Liang 2017
Liang 2017
Liang 2017
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Materials Chemistry Frontiers
mobility, which is difficult to achieve with fullerene derivatives. This review describes very recent developments of
polymer donor:small molecular non-fullerene acceptors in several systems since 2015, including rylene imide,
indacenodithiophene and diketopyrrolopyrrole based small molecular acceptors. Molecular design considerations and
structure-property relationships are also discussed.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
SF-PDI4 P4T2FBT ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /V2O5/Ag -3.78/-5.97 a 0.93 11.03 0.51 5.27 40
SF-PDI4 PV4T2FBT ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /V2O5/Ag --- 0.90 12.02 0.54 5.98 40
TPE-PDI4 PTB7-Th ---- -3.72/-5.77 b 0.91 11.70 0.52 5.53 41
TPC–PDI4 PffBT4T-2DT ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /V2O5/Al -3.75/-6.00 b 0.96 9.20 0.49 4.3 42
TPSi-PDI4 PffBT4T-2DT ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /V2O5/Al -3.75/-6.01 b 0.94 8.5 0.53 4.2 42
TPGe-PDI4 PffBT4T-2DT ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /V2O5/Al -3.68/-5.94 b 0.92 5.0 0.37 1.6 42
TPC-PDI4 PffBT-T3(1,2)-2 ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al --- 1.04 8.70 0.51 4.60 43
TPE-PDI4 PffBT-T3(1,2)-2 ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al --- 1.03 10.60 0.54 5.90 43
TPPz-PDI4 PffBT-T3(1,2)-2 ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al -3.76/-5.86 b 0.99 12.50 0.56 7.10 43
αPPID PTB7-Th ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al -4.19/-5.66 b 0.77 10.15 0.44 3.49 44
βPPID PTB7-Th ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al -4.21/-5.59 b 0.78 9.14 0.45 3.20 44
αPBDT PTB7-Th ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al -4.13/-4.80 b 0.81 12.74 0.46 4.76 44
βPBDT PTB7-Th ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al -4.13/-5.05 b 0.81 9.80 0.44 3.49 44
TPB PTB7-Th ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Ag -3.81/-5.71 a 0.79 17.90 0.58 8.47 45
H-di-PDI PBDT-TS1 ITO/PEDOT:PSS/BHJ/PFN/Al -3.86/-5.90 b 0.82 12.85 0.53 5.58 47
H-di-PDI PTB7-Th ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al --- 0.79 13.12 0.60 6.41 28
H-tri-PDI PBDT-TS1 ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al -3.93/-6.01 a 0.73 16.52 0.60 7.25 48
2c-DACH-PPDIs PTB7-Th ITO/ZnO/ BHJ /MoO3/Al -3.88/-6.16 b 0.80 10.63 0.51 4.68 49
Me-PDI4 PBDTTT-C-T ITO/ZnO/BHJ/PEDOT:PSS/Ag -3.81/-5.96 b 0.77 7.83 0.45 2.73 50
calculated from the onset oxidation and reduction potential. b calculated from the absorption edge (λedge) with the equation of Eopt
g = 1240/λedge (eV); The value of λedge is obtained
from the absorption spectrum. c calculated from the method of photoelectron spectroscopy in air (PESA).
showed a high PCE of 5.9%. The fusion and extension of T1:SdiPDI-Se showed a high efficiency of 8.4% with a VOC of 0.96 V
heteroarenes has been recognized as a promising method to and a relatively satisfied FF of 0.70.
