Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
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Authors are kindly requested
to read carefully the Guidelines
amended with detailed methodological instructions
Editorial procedure
The Editorial Board receives all manuscripts. After reviewing and accepting the
manuscripts, Editor-in-Chief subjects them to the members of the Editorial Board
for the assessment process, and in case of the specific content of the text, to external
experts as well. After evaluation, Editor-in-Chief proposes Editorial decisions for
further action including: (a) which manuscript, if necessary, should be returned to
the author with suggestions, comments and recommendations for improvement,
primarily methodological presentation of research materials, (b) which manuscripts
could be sent to peer-review process, (c) which manuscripts should be rejected
because of the reasons as follows:
• the subject matter does not meet the required scientific level,
• the article with a similar topic has already been published by the same author,
• the subject matter does not meet the criteria of the Journal, especially if:
– the content is beyond the concept of scientific publishing orientation of the
Journal (distinguished by the relevant databases), and
– does not meet international scientific and methodological standards that the
Journal must comply with.
If an article is not accepted, the Editorial Board sends a notification to the author,
but the manuscript is not returned.
If the manuscript is improved adequately, it is sent to two reviewers for extramural
If the manuscript is considered for publishing, the author will receive the Authorship
Statement (Copyright Assignment Form), which should be filled in, signed and
returned to the editor. In this way the authors confirm the originality of the article
and validity of authorship.
In order to avoid withdrawing the paper until it is published or rejected, by
signing the Authorship Statement, the authors assert compliance with the review
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
432 Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452
Review process
All scientific articles submitted for publication in Zbornik radova Ekonomskog
fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/Proceedings of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business are double-blind peer
review by two academics appointed by the Editorial board: one from Croatia and
one from abroad. Reviewers stay anonymous for the authors and so do the authors
for the reviewers. The reviewers are asked to apply highest international standards
in their assessment of the submitted work. Reviewers receive an article and a
Reviewer Evaluation Form with instructions how to fill it in. If the article does not
fulfill the primary criteria of originality and relevance to the subject, it should not
be accepted.
The categories in which articles, if judged positively, might be classified are:
Original scientific paper is a scientific paper that includes new results based on the
research. The information given in the article can be verified by:
a) reproducing methodological procedure and obtain the same/similar results or
with tolerable degree of mistakes as estimated by the author himself, or
b) repeating the author’s observations and judge his analyses, or
c) checking the author’s analyses and deduction on which the author’s analyses
are based.
Preliminary communication is an article that includes at least one or more pieces of
scientific information, but does not include the necessary details to check the
scientific cognition.
Conference paper is an article that deals with the author’s presentation at a
conference, and has not been previously published as a full text.
Review article is an article that analyzes a special scientific problem already dealt
with in published scientific works, but his approach is original and new.
Professional paper is an article that deals with specific problems in some
professional areas.
After receiving the reviews, the Editorial Board will give clear general instructions
to the author for further work on the manuscript. The comments and suggestions
made by the reviewers should be addressed and closely followed by the author prior
to final recommendation on acceptance or rejection made by the Editorial Board.
Only manuscripts with two positive reviews are published.
After completion of peer review and amendment of the text of the accepted articles
by the authors and editors, Editor-in-Chief, proposes the sequence of accepted
papers in the table of contents.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
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Criteria for the order are:
(1) categorization according to the degree of scientific excellence,
(2) in case of two different levels of categorization of a particular article by
reviewers, Editor-in-Chief proposes a decision to the Editorial Board, and as
a rule, in favour of the author, i.e. a higher category,
(3) appreciation of topical issues, authors and common interest of the Journal
taking into account the competitiveness at the same level of scientific
excellence (category).
