User can
also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.)

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Figure 46 – Summary section with Sorting

7.4 Configure New Attribute

 Now next available option is to define New Attribute. Please refer section 3.3.2 for more details on
how to configure new attributes.

7.5 Configure Aggregate Attribute

 Now next available option is to define Aggregate Attribute. Please refer section 3.3.3 for more details
on how to configure aggregate attributes.

7.6 Configure Highlight

 Now next available option is to define highlight criteria. Please refer section 3.3.5 for more details on
how to define highlight criteria.

7.7 Configure Column Statistics

 Now next available option is to define Column Statistics. Please refer section 3.3.6 for more details on
how to configure Column Statistics.

7.8 Configure Number Format

 Now next available option is to define Number Format. Please refer section 3.3.9 for more details on
how to configure Number Format.

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8 Modify Sub Report

To modify a Sub report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and Sub Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 47 – Navigation to Modify Sub Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to modify. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 48 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 49 – Report Operation options

S. No. Field Description
1 Modify Modify an existing report.

2 Activate Register a report for generation. Only active reports will be available for selection
under multi report.
3 Clone Copy an existing report or pre configured report to create own report and
4 Deactivate De-activate an existing report. The next generation will be put on hold till the
report is again activated.
5 Delete Delete an existing report.

6 Status This operation opens a new window to view the status of a Report and also the
status and generation date & time of previous and next run.
7 View Spec Ability to preview report definition on screen and export in excel, pdf, html, and

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xml and text format.

8 Configuration Button to navigate to export the technical configuration of the report.
9 Lock Button to Lock the existing report. Once a report is locked it cannot be modified.

 Once user has clicked on Modify button, following screen will be opened and user can perform any
operation as was permissible under additional section while creation of sub report.

Figure 50 – Modify Sub Report

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9 Activate Sub Report

To activate a Sub report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and Sub Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 51 – Navigation to Activate Sub Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to activate. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 52 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 53 – Report Operation options

 Once user has clicked on Activate button, following screen will be displayed which will contain the
information regarding the transaction (activate) is successful.

Figure 54 – Activate Successful

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10 Create Multiple Section (Multi) Report

To create a multiple section (multi) report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of New and Multi Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 55 – Navigation to Create Multi Report

 User needs to select a BaNCS Object on which user wants to create a multi report. As soon as user clicks
on a BaNCS Object, a new button “Create” will be displayed. Please refer following screen print for
navigation. (As an example Payment BaNCS Object has been selected.)

Figure 56 – Create Button

 User needs to click on Create button. As soon as the create button is clicked following screen will be
displayed. Please refer following screen print.


Figure 57 – Create Multi Report Screen

 Above screen can be summarized under three sections.
o Generic Details – Here user needs to specify Title, Frequency, Format, Owner, First Schedule
Date and Time zone etc.
o Summary – This section helps user to simultaneously review what has been configured.
o Additional Details – This section helps user to select sub report, disclaimer etc.

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 Now User needs to enter Title and Time Zone. These two fields are mandatory on this screen that needs
to be filled. After entering the details user needs to click on “Save” button. Please refer following screen

Figure 58 - After click on Save Button.

 Following is the list of field description for the Generic field details.

Figure 59 – Generic Fields.

S. No. Field Description
1 Id A report/chart is given a system generated Id.

2 Title User can define the title of the report. The title is printed on the cover page and
header of the generated report
System generated. First time this will be in Draft status. Once User activates a
report, this status will be changed to Active status. Reports are scheduled for
3 Status generation when they are in ‘Active’ status. A Report can also be temporarily
suspended for generation in ‘In Active’ status and while being modified moves into
‘Modified-on Hold’ status.
4 Object Name of the BaNCS Object. Non editable field.
Define the report's format from the available options :
- Excel, PDF (Page size from A0 to B9) , Orientation Landscape / Portrait
5 Format
- Text - Based on user's attribute selection, a text report becomes multi row text
report with label and data printed one below the other.
A report's/chart's access can be given to an individual or to a user group. The
individual report/chart can be created for use by self or on behalf of another user.
Report/Chart with Individual access will be available only to the individual Owner. A
6 Owner Id,
Report/Chart with access to user group shall be available to all users belonging to
Owner Name
the user group. The generated Report/Chart and all operations on the Report/Chart
can be performed by the users who have access to the Report/Chart.