construct effective electron acceptors. Various intermolecular Jen et al. developed a new family of fused derivatives with
interactions can be induced by heteroatoms and the original different chalcogen atoms from S to O to Se, namely FPDI-T, FPDI-F
chemical structure can be modulated. Then, SdiPDI was modified by and FPDI-Se. Compared with the non-fused PDI-T, fused FPDI-T
insertion of thiophene and selenophene units in the bay positions showed increased π-conjugation and delocalization of the LUMO
and two PDI dyes, SdiPDI-S and SdiPDI-Se were obtained. The over the whole molecule. As the atomic size increases from O to S
introduction of S bridges increased the electron density as well as to Se, the LUMO levels improved from -3.80, -3.77 to -3.76 eV. As a
the steric hindrance of the PDI subunits and thus weakened the π- result, PTB7-Th:FPDI-T based PSCs exhibited a superior photovoltaic
conjugation between two PDI units, leading to a higher lying lowest performance with a PCE of 6.72%. Thus, fused-ring
unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). The molecules had LUMO functionalization on PDIs could reduce reorganization energy and
energy of –3.85 eV for SdiPDI-S, compared to an energy of –3.91 eV extend effective π-conjugation, which is beneficial to facilitate
for SdiPDI. Accordingly, the PDBT-T1:SdiPDI-S solar cell showed a exciton diffusion and charge transport. This result was confirmed by
high PCE of 7.16% with an FF of 0.66 and open circuit voltage (VOC) Marks and coworkers, who explored the effects of ring fusion in a
of 0.90 V. Meanwhile, the selenium atom has a larger and looser series of PDI dimers bridged by thiophene (T1 (PDI-T) and T2 (FPDI-
outermost electron cloud than that of sulfur, which improves T)), phenylene (Ph1, Ph2a, and Ph2b), and thienothiophene (TT1,
orbital overlap and increases the charge carrier mobility. Thus, and TT2) linkers. The PSCs utilizing twisted dimers, T2 and Ph2a,
SdiPDI-Se was obtained with a high LUMO level of -3.87 eV and a blended with the donor PTB7-Th showed significantly increased in
twisted molecular configuration as well as a higher electron performance compared to those fabricated with the non-fused
−3 2 −1 −1
mobility (μe) of 6.4 10 cm V s for a neat SdiPDI-Se film (3.2 dimers, T1 and Ph1, respectively, which was attributed to the
−3 2 −1 −1
10 cm V s for a neat SdiPDI-S film). PSCs based on PDBT- decreased geminate recombination rates and increased electron
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 3
mobility. Other fused dimers TT2 and Ph2b with more planar possessing a low voltage loss of 0.61 eV, a high VOC of 1.11 V and an
confirmation have decreased performances for PSCs due to the excellent PCE of 9.5%. Although the PSCs based on P3TEA:SF-
increased charge recombination and excimer formation. PDI2 have a negligible driving force (Egap - ECT), the solar cells exhibit
A family of helical PDI molecules (hPDI1, hPDI3, hPDI4) have been fast and efficient charge separation, creating a path towards highly
reported by Nuckolls and coworkers. Those structures were efficient PSCs with low voltage loss.
prepared by fusing adjacent PDI unites with a two-carbon bridge. Recently, great achievements have been reported on the three-
These small molecules have relatively high electron mobilities and dimensional (3D) PDI SMAs linked with different core blocks; they
LUMO energy levels (∼ -4.0 eV), good absorption abilities from 350 have the advantages of high extinction coefficients and favorable
5 -1 -1 5 -1 -1 [38]
to 600 nm (εmax of 1.1 10 M cm , 1.5 10 M cm and 1.8 BHJ morphology featuring a small domain size. Chen
5 -1 -1
10 M cm for hPDI1, hPDI3 and hPDI4, respectively) and a slightly and coworkers reported a PDI derivative B(PDI)3, in which a central
reduced aggregation tendency due to the twisted molecular benzene unit is adopted to connect three PDI arms, leading to a
conformation. Thus, the stronger light absorption and lack of twisted molecular geometry and suppressing the strong
aggregation, together with the tendency of the isolated linear crystallization tendency of PDI chromophores. Therefore, the PSCs
structure to form networks all contributed to ensuring the PSCs based on PTB7-Th:B(PDI)3 provided a good PCE of 5.65%. Cho
based on PTB7:hPDI3 and PTB7-Th:hPDI4 have superior and et al. used a spiro-bifluorene (SF) core to connect four PDI