To increase the quality and number of papers published, the Editorial Board strives
to fasten the publishing process by informing the authors on the status of their
articles within ten working days of the submission. Provisional deadline for finishing
the reviewing process, technical revisions, and online publication of the paper shall
last no longer than two months. Moreover, as of 2018, the forthcoming articles,
included within the regular biannual issues, are initially published on our Journal’s
Besides the traditional focus on empirical papers, the Journal invites authors to
submit theoretical papers which should cover the gap of lack of more fundamental
research and meta-analysis of literature aiming at providing the basis for more sound
empirical research as well as advancements of new ideas and insights in economic
theory and practice. We particularly welcome papers which are theoretically well-
based (but for most people understandable) papers with clear policy- and future-
oriented analysis/messages/recommendations; research focusing on the
interdependence of various, particularly current, economic developments; studies
focusing on the transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary character of economic
analyses (technical, legal, social, economic and other fields).
The journal draws methodology for theoretical papers from the Journal of Economic
Perspectives ( ), with similar goals: to synthesize
and integrate lessons learned from the most relevant fields and dilemmas of
contemporary economic theory and practice; to provide the economic analysis of
public policy issues; to encourage cross-fertilization of ideas among the scientific
areas of thinking; to offer readers an accessible source for state-of-the-art economic
thoughts and to suggest directions for future research. The focus of theoretical
articles should be on understanding the central economic ideas of a question, what
is fundamentally at issue, why the question particularly important, what the latest
advances are, and what facets remain to be examined.
In case of submission of theoretical paper instead of section Empirical data and
analysis, authors should include the one on Theoretical/conceptual analysis, where
the authors should provide argumentation based on their proposed methodology/
concept of research. In this section, authors should provide a novel analysis of the
field/topic, provide theoretical argumentation, which proves their hypothesis by
using different available tools such as mathematical, graphical, or any other that
present and reveal economic relationships in regards to the specific scientific area.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
434 Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452
Technical requirements
The manuscript submitted for publication should be in Microsoft Office Word (Ver.
95+), with maximum length up to 8,000 words in length (16-20 A4 size pages),
printed in font style Times New Roman (12 point), single-spaced, justified and
without any special styling. Should a word, a phrase or a sentence be highlighted,
italic font style can be used and never bold. Paragraphs are divided by double
spacing and all margins are at 2.5 cm. In case the paper exceeds the normal length,
the Editors’ consent for its publication is needed.
JEL classification should be suggested by the authors themselves according to the
classification available on the Journal of Economic Literature website: http://www.
Footnotes could be used only as an additional explanatory section of the text and
should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
Section headings (from Introduction to Conclusions) must be short, clearly defined
and bear Arabic numerals. If there are subsection headings they are outline numbered
(e.g. 1; 1.1.; 2.; 2.1.; 2.1.1. etc.)
All tables and figures should bear Arabic numerals and must have captions. Tables
set in MS Word may be included in the text.
Note: If MS Excel or other programs are used for tables, figures or illustrations,
make sure to enclose them as a separate file on disk, separately from the text.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452 435
Before submission of the manuscript, the authors of the manuscript are advised to
conform to the format and documentation requirements.
Fox, S. (1994) “Empowerment as a Catalyst for Change: An Example from the Food
Industry”, Supply Chain Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 29–33.
If there are multiple authors (four or more), the first author’s surname (from the title
page ) is followed by et al. See example:
Di Noia, C. et al. (1999) “Should Banking Supervision and Monetary Policy Tasks be
Given to Different Agencies?”, International Finance, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 285-361.
If there are multiple works by the same author published in the same year, the “a, b,
c” is used after the year. See example:
Quah, D. T. (1993a) “Empirical Cross-section Dynamics in Economic Growth”,
European Economic Review, Vol. 37, No. 2-3, pp. 426–434.
---------- (1993b) “Galton’s Fallacy and Tests of the Convergence Hypothesis”,
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 95, Vol. 95, No. 4, pp. 427–443.
---------- (1994) “Exploiting cross Section Variation for Unit Root Inference in
Dynamic Data”, Economics Letters, Vol. 44, No. 1-2, pp. 9–19.
