AT2 Theme or Issue - Graffiti - Art or Vandalism - C - Grade
AT2 Theme or Issue - Graffiti - Art or Vandalism - C - Grade
AT2 Theme or Issue - Graffiti - Art or Vandalism - C - Grade
Choose an audience by considering, for example, who the letter is addressed to or what newspaper
or magazine will be publishing the text. Complete the piece in a maximum of 800 words.
As a class we will read some of the texts below and listen to at least 5 minutes of the ABC podcast.
The other texts should be read independently.
NY Times When does graffiti become art? The opinion pages: Room for debate This site includes
links to 4 debate pieces from different writers who argue both sides of the issue.
Miller, L ‘Not all graffiti is vandalism – let’s rethink the public space debate’ The Conversation
Mrs Pandora
420 Banksy Place
Litchfield SA 5999
Dear Madam,
I am your neighbour who lives next to you. When I walk pass the front of your house I have
seen you have repainted your picket fence. As a part of the commuting I think I have the
responsibility to tell you how do I feel about the paint that you have done, I strongly believe
that the paint you did on your fence is graffiti which is not an art work therefore I write this
letter to you to give you some suggestions and make you do some change to improve the
environment of this community.
In my opinion, the paint you did on your fence is not a kind of artwork, it is graffiti which is a
kind of vandalism also is a kind of advertisement because you painted your business name
and your phone number on that fence, the most arrestive thing is your business name and
the phone number that all prove the paint you did on your fence is advertising. When you
repaint your fence I think you didn’t have consider about other people’s feel. The paint you
did is in a public place in is not a personal exhibition or a museum. When people go to work
or go home after work they have to pass through your fence therefore they have to see the
paint on your fence. Well the house you live is not in one of Litchfield’s historic conservation
zones, which means you can paint whatever you want on your fence but it is zoned as
residential and in Litchfield Council, advertising on residential properties is not allowed.
Therefore I want to give you some suggestion to make this community become better; I
suggest you to consider more about other peoples’ feel also as a part of this community the
work you did need to be significant, which means through this work to convey an information
of a theme. Therefore I also suggest you change your style to make the work on your fence
become more profound.
You might not agree with my opinion but I believe if you follow my suggestion it well make
this community better and that also is the main reason I write this letter to you.
Yours faithfully,
Wang Fang
C Generally clear and Comprehension and Appropriate analysis of Appropriate use of language
coherent writing and some evaluation of personal, social, and/or features and conventions to
speaking, using an information, ideas, and cultural perspectives in produce texts for different
appropriate vocabulary. opinions in texts. texts, with elements of purposes, audiences, and
evaluation. contexts.
Appropriate grammatical Accurate comprehension
control and some of ways in which texts Some analysis of the Selection and use of
complexity. are composed for relationship between information from sources,
familiar purposes, purpose, conventions, with appropriate
audiences, and contexts. and language features referencing.
of texts.
D Occasionally clear and Some comprehension of Some recognition of Some use of language
coherent writing and aspects of information the personal, social, features and conventions to
speaking, using a and/or ideas in texts. and/or cultural produce texts with some
restricted vocabulary. perspectives in texts. awareness of purposes and
Some comprehension of
Partial grammatical ways in which some Some description of
control and some texts are composed for the relationship Use of information from a
complexity. purposes and audiences. between purpose, narrow range of sources,
conventions, and with attempted referencing.
language features of
E Limited clarity and Limited comprehension Limited recognition of Limited use of language
coherence in writing and of information in texts. the personal, social, or features to produce a text.
speaking, with a cultural ideas in a text.
Limited awareness of Use of information from a
restricted vocabulary.
one or more ways in Limited description of source.
Limited grammatical which texts are purpose, conventions,
control. composed for a purpose and/or language
and audience. features of a text.