performances to those of PTB7-Th:hPDI1, with maximum PCEs of building blocks and obtained a SF-PDI4 acceptor, with a highly
[33, 34]
7.9% and 8.3%, respectively. twisted SF core that could suppress molecular aggregation and
Yan et al. adopted a difluorobenzothiadiazole (ffBT)-based facilitate excitation energy transfer among PDI subunits. The
polymer, named as PffBT4T-2DT, as electronic donor material. devices combined SF-PDI4 with a difluorobenzo-thiadiazole (2FBT)-
When combined with two electronic acceptors diPDI and SF-PDI2, based donor polymer, PV4T2FBT, yielded a high Jsc of 12.02 mA cm
[26,35] [40]
as reported in previous study, reasonably high PCEs of 5.4% and a VOC of 0.90 V, leading to a high PCE of 5.98%. Yan and
and 6.3% were obtained, respectively. This group also reported coworkers reported a tetraphenylethylene (TPE) core-based 3D
PSCs based on a novel polymer P3TEA and SF-PDI2, specifically SMA, TPE-PDI4, enabling the NF-PSCs based on PTB7-Th with a PCE
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
increase. As a result, the optimized PffBT-T3(1,2)-2:TPPz-PDI4 based PBDT-TS1:H-tri-PDI active layer, the JSC of PSCs was as high as 16.5
-2 [48]
device exhibits a highest PCE of 7.1%, which is significantly higher mA cm and the PCE reached 7.25%.
than that of TPE-PDI4 (6.0%) and TPC-PDI4 (4.7%) based devices.
Thus, it is also important to consider the intramolecular twisting of
3D molecular acceptors for improving the performance of non-
fullerene OSCs.
Nonbay-position-functionalized PDI
Yu et al. synthesized a family of PDI derivatives functionalized at the
nonbay-position (αPPID, αPBDT) and bay-position (βPPID, βPBDT).
The PSCs give the highest PCE values of 4.92% for αPBDT-based
devices and 3.61% for αPPID-based devices; these values were 39%
and 4% higher than the values of their bay-substituted counterparts
(βPBDT and βPPID), respectively. This is attributed to the αPPID and
αPBDT exhibiting a stronger tendency to form aggregates, which
endows the materials with higher electron mobility due to the good
planarity and strong π-stacking of nonbay-functionalized PDI.
Based on this theory, Yu et al. then synthesized a 3D PDI dyes
functionalized at nonbay-positions with BDT as the core, named as
TPB. The highest PCE of 8.47% was achieved with 8% diphenyl ether
(DPE) as additive and the high JSC of about 18 mA cm was
comparable with that of solar cells based on PC71BM/PTB7-Th.
However, the bottleneck is the relatively low FF (<0.6) of devices.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
via the imide position. The solution- processed BHJ OSCs based on Core-functionalization of the NDIs has been considered ViewasArticle
a general
PBDTTT-C-T:Me-PDI4 exhibited a PCE as high as 2.73%. method to extend the planar, rigid core andDOI: 10.1039/C6QM00247A
prepare novel materials
In concerted efforts to judiciously design new PDI acceptors, PSCs with new structures. For example, in 2015, Russell and
based on PDIs have attracted much attention and rapid coworkers prepared a new small molecule, BiNDI by linking two NDI
developments have been made. On the basis of achieving effective monomers via a vinyl group, extending the -conjugation length,
and electronic properties via easy and effective modulation by substituents on the core phenyl unit, hydrogen, methoxy, and
appropriate simple functionalization. In addition, there are many hexyloxy, respectively. Introduction of THE cyano (CN) substituent
literatures reports on the NDIs possessing the excellent field as the electron-withdrawing moiety is beneficial for increasing the
electronic transfer ability as air-stable n-type semiconductors due electron affinity; it promots the formation of crystalline structures,
to the electron-deficient character. What’s more, the broad and thus favors efficient charge transport. Thus, the PSCs based on
absorption bands over the whole visible spectral range through the P3HT:NIDCS-HO exhibited a maximum PCE of 2.71%. The PSCs
introduction of core substituents enabled NDIs with interesting based on PPDT2FBT:NIDCS-HO showed a maximum PCE of 7.6%
photosystems and photovoltaic applications. with a remarkably high VOC of 1.03 V and also a reduced energy loss
of 0.73 eV in the devices (Eoptg for PPDT2FBT is 1.76 eV).