---------- (1996a) “Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence”, European
Economic Review, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 951–958.
---------- (1996b) “Regional Convergence Clusters across Europe”, European
Economic Review, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 951–958.
The author should provide Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each reference that
can be found whether it exists at CrossRef and DOI appears
in the form such as
DOI is inserted by the author at the end of references as shown in the example as follows:
Hall, J.K., Daneke, G.A., Lenox, M.J. (2010) “Sustainable Development and
Entrepreneurship: Past Contributions and Future directions”, Journal of Business
Venturing, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 439–448,
• Internet sources: Author’s/editor’s surname (year), “Title of the article”, Title of
the journal [type of medium], date of publication, volume number, pagination or
online equivalent, <availability statement> [date of accession if necessary]:
Martin, C.L. (1998) “Relationship Marketing: a High-Involvement Product Attribute
Approach”, Journal of Product and Brand Management [Internet], Vol. 7, No. 1,
pp. 6–26. Available at: <
asia.htm> [Accessed: October 3, 2002]
• Chapter/section from a book of collected writings: Author of the chapter/
section (year of publication) “Title of the Chapter/section”. In Author/editor of
collected work, Title of collected works, Place of publishing: Publisher. Example:
Porter, M.A. (1993) “The modification of method in researching postgraduate
education”. In Burges, R.G. ed., The research process in educational settings: ten
case studies, London: Falmer.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452 439
• Conference papers from conference proceedings: Author of the conference
paper (year of publication) “Title of the conference paper”. In Title of conference
proceedings. Place of publication: Publisher, pagination of section referred to:
Fedchak, E. & Duvall, L. (1996) “An engineering approach to electronic publishing”.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Software
Development, 25-26 March, Berlin, Los Alimos, Ca: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press,
pp. 80-88.
• Theses and dissertations: Author’s name (year) Title of doctoral dissertation,
the name of the awarding institution:
Whitehead, S.M. (1996) Public and private men: masculinities at work in education
management, PhD thesis, Leeds Metropolitain University.
• Official publications: Title of publication/organisation/institution (year) Title,
Place of publishing: Publisher. Example:
Department of the Environment (1986) Landfilling wastes, London: HMSO (Waste
management paper, 26).
conference/seminar websites, and how, when and where conference material will be
published and can be obtained (i.e. selected and reviewed conference papers). The
review should provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the main objectives
of the conference, mentioning the keynote speaker(s), participants’ panel discussion
on scientific achievements, research findings and suggestions for further research
and pressing questions in need of answer. The reviewer’s name is stated at the end
of the text with his or her academic title and affiliation.
• In Memoriam. It is a short text (not longer than 1 A4 page) written in memory
of a scientist or special contributor and his works. The author’s name is stated at the
end of the text with his or her affiliation.
• Letters to the Editor. Special section is available for comments, opinions and
suggestions by readers, authors and other contributors.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are accurately typed
before final submission. One set of proof will be sent to authors, if requested, before
the final publication, which must be returned promptly. At this stage, only misprints
will be corrected.
An article submitted to the journal should be authentic and original contribution of
the author and should have neither been published before nor be concurrently
submitted to any other journal as to avoid double publication.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452 441
Once the article has been accepted for publishing, the author commits him/herself
not to publish the same article elsewhere without the Editorial Board’s permission.
In the event that the Editorial Board gave permission for publication in another
journal, it should be stated that the article has previously been published in the
journal Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku
teoriju i praksu/ Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics
and Business.
