Isolated Footing Calculation Terrace Corner

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Isolated Footing Calculation


Footing Properties Column Properties

Length, Lx = 3.4 m Base, Cx = 700 mm
Length, Ly = 3.4 m Height, Cy = 700 mm
Thickness, T = 500 mm Location = Center
Embedment =4m
Concrete, F’c = 20.7 MPa Soil Pressure
Rebar, Fy = 415 MPa Bearing Capacity = 160 KPa
Soil Unit Weight = 18 kN/m3
Reinforcement Setting
Bottom Bar Diameter = 25 mm Joint Load Application
Top Bar Diameter = 25 mm Application: Footing Base
Concrete Cover = 75 mm Col/Ped Height = 500 mm
Outer Rebar = Bars Along X
Maximum Spacing = 150 mm
Temperature Reinf. = 0.002

A. Loadings
Governing Service Gravity Loads
Name : S01) D+L
Fx = 3.4 kN
Fy = 12.9 kN
Fz = -550 kN
Mx = 25.8 kNm
My = 2.4 kNm

Governing Service Gravity Loads Involving Lateral Loads

Name : S02) D+L+E/1.4
Fx = 103.4 kN
Fy = 9 kN
Fz = -865 kN
Mx = 42.7 kNm
My = 244.1 kNm
Governing Ultimate Load Combination
Name : U03) 1.2D+0.5L+1.0E
Fx = 146.3 kN
Fy = 8.3 kN
Fz = -1073.1 kN
Mx = 56.7 kNm
My = 47.9 kNm

B. Check Footing Size

General Equation in Calculating Soil Pressures


Fh M General equation for corner soil pressures with

total base forces:
Load Offset

Soil Surchage F zb 6 M yb 6 M xb

q i= ± ± +q
Lx L y L y L x2 Lx L y2 s


q = soil pressure at the base
Fz = total vertical force at the base
Mx = total moment about X at the base
My = total moment about Y at the base
Lx = footing dimension along the X-Direction
Ly = footing dimension along the Y-Direction
qs = total surcharge pressure

C. Check footing size for Service Gravity Loads

Footing Base Total Forces
Combo: S01) D+L
Force due to:
Fx (kN) Fy (kN) Fz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm)
Column Forces 3.40 12.90 -550.00 25.80 2.40
Load Offset - - - -58.05 15.30
Column Offset - - - 0.00 0.00
Total Base Forces: 3.40 12.90 -550.00 -32.25 17.70

Surcharge Pressure
Soil Thickness = 3.5 m
Soil Unit Weight = 18 kN/m3
Soil Surcharge = 63.00 KPa
Footing Thickness = 0.5 m
Conc. Unit Weight = 23.5 kN/m3
Concrete Surcharge = 11.75 KPa

Surcharge Factor =1
Total Surcharge Pressure, qs = 74.75 KPa
Using the general formula above, we could get the ff. tabulated results:
Corner ‫ܨ‬௭ ͸‫ ܯ‬௫ ͸‫ ܯ‬௬ Surcharge Total Pressure
Pressures ‫ܮ‬௫‫ܮ‬௬ ‫ܮ‬௬‫ܮ‬௫ଶ ‫ܮ‬௫‫ܮ‬௬ଶ Pressure, qs (Kpa)
q1 -47.58 -4.92 -2.70 -74.75 -129.95
q2 -47.58 -4.92 2.70 -74.75 -124.55
q3 -47.58 4.92 2.70 -74.75 -114.70
q4 -47.58 4.92 -2.70 -74.75 -120.11

Allowable Soil Pressure = -160 KPa

Minimum Soil Pressure = -129.95 KPa OK
Maximum Soil Pressure = -114.70 KPa OK

D. Check footing size for Service Gravity Loads involving Lateral Loads
Footing Base Total Forces
Combo: S02) D+L+E/1.4
Force due to:
Fx (kN) Fy (kN) Fz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm)
Column Forces 103.40 9.00 -865.00 42.70 244.10
Load Offset - - - -40.50 465.30
Column Offset - - - 0.00 0.00
Total Base Forces: 103.40 9.00 -865.00 2.20 709.40