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
from the absorption spectrum. c calculated from the method of photoelectron spectroscopy in air (PESA).
PSEHTT, had a PCE of 6.4%, a VOC of 0.92 V and a maximum external Aso and coworkers developed new NI based electron-accepting
quantum efficiency value of 80%. They also designed a very compounds containing NTz and BTz as an electron-deficient unit,
highly twisted 3D electron acceptor dimer, DBFI-EDOT, with a respectively. Conventional OPV devices fabricated from NTz-Np as
twisted angle of 76° between the two planar monomeric BFI units. an acceptor with P3HT as a donor showed superior performance
A maximum PCE of 8.10% was achieved for the optimized DBFI- with PCE as high as 2.81% compared to the corresponding BTz-Np
EDOT:PSEHTT devices and a PCE of 8.52% for DBFI- based devices.
EDOT:PSEHTT:PBDTT-FTTE ternary blend solar cells. Thus As a weaker electron withdrawing group, NI based small
increasing the twisted angle between the large rigid π-conjugated molecule acceptors have a high-lying LUMO level, which will reduce
building blocks in dimeric molecules can result in a large variation in the energy loss and produce a high VOC. Whereas, NI-based small
the PCE in BHJ solar cells. This suggests that the twisted angle is a molecule acceptors generally exhibit a low electron mobility,
potential means to further improve the performance of NFAs in usually leading to unbalanced electron and hole mobility when
PSCs, since it improves molecular isotropy and symmetry, efficient blending with polymer donors. Therefore, strategies for designing
molecular packing, isotropic carrier transport, and compatibility NI based small molecule acceptors with planar configuration are
with a donor polymer in BHJ blends. urgently to facilitate the electron transport in the active layer.
Bo and coworkers reported a series of NI based planar small
molecules (SM1-4) comprising a central benzene core, two
thiophene bridges and two NI terminal groups, attached with 3. IDT-based small molecule acceptors
different substituents on the central benzene ring. With a decrease During the past two years, chemists have adopted the rigid
in planarity of small molecules, by attachment of different indacenodithiophene (IDT) or indacenodithieno[3,2-b]-thiophene
substituents on the central benzene ring, the twisted angles (IDTT) as core, substituted with strong electron-withdrawing groups,
between the two NI end groups of SM1-4 gradually increased, and to provide electron acceptor materials, while also providing out-of-
the PCEs based on these electron acceptors, when adopting plane side chains for tuning processability and morphology/phase
PCDTBT-C12 as electron donor, decreased from 2.78% to 0.13% due separation. Moreover, the rigid coplanar structure of the molecules
to the decreased electron mobility. Bo and coworkers also can prevent rotational disorder and reduce reorganization energy,
reported a new planar acceptor NI-AA-NI, with a diacetylene group which may enhance charge carrier mobility. The IDT/IDTT based
as the bridge. This acceptor had a high crystallinity and a higher PSCs have exhibited great potential in achieving outstanding
lying LUMO level of -3.57 eV. As a result, the P2:NI-AA-NI based photovoltaic performance.
