This document contains a history homework assignment from Kendriya Vidyalaya ASC Centre for Class 10 on the subject of Social Science. It includes 15 questions on Chapter 1 of the history textbook covering topics like the French Revolution, unification of Germany and Britain, and the Civil Code of 1804. It also contains 35 questions on geography covering topics like resources, land use, soil types, and conservation in India. Finally, it has 15 political science questions on Chapter 1 discussing power sharing through examples of Belgium and Sri Lanka.
This document contains a history homework assignment from Kendriya Vidyalaya ASC Centre for Class 10 on the subject of Social Science. It includes 15 questions on Chapter 1 of the history textbook covering topics like the French Revolution, unification of Germany and Britain, and the Civil Code of 1804. It also contains 35 questions on geography covering topics like resources, land use, soil types, and conservation in India. Finally, it has 15 political science questions on Chapter 1 discussing power sharing through examples of Belgium and Sri Lanka.
This document contains a history homework assignment from Kendriya Vidyalaya ASC Centre for Class 10 on the subject of Social Science. It includes 15 questions on Chapter 1 of the history textbook covering topics like the French Revolution, unification of Germany and Britain, and the Civil Code of 1804. It also contains 35 questions on geography covering topics like resources, land use, soil types, and conservation in India. Finally, it has 15 political science questions on Chapter 1 discussing power sharing through examples of Belgium and Sri Lanka.
This document contains a history homework assignment from Kendriya Vidyalaya ASC Centre for Class 10 on the subject of Social Science. It includes 15 questions on Chapter 1 of the history textbook covering topics like the French Revolution, unification of Germany and Britain, and the Civil Code of 1804. It also contains 35 questions on geography covering topics like resources, land use, soil types, and conservation in India. Finally, it has 15 political science questions on Chapter 1 discussing power sharing through examples of Belgium and Sri Lanka.
Q1. Who delivered a lecture at the University of Sorbonne ? 1
Q2. Which dynasty was restored in France after the fall of Napoleon ? 1 Q3. Which language was spoken in Galicia ? 1 Q4. What did the term ‘Elle’ mean ? 1 Q5. To which country did artist Frederic Sorrieu belong ? 1 Q6. Describe any three economic hardships faced by Europe in the 1830s. 3 Q7. “The first clear expression of nationalism came with French Revolution of 1789.” Examine the statement. 5 Q8. Describe the process of unification of Germany. 5 Q9. Describe the process of Unification of Britain. 5 Q10. Use the information provided along with the terms given in the box to form a coherent passage to explain Civil Code of 1804. Also include information that is not mentioned below to complete it. Privileges based on birth, right to property, Dutch Republic,feudal system, peasants, businessmen, common national currency The Civil Code of 1804………. Switzerland, in Italy and Germany……….. .serfdom and manorial dues……….. guild restrictions……..uniform laws………one region to another. 5 Q. 11. According to Ernst Renan what are the attributes of the nation? 5 Q12. Fill in the blanks a. The term liberalism is derived from the Latin word liber meaning ........... b. For the new middle classes’ liberalism stood for .......... the individual and ............ c. The word suffrage means the right to ........................... d. The Napoleonic Code was also known as the _.............................. e. In revolutionary France, which marked the first political experiment in liberal democracy, the right to vote and to get elected was granted exclusively to ............................................. f. In 1834, a customs union or......................... was formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German states. g. Conservatives believed that established, traditional institutions of state and society like the................ the ,........................, .................... , ...................... , and the................. should be preserved. h. In 1815, representatives of the European powers –................... , .................. , and ...................... – who had collectively defeated Napoleon, met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe. i. To be revolutionary at this time meant a commitment to oppose monarchical forms that had been established after the Vienna Congress, and to fight for liberty and freedom. One such individual was the Italian revolutionary ..................................... j. Metternich described .......................................... as ‘the most dangerous enemy of our social order.’ Q13. What did the philosophy of liberalism mean in the economic and political sphere? 5 Q14. Write in brief the causes of the July Revolution of 1830. 5 Q15. How did the Congress of Vienna reorganize Europe? 