Surcharge Pressure
Soil Thickness = 3.5 m
Soil Unit Weight = 18 kN/m3
Soil Surcharge = 63.00 KPa
Footing Thickness = 0.5 m
Conc. Unit Weight = 23.5 kN/m3
Concrete Surcharge = 11.75 KPa

Surcharge Factor =1
Total Surcharge Pressure, qs = 74.75 KPa

Using the general formula above, we could get the ff. tabulated results:
Corner ‫ܨ‬௭ ͸‫ ܯ‬௫ ͸‫ ܯ‬௬ Surcharge Total Pressure
Pressures ‫ܮ‬௫‫ܮ‬௬ ‫ܮ‬௬‫ܮ‬௫ଶ ‫ܮ‬௫‫ܮ‬௬ଶ Pressure, qs (Kpa)
q1 -74.83 0.34 -108.29 -74.75 -257.54
q2 -74.83 0.34 108.29 -74.75 -40.95
q3 -74.83 -0.34 108.29 -74.75 -41.62
q4 -74.83 -0.34 -108.29 -74.75 -258.21

Allowable Soil Pressure = -213.33 KPa

Minimum Soil Pressure = -258.21 KPa Soil pressure exceeds allowable!
Maximum Soil Pressure = -40.95 KPa OK

A one third increase in SBC is allowed for load combinations involving lateral loads
E. Footing Thickness Check
A. Punching Shear Check
Different Punching Cases Based on Column Locations

2 1



3 4
d/2 d/2

Position: Center Position: Top Position: Bottom

Perimeter:2(Cx+Cy)+4d Perimeter:Cx+2Cy+2d Perimeter:Cx+2Cy+2d

2 1



3 4

Position: Left Position: Right Position: Top-Left

Perimeter:2Cx+Cy+2d Perimeter:2Cx+Cy+2d Perimeter:Cx+Cy+d

2 1


3 4

Position: Top-Right Position: Bottom-Left Position: Bottom-Right

Perimeter:Cx+Cy+d Perimeter:Cx+Cy+d Perimeter:Cx+Cy+d

General Equation in Calculating Actual Punching Shear Stress.

V u γ vx M x c yi γ vy M y c xi
τi= ± ±
bo d J xi J yi
Vu = net ultimate shear force
bo = effective punching perimeter
d = average effective footing depth
γ = portion of unbalanced moment to be transferred by shear
M = column net unbalanced moment about X-axis
c = distance from neutral axis to the critical point
J = property of assumed critical section analogous to the polar moment of inertia

Actual punching shear stresses

Footing Base Total Forces
Combo: U03) 1.2D+0.5L+1.0E
Force due to:
Fx (kN) Fy (kN) Fz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm)
Column Forces 146.30 8.30 -1073.10 56.70 47.90
Load Offset - - - -37.35 658.35
Column Offset - - - 0.00 0.00
Total Base Forces: 146.30 8.30 -1073.10 19.35 706.25

Net Ultimate soil pressures at critical points

Critical Point Location Pressure
Point X (m) Y (m) (Kpa)
1 0.55 0.55 -182.09
2 -0.55 0.55 -177.36
3 -0.55 -0.55 -182.96
4 0.55 -0.55 -187.69

Design shear force, Vu

Critical Area, Ac = 1.21 m2
Average pressure at Critical Area, qu = -182.529 KPa
Resultant Force of the avg. pressure, Ru = -220.86 KPa
Design shear force, Vu = -852.24 kN

Unbalanced Moments
λx = 0.4 λy = 0.4
Mx = -56.7 kNm My = 47.9 kNm
Mbx = -22.68 kNm Mby = 19.16 kNm

Actual punching shear stresses at critical points

Critical Polar Moment of Inertia Shear Stresses
Point Jx/c Jy/c (Mpa)
1 666666667 666666667 -0.547
2 666666667 666666667 -0.490
3 666666667 666666667 -0.421
4 666666667 666666667 -0.479

Absolute Maximum Stress = 0.547 MPa

Ultimate concrete shear capacity

For non-prestressed footings, the ultimate concrete shear capacity shall be the smallest of (a),(b),
and (c).