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Define the report's/chart's generation frequency from the available options:

'2 Hourly' , '3 Hourly' , '4 Hourly' , 'Daily' , 'End of Day' , 'Fortnightly' , 'Half Hourly' ,
'Half Yearly' , 'Hourly' , 'Month End' , 'Monthly' , Not applicable , 'Quarter End' ,
'Quarterly' , 'Week End' , 'Weekly' , 'Year End' , 'Yearly'.
7 Frequency
Based on the frequency of the report user is allowed to define Start/ End time and
mark the report for generation at End Of Day.
For example, for hourly, 2 hourly etc , define the start and end time. For Weekly,
can either define the start time or check EOD flag to generate the end of day.

A report/chart with this option will be printed with following information on the
8 Cover Page first page Logo, Report Name, Name of the report creator, Generation Date,
Company name and address.
9 Logo Choice of Logo to be printed.
10 Print Tick print box to move the generated files to a folder on server for printing
11 Category Choose from Standard, Chart, Cross tab report
A report can be subscribed i.e. various consumers can request same report with
Subscription only information of their interest. Tick this indicator to enable subscription. This will
Indicator enable the subscription operation on the report to open the package list and select
consumer BPs.

In a multi entity/OU environment, the report’s generation time will vary, so will be
13 Time zone the End of day processing time. Hence for appropriate scheduling and to compute
the local time, this entry is required and it is mandatory field.

10.1 Select Sub Report

 Now user need to use additional details section to configure a report. For a multi report user needs to
select sub reports. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 60 – Select Sub Report Screen.

S. No. Field Description
Select Sub This is a drop down field. This will list all the available (active and not attached to
Report any other multi report) sub reports for selection.
Insert Sub This button will allow user to attach the sub report with the multi report. Once user
Report has clicked on this button the selected report will be added in design text box.
3 Design This text box will display what all sub reports are attached to current multi report.
4 Clear This will remove all the attached sub report with current multi report.

 After user has attached/ selected all the sub reports, he/she needs to click on save and after that on
close. (User can also click on save to save the intermediate work and continue with more action.)

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Figure 61 – After Selection of one Sub Report.

 After user has attached/ selected all the sub reports and after save has closed the screen, user will be
redirected to summary screen. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 62 – Summary section with Sub Report

10.2 Configure Email

 Now next available option is to define email. Please refer section 3.3.4 for more details on how to
configure email.

10.3 Configure Disclaimer

 Now next available option is to define disclaimer. Please refer section 3.3.8 for more details on how
to configure Disclaimer.

10.4 Configure Font and Date

 Now next available option is to define font and date format. Please refer section 3.3.7 for more
details on how to configure font and date format.

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11 Modify Multiple Section (Multi) Report

To modify a multiple section (multi) report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and Multi Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 63 – Navigation to Modify Multi Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to modify. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 64 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 65 – Report Operation options

S. No. Field Description
1 Download Download the latest and previous version of the reports.
2 Modify Modify an existing report.

3 Activate Register a report for generation. Only active reports will be generated as per
4 Clone Copy an existing report or pre configured report to create own report and
5 Deactivate De-activate an existing report. The next generation will be put on hold till the
report is again activated.
6 Re-Trigger Request instant generation of a scheduled report. For example, there exists a
weekly report and a copy of this report is required instantly with data as of now.

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7 Delete Delete an existing report.

8 Status This operation opens a new window to view the status of a Report and also the
status and generation date & time of previous and next run.
9 View Spec Ability to preview report definition on screen and export in excel, pdf, html, xml
and text format.
10 Configuration Button to navigate to export the technical configuration of the report.
11 Lock Button to Lock the existing report. Once a report is locked it cannot be modified.

 Once user has clicked on Modify button, following screen will be opened and user can perform any
operation as was permissible under additional section while creation of multi report.

Figure 66 – Modify Multi Report

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12 Activate (Generate) Multiple Section (Multi) Report

To activate a multiple section (multi) report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and multi Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 67 – Navigation to Activate Multi Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to activate. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 68 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 69 – Report Operation options

 Once user has clicked on Activate button, following screen will be displayed which will contain the
information regarding the transaction (activate) is successful.

Figure 70 – Activate Successful

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13 Download Multiple Section (Multi) Report

To download a multiple section (multi) report, user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and Multi Report. Please refer following
screen print for navigation.

Figure 71 – Navigation to Download Multi Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to download. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 72 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 73 – Report Operation options

 Once user has clicked on Download button, following screen will be displayed which will contain the
information regarding current as well as previous run of the report.

Figure 74 – Download Screen

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14 Clone a Report
To clone a report (general, sub or Multi), user needs to follow the following steps.