5 Geography (ch. 1,2) Q1. What is a resource? A. Extracts from nature B. Man Made products C. Extracts from environment- technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally acceptable D. Anything from which a product can be manufactured. Q2. The process of transformation of things available in our environment involves an interactive relationship between...............................................? A. Nature and technology B. nature, technology and institutions C. Environment and nature D. Environment and technology Q3. How do human beings interact with nature? A. Through technology B. Through nurturing environmental resources C. Through industry D. Through experimental advances Q4.Are resources free gifts of nature? And how? A. Yes they are B. They are not , Resources are a function of human activities C. Yes Resources are nurtured by nature D. No, Anything from which a product can be manufactured Q5. Human beings used resources indiscriminately and this has led to the following major problems, What are these problems? A. Not well planned use of these resources. B. Wastage of resources C. Not many problems. D. Accumulation of resources in few hands Q6. What is Sustainable Development? Q7. Why do we need resource planning? Q8. What does resource planning in India involve? Q9. Why is Conservation of Resources important? Q10. Which type of land is not used for cultivation? A. Already on crop production B. Land put to non-agricultural uses, e.g. buildings, roads, factories, etc C. All types of land D. Black soil land Q11. What are fallow Lands? Q12. What is the total geographical area of India? Q13. Waste land includes……………………… A. Land left without cultivation for one or less than one agricultural year B. Land put to non-agricultural uses C. rocky, arid and desert areas D. Land left uncultivated for the past 1 to 5 agricultural years Q14. ...........percent of our basic needs for food, shelter and clothing are obtained from land. Q15.Which human activities have led to land degradation? Q16. How can we solve the problems of land degradation? Q17. What are the factors responsible for soil formation? Q18. Which is the most widely spread soil in India? Q19. Which important river systems have set the Alluvial soil? A. Ganga, Indus B. Kaveri C. Beas D. Satluj Q20. Alluvial soils are favorable for the growth of ………….. A. Sugarcane, paddy, wheat and other cereal and pulse crops B. Nuts C. Palm D. Cotton Q21.Black soil is favourable for the growth of………. A. Paddy and wheat B. Nuts C. Cereals D. Cotton Q22. Where is black soil mostly found? A. Karnataka & Kerala B. Plateaus of Maharashtra, Saurashtra, Malwa, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh C. Rajasthan and Gujrat D. Assam Q23. Where is red soil mostly found? A. Deccan plateau, parts of Odisha, B. Kerala and karnataka C. Rajasthan and Gujarat D. Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh Q24. Where are the laterite soils found in India? A. Middle Ganga plain B. Saurashtra, Malwa C. Western Ghats region of Maharashtra, Odisha, D. Madhya Pradesh Q25. Where is the Arid soil found? A. Rajasthan B. Gujarat C. Assam D. Madhya Pradesh Q26. The land becomes unfit for cultivation and is known………. A. Fallow land B. Bad land C. Wasted land D. Deserted land Q27. What is soil erosion? Q28. The processes of ………... and.........., go on simultaneously and generally there is a balance between the two. A. Denudation and erosion B. Soil formation and erosion C. Soil formation and denudation D. Climatic conditions and soil erosion Q29. The running water cuts through the clayey soils and makes deep channels known as ……………. Q30. When the topsoil is washed away what is it called? A. Sheet erosion B. Layer erosion C. Part erosion D. Flat erosion Q31. What is strip cropping? A. Planting lines of trees B. Planting between water beds C. Cultivating making steps D. Strips of grass are left to grow between the crops Q32. What are shelter belts? Q33. Write the characteristics of JFM programme and its two benefits for the community. Q34. Give some suggestions that how to conserve various resources used in your school and also make a project showing consumption and conservation of resources in your locality. Q35. Write a short essay on any practices which you may have observed and practised in your lives that conserve and protect the environment around you. Q36. Mark all the Major Soil Types ( Alluvial soil , Black Soil ,Arid Soil , Red and Yellow Soil , Laterite Soil ,Forest & Mountainous soil) on the political outline map of India. Political Science (ch. 1) Q1. Compare the ethnic composition of Belgium and Sri Lanka. Q2. Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in the year . Q3. Define the term ‘Majoritarianism’. Q4. Elaborate the Act of 1956. Q5. What was the result of alienation policy of Sri Lanka? Q6. Define Civil War. Q7. How many times was the constitution of Belgium amended? Q8. Sri Lanka shows us a contrasting example. It shows us that if a majority community wants to force its dominance over others and refuses to share power, it can undermine the unity of the country. Explain. Q9. What do we learn from these two stories of Belgium and Sri Lanka? Q10. Who elects the community government in Belgium? Q11. What is vertical division of powers? Q12. Power sharing is desirable because it helps: a) To increase pressure on govt. b) To reduce possibilities of conflicts c) To generate awareness among people d) To increase percentage of voters Q13. What does coalition government imply? Q14. What does the federal division of power imply? Q15. The Community Government in Belgium signifies: a. The powers of govt. regarding community development b. The powers of the govt. regarding law making for the community. c. The govt. enjoys privileges to safeguard the interest of a particular community d. The powers of the govt. regarding cultural, educational and language related issues Q16. Match the following: Column A Column B (a) Coalition Govt. (i) Each organ of the govt. checks the other. (b) Civil war (ii) Govt. of more than two political parties. (c) Check and balance (iii) Power may also be shared among different social groups. (d) Community Govt. (iv) A violent conflict between opposing groups. Q17. Differentiate between the vertical and horizontal power sharing. Q18. Which power sharing arrangement is better between Belgium and SriLanka.