Each manuscript, in order to avoid plagiarism, is checked by using CrossCheck
Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that their paper is not an
infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any
breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination of scientific contributions and to
ensure ethical principles of use, once accepted for publishing, papers and
contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
442 Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452
Politika uređivanja
Uredništvo zaprima sve rukopise. Glavni i odgovorni urednik tekstove, nakon
pregleda i prihvaćanja, upućuje u postupak prosudbe (“assessment process”)
članovima Uredništva, ali i ekspertnim stručnjacima izvan Uredništva u slučaju
specifičnog sadržaja teksta. Poslije prosudbe, glavni i odgovorni urednik predlaže
Uredništvu odluke za daljnji postupak i to: (a) koje se rukopise, u slučaju potrebe,
vraća autoru sa sugestijama, preporukama i primjedbama radi poboljšanja, prije
svega, metodološke prezentacije građe istraživanja; (b) koje rukopise uputiti u
postupak recenzija (“reviewing process”); (c) koje rukopise odbiti, budući da:
• tema ne zadovoljava zahtijevanu znanstvenu razinu;
• autor je članak sa sličnom temom već objavio;
• tema ne ispunjava kriterije časopisa, osobito ako je:
– sadržaj izvan koncepcije znanstveno-publicističke orijentacije časopisa
(uvažene od relevantnih baza referiranja) i
– ne ispunjava svjetske znanstveno-metodološke standarde kojih se časopis
mora pridržavati.
Ukoliko članak nije prihvaćen Uredništvo autoru šalje obavijest, ali rukopis se ne vraća.
Ukoliko je autor usvojio primjedbe i sugestije iz postupka prosudbe i poboljšao tekst
prema zahtjevu navedenog postupka, rukopis se šalje u postupak recenziranja. U
tom slučaju autoru se šalje formular “Izjava o autorskim pravima” koji treba
ispuniti, potpisati i vratiti Uredništvu. Svojim potpisom autor potvrđuje izvornost
svoga članka i svoje autorstvo.
Da bi se izbjeglo autorovo odustajanje od objave članka u tijeku recenzentskog postupka,
autor se obvezuje svojim potpisom u “Izjavi o autorskim pravima” da prihvaća
recenzentski postupak. Nakon toga slijedi odluka o odbijanju ili prihvaćanju članka.
Prikazi knjiga, doktorskih disertacija, međunarodnih konferencija i drugih znan
stvenih skupova ne podliježu recenziji. Uredništvo odabire i uređuje prikaze koji su
relevantni za objavljivanje u časopisu sukladno koncepciji uređivačke politike.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
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Postupak recenziranja
Svi znanstveni članci obvezno se recenziraju. Za svaki članak predviđena su dva
recenzenta, jedan iz inozemstva i jedan iz Hrvatske, a oba su anonimna. Imena
autora također su za recenzente anonimna. Recenzenti pišu recenziju prema
dobivenim uputama i na propisanom formularu. Ukoliko članak, prema stajalištu
recen zenta, ne udovoljava međunarodnim standardima i kriterijima časopisa,
Uredništvo članak ne prihvaća. Ukoliko pak recenzent članak pozitivno ocijeni,
može ga kate gorizirati u jednu od kategorija vrsnoće:
Izvorni znanstveni članak (Original scientific paper) je originalno znanstveno djelo
u kojem su izneseni novi rezultati fundamentalnih ili primijenjenih istraživanja.
Informacije iznesene u članku potvrđuju da je moguće:
a) reproducirati metodološki i računski postupak i dobiti rezultate s jednakom
točnošću ili unutar granice stupnja slobode, kako to navodi autor; ili
b) ponoviti autorova opažanja i prosuditi njegove analize; ili
c) provjeriti točnost analiza i dedukcija na kojima se temelje autorovi nalazi.
Prethodno priopćenje (Preliminary communication). Taj znanstveni članak obavezno
sadrži jednu ili više znanstvenih informacija, ali bez dovoljno pojedinosti koje bi
omogućile čitatelju provjeru iznesenih znanstvenih spoznaja.
Izlaganje sa znanstvenog skupa (Conference paper). Može biti objavljeno samo kao
cjeloviti članak koji je prethodno referiran na znanstvenom skupu, a u obliku cjelo
vitog članka nije objavljeno u zborniku skupa.