OPVs exhibited a PCE of 3.71% with a VOC of 1.07 V. In 2012, Zhan and coworkers first reported a novel acceptor DC-
IDT2T applying IDT unit as a central building block, 1,1-
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 7
8 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
a narrow optical bandgap of 1.34 eV with a LUMO level of −3.95 Zhan and coworkers successfully developed ITIC-Th based on ITIC
eV. As a result, the PSC device based on PTB7-Th:IEICO showed a after altering the phenyl side chains to thienyl side-chains to
PCE of 8.4%. A PCE of 10.7% was recorded in a tandem PSC downshift molecular energy levels and facilitate the compatibility
adopting PTB7-Th:IEICO as rear cell. Liao coworkers presented an with high-performance electron donors, especially moderate- or
IDSe-T-IC acceptor bearing a fused five-membered heterocyclic ring WBG donors. The PSCs based on ITIC-Th and low-bandgap (LBG)
containing selenium atoms, withEg of 1.52 eV, strong absorption in PTB7-Th and WBG polymer donor PDBT-T1 exhibited PCEs up to
the 600-850 nm region, and a high LUMO level of -3.79 eV. The 8.7% and 9.6%, respectively. Furthermore, based on the IDT unit,
solar cell based on J51:IDSe-T-IC gave a PCE of 8.6%, much higher Zhan and coworkers also reported the IC-C6IDT-IC acceptor with
than that of J51:PC71BM-based PSCs under similar device four n-hexyl side chains and a highly planar backbone, prepared in
fabrication conditions (PCE = 6.0%). high yield using a one-step facile reaction. The PSCs based on PDBT-
Based on the acceptor IEIC, Zhan and coworkers designed ITIC by T1:IC-C6IDT-IC without additional treatments yield PCEs of up to
introducing rigid out-of-plane side chains onto the fused rings to 8.71%, demonstrating that the planar acceptor also exhibits good
facilitate the effective interchain π−π overlaps and enhance performance in PSCs.
intermolecular charge transport, and the PCE of PTB7-Th:ITIC was These electron-donating extended fused rings, IDT and IDTT,
6.80%. Hou and coworkers adopted a new conjugated polymer, bearing extended π-frameworks and rigid coplanar structures are
PBDB-T with a strong aggregation effect in solution and small beneficial to the enhanced charge carrier mobility. In addition, this
ΔHOMO (HOMOd - HOMOa) to fabricate the solar cell devices. type of non-fullerene SMAs possessing a narrow bandgap and
Outstanding performance with a PCE of 11.21% and excellent appropriate energy level fits in well with the WBG polymers that
thermal stability were obtained. Li and coworkers used ITIC as usually exhibit a high molar absorption coefficient in the range 350
acceptor in the J51-based nonfullerene PSCs; encouragingly, the to 700 nm and high hole mobility. These properties endow the
non-fullerene PSCs based on J51:ITIC exhibited a high PCE of devices based on IDT:WBG polymers with high EQEs, which is
9.26%. This group also designed and synthesized a new medium favorable for the JSC and FF.
bandgap 2D-conjugated copolymers (J61) adopting linear alkylthio
substituents on the thiophene conjugated side chain of the
benzodithiophene (BDT) units. The devices based on J61:ITIC 4. DPP based small molecule acceptors
showed a PCE of up to 9.53%. Hou and coworkers rationally Due to the strong electron withdrawing ability and high polarity of
designed two new molecular acceptors by incorporating methyl- the DPP moiety, DPP-conjugated materials often exhibit a broad
modified end groups on ITIC, namely IT-M, IT-DM, increasing the and tunable optical absorption, high mobilities for holes and
energy levels slightly, without causing too much steric hindrance for electrons, and an enhanced crystalline tendency, which are
intermolecular packing. Finally, a high PCE of 12.05% was obtained beneficial for high photocurrents and good fill factors in solar
for PBDB-T:IT-M.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 9
obtained from the absorption spectrum. c calculated from the method of photoelectron spectroscopy in air (PESA).
cells. Based on the above considerations, DPP has now electron mobility of the fluorinated electron acceptor and thereby
become one of the most favored electron-deficient units in the suppressed bimolecular recombination.
Published on 06 February 2017. Downloaded on 08/02/2017 12:42:31.