( 2β ) λ √ f '
ϕ 0.17 1+ c

ϕ 0.083 2+
bo )
λ √ f 'c

c) ϕ 0.33 λ √ f ' c

ɸ = strength reduction factor for shear
λ = taken 1.0 for normal weight concrete
β = ratio of long side to short side of column
αs = taken 40 for interior columns, 30 for edge columns, and 20 for corner columns
f'c = concrete compressive strength
bo = effective punching perimeter
d = average footing effective depth

Calculated Values:
f'c bo d Capacity (mPa) ɸVc
ɸ λ β αs
(mPa) (mm) (mm) (a) (b) (c) (mPa)
0.75 1 1 40 20.7 4400 400 1.137 1.740 1.596 1.137

Punching Shear Status

Fallow = 1.137 MPa
Factual = 0.547 MPa
DCR = 0.481
Status = Pass

B. Wide Beam Shear Check

General Equations in calculating wide beam shear

b d
2 6 5 1

A1, Vu1

10 9
a a

A 2, Vu2 A3, Vu3

c c
11 12

A4, Vu4

3 7 8 4

b d

Shear at critical section a-a:

V u 1= ( P + P +4P + P ) ( A )
1 2 9 10

Shear at critical section b-b:

V u 2= ( P 2+ P 3 + P 6 + P 7
( A 2) )
Shear at critical section c-c:

V u 3= ( P + P +4P + P ) ( A )
3 4 11 12

Shear at critical section d-d:

V u4= ( P + P +4 P + P ) ( A )
1 4 5 8

Actual punching shear stresses

Footing Base Total Forces
Combo: U03) 1.2D+0.5L+1.0E
Force due to:
Fx (kN) Fy (kN) Fz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm)
Column Forces 146.30 8.30 -1073.10 56.70 47.90
Load Offset - - - -37.35 658.35
Column Offset - - - 0.00 0.00
Total Base Forces: 146.30 8.30 -1073.10 19.35 706.25
Net Ultimate soil pressures at critical points
Critical Point Location Pressure
Point X (m) Y (m) (Kpa)
1 1.7 1.7 -91.49
2 -1.7 1.7 -76.86
3 -1.7 -1.7 -94.17
4 1.7 -1.7 -108.80
5 0.75 1.7 -87.40
6 -0.75 1.7 -80.95
7 -0.75 -1.7 -98.26
8 0.75 -1.7 -104.71
9 1.7 0.75 -96.32
10 -1.7 0.75 -81.70
11 -1.7 -0.75 -89.34
12 1.7 -0.75 -103.96

Actual wide beam shear stresses at critical points:

Critical 2 Shear Stresses
Area (m ) Vu (kN)
Point (Mpa)
1 3.23 -279.69 -0.206
2 3.23 -282.82 -0.208
3 3.23 -319.98 -0.235
4 3.23 -316.86 -0.233

Absolute Maximum Stress = 0.235 MPa

Ultimate concrete shear capacity

For non-prestressed members without axial force, the ultimate concrete shear stress is
calculated by:

ϕ 0. 17 λ √ f ' c

ɸ = strength reduction factor for shear
λ = taken 1.0 for normal weight concrete
f'c = concrete compressive strength

Calculated Values:
f'c ɸVc
ɸ λ
(mPa) (mPa)
0.75 1 20.7 0.569

Wide Beam Shear Status

Fallow = 0.569 MPa
Factual = 0.235 MPa
DCR = 0.414
Status = Pass
C. Reinforcement
A. Design Moments at Critical Sections
General equations in calculating bending moments at critical sections

b d
2 6 5 1

A 1, Ru1

10 9
a a
c2 c4
A2, Ru2 A3, Ru3
c c
11 12

A 4,Ru4

3 7 8 4

b d

Net soil resultant at critical section a-a:

R u 1= ( P 1+ P2 + P9 + P10
( A1) )
Net soil resultant at critical section b-b:

R u 2= ( P + P +4 P + P )( A )
2 3 6 7

Net soil resultant at critical section c-c:

