Process of Counseling
Process of Counseling
Process of Counseling
Counseling is said to be an art
and a science. As an art,
counselors should be sensitive to
the needs of the clients.
Counseling requires good
listening skills and the ability to
show care and empathy. As a
science, it requires the use of
research-based techniques. It also
follows a process that helps
counselors monitor and evaluate
the client’s progress.
This process usually consists of three stages:
and lastly, the late phase in which the counselor and the client
terminate the counseling relationship (Brown and Srebalus
2003; Gladding 2009). 4
How should counseling be conducted?
Stage 1: Relationship-Building
At the heart of the counseling process is the relationship between the client
and the counselor. Research has shown that the client-counselor
relationship is one of the most important factors that determines the
effectiveness of any specific counseling technique (Wampold 2015). Any
technique is only as effective as the quality of the relationship between the
counselor and the client. Without trust, a sense of safety, respect, and care in
the relationship, it is difficult for the counselor and the client to work
together to achieve their therapeutic goals.
According to Carl Rogers (1957 in Corey 2017), certain core
conditions must be present in the therapeutic relationship
in order to facilitate change in the client.
How should counseling be conducted?
How should counseling be conducted?
How should counseling be conducted?
How should counseling be conducted?
The vital goal of counseling is to enable clients to reach a point wherein they
will no longer need the assistance of a counselor as they go along with their
life. One of the goals of counseling is to empower the client to have the
mental and emotional capacities to deal with different kinds of problems
later in life. The whole counseling process between the counselor and the
client can end when clients can already cope with their difficulties on their
own. Counselors and clients agree on a termination date.
How should counseling be conducted?
Counseling does not occur only in a single session. It happens in several
stages and requires several sessions between the counselors and the
The process of counseling can be divided into the following stages:
Stage 1: Relationship-Building
Stage 2: Assessment and Diagnosis
Stage 3: Formulation of Counseling Goals
Stage 4: Intervention and Problem-Solving
Stage 5: Termination and Follow-Up
Stage 6: Research and Evaluation
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