Pregledni rad (Review article). Sadrži poseban problem o kojem je već publiciran
znanstveni rad, ali mu se pristupa na nov način.
Stručni članak (Professional paper). Sadrži korisne priloge iz struke i za struku.
Nakon primljenih recenzija, Uredništvo analizira recenzije. Ukoliko je to potrebno,
rad vraća autoru koji ga je dužan prilagoditi zahtjevima recenzenta. Rad se dostavlja
autoru nakon primitka obje recenzije. Međutim, u slučajevima gdje se ne dovodi u
pitanje kvaliteta i autoriziranost teksta, Uredništvo također može intervenirati.
Nakon što autor ponovno dostavi rad, Uredništvo utvrđuje usklađenost članka s
primjedbama recenzenata.
Objavljuju se samo kategorizirani radovi koji imaju dvije pozitivne recenzije.
Glavni i odgovorni urednik, nakon završetka postupka recenziranja te izmjena i
dopuna tekstova od strane autora i Uredništva, predlaže redoslijed prihvaćenih
članaka u sadržaju. Kriteriji redoslijeda jesu:
(1) kategorizacija sukladno stupnju znanstvene vrsnoće;
(2) u slučaju dva različita stupnja kategorizacije članka od strane recenzenata,
glavni i odgovorni urednik predlaže odluku Uredništvu, u pravilu, u prilog
autora, tj. višu kategoriju;
(3) u slučaju konkurentnosti radova iste razine znanstvene vrsnoće (kategorije)
uvažava se aktualnost teme, autora i interes časopisa.
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444 Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452
Sadržaj članka
Rad treba biti relevantan za međunarodnu znanstvenu i stručnu javnost s jasno
naznačenim ciljevima i rezultatima istraživanja, zaključkom, referencama u tekstu i
bibliografskim jedinicama na kraju rada. Ideje u radu moraju biti originalne i trebaju
značajno doprinositi razvoju predmeta istraživanja, a metodologija mora biti jasno
Autori u članku moraju posebnu pozornost obratiti na odgovarajuće strukturiranje
teksta sukladno priznatim standardima znanstvene metodologije u ekonomskim
istraživanjima, kako je navedeno:
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
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Posebna stranica treba sadržavati: naslov članka, ime i prezime autora ili ako je
više koautora za svakog ponaosob znanstveno zvanje, stručnu spremu, znanstveni
interes, odnosno područje kojim se autor bavi, naziv i adresu institucije u kojoj je
autor zaposlen, broj telefona, broj faksa, e-mail adresu i osobnu web stranicu. Svi
navedeni podaci moraju biti napisani:
– na jeziku članka,
– na hrvatskom jeziku,
– na engleskom jeziku ako izvorni jezik članka nije engleski.
Prva stranica članka treba sadržavati: naslov članka, sažetak, JEL klasifikaciju i
ključne riječi na jeziku članka.
Na kraju članka isti podaci daju se na:
– hrvatskom jeziku, te
– na engleskom jeziku ako izvorni jezik članka nije engleski.
Tekst članka mora početi uvodom, a sadrži još glavna poglavlja, fusnote, tablice,
grafikone, slike, reference u tekstu, zaključak i popis korištene literature.
GRAFIKONI I SLIKE dolaze unutar samog teksta. Moraju imati broj, naziv i izvor
podataka. Numerira ih se u kontinuitetu arapskim brojevima (posebno grafikoni,
posebno slike). Izvori podataka navode se ispod grafikona odnosno slika.
Napomena. U tekstu se ne prepričavaju i ne ponavljaju rezultati koji su navedeni u
tablicama i grafikonima, već se rabe referentne oznake koje upućuju na podatke u
tablicama ili grafikonima.
REFERENCE U TEKSTU. Citirane dijelove navodi se u tekstu, a ne u bilješkama.
