Chapter Iii 3.4
Chapter Iii 3.4
Chapter Iii 3.4
researcher in conducting the study which includes the research design, method
3. 1 Research Design
with native Subanen speakers in Salug and Siayan to gather insights about their
culture, and everyday life. It also includes observing and recording the language
usage in different contexts and settings to identify specific terminologies and their
usage patterns.
3.2 Research Locale
The researcher will conduct their study in Salug and Siayan Zamboanga
del Norte. These locations provide unique settings to study the Subanen language
being spoken by the residents. The community’s cultural practices, traditions, and
was 32,134. This represented 3.07% of the total population of Zamboanga del
dialect and terminologies. The Subanen community in Siayan has its cultural
heritage and historical influences that shape the language usage in this locale.
Siayan (Siay-Ayan) got its name from the leader of the Subanen tribe that
inhabited the area, The name of his Wife was Siayan and the leader’s nickname
Census was 36,236. This represented 3.46% of the total population of Zamboanga
Obtain informed consent from all participants and ensure their privacy and
confidentiality throughout the research process. The researcher engaging open and
the researchers’ criteria that includes, participants will be individuals who are native
Subanen speakers that have grown up in either Salug and Siayan, have a deep
usage of terminologies from both Salug and Siaya, Zamboanga del Norte. The
interviews and observations are recorded for accurate data analysis and reference.
The researcher explains to the respondents the importance of their response to the
the data gathering process. The researchers taking diligent notes and record all
Phase 1 Phase 2
Data analyzing