R u 3= ( P + P +4P + P ) ( A )
3 4 11 12

Net soil resultant at critical section d-d:

Ru 4 = ( P 1 + P4 + P 5 + P 8
( A4) )
General equation for bending moment:
M u=Ru ( c )

Note: c is the moment arm of pressure resultant Ru acting in the pressure wedge

Footing Base Total Forces

Combo: U03) 1.2D+0.5L+1.0E
Force due to:
Fx (kN) Fy (kN) Fz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm)
Column Forces 146.30 8.30 -1073.10 56.70 47.90
Load Offset - - - -37.35 658.35
Column Offset - - - 0.00 0.00
Total Base Forces: 146.30 8.30 -1073.10 19.35 706.25
Net Ultimate soil pressures at critical points
Critical Point Location Pressure
Point X (m) Y (m) (Kpa)
1 1.7 1.7 -91.49
2 -1.7 1.7 -76.86
3 -1.7 -1.7 -94.17
4 1.7 -1.7 -108.80
5 0.35 1.7 -85.68
6 -0.35 1.7 -82.67
7 -0.35 -1.7 -99.98
8 0.35 -1.7 -102.99
9 1.7 0.35 -98.36
10 -1.7 0.35 -83.73
11 -1.7 -0.35 -87.30
12 1.7 -0.35 -101.92

Using the general formulas above, we could get the ff. table values
Critical 2 Reinf.
Area (m ) Vu (kN) Arm (m) Mu (kNm)
Section Location
a-a 4.59 -402.13 0.67 267.89 Bottom Bar
b-b 4.59 -405.85 0.67 270.95 Bottom Bar
c-c 4.59 -450.04 0.68 307.33 Bottom Bar
d-d 4.59 -446.32 0.68 304.26 Bottom Bar

B. Reinforcement
Footing Properties:
Length X = 3.4 m
Length Y = 3.4 m
Thickness = 500 mm
F'c = 20.7 MPa
Fy = 415 MPa
β = 0.85
Cover = 75 mm
Bot. bar diam. = 25 mm
Top bar diam. = 25 mm

Reinforcement settings:
Minimum reinforcement to be provided : 1.4/Fy
Temperature reinforcement : Bottom Only
Maximum reinforcement spacing : 150 mm
Outer reinforcement : Bars Along X

Bottom reinforcement along X-Axis

Mu = 304.26 kNm
b = 3400 mm
d = 413 mm
Ru = 0.58436
ρ = 0.0014323
1.33ρ = 0.0019097
ρmin = 0.0033735
Use ρ = 0.0033735
As = 4731 mm2
AsTemp = 3400 mm2
Use As = 4731 mm2
Req'd S = 323 mm
Smax = 150 mm
Use S = 150 mm
Nb = 23 - Ø25
Top reinforcement along X-Axis
Mu = 0.00 kNm
b = 3400 mm
d = 413 mm
Ru = 0.00000
ρ = 0.0000000
1.33ρ = 0.0000000
ρmin = 0.0000000
Use ρ = 0.0000000
As = 0 mm2
AsTemp = 0 mm2
Use As = 0 mm2
Req'd S = NA
Smax = NA
Use S = NA
Nb = NA

Bottom reinforcement along Y-Axis

Mu = 307.33 kNm
b = 3400 mm
d = 388 mm
Ru = 0.66886
ρ = 0.0016436
1.33ρ = 0.0021914
ρmin = 0.0033735
Use ρ = 0.0033735
As = 4445 mm2
AsTemp = 3400 mm2
Use As = 4445 mm2
Req'd S = 323 mm
Smax = 150 mm
Use S = 150 mm
Nb = 23 - Ø25

Top reinforcement along Y-Axis

Mu = 0.00 kNm
b = 3400 mm
d = 388 mm
Ru = 0.00000
ρ = 0.0000000
1.33ρ = 0.0000000
ρmin = 0.0000000
Use ρ = 0.0000000
As = 0 mm2
AsTemp = 0 mm2
Use As = 0 mm2
Req'd S = NA
Smax = NA
Use S = NA
Nb = NA

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