constructing electron acceptors. Chen and coworkers designed and synthesized a bipolar DPP
Sharma and coworkers reported two small molecules, derivative F(DPP)2B2, in which a fluorene ring functioned as the
unsymmetrical DPP5 and symmetrical DPP6 substituted by core, two DPP units as the arms, and two benzene rings as the end-
triphenylamine based TCBD. The DPP5 and DPP6 exhibited LBG with groups. This molecule had an intense absorption in the range 550-
excellent absorption ability in the regions 500-800 and 500-900 700 nm. The solar cells based on P3HT:F(DPP)2B2 exhibited a PCE of
nm, respectively. The devices based on optimized active layers of 3.17% with a VOC of 1.18 V and those based on F(DPP)2B2:PC71BM
DPP5 and DPP6 and conjugated copolymer P showed PCEs of 3.90% showed a PCE of 3.26%. They then also developed a ternary PSC
and 4.95%, respectively. system P3HT:F(DPP)2B2:PC61BM using the bipolar
Cabanetos and coworkers reported two electron acceptors built, F(DPP)2B2 molecule as energy cascade material and obtained a best
by attaching phthalimide groups on DPP through the use of PCE of 3.92%, which corresponded to 23% improvement. This was
acetylenic linkages. This permitted the extension of the effective attributed to the enhanced light absorption in the 550-700 nm,
conjugation, lowering the energy level of the frontier orbitals and exciton dissociation and charge carrier transport by the
reducing the steric interactions between thiophene units and introduction of the third bipolar component.
phenyl rings. Once blended with P3HT, promising PCEs of 3.28% for Through the conjunction of TPE and DPP functionalities, a novel
DPP-Pht2 based devices were achieved. On the basis of this work, four-directional NFA (denoted as 4D) was designed, synthesized,
Cabanetos and coworkers also invested the effect of side chains on and characterized. A PCE of 3.86% was obtained in solution-
the electronic and photovoltaic properties of DPP-Pht2 with processable BHJ devices based on P3HT:4D with a very high VOC of
different alkyl groups (linear and branched solubilizing groups on 1.18 V.
the phthalimide end or the DPP core, namely LBL, LLL, BLB and Chen and coworkers synthesized SF(DPPB)4 with SF as core and
BBB). It turns out that BBB and LBL acceptors with branched side four benzene end-capped DPP as arms. This molecule with cross-
chains exhibited enhanced molecular light absorption and shaped molecular geometry was beneficial for suppressing strong
electronic mobility by favoring the formation of J-aggregates and intermolecular aggregation in a P3HT:SF(DPPB)4 blend. It exhibited
more favorable phase separation with P3HT. Thus, the energy levels matches well with those of P3HT, and thus the devices
corresponding solar cells based on BBB and LBL had better PCEs (of gave a PCE of 5.16% with an extremely high VOC of 1.14 V.
3.2%, 1.1%) than solar cells based on LLL and BLB (PCEs of 0.1%, Furthermore, the devices exhibited excellent thermal stability at
[90] [95]
0.02%). 150°C for 3 h. On the basis of the SF(DPPB)4 molecule, Chen and
Jo and coworkers synthesized two small-molecule electron coworkers also investigated the effects of substituted alkyl side
acceptors using 4, 7-dithien-2-yl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (DTBT) or chains on molecular packing, crystallinity, and BHJ film morphology.
fluoro-substituted DTBT (DTDfBT) as a core and DPP as a flanking They found the following: 1) The unique star-shaped molecular
unit to investigate the effect of fluorine substitution on the structure resulting from the spiro linkage imparted those molecules
photovoltaic performance of NF-PSCs. Both electron acceptors with high solubility and suppressed aggregation. 2) Small
exhibited a low bandgap of 1.5 eV with broad absorptivity in the perturbations of the chemical structure, for example, the choice of
range 500-800 nm, high electron affinity, favorable energy levels, different side chains and C–C single bond or C–C triple bond
and high crystallinity due to the coplanar backbone structures and connection, led to quite different physical properties, since the lack
extended conjugation. As a result, the PSCs based on of structure order in SF-A-DPP thin films substantially reduces their
PTB7:DTDfBT(TDPP)2 exhibited a higher PCE of 5.00% that the electron transport characteristics. 3) In BHJ blends, SF-DPPEH
DTBT(TDPP)2 based solar cells. The PTB7:DTDfBT(TDPP)2 based PSCs crystallizes well after thermal annealing, while SF-DPPC8 and SF-
benefit from enhanced crystallinity and the resulting higher DPPC12 showed low crystallinity. 4) The branched 2-ethylhexyl (EH)
10 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
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This review describes developments of non-fullerene small molecular acceptors in solar cells since 2015, including rylene imide, indacenodithiophene
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diketopyrrolopyrrole. DOI: 10.1039/C6QM00247A
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