Stavlja ih se u zagrade i sadrže prezime autora i godinu izdanja npr. (Babić, 2003),
a u slučaju citata navodi se još i stranica (Babić, 2003: 150), ili ako se radi o dvojici
autora: (Babić i Courty, 2004), ili ako je više od dva autora navodi se prvi i piše:
(Babić i suradnici, 2003). Svaka referenca navodi se kao i prvi put. Ne koristi se ibid
i sl. Ukoliko se autor spominje u tekstu, u zagradi se navodi samo godina: The work
of Stevens (2001) was concerned with what they teach at Harvard Business School.
Svaka referenca mora se navesti u dijelu Literatura na kraju članka.
LITERATURA obuhvaća sve korištene izvore i potpune podatke o djelima koja se
spominju u referencama u tekstu. Popis literature piše se bez broja poglavlja i dolazi
na kraju rada (poslije Zaključka). Literatura se ne numerira. Uređuje se abecednim
redom autora te kronološki za radove istog autora. Preporuča se autorima kao
literaturu što više koristiti časopise referirane od strane ISI (Institute of Science
Literatura se citira prema primjerima za knjige, časopise i ostale izvore:
• Knjige: Prezime, Inicijali (godina) Naslov, Mjesto izdavanja: Ime izdavača.
Mohr, L. B. (1996) Impact analysis for program evaluation, 2nd ed., London: Sage.
Ukoliko su dva ili tri autora, redom navesti njihova prezimena i inicijale (godinu)
Naslov, Mjesto izdavanja: Ime izdavača. Primjer:
Ridderstrale, J., Nordstrom, K. (2004) Karaoke Capitalism Management for
Mankind, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd.
Perišin, I., Šokman. A., Lovrinović, I. (2001) Monetarna politika, Pula: Sveučilište
u Rijeci, Fakultet ekonomije i turizma “Dr. Mijo Mirković”.
Ukoliko su četiri ili više autora, navodi se prezime prvog autora nakon čega slijedi
et al. Primjer:
Norton, M. B. et al. (1981) A People and a Nation – A History of the United States,
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
• Časopisi: Prezime, Inicijali (godina) “Naslov članka”, Naziv časopisa u kojem je
objavljen, volumen, svezak, broj, stranice. Primjer:
Fox, S. (1994) “Empowerment as a Catalyst for Change: An Example from the Food
Industry”, Supply Chain Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 29–33.
Ukoliko je više autora (četiri ili više), navodi se prezime prvog autora nakon čega
slijedi et al. Primjer:
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452 449
Di Noia, C. et al. (1999) “Should Banking Supervision and Monetary Policy Tasks
be Given to Different Agencies?”, International Finance, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.
Ukoliko je više radova istog autora objavljenih iste godine, uz godinu se rabe
oznake “a, b, c”:
Quah, D. T. (1993a) “Empirical Cross-section Dynamics in Economic Growth”,
European Economic Review, Vol. 37, No. 2-3, pp. 426–434.
---------- (1993b) “Galton’s Fallacy and Tests of the Convergence Hypothesis”,
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 95, Vol. 95, No. 4, pp. 427–443.
---------- (1994) “Exploiting cross Section Variation for Unit Root Inference in
Dynamic Data”, Economics Letters, Vol. 44, No. 1-2, pp. 9–19.
---------- (1996a) “Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence”, European
Economic Review, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 951–958.
---------- (1996b) “Regional Convergence Clusters across Europe”, European
Economic Review, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 951–958.
Autor za svaku referencu treba navesti Digital Object Identifier (DOI), ukoliko
postoji. DOI je dostupan na adresi CrossRef-a u obliku
DOI autor upisuje na kraju reference prema primjeru:
Hall, J. K., Daneke, G. A. Lenox, M. J. (2010) “Sustainable Development and
Entrepreneurship: Past Contributions and Future directions”, Journal of Business
Venturing, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 439–448,
• Izvori preuzeti s Internet stranica: Prezime autora/urednika, Inicijali imena
(godina) “Naslov članka”, Naslov Časopisa, datum publikacije, godište, broj,
stranice, Internet adresa [datum pristupa].