 Click on the button (with mark) present on the intersection of Existing and Report type. Please refer following
screen print for navigation. As an example general report is taken.

Figure 75 – Navigation to Clone a General Report

 User needs to select an existing report which user wants to modify. User can search the report by
entering the title / Id in the search box. As soon as user clicks on search reports matching with the
search text will be displayed. Please refer following screen print.

Figure 76 – Search Report

 User needs to click on report title. As soon as user clicks on the report title, following menu option
will be opened.

Figure 77 – Report Operation options

 Once user has clicked on Clone button, following screen will be opened and user can perform any
operation as was permissible under additional section while modification of general report.

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Figure 78 – Clone General Report

 Now user needs to change the default populated title (or can continue with default) and save the
report. After that user can perform any operation that is permissible for modification of reports.

Figure 79 – Clone General Report

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15 Report Configuration (Letter Text)

 In letter text folder (available and applicable for letter reports), text box is provided to print text in the
reports such as Recipient's name & address, Salutation, Complimentary close & Signature.

 Attributes to be printed can be placed along with the text entered on this screen.

 Sub reports can be embedded to print data in tabular format. The sub reports can belong to multiple BOs
and may or may not have any relationship with the main letter report

 The attributes and sub reports to be placed in the text box are available in drop down fields provided.
Active sub reports appear in the drop down, and can be attached to only one letter report

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16 Email Configuration

 EUR maintains own mailing list which is refreshed daily from the email details available in BaNCS.

 Provision is available to seek authorization from another user prior to sending the generated report in an

 Within the mailing list, all the BaNCS users are considered as internal email ids, others( BP and SCA) are
considered as external email ids. The authorization is required for external email id’s. This feature
(authorization) is a parameter at implementation level.

 Reports will be generated as per defined frequency, but will start getting emailed to external email ids
only after the email has been authorized.

 Also there is a provision to authorize once (applicable for all subsequent generations) or always (each
report to be authorized).

 Always the latest email list is referred to ensure that email is not sent to recipients who are no longer

 Own mailing list appears on entering partial name of BP/SCA or BaNCS users, their Ids or email ids.

 For individual reports, can only define self-email id, while for user group reports can define the BP/SCA
email ids as well as of users belonging to the defined user group. BP/SCA are considered external.

 For external, if email authorization is required, then report will be generated but would require
authorization before emailing first copy of scheduled report.

 Release Email Manually –to seek authorization prior to emailing subsequent copies of scheduled report.

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Email Auth Screen

17 Highlight Screen
User can also choose to highlight a particular row based on a condition.

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18 Number Format Screen

There is also a provision to change the number formatting of numeric fields i.e. in thousands, millions etc.

19 Disclaimer Screen
User can also provide the disclaimer at report level which will be printed at the end of report
Company Disclaimer -Check box is available on screen to print the company disclaimer, the disclaimer text cannot
be edited, it will be picked from the default level.

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20 Font and Date Screen

User can also change the font and date format of attributes used in the report.

21 Column Statistics
There is also a provision of providing the statistical function on the attributes of report i.e. SUM , MAX , MIN ,

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22 New and Aggregate Attributes

BO has many attributes, while new might be required for example to have currency and amount together,
multiply, find average, derive year of a date etc. Following operations are available -

Mathematical operations such as plus, minus, multiply and divide, define the logic to calculate the value of the
new attribute. It follows BODMAS rule. Example : New attribute = (A+B)/C

Date operations: Define a new attribute to only print either the day, month or year of a date. Example : year of
(16-May-2015) will print 2015.The format to print depends on the configured date format or follows default

Concatenation: Define a new attribute by concatenating multiple attributes. Example -Cash Dividend-Authorized (
delimiter '-' is optional, can print without delimiter also )"

Aggregation: Define new attributes to print statistical information like count, sum, min, max, average. These
operations can further be tied up to conditions, iecount only if status = authorized. For example, for each unique
combination of event type, event status, print count of events where payment date = Today"

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New Attributes

Aggregate Attributes

23 Group and Sort Screen

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User can also provide grouping and sort the data from group and sort screen.

24 Access to the Generated Reports – Download Report

 Latest and previous copies of generated reports can be downloaded from ‘Download Report Screen’.

 By default, latest copy of each generated report is displayed (show latest is ticked (?)). Un tick the same
and search again to view all the previous generated files.

 Click on Hyperlink provided on the Idfield to open / save the generated report.

 Search is provided on the various fields such as report Title/Id

 Generated reports are placed in directory structure as defined during implementation level.