Martin, C.L. (1998) “Relationship Marketing: a High-Involvement Product Attribute
Approach, Journal of Product and Brand management, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 6–26,
// [pristupljeno:
3. 10. 2002]
• Knjige sabranih dijela: Autor poglavlja/odjeljka (godina) “Naslov poglavlja/
odjeljka’’. U Ime izdavača ili autora sabranih djela, Naslov sabranih djela, Mjesto
izdavanja: Izdavač. Primjer:
Silobrčić, V. (2000) “Znanstvena proizvodnost i kriteriji vrednovanja znanstvenika
u Hrvatskoj’’. U Sunko, U.D. (ur.) Znanost u Hrvatskoj na pragu trećeg
tisućljeća, Zagreb: HAZU.
• Radovi u Zborniku skupa: Autor (godina izdanja) “Naslov članka”. U Naslov
zbornika. Mjesto izdanja: Izdavač, stranice. Primjer:
Fedchak, E. & Duvall, L. (1996) “An engineering approach to electronic publishing”.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Software Development,
25-26 March, Berlin, Los Alimos, Ca: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, pp. 80–88.
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
450 Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452
Rad autora mora biti pisan standardnim jezikom i bez pravopisnih i gramatičkih
pogrešaka. Autor dobiva probni otisak rada na korekturu. Taj postupak treba obaviti
u najkraćem roku i Uredništvu vratiti ispravljeni tekst. Ispravljati se mogu samo
tiskarske pogreške.
Autorska prava
Članak poslan u naš časopis mora biti autentičan i izvorni doprinos autora i nikad
prije objavljen niti smije istovremeno biti poslan u neki drugi časopis da bi se
izbjeglo dvostruko objavljivanje.
Jednom prihvaćeni članak za objavljivanje obvezuje autora da isti članak ne smije
objaviti drugdje bez dozvole Uredništva časopisa koje je članak prihvatilo. U
slučaju da je Uredništvo dalo dozvolu za objavljivanje u drugom časopisu, treba
navesti da je članak prethodno objavljen u časopisu Zbornik radova Ekonomskog
fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/Proceedings of Rijeka
Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business.
Svaki rukopis, radi izbjegavanja plagijarizma, provjerava se koristeći CrossCheck
Autori jamče da objavljivanje njihovog članka ne predstavlja kršenje autorskih
prava i da će obeštetiti izdavača ukoliko dođe do kršenja toga jamstva. U cilju
širenja znanstvenih doprinosa i etičkih načela korištenja, prihvaćanjem radova za
objavljivanje, izdavač postaje nositelj autorskih prava ukoliko u sporazumu nije
navedeno drukčije.
Dostavljanje radova
Radovi se dostavljaju elektronskom poštom uz dopis koji sadrži: naslov članka, ime
i prezime autora ili, ako je više koautora, za svakog ponaosob znanstveno zvanje,
stručnu spremu, znanstveni interes, odnosno područje kojim se autor bavi, naziv i
Guidelines for authors • Upute autorima
452 Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2021 • vol. 39 • no. 2 • 431-452
adresu institucije u kojoj je autor zaposlen, broj telefona, broj faksa, e-mail adresu i
osobnu web stranicu. Svi navedeni podaci moraju biti napisani:
– na jeziku članka,
– na hrvatskom jeziku, te
– na engleskom jeziku ako izvorni jezik članka nije engleski.
Adresa za dostavu radova je:
Detaljnije informacije o Zborniku radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za
ekonomsku teoriju i praksu/Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of
Economics and Business nalaze se na web stranicama Ekonomskog fakulteta: http://