 In case option is selected to ‘Print’ the report, copy of generated report is placed in a separate directory,
again configurable at implementation level.

 Generated file naming convention is concatenation of Id, generation date and time. The date and time
format is configurable at report level. For example SP-INSTRMNT-T06R27_2015_12_01_123737.pdf (.txt,

 For subscribed reports, the naming convention is concatenation of Id, generation date & time and
package id. For example SP-CSTMR-P01R04_2015_11_24_113026_PACKAGE-49.pdf (.txt, .xlsx)

 The next generation report’s entry of the report is also maintained in this screen. The same is not shown
by default, however can be searched with status = ‘Queued’.

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25 Report Specifications
Specifications can be downloaded in Excel and PDF. Refer sample of specs below
General: Report’s Title, format, frequency, logo, cover page, end of day, subscription indicators

Attributes: Attributes to print, formula if attribute is computed, additional details such as -Column
total/Average/Min/Max, comma separator, highlight and sort as ascending or descending applicable

Filters: Attributes on which filter condition are defined

Group: Attributes based on which data should be segregated. Split = Yes will create multiple copies of

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26 Subscriptions
 Various consumers can request same report with only information of their interest.

 For example, there may be 100 BP’s who want a report on settled trades for their account. Rather than
configuring 100 different reports with data for each BP, one report for settled trade is set up and this
report is subscribed by each BP. This information is passed as a filter to print only the BPs information
and generate 100 reports.

 To subscribe, create consumer packages. Each package can consist of one, few or all accounts being
managed by the consumer BP.Consumer BP is an owner of accounts belonging to him or a non-owner
interested party to manage, operate accounts.

 A report can be subscribed by multiple packages/consumers.

 Consumer’s email details can be provided and the generated reports is emailed.

 This access (consumer BP and accounts) is defined in BaNCS for each SCA using Instructing Party Account
Relationship set up in BaNCS SP.

 On Landing page –Go to ‘Package List’ on landing page, following screen to create/modify or view
existing packages will appear. Click on create to define a new package.

 Search for a consumer BP, all accounts being managed by the consumer BP will appear in the list below.
Choice is available to select one or all accounts. In case all accounts are selected, any inclusions or
expulsions in future will be automatically included.

 This package can now be subscribed to a report on click of ‘Subscribe’ option available for subscribe
enabled reports.

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27 Access Control and BO Access

EUR screen access control –In order to access the screens, roles need to be attached to the existing/ new user
groups. Following roles are available

View –Capability to view report setup, download report and report’s specifications, retrigger a report for
immediate generation.

Update –In addition to view access, capability to create and modify a report, subscribe a report

Supervisory –Activate, delete a report, define packages for subscription, and authorize sending reports in
email, defining access of BOs to user group.

Defining Access to BaNCS Objects

Access to BO can be given to user groups. Users can define reports on BOs only if the user group they
belong to have access on the BO.

Users belonging to the same user group can have various access like create/view/modify/delete reports
on accessible BO's.

In case of multiple entity, access to data for an entity within a BO is dependent on whether such entity is
attached to the 'User Group' user belongs to.

This set up can be configured from BaNCS screens

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End User Reporting User’s Manual

28 Type of Reports
Landing page contains buttons to navigate to list of BO Slices, Pre-configured reports and user created reports.
These buttons have horizontal and vertical titles which are explained below. Button click works at the intersection
of these titles

29 Report Operations

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End User Reporting User’s Manual

30 Password protection for Email (CTBC)

1. In case if Package is set up for Email Dispatch then default password will be the Local Tax ID of the Subscriber

2. Default password can be overridden from “Email Notification Password Management” . Navigation is Maintain
–Parameters –Notification Password Management.

Tata Consultancy Services Confidential 56

End User Reporting User’s Manual

3. For reports in format excel , text , csv etc. , the file will be zipped and then password protected whereas the pdf
file will be directly password protected.

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End User Reporting User’s Manual

30 Index File for MMAS (CTBC)

Reports which are eligible for email dispatch will added in the MMAS index file. One MMAS Index file will be
created per report. Sample MMAS file is shown below:

Tata Consultancy Services Confidential 58

End User Reporting User’s Manual

Three new fields in Advance setup screen which is used in the MMAS index file
1) Notification ID
2) Email Subject
3) Email Body
Navigation End User Reporting -> Report (Modify/View) -> Advance Setup

 Linked Report
ulti or letter
eports. : Is applicable
report for m the linked (one or more) sub r
and will display

Tata Consultancy Services